6.4. Sourcery CodeBench Debug Sprite Options

The following command-line options are supported by the Sourcery CodeBench Debug Sprite:


Print a list of board-file files in the board config directory.


Print a list of options and their meanings. A list of device-url syntaxes is also shown.


Print a list of the accessible devices. If a device-url is also specified, only devices for that device type are scanned. Each supported device type is listed along with the options that can be appended to the device-url. For each discovered device, the device-url is printed along with a description of that device.

-l [host]:port

Specify the host address and port number to listen for a GDB connection. If this option is not given, the Debug Sprite communicates with GDB using stdin and stdout. If you start the Sprite from within GDB using the target remote | arm-none-eabi-­sprite ... command, you do not need this option.


Listen for multiple sequential connections. Normally the Debug Sprite terminates after the first connection from GDB terminates. This option instead makes it listen for a subsequent connection. To terminate the Sprite, open a connection and send the string END\n.


Do not print any messages.


Print additional messages.

If any of -b, -i or -h are given, the Debug Sprite terminates after providing the information rather than waiting for a debugger connection.