2// Name:        src/common/dynarray.cpp
3// Purpose:     implementation of wxBaseArray class
4// Author:      Vadim Zeitlin
5// Modified by:
6// Created:     12.09.97
7// RCS-ID:      $Id: dynarray.cpp 43030 2006-11-04 12:51:01Z VZ $
8// Copyright:   (c) 1998 Vadim Zeitlin <zeitlin@dptmaths.ens-cachan.fr>
9// Licence:     wxWindows licence
12// ============================================================================
13// headers
14// ============================================================================
16// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h".
17#include  "wx/wxprec.h"
19#ifdef __BORLANDC__
20    #pragma hdrstop
23#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
24    #include "wx/dynarray.h"
25    #include "wx/intl.h"
26#endif //WX_PRECOMP
28#include <stdlib.h>
29#include <string.h> // for memmove
31// we cast the value to long from which we cast it to void * in IndexForInsert:
32// this can't work if the pointers are not big enough
33wxCOMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof(wxUIntPtr) <= sizeof(void *),
34                       wxArraySizeOfPtrLessSizeOfLong ); // < 32 symbols
36// ============================================================================
37// constants
38// ============================================================================
40// size increment = max(50% of current size, ARRAY_MAXSIZE_INCREMENT)
41#define   ARRAY_MAXSIZE_INCREMENT    4096
43// ============================================================================
44// implementation
45// ============================================================================
47// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
48// wxBaseArray - dynamic array of 'T's
49// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
51#define _WX_DEFINE_BASEARRAY_COMMON(T, name)                                \
52/* searches the array for an item (forward or backwards) */                 \
53int name::Index(T lItem, bool bFromEnd) const                               \
54{                                                                           \
55  if ( bFromEnd ) {                                                         \
56    if ( size() > 0 ) {                                                     \
57      size_t n = size();                                                    \
58      do {                                                                  \
59        if ( (*this)[--n] == lItem )                                        \
60          return n;                                                         \
61      }                                                                     \
62      while ( n != 0 );                                                     \
63    }                                                                       \
64  }                                                                         \
65  else {                                                                    \
66    for( size_t n = 0; n < size(); n++ ) {                                  \
67      if( (*this)[n] == lItem )                                             \
68        return n;                                                           \
69    }                                                                       \
70  }                                                                         \
71                                                                            \
72  return wxNOT_FOUND;                                                       \
73}                                                                           \
74                                                                            \
75/* add item assuming the array is sorted with fnCompare function */         \
76size_t name::Add(T lItem, CMPFUNC fnCompare)                                \
77{                                                                           \
78  size_t idx = IndexForInsert(lItem, fnCompare);                            \
79  Insert(lItem, idx);                                                       \
80  return idx;                                                               \
83#if wxUSE_STL
85#define _WX_DEFINE_BASEARRAY_NOCOMMON(T, name)                              \
86size_t name::IndexForInsert(T lItem, CMPFUNC fnCompare) const               \
87{                                                                           \
88    Predicate p((SCMPFUNC)fnCompare);                                       \
89    const_iterator it = std::lower_bound(begin(), end(), lItem, p);         \
90    return it - begin();                                                    \
91}                                                                           \
92                                                                            \
93int name::Index(T lItem, CMPFUNC fnCompare) const                           \
94{                                                                           \
95    Predicate p((SCMPFUNC)fnCompare);                                       \
96    const_iterator it = std::lower_bound(begin(), end(), lItem, p);         \
97    return (it != end() && !p(lItem, *it)) ?                                \
98                             (int)(it - begin()) : wxNOT_FOUND;             \
99}                                                                           \
100                                                                            \
101void name::Shrink()                                                         \
102{                                                                           \
103    name tmp(*this);                                                        \
104    swap(tmp);                                                              \
107#else // if !wxUSE_STL
109#define _WX_DEFINE_BASEARRAY_NOCOMMON(T, name)                              \
110/* ctor */                                                                  \
111name::name()                                                                \
112{                                                                           \
113  m_nSize  =                                                                \
114  m_nCount = 0;                                                             \
115  m_pItems = (T *)NULL;                                                     \
116}                                                                           \
117                                                                            \
118/* copy ctor */                                                             \
119name::name(const name& src)                                                 \
120{                                                                           \
121  m_nSize  = /* not src.m_nSize to save memory */                           \
122  m_nCount = src.m_nCount;                                                  \
123                                                                            \
124  if ( m_nSize != 0 ) {                                                     \
125      m_pItems = new T[m_nSize];                                            \
126      /* only copy if allocation succeeded */                               \
127      if ( m_pItems ) {                                                     \
128          memcpy(m_pItems, src.m_pItems, m_nCount*sizeof(T));               \
129      }                                                                     \
130      else {                                                                \
131          m_nSize = 0;                                                      \
132      }                                                                     \
133  }                                                                         \
134  else                                                                      \
135    m_pItems = (T *) NULL;                                                  \
136}                                                                           \
137                                                                            \
138/* assignment operator */                                                   \
139name& name::operator=(const name& src)                                      \
140{                                                                           \
141  wxDELETEA(m_pItems);                                                      \
142                                                                            \
143  m_nSize  = /* not src.m_nSize to save memory */                           \
144  m_nCount = src.m_nCount;                                                  \
145                                                                            \
146  if ( m_nSize != 0 ){                                                      \
147      m_pItems = new T[m_nSize];                                            \
148      /* only copy if allocation succeeded */                               \
149      if ( m_pItems ) {                                                     \
150          memcpy(m_pItems, src.m_pItems, m_nCount*sizeof(T));               \
151      }                                                                     \
152      else {                                                                \
153          m_nSize = 0;                                                      \
154      }                                                                     \
155  }                                                                         \
156  else                                                                      \
157    m_pItems = (T *) NULL;                                                  \
158                                                                            \
159  return *this;                                                             \
160}                                                                           \
161                                                                            \
162/* allocate new buffer of the given size and move our data to it */         \
163bool name::Realloc(size_t nSize)                                            \
164{                                                                           \
165  T *pNew = new T[nSize];                                                   \
166  /* only grow if allocation succeeded */                                   \
167  if ( !pNew )                                                              \
168      return false;                                                         \
169                                                                            \
170  m_nSize = nSize;                                                          \
171  /* copy data to new location */                                           \
172  memcpy(pNew, m_pItems, m_nCount*sizeof(T));                               \
173  delete [] m_pItems;                                                       \
174  m_pItems = pNew;                                                          \
175                                                                            \
176  return true;                                                              \
177}                                                                           \
178                                                                            \
179/* grow the array */                                                        \
180void name::Grow(size_t nIncrement)                                          \
181{                                                                           \
182  /* only do it if no more place */                                         \
183  if( (m_nCount == m_nSize) || ((m_nSize - m_nCount) < nIncrement) ) {      \
184    if( m_nSize == 0 ) {                                                    \
185      /* was empty, determine initial size */                               \
186      size_t size = WX_ARRAY_DEFAULT_INITIAL_SIZE;                          \
187      if (size < nIncrement) size = nIncrement;                             \
188      /* allocate some memory */                                            \
189      m_pItems = new T[size];                                               \
190      /* only grow if allocation succeeded */                               \
191      if ( m_pItems ) {                                                     \
192          m_nSize = size;                                                   \
193      }                                                                     \
194    }                                                                       \
195    else                                                                    \
196    {                                                                       \
197      /* add at least 50% but not too much */                               \
198      size_t ndefIncrement = m_nSize < WX_ARRAY_DEFAULT_INITIAL_SIZE        \
199                            ? WX_ARRAY_DEFAULT_INITIAL_SIZE : m_nSize >> 1; \
200      if ( ndefIncrement > ARRAY_MAXSIZE_INCREMENT )                        \
201        ndefIncrement = ARRAY_MAXSIZE_INCREMENT;                            \
202      if ( nIncrement < ndefIncrement )                                     \
203        nIncrement = ndefIncrement;                                         \
204      Realloc(m_nSize + nIncrement);                                        \
205    }                                                                       \
206  }                                                                         \
207}                                                                           \
208                                                                            \
209/* make sure that the array has at least count elements */                  \
210void name::SetCount(size_t count, T defval)                                 \
211{                                                                           \
212    if ( m_nSize < count )                                                  \
213    {                                                                       \
214        /* need to realloc memory: don't overallocate it here as if */      \
215        /* SetCount() is called, it probably means that the caller  */      \
216        /* knows in advance how many elements there will be in the  */      \
217        /* array and so it won't be necessary to realloc it later   */      \
218        if ( !Realloc(count) )                                              \
219        {                                                                   \
220            /* out of memory -- what can we do? */                          \
221            return;                                                         \
222        }                                                                   \
223    }                                                                       \
224                                                                            \
225    /* add new elements if we extend the array */                           \
226    while ( m_nCount < count )                                              \
227    {                                                                       \
228        m_pItems[m_nCount++] = defval;                                      \
229    }                                                                       \
230}                                                                           \
231                                                                            \
232/* dtor */                                                                  \
233name::~name()                                                               \
234{                                                                           \
235  wxDELETEA(m_pItems);                                                      \
236}                                                                           \
237                                                                            \
238/* clears the list */                                                       \
239void name::Clear()                                                          \
240{                                                                           \
241  m_nSize  =                                                                \
242  m_nCount = 0;                                                             \
243                                                                            \
244  wxDELETEA(m_pItems);                                                      \
245}                                                                           \
246                                                                            \
247/* minimizes the memory usage by freeing unused memory */                   \
248void name::Shrink()                                                         \
249{                                                                           \
250  /* only do it if we have some memory to free */                           \
251  if( m_nCount < m_nSize ) {                                                \
252    /* allocates exactly as much memory as we need */                       \
253    T *pNew = new T[m_nCount];                                              \
254    /* only shrink if allocation succeeded */                               \
255    if ( pNew ) {                                                           \
256        /* copy data to new location */                                     \
257        memcpy(pNew, m_pItems, m_nCount*sizeof(T));                         \
258        delete [] m_pItems;                                                 \
259        m_pItems = pNew;                                                    \
260                                                                            \
261        /* update the size of the new block */                              \
262        m_nSize = m_nCount;                                                 \
263    }                                                                       \
264    /* else: don't do anything, better keep old memory block! */            \
265  }                                                                         \
266}                                                                           \
267                                                                            \
268/* add item at the end */                                                   \
269void name::Add(T lItem, size_t nInsert)                                     \
270{                                                                           \
271  if (nInsert == 0)                                                         \
272      return;                                                               \
273  Grow(nInsert);                                                            \
274  for (size_t i = 0; i < nInsert; i++)                                      \
275      m_pItems[m_nCount++] = lItem;                                         \
276}                                                                           \
277                                                                            \
278/* add item at the given position */                                        \
279void name::Insert(T lItem, size_t nIndex, size_t nInsert)                   \
280{                                                                           \
281  wxCHECK_RET( nIndex <= m_nCount, wxT("bad index in wxArray::Insert") );   \
282  wxCHECK_RET( m_nCount <= m_nCount + nInsert,                              \
283               wxT("array size overflow in wxArray::Insert") );             \
284                                                                            \
285  if (nInsert == 0)                                                         \
286      return;                                                               \
287  Grow(nInsert);                                                            \
288                                                                            \
289  memmove(&m_pItems[nIndex + nInsert], &m_pItems[nIndex],                   \
290          (m_nCount - nIndex)*sizeof(T));                                   \
291  for (size_t i = 0; i < nInsert; i++)                                      \
292      m_pItems[nIndex + i] = lItem;                                         \
293  m_nCount += nInsert;                                                      \
294}                                                                           \
295                                                                            \
296/* search for a place to insert item into sorted array (binary search) */   \
297size_t name::IndexForInsert(T lItem, CMPFUNC fnCompare) const               \
298{                                                                           \
299  size_t i,                                                                 \
300       lo = 0,                                                              \
301       hi = m_nCount;                                                       \
302  int res;                                                                  \
303                                                                            \
304  while ( lo < hi ) {                                                       \
305    i = (lo + hi)/2;                                                        \
306                                                                            \
307    res = (*fnCompare)((const void *)(wxUIntPtr)lItem,                      \
308                       (const void *)(wxUIntPtr)(m_pItems[i]));             \
309    if ( res < 0 )                                                          \
310      hi = i;                                                               \
311    else if ( res > 0 )                                                     \
312      lo = i + 1;                                                           \
313    else {                                                                  \
314      lo = i;                                                               \
315      break;                                                                \
316    }                                                                       \
317  }                                                                         \
318                                                                            \
319  return lo;                                                                \
320}                                                                           \
321                                                                            \
322/* search for an item in a sorted array (binary search) */                  \
323int name::Index(T lItem, CMPFUNC fnCompare) const                           \
324{                                                                           \
325    size_t n = IndexForInsert(lItem, fnCompare);                            \
326                                                                            \
327    return (n >= m_nCount ||                                                \
328           (*fnCompare)((const void *)(wxUIntPtr)lItem,                     \
329                        ((const void *)(wxUIntPtr)m_pItems[n])))            \
330                        ? wxNOT_FOUND                                       \
331                        : (int)n;                                           \
332}                                                                           \
333                                                                            \
334/* removes item from array (by index) */                                    \
335void name::RemoveAt(size_t nIndex, size_t nRemove)                          \
336{                                                                           \
337  wxCHECK_RET( nIndex < m_nCount, wxT("bad index in wxArray::RemoveAt") );  \
338  wxCHECK_RET( nIndex + nRemove <= m_nCount,                                \
339               wxT("removing too many elements in wxArray::RemoveAt") );    \
340                                                                            \
341  memmove(&m_pItems[nIndex], &m_pItems[nIndex + nRemove],                   \
342          (m_nCount - nIndex - nRemove)*sizeof(T));                         \
343  m_nCount -= nRemove;                                                      \
344}                                                                           \
345                                                                            \
346/* removes item from array (by value) */                                    \
347void name::Remove(T lItem)                                                  \
348{                                                                           \
349  int iIndex = Index(lItem);                                                \
350                                                                            \
351  wxCHECK_RET( iIndex != wxNOT_FOUND,                                       \
352               wxT("removing inexistent item in wxArray::Remove") );        \
353                                                                            \
354  RemoveAt((size_t)iIndex);                                                 \
355}                                                                           \
356                                                                            \
357/* sort array elements using passed comparaison function */                 \
358void name::Sort(CMPFUNC fCmp)                                               \
359{                                                                           \
360  qsort(m_pItems, m_nCount, sizeof(T), fCmp);                               \
361}                                                                           \
362                                                                            \
363void name::assign(const_iterator first, const_iterator last)                \
364{                                                                           \
365  clear();                                                                  \
366  reserve(last - first);                                                    \
367  for(; first != last; ++first)                                             \
368    push_back(*first);                                                      \
369}                                                                           \
370                                                                            \
371void name::assign(size_type n, const_reference v)                           \
372{                                                                           \
373  clear();                                                                  \
374  reserve(n);                                                               \
375  for( size_type i = 0; i < n; ++i )                                        \
376    push_back(v);                                                           \
377}                                                                           \
378                                                                            \
379void name::insert(iterator it, const_iterator first, const_iterator last)   \
380{                                                                           \
381  size_t nInsert = last - first, nIndex = it - begin();                     \
382  if (nInsert == 0)                                                         \
383      return;                                                               \
384  Grow(nInsert);                                                            \
385                                                                            \
386  memmove(&m_pItems[nIndex + nInsert], &m_pItems[nIndex],                   \
387          (m_nCount - nIndex)*sizeof(T));                                   \
388  for (size_t i = 0; i < nInsert; ++i, ++it, ++first)                       \
389      *it = *first;                                                         \
390  m_nCount += nInsert;                                                      \
395#define _WX_DEFINE_BASEARRAY(T, name)                                       \
396        _WX_DEFINE_BASEARRAY_COMMON(T, name)                                \
399#ifdef __INTELC__
400    #pragma warning(push)
401    #pragma warning(disable: 1684)
402    #pragma warning(disable: 1572)
405_WX_DEFINE_BASEARRAY(const void *, wxBaseArrayPtrVoid)
406_WX_DEFINE_BASEARRAY(char,         wxBaseArrayChar)
407_WX_DEFINE_BASEARRAY(short,        wxBaseArrayShort)
408_WX_DEFINE_BASEARRAY(int,          wxBaseArrayInt)
409_WX_DEFINE_BASEARRAY(long,         wxBaseArrayLong)
410_WX_DEFINE_BASEARRAY(size_t,       wxBaseArraySizeT)
411_WX_DEFINE_BASEARRAY(double,       wxBaseArrayDouble)
413#ifdef __INTELC__
414    #pragma warning(pop)
417#if wxUSE_STL
418#include "wx/arrstr.h"
420#include "wx/beforestd.h"
421#include <functional>
422#include "wx/afterstd.h"
424_WX_DEFINE_BASEARRAY(wxString, wxBaseArrayStringBase)
426// some compilers (Sun CC being the only known example) distinguish between
427// extern "C" functions and the functions with C++ linkage and ptr_fun and
428// wxStringCompareLess can't take wxStrcmp/wxStricmp directly as arguments in
429// this case, we need the wrappers below to make this work
430inline int wxStrcmpCppWrapper(const wxChar *p, const wxChar *q)
432    return wxStrcmp(p, q);
435inline int wxStricmpCppWrapper(const wxChar *p, const wxChar *q)
437    return wxStricmp(p, q);
440int wxArrayString::Index(const wxChar* sz, bool bCase, bool WXUNUSED(bFromEnd)) const
442    wxArrayString::const_iterator it;
444    if (bCase)
445    {
446        it = std::find_if(begin(), end(),
447                          std::not1(
448                              std::bind2nd(
449                                  std::ptr_fun(wxStrcmpCppWrapper), sz)));
450    }
451    else // !bCase
452    {
453        it = std::find_if(begin(), end(),
454                          std::not1(
455                              std::bind2nd(
456                                  std::ptr_fun(wxStricmpCppWrapper), sz)));
457    }
459    return it == end() ? wxNOT_FOUND : it - begin();
462template<class F>
463class wxStringCompareLess
466    wxStringCompareLess(F f) : m_f(f) { }
467    bool operator()(const wxChar* s1, const wxChar* s2)
468        { return m_f(s1, s2) < 0; }
469    bool operator()(const wxString& s1, const wxString& s2)
470        { return m_f(s1, s2) < 0; }
472    F m_f;
475template<class F>
476wxStringCompareLess<F> wxStringCompare(F f)
478    return wxStringCompareLess<F>(f);
481void wxArrayString::Sort(CompareFunction function)
483    std::sort(begin(), end(), wxStringCompare(function));
486void wxArrayString::Sort(bool reverseOrder)
488    if (reverseOrder)
489    {
490        std::sort(begin(), end(), std::greater<wxString>());
491    }
492    else
493    {
494        std::sort(begin(), end());
495    }
498int wxSortedArrayString::Index(const wxChar* sz, bool bCase, bool WXUNUSED(bFromEnd)) const
500    wxSortedArrayString::const_iterator it;
501    wxString s(sz);
503    if (bCase)
504        it = std::lower_bound(begin(), end(), s,
505                              wxStringCompare(wxStrcmpCppWrapper));
506    else
507        it = std::lower_bound(begin(), end(), s,
508                              wxStringCompare(wxStricmpCppWrapper));
510    if (it == end())
511        return wxNOT_FOUND;
513    if (bCase)
514    {
515        if (wxStrcmp(it->c_str(), sz) != 0)
516            return wxNOT_FOUND;
517    }
518    else
519    {
520        if (wxStricmp(it->c_str(), sz) != 0)
521            return wxNOT_FOUND;
522    }
524    return it - begin();