1import os
3def GetSettingsValues(debugger, setting_variable_name):
4    """ Queries the lldb internal settings
5        params:
6            debugger : lldb.SBDebugger instance
7            setting_variable_name: str - string name of the setting(eg prompt)
8        returns:
9            [] : Array of strings. Empty array if setting is not found/set
10    """
11    retval = []
12    settings_val_list = debugger.GetInternalVariableValue(setting_variable_name, debugger.GetInstanceName())
13    for s in settings_val_list:
14        retval.append(str(s))
15    return retval
17def __lldb_init_module(debugger, internal_dict):
18    debug_session_enabled = False
19    if "DEBUG_XNU_LLDBMACROS" in os.environ and len(os.environ['DEBUG_XNU_LLDBMACROS']) > 0:
20        debug_session_enabled = True
21    prev_os_plugin = "".join(GetSettingsValues(debugger, 'target.process.python-os-plugin-path'))
22    print "Loading kernel debugging from %s" % __file__
23    print "LLDB version %s" % debugger.GetVersionString()
24    self_path = str(__file__)
25    base_dir_name = self_path[:self_path.rfind("/")]
26    core_os_plugin = base_dir_name + "/lldbmacros/core/operating_system.py"
27    osplugin_cmd = "settings set target.process.python-os-plugin-path \"%s\"" % core_os_plugin
28    xnu_debug_path = base_dir_name + "/lldbmacros/xnu.py"
29    xnu_load_cmd = "command script import \"%s\"" % xnu_debug_path
30    if debug_session_enabled :
31        if len(prev_os_plugin) > 0:
32            print "\nDEBUG_XNU_LLDBMACROS is set. Skipping the setting of OS plugin from dSYM.\nYou can manually set the OS plugin by running\n" + osplugin_cmd
33        else:
34            print osplugin_cmd
35            debugger.HandleCommand(osplugin_cmd)
36        print "\nDEBUG_XNU_LLDBMACROS is set. Skipping the load of xnu debug framework.\nYou can manually load the framework by running\n" + xnu_load_cmd
37    else:
38        print osplugin_cmd
39        debugger.HandleCommand(osplugin_cmd)
40        print xnu_load_cmd
41        debugger.HandleCommand(xnu_load_cmd)
42    print "\n"