App Icon Metakit sample code - Demo

This example is more a "proof of concept" than anything else...

What it does: Demo creates a simple view on disk, makes a few changes to the data as well as the structure, and then saves these too.

What it illustrates: This sample program shows how to set up a simple program which uses Metakit. The source code of this application can be compiled for 32-bit Windows (as console application) as well as for 16-bit small-model DOS targets. When run more than once, i.e. with an existing datafile, this program will cause some changes to the data which illustrate the effects of "on-the-fly data restrcuturing". Demo has little practical use, other than to show you how to get started with Metakit.

How to use it: When you launch the 16-bit DOS version called DEMO16.EXE, it creates a datafile called "myfile.dat", saves some data to it, and then reopens it and displays the line:

     The country of Paco Pena is: Spain 
By following the code, you can see where this came from. You can use the Metakit dump utility (see below) to examine the contents of the data file.

Known problems: None.


DEMO.CPP - Demo main program
DEMO.MAK, DEMO.MDP - MSVC 4.2 project makefiles for Win32
DEMO16.MAK - MSVC 1.52 project makefile

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