History log of /openjdk10/langtools/src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/comp/Check.java
Revision Date Author Comments
# 4254:d601b22360fa 13-Jul-2017 jlahoda

8182450: javac aborts when generating ct.sym intermittently
Summary: Initialize the module system model even in presence of missing/broken module-infos; BadClassFiles should not immediatelly abort compilation anymore, but should be handled as if the classfile did not exist.
Reviewed-by: jjg

# 4249:069d27d987c7 11-Jul-2017 pmuthuswamy

8074364: Update error message for incorrect annotation type declaration
Summary: Issue a more direct, specific error when an annotation type is declared where it is disallowed
Reviewed-by: sadayapalam

# 4237:add6717b655e 02-Jul-2017 sadayapalam

8068836: Error message should be updated when Override is used with static methods
Summary: Issue a more direct, specific error when @Override annotation is used with a static method
Reviewed-by: sadayapalam
Contributed-by: priya.lakshmi.muthuswamy@oracle.com

# 4235:0b74aa85c3c5 30-Jun-2017 vromero

8182047: javac compile error on type-parameter-exceptions in lambda expressions
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore

# 4202:2bd34895dda2 15-Jun-2017 jlahoda

8170326: Inconsistencies between code, compiler.properties and comments
Summary: Converting uses of Log and JCDiagnostic.Factory methods to use CompilerProperties instead of plain Strings, fixing inconsistencies, adding crules analyzer to ensure CompilerProperties are used whenever possible.
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore

# 4184:3b9297698293 01-Jun-2017 vromero

7170058: Confusing error message from javac when overriding a method from a raw supertype
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore

# 4107:98108b7d4cb6 10-Apr-2017 jlahoda

8178011: Automatic module warnings
Summary: Adding lints for automatic modules in requires and requires transitive directives.
Reviewed-by: jjg

# 4099:3a05346a30cd 05-Apr-2017 sadayapalam

8176572: Javac does not enforce module name restrictions
Reviewed-by: jlahoda

# 3957:25c52a7a2ef0 06-Feb-2017 jjg

8172901: javac: 'opens' statement cannot specify non observable package
Reviewed-by: jlahoda

# 3914:8cbff90a50bc 22-Jan-2017 sadayapalam

8171322: AssertionError in TypeSymbol.getAnnotationTypeMetadata.
Reviewed-by: vromero

# 3876:9486f3eac5ad 11-Jan-2017 vromero

8171325: NPE in Check.clearLocalClassNameIndexes
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore

# 3828:d30434bde0a8 16-Dec-2016 mcimadamore

8171371: Remove redundant type-arguments from generic method calls
Reviewed-by: jjg, rfield, mchung

# 3827:44bdefe64114 16-Dec-2016 mcimadamore

8181370: Convert anonymous inner classes into lambdas/method references
Reviewed-by: jjg, rfield, mchung

# 3822:d8766c39123a 15-Dec-2016 alanb

8170987: Module system implementation refresh (12/2016)
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore
Contributed-by: jonathan.gibbons@oracle.com, jan.lahoda@oracle.com, srikanth.adayapalam@oracle.com, alan.bateman@oracle.com, mandy.chung@oracle.com

# 3792:d516975e8110 01-Dec-2016 alanb

8169069: Module system implementation refresh (11/2016)
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore, jjg, mchung, anazarov
Contributed-by: jonathan.gibbons@oracle.com, jan.lahoda@oracle.com, alan.bateman@oracle.com, mandy.chung@oracle.com, bhavesh.x.patel@oracle.com, andrey.x.nazarov@oracle.com

# 3719:32c685715095 20-Oct-2016 jjg

8145471: javac changes for enhanced deprecation
Reviewed-by: smarks, tbell, mcimadamore, jlahoda

# 3711:3fc90eaaf922 02-Mar-2016 vromero

8026721: Enhance Lambda serialization
Reviewed-by: jjg, briangoetz

# 3684:53dd5c5efac3 06-Oct-2016 jlahoda

8153362: Add javac -Xlint warning to list exposed types which are not accessible
Summary: Adding implementation to -Xlint:exports, to warn about exposing inaccessible types in API
Reviewed-by: jjg

# 3638:192d58e5d899 01-Sep-2016 sadayapalam

8164073: Javac should unconditionally warn if deprecated javadoc tag is used without @Deprecated annotation
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore

# 3591:8382e92dd1f9 16-Aug-2016 jlahoda

8078561: Error message should be generated once when -source 6 is specified
Summary: Code to avoid duplicated errors about features not supported in the current source level moved to Log
Reviewed-by: jjg

# 3578:b56896d30c0f 12-Aug-2016 sadayapalam

8068626: Add javac lint warning when the @Deprecated annotation is used where it is a no-op
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore, ksrini

# 3537:22e5938706c2 14-Jul-2016 dlsmith

8161013: Never treat anonymous classes as 'final'
Reviewed-by: vromero

# 3294:9adfb22ff08f 17-Mar-2016 alanb

8142968: Module System implementation
Summary: Initial integration of JEP 200, JEP 260, JEP 261, and JEP 282
Reviewed-by: jjg, jlahoda, vromero, mcimadamore, bpatel, ksrini, darcy, anazarov, dfuchs
Contributed-by: alan.bateman@oracle.com, alex.buckley@oracle.com, jonathan.gibbons@oracle.com, karen.kinnear@oracle.com, mandy.chung@oracle.com, mark.reinhold@oracle.com, jan.lahoda@oracle.com, vicente.romero@oracle.com, andreas.lundblad@oracle.com, andrey.x.nazarov@oracle.com, chris.hegarty@oracle.com, erik.joelsson@oracle.com, kumar.x.srinivasan@oracle.com, sundararajan.athijegannathan@oracle.com

# 3275:aaa527f80b3b 02-Mar-2016 sadayapalam

8151018: javac should emit a clearer diagnostic when a <> inferred anonymous type's non-private methods don't override super's
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore

# 3257:3cdfbbdb6f61 22-Feb-2016 vromero

8149600: javac, remove unused options, step 2
Reviewed-by: jjg, mcimadamore

# 3243:645b5debcb07 10-Feb-2016 vromero

8148808: javac, remove unused options, step 1
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore, jjg

# 3094:fdfaa0e5c8c0 11-Nov-2015 sadayapalam

8139255: javac reports "cannot override" messages instead of "cannot hide" messages for static methods
Summary: Improve clarity of javac messages by discriminating hiding scenerio from overriding
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore, sadayapalam
Contributed-by: srinivas.dama@oracle.com

# 3090:2a83d2947323 11-Nov-2015 sadayapalam

8142467: Remove all references Flags.IPROXY
Summary: Remove all references to flag bit IPROXY that has fallen into disuse.
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore

# 3055:814a0cab8c90 12-Oct-2015 sadayapalam

8000316: Huge performance bottleneck in com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Check.localClassName
Summary: Speed up Check.localClassName by avoiding generating names known to be in use already
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore, jlahoda, sadayapalam
Contributed-by: dmitry.chuyko@oracle.com

# 3040:e6fcc24b6d14 01-Oct-2015 sadayapalam

8132535: Compiler fails with diamond anonymous class creation with intersection bound of enclosing class
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore

# 3031:286fc9270404 15-Sep-2015 mcimadamore

8078093: Severe compiler performance regression Java 7 to 8 for nested method invocations
Summary: Add infrastructure to avoid combinatorial explosion of method argument attributions
Reviewed-by: jlahoda, vromero, dlsmith

# 2994:dd96ac308ab8 24-Jul-2015 vromero

8132215: class InferenceContext should live in a separate file
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore, jlahoda

# 2976:431f00f9cbd2 08-Jul-2015 sadayapalam

8130745: Revert fix pushed for JDK-8074346
Reviewed-by: jlahoda

# 2969:8dd7735cf12b 27-Jun-2015 sadayapalam

4869999: Error on import statement naming package containing no class files
Summary: Ensure that the compiler does not prematurely decide a package is not observable.
Reviewed-by: jlahoda

# 2962:c6f2ffcc44b9 15-Jun-2015 sadayapalam

8074346: Type annotation on a qualified type causes spurious 'cannot find symbol' errors
Summary: Issue clear diagostic when package names in a qualified type name are illegally annotated
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore, jlahoda

# 2904:1f483cea54fb 25-Apr-2015 sadayapalam

8078592: Compiler fails to reject erroneous use of diamond with anonymous classes involving "fresh" type variables.
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore

# 2900:732890c00534 29-Apr-2015 alundblad

8044196: Incorrect applying of repeatable annotations with incompatible target to type parameter
Summary: Additional applicability checks added.
Reviewed-by: jlahoda

# 2897:524255b0bec0 28-Apr-2015 alundblad

8078600: Infinite loop when compiling annotations with -XDcompletionDeps
Summary: Added Completer::isTerminal and added NULL_COMPLETER.
Reviewed-by: jlahoda, mcimadamore

# 2882:7f25537496ff 17-Apr-2015 alundblad

8073534: Confusing / incorrect error message regarding annotations on non-declarations
Summary: Adjusted error message for annotations on non-declarations.
Reviewed-by: jlahoda, dlsmith

# 2877:62e285806e83 07-Apr-2015 jjg

8031744: Annotations on many Language Model elements are not returned
Reviewed-by: jfranck, mcimadamore, emc, jlahoda, jjg
Contributed-by: joel.franck@oracle.com, maurizio.cimadamore@oracle.com

# 2868:816bd88d33a8 30-Mar-2015 sadayapalam

8062373: Project Coin: diamond and anonymous classes
Summary: Allow diamond inference in combination with anonymous class instance creation
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore, vromero
Contributed-by: srikanth.adayapalam@oracle.com, maurizio.cimadamore@oracle.com

# 2839:592d64800143 01-Mar-2015 sadayapalam

8071453: Allow interface methods to be private
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore
Contributed-by: maurizio.cimadamore@oracle.com, srikanth.adayapalam@oracle.com

# 2833:f683944ffa42 24-Feb-2015 jlahoda

8067886: Inaccessible nested classes can be incorrectly imported
Summary: Check type accessibility at the point of import when importing the type using type-import-on-demand.
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore, jfranck

# 2824:e0b35c562008 15-Feb-2015 mcimadamore

8071241: Investigate alternate strategy for type-checking operators
Summary: Separat operator lookup logic from overload resolution.
Reviewed-by: jjg, jlahoda, sadayapalam

# 2804:de31f7bc10c7 23-Jan-2015 jlahoda

8069254: Warning issued despite @SafeVarargs annotation on constructor
Summary: The Symbol created for diamond inference does not have annotations attached - need to look for @SafeVarargs on the underlying constructor's Symbol.
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore

# 2794:a510d7536fa1 16-Jan-2015 jlahoda

8068517: Compiler may generate wrong InnerClasses attribute for static enum reference
Summary: Making sure enum's abstractness is resolved before writing InnerClasses entry about it.
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore

# 2739:9d2192f36e53 03-Dec-2014 jlahoda

7101822: Compiling depends on order of imports
7177813: Static import to local nested class fails
Summary: MemberEnter overhaul - TypeEnter is split out of MemberEnter; the TypeEnter consists of several Phases which ensure actions are done in the correct order.
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore, jfranck, aeremeev
Contributed-by: jan.lahoda@oracle.com, maurizio.cimadamore@oracle.com

# 2673:bf8500822576 21-Oct-2014 emc

8054457: Refactor Symbol kinds from small ints to an enum
Summary: Replace bitmap logic in symbol.kind and pkind with an enum-based API
Reviewed-by: mcimadamore, jjg

# 2571:10fc81ac75b4 17-Aug-2014 chegar

8054834: Modular Source Code
Reviewed-by: alanb, chegar, ihse, mduigou
Contributed-by: alan.bateman@oracle.com, alex.buckley@oracle.com, chris.hegarty@oracle.com, erik.joelsson@oracle.com, jonathan.gibbons@oracle.com, karen.kinnear@oracle.com, magnus.ihse.bursie@oracle.com, mandy.chung@oracle.com, mark.reinhold@oracle.com, paul.sandoz@oracle.com