1# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
2# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors.
5"""Control module for buildman
7This holds the main control logic for buildman, when not running tests.
10import multiprocessing
11import os
12import shutil
13import sys
15from buildman import boards
16from buildman import bsettings
17from buildman import cfgutil
18from buildman import toolchain
19from buildman.builder import Builder
20from patman import gitutil
21from patman import patchstream
22from u_boot_pylib import command
23from u_boot_pylib import terminal
24from u_boot_pylib.terminal import tprint
28def get_plural(count):
29    """Returns a plural 's' if count is not 1"""
30    return 's' if count != 1 else ''
33def count_build_commits(commits, step):
34    """Calculate the number of commits to be built
36    Args:
37        commits (list of Commit): Commits to build or None
38        step (int): Step value for commits, typically 1
40    Returns:
41        Number of commits that will be built
42    """
43    if commits:
44        count = len(commits)
45        return (count + step - 1) // step
46    return 0
49def get_action_summary(is_summary, commit_count, selected, threads, jobs):
50    """Return a string summarising the intended action.
52    Args:
53        is_summary (bool): True if this is a summary (otherwise it is building)
54        commits (list): List of commits being built
55        selected (list of Board): List of Board objects that are marked
56        step (int): Step increment through commits
57        threads (int): Number of processor threads being used
58        jobs (int): Number of jobs to build at once
60    Returns:
61        Summary string.
62    """
63    if commit_count:
64        commit_str = f'{commit_count} commit{get_plural(commit_count)}'
65    else:
66        commit_str = 'current source'
67    msg = (f"{'Summary of' if is_summary else 'Building'} "
68           f'{commit_str} for {len(selected)} boards')
69    msg += (f' ({threads} thread{get_plural(threads)}, '
70            f'{jobs} job{get_plural(jobs)} per thread)')
71    return msg
73# pylint: disable=R0913
74def show_actions(series, why_selected, boards_selected, output_dir,
75                 board_warnings, step, threads, jobs, verbose):
76    """Display a list of actions that we would take, if not a dry run.
78    Args:
79        series: Series object
80        why_selected: Dictionary where each key is a buildman argument
81                provided by the user, and the value is the list of boards
82                brought in by that argument. For example, 'arm' might bring
83                in 400 boards, so in this case the key would be 'arm' and
84                the value would be a list of board names.
85        boards_selected: Dict of selected boards, key is target name,
86                value is Board object
87        output_dir (str): Output directory for builder
88        board_warnings: List of warnings obtained from board selected
89        step (int): Step increment through commits
90        threads (int): Number of processor threads being used
91        jobs (int): Number of jobs to build at once
92        verbose (bool): True to indicate why each board was selected
93    """
94    col = terminal.Color()
95    print('Dry run, so not doing much. But I would do this:')
96    print()
97    if series:
98        commits = series.commits
99    else:
100        commits = None
101    print(get_action_summary(False, count_build_commits(commits, step),
102                             boards_selected, threads, jobs))
103    print(f'Build directory: {output_dir}')
104    if commits:
105        for upto in range(0, len(series.commits), step):
106            commit = series.commits[upto]
107            print('   ', col.build(col.YELLOW, commit.hash[:8], bright=False), end=' ')
108            print(commit.subject)
109    print()
110    for arg in why_selected:
111        if arg != 'all':
112            print(arg, f': {len(why_selected[arg])} boards')
113            if verbose:
114                print(f"   {' '.join(why_selected[arg])}")
115    print('Total boards to build for each '
116          f"commit: {len(why_selected['all'])}\n")
117    if board_warnings:
118        for warning in board_warnings:
119            print(col.build(col.YELLOW, warning))
121def show_toolchain_prefix(brds, toolchains):
122    """Show information about a the tool chain used by one or more boards
124    The function checks that all boards use the same toolchain, then prints
125    the correct value for CROSS_COMPILE.
127    Args:
128        boards: Boards object containing selected boards
129        toolchains: Toolchains object containing available toolchains
131    Return:
132        None on success, string error message otherwise
133    """
134    board_selected = brds.get_selected_dict()
135    tc_set = set()
136    for brd in board_selected.values():
137        tc_set.add(toolchains.Select(brd.arch))
138    if len(tc_set) != 1:
139        sys.exit('Supplied boards must share one toolchain')
140    tchain = tc_set.pop()
141    print(tchain.GetEnvArgs(toolchain.VAR_CROSS_COMPILE))
143def show_arch(brds):
144    """Show information about a the architecture used by one or more boards
146    The function checks that all boards use the same architecture, then prints
147    the correct value for ARCH.
149    Args:
150        boards: Boards object containing selected boards
152    Return:
153        None on success, string error message otherwise
154    """
155    board_selected = brds.get_selected_dict()
156    arch_set = set()
157    for brd in board_selected.values():
158        arch_set.add(brd.arch)
159    if len(arch_set) != 1:
160        sys.exit('Supplied boards must share one arch')
161    print(arch_set.pop())
163def get_allow_missing(opt_allow, opt_no_allow, num_selected, has_branch):
164    """Figure out whether to allow external blobs
166    Uses the allow-missing setting and the provided arguments to decide whether
167    missing external blobs should be allowed
169    Args:
170        opt_allow (bool): True if --allow-missing flag is set
171        opt_no_allow (bool): True if --no-allow-missing flag is set
172        num_selected (int): Number of selected board
173        has_branch (bool): True if a git branch (to build) has been provided
175    Returns:
176        bool: True to allow missing external blobs, False to produce an error if
177            external blobs are used
178    """
179    allow_missing = False
180    am_setting = bsettings.get_global_item_value('allow-missing')
181    if am_setting:
182        if am_setting == 'always':
183            allow_missing = True
184        if 'multiple' in am_setting and num_selected > 1:
185            allow_missing = True
186        if 'branch' in am_setting and has_branch:
187            allow_missing = True
189    if opt_allow:
190        allow_missing = True
191    if opt_no_allow:
192        allow_missing = False
193    return allow_missing
196def count_commits(branch, count, col, git_dir):
197    """Could the number of commits in the branch/ranch being built
199    Args:
200        branch (str): Name of branch to build, or None if none
201        count (int): Number of commits to build, or -1 for all
202        col (Terminal.Color): Color object to use
203        git_dir (str): Git directory to use, e.g. './.git'
205    Returns:
206        tuple:
207            Number of commits being built
208            True if the 'branch' string contains a range rather than a simple
209                name
210    """
211    has_range = branch and '..' in branch
212    if count == -1:
213        if not branch:
214            count = 1
215        else:
216            if has_range:
217                count, msg = gitutil.count_commits_in_range(git_dir, branch)
218            else:
219                count, msg = gitutil.count_commits_in_branch(git_dir, branch)
220            if count is None:
221                sys.exit(col.build(col.RED, msg))
222            elif count == 0:
223                sys.exit(col.build(col.RED,
224                                   f"Range '{branch}' has no commits"))
225            if msg:
226                print(col.build(col.YELLOW, msg))
227            count += 1   # Build upstream commit also
229    if not count:
230        msg = (f"No commits found to process in branch '{branch}': "
231               "set branch's upstream or use -c flag")
232        sys.exit(col.build(col.RED, msg))
233    return count, has_range
236def determine_series(selected, col, git_dir, count, branch, work_in_output):
237    """Determine the series which is to be built, if any
239    If there is a series, the commits in that series are numbered by setting
240    their sequence value (starting from 0). This is used by tests.
242    Args:
243        selected (list of Board): List of Board objects that are marked
244            selected
245        col (Terminal.Color): Color object to use
246        git_dir (str): Git directory to use, e.g. './.git'
247        count (int): Number of commits in branch
248        branch (str): Name of branch to build, or None if none
249        work_in_output (bool): True to work in the output directory
251    Returns:
252        Series: Series to build, or None for none
254    Read the metadata from the commits. First look at the upstream commit,
255    then the ones in the branch. We would like to do something like
256    upstream/master~..branch but that isn't possible if upstream/master is
257    a merge commit (it will list all the commits that form part of the
258    merge)
260    Conflicting tags are not a problem for buildman, since it does not use
261    them. For example, Series-version is not useful for buildman. On the
262    other hand conflicting tags will cause an error. So allow later tags
263    to overwrite earlier ones by setting allow_overwrite=True
264    """
266    # Work out how many commits to build. We want to build everything on the
267    # branch. We also build the upstream commit as a control so we can see
268    # problems introduced by the first commit on the branch.
269    count, has_range = count_commits(branch, count, col, git_dir)
270    if work_in_output:
271        if len(selected) != 1:
272            sys.exit(col.build(col.RED,
273                               '-w can only be used with a single board'))
274        if count != 1:
275            sys.exit(col.build(col.RED,
276                               '-w can only be used with a single commit'))
278    if branch:
279        if count == -1:
280            if has_range:
281                range_expr = branch
282            else:
283                range_expr = gitutil.get_range_in_branch(git_dir, branch)
284            upstream_commit = gitutil.get_upstream(git_dir, branch)
285            series = patchstream.get_metadata_for_list(upstream_commit,
286                git_dir, 1, series=None, allow_overwrite=True)
288            series = patchstream.get_metadata_for_list(range_expr,
289                    git_dir, None, series, allow_overwrite=True)
290        else:
291            # Honour the count
292            series = patchstream.get_metadata_for_list(branch,
293                    git_dir, count, series=None, allow_overwrite=True)
295        # Number the commits for test purposes
296        for i, commit in enumerate(series.commits):
297            commit.sequence = i
298    else:
299        series = None
300    return series
303def do_fetch_arch(toolchains, col, fetch_arch):
304    """Handle the --fetch-arch option
306    Args:
307        toolchains (Toolchains): Tool chains to use
308        col (terminal.Color): Color object to build
309        fetch_arch (str): Argument passed to the --fetch-arch option
311    Returns:
312        int: Return code for buildman
313    """
314    if fetch_arch == 'list':
315        sorted_list = toolchains.ListArchs()
316        print(col.build(
317            col.BLUE,
318            f"Available architectures: {' '.join(sorted_list)}\n"))
319        return 0
321    if fetch_arch == 'all':
322        fetch_arch = ','.join(toolchains.ListArchs())
323        print(col.build(col.CYAN,
324                        f'\nDownloading toolchains: {fetch_arch}'))
325    for arch in fetch_arch.split(','):
326        print()
327        ret = toolchains.FetchAndInstall(arch)
328        if ret:
329            return ret
330    return 0
333def get_toolchains(toolchains, col, override_toolchain, fetch_arch,
334                   list_tool_chains, verbose):
335    """Get toolchains object to use
337    Args:
338        toolchains (Toolchains or None): Toolchains to use. If None, then a
339            Toolchains object will be created and scanned
340        col (Terminal.Color): Color object
341        override_toolchain (str or None): Override value for toolchain, or None
342        fetch_arch (bool): True to fetch the toolchain for the architectures
343        list_tool_chains (bool): True to list all tool chains
344        verbose (bool): True for verbose output when listing toolchains
346    Returns:
347        Either:
348            int: Operation completed and buildman should exit with exit code
349            Toolchains: Toolchains object to use
350    """
351    no_toolchains = toolchains is None
352    if no_toolchains:
353        toolchains = toolchain.Toolchains(override_toolchain)
355    if fetch_arch:
356        return do_fetch_arch(toolchains, col, fetch_arch)
358    if no_toolchains:
359        toolchains.GetSettings()
360        toolchains.Scan(list_tool_chains and verbose)
361    if list_tool_chains:
362        toolchains.List()
363        print()
364        return 0
365    return toolchains
368def get_boards_obj(output_dir, regen_board_list, maintainer_check, full_check,
369                   threads, verbose):
370    """Object the Boards object to use
372    Creates the output directory and ensures there is a boards.cfg file, then
373    read it in.
375    Args:
376        output_dir (str): Output directory to use
377        regen_board_list (bool): True to just regenerate the board list
378        maintainer_check (bool): True to just run a maintainer check
379        full_check (bool): True to just run a full check of Kconfig and
380            maintainers
381        threads (int or None): Number of threads to use to create boards file
382        verbose (bool): False to suppress output from boards-file generation
384    Returns:
385        Either:
386            int: Operation completed and buildman should exit with exit code
387            Boards: Boards object to use
388    """
389    brds = boards.Boards()
390    nr_cpus = threads or multiprocessing.cpu_count()
391    if maintainer_check or full_check:
392        warnings = brds.build_board_list(jobs=nr_cpus,
393                                         warn_targets=full_check)[1]
394        if warnings:
395            for warn in warnings:
396                print(warn, file=sys.stderr)
397            return 2
398        return 0
400    if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
401        os.makedirs(output_dir)
402    board_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'boards.cfg')
403    if regen_board_list and regen_board_list != '-':
404        board_file = regen_board_list
406    okay = brds.ensure_board_list(board_file, nr_cpus, force=regen_board_list,
407                                  quiet=not verbose)
408    if regen_board_list:
409        return 0 if okay else 2
410    brds.read_boards(board_file)
411    return brds
414def determine_boards(brds, args, col, opt_boards, exclude_list):
415    """Determine which boards to build
417    Each element of args and exclude can refer to a board name, arch or SoC
419    Args:
420        brds (Boards): Boards object
421        args (list of str): Arguments describing boards to build
422        col (Terminal.Color): Color object
423        opt_boards (list of str): Specific boards to build, or None for all
424        exclude_list (list of str): Arguments describing boards to exclude
426    Returns:
427        tuple:
428            list of Board: List of Board objects that are marked selected
429            why_selected: Dictionary where each key is a buildman argument
430                    provided by the user, and the value is the list of boards
431                    brought in by that argument. For example, 'arm' might bring
432                    in 400 boards, so in this case the key would be 'arm' and
433                    the value would be a list of board names.
434            board_warnings: List of warnings obtained from board selected
435    """
436    exclude = []
437    if exclude_list:
438        for arg in exclude_list:
439            exclude += arg.split(',')
441    if opt_boards:
442        requested_boards = []
443        for brd in opt_boards:
444            requested_boards += brd.split(',')
445    else:
446        requested_boards = None
447    why_selected, board_warnings = brds.select_boards(args, exclude,
448                                                      requested_boards)
449    selected = brds.get_selected()
450    if not selected:
451        sys.exit(col.build(col.RED, 'No matching boards found'))
452    return selected, why_selected, board_warnings
455def adjust_args(args, series, selected):
456    """Adjust arguments according to various constraints
458    Updates verbose, show_errors, threads, jobs and step
460    Args:
461        args (Namespace): Namespace object to adjust
462        series (Series): Series being built / summarised
463        selected (list of Board): List of Board objects that are marked
464    """
465    if not series and not args.dry_run:
466        args.verbose = True
467        if not args.summary:
468            args.show_errors = True
470    # By default we have one thread per CPU. But if there are not enough jobs
471    # we can have fewer threads and use a high '-j' value for make.
472    if args.threads is None:
473        args.threads = min(multiprocessing.cpu_count(), len(selected))
474    if not args.jobs:
475        args.jobs = max(1, (multiprocessing.cpu_count() +
476                len(selected) - 1) // len(selected))
478    if not args.step:
479        args.step = len(series.commits) - 1
481    # We can't show function sizes without board details at present
482    if args.show_bloat:
483        args.show_detail = True
486def setup_output_dir(output_dir, work_in_output, branch, no_subdirs, col,
487                     clean_dir):
488    """Set up the output directory
490    Args:
491        output_dir (str): Output directory provided by the user, or None if none
492        work_in_output (bool): True to work in the output directory
493        branch (str): Name of branch to build, or None if none
494        no_subdirs (bool): True to put the output in the top-level output dir
495        clean_dir: Used for tests only, indicates that the existing output_dir
496            should be removed before starting the build
498    Returns:
499        str: Updated output directory pathname
500    """
501    if not output_dir:
502        if work_in_output:
503            sys.exit(col.build(col.RED, '-w requires that you specify -o'))
504        output_dir = '..'
505    if branch and not no_subdirs:
506        # As a special case allow the board directory to be placed in the
507        # output directory itself rather than any subdirectory.
508        dirname = branch.replace('/', '_')
509        output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, dirname)
510        if clean_dir and os.path.exists(output_dir):
511            shutil.rmtree(output_dir)
512    return output_dir
515def run_builder(builder, commits, board_selected, args):
516    """Run the builder or show the summary
518    Args:
519        commits (list of Commit): List of commits being built, None if no branch
520        boards_selected (dict): Dict of selected boards:
521            key: target name
522            value: Board object
523        args (Namespace): Namespace to use
525    Returns:
526        int: Return code for buildman
527    """
528    gnu_make = command.output(os.path.join(args.git,
529            'scripts/show-gnu-make'), raise_on_error=False).rstrip()
530    if not gnu_make:
531        sys.exit('GNU Make not found')
532    builder.gnu_make = gnu_make
534    if not args.ide:
535        commit_count = count_build_commits(commits, args.step)
536        tprint(get_action_summary(args.summary, commit_count, board_selected,
537                                  args.threads, args.jobs))
539    builder.set_display_options(
540        args.show_errors, args.show_sizes, args.show_detail, args.show_bloat,
541        args.list_error_boards, args.show_config, args.show_environment,
542        args.filter_dtb_warnings, args.filter_migration_warnings, args.ide)
543    if args.summary:
544        builder.show_summary(commits, board_selected)
545    else:
546        fail, warned, excs = builder.build_boards(
547            commits, board_selected, args.keep_outputs, args.verbose)
548        if excs:
549            return 102
550        if fail:
551            return 100
552        if warned and not args.ignore_warnings:
553            return 101
554    return 0
557def calc_adjust_cfg(adjust_cfg, reproducible_builds):
558    """Calculate the value to use for adjust_cfg
560    Args:
561        adjust_cfg (list of str): List of configuration changes. See cfgutil for
562            details
563        reproducible_builds (bool): True to adjust the configuration to get
564            reproduceable builds
566    Returns:
567        adjust_cfg (list of str): List of configuration changes
568    """
569    adjust_cfg = cfgutil.convert_list_to_dict(adjust_cfg)
571    # Drop LOCALVERSION_AUTO since it changes the version string on every commit
572    if reproducible_builds:
573        # If these are mentioned, leave the local version alone
574        if 'LOCALVERSION' in adjust_cfg or 'LOCALVERSION_AUTO' in adjust_cfg:
575            print('Not dropping LOCALVERSION_AUTO for reproducible build')
576        else:
577            adjust_cfg['LOCALVERSION_AUTO'] = '~'
578    return adjust_cfg
581def do_buildman(args, toolchains=None, make_func=None, brds=None,
582                clean_dir=False, test_thread_exceptions=False):
583    """The main control code for buildman
585    Args:
586        args: ArgumentParser object
587        args: Command line arguments (list of strings)
588        toolchains: Toolchains to use - this should be a Toolchains()
589                object. If None, then it will be created and scanned
590        make_func: Make function to use for the builder. This is called
591                to execute 'make'. If this is None, the normal function
592                will be used, which calls the 'make' tool with suitable
593                arguments. This setting is useful for tests.
594        brds: Boards() object to use, containing a list of available
595                boards. If this is None it will be created and scanned.
596        clean_dir: Used for tests only, indicates that the existing output_dir
597            should be removed before starting the build
598        test_thread_exceptions: Uses for tests only, True to make the threads
599            raise an exception instead of reporting their result. This simulates
600            a failure in the code somewhere
601    """
602    # Used so testing can obtain the builder: pylint: disable=W0603
603    global TEST_BUILDER
605    gitutil.setup()
606    col = terminal.Color()
608    git_dir = os.path.join(args.git, '.git')
610    toolchains = get_toolchains(toolchains, col, args.override_toolchain,
611                                args.fetch_arch, args.list_tool_chains,
612                                args.verbose)
613    if isinstance(toolchains, int):
614        return toolchains
616    output_dir = setup_output_dir(
617        args.output_dir, args.work_in_output, args.branch,
618        args.no_subdirs, col, clean_dir)
620    # Work out what subset of the boards we are building
621    if not brds:
622        brds = get_boards_obj(output_dir, args.regen_board_list,
623                              args.maintainer_check, args.full_check,
624                              args.threads, args.verbose and
625                              not args.print_arch and not args.print_prefix)
626        if isinstance(brds, int):
627            return brds
629    selected, why_selected, board_warnings = determine_boards(
630        brds, args.terms, col, args.boards, args.exclude)
632    if args.print_prefix:
633        show_toolchain_prefix(brds, toolchains)
634        return 0
636    if args.print_arch:
637        show_arch(brds)
638        return 0
640    series = determine_series(selected, col, git_dir, args.count,
641                              args.branch, args.work_in_output)
643    adjust_args(args, series, selected)
645    # For a dry run, just show our actions as a sanity check
646    if args.dry_run:
647        show_actions(series, why_selected, selected, output_dir, board_warnings,
648                     args.step, args.threads, args.jobs,
649                     args.verbose)
650        return 0
652    # Create a new builder with the selected args
653    builder = Builder(toolchains, output_dir, git_dir,
654            args.threads, args.jobs, checkout=True,
655            show_unknown=args.show_unknown, step=args.step,
656            no_subdirs=args.no_subdirs, full_path=args.full_path,
657            verbose_build=args.verbose_build,
658            mrproper=args.mrproper,
659            per_board_out_dir=args.per_board_out_dir,
660            config_only=args.config_only,
661            squash_config_y=not args.preserve_config_y,
662            warnings_as_errors=args.warnings_as_errors,
663            work_in_output=args.work_in_output,
664            test_thread_exceptions=test_thread_exceptions,
665            adjust_cfg=calc_adjust_cfg(args.adjust_cfg,
666                                       args.reproducible_builds),
667            allow_missing=get_allow_missing(args.allow_missing,
668                                            args.no_allow_missing,
669                                            len(selected), args.branch),
670            no_lto=args.no_lto,
671            reproducible_builds=args.reproducible_builds,
672            force_build = args.force_build,
673            force_build_failures = args.force_build_failures,
674            force_reconfig = args.force_reconfig, in_tree = args.in_tree,
675            force_config_on_failure=not args.quick, make_func=make_func)
677    TEST_BUILDER = builder
679    return run_builder(builder, series.commits if series else None,
680                       brds.get_selected_dict(), args)