1/* Copyright 2011-2012 Nicholas J. Kain, licensed under standard MIT license */
2.global _longjmp
3.global longjmp
4.type _longjmp,@function
5.type longjmp,@function
8	mov %rsi,%rax           /* val will be longjmp return */
9	test %rax,%rax
10	jnz 1f
11	inc %rax                /* if val==0, val=1 per longjmp semantics */
13	mov (%rdi),%rbx         /* rdi is the jmp_buf, restore regs from it */
14	mov 8(%rdi),%rbp
15	mov 16(%rdi),%r12
16	mov 24(%rdi),%r13
17	mov 32(%rdi),%r14
18	mov 40(%rdi),%r15
19	mov 48(%rdi),%rdx       /* this ends up being the stack pointer */
20	mov %rdx,%rsp
21	mov 56(%rdi),%rdx       /* this is the instruction pointer */
22	jmp *%rdx               /* goto saved address without altering rsp */