1structure parse_term :> parse_term =
4open Lib
5open errormonad term_tokens term_grammar HOLgrammars
6open GrammarSpecials PrecAnalysis
7open parse_term_dtype
9infix >> >- ++ >->
11val syntax_error_trace = ref true
12val _ = Feedback.register_btrace ("syntax_error", syntax_error_trace)
14fun WARN f msg = if !syntax_error_trace then
15                   Feedback.HOL_WARNING "parse_term" f msg
16                 else ()
17fun WARNloc f loc msg = if !syntax_error_trace then
18                          Feedback.HOL_WARNINGloc "parse_term" f loc msg
19                        else ()
21fun noloc s = (s, locn.Loc_None)
22fun qfail x = error (noloc "") x
23fun WARNloc_string loc s = (s, loc)
25fun PRINT s = print (s ^ "\n")
27exception Failloc of (locn.locn * string)
28fun FAILloc locn s = raise Failloc (locn, s)
30fun liftlocn f (x,locn) = (f x,locn)
32exception ParseTermError of string locn.located
33type 'a token = 'a term_tokens.term_token
34type 'a qbuf = 'a qbuf.qbuf
37fun insert_sorted (k, v) [] = [(k, v)]
38  | insert_sorted kv1 (wholething as (kv2::rest)) = let
39      val (k1, _) = kv1
40      val (k2, _) = kv2
41    in
42      if (k1 < k2) then kv1::wholething
43      else kv2::insert_sorted kv1 rest
44    end
47fun listtoString f [] = "[]"
48  | listtoString f xs = let
49      fun lf [x] = f x
50        | lf (x::xs) = f x ^ ", " ^ lf xs
51        | lf _ = raise Fail "Can't happen"
52    in
53      "[" ^ lf xs ^ "]"
54    end
56fun fragtoString (QUOTE s) = s
57  | fragtoString (ANTIQUOTE _) = " ^... "
58fun quotetoString [] = ""
59  | quotetoString (x::xs) = fragtoString x ^ quotetoString xs
62datatype 'a varstruct
63  = SIMPLE of string
64  | VPAIR of ('a varstruct locn.located * 'a varstruct locn.located)
65  | TYPEDV of 'a varstruct locn.located * Pretype.pretype locn.located
66  | RESTYPEDV of 'a varstruct locn.located * 'a preterm locn.located
67  | VS_AQ of 'a
68and 'a preterm
69  = COMB of ('a preterm locn.located * 'a preterm locn.located)
70  | VAR of string
71  | QIDENT of string * string
72  | ABS of ('a varstruct locn.located * 'a preterm locn.located)
73  | AQ of 'a
74  | TYPED of ('a preterm locn.located * Pretype.pretype locn.located)
76infix --
77fun (l1 -- []) = l1
78  | (l1 -- (x::xs)) = List.filter (fn y => y <> x) l1 -- xs
80fun all_tokens strlist =
81  map STD_HOL_TOK strlist @ [BOS, EOS, Id, TypeColon, TypeTok, EndBinding]
83exception PrecConflict of stack_terminal * stack_terminal
85val complained_already = ref false;
87structure Polyhash =
89   fun peek (dict) k = Binarymap.peek(!dict,k)
90   fun peekInsert r (k,v) =
91       let val dict = !r in
92         case Binarymap.peek(dict,k) of
93           NONE => (r := Binarymap.insert(dict,k,v); NONE)
94         | x => x
95       end
96   fun insert r (k,v) =
97       r := Binarymap.insert(!r,k,v)
98   fun listItems dict = Binarymap.listItems (!dict)
99   fun mkDict cmp = let
100     val newref = ref (Binarymap.mkDict cmp)
101   in
102     newref
103   end
107  val rule_elements = term_grammar.rule_elements o #elements
109fun rule_left (rr: rule_record) =
110    case hd (rule_elements rr) of
111      TOK s => STD_HOL_TOK s
112    | _ => raise Fail ("rule list is bogus for "^ #term_name rr)
115fun left_grabbing_elements rule =
116    case rule of
117      INFIX (STD_infix(rules, _)) => map rule_left rules
118    | INFIX RESQUAN_OP => [ResquanOpTok]
119    | INFIX (FNAPP rules) => STD_HOL_TOK fnapp_special :: map rule_left rules
120    | INFIX VSCONS => [VS_cons]
121    | SUFFIX (STD_suffix rules) => map rule_left rules
122    | SUFFIX TYPE_annotation => [TypeColon]
123    | _ => []
125datatype order_compat_verdict = OK | Multify of mx_order | Bad
126fun order_compat mx1 mx2 =
127    case (mx1, mx2) of
128      (PM_LESS src1, PM_LESS src2) => if src1 = src2 then OK
129                                      else Multify (PM_LESS MS_Multi)
130    | (PM_GREATER src1, PM_GREATER src2) => if src1 = src2 then OK
131                                            else Multify (PM_GREATER MS_Multi)
132    | (PM_EQUAL, _) => OK
133    | (_, PM_EQUAL) => OK
134    | (PM_LG i1, PM_LG i2) => if i1 = i2 then OK else Bad
135    | (_ , _) => Bad
137fun mx_order mxo =
138    case mxo of
139      PM_LESS _ => SOME LESS
142    | PM_LG _ => NONE
144(* turn a rule element list into a list of std_hol_toks *)
145val rel_list_to_toklist =
146  List.mapPartial (fn TOK s => SOME (STD_HOL_TOK s) | _ => NONE)
148fun find_suffix_rhses (G : grammar) = let
149  fun select (SUFFIX TYPE_annotation) = [[TypeTok]]
150    | select (SUFFIX (STD_suffix rules)) = let
151      in
152        map (rel_list_to_toklist o rule_elements o #elements) rules
153        end
154    | select (CLOSEFIX rules) =
155        map (rel_list_to_toklist o rule_elements o #elements) rules
156    | select _ = []
157  val suffix_rules = List.concat (map (select o #2) (rules G))
159  Id :: map List.last suffix_rules
162fun find_prefix_lhses (G : grammar) = let
163  fun select x = let
164  in
165    case x of
166      PREFIX (STD_prefix rules) =>
167        map (rel_list_to_toklist o rule_elements o #elements) rules
168    | CLOSEFIX rules =>
169        map (rel_list_to_toklist o rule_elements o #elements) rules
170    | _ => []
171  end
172  val prefix_rules = List.concat (map (select o #2) (rules G))
174  Id :: map STD_HOL_TOK (binders G) @ map hd prefix_rules
177val ambigrm = ref 1
178val _ = Feedback.register_trace ("ambiguous grammar warning", ambigrm, 2)
180fun STtoString (G:grammar) x =
181  case x of
182    STD_HOL_TOK s => s
183  | BOS => "<beginning of input>"
184  | EOS => "<end of input>"
185  | VS_cons => "<gap between varstructs>"
186  | Id => "<identifier>"
187  | TypeColon => #type_intro (specials G)
188  | TypeTok => "<type>"
189  | EndBinding => #endbinding (specials G) ^ " (end binding)"
190  | ResquanOpTok => #res_quanop (specials G)^" (res quan operator)"
192fun mk_prec_matrix G = let
193  exception NotFound = Binarymap.NotFound
194  exception BadTokList
195  type dict = ((stack_terminal * bool) * stack_terminal,
196               mx_order) Binarymap.dict ref
197  val {lambda, endbinding, type_intro, restr_binders, ...} = specials G
198  val specs = grammar_tokens G
199  val Grules = term_grammar.grammar_rules G
200  val alltoks =
201    ResquanOpTok :: VS_cons :: STD_HOL_TOK fnapp_special :: all_tokens specs
202  val matrix: dict =
203      Polyhash.mkDict (pair_compare(pair_compare(ST_compare,bool_compare),
204                                    ST_compare))
205      (* the bool is true if there is a non-terminal between the two
206         terminal tokens.  E.g.,
207           x + -y
208         doesn't have such a space between the + and -, whereas
209           x + z - y
210         does (the z will be a non-terminal)
211      *)
213  val rule_elements = term_grammar.rule_elements o #elements
214  val complained_this_iteration = ref false
215  fun insert_bail k =
216      (Polyhash.insert matrix (k, PM_LESS MS_Multi);
217       complained_this_iteration := true;
218       if not (!complained_already) andalso
219          (!Globals.interactive orelse !ambigrm = 2)
220       then let
221           val msg = "Grammar ambiguous on token pair "^
222                     STtoString G (#1 (#1 k)) ^ " and " ^
223                     STtoString G (#2 k) ^ ", and "^
224                     "probably others too"
225         in
226           case !ambigrm of
227             0 => ()
228           | 1 => (Feedback.HOL_WARNING "Parse" "Term" msg;
229                   complained_already := true)
230           | 2 => raise Feedback.mk_HOL_ERR "parse_term" "mk_prec_matrix" msg
231           | _ => raise Fail "parse_term: matrix construction invariant fail!"
232         end
233       else
234         ())
235  fun insert k v = let
236    val insert_result = Polyhash.peekInsert matrix (k, v)
237    val raw_insert = Polyhash.insert matrix
238  in
239    case (insert_result, v) of
240      (SOME PM_EQUAL, _) => ()  (* ignore this *)
241    | (SOME _, PM_EQUAL) => raw_insert (k,v)  (* EQUAL overrides *)
242    | (SOME oldv, _) => let
243      in
244        case order_compat oldv v of
245          OK => ()
246        | Multify v' => raw_insert (k, v')
247        | Bad => let
248            nonfix << >>
249            val op >> = GREATER and op << = LESS
250          in
251            case (oldv,v) of
252              (PM_LESS src1, PM_GREATER src2) => let
253              in
254                case (src1, src2) of
255                  (Ifx, Pfx) => raw_insert (k, PM_LG {ifx= <<, pfx= >>})
256                | (Pfx, Ifx) => raw_insert (k, PM_LG {ifx= >>, pfx= <<})
257                | _ => insert_bail k
258              end
259            | (PM_GREATER src1, PM_LESS src2) => let
260              in
261                case (src1, src2) of
262                  (Ifx,Pfx) => raw_insert (k, PM_LG {ifx= >>, pfx= <<})
263                | (Pfx,Ifx) => raw_insert (k, PM_LG {ifx= <<, pfx= >>})
264                | _ => insert_bail k
265              end
266            | _ => insert_bail k
267          end
268      end
269    | (NONE, _) => ()
270  end
271  fun insert_eqs rule = let
272    fun insert_eqn (tk1,intervening_tm,tk2) =
273      insert((STD_HOL_TOK tk1, intervening_tm), STD_HOL_TOK tk2) PM_EQUAL
274    val insert_eqns = app insert_eqn
275    val equalities = PrecAnalysis.rule_equalities
276  in
277    case rule of
278      PREFIX (STD_prefix rules) => app (insert_eqns o equalities) rules
279    | PREFIX (BINDER slist) => let
280        fun bindertok (BinderString {tok, ...}) = [tok]
281          | bindertok LAMBDA = lambda
282        val btoks = List.concat (map bindertok slist)
283      in
284        app (fn s => insert ((STD_HOL_TOK s, true), EndBinding) PM_EQUAL) btoks
285      end
286    | SUFFIX (STD_suffix rules) => app (insert_eqns o equalities) rules
287    | SUFFIX TYPE_annotation => ()
288    | INFIX (STD_infix (rules, _)) => app (insert_eqns o equalities) rules
289    | INFIX RESQUAN_OP => ()
290    | INFIX (FNAPP lst) => app (insert_eqns o equalities) lst
291    | INFIX VSCONS => ()
292    | CLOSEFIX rules => app (insert_eqns o equalities) rules
293  end
295  fun bi_insert (t1,t2) order = (insert ((t1,false), t2) order;
296                                 insert ((t1,true), t2) order)
297  (* the right hand end of a suffix or a closefix is greater than
298     everything *)
299  val closed_rhses = find_suffix_rhses G
300  fun insert_rhs_relns () = let
301    val all = alltoks
302    val rhses = closed_rhses
303  in
304    app (fn rhs => app (fn t => bi_insert (rhs, t) (PM_GREATER MS_Other)) all)
305        rhses
306  end
308  (* everything not a suffix rhs is less than the left hand end of a
309     prefix/closefix *)
310  val closed_lhses = find_prefix_lhses G
311  fun insert_lhs_relns () = let
312    val all = alltoks -- (EOS::closed_rhses)
313  in
314    app (fn lhs => app (fn t => insert ((t,false), lhs) (PM_LESS MS_Other))
315                       all)
316        closed_lhses
317  end
318  fun map_rule f [] = []
319    | map_rule f (x::xs) = let
320        val rest = map_rule f xs
321        val here =
322          case x of
323            INFIX (STD_infix (rules, _)) => map (f o rule_elements) rules
324          | INFIX (FNAPP rules) => map (f o rule_elements) rules
325          | SUFFIX (STD_suffix rules) => map (f o rule_elements) rules
326          | PREFIX (STD_prefix rules) => map (f o rule_elements) rules
327          | CLOSEFIX rules => map (f o rule_elements) rules
328          | _ => []
329      in
330        here @ rest
331      end
332  val last_rtok = first_rtok o List.rev
333  val all_lhs =
334    TypeColon::BOS::VS_cons::ResquanOpTok::Id::
335    map STD_HOL_TOK (fnapp_special::(map_rule first_rtok Grules))
336  val all_rhs =
337    TypeTok::EndBinding::EOS::VS_cons::ResquanOpTok::Id::
338    map STD_HOL_TOK (fnapp_special::(map_rule last_rtok Grules))
339  (* Between things that are equal, the thing on the left is less than
340     all possible left hand sides, and the thing on the right is
341     greater than all possible right hand sides. *)
342  fun calc_eqpairs() =
343    List.mapPartial
344        (fn (((t1,_),t2), v) => if v = PM_EQUAL then SOME (t1,t2) else NONE)
345        (Polyhash.listItems matrix)
346  fun terms_between_equals (k1, k2) = let
347  in
348    app (fn lhs => bi_insert (k1, lhs) (PM_LESS MS_Other)) all_lhs;
349    app (fn rhs => bi_insert (rhs, k2) (PM_GREATER MS_Other)) all_rhs
350  end
352  (* now the tricky stuff where the precedence relation makes a difference *)
353  (* if the rule might grab stuff to its left (is an infix or suffix),
354     then add
355        x > rule's left hand token
356           for all x on right hand side of prefixes and infixes below
357     if the rule might grab stuff to its right (is an infix or prefix)
358     then add
359        rule's right hand token < x
360          for all x on left hand side of suffixes and infixes below *)
361  fun rule_right (rr:rule_record) =
362    case List.last (rule_elements rr) of
363      TOK s => STD_HOL_TOK s
364      | _ => raise Fail ("rule list is bogus for "^ #term_name rr)
365  fun add2 v p = (p,v)
366  fun right_grabbing_elements rule =
367    case rule of
368      INFIX(STD_infix(rules, _)) => map (add2 Ifx o rule_right) rules
369    | INFIX RESQUAN_OP => [(ResquanOpTok,Ifx)]
370    | INFIX(FNAPP rules) =>
371        (STD_HOL_TOK fnapp_special,Ifx) :: map (add2 Ifx o rule_right) rules
372    | INFIX VSCONS => [(VS_cons,Ifx)]
373    | PREFIX (BINDER _) => [(EndBinding,Pfx)]
374    | PREFIX (STD_prefix rules) => map (add2 Pfx o rule_right) rules
375    | _ => []
376  val GREATER' = PM_GREATER MS_Other
377  val LESS' = PM_LESS MS_Other
378  val EQUAL' = PM_EQUAL
379  fun process_rule rule remainder =
380    case rule of
381      INFIX(STD_infix(rules, assoc)) => let
382        val this_level_lefts = map rule_left rules
383        val lower_rights = List.concat (map right_grabbing_elements remainder)
384        val this_level_rights = map rule_right rules
385        val lower_lefts = List.concat (map left_grabbing_elements remainder)
386      (* for infix rules, also need to add precedence relations if there is
387       associativity *)
388      in
389        app (fn lefttok =>
390                app
391                    (fn (lower_right,src) =>
392                        insert ((lower_right,true), lefttok) (PM_GREATER src))
393                    lower_rights)
394            this_level_lefts;
395        app (fn righttok =>
396                app
397                    (fn lower_left => insert ((righttok,true), lower_left)
398                                             (PM_LESS Ifx))
399                    lower_lefts)
400            this_level_rights;
401        case assoc of
402          LEFT => let
403          in
404            app (fn right_tok =>
405                 app (fn left_tok => insert ((right_tok,true), left_tok)
406                                            (PM_GREATER Ifx))
407                 this_level_lefts)
408            this_level_rights
409          end
410        | RIGHT => let
411          in
412            app (fn right_tok =>
413                 app (fn left_tok => insert ((right_tok,true), left_tok)
414                                            (PM_LESS Ifx))
415                 this_level_lefts)
416            this_level_rights
417          end
418        | NONASSOC => ()
419      end
420    | INFIX RESQUAN_OP => let
421        val lower_rights = List.concat (map right_grabbing_elements remainder)
422        val lower_lefts = List.concat (map left_grabbing_elements remainder)
423      in
424        app (fn lower_right => insert((#1 lower_right,true), ResquanOpTok)
425                                     GREATER')
426            lower_rights;
427        app (fn lower_left => insert((ResquanOpTok,true), lower_left) LESS')
428            lower_lefts
429      end
430    | PREFIX (STD_prefix rules) => let
431        val this_level_rights = map rule_right rules
432        val lower_lefts = List.concat (map left_grabbing_elements remainder)
433      in
434        app (fn right_tok =>
435                app
436                    (fn lower_left => insert ((right_tok,true), lower_left)
437                                             (PM_LESS Pfx))
438                    lower_lefts)
439        this_level_rights
440      end
441    | PREFIX (BINDER _) => let
442        val lower_lefts = List.concat (map left_grabbing_elements remainder)
443      in
444        app (fn lower_left => insert ((EndBinding,true),lower_left) LESS')
445            lower_lefts
446      end
447    | SUFFIX TYPE_annotation => let
448        val lower_rights = List.concat (map right_grabbing_elements remainder)
449      in
450        app (fn (lower_right,src) =>
451                insert ((lower_right,true), TypeColon) (PM_GREATER src))
452            lower_rights
453      end
454    | SUFFIX (STD_suffix rules) => let
455        val lower_rights = List.concat (map right_grabbing_elements remainder)
456        val lefts = map rule_left rules
457      in
458        app (fn left_tok =>
459             app (fn (lower_right,src) =>
460                     insert ((lower_right,true), left_tok) (PM_GREATER src))
461                 lower_rights)
462            lefts
463      end
464    | INFIX (FNAPP rules) => let
465        val lower_rights = List.concat (map right_grabbing_elements remainder)
466        val lower_lefts = List.concat (map left_grabbing_elements remainder)
467        val this_level_lefts = map rule_left rules
468        val this_level_rights = map rule_right rules
469        val fnapp = STD_HOL_TOK fnapp_special
470      in
471        app (fn lower_left => insert ((fnapp,true), lower_left) LESS')
472            lower_lefts;
473        app (fn lower_right => insert ((#1 lower_right,true), fnapp) GREATER')
474            lower_rights;
475         (* function application left associative *)
476        insert ((fnapp,true), fnapp) GREATER';
477        app (fn other => insert ((other,true), fnapp) GREATER')
478            this_level_rights;
479        app (fn other => insert ((fnapp,true), other) GREATER')
480            this_level_lefts;
481        process_rule (INFIX(STD_infix (rules, LEFT))) remainder
482      end
483    | INFIX VSCONS => let
484        val lower_rights = List.concat (map right_grabbing_elements remainder)
485        val lower_lefts = List.concat (map left_grabbing_elements remainder)
486      in
487        app (fn lower_left => insert ((VS_cons,true), lower_left) LESS')
488            lower_lefts;
489        app (fn lower_right => insert ((#1 lower_right,true), VS_cons) GREATER')
490            lower_rights;
491        (* kind of non-associative *)
492        insert ((VS_cons,true), VS_cons) EQUAL'
493      end
494    | _ => ()
495  fun apply_them_all f [] = ()
496    | apply_them_all f (x::xs) = (f x xs ; apply_them_all f xs)
498  app insert_eqs Grules ;
499  insert ((BOS, true), EOS) EQUAL';
500  app terms_between_equals (calc_eqpairs());
501  (* these next equality pairs will never have terms interfering between
502     them, so we can insert the equality relation between them after doing
503     the above *)
504  insert ((TypeColon,false), TypeTok) EQUAL';
505  app (fn b => insert ((STD_HOL_TOK b,true), EndBinding) EQUAL') (binders G);
506  insert_rhs_relns () ;
507  insert_lhs_relns () ;
508  apply_them_all process_rule Grules;
509  if (not (!complained_this_iteration)) then complained_already := false
510  else ();
511  matrix
514(* string is name of term; list of pairs, is list of token-pairs between
515   which a list style reduction is required *)
516type mini_lspec = {cons:string,nilstr:string,sep:string}
517datatype rsfixity = rsInfix | rsPrefix | rsClosefix | rsSuffix
518datatype rule_summary =
519         RealRule of rsfixity * string
520           (* keyed on, e.g., [TOK "let"; TM; TOK "in"; TM] *)
521       | ListOnly of mini_lspec
522           (* for lists that appear between tokens that are only a part of
523              the rule.  E.g., keyed on [TOK "let"; TOK "in"] *)
525fun summary_toString rs =
526  case rs of
527    RealRule (_, s) => s
528  | ListOnly {cons,nilstr=n,...} => "List : {cons = "^cons^", nil = "^n^"}"
531(* in addition to all of the rules that you'd expect due to the infix,
532   prefix, suffix and closefix operators, we also add rules for the
533   nil singleton, and doubleton cases of the list rules.  This
534   increases efficiency for these relatively common cases, saving us
535   an examination of the grammar when we come to do a reduction to
536   spot whether a putative rhs is an instance of a list *)
538fun listTM_delimiters rels =
539  case rels of
540      [] => []
541    | [_] => []
542    | TOK tk1 :: ListTM lsp :: (rest as (TOK tk2 :: _)) =>
543        ([TOK tk1,TOK tk2], ListOnly lsp) :: listTM_delimiters rest
544    | (_ :: rest) => listTM_delimiters rest
546fun de_listTM rels = map (fn ListTM _ => TM | x => x) rels
548fun infix_rule (rels, nm) =
549  (mkrels_infix (de_listTM rels), RealRule(rsInfix, nm))
550fun prefix_rule (rels,nm) =
551  (mkrels_prefix (de_listTM rels), RealRule(rsPrefix, nm))
552fun closefix_rule (rels,nm) =
553  (mkrels_closefix (de_listTM rels), RealRule(rsClosefix, nm))
554fun suffix_rule (rels,nm) =
555  (mkrels_suffix (de_listTM rels), RealRule(rsSuffix, nm))
557fun mk_ruledb (G:grammar) = let
558  val Grules = term_grammar.grammar_rules G
559  val table:(rule_element list, rule_summary)Binarymap.dict ref =
560       Polyhash.mkDict (Lib.list_compare RE_compare)
561  fun insert_rule mkfix (rr:rule_record) =
562    let
563      val rels = term_grammar.rule_elements (#elements rr)
564      val nm = #term_name rr
565    in
566      (Polyhash.insert table (mkfix (rels,nm));
567       List.app (Polyhash.insert table) (listTM_delimiters rels))
568    end
569  fun addrule rule =
570    case rule of
571      INFIX (STD_infix(rules, _)) => app (insert_rule infix_rule) rules
572    | INFIX RESQUAN_OP => ()
573    | INFIX VSCONS => ()
574    | INFIX (FNAPP rules) => let
575      in
576        Polyhash.insert table (mkrels_infix [TOK fnapp_special],
577                               RealRule(rsInfix, fnapp_special));
578        app (insert_rule infix_rule) rules
579      end
580    | PREFIX (STD_prefix rules) =>
581        app (insert_rule prefix_rule) rules
582    | PREFIX (BINDER s) => ()
583    | SUFFIX (STD_suffix rules) =>
584        app (insert_rule suffix_rule) rules
585    | SUFFIX TYPE_annotation => ()
586    | CLOSEFIX rules => app (insert_rule closefix_rule) rules
588  app addrule Grules;
589  table
593fun mwhile B C =
594  B >-  (fn b => if b then C >> mwhile B C else ok)
596fun mif B C = B >- (fn b => if b then C else ok)
598datatype 'a stack_item =
599  Terminal of stack_terminal |
600  NonTerminal of 'a preterm |
601  NonTermVS of 'a varstruct locn.located list
603fun is_terminal (Terminal _,_) = true
604  | is_terminal _ = false
605fun dest_terminal (Terminal x,_) = x
606  | dest_terminal _ = raise Fail "dest_terminal not called on terminal"
607fun is_nonterm t = not (is_terminal t)
610datatype 'a lookahead_item =
611  Token of 'a term_token | PreType of Pretype.pretype |
612  LA_Symbol of stack_terminal
614datatype vsres_state = VSRES_Normal | VSRES_VS | VSRES_RESTM
616datatype 'a PStack =
617  PStack of {stack : ('a stack_item locn.located * 'a lookahead_item) list,
618             lookahead : 'a lookahead_item locn.located list,
619             in_vstruct : (vsres_state * int) list}
621(* dummy lookahead token *)
622val XXX = Token (Ident "XXX")
625fun pstack (PStack {stack, ...}) = stack
626fun upd_stack (PStack {stack, lookahead, in_vstruct}) new =
627  PStack{stack = new, lookahead = lookahead, in_vstruct = in_vstruct}
628fun pla (PStack{lookahead,...}) = lookahead
629fun upd_la (PStack {stack, lookahead, in_vstruct}) new =
630  PStack{stack = stack, lookahead = new, in_vstruct = in_vstruct}
631fun invstructp0 (PStack{in_vstruct,...}) = in_vstruct
633fun fupd_hd f [] = []
634  | fupd_hd f (x::xs) = f x :: xs
636fun fupd_fst f (x,y) = (f x, y)
637fun fupd_snd f (x,y) = (x, f y)
639fun fupd_vs0 f (PStack{in_vstruct,lookahead,stack}) =
640  PStack{stack = stack, lookahead = lookahead, in_vstruct = f in_vstruct}
642fun invstructp (cs, p) = Some ((cs, p), invstructp0 p)
644fun inc_paren (cs, p) =
645  Some ((cs, fupd_vs0 (fupd_hd (fupd_snd (fn n => n + 1))) p), ())
646fun dec_paren (cs, p) =
647  Some ((cs, fupd_vs0 (fupd_hd (fupd_snd (fn n => n - 1))) p), ())
648fun enter_binder (cs,p) =
649  Some ((cs, fupd_vs0 (fn rest => (VSRES_VS, 0)::rest) p), ())
650fun enter_restm (cs, p) =
651  Some ((cs, fupd_vs0 (fupd_hd (fupd_fst (K VSRES_RESTM))) p), ())
652fun leave_restm (cs, p) =
653  Some ((cs, fupd_vs0 (fupd_hd (fupd_fst (K VSRES_VS))) p), ())
654fun leave_binder (cs, p) = Some ((cs, fupd_vs0 tl p), ())
656fun push_pstack p i = upd_stack p (i::pstack p)
657fun top_pstack p = hd (pstack p)
658fun pop_pstack p = upd_stack p (tl (pstack p))
660fun push t (cs, p) = Some ((cs, push_pstack p t), ())
661fun topterm (cs, p) =
662  case List.find (is_terminal o #1) (pstack p) of
663      NONE => Error (noloc "No terminal in stack")
664    | SOME x => Some((cs,p), x)
665fun pop (cs, p) =
666    Some ((cs, pop_pstack p), top_pstack p)
667    handle Empty => Error (noloc "pop: empty stack")
668fun getstack (cs, p) = Some ((cs, p), pstack p)
671fun set_la tt (cs, p) = Some ((cs, upd_la p tt), ())
672fun current_la (cs, p) = Some ((cs, p), pla p)
674fun findpos P [] = NONE
675  | findpos P (x::xs) = if P x then SOME(0,x)
676                        else Option.map (fn (n,x) => (n + 1, x)) (findpos P xs)
678fun get_case_info (G : grammar) = let
679  fun extract_tok(ppel,acc) =
680      case ppel of
681        RE (TOK s) => s :: acc
682      | PPBlock (ppels, _) => List.foldl extract_tok acc ppels
683      | _ => acc
684  fun extract_toks ppels = List.rev (List.foldl extract_tok [] ppels)
685  fun rr_foldthis ({term_name,elements,...}, acc) =
686    if GrammarSpecials.is_case_special term_name then
687      case Binarymap.peek(acc, term_name) of
688          NONE => Binarymap.insert(acc, term_name, [extract_toks elements])
689        | SOME els =>
690            Binarymap.insert(acc, term_name, extract_toks elements :: els)
691    else acc
692  fun foldthis (gr, acc) =
693      case gr of
694        PREFIX (STD_prefix rrs) => List.foldl rr_foldthis acc rrs
695      | _ => acc
696  val candidates =
697      List.foldl foldthis (Binarymap.mkDict String.compare) (grammar_rules G)
698  val error_case = {casebar = NONE, casecase = NONE, caseof = NONE}
699  fun mapthis (cspecial, candidates) =
700    case Listsort.sort (flip_cmp (measure_cmp length)) candidates of
701        [] => error_case
702      | toks :: _ =>
703        let
704        in
705          if length toks <> 4 orelse last toks <> last (butlast toks) then
706            error_case
707          else {casebar = SOME (last toks), casecase = SOME (hd toks),
708                caseof = SOME (hd (tl toks))}
709        end
710  val specials_to_toks = Binarymap.map mapthis candidates
711  val toks_to_specials = let
712    fun foldthis (k,r,acc) =
713      case #casecase r of
714          NONE => acc
715        | SOME tok =>
716          (case Binarymap.peek(acc,tok) of
717               NONE => Binarymap.insert(acc,tok,k)
718             | SOME k' => raise Fail ("Tok \"" ^ tok ^
719                                      "\" maps to case specials " ^
720                                      valOf (dest_case_special k) ^ " and " ^
721                                      valOf (dest_case_special k')))
722  in
723    Binarymap.foldl foldthis (Binarymap.mkDict String.compare) specials_to_toks
724  end
726  (specials_to_toks, toks_to_specials)
729fun parse_term (G : grammar) (typeparser : term qbuf -> Pretype.pretype) = let
730  val Grules = grammar_rules G
731  val {type_intro, lambda, endbinding, restr_binders, res_quanop} = specials G
732  val num_info = numeral_info G
733  val overload_info = overload_info G
734  val (casespec_to_tok, casetok_to_spec) = get_case_info G
735  val closed_lefts = find_prefix_lhses G
736  val left_grabbers = List.concat (map left_grabbing_elements Grules)
737  val fnapp_closed_lefts = Lib.subtract closed_lefts left_grabbers
738  val _ =
739      isSome (findpos (fn (SUFFIX TYPE_annotation) => true | _ => false)
740                      Grules)
741      orelse raise Fail "Grammar must allow type annotation"
742  val prec_matrix = mk_prec_matrix G
743  val rule_db = mk_ruledb G
744  val is_binder = is_binder G
745  val binder_table = let
746    fun recurse (r, acc) =
747        case r of
748          PREFIX (BINDER blist) => let
749            fun irec (b, acc) =
750                case b of
751                  LAMBDA => acc
752                | BinderString {term_name, tok, ...} =>
753                    Binarymap.insert(acc,tok,term_name)
754          in
755            List.foldl irec acc blist
756          end
757        | _ => acc
758  in
759    List.foldl recurse (Binarymap.mkDict String.compare) Grules
760  end
761  fun term_name_for_binder s = Binarymap.find(binder_table,s)
762  val grammar_tokens = term_grammar.grammar_tokens G
763  val lex  = let
764    val specials = endbinding::grammar_tokens @ term_grammar.known_constants G
765    val ttlex = term_tokens.lex specials
766  in
767    fn (qb, ps) =>
768       case ttlex qb of
769         NONE => Error (noloc "Token-lexing failed")
770       | SOME t => Some ((qb, ps), t)
771  end
772  fun lifted_typeparser (qb, ps) = Some ((qb, ps), typeparser qb)
775  val keyword_table =
776      HOLset.addList(HOLset.empty String.compare, grammar_tokens)
778  (* transform takes an input token (of the sort that comes out of the
779     lexer), and turns it into a token of the sort used internally by the
780     parser. *)
781  fun transform (in_vs as (vs_state, nparens))
782                (t:'a lookahead_item locn.located option) =
783    case t of
784      NONE => (EOS, locn.Loc_None, NONE)
785    | SOME (tt as Token x,locn) => let
786      in
787        case x of
788          Ident s =>
789            if String.sub(s,0) = #"$" andalso
790               CharVector.exists (not o equal #"$") s
791            then
792              let
793                val locn = locn.move_start 1 locn
794              in
795                (Id, locn, SOME (Token (Ident (String.extract(s,1,NONE)))))
796              end
797            else if s = res_quanop andalso vs_state = VSRES_VS then
798              (ResquanOpTok, locn, SOME tt)
799            else if s = type_intro then (TypeColon, locn, SOME tt)
800            else if s = vs_cons_special then (VS_cons, locn, SOME tt)
801            else if s = endbinding andalso nparens = 0 andalso
802              vs_state <> VSRES_Normal then (EndBinding, locn, SOME tt)
803            else if HOLset.member(keyword_table, s) then
804              (STD_HOL_TOK s, locn, SOME tt)
805            else (Id, locn, SOME tt)
806        | Antiquote _ => (Id, locn, SOME tt)
807        | Numeral _ => (Id, locn, SOME tt)
808        | Fraction _ => (Id, locn, SOME tt)
809        | QIdent _ => (Id, locn, SOME tt)
810      end
811    | SOME (tt as PreType ty,locn) => (TypeTok, locn, SOME tt)
812    | SOME (tt as LA_Symbol st,locn) => (st, locn, SOME tt)
814  (* find the initial segment of the stack such that all of the segment
815     has the equality relation between components and such that the first
816     element not in the segment is less than than the last one in the
817     segment *)
818  (* NB: the FAILloc invocations in this function raise Failloc exceptions that
819         are trapped at the bottom of the perform_reduction function *)
820  fun find_reduction stack =
821    case stack of
822      [] => raise Fail "find_reduction: stack empty!"
823    | [_] => raise Fail "find_reduction: stack singleton!"
824    | ((t1 as ((Terminal x1,x1locn), _))::rest) => let
825      in
826        case rest of
827          [] => FAILloc x1locn "find_reduction : impossible"
828        | (((Terminal x2,x2locn), _)::_) => let
829            val res = valOf (Polyhash.peek prec_matrix ((x2,false),x1))
830              handle Option =>
831                FAILloc (locn.between x2locn x1locn)
832                        ("No relation between "^STtoString G x2^" and "^
833                         STtoString G x1)
834          in
835            case res of
836              PM_LESS _ => [t1]
837            | PM_EQUAL =>  (t1::find_reduction rest)
838            | PM_LG _ => [t1]
839                         (* must be a less, because a greater is impossible *)
840            | PM_GREATER _ => FAILloc (locn.between x2locn x1locn)
841                                      "find_reduction: found a greater on stack"
842          end
843        | ((t2 as ((_,t2locn),_))::rest2) => let
844            (* t2 is a non-terminal, whether VS or not *)
845          in
846            case rest2 of
847              [] => FAILloc t2locn "find_reduction : nonterminal at stack base!"
848            | (((Terminal x2,x2locn), _)::_) => let
849                val res = valOf (Polyhash.peek prec_matrix ((x2,true), x1))
850                  handle Option =>
851                    FAILloc (locn.between x2locn t2locn)
852                            ("No relation between "^STtoString G x2^" and "^
853                             STtoString G x1)
854              in
855                case res of
856                  PM_LESS _ => [t1,t2]
857                | PM_EQUAL => t1::t2::find_reduction rest2
858                | PM_LG _ => [t1,t2]
859                | PM_GREATER _ => FAILloc (locn.between x2locn t2locn)
860                                          "find_reduction: greater on stack!"
861              end
862            | (((_,locn),_)::_) => FAILloc (locn.between locn t2locn) "find_reduction 2 NTs!"
863          end
864      end
865    | (t1::rest) => t1::find_reduction rest (* t1 a non-terminal *)
867  (* given an initial segment of the stack that corresponds to a reduction,
868     determine whether or not this corresponds to a rule, and if it does
869     pull the tokens of the stack and replace them with the right
870     non-terminal *)
871  fun perform_reduction rhs = let
872    fun ok_item ((Terminal (STD_HOL_TOK _),_), _) = true
873      | ok_item ((NonTerminal _,_), _) = true
874      | ok_item _ = false
876    (* If the RHS is for a list, then what follows is only called on what
877       will be list RHSes of length greater than two, as smaller lists will
878       have been caught by the insertion of these rules specifically into
879       the DB. *)
880    datatype rule_possibility = Normal of (rsfixity * string)
881                              | CaseRule of string
883    fun handle_case_reduction lrlocn pattern = let
884      val errmsg = "No rule for "^ listtoString reltoString pattern
885      fun fail() = FAILloc lrlocn errmsg
886      fun badcase() = FAILloc lrlocn "Mal-formed case expression"
887      fun tokstring x = case x of TOK s => SOME s | _ => NONE
888      val poss_left = case hd pattern of TOK x => x | _ => fail()
889    in
890      case Binarymap.peek(casetok_to_spec, poss_left) of
891          SOME cspec =>
892          let
893            val {casecase,casebar,caseof} =
894                Binarymap.find(casespec_to_tok,cspec)
895            fun bars_ok l =
896              case l of
897                  [TM] => true
898                | TM :: TOK s :: rest => SOME s = casebar andalso bars_ok rest
899                | _ => false
900            fun case_ok l =
901              case l of
902                  TM :: TOK ofs :: TOK s :: rest =>
903                  let
904                  in
905                    SOME ofs = caseof andalso SOME s = casebar andalso
906                    bars_ok rest
907                  end
908                | TM :: TOK ofs :: rest => SOME ofs = caseof andalso
909                                           bars_ok rest
910                | _ => false
911          in
912            if case_ok (tl pattern) then CaseRule cspec else badcase()
913          end
914        | NONE => fail()
915    end
916    fun checkcase r =
917        case r of
918          RealRule (r0 as (fx, s)) =>
919            if fx = rsPrefix andalso GrammarSpecials.is_case_special s then
920              CaseRule s
921            else Normal r0
922        | ListOnly _ => raise Fail "checkcase: found ListOnly"
923  in
924    if List.all ok_item rhs then let
925      (* it's important to remember that the left end of the possible
926         RHS might have looked like   TOK s1 -- TM -- TOK s2, and that
927         in this case there will be s1 < s2 in the precedence matrix, but
928         that TM will always have been popped in this case.
930         This may or may not be appropriate.  If the RHS is a suffix thing
931         or an infix, then that TM is part of the reduction, otherwise it
932         isn't, and should be left on the stack.
934         Below, the variable top_was_tm is true if a TM was popped in this
935         way. *)
936      (* NB: terminology: each stack item is either a TM (=term, i.e.,
937         nonterminal) or a TOK (=token, i.e., terminal). *)
938        fun stack_item_to_rule_element (Terminal (STD_HOL_TOK s),_) = TOK s
939          | stack_item_to_rule_element (NonTerminal _,_) = TM
940          | stack_item_to_rule_element (_,locn) =
941              FAILloc locn "perform_reduction: gak!"
942        val ((_,rlocn),_) = List.hd rhs
943        val rhs = List.rev rhs
944        val translated_rhs = map (stack_item_to_rule_element o #1) rhs
945        val ((_,llocn),_) = List.hd rhs
946        val lrlocn = locn.between llocn rlocn
947        val top_was_tm = hd translated_rhs = TM
948        fun lrcheck (s1,s2) =
949          case Polyhash.peek rule_db [TOK s1, TOK s2] of
950              SOME (ListOnly lsp) => SOME lsp
951            | _ => NONE
952        val listredns = check_for_listreductions lrcheck translated_rhs
953        val (listfixed_rhs, lspinfo) =
954            remove_listrels listredns translated_rhs
955        val rule =
956            case Polyhash.peek rule_db listfixed_rhs of
957                NONE =>
958                  if top_was_tm then
959                    let
960                      val drop1 = tl listfixed_rhs
961                    in
962                      case Polyhash.peek rule_db drop1 of
963                          NONE => handle_case_reduction lrlocn drop1
964                        | SOME r => checkcase r
965                    end
966                  else
967                    handle_case_reduction lrlocn listfixed_rhs
968              | SOME r => checkcase r
969        val ignore_top_item =
970            case rule of
971              Normal (rsInfix, _) => false
972            | Normal (rsSuffix, _) => false
973            | _ => top_was_tm
974        (* rhs' is the actual stack segment matched by the rule, and llocn' is
975           its left edge, unlike rhs and llocn which may contain a spurious TM
976           on the left *)
977        val rhs' = if ignore_top_item then tl rhs else rhs
978        val ((_,llocn'),_) = List.hd rhs'
979        val lrlocn' = locn.between llocn' rlocn
980        fun seglocs xs als mal =
981          (* extract TM items, and locations of right edges of
982             maximal initial segments containing them *)
983            case (xs,mal) of
984              ((((NonTerminal p,locn),_)::xs), NONE) =>
985                seglocs xs als (SOME((p,locn),locn))
986            | ((((NonTerminal p,locn),_)::xs), SOME al) =>
987                seglocs xs (al::als) (SOME((p,locn),locn))
988            | ((((_ ,locn),_)::xs), NONE       ) => seglocs xs als mal
989            | ((((_ ,locn),_)::xs), SOME (pl,_)) =>
990                seglocs xs als (SOME(pl,locn))
991            | ([], NONE) => List.rev als
992            | ([], SOME al) => List.rev (al::als)
993        val args_w_seglocs0 = seglocs rhs' [] NONE
994        fun CCOMB((x,locn),y) = (COMB(y,x),locn.between (#2 y) locn)
995        fun process_lspinfos A i lspis args =
996          case lspis of
997              [] => List.revAppend(A,args)
998            | ({cons,nilstr,...}, is) :: more_lsps =>
999              let
1000                fun mk_list [] = ((VAR nilstr,rlocn), rlocn)
1001                  | mk_list ((lpt,l)::xs) =
1002                    let
1003                      val (ptl, locn) = mk_list xs
1004                    in
1005                      ((COMB((COMB((VAR cons,#2 lpt), lpt), #2 lpt),
1006                             ptl), locn),
1007                       locn.between (#2 lpt) rlocn)
1008                    end
1009              in
1010                case is of
1011                    [] => process_lspinfos (mk_list []::A) i more_lsps args
1012                  | i1 :: _ =>
1013                    if i1 = i then
1014                      let
1015                        val (listtms, rest) = Lib.split_after (length is) args
1016                      in
1017                        process_lspinfos (mk_list listtms :: A) (i + length is)
1018                                         more_lsps
1019                                         rest
1020                      end
1021                    else
1022                      process_lspinfos (hd args :: A) (i + 1) lspis (tl args)
1023              end
1024        val args_w_seglocs = process_lspinfos [] 0 lspinfo args_w_seglocs0
1025        val newterm =
1026            case rule of
1027                Normal (_, s) =>
1028                  if term_name_is_lform s then
1029                    if length args_w_seglocs <> 1 then
1030                      raise Fail
1031                            "seglocs extraction: rule with more than one TM"
1032                    else #1 (hd (args_w_seglocs))
1033                  else List.foldl CCOMB (VAR s,llocn') args_w_seglocs
1034            | CaseRule cs => let
1035                fun mkcase1 ((t,loc),_) = (COMB((VAR cs, loc), (t,loc)), loc)
1036                fun mkbar(((t,loc),_),acc) =
1037                    (COMB((COMB((QIDENT("bool",
1038                                        GrammarSpecials.case_split_special),
1039                                 loc),
1040                                (t,loc)),
1041                           loc),
1042                          acc),
1043                     locn.between loc rlocn)
1044              in
1045                (COMB(mkcase1 (hd args_w_seglocs),
1046                      List.foldr mkbar
1047                                 (#1 (last (tl args_w_seglocs)))
1048                                 (butlast (tl args_w_seglocs))),
1049                 lrlocn)
1050              end
1051      in
1052        repeatn (length rhs') pop >>
1053        push ((NonTerminal (#1 newterm),lrlocn'), XXX)
1054        (* lrlocn: force location to entire RHS, including tokens *)
1055      end
1056    else
1057      case rhs of
1058        (((Terminal Id,locn), tt as Token (Antiquote a))::_) => let
1059        in
1060          pop >> invstructp >-
1061          (fn inv =>
1062              if #1 (hd inv) = VSRES_VS then
1063                push ((NonTermVS [(VS_AQ a,locn)],locn), tt)
1064              else
1065                push ((NonTerminal (AQ a),locn), tt))
1066        end
1067      | (((Terminal Id,locn), Token tt)::_) => let
1068          exception Temp of string
1069          val mk_numeral =
1070              Literal.gen_mk_numeral
1071                  {mk_comb  = fn (x,y) => (COMB(x,y),locn),
1072                   ZERO     = (QIDENT ("num"       , "0"      ),locn),
1073                   ALT_ZERO = (QIDENT ("arithmetic", "ZERO"   ),locn),
1074                   NUMERAL  = (QIDENT ("arithmetic", "NUMERAL"),locn),
1075                   BIT1     = (QIDENT ("arithmetic", "BIT1")  ,locn),
1076                   BIT2     = (QIDENT ("arithmetic", "BIT2")  ,locn)}
1077          fun inject_np NONE t = t
1078            | inject_np (SOME s) t = (COMB((VAR s,locn), t),locn)
1079        in
1080          pop >> invstructp >-
1081          (fn inv => let
1082                val thing_to_push =
1083                    case (#1 (hd inv), tt) of
1084                      (VSRES_VS, Numeral _) => let
1085                      in
1086                        raise Temp "can't have numerals in binding positions"
1087                      end
1088                    | (VSRES_VS, Fraction _) => let
1089                      in
1090                        raise Temp "can't have fractions in binding positions"
1091                      end
1092                    | (_, Fraction{wholepart,fracpart,places}) => let
1093                        val _ = not (null num_info) orelse
1094                                raise Temp "No fractions/numerals allowed"
1095                        val ten = Arbnum.fromInt 10
1096                        val denominator = Arbnum.pow(ten, Arbnum.fromInt places)
1097                        val numerator =
1098                            Arbnum.+(Arbnum.*(denominator,wholepart),
1099                                     fracpart)
1100                        val mknum = inject_np (SOME fromNum_str) o mk_numeral
1101                      in
1102                        liftlocn NonTerminal
1103                                 (COMB((COMB((VAR decimal_fraction_special,
1104                                              locn.Loc_None),
1105                                             mknum numerator), locn.Loc_None),
1106                                       mknum denominator),
1107                                  locn)
1108                      end
1109                    | (_, Numeral(dp, copt)) => let
1110                        val numeral_part = mk_numeral dp
1111                      in
1112                        case copt of
1113                          SOME c => let
1114                            val injector =
1115                                List.find (fn (k,v) => k = c) num_info
1116                          in
1117                            case injector of
1118                              NONE => let
1119                              in
1120                                raise Temp ("Invalid suffix " ^ str c ^
1121                                            " for numeral")
1122                              end
1123                            | SOME (_, strop) =>
1124                                liftlocn NonTerminal
1125                                         (inject_np strop numeral_part)
1126                          end
1127                        | NONE =>
1128                          if null num_info then
1129                            if dp = Arbnum.zero then
1130                              (WARN "term_parser"
1131                                    ("\n   0 treated specially and allowed - "^
1132                                     "no other numerals permitted");
1133                               liftlocn NonTerminal
1134                                        (inject_np NONE numeral_part))
1135                            else
1136                              raise Temp "No numerals currently allowed"
1137                          else let
1138                              val fns = fromNum_str
1139                            in
1140                              if Overload.is_overloaded overload_info fns then
1141                                liftlocn NonTerminal
1142                                         (inject_np (SOME fns) numeral_part)
1143                              else
1144                                raise Temp ("No overloadings exist for "^fns^
1145                                            ": use character suffix for \
1146                                            \numerals")
1147                            (* NonTerminal (inject_np (#2 (hd num_info))) *)
1148                            end
1149                      end
1150                    | (VSRES_VS, _) =>
1151                        (NonTermVS [(SIMPLE (token_string tt),locn)],locn)
1152                    | (_, QIdent x) => (NonTerminal (QIDENT x),locn)
1153                    | _ => (NonTerminal (VAR (token_string tt)),locn)
1154              (* tt is not an antiquote because of the wider context;
1155                 antiquotes are dealt with in the wider case statement
1156                 above *)
1157              in
1158                push (thing_to_push, Token tt)
1159              end handle Temp s => (WARNloc "parse_term" locn s;
1160                                    error (WARNloc_string locn s)))
1161        end
1162      | (((Terminal TypeTok,rlocn), PreType ty)::((Terminal TypeColon,_), _)::
1163         ((NonTerminal t,llocn), _)::rest) => let
1164        in
1165          repeatn 3 pop >>
1166          push ((NonTerminal (TYPED ((t,llocn), (ty,rlocn))),
1167                 locn.between llocn rlocn),
1168                XXX)
1169        end
1170      | (((Terminal TypeTok,rlocn), PreType ty)::((Terminal TypeColon,_), _)::
1171         ((NonTermVS vsl,llocn), _)::rest) => let
1172        in
1173          repeatn 3 pop >>
1174          push ((NonTermVS
1175                     (map (fn (v as (_,locn)) => (TYPEDV(v,(ty,rlocn)),locn))
1176                          vsl),
1177                     locn.between llocn rlocn),
1178                XXX)
1179        end
1180      | [((Terminal TypeTok,rlocn), PreType ty), ((Terminal TypeColon,_), _)] =>
1181        let
1182          val nonterm0 = (QIDENT("bool", "the_value"), rlocn)
1183          val type_annotation =
1184              (Pretype.Tyop{Thy="bool", Tyop = "itself", Args = [ty]},
1185               rlocn)
1186        in
1187          pop >> pop >>
1188          push ((NonTerminal (TYPED(nonterm0, type_annotation)), rlocn), XXX)
1189        end
1190      | (((NonTerminal t,rlocn), _)::((Terminal EndBinding,_), _)::
1191         ((NonTermVS vsl,_), _)::((Terminal (STD_HOL_TOK binder),llocn), _)::
1192         rest) => let
1193          exception Urk of string
1194        in
1195          let
1196            fun has_resq (v,_) =
1197                case v of
1198                  VPAIR(v1, v2) => has_resq v1 orelse has_resq v2
1199                | TYPEDV(v0, ty) => has_resq v0
1200                | RESTYPEDV _ => true
1201                | _ => false
1202            fun has_tupled_resq (VPAIR(v1, v2),_) =
1203                  has_resq v1 orelse has_resq v2
1204              | has_tupled_resq (TYPEDV(v0, _),_) = has_tupled_resq v0
1205              | has_tupled_resq (RESTYPEDV(v0, _),_) = has_tupled_resq v0
1206              | has_tupled_resq _ = false
1207            fun ERROR s1 s2 = Urk (s1^": "^s2)
1208            fun extract_resq (v,_) =
1209                case v of
1210                  TYPEDV (v0, _) => extract_resq v0
1211                | RESTYPEDV(v0, t) => let
1212                    val sub_resq = extract_resq v0
1213                  in
1214                    case sub_resq of
1215                      NONE => SOME(v0, t)
1216                    | SOME _ =>
1217                      raise ERROR "parse_term"
1218                                  "Can't have double restricted quantification"
1219                  end
1220                | _ => NONE
1221            fun comb_abs_fn(v,t) = let
1222              val binder = term_name_for_binder binder
1223            in
1224              if has_tupled_resq v then
1225                raise ERROR "parse_term"
1226                            "Can't have restricted quantification on nested \
1227                            \arguments"
1228              else
1229                case extract_resq v of
1230                  NONE => (COMB((VAR binder,llocn),
1231                                (ABS(v, t),locn.between (#2 v) (#2 t))),
1232                           locn.between llocn rlocn)
1233                | SOME (v',P) => let
1234                  in
1235                    (COMB((COMB((VAR (Lib.assoc (SOME binder) restr_binders),
1236                                 llocn),
1237                                P),locn.between llocn (#2 P)),
1238                          (ABS(v', t),locn.between (#2 v') (#2 t))),
1239                     locn.between llocn rlocn)
1240                    handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
1241                           raise ERROR "parse_term"
1242                                       ("No restricted quantifier associated \
1243                                        \with " ^binder)
1244                  end
1245            end
1246            fun abs_fn (v,t) =
1247                if has_tupled_resq v then
1248                  raise ERROR "parse_term"
1249                              "Can't have restricted quantification on \
1250                              \nested arguments"
1251                else
1252                  case extract_resq v of
1253                    NONE => (ABS(v,t),locn.between llocn rlocn)
1254                  | SOME(v', P) =>
1255                    (COMB((COMB((VAR (Lib.assoc NONE restr_binders),llocn),
1256                                P), locn.between llocn (#2 P)),
1257                          (ABS(v', t),locn.between (#2 v') (#2 t))),
1258                     locn.between llocn rlocn)
1259                    handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ =>
1260                           raise ERROR "parse_term"
1261                                       "No restricted quantifier associated \
1262                                       \with lambda"
1263            val vsl = List.rev vsl
1264            val abs_t =
1265                List.foldr (if mem binder lambda then abs_fn else comb_abs_fn)
1266                           (t,rlocn) vsl
1267          in
1268            repeatn 4 pop >> push (liftlocn NonTerminal abs_t, XXX)
1269          end handle Urk s =>
1270                     (WARNloc "parse_term" (locn.between llocn rlocn) s;
1271                      error (WARNloc_string (locn.between llocn rlocn) s))
1272        end
1273      | (((Terminal(STD_HOL_TOK ")"),rlocn), _)::(vsl as ((NonTermVS _,_),_))::
1274         ((Terminal(STD_HOL_TOK "("),llocn), _)::rest) => let
1275        in
1276          (* need a rule here because
1277             1. a NonTermVS makes this a non-standard rule; and
1278             2. bracket-removal in the remove_specials code won't see
1279                the parentheses in the binding "var-struct" position
1280           *)
1281          repeatn 3 pop >>
1282          push vsl  (* don't bother expanding locn; would add no useful info *)
1283        end
1284      | (((NonTermVS vsl1,rlocn), _)::((Terminal(STD_HOL_TOK ","),_), _)::
1285         ((NonTermVS vsl2,llocn), _)::rest) => let
1286          val lrlocn = locn.between llocn rlocn
1287        in
1288          if length vsl1 <> 1 orelse length vsl2 <> 1 then let
1289              val msg = "Can't have lists of atoms as arguments to , in binder"
1290            in
1291              (WARNloc "parse_term" lrlocn msg;
1292               error (WARNloc_string lrlocn msg))
1293            end
1294          else
1295            repeatn 3 pop >>
1296            push ((NonTermVS [(VPAIR(hd vsl2, hd vsl1),lrlocn)],lrlocn), XXX)
1297        end
1298      | (((NonTerminal t,rlocn), _)::((Terminal ResquanOpTok,_), _)::
1299         ((NonTermVS vsl,llocn), _)::rest) => let
1300        in
1301          repeatn 3 pop >>
1302          push ((NonTermVS
1303                     (map (fn (v as (_,locn))=>
1304                              (RESTYPEDV(v,(t,rlocn)),locn)) vsl),
1305                     locn.between llocn rlocn),
1306                XXX) >>
1307          leave_restm
1308        end
1309      | _ => let
1310          fun is_vcons_list [] = false
1311            | is_vcons_list [x] = false
1312            | is_vcons_list (((NonTermVS _,_), _)::((Terminal VS_cons,_), _)::rest) = let
1313              in
1314                case rest of
1315                  [((NonTermVS _,_),_)] => true
1316                | _ => is_vcons_list rest
1317              end
1318            | is_vcons_list _ = false
1319          fun get_vsls ((NonTermVS vsl,_), _) = SOME vsl | get_vsls _ = NONE
1320          val ((_,rlocn),_) = List.hd rhs
1321          val ((_,llocn),_) = List.last rhs
1322          val lrlocn = locn.between llocn rlocn
1323        in
1324          if is_vcons_list rhs then
1325            repeatn (length rhs) pop >>
1326            push ((NonTermVS(List.concat (List.mapPartial get_vsls rhs)),
1327                   lrlocn),
1328                  XXX)
1329          else
1330            (WARNloc "parse_term" lrlocn "Can't do this sort of reduction";
1331             error (WARNloc_string lrlocn "Can't do this sort of reduction"))
1332        end
1333  end handle Failloc (loc,s) =>
1334             (if !syntax_error_trace then
1335                (print (locn.toString loc);
1336                 print ":\n";
1337                 print s;
1338                 print "\n")
1339              else ();
1340              error (WARNloc_string loc s))
1342  val do_reduction =
1343    getstack >- (return o find_reduction) >- perform_reduction
1346  fun el2list x = [x]
1347  (* calls the lexer and puts the result onto the lookahead list *)
1348  val get_item = (lex >- set_la o el2list o liftlocn Token) ++ (set_la [])
1350  (* takes the top (first) terminal from the lookahead list (there is
1351     assumed to be one), and transfers it to the stack.  If this
1352     empties the lookahead list, then this is replenished by calling
1353     the appropriate lexer *)
1355  val shift =
1356    current_la >-
1357    (fn la => invstructp >- (return o hd) >-
1358     (fn in_vs =>
1359      case la of
1360        [] => error (noloc "No lookahead")
1361      | (x0::xs) => let
1362          val (terminal,locn,x) = transform in_vs (SOME x0)
1363        in
1364          push ((Terminal terminal,locn), valOf x) >>
1365          (if null xs then get_item else set_la xs) >>
1366             (case terminal of
1367                STD_HOL_TOK s =>
1368                  if is_binder s then enter_binder
1369                  else if s = "(" andalso #1 in_vs <> VSRES_Normal then
1370                    inc_paren
1371                  else if s = ")" andalso #1 in_vs <> VSRES_Normal then
1372                    dec_paren
1373                  else ok
1374              | ResquanOpTok => enter_restm
1375              | EndBinding => leave_binder
1376              | _ => ok)
1377        end))
1380  fun doit (tt, (top_item, top_token), in_vs) = let
1381    val (input_term, itlocn, _) = transform (hd in_vs) tt
1382    val top = dest_terminal top_item
1383    val toplocn = #2 top_item
1384    val ttt = Terminal input_term
1385    fun check_for_fnapp_insert stack =
1386      (* if the next thing in the lookahead might begin a whole new phrase,
1387         i.e. is a closed lhs, and the top thing on the stack is a non-terminal
1388         then we should insert the magical function application operator *)
1389        case stack of
1390          ((NonTerminal _,locn), _)::_ => let
1391            val fnt = (LA_Symbol (STD_HOL_TOK fnapp_special),locn.Loc_Near locn)
1392          in
1393            if mem input_term fnapp_closed_lefts then
1394              current_la >- (fn oldla => set_la (fnt::oldla))
1395            else
1396              qfail
1397          end
1398        | ((NonTermVS _,locn), _) :: _ => let
1399            val fnt = (LA_Symbol VS_cons,locn.Loc_Near locn)
1400          in
1401            if mem input_term fnapp_closed_lefts then
1402              current_la >- (fn oldla => set_la (fnt::oldla))
1403            else
1404              qfail
1405          end
1406        | _ => qfail
1408    (* a "paren escape" is a CAML style escaping of what would otherwise
1409       be a special token by parenthesising it.  Thus (/\) instead of $/\.
1410       The analysis is done at this level rather than inside the lexer to
1411       allow for white-space etc.  People will have to write ( * ) to escape
1412       the multiplication symbol, because without the space, it will look like
1413       a comment *)
1414    val check_for_paren_escape = let
1415      fun require (s:string option) =
1416          getstack >-
1417          (fn [] => error (noloc "Stack empty")
1418            | (tt :: _ ) => let
1419              in
1420                case tt of
1421                  ((Terminal (STD_HOL_TOK s'),locn), _) => let
1422                  in
1423                    case s of
1424                      NONE => pop >> return (s',locn)
1425                    | SOME s'' =>
1426                        if s' = s'' then pop >> return (s',locn)
1427                        else error (WARNloc_string
1428                                       locn
1429                                       ("Expected "^s''^", found "^s'))
1430                  end
1431                | _ => error (noloc "Expected a terminal")
1432              end)
1433    in
1434      if input_term = STD_HOL_TOK ")" then
1435          require NONE >-
1436          (fn (s,_) =>
1437              if s = ")" orelse s = "(" then
1438                qfail (* don't want to paren-escape "())" or  "(()" *)
1439              else
1440                require (SOME "(") >-
1441                (fn (_,locn) => let val lrlocn = locn.between locn itlocn
1442                  in
1443                  shift >> pop >>
1444                  (if is_binder s then leave_binder else return ()) >>
1445                  invstructp >- (return o #1 o hd) >-
1446                  (fn vstate =>
1447                      if vstate <> VSRES_VS then
1448                        push ((NonTerminal (VAR s),lrlocn), XXX)
1449                      else
1450                        push ((NonTermVS [(SIMPLE s,lrlocn)],lrlocn), XXX))
1451                  end ))
1452      else qfail
1453    end
1454    fun top_might_be_infix stk =
1455        case stk of
1456          ((NonTerminal _, _), _) :: ((Terminal _, _), _) ::
1457          ((NonTerminal _, _), _) :: _ => true
1458        | _ => false
1460    val usual_action = let
1461      fun get_topntp stk =
1462          case stk of
1463            [] => return (false,stk)
1464          | ((Terminal _,_), _) :: _ => return (false,stk)
1465          | _ => return (true,stk)
1466      fun check_order (topntp,stk) =
1467          case Polyhash.peek prec_matrix ((top,topntp), input_term) of
1468            NONE => let
1469              val msg = "Don't expect to find a "^STtoString G input_term^
1470                        " in this position after a "^STtoString G top^"\n"^
1471                        locn.toString itlocn^" and " ^
1472                        locn.toString toplocn^".\n"
1473            in
1474              if !syntax_error_trace then print msg
1475              else ();
1476              error (msg, toplocn)
1477            end
1478          | SOME order => let
1479              fun byorder GREATER = do_reduction
1480                | byorder _ = shift
1481            in
1482              case mx_order order of
1483                SOME x => byorder x
1484              | NONE => let
1485                  val (pfx,ifx) =
1486                      case order of
1487                        PM_LG {pfx,ifx} => (pfx,ifx)
1488                      | _ => raise Fail "parse_term: check_order invariant fail"
1489                in
1490                  if top_might_be_infix stk then byorder ifx
1491                  else byorder pfx
1492                end
1493            end
1494    in
1495      check_for_paren_escape ++
1496      (getstack >- check_for_fnapp_insert) ++
1497      (getstack >- get_topntp >- check_order)
1498    end
1499  in
1500    case input_term of
1501      TypeColon => let
1502      (* behaviour has to be slightly tricksy in this case:
1503           - we need to make sure that the next thing that appears in
1504             the stream of tokens is a complete type.
1505           - The way we do this is by calling the type parser on the
1506             remaining input stream and putting the result into the
1507             lookahead list behind the colon.
1508           - We only do this once, so the following action checks to
1509             see that the lookahead list is only one long, otherwise
1510             it can do the normal action
1511       *)
1512        fun action_on_la la =
1513          case la of
1514            [x as (_,locn)] =>
1515              lifted_typeparser >-  (fn ty => set_la [x, (PreType ty,locn.Loc_Near locn)])
1516              (* TODO: if lifted_typeparser returned a location, use that *)
1517          | _ => usual_action
1518      in
1519        current_la >- action_on_la
1520      end
1521    | STD_HOL_TOK s => usual_action
1522    | _ => usual_action
1523  end
1525  val current_input =
1526    current_la >-                   (fn lal =>    (* lookahead list *)
1527    if null lal then return NONE else return (SOME (hd lal)))
1530  val basic_action =
1531    current_input >-                (fn tt (* term token *) =>
1532    topterm >-                      (fn top =>
1533    invstructp >-                   (fn invs =>
1534    doit (tt, top, invs))))
1535  fun notBOS (Terminal BOS) = false
1536    | notBOS _ = true
1539  push ((Terminal BOS,locn.Loc_None), XXX) >> get_item >>
1540  mwhile (current_input >-
1541          (fn optt => if (isSome optt) then return true
1542                      else
1543                        topterm >- (fn t => return (notBOS (#1 (#1 t))))))
1544         basic_action
1547val initial_pstack = PStack {stack = [], lookahead = [],
1548                             in_vstruct = [(VSRES_Normal, 0)]}
1550fun is_final_pstack p =
1551  case p of
1552    PStack {stack = [((NonTerminal pt,_), _), ((Terminal BOS,_), _)],
1553            lookahead = [], in_vstruct = [(VSRES_Normal, 0)]} => true
1554  | _ => false
1556val recupd_errstring =
1557  "Record list must have (fld := value) or (fld updated_by f) elements only"
1559fun to_vabsyn vs =
1560  case vs of
1561    (SIMPLE x,locn) => Absyn.VIDENT (locn,x)
1562  | (VPAIR(v1,v2),locn) => Absyn.VPAIR(locn,to_vabsyn v1, to_vabsyn v2)
1563  | (TYPEDV(v,(ty,_)),locn) => Absyn.VTYPED(locn,to_vabsyn v, ty)
1564  | (VS_AQ x,locn) => Absyn.VAQ (locn,x)
1565  | (RESTYPEDV _,locn) =>
1566      raise ParseTermError
1567        ("Attempt to convert a vstruct still containing a RESTYPEDV",locn)
1569fun remove_specials t =
1570  case #1 t of
1571    COMB (t1, t2) => let
1572      open Absyn
1573    in
1574      case #1 t1 of
1575        VAR s => if s = bracket_special then remove_specials t2
1576                 else APP(#2 t, IDENT (#2 t1,s), remove_specials t2)
1577      | COMB ((VAR s,slocn), f) => let
1578        in
1579          if s = fnapp_special then APP(#2 t, remove_specials f, remove_specials t2)
1580          else if s = recsel_special then
1581            case #1 t2 of
1582              VAR fldname => APP(#2 t, IDENT (#2 t2, recsel_special ^ fldname),
1583                                 remove_specials f)
1584            | _ => raise ParseTermError
1585                ("Record selection must have single id to right \
1586                 \(possibly non-integer numeric literal)",#2 t2)
1587          else if s = reccons_special then
1588            remove_recupdate (#2 t) f t2 (QIDENT (locn.Loc_None,"bool", "ARB"))
1589          else if s = recwith_special then
1590            remove_recupdate' (#2 t) t2 (remove_specials f)
1591          else
1592            if s = recupd_special orelse s = recfupd_special then
1593              raise ParseTermError
1594                ("May not use record update functions at top level \
1595                 \(possibly missing semicolon)",slocn)
1596            else
1597              APP(#2 t, remove_specials t1, remove_specials t2)
1598        end
1599      | _ => APP(#2 t, remove_specials t1, remove_specials t2)
1600    end
1601  | ABS(v, t2) => Absyn.LAM(#2 t, to_vabsyn v, remove_specials t2)
1602  | TYPED(t, (ty,_)) => Absyn.TYPED(#2 t, remove_specials t, ty)
1603  | VAR s => Absyn.IDENT(#2 t, s)
1604  | QIDENT(x,y) => Absyn.QIDENT(#2 t, x, y)
1605  | AQ x => Absyn.AQ(#2 t, x)
1606and remove_recupdate locn upd1 updates bottom = let
1607  open Absyn
1609  case #1 upd1 of
1610    COMB((COMB((VAR s,slocn), (VAR fld,_)),sflocn), newvalue) => let
1611    in
1612      if s = recfupd_special then
1613        APP(locn, APP(#2 upd1, IDENT (sflocn,s^fld), remove_specials newvalue),
1614            remove_recupdate' (#2 updates) updates bottom)
1615      else if s = recupd_special then
1616        APP(locn, APP(#2 upd1, IDENT (sflocn, recfupd_special^fld),
1617                      APP(locn.Loc_None, QIDENT(locn.Loc_None, "combin", "K"),
1618                          remove_specials newvalue)),
1619            remove_recupdate' (#2 updates) updates bottom)
1620      else raise ParseTermError (recupd_errstring,slocn)
1621    end
1622  | _ =>
1623    raise ParseTermError (recupd_errstring,#2 upd1)
1625and remove_recupdate' locn updatelist bottom = let
1626  open Absyn
1628  case #1 updatelist of
1629    VAR s => if s = recnil_special then bottom
1630             else raise ParseTermError (recupd_errstring,#2 updatelist)
1631  | COMB((COMB((VAR s,slocn), upd1),sflocn), updates) => let
1632    in
1633      if s = reccons_special then remove_recupdate locn upd1 updates bottom
1634      else
1635        if s = recupd_special orelse s = recfupd_special then
1636          case #1 upd1 of
1637            VAR fldname =>
1638            if s = recfupd_special then
1639              APP(locn,APP(#2 upd1, IDENT (sflocn,s^fldname),
1640                           remove_specials updates),
1641                  bottom)
1642            else
1643              APP(locn,APP(#2 upd1, IDENT (sflocn, recfupd_special^fldname),
1644                           APP(locn.Loc_None,
1645                               QIDENT(locn.Loc_None, "combin", "K"),
1646                               remove_specials updates)),
1647                  bottom)
1648          | _ => raise ParseTermError
1649              ("Must have field name as first argument to update operator",#2 upd1)
1650        else
1651          raise ParseTermError (recupd_errstring,slocn)
1652    end
1653  | _ => raise ParseTermError (recupd_errstring,#2 updatelist)
1657fun top_nonterminal pstack =
1658  case pstack of
1659    PStack {stack = ((NonTerminal pt,locn), _)::_, ...} => remove_specials (pt,locn)
1660  | PStack {stack = ((_,locn),_)::_, ...} =>
1661      raise ParseTermError ("No non-terminal on top of stack",locn)
1662  | _ =>
1663      raise ParseTermError ("No non-terminal on top of stack",locn.Loc_Unknown(*TODO*))
1666infix Gmerge
1669Useful functions to test with:
1670fun do_parse0 G ty = let
1671  val pt = parse_term G ty
1673  fn q => let
1674    val ((cs, p), _) = pt (q, PStack {lookahead = [], stack = [],
1675                                      in_vstruct = false})
1676  in
1677    case pstack p of
1678      [(NonTerminal pt, _), (Terminal BOS, _)] => remove_specials pt
1679    | _ => raise Fail "Parse failed "
1680  end
1683Remember to start with
1684  quotation := true
1685in raw MoscowML sessions
1687fun pp (v : ''a) = let
1688  val p:''a frag list -> ''a preterm =
1689    do_parse0 stdhol (parse_type.parse_type parse_type.empty_grammar)
1691  p
1694fun ppt (v: ''a) = let
1695  fun fix_stack stack =
1696    case stack of
1697      ((NonTerminal t, _)::rest) =>
1698        pop >> push (NonTerminal(remove_specials t), XXX)
1699    | x => ok
1700  val p:''a frag list -> ((''a frag list * ''a PStack) * unit option) =
1701    fn q =>
1702    (parse_term stdhol (parse_type.parse_type parse_type.empty_grammar) >>
1703     getstack >- fix_stack)
1704    (q, PStack{lookahead = [], stack = [], in_vstruct = false})
1706  p
1709val p = pp ()
1712quotation := true;
1713val pType = parse_type.pType
1714fun do_test (q, res) = let
1715  val test = p q
1717  if test <> res then let
1718  in
1719    print "Failure on: \"";
1720    print (quotetoString q);
1721    print "\" not parsing to ";
1722    Meta.printVal res;
1723    print "\n"
1724  end else ()
1725end handle _ => print ("Failure of \""^quotetoString q^"\" to parse at all\n");
1727val tests : (unit frag list * unit preterm) list =
1728[(`x`,              VAR "x"),
1729 (`x'`,             VAR "x'"),
1730 (`f x`,            COMB (VAR "f", VAR "x")),
1731 (`f x y` ,         COMB (COMB (VAR "f", VAR "x"), VAR "y")),
1732 (`p /\ q`,         COMB (COMB (VAR "/\\", VAR "p"), VAR "q")),
1733 (`p /\ q \/ r`,    COMB (COMB(VAR "\\/", COMB(COMB(VAR "/\\", VAR "p"),
1734                                               VAR "q")),
1735                          VAR "r")),
1736 (`f : num`,        TYPED(VAR "f", parse_type.pType("num", []))),
1737 (`f x : bool list`,TYPED(COMB(VAR "f", VAR "x"),
1738                          pType("list", [pType("bool", [])]))),
1739 (`f (p \/ q)`,     COMB(VAR "f", COMB (COMB (VAR "\\/", VAR "p"), VAR "q"))),
1740 (`f ^(())`,        COMB(VAR "f", AQ ())),
1741 (`f (p:bool \/ q)`,COMB(VAR "f",
1742                         COMB(COMB(VAR "\\/",
1743                                   TYPED(VAR "p", pType("bool", []))),
1744                              VAR "q"))),
1745 (`f x.f1`,         COMB(VAR "f", COMB(COMB(VAR rec_special, VAR "x"),
1746                                       VAR "f1"))),
1747 (`f theni`,        COMB(VAR "f", VAR "theni")),
1748 (`\x. x`,          ABS (SIMPLE "x", VAR "x")),
1749 (`\x y. x`,        ABS (SIMPLE "x", ABS (SIMPLE "y", VAR "x"))),
1750 (`?x y. x`,        COMB (VAR "?", ABS (SIMPLE "x",
1751                                        COMB(VAR "?",
1752                                             ABS(SIMPLE "y", VAR "x"))))),
1753 (`[p; q]`,         COMB (COMB(VAR "CONS", VAR "p"),
1754                          COMB(COMB(VAR "CONS", VAR "q"), VAR "NIL"))),
1755 (`f [] x`,         COMB (COMB (VAR "f", VAR "NIL"), VAR "x")),
1756 (`[[]]`,           COMB (COMB (VAR "CONS", VAR "NIL"), VAR "NIL")),
1757 (`\^(()). x`,      ABS(VS_AQ(), VAR "x")),
1758 (`f x = if ~f p /\ t then q else r`,
1759                    COMB(COMB(VAR "=", COMB(VAR "f", VAR "x")),
1760                         COMB(COMB(COMB(VAR "COND",
1761                                        COMB(COMB(VAR "/\\",
1762                                                  COMB(VAR "~",
1763                                                       COMB(VAR "f",VAR "p"))),
1764                                             VAR "t")),
1765                                   VAR "q"),
1766                              VAR "r")))];
1770app do_test tests;