11	lithuanian	x-vnd.Haiku-Repositories	1220143449
2This is not a valid URL.	AddRepoWindow	Add URL error message	Tai n��ra galiojantis URL adresas
3Repository URL:	AddRepoWindow	Text box label	Saugyklos URL adresas:
4There was an error refreshing the repository cache for %name%	TaskLooper	Error message, do not translate %name%	Atnaujinant saugyklos ���%name%��� pod��l��, ��vyko klaida
5There was an error disabling the repository %name%	TaskLooper	Error message, do not translate %name%	I��jungiant saugykl�� ���%name%���, ��vyko klaida
6Unknown	Constants	Unknown repository name	Ne��inomas
7Remove all	RepositoriesView	Button label	Pa��alinti visas
8Enable repositories to use with package management:	RepositoriesView	Label text	Saugyklos, naudojamos parsisi��sti ir atnaujinti paketams:
9Disable	RepositoriesView	Button label	I��jungti
10Cancel task	TaskTimer	Button label	Nutraukti u��duot��
11Changes completed	RepositoriesView	Status view text	Pakeitimai atlikti
12Details	TaskLooper	Job log details header	I��samiau
13Enabled	RepoRow	Tag in the Status column	��jungta
14Remove	Constants	Button label	Pa��alinti
15There was an error enabling the repository %url%	TaskLooper	Error message, do not translate %url%	��galinant saugykl�� ���%url%���, ��vyko klaida
16Remove this repository?	RepositoriesView	Removal alert confirmation message	Pa��alinti ��i�� saugykl��?
17The task for repository %name% is taking a long time to complete.	TaskTimer	Alert message.  Do not translate %name%	Su saugykla ���%name%��� susieta u��duotis trunka ne��prastai ilgai.
18Completed	TaskLooper	Completed task status message	Atlikta
19OK	Constants	Button label	Gerai
20Status	RepositoriesView	Column title	B��sena
21Name	RepositoriesView	Column title	Pavadinimas
22Add	AddRepoWindow	Button label	Prid��ti
23Repositories could not retrieve the names of the currently enabled repositories.	RepositoriesView	Alert error message	Nepavyko gauti ��iuo metu ��galint�� saugykl�� pavadinim��.
24Enable all	RepositoriesView	Button label	��galinti visas
25Aborted	TaskLooper	Aborted task status message	Nutraukta
26URL	RepositoriesView	Column title	URL adresas
27Enable	RepositoriesView	Button label	��jungti
28Error getting repository configuration for %name%.	RepositoriesView	Alert error message, do not translate %name%	Klaida gaunant saugyklos ���%name%��� konfig��racij��.
29Description	TaskLooper	Failed task error description	Apra��as
30Failed	TaskLooper	Failed task status message	Nepavyko
31Good news! The task for repository %name% completed.	TaskTimer	Alert message.  Do not translate %name%	D��iugios naujienos! Su saugykla ���%name%��� susieta u��duotis atlikta.
32Some tasks are still running. Stop these tasks and quit?	RepositoriesWindow	Application quit alert message	Kai kurios u��duotys dar vykdomos. Ar nutraukti ��ias u��duotis ir baigti darb��?
33This repository URL already exists.	RepositoriesView	Error message	��i saugykla jau prid��ta.
34Repositories	System name		Saugyklos
35Changes pending:	RepositoriesView	Status view text	Pakeitim�� eil��:
36Remove	RepositoriesView	Button label	Pa��alinti
37Remove these repositories?	RepositoriesView	Removal alert confirmation message	Pa��alinti ��ias saugyklas?
38Keep trying	TaskTimer	Button label	Kartoti bandym��
39Cancel	Constants	Button label	Atsisakyti
40Only one URL for each repository can be enabled. Please change your selections.	RepositoriesView	Error message	Kiekvienai saugyklai gali b��ti prid��tas tik vienas URL adresas. Pakoreguokite savo parinktis.
41Stop and quit	RepositoriesWindow	Button label	Nutraukti ir baigti darb��
42Disable all	RepositoriesView	Button label	I��jungti visas