History log of /seL4-l4v-master/HOL4/src/datatype/ind_typeScript.sml
Revision Date Author Comments
# 35d5d53a 07-Mar-2019 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Get src/datatype to build given tight equality

# 94b064b9 15-Aug-2016 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Remove unnecessary structure bracketting

As per 89fc99bc3, but on as many examples as a grep -R can find.

# 1af7dc8b 16-Sep-2011 Ramana Kumar <ramana.kumar@gmail.com>

better match intended semantics of OpenTheory names

rather than using strings, now have a type abbreviation otname for
string list * string. it might be worth writing more operations on this
type (like for manipulating the namespace).

# 217d5daf 08-Sep-2011 Ramana Kumar <ramana.kumar@gmail.com>

add a few more names to the OpenTheory map

specifically, bool$ARB, bool$TYPE_DEFINITION, and some stuff from

# 0bbd2a7e 21-Jun-2011 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Rename TruePrefix to Prefix; use fixity options with NONE for what was Prefix.

90+% of this work was done by Ramana Kumar. The following list are
the commits for a series of individual commits that have been squished
into one big change:
* remove mention of TruePrefix from the add_rule docfile
* first batch of changes removing TruePrefix from src/parse
* replace TruePrefix by Prefix in boolScript.sml
* remove TruePrefix from Rsyntax
is a fixity ever required for new_specification?
* some more Prefix -> NONE and TruePrefix -> Prefix in theories
* TruePrefix changes for datatype
* TruePrefix changes for res_quan
* TruePrefix->Prefix in a TeX selftest
* TruePrefix changes for quotient
* TruePrefix changes for integer and real
* fix quotient examples for TruePrefix removal
* more fixes for quotient examples
* fixes for lambda example for TruePrefix removal
* Reword description manual in light of removal of TruePrefix.
* Fix msgTheory quotient example; Poly 5.3 had problems with monotypes.
* Fixes for files in examples/lambda given removal of TruePrefix.
* Fix in examples/unification given removal of TruePrefix.
* Fix in examples/HolCheck given removal of TruePrefix.
* Fixes in examples/acl2 given removal of TruePrefix.

# 7b73c8d7 16-Jul-2010 Konrad Slind <konrad.slind@gmail.com>

src/num/theories/SingleStep.{sig,sml} is gone. The
defininitions of Cases, Cases_on, Induct, Induct_on,
CASE_TAC (and co.) are now in basicProof/BasicProvers.
completeInduct_on and measureInduct_on are now in
numLib. recInduct is now in src/tfl/Induction.sml.
All these are collected in bossLib, so the changes
should be invisible to ordinary users.

SingleStep.*.doc has been changed accordingly.

BasicProvers.NORM_TAC should now automatically perform
all case splits (from if-then-else expressions as
well as case expression) arising anywhere in the goal.

# a1d7def4 05-May-2009 Konrad Slind <konrad.slind@gmail.com>

Additions to multiset and primeFactor
theories. Fixed definition of PRIMES
sequence in dividesTheory. Also added misc.
theorems to arithmetic. Some amount of
meaningless shuffling about.

# 8f337c80 25-Apr-2009 Peter Homeier <palantir@trustworthytools.com>

Removing the "prod" modification, as this is redundant with Michael's recent improvement to the sorting used.

# 6f0f0d33 23-Apr-2009 Peter Homeier <palantir@trustworthytools.com>

Here's a fix to the datatype code for Hol_datatype, to deal with the example raised by Tom Ridge (repeated below).

I expanded the definition of ind_types.lift_type_bijections to now handle "cty" arguments which have a bijection nested under a pair type operator. Before, it only handled arguments which were either directly listed as a bijection, or which were nested under a "fun" type operator (which as far as I could tell, would never be exercised by this code).

This makes use of a new theorem in ind_typeScript.sml, called ISO_PROD, crafted similarly to ISO_FUN:

|- ind_type$ISO f f' /\ ind_type$ISO g g' ==>
ind_type$ISO (f ## g) (f' ## g')

There also needed to be some modifications to the code in ind_types.sml, in the (first) routine named "define_type_nested", around the line 1471, where additional simplifications needed to be performed to get rid of the ##'s introduced. Note that REWRITE_FUN_EQ_RULE has been augmented as well.

This seems to work for Tom's example, so that the normal theorems are produced.

(* * interactive *)
app load ["finite_mapTheory"];
(* also need libTheory transition_systemTheory *)

(* * start *)
local open HolKernel boolLib Parse bossLib (* cheat *) finite_mapTheory in end;
(* local open in end; *)

val _ = new_theory "hoare_tso";

(* + types *)
(* . mem_location, reg_name *)

val _ = type_abbrev("mem_location",``:num``);
val _ = type_abbrev("reg_name",``:num``);
val _ = type_abbrev("label",``:num``);
val _ = type_abbrev("lbl_pair",``:label#label``);

(* . language *)

val numexp_def = Hol_datatype `
numexp =
IdentM of mem_location
| IdentR of reg_name
| Num of num
| Plus of numexp # numexp

val bexp_def = Hol_datatype `
bexp =
Equals of numexp # numexp
| Conj of bexp # bexp
| Disj of bexp # bexp
| Not of bexp
| TT
| FF

val command2_def = Hol_datatype `
command2 =
Skip2 of lbl_pair
| AssignM2 of lbl_pair # mem_location # numexp
| AssignR2 of lbl_pair # reg_name # numexp
| Seq2 of lbl_pair # command2 # command2
| IfThenElse2 of lbl_pair # bexp # command2 # command2
| While2 of lbl_pair # bexp # command2
| LoopUntil2 of lbl_pair # bexp # bexp
| Barrier2 of lbl_pair
| Xcmpxchg2 of lbl_pair # mem_location # reg_name # reg_name

# 1ea184ec 03-Dec-2008 Konrad Slind <konrad.slind@gmail.com>

End of the *v saga. I found the spot in Pmatch.sml
that was failing to collect all the free vars
that needed to be renamed away from.

Misc. other tidying, including an incomplete
attempt at getting datatype constructors to
be defined in terms of numerals rather
than successors.

# 250efd0d 16-Apr-2008 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Constants are no longer considered out of date if their witnesses
become out of date. Thus, one might define
c = rhs
and save this definition with name "c_def". Subsequently, if
something in rhs becomes out-of-date, then c_def will be removed from
the theory. However, this change means that the constant c will
remain, as will any theorems mentioning it and not otherwise

Next change in this area will be to attempt to share Sig or something
like it between both kernels.

# 8b95f52c 13-Oct-2006 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Modify the numeral and ind_type theories to "hide" their constants so that
they don't contaminate the standard constant name-space. All such can
be retrieved by using the thy$cname syntax. (Am tempted to do the same
for NUMERAL, BIT1, BIT2 and ZERO, which live in arithmeticTheory.)

# d8e57a78 16-Feb-2006 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Add more aggressive normalisation of multiplicative expressions to ARITH_ss.
Also provide old_arith_ss values for scripts that don't want this new
behaviour. Update proofs to go through again. Some should be a bit more
robust in the face of future changes to arith_ss. Others just punt and refer
to old_arith_ss.

# 1eadaac4 07-Jul-2004 Konrad Slind <konrad.slind@gmail.com>

Upgrades to ML code generation. It now works for numerals, although
the results of a computation will be incomprehensible usually. Writing
a prettyprinter needs to be done.

# d6b08f6b 16-Aug-2002 Konrad Slind <konrad.slind@gmail.com>

Change to type of new_specification, and made it tell that parser about
the introduced constants. Lots of knock-on (trivial) mods.

# 50d98fd6 06-Feb-2002 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

* Slight modification to behaviour of conditional expression elimination
simpset fragment in boolSimps
* Addition of new simpset fragment to do no more than just lift
conditional expressions as high as possible (can blow terms up in size
* Removal of ETA_ss from bool_ss. Doing this resulted in 6 proofs needing
a simple modification (++ ETA_ss). The change to integerScript is a
result of the change in conditional expression behaviour.

# 75e6bfb9 18-Jun-2001 Konrad Slind <konrad.slind@gmail.com>

Changing arithLib to numLib.

# 41802b9a 05-Jan-2001 Konrad Slind <konrad.slind@gmail.com>

Minor changes to map latest changes in IndDefLib.

# 1cc191c7 02-Jan-2001 Konrad Slind <konrad.slind@gmail.com>

Minor changes, to accomodate changed interface to

# 1ab2ca63 28-Dec-2000 Konrad Slind <konrad.slind@gmail.com>

Minor adjustments to fit with changes in IndDefLib.

# f5f89fe7 20-Nov-2000 Konrad Slind <konrad.slind@gmail.com>

Upgraded to build under Kan. 0.

# 71832c37 08-Nov-2000 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Made it all Kananaskis compatible. Datatype fails to load because of
something going wrong in loading pairTheory. This is BAD.

# 826d221a 18-Feb-2000 Konrad Slind <konrad.slind@gmail.com>

Changes to accomodate proper definition of size functions for nested types.
Also, elimination of dependence on Ho_theorems.

# de2ed6a8 10-Dec-1999 Michael Norrish <Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au>

Changes due to the incorporation of John Harrison's datatype definition
Here are the rest of the significant changes. The interface in Datatype
has been fleshed out quite a bit, but what was there has stayed pretty
much the same (except that prim_Hol_datatype doesn't write stuff out
to disk anymore; it's hardly very pure if it does so).

The ind_type theory is the basis for ind_types, which is in turn called
from Datatype.