structure parse_term :> parse_term = struct open Lib open errormonad term_tokens term_grammar HOLgrammars open GrammarSpecials PrecAnalysis open parse_term_dtype infix >> >- ++ >-> val syntax_error_trace = ref true val _ = Feedback.register_btrace ("syntax_error", syntax_error_trace) fun WARN f msg = if !syntax_error_trace then Feedback.HOL_WARNING "parse_term" f msg else () fun WARNloc f loc msg = if !syntax_error_trace then Feedback.HOL_WARNINGloc "parse_term" f loc msg else () fun noloc s = (s, locn.Loc_None) fun qfail x = error (noloc "") x fun WARNloc_string loc s = (s, loc) fun PRINT s = print (s ^ "\n") exception Failloc of (locn.locn * string) fun FAILloc locn s = raise Failloc (locn, s) fun liftlocn f (x,locn) = (f x,locn) exception ParseTermError of string locn.located type 'a token = 'a term_tokens.term_token type 'a qbuf = 'a qbuf.qbuf fun insert_sorted (k, v) [] = [(k, v)] | insert_sorted kv1 (wholething as (kv2::rest)) = let val (k1, _) = kv1 val (k2, _) = kv2 in if (k1 < k2) then kv1::wholething else kv2::insert_sorted kv1 rest end fun listtoString f [] = "[]" | listtoString f xs = let fun lf [x] = f x | lf (x::xs) = f x ^ ", " ^ lf xs | lf _ = raise Fail "Can't happen" in "[" ^ lf xs ^ "]" end fun fragtoString (QUOTE s) = s | fragtoString (ANTIQUOTE _) = " ^... " fun quotetoString [] = "" | quotetoString (x::xs) = fragtoString x ^ quotetoString xs datatype 'a varstruct = SIMPLE of string | VPAIR of ('a varstruct locn.located * 'a varstruct locn.located) | TYPEDV of 'a varstruct locn.located * Pretype.pretype locn.located | RESTYPEDV of 'a varstruct locn.located * 'a preterm locn.located | VS_AQ of 'a and 'a preterm = COMB of ('a preterm locn.located * 'a preterm locn.located) | VAR of string | QIDENT of string * string | ABS of ('a varstruct locn.located * 'a preterm locn.located) | AQ of 'a | TYPED of ('a preterm locn.located * Pretype.pretype locn.located) infix -- fun (l1 -- []) = l1 | (l1 -- (x::xs)) = List.filter (fn y => y <> x) l1 -- xs fun all_tokens strlist = map STD_HOL_TOK strlist @ [BOS, EOS, Id, TypeColon, TypeTok, EndBinding] exception PrecConflict of stack_terminal * stack_terminal val complained_already = ref false; structure Polyhash = struct fun peek (dict) k = Binarymap.peek(!dict,k) fun peekInsert r (k,v) = let val dict = !r in case Binarymap.peek(dict,k) of NONE => (r := Binarymap.insert(dict,k,v); NONE) | x => x end fun insert r (k,v) = r := Binarymap.insert(!r,k,v) fun listItems dict = Binarymap.listItems (!dict) fun mkDict cmp = let val newref = ref (Binarymap.mkDict cmp) in newref end end local val rule_elements = term_grammar.rule_elements o #elements in fun rule_left (rr: rule_record) = case hd (rule_elements rr) of TOK s => STD_HOL_TOK s | _ => raise Fail ("rule list is bogus for "^ #term_name rr) end fun left_grabbing_elements rule = case rule of INFIX (STD_infix(rules, _)) => map rule_left rules | INFIX RESQUAN_OP => [ResquanOpTok] | INFIX (FNAPP rules) => STD_HOL_TOK fnapp_special :: map rule_left rules | INFIX VSCONS => [VS_cons] | SUFFIX (STD_suffix rules) => map rule_left rules | SUFFIX TYPE_annotation => [TypeColon] | _ => [] datatype order_compat_verdict = OK | Multify of mx_order | Bad fun order_compat mx1 mx2 = case (mx1, mx2) of (PM_LESS src1, PM_LESS src2) => if src1 = src2 then OK else Multify (PM_LESS MS_Multi) | (PM_GREATER src1, PM_GREATER src2) => if src1 = src2 then OK else Multify (PM_GREATER MS_Multi) | (PM_EQUAL, _) => OK | (_, PM_EQUAL) => OK | (PM_LG i1, PM_LG i2) => if i1 = i2 then OK else Bad | (_ , _) => Bad fun mx_order mxo = case mxo of PM_LESS _ => SOME LESS | PM_GREATER _ => SOME GREATER | PM_EQUAL => SOME EQUAL | PM_LG _ => NONE (* turn a rule element list into a list of std_hol_toks *) val rel_list_to_toklist = List.mapPartial (fn TOK s => SOME (STD_HOL_TOK s) | _ => NONE) fun find_suffix_rhses (G : grammar) = let fun select (SUFFIX TYPE_annotation) = [[TypeTok]] | select (SUFFIX (STD_suffix rules)) = let in map (rel_list_to_toklist o rule_elements o #elements) rules end | select (CLOSEFIX rules) = map (rel_list_to_toklist o rule_elements o #elements) rules | select _ = [] val suffix_rules = List.concat (map (select o #2) (rules G)) in Id :: map List.last suffix_rules end fun find_prefix_lhses (G : grammar) = let fun select x = let in case x of PREFIX (STD_prefix rules) => map (rel_list_to_toklist o rule_elements o #elements) rules | CLOSEFIX rules => map (rel_list_to_toklist o rule_elements o #elements) rules | _ => [] end val prefix_rules = List.concat (map (select o #2) (rules G)) in Id :: map STD_HOL_TOK (binders G) @ map hd prefix_rules end val ambigrm = ref 1 val _ = Feedback.register_trace ("ambiguous grammar warning", ambigrm, 2) fun STtoString (G:grammar) x = case x of STD_HOL_TOK s => s | BOS => "" | EOS => "" | VS_cons => "" | Id => "" | TypeColon => #type_intro (specials G) | TypeTok => "" | EndBinding => #endbinding (specials G) ^ " (end binding)" | ResquanOpTok => #res_quanop (specials G)^" (res quan operator)" fun mk_prec_matrix G = let exception NotFound = Binarymap.NotFound exception BadTokList type dict = ((stack_terminal * bool) * stack_terminal, mx_order) Binarymap.dict ref val {lambda, endbinding, type_intro, restr_binders, ...} = specials G val specs = grammar_tokens G val Grules = term_grammar.grammar_rules G val alltoks = ResquanOpTok :: VS_cons :: STD_HOL_TOK fnapp_special :: all_tokens specs val matrix: dict = Polyhash.mkDict (pair_compare(pair_compare(ST_compare,bool_compare), ST_compare)) (* the bool is true if there is a non-terminal between the two terminal tokens. E.g., x + -y doesn't have such a space between the + and -, whereas x + z - y does (the z will be a non-terminal) *) val rule_elements = term_grammar.rule_elements o #elements val complained_this_iteration = ref false fun insert_bail k = (Polyhash.insert matrix (k, PM_LESS MS_Multi); complained_this_iteration := true; if not (!complained_already) andalso (!Globals.interactive orelse !ambigrm = 2) then let val msg = "Grammar ambiguous on token pair "^ STtoString G (#1 (#1 k)) ^ " and " ^ STtoString G (#2 k) ^ ", and "^ "probably others too" in case !ambigrm of 0 => () | 1 => (Feedback.HOL_WARNING "Parse" "Term" msg; complained_already := true) | 2 => raise Feedback.mk_HOL_ERR "parse_term" "mk_prec_matrix" msg | _ => raise Fail "parse_term: matrix construction invariant fail!" end else ()) fun insert k v = let val insert_result = Polyhash.peekInsert matrix (k, v) val raw_insert = Polyhash.insert matrix in case (insert_result, v) of (SOME PM_EQUAL, _) => () (* ignore this *) | (SOME _, PM_EQUAL) => raw_insert (k,v) (* EQUAL overrides *) | (SOME oldv, _) => let in case order_compat oldv v of OK => () | Multify v' => raw_insert (k, v') | Bad => let nonfix << >> val op >> = GREATER and op << = LESS in case (oldv,v) of (PM_LESS src1, PM_GREATER src2) => let in case (src1, src2) of (Ifx, Pfx) => raw_insert (k, PM_LG {ifx= <<, pfx= >>}) | (Pfx, Ifx) => raw_insert (k, PM_LG {ifx= >>, pfx= <<}) | _ => insert_bail k end | (PM_GREATER src1, PM_LESS src2) => let in case (src1, src2) of (Ifx,Pfx) => raw_insert (k, PM_LG {ifx= >>, pfx= <<}) | (Pfx,Ifx) => raw_insert (k, PM_LG {ifx= <<, pfx= >>}) | _ => insert_bail k end | _ => insert_bail k end end | (NONE, _) => () end fun insert_eqs rule = let fun insert_eqn (tk1,intervening_tm,tk2) = insert((STD_HOL_TOK tk1, intervening_tm), STD_HOL_TOK tk2) PM_EQUAL val insert_eqns = app insert_eqn val equalities = PrecAnalysis.rule_equalities in case rule of PREFIX (STD_prefix rules) => app (insert_eqns o equalities) rules | PREFIX (BINDER slist) => let fun bindertok (BinderString {tok, ...}) = [tok] | bindertok LAMBDA = lambda val btoks = List.concat (map bindertok slist) in app (fn s => insert ((STD_HOL_TOK s, true), EndBinding) PM_EQUAL) btoks end | SUFFIX (STD_suffix rules) => app (insert_eqns o equalities) rules | SUFFIX TYPE_annotation => () | INFIX (STD_infix (rules, _)) => app (insert_eqns o equalities) rules | INFIX RESQUAN_OP => () | INFIX (FNAPP lst) => app (insert_eqns o equalities) lst | INFIX VSCONS => () | CLOSEFIX rules => app (insert_eqns o equalities) rules end fun bi_insert (t1,t2) order = (insert ((t1,false), t2) order; insert ((t1,true), t2) order) (* the right hand end of a suffix or a closefix is greater than everything *) val closed_rhses = find_suffix_rhses G fun insert_rhs_relns () = let val all = alltoks val rhses = closed_rhses in app (fn rhs => app (fn t => bi_insert (rhs, t) (PM_GREATER MS_Other)) all) rhses end (* everything not a suffix rhs is less than the left hand end of a prefix/closefix *) val closed_lhses = find_prefix_lhses G fun insert_lhs_relns () = let val all = alltoks -- (EOS::closed_rhses) in app (fn lhs => app (fn t => insert ((t,false), lhs) (PM_LESS MS_Other)) all) closed_lhses end fun map_rule f [] = [] | map_rule f (x::xs) = let val rest = map_rule f xs val here = case x of INFIX (STD_infix (rules, _)) => map (f o rule_elements) rules | INFIX (FNAPP rules) => map (f o rule_elements) rules | SUFFIX (STD_suffix rules) => map (f o rule_elements) rules | PREFIX (STD_prefix rules) => map (f o rule_elements) rules | CLOSEFIX rules => map (f o rule_elements) rules | _ => [] in here @ rest end val last_rtok = first_rtok o List.rev val all_lhs = TypeColon::BOS::VS_cons::ResquanOpTok::Id:: map STD_HOL_TOK (fnapp_special::(map_rule first_rtok Grules)) val all_rhs = TypeTok::EndBinding::EOS::VS_cons::ResquanOpTok::Id:: map STD_HOL_TOK (fnapp_special::(map_rule last_rtok Grules)) (* Between things that are equal, the thing on the left is less than all possible left hand sides, and the thing on the right is greater than all possible right hand sides. *) fun calc_eqpairs() = List.mapPartial (fn (((t1,_),t2), v) => if v = PM_EQUAL then SOME (t1,t2) else NONE) (Polyhash.listItems matrix) fun terms_between_equals (k1, k2) = let in app (fn lhs => bi_insert (k1, lhs) (PM_LESS MS_Other)) all_lhs; app (fn rhs => bi_insert (rhs, k2) (PM_GREATER MS_Other)) all_rhs end (* now the tricky stuff where the precedence relation makes a difference *) (* if the rule might grab stuff to its left (is an infix or suffix), then add x > rule's left hand token for all x on right hand side of prefixes and infixes below if the rule might grab stuff to its right (is an infix or prefix) then add rule's right hand token < x for all x on left hand side of suffixes and infixes below *) fun rule_right (rr:rule_record) = case List.last (rule_elements rr) of TOK s => STD_HOL_TOK s | _ => raise Fail ("rule list is bogus for "^ #term_name rr) fun add2 v p = (p,v) fun right_grabbing_elements rule = case rule of INFIX(STD_infix(rules, _)) => map (add2 Ifx o rule_right) rules | INFIX RESQUAN_OP => [(ResquanOpTok,Ifx)] | INFIX(FNAPP rules) => (STD_HOL_TOK fnapp_special,Ifx) :: map (add2 Ifx o rule_right) rules | INFIX VSCONS => [(VS_cons,Ifx)] | PREFIX (BINDER _) => [(EndBinding,Pfx)] | PREFIX (STD_prefix rules) => map (add2 Pfx o rule_right) rules | _ => [] val GREATER' = PM_GREATER MS_Other val LESS' = PM_LESS MS_Other val EQUAL' = PM_EQUAL fun process_rule rule remainder = case rule of INFIX(STD_infix(rules, assoc)) => let val this_level_lefts = map rule_left rules val lower_rights = List.concat (map right_grabbing_elements remainder) val this_level_rights = map rule_right rules val lower_lefts = List.concat (map left_grabbing_elements remainder) (* for infix rules, also need to add precedence relations if there is associativity *) in app (fn lefttok => app (fn (lower_right,src) => insert ((lower_right,true), lefttok) (PM_GREATER src)) lower_rights) this_level_lefts; app (fn righttok => app (fn lower_left => insert ((righttok,true), lower_left) (PM_LESS Ifx)) lower_lefts) this_level_rights; case assoc of LEFT => let in app (fn right_tok => app (fn left_tok => insert ((right_tok,true), left_tok) (PM_GREATER Ifx)) this_level_lefts) this_level_rights end | RIGHT => let in app (fn right_tok => app (fn left_tok => insert ((right_tok,true), left_tok) (PM_LESS Ifx)) this_level_lefts) this_level_rights end | NONASSOC => () end | INFIX RESQUAN_OP => let val lower_rights = List.concat (map right_grabbing_elements remainder) val lower_lefts = List.concat (map left_grabbing_elements remainder) in app (fn lower_right => insert((#1 lower_right,true), ResquanOpTok) GREATER') lower_rights; app (fn lower_left => insert((ResquanOpTok,true), lower_left) LESS') lower_lefts end | PREFIX (STD_prefix rules) => let val this_level_rights = map rule_right rules val lower_lefts = List.concat (map left_grabbing_elements remainder) in app (fn right_tok => app (fn lower_left => insert ((right_tok,true), lower_left) (PM_LESS Pfx)) lower_lefts) this_level_rights end | PREFIX (BINDER _) => let val lower_lefts = List.concat (map left_grabbing_elements remainder) in app (fn lower_left => insert ((EndBinding,true),lower_left) LESS') lower_lefts end | SUFFIX TYPE_annotation => let val lower_rights = List.concat (map right_grabbing_elements remainder) in app (fn (lower_right,src) => insert ((lower_right,true), TypeColon) (PM_GREATER src)) lower_rights end | SUFFIX (STD_suffix rules) => let val lower_rights = List.concat (map right_grabbing_elements remainder) val lefts = map rule_left rules in app (fn left_tok => app (fn (lower_right,src) => insert ((lower_right,true), left_tok) (PM_GREATER src)) lower_rights) lefts end | INFIX (FNAPP rules) => let val lower_rights = List.concat (map right_grabbing_elements remainder) val lower_lefts = List.concat (map left_grabbing_elements remainder) val this_level_lefts = map rule_left rules val this_level_rights = map rule_right rules val fnapp = STD_HOL_TOK fnapp_special in app (fn lower_left => insert ((fnapp,true), lower_left) LESS') lower_lefts; app (fn lower_right => insert ((#1 lower_right,true), fnapp) GREATER') lower_rights; (* function application left associative *) insert ((fnapp,true), fnapp) GREATER'; app (fn other => insert ((other,true), fnapp) GREATER') this_level_rights; app (fn other => insert ((fnapp,true), other) GREATER') this_level_lefts; process_rule (INFIX(STD_infix (rules, LEFT))) remainder end | INFIX VSCONS => let val lower_rights = List.concat (map right_grabbing_elements remainder) val lower_lefts = List.concat (map left_grabbing_elements remainder) in app (fn lower_left => insert ((VS_cons,true), lower_left) LESS') lower_lefts; app (fn lower_right => insert ((#1 lower_right,true), VS_cons) GREATER') lower_rights; (* kind of non-associative *) insert ((VS_cons,true), VS_cons) EQUAL' end | _ => () fun apply_them_all f [] = () | apply_them_all f (x::xs) = (f x xs ; apply_them_all f xs) in app insert_eqs Grules ; insert ((BOS, true), EOS) EQUAL'; app terms_between_equals (calc_eqpairs()); (* these next equality pairs will never have terms interfering between them, so we can insert the equality relation between them after doing the above *) insert ((TypeColon,false), TypeTok) EQUAL'; app (fn b => insert ((STD_HOL_TOK b,true), EndBinding) EQUAL') (binders G); insert_rhs_relns () ; insert_lhs_relns () ; apply_them_all process_rule Grules; if (not (!complained_this_iteration)) then complained_already := false else (); matrix end (* string is name of term; list of pairs, is list of token-pairs between which a list style reduction is required *) type mini_lspec = {cons:string,nilstr:string,sep:string} datatype rsfixity = rsInfix | rsPrefix | rsClosefix | rsSuffix datatype rule_summary = RealRule of rsfixity * string (* keyed on, e.g., [TOK "let"; TM; TOK "in"; TM] *) | ListOnly of mini_lspec (* for lists that appear between tokens that are only a part of the rule. E.g., keyed on [TOK "let"; TOK "in"] *) fun summary_toString rs = case rs of RealRule (_, s) => s | ListOnly {cons,nilstr=n,...} => "List : {cons = "^cons^", nil = "^n^"}" (* in addition to all of the rules that you'd expect due to the infix, prefix, suffix and closefix operators, we also add rules for the nil singleton, and doubleton cases of the list rules. This increases efficiency for these relatively common cases, saving us an examination of the grammar when we come to do a reduction to spot whether a putative rhs is an instance of a list *) fun listTM_delimiters rels = case rels of [] => [] | [_] => [] | TOK tk1 :: ListTM lsp :: (rest as (TOK tk2 :: _)) => ([TOK tk1,TOK tk2], ListOnly lsp) :: listTM_delimiters rest | (_ :: rest) => listTM_delimiters rest fun de_listTM rels = map (fn ListTM _ => TM | x => x) rels fun infix_rule (rels, nm) = (mkrels_infix (de_listTM rels), RealRule(rsInfix, nm)) fun prefix_rule (rels,nm) = (mkrels_prefix (de_listTM rels), RealRule(rsPrefix, nm)) fun closefix_rule (rels,nm) = (mkrels_closefix (de_listTM rels), RealRule(rsClosefix, nm)) fun suffix_rule (rels,nm) = (mkrels_suffix (de_listTM rels), RealRule(rsSuffix, nm)) fun mk_ruledb (G:grammar) = let val Grules = term_grammar.grammar_rules G val table:(rule_element list, rule_summary)Binarymap.dict ref = Polyhash.mkDict (Lib.list_compare RE_compare) fun insert_rule mkfix (rr:rule_record) = let val rels = term_grammar.rule_elements (#elements rr) val nm = #term_name rr in (Polyhash.insert table (mkfix (rels,nm)); (Polyhash.insert table) (listTM_delimiters rels)) end fun addrule rule = case rule of INFIX (STD_infix(rules, _)) => app (insert_rule infix_rule) rules | INFIX RESQUAN_OP => () | INFIX VSCONS => () | INFIX (FNAPP rules) => let in Polyhash.insert table (mkrels_infix [TOK fnapp_special], RealRule(rsInfix, fnapp_special)); app (insert_rule infix_rule) rules end | PREFIX (STD_prefix rules) => app (insert_rule prefix_rule) rules | PREFIX (BINDER s) => () | SUFFIX (STD_suffix rules) => app (insert_rule suffix_rule) rules | SUFFIX TYPE_annotation => () | CLOSEFIX rules => app (insert_rule closefix_rule) rules in app addrule Grules; table end fun mwhile B C = B >- (fn b => if b then C >> mwhile B C else ok) fun mif B C = B >- (fn b => if b then C else ok) datatype 'a stack_item = Terminal of stack_terminal | NonTerminal of 'a preterm | NonTermVS of 'a varstruct locn.located list fun is_terminal (Terminal _,_) = true | is_terminal _ = false fun dest_terminal (Terminal x,_) = x | dest_terminal _ = raise Fail "dest_terminal not called on terminal" fun is_nonterm t = not (is_terminal t) datatype 'a lookahead_item = Token of 'a term_token | PreType of Pretype.pretype | LA_Symbol of stack_terminal datatype vsres_state = VSRES_Normal | VSRES_VS | VSRES_RESTM datatype 'a PStack = PStack of {stack : ('a stack_item locn.located * 'a lookahead_item) list, lookahead : 'a lookahead_item locn.located list, in_vstruct : (vsres_state * int) list} (* dummy lookahead token *) val XXX = Token (Ident "XXX") fun pstack (PStack {stack, ...}) = stack fun upd_stack (PStack {stack, lookahead, in_vstruct}) new = PStack{stack = new, lookahead = lookahead, in_vstruct = in_vstruct} fun pla (PStack{lookahead,...}) = lookahead fun upd_la (PStack {stack, lookahead, in_vstruct}) new = PStack{stack = stack, lookahead = new, in_vstruct = in_vstruct} fun invstructp0 (PStack{in_vstruct,...}) = in_vstruct fun fupd_hd f [] = [] | fupd_hd f (x::xs) = f x :: xs fun fupd_fst f (x,y) = (f x, y) fun fupd_snd f (x,y) = (x, f y) fun fupd_vs0 f (PStack{in_vstruct,lookahead,stack}) = PStack{stack = stack, lookahead = lookahead, in_vstruct = f in_vstruct} fun invstructp (cs, p) = Some ((cs, p), invstructp0 p) fun inc_paren (cs, p) = Some ((cs, fupd_vs0 (fupd_hd (fupd_snd (fn n => n + 1))) p), ()) fun dec_paren (cs, p) = Some ((cs, fupd_vs0 (fupd_hd (fupd_snd (fn n => n - 1))) p), ()) fun enter_binder (cs,p) = Some ((cs, fupd_vs0 (fn rest => (VSRES_VS, 0)::rest) p), ()) fun enter_restm (cs, p) = Some ((cs, fupd_vs0 (fupd_hd (fupd_fst (K VSRES_RESTM))) p), ()) fun leave_restm (cs, p) = Some ((cs, fupd_vs0 (fupd_hd (fupd_fst (K VSRES_VS))) p), ()) fun leave_binder (cs, p) = Some ((cs, fupd_vs0 tl p), ()) fun push_pstack p i = upd_stack p (i::pstack p) fun top_pstack p = hd (pstack p) fun pop_pstack p = upd_stack p (tl (pstack p)) fun push t (cs, p) = Some ((cs, push_pstack p t), ()) fun topterm (cs, p) = case List.find (is_terminal o #1) (pstack p) of NONE => Error (noloc "No terminal in stack") | SOME x => Some((cs,p), x) fun pop (cs, p) = Some ((cs, pop_pstack p), top_pstack p) handle Empty => Error (noloc "pop: empty stack") fun getstack (cs, p) = Some ((cs, p), pstack p) fun set_la tt (cs, p) = Some ((cs, upd_la p tt), ()) fun current_la (cs, p) = Some ((cs, p), pla p) fun findpos P [] = NONE | findpos P (x::xs) = if P x then SOME(0,x) else (fn (n,x) => (n + 1, x)) (findpos P xs) fun get_case_info (G : grammar) = let fun extract_tok(ppel,acc) = case ppel of RE (TOK s) => s :: acc | PPBlock (ppels, _) => List.foldl extract_tok acc ppels | _ => acc fun extract_toks ppels = List.rev (List.foldl extract_tok [] ppels) fun rr_foldthis ({term_name,elements,...}, acc) = if GrammarSpecials.is_case_special term_name then case Binarymap.peek(acc, term_name) of NONE => Binarymap.insert(acc, term_name, [extract_toks elements]) | SOME els => Binarymap.insert(acc, term_name, extract_toks elements :: els) else acc fun foldthis (gr, acc) = case gr of PREFIX (STD_prefix rrs) => List.foldl rr_foldthis acc rrs | _ => acc val candidates = List.foldl foldthis (Binarymap.mkDict (grammar_rules G) val error_case = {casebar = NONE, casecase = NONE, caseof = NONE} fun mapthis (cspecial, candidates) = case Listsort.sort (flip_cmp (measure_cmp length)) candidates of [] => error_case | toks :: _ => let in if length toks <> 4 orelse last toks <> last (butlast toks) then error_case else {casebar = SOME (last toks), casecase = SOME (hd toks), caseof = SOME (hd (tl toks))} end val specials_to_toks = mapthis candidates val toks_to_specials = let fun foldthis (k,r,acc) = case #casecase r of NONE => acc | SOME tok => (case Binarymap.peek(acc,tok) of NONE => Binarymap.insert(acc,tok,k) | SOME k' => raise Fail ("Tok \"" ^ tok ^ "\" maps to case specials " ^ valOf (dest_case_special k) ^ " and " ^ valOf (dest_case_special k'))) in Binarymap.foldl foldthis (Binarymap.mkDict specials_to_toks end in (specials_to_toks, toks_to_specials) end fun parse_term (G : grammar) (typeparser : term qbuf -> Pretype.pretype) = let val Grules = grammar_rules G val {type_intro, lambda, endbinding, restr_binders, res_quanop} = specials G val num_info = numeral_info G val overload_info = overload_info G val (casespec_to_tok, casetok_to_spec) = get_case_info G val closed_lefts = find_prefix_lhses G val left_grabbers = List.concat (map left_grabbing_elements Grules) val fnapp_closed_lefts = Lib.subtract closed_lefts left_grabbers val _ = isSome (findpos (fn (SUFFIX TYPE_annotation) => true | _ => false) Grules) orelse raise Fail "Grammar must allow type annotation" val prec_matrix = mk_prec_matrix G val rule_db = mk_ruledb G val is_binder = is_binder G val binder_table = let fun recurse (r, acc) = case r of PREFIX (BINDER blist) => let fun irec (b, acc) = case b of LAMBDA => acc | BinderString {term_name, tok, ...} => Binarymap.insert(acc,tok,term_name) in List.foldl irec acc blist end | _ => acc in List.foldl recurse (Binarymap.mkDict Grules end fun term_name_for_binder s = Binarymap.find(binder_table,s) val grammar_tokens = term_grammar.grammar_tokens G val lex = let val specials = endbinding::grammar_tokens @ term_grammar.known_constants G val ttlex = term_tokens.lex specials in fn (qb, ps) => case ttlex qb of NONE => Error (noloc "Token-lexing failed") | SOME t => Some ((qb, ps), t) end fun lifted_typeparser (qb, ps) = Some ((qb, ps), typeparser qb) val keyword_table = HOLset.addList(HOLset.empty, grammar_tokens) (* transform takes an input token (of the sort that comes out of the lexer), and turns it into a token of the sort used internally by the parser. *) fun transform (in_vs as (vs_state, nparens)) (t:'a lookahead_item locn.located option) = case t of NONE => (EOS, locn.Loc_None, NONE) | SOME (tt as Token x,locn) => let in case x of Ident s => if String.sub(s,0) = #"$" andalso CharVector.exists (not o equal #"$") s then let val locn = locn.move_start 1 locn in (Id, locn, SOME (Token (Ident (String.extract(s,1,NONE))))) end else if s = res_quanop andalso vs_state = VSRES_VS then (ResquanOpTok, locn, SOME tt) else if s = type_intro then (TypeColon, locn, SOME tt) else if s = vs_cons_special then (VS_cons, locn, SOME tt) else if s = endbinding andalso nparens = 0 andalso vs_state <> VSRES_Normal then (EndBinding, locn, SOME tt) else if HOLset.member(keyword_table, s) then (STD_HOL_TOK s, locn, SOME tt) else (Id, locn, SOME tt) | Antiquote _ => (Id, locn, SOME tt) | Numeral _ => (Id, locn, SOME tt) | Fraction _ => (Id, locn, SOME tt) | QIdent _ => (Id, locn, SOME tt) end | SOME (tt as PreType ty,locn) => (TypeTok, locn, SOME tt) | SOME (tt as LA_Symbol st,locn) => (st, locn, SOME tt) (* find the initial segment of the stack such that all of the segment has the equality relation between components and such that the first element not in the segment is less than than the last one in the segment *) (* NB: the FAILloc invocations in this function raise Failloc exceptions that are trapped at the bottom of the perform_reduction function *) fun find_reduction stack = case stack of [] => raise Fail "find_reduction: stack empty!" | [_] => raise Fail "find_reduction: stack singleton!" | ((t1 as ((Terminal x1,x1locn), _))::rest) => let in case rest of [] => FAILloc x1locn "find_reduction : impossible" | (((Terminal x2,x2locn), _)::_) => let val res = valOf (Polyhash.peek prec_matrix ((x2,false),x1)) handle Option => FAILloc (locn.between x2locn x1locn) ("No relation between "^STtoString G x2^" and "^ STtoString G x1) in case res of PM_LESS _ => [t1] | PM_EQUAL => (t1::find_reduction rest) | PM_LG _ => [t1] (* must be a less, because a greater is impossible *) | PM_GREATER _ => FAILloc (locn.between x2locn x1locn) "find_reduction: found a greater on stack" end | ((t2 as ((_,t2locn),_))::rest2) => let (* t2 is a non-terminal, whether VS or not *) in case rest2 of [] => FAILloc t2locn "find_reduction : nonterminal at stack base!" | (((Terminal x2,x2locn), _)::_) => let val res = valOf (Polyhash.peek prec_matrix ((x2,true), x1)) handle Option => FAILloc (locn.between x2locn t2locn) ("No relation between "^STtoString G x2^" and "^ STtoString G x1) in case res of PM_LESS _ => [t1,t2] | PM_EQUAL => t1::t2::find_reduction rest2 | PM_LG _ => [t1,t2] | PM_GREATER _ => FAILloc (locn.between x2locn t2locn) "find_reduction: greater on stack!" end | (((_,locn),_)::_) => FAILloc (locn.between locn t2locn) "find_reduction 2 NTs!" end end | (t1::rest) => t1::find_reduction rest (* t1 a non-terminal *) (* given an initial segment of the stack that corresponds to a reduction, determine whether or not this corresponds to a rule, and if it does pull the tokens of the stack and replace them with the right non-terminal *) fun perform_reduction rhs = let fun ok_item ((Terminal (STD_HOL_TOK _),_), _) = true | ok_item ((NonTerminal _,_), _) = true | ok_item _ = false (* If the RHS is for a list, then what follows is only called on what will be list RHSes of length greater than two, as smaller lists will have been caught by the insertion of these rules specifically into the DB. *) datatype rule_possibility = Normal of (rsfixity * string) | CaseRule of string fun handle_case_reduction lrlocn pattern = let val errmsg = "No rule for "^ listtoString reltoString pattern fun fail() = FAILloc lrlocn errmsg fun badcase() = FAILloc lrlocn "Mal-formed case expression" fun tokstring x = case x of TOK s => SOME s | _ => NONE val poss_left = case hd pattern of TOK x => x | _ => fail() in case Binarymap.peek(casetok_to_spec, poss_left) of SOME cspec => let val {casecase,casebar,caseof} = Binarymap.find(casespec_to_tok,cspec) fun bars_ok l = case l of [TM] => true | TM :: TOK s :: rest => SOME s = casebar andalso bars_ok rest | _ => false fun case_ok l = case l of TM :: TOK ofs :: TOK s :: rest => let in SOME ofs = caseof andalso SOME s = casebar andalso bars_ok rest end | TM :: TOK ofs :: rest => SOME ofs = caseof andalso bars_ok rest | _ => false in if case_ok (tl pattern) then CaseRule cspec else badcase() end | NONE => fail() end fun checkcase r = case r of RealRule (r0 as (fx, s)) => if fx = rsPrefix andalso GrammarSpecials.is_case_special s then CaseRule s else Normal r0 | ListOnly _ => raise Fail "checkcase: found ListOnly" in if List.all ok_item rhs then let (* it's important to remember that the left end of the possible RHS might have looked like TOK s1 -- TM -- TOK s2, and that in this case there will be s1 < s2 in the precedence matrix, but that TM will always have been popped in this case. This may or may not be appropriate. If the RHS is a suffix thing or an infix, then that TM is part of the reduction, otherwise it isn't, and should be left on the stack. Below, the variable top_was_tm is true if a TM was popped in this way. *) (* NB: terminology: each stack item is either a TM (=term, i.e., nonterminal) or a TOK (=token, i.e., terminal). *) fun stack_item_to_rule_element (Terminal (STD_HOL_TOK s),_) = TOK s | stack_item_to_rule_element (NonTerminal _,_) = TM | stack_item_to_rule_element (_,locn) = FAILloc locn "perform_reduction: gak!" val ((_,rlocn),_) = List.hd rhs val rhs = List.rev rhs val translated_rhs = map (stack_item_to_rule_element o #1) rhs val ((_,llocn),_) = List.hd rhs val lrlocn = locn.between llocn rlocn val top_was_tm = hd translated_rhs = TM fun lrcheck (s1,s2) = case Polyhash.peek rule_db [TOK s1, TOK s2] of SOME (ListOnly lsp) => SOME lsp | _ => NONE val listredns = check_for_listreductions lrcheck translated_rhs val (listfixed_rhs, lspinfo) = remove_listrels listredns translated_rhs val rule = case Polyhash.peek rule_db listfixed_rhs of NONE => if top_was_tm then let val drop1 = tl listfixed_rhs in case Polyhash.peek rule_db drop1 of NONE => handle_case_reduction lrlocn drop1 | SOME r => checkcase r end else handle_case_reduction lrlocn listfixed_rhs | SOME r => checkcase r val ignore_top_item = case rule of Normal (rsInfix, _) => false | Normal (rsSuffix, _) => false | _ => top_was_tm (* rhs' is the actual stack segment matched by the rule, and llocn' is its left edge, unlike rhs and llocn which may contain a spurious TM on the left *) val rhs' = if ignore_top_item then tl rhs else rhs val ((_,llocn'),_) = List.hd rhs' val lrlocn' = locn.between llocn' rlocn fun seglocs xs als mal = (* extract TM items, and locations of right edges of maximal initial segments containing them *) case (xs,mal) of ((((NonTerminal p,locn),_)::xs), NONE) => seglocs xs als (SOME((p,locn),locn)) | ((((NonTerminal p,locn),_)::xs), SOME al) => seglocs xs (al::als) (SOME((p,locn),locn)) | ((((_ ,locn),_)::xs), NONE ) => seglocs xs als mal | ((((_ ,locn),_)::xs), SOME (pl,_)) => seglocs xs als (SOME(pl,locn)) | ([], NONE) => List.rev als | ([], SOME al) => List.rev (al::als) val args_w_seglocs0 = seglocs rhs' [] NONE fun CCOMB((x,locn),y) = (COMB(y,x),locn.between (#2 y) locn) fun process_lspinfos A i lspis args = case lspis of [] => List.revAppend(A,args) | ({cons,nilstr,...}, is) :: more_lsps => let fun mk_list [] = ((VAR nilstr,rlocn), rlocn) | mk_list ((lpt,l)::xs) = let val (ptl, locn) = mk_list xs in ((COMB((COMB((VAR cons,#2 lpt), lpt), #2 lpt), ptl), locn), locn.between (#2 lpt) rlocn) end in case is of [] => process_lspinfos (mk_list []::A) i more_lsps args | i1 :: _ => if i1 = i then let val (listtms, rest) = Lib.split_after (length is) args in process_lspinfos (mk_list listtms :: A) (i + length is) more_lsps rest end else process_lspinfos (hd args :: A) (i + 1) lspis (tl args) end val args_w_seglocs = process_lspinfos [] 0 lspinfo args_w_seglocs0 val newterm = case rule of Normal (_, s) => if term_name_is_lform s then if length args_w_seglocs <> 1 then raise Fail "seglocs extraction: rule with more than one TM" else #1 (hd (args_w_seglocs)) else List.foldl CCOMB (VAR s,llocn') args_w_seglocs | CaseRule cs => let fun mkcase1 ((t,loc),_) = (COMB((VAR cs, loc), (t,loc)), loc) fun mkbar(((t,loc),_),acc) = (COMB((COMB((QIDENT("bool", GrammarSpecials.case_split_special), loc), (t,loc)), loc), acc), locn.between loc rlocn) in (COMB(mkcase1 (hd args_w_seglocs), List.foldr mkbar (#1 (last (tl args_w_seglocs))) (butlast (tl args_w_seglocs))), lrlocn) end in repeatn (length rhs') pop >> push ((NonTerminal (#1 newterm),lrlocn'), XXX) (* lrlocn: force location to entire RHS, including tokens *) end else case rhs of (((Terminal Id,locn), tt as Token (Antiquote a))::_) => let in pop >> invstructp >- (fn inv => if #1 (hd inv) = VSRES_VS then push ((NonTermVS [(VS_AQ a,locn)],locn), tt) else push ((NonTerminal (AQ a),locn), tt)) end | (((Terminal Id,locn), Token tt)::_) => let exception Temp of string val mk_numeral = Literal.gen_mk_numeral {mk_comb = fn (x,y) => (COMB(x,y),locn), ZERO = (QIDENT ("num" , "0" ),locn), ALT_ZERO = (QIDENT ("arithmetic", "ZERO" ),locn), NUMERAL = (QIDENT ("arithmetic", "NUMERAL"),locn), BIT1 = (QIDENT ("arithmetic", "BIT1") ,locn), BIT2 = (QIDENT ("arithmetic", "BIT2") ,locn)} fun inject_np NONE t = t | inject_np (SOME s) t = (COMB((VAR s,locn), t),locn) in pop >> invstructp >- (fn inv => let val thing_to_push = case (#1 (hd inv), tt) of (VSRES_VS, Numeral _) => let in raise Temp "can't have numerals in binding positions" end | (VSRES_VS, Fraction _) => let in raise Temp "can't have fractions in binding positions" end | (_, Fraction{wholepart,fracpart,places}) => let val _ = not (null num_info) orelse raise Temp "No fractions/numerals allowed" val ten = Arbnum.fromInt 10 val denominator = Arbnum.pow(ten, Arbnum.fromInt places) val numerator = Arbnum.+(Arbnum.*(denominator,wholepart), fracpart) val mknum = inject_np (SOME fromNum_str) o mk_numeral in liftlocn NonTerminal (COMB((COMB((VAR decimal_fraction_special, locn.Loc_None), mknum numerator), locn.Loc_None), mknum denominator), locn) end | (_, Numeral(dp, copt)) => let val numeral_part = mk_numeral dp in case copt of SOME c => let val injector = List.find (fn (k,v) => k = c) num_info in case injector of NONE => let in raise Temp ("Invalid suffix " ^ str c ^ " for numeral") end | SOME (_, strop) => liftlocn NonTerminal (inject_np strop numeral_part) end | NONE => if null num_info then if dp = then (WARN "term_parser" ("\n 0 treated specially and allowed - "^ "no other numerals permitted"); liftlocn NonTerminal (inject_np NONE numeral_part)) else raise Temp "No numerals currently allowed" else let val fns = fromNum_str in if Overload.is_overloaded overload_info fns then liftlocn NonTerminal (inject_np (SOME fns) numeral_part) else raise Temp ("No overloadings exist for "^fns^ ": use character suffix for \ \numerals") (* NonTerminal (inject_np (#2 (hd num_info))) *) end end | (VSRES_VS, _) => (NonTermVS [(SIMPLE (token_string tt),locn)],locn) | (_, QIdent x) => (NonTerminal (QIDENT x),locn) | _ => (NonTerminal (VAR (token_string tt)),locn) (* tt is not an antiquote because of the wider context; antiquotes are dealt with in the wider case statement above *) in push (thing_to_push, Token tt) end handle Temp s => (WARNloc "parse_term" locn s; error (WARNloc_string locn s))) end | (((Terminal TypeTok,rlocn), PreType ty)::((Terminal TypeColon,_), _):: ((NonTerminal t,llocn), _)::rest) => let in repeatn 3 pop >> push ((NonTerminal (TYPED ((t,llocn), (ty,rlocn))), locn.between llocn rlocn), XXX) end | (((Terminal TypeTok,rlocn), PreType ty)::((Terminal TypeColon,_), _):: ((NonTermVS vsl,llocn), _)::rest) => let in repeatn 3 pop >> push ((NonTermVS (map (fn (v as (_,locn)) => (TYPEDV(v,(ty,rlocn)),locn)) vsl), locn.between llocn rlocn), XXX) end | [((Terminal TypeTok,rlocn), PreType ty), ((Terminal TypeColon,_), _)] => let val nonterm0 = (QIDENT("bool", "the_value"), rlocn) val type_annotation = (Pretype.Tyop{Thy="bool", Tyop = "itself", Args = [ty]}, rlocn) in pop >> pop >> push ((NonTerminal (TYPED(nonterm0, type_annotation)), rlocn), XXX) end | (((NonTerminal t,rlocn), _)::((Terminal EndBinding,_), _):: ((NonTermVS vsl,_), _)::((Terminal (STD_HOL_TOK binder),llocn), _):: rest) => let exception Urk of string in let fun has_resq (v,_) = case v of VPAIR(v1, v2) => has_resq v1 orelse has_resq v2 | TYPEDV(v0, ty) => has_resq v0 | RESTYPEDV _ => true | _ => false fun has_tupled_resq (VPAIR(v1, v2),_) = has_resq v1 orelse has_resq v2 | has_tupled_resq (TYPEDV(v0, _),_) = has_tupled_resq v0 | has_tupled_resq (RESTYPEDV(v0, _),_) = has_tupled_resq v0 | has_tupled_resq _ = false fun ERROR s1 s2 = Urk (s1^": "^s2) fun extract_resq (v,_) = case v of TYPEDV (v0, _) => extract_resq v0 | RESTYPEDV(v0, t) => let val sub_resq = extract_resq v0 in case sub_resq of NONE => SOME(v0, t) | SOME _ => raise ERROR "parse_term" "Can't have double restricted quantification" end | _ => NONE fun comb_abs_fn(v,t) = let val binder = term_name_for_binder binder in if has_tupled_resq v then raise ERROR "parse_term" "Can't have restricted quantification on nested \ \arguments" else case extract_resq v of NONE => (COMB((VAR binder,llocn), (ABS(v, t),locn.between (#2 v) (#2 t))), locn.between llocn rlocn) | SOME (v',P) => let in (COMB((COMB((VAR (Lib.assoc (SOME binder) restr_binders), llocn), P),locn.between llocn (#2 P)), (ABS(v', t),locn.between (#2 v') (#2 t))), locn.between llocn rlocn) handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ => raise ERROR "parse_term" ("No restricted quantifier associated \ \with " ^binder) end end fun abs_fn (v,t) = if has_tupled_resq v then raise ERROR "parse_term" "Can't have restricted quantification on \ \nested arguments" else case extract_resq v of NONE => (ABS(v,t),locn.between llocn rlocn) | SOME(v', P) => (COMB((COMB((VAR (Lib.assoc NONE restr_binders),llocn), P), locn.between llocn (#2 P)), (ABS(v', t),locn.between (#2 v') (#2 t))), locn.between llocn rlocn) handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ => raise ERROR "parse_term" "No restricted quantifier associated \ \with lambda" val vsl = List.rev vsl val abs_t = List.foldr (if mem binder lambda then abs_fn else comb_abs_fn) (t,rlocn) vsl in repeatn 4 pop >> push (liftlocn NonTerminal abs_t, XXX) end handle Urk s => (WARNloc "parse_term" (locn.between llocn rlocn) s; error (WARNloc_string (locn.between llocn rlocn) s)) end | (((Terminal(STD_HOL_TOK ")"),rlocn), _)::(vsl as ((NonTermVS _,_),_)):: ((Terminal(STD_HOL_TOK "("),llocn), _)::rest) => let in (* need a rule here because 1. a NonTermVS makes this a non-standard rule; and 2. bracket-removal in the remove_specials code won't see the parentheses in the binding "var-struct" position *) repeatn 3 pop >> push vsl (* don't bother expanding locn; would add no useful info *) end | (((NonTermVS vsl1,rlocn), _)::((Terminal(STD_HOL_TOK ","),_), _):: ((NonTermVS vsl2,llocn), _)::rest) => let val lrlocn = locn.between llocn rlocn in if length vsl1 <> 1 orelse length vsl2 <> 1 then let val msg = "Can't have lists of atoms as arguments to , in binder" in (WARNloc "parse_term" lrlocn msg; error (WARNloc_string lrlocn msg)) end else repeatn 3 pop >> push ((NonTermVS [(VPAIR(hd vsl2, hd vsl1),lrlocn)],lrlocn), XXX) end | (((NonTerminal t,rlocn), _)::((Terminal ResquanOpTok,_), _):: ((NonTermVS vsl,llocn), _)::rest) => let in repeatn 3 pop >> push ((NonTermVS (map (fn (v as (_,locn))=> (RESTYPEDV(v,(t,rlocn)),locn)) vsl), locn.between llocn rlocn), XXX) >> leave_restm end | _ => let fun is_vcons_list [] = false | is_vcons_list [x] = false | is_vcons_list (((NonTermVS _,_), _)::((Terminal VS_cons,_), _)::rest) = let in case rest of [((NonTermVS _,_),_)] => true | _ => is_vcons_list rest end | is_vcons_list _ = false fun get_vsls ((NonTermVS vsl,_), _) = SOME vsl | get_vsls _ = NONE val ((_,rlocn),_) = List.hd rhs val ((_,llocn),_) = List.last rhs val lrlocn = locn.between llocn rlocn in if is_vcons_list rhs then repeatn (length rhs) pop >> push ((NonTermVS(List.concat (List.mapPartial get_vsls rhs)), lrlocn), XXX) else (WARNloc "parse_term" lrlocn "Can't do this sort of reduction"; error (WARNloc_string lrlocn "Can't do this sort of reduction")) end end handle Failloc (loc,s) => (if !syntax_error_trace then (print (locn.toString loc); print ":\n"; print s; print "\n") else (); error (WARNloc_string loc s)) val do_reduction = getstack >- (return o find_reduction) >- perform_reduction fun el2list x = [x] (* calls the lexer and puts the result onto the lookahead list *) val get_item = (lex >- set_la o el2list o liftlocn Token) ++ (set_la []) (* takes the top (first) terminal from the lookahead list (there is assumed to be one), and transfers it to the stack. If this empties the lookahead list, then this is replenished by calling the appropriate lexer *) val shift = current_la >- (fn la => invstructp >- (return o hd) >- (fn in_vs => case la of [] => error (noloc "No lookahead") | (x0::xs) => let val (terminal,locn,x) = transform in_vs (SOME x0) in push ((Terminal terminal,locn), valOf x) >> (if null xs then get_item else set_la xs) >> (case terminal of STD_HOL_TOK s => if is_binder s then enter_binder else if s = "(" andalso #1 in_vs <> VSRES_Normal then inc_paren else if s = ")" andalso #1 in_vs <> VSRES_Normal then dec_paren else ok | ResquanOpTok => enter_restm | EndBinding => leave_binder | _ => ok) end)) fun doit (tt, (top_item, top_token), in_vs) = let val (input_term, itlocn, _) = transform (hd in_vs) tt val top = dest_terminal top_item val toplocn = #2 top_item val ttt = Terminal input_term fun check_for_fnapp_insert stack = (* if the next thing in the lookahead might begin a whole new phrase, i.e. is a closed lhs, and the top thing on the stack is a non-terminal then we should insert the magical function application operator *) case stack of ((NonTerminal _,locn), _)::_ => let val fnt = (LA_Symbol (STD_HOL_TOK fnapp_special),locn.Loc_Near locn) in if mem input_term fnapp_closed_lefts then current_la >- (fn oldla => set_la (fnt::oldla)) else qfail end | ((NonTermVS _,locn), _) :: _ => let val fnt = (LA_Symbol VS_cons,locn.Loc_Near locn) in if mem input_term fnapp_closed_lefts then current_la >- (fn oldla => set_la (fnt::oldla)) else qfail end | _ => qfail (* a "paren escape" is a CAML style escaping of what would otherwise be a special token by parenthesising it. Thus (/\) instead of $/\. The analysis is done at this level rather than inside the lexer to allow for white-space etc. People will have to write ( * ) to escape the multiplication symbol, because without the space, it will look like a comment *) val check_for_paren_escape = let fun require (s:string option) = getstack >- (fn [] => error (noloc "Stack empty") | (tt :: _ ) => let in case tt of ((Terminal (STD_HOL_TOK s'),locn), _) => let in case s of NONE => pop >> return (s',locn) | SOME s'' => if s' = s'' then pop >> return (s',locn) else error (WARNloc_string locn ("Expected "^s''^", found "^s')) end | _ => error (noloc "Expected a terminal") end) in if input_term = STD_HOL_TOK ")" then require NONE >- (fn (s,_) => if s = ")" orelse s = "(" then qfail (* don't want to paren-escape "())" or "(()" *) else require (SOME "(") >- (fn (_,locn) => let val lrlocn = locn.between locn itlocn in shift >> pop >> (if is_binder s then leave_binder else return ()) >> invstructp >- (return o #1 o hd) >- (fn vstate => if vstate <> VSRES_VS then push ((NonTerminal (VAR s),lrlocn), XXX) else push ((NonTermVS [(SIMPLE s,lrlocn)],lrlocn), XXX)) end )) else qfail end fun top_might_be_infix stk = case stk of ((NonTerminal _, _), _) :: ((Terminal _, _), _) :: ((NonTerminal _, _), _) :: _ => true | _ => false val usual_action = let fun get_topntp stk = case stk of [] => return (false,stk) | ((Terminal _,_), _) :: _ => return (false,stk) | _ => return (true,stk) fun check_order (topntp,stk) = case Polyhash.peek prec_matrix ((top,topntp), input_term) of NONE => let val msg = "Don't expect to find a "^STtoString G input_term^ " in this position after a "^STtoString G top^"\n"^ locn.toString itlocn^" and " ^ locn.toString toplocn^".\n" in if !syntax_error_trace then print msg else (); error (msg, toplocn) end | SOME order => let fun byorder GREATER = do_reduction | byorder _ = shift in case mx_order order of SOME x => byorder x | NONE => let val (pfx,ifx) = case order of PM_LG {pfx,ifx} => (pfx,ifx) | _ => raise Fail "parse_term: check_order invariant fail" in if top_might_be_infix stk then byorder ifx else byorder pfx end end in check_for_paren_escape ++ (getstack >- check_for_fnapp_insert) ++ (getstack >- get_topntp >- check_order) end in case input_term of TypeColon => let (* behaviour has to be slightly tricksy in this case: - we need to make sure that the next thing that appears in the stream of tokens is a complete type. - The way we do this is by calling the type parser on the remaining input stream and putting the result into the lookahead list behind the colon. - We only do this once, so the following action checks to see that the lookahead list is only one long, otherwise it can do the normal action *) fun action_on_la la = case la of [x as (_,locn)] => lifted_typeparser >- (fn ty => set_la [x, (PreType ty,locn.Loc_Near locn)]) (* TODO: if lifted_typeparser returned a location, use that *) | _ => usual_action in current_la >- action_on_la end | STD_HOL_TOK s => usual_action | _ => usual_action end val current_input = current_la >- (fn lal => (* lookahead list *) if null lal then return NONE else return (SOME (hd lal))) val basic_action = current_input >- (fn tt (* term token *) => topterm >- (fn top => invstructp >- (fn invs => doit (tt, top, invs)))) fun notBOS (Terminal BOS) = false | notBOS _ = true in push ((Terminal BOS,locn.Loc_None), XXX) >> get_item >> mwhile (current_input >- (fn optt => if (isSome optt) then return true else topterm >- (fn t => return (notBOS (#1 (#1 t)))))) basic_action end val initial_pstack = PStack {stack = [], lookahead = [], in_vstruct = [(VSRES_Normal, 0)]} fun is_final_pstack p = case p of PStack {stack = [((NonTerminal pt,_), _), ((Terminal BOS,_), _)], lookahead = [], in_vstruct = [(VSRES_Normal, 0)]} => true | _ => false val recupd_errstring = "Record list must have (fld := value) or (fld updated_by f) elements only" fun to_vabsyn vs = case vs of (SIMPLE x,locn) => Absyn.VIDENT (locn,x) | (VPAIR(v1,v2),locn) => Absyn.VPAIR(locn,to_vabsyn v1, to_vabsyn v2) | (TYPEDV(v,(ty,_)),locn) => Absyn.VTYPED(locn,to_vabsyn v, ty) | (VS_AQ x,locn) => Absyn.VAQ (locn,x) | (RESTYPEDV _,locn) => raise ParseTermError ("Attempt to convert a vstruct still containing a RESTYPEDV",locn) fun remove_specials t = case #1 t of COMB (t1, t2) => let open Absyn in case #1 t1 of VAR s => if s = bracket_special then remove_specials t2 else APP(#2 t, IDENT (#2 t1,s), remove_specials t2) | COMB ((VAR s,slocn), f) => let in if s = fnapp_special then APP(#2 t, remove_specials f, remove_specials t2) else if s = recsel_special then case #1 t2 of VAR fldname => APP(#2 t, IDENT (#2 t2, recsel_special ^ fldname), remove_specials f) | _ => raise ParseTermError ("Record selection must have single id to right \ \(possibly non-integer numeric literal)",#2 t2) else if s = reccons_special then remove_recupdate (#2 t) f t2 (QIDENT (locn.Loc_None,"bool", "ARB")) else if s = recwith_special then remove_recupdate' (#2 t) t2 (remove_specials f) else if s = recupd_special orelse s = recfupd_special then raise ParseTermError ("May not use record update functions at top level \ \(possibly missing semicolon)",slocn) else APP(#2 t, remove_specials t1, remove_specials t2) end | _ => APP(#2 t, remove_specials t1, remove_specials t2) end | ABS(v, t2) => Absyn.LAM(#2 t, to_vabsyn v, remove_specials t2) | TYPED(t, (ty,_)) => Absyn.TYPED(#2 t, remove_specials t, ty) | VAR s => Absyn.IDENT(#2 t, s) | QIDENT(x,y) => Absyn.QIDENT(#2 t, x, y) | AQ x => Absyn.AQ(#2 t, x) and remove_recupdate locn upd1 updates bottom = let open Absyn in case #1 upd1 of COMB((COMB((VAR s,slocn), (VAR fld,_)),sflocn), newvalue) => let in if s = recfupd_special then APP(locn, APP(#2 upd1, IDENT (sflocn,s^fld), remove_specials newvalue), remove_recupdate' (#2 updates) updates bottom) else if s = recupd_special then APP(locn, APP(#2 upd1, IDENT (sflocn, recfupd_special^fld), APP(locn.Loc_None, QIDENT(locn.Loc_None, "combin", "K"), remove_specials newvalue)), remove_recupdate' (#2 updates) updates bottom) else raise ParseTermError (recupd_errstring,slocn) end | _ => raise ParseTermError (recupd_errstring,#2 upd1) end and remove_recupdate' locn updatelist bottom = let open Absyn in case #1 updatelist of VAR s => if s = recnil_special then bottom else raise ParseTermError (recupd_errstring,#2 updatelist) | COMB((COMB((VAR s,slocn), upd1),sflocn), updates) => let in if s = reccons_special then remove_recupdate locn upd1 updates bottom else if s = recupd_special orelse s = recfupd_special then case #1 upd1 of VAR fldname => if s = recfupd_special then APP(locn,APP(#2 upd1, IDENT (sflocn,s^fldname), remove_specials updates), bottom) else APP(locn,APP(#2 upd1, IDENT (sflocn, recfupd_special^fldname), APP(locn.Loc_None, QIDENT(locn.Loc_None, "combin", "K"), remove_specials updates)), bottom) | _ => raise ParseTermError ("Must have field name as first argument to update operator",#2 upd1) else raise ParseTermError (recupd_errstring,slocn) end | _ => raise ParseTermError (recupd_errstring,#2 updatelist) end fun top_nonterminal pstack = case pstack of PStack {stack = ((NonTerminal pt,locn), _)::_, ...} => remove_specials (pt,locn) | PStack {stack = ((_,locn),_)::_, ...} => raise ParseTermError ("No non-terminal on top of stack",locn) | _ => raise ParseTermError ("No non-terminal on top of stack",locn.Loc_Unknown(*TODO*)) (* infix Gmerge Useful functions to test with: fun do_parse0 G ty = let val pt = parse_term G ty in fn q => let val ((cs, p), _) = pt (q, PStack {lookahead = [], stack = [], in_vstruct = false}) in case pstack p of [(NonTerminal pt, _), (Terminal BOS, _)] => remove_specials pt | _ => raise Fail "Parse failed " end end Remember to start with quotation := true in raw MoscowML sessions fun pp (v : ''a) = let val p:''a frag list -> ''a preterm = do_parse0 stdhol (parse_type.parse_type parse_type.empty_grammar) in p end fun ppt (v: ''a) = let fun fix_stack stack = case stack of ((NonTerminal t, _)::rest) => pop >> push (NonTerminal(remove_specials t), XXX) | x => ok val p:''a frag list -> ((''a frag list * ''a PStack) * unit option) = fn q => (parse_term stdhol (parse_type.parse_type parse_type.empty_grammar) >> getstack >- fix_stack) (q, PStack{lookahead = [], stack = [], in_vstruct = false}) in p end val p = pp () *) (* quotation := true; val pType = parse_type.pType fun do_test (q, res) = let val test = p q in if test <> res then let in print "Failure on: \""; print (quotetoString q); print "\" not parsing to "; Meta.printVal res; print "\n" end else () end handle _ => print ("Failure of \""^quotetoString q^"\" to parse at all\n"); val tests : (unit frag list * unit preterm) list = [(`x`, VAR "x"), (`x'`, VAR "x'"), (`f x`, COMB (VAR "f", VAR "x")), (`f x y` , COMB (COMB (VAR "f", VAR "x"), VAR "y")), (`p /\ q`, COMB (COMB (VAR "/\\", VAR "p"), VAR "q")), (`p /\ q \/ r`, COMB (COMB(VAR "\\/", COMB(COMB(VAR "/\\", VAR "p"), VAR "q")), VAR "r")), (`f : num`, TYPED(VAR "f", parse_type.pType("num", []))), (`f x : bool list`,TYPED(COMB(VAR "f", VAR "x"), pType("list", [pType("bool", [])]))), (`f (p \/ q)`, COMB(VAR "f", COMB (COMB (VAR "\\/", VAR "p"), VAR "q"))), (`f ^(())`, COMB(VAR "f", AQ ())), (`f (p:bool \/ q)`,COMB(VAR "f", COMB(COMB(VAR "\\/", TYPED(VAR "p", pType("bool", []))), VAR "q"))), (`f x.f1`, COMB(VAR "f", COMB(COMB(VAR rec_special, VAR "x"), VAR "f1"))), (`f theni`, COMB(VAR "f", VAR "theni")), (`\x. x`, ABS (SIMPLE "x", VAR "x")), (`\x y. x`, ABS (SIMPLE "x", ABS (SIMPLE "y", VAR "x"))), (`?x y. x`, COMB (VAR "?", ABS (SIMPLE "x", COMB(VAR "?", ABS(SIMPLE "y", VAR "x"))))), (`[p; q]`, COMB (COMB(VAR "CONS", VAR "p"), COMB(COMB(VAR "CONS", VAR "q"), VAR "NIL"))), (`f [] x`, COMB (COMB (VAR "f", VAR "NIL"), VAR "x")), (`[[]]`, COMB (COMB (VAR "CONS", VAR "NIL"), VAR "NIL")), (`\^(()). x`, ABS(VS_AQ(), VAR "x")), (`f x = if ~f p /\ t then q else r`, COMB(COMB(VAR "=", COMB(VAR "f", VAR "x")), COMB(COMB(COMB(VAR "COND", COMB(COMB(VAR "/\\", COMB(VAR "~", COMB(VAR "f",VAR "p"))), VAR "t")), VAR "q"), VAR "r")))]; app do_test tests; *) end