E q u i 4 Metakit Sample Index
December 1999

CatFish A complete disk catalog browser
Full source code of a complete Windows/MFC utility.
Compiler: MSVC w/MFC (Win16)
CatRecv Receive and display a catalog tree over TCP/IP
How to load structured data from a network connection.
Compiler: MSVC w/MFC (Win32), uses WinSock
CatSend Send a catalog tree (or anything else) over TCP/IP
How to manipulate and send datafiles, regardless of contents.
Compiler: MSVC w/MFC (Win32), uses WinSock
Dbf2mk Generic file converter for DBF/Xbase files
This utility illustrates how to set up a custom viewer.
Compiler: MSVC w/MFC (Win32)
Demo A very small example of how to use Metakit
Illustrates how to get started with Metakit.
Compiler: DOS, Win, Mac, Unix
DisCat Scan a disk directory tree and save a catalog
Another simple disk scanner, to feed the other sample programs.
Compiler: MSVC w/MFC (Win16 or Win32)
Dump A very simple generic data dump utility
Can be used as debugging utility and to inspect any datafile.
Compiler: DOS, Win, Mac, Unix
FtpCat Scan an FTP site and save a catalog
Catalogs can be created in many ways, this utility works with FTP.
Compiler: MSVC (Win32)
KitBinder Embed ("bind") a datafile into an executable
Use Metakit as structured / platform-independent resource manager.
Compiler: MSVC w/MFC (Win16 or Win32)
MkOptim Metakit datafile optimizer
Convert datafiles to their latest and most compact format.
Compiler: Win32, Mac, Unix
MyIO Custom strategy class, demonstrates encrypted storage
An example how to intercept all I/O for encrypted storage.
Compiler: DOS, Win, Mac, Unix
Struct Display datafile structure (MS-DOS executable)
The core is small enough to build a "small-model" MS-DOS program.
Compiler: DOS, Win, Mac, Unix

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