6.3. Invoking Sourcery CodeBench Debug Sprite

The Debug Sprite is invoked as follows:

> arm-none-eabi-sprite [options] device-url board-file

The device-url specifies the debug device to use to communicate with the board. It follows the standard format:


Most device URL schemes also follow the regular format:


The meanings of hostname, port, path and device-options parts depend on the scheme and are described below. The following schemes are supported in Sourcery CodeBench Lite for ARM EABI:


Use an RDI debugging device. Refer to Section 6.5, “Remote Debug Interface Devices”.


Use a FlashPro debugging device. Refer to Section 6.6, “Actel FlashPro Devices”.


Use an Altera FPGA. Refer to Section 6.7, “Altera Devices”.

The optional ?device-options portion is allowed in all schemes. These allow additional device-specific options of the form name=value. Multiple options are concatenated using &.

The board-file specifies an XML file that describes how to initialize the target board, as well as other properties of the board used by the debugger. If board-file refers to a file (via a relative or absolute pathname), it is read. Otherwise, board-file can be a board name, and the toolchain's board directory is searched for a matching file. See Section 6.9, “Supported Board Files” for the list of supported boards, or invoke the Sprite with the -b option to list the available board files. You can also write a custom board file; see Section 6.10, “Board File Syntax” for more information about the file format.

Both the device-url and board-file command-line arguments are required to correctly connect the Sprite to a target board.