6.6. Actel FlashPro Devices

On Windows hosts, Sourcery CodeBench Lite supports FlashPro devices used with Actel Cortex-M1 development kits.

For FlashPro devices, the device-url has the following form:


The optional usb12345 part indicates the ID of the FlashPro device to connect to, which is useful if you have more than one such device attached to your computer. If the ID is omitted, the Debug Sprite connects automatically to the first detected FlashPro device. You can enumerate the connected FlashPro devices by invoking the Sprite with the -i switch, as follows:

> arm-none-eabi-sprite -i flashpro:

The jtagclock option allows the communication speed with the target board to be altered. The rate is specified in Hz and may range between 93750 and 4000000. The default is 93750, the slowest speed supported by the FlashPro device. Depending on your target board, you may be able to increase this rate, but beware that communication errors may occur above a certain threshold. If you encounter communication errors with a higher-than-default speed selected, try reducing the speed.

6.6.1. Installing FlashPro Windows drivers

Windows drivers for the FlashPro device are included with the FlashPro software provided by Actel. Refer to Actel's documentation for details on installing this software. You must use the Actel FlashPro software to configure the FPGA on your Cortex-M1 board, but it does not need to be running when using the Debug Sprite.

Once you have set up your board using the FlashPro software, you can check that it is recognized by the Sourcery CodeBench Debug Sprite by running the following command:

> arm-none-eabi-sprite -i
flashpro: [jtagclock=<n:93750-4000000>] FlashPro
  flashpro://usb12345/ - FlashPro Device

If output similar to the above does not appear, your FlashPro device is not working correctly. Contact CodeSourcery for further guidance in that case.