1(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_fact.ML
2    Author:     Jia Meng, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory and NICTA
3    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
5Sledgehammer fact handling.
10  type status = ATP_Problem_Generate.status
11  type stature = ATP_Problem_Generate.stature
13  type raw_fact = ((unit -> string) * stature) * thm
14  type fact = (string * stature) * thm
16  type fact_override =
17    {add : (Facts.ref * Token.src list) list,
18     del : (Facts.ref * Token.src list) list,
19     only : bool}
21  val instantiate_inducts : bool Config.T
22  val no_fact_override : fact_override
24  val fact_of_ref : Proof.context -> Keyword.keywords -> thm list -> status Termtab.table ->
25    Facts.ref * Token.src list -> ((string * stature) * thm) list
26  val cartouche_thm : Proof.context -> thm -> string
27  val is_blacklisted_or_something : Proof.context -> bool -> string -> bool
28  val clasimpset_rule_table_of : Proof.context -> status Termtab.table
29  val build_name_tables : (thm -> string) -> ('a * thm) list ->
30    string Symtab.table * string Symtab.table
31  val fact_distinct : (term * term -> bool) -> ('a * thm) list -> ('a * thm) list
32  val maybe_instantiate_inducts : Proof.context -> term list -> term ->
33    (((unit -> string) * 'a) * thm) list -> (((unit -> string) * 'a) * thm) list
34  val fact_of_raw_fact : raw_fact -> fact
35  val is_useful_unnamed_local_fact : Proof.context -> thm -> bool
37  val all_facts : Proof.context -> bool -> bool -> Keyword.keywords -> thm list -> thm list ->
38    status Termtab.table -> raw_fact list
39  val nearly_all_facts : Proof.context -> bool -> fact_override -> Keyword.keywords ->
40    status Termtab.table -> thm list -> term list -> term -> raw_fact list
41  val drop_duplicate_facts : raw_fact list -> raw_fact list
44structure Sledgehammer_Fact : SLEDGEHAMMER_FACT =
47open ATP_Util
48open ATP_Problem_Generate
49open Sledgehammer_Util
51type raw_fact = ((unit -> string) * stature) * thm
52type fact = (string * stature) * thm
54type fact_override =
55  {add : (Facts.ref * Token.src list) list,
56   del : (Facts.ref * Token.src list) list,
57   only : bool}
59val local_thisN = Long_Name.localN ^ Long_Name.separator ^ Auto_Bind.thisN
61(* gracefully handle huge background theories *)
62val max_facts_for_duplicates = 50000
63val max_facts_for_complex_check = 25000
64val max_simps_for_clasimpset = 10000
66(* experimental feature *)
67val instantiate_inducts =
68  Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\<open>sledgehammer_instantiate_inducts\<close> (K false)
70val no_fact_override = {add = [], del = [], only = false}
72fun needs_quoting keywords s =
73  Keyword.is_literal keywords s orelse
74  exists (not o Symbol_Pos.is_identifier) (Long_Name.explode s)
76fun make_name keywords multi j name =
77  (name |> needs_quoting keywords name ? quote) ^
78  (if multi then "(" ^ string_of_int j ^ ")" else "")
80fun explode_interval _ (Facts.FromTo (i, j)) = i upto j
81  | explode_interval max (Facts.From i) = i upto i + max - 1
82  | explode_interval _ (Facts.Single i) = [i]
84fun is_rec_eq lhs = Term.exists_subterm (curry (op =) (head_of lhs))
86fun is_rec_def (\<^const>\<open>Trueprop\<close> $ t) = is_rec_def t
87  | is_rec_def (\<^const>\<open>Pure.imp\<close> $ _ $ t2) = is_rec_def t2
88  | is_rec_def (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Pure.eq\<close>, _) $ t1 $ t2) = is_rec_eq t1 t2
89  | is_rec_def (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>, _) $ t1 $ t2) = is_rec_eq t1 t2
90  | is_rec_def _ = false
92fun is_assum assms th = exists (fn ct => Thm.prop_of th aconv Thm.term_of ct) assms
93fun is_chained chained = member Thm.eq_thm_prop chained
95fun scope_of_thm global assms chained th =
96  if is_chained chained th then Chained
97  else if global then Global
98  else if is_assum assms th then Assum
99  else Local
101val may_be_induction =
102  exists_subterm (fn Var (_, Type (\<^type_name>\<open>fun\<close>, [_, T])) => body_type T = \<^typ>\<open>bool\<close>
103    | _ => false)
105(* TODO: get rid of *)
106fun normalize_vars t =
107  let
108    fun normT (Type (s, Ts)) = fold_map normT Ts #>> curry Type s
109      | normT (TVar (z as (_, S))) =
110        (fn ((knownT, nT), accum) =>
111            (case find_index (equal z) knownT of
112              ~1 => (TVar ((Name.uu, nT), S), ((z :: knownT, nT + 1), accum))
113            | j => (TVar ((Name.uu, nT - j - 1), S), ((knownT, nT), accum))))
114      | normT (T as TFree _) = pair T
116    fun norm (t $ u) = norm t ##>> norm u #>> op $
117      | norm (Const (s, T)) = normT T #>> curry Const s
118      | norm (Var (z as (_, T))) = normT T
119        #> (fn (T, (accumT, (known, n))) =>
120          (case find_index (equal z) known of
121            ~1 => (Var ((Name.uu, n), T), (accumT, (z :: known, n + 1)))
122          | j => (Var ((Name.uu, n - j - 1), T), (accumT, (known, n)))))
123      | norm (Abs (_, T, t)) = norm t ##>> normT T #>> (fn (t, T) => Abs (Name.uu, T, t))
124      | norm (Bound j) = pair (Bound j)
125      | norm (Free (s, T)) = normT T #>> curry Free s
126  in fst (norm t (([], 0), ([], 0))) end
128fun status_of_thm css name th =
129  if Termtab.is_empty css then
130    General
131  else
132    let val t = Thm.prop_of th in
133      (* FIXME: use structured name *)
134      if String.isSubstring ".induct" name andalso may_be_induction t then
135        Induction
136      else
137        let val t = normalize_vars t in
138          (case Termtab.lookup css t of
139            SOME status => status
140          | NONE =>
141            let val concl = Logic.strip_imp_concl t in
142              (case try (HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop) concl of
143                SOME lrhss =>
144                let
145                  val prems = Logic.strip_imp_prems t
146                  val t' = Logic.list_implies (prems, Logic.mk_equals lrhss)
147                in
148                  Termtab.lookup css t' |> the_default General
149                end
150              | NONE => General)
151            end)
152        end
153    end
155fun stature_of_thm global assms chained css name th =
156  (scope_of_thm global assms chained th, status_of_thm css name th)
158fun fact_of_ref ctxt keywords chained css (xthm as (xref, args)) =
159  let
160    val ths = Attrib.eval_thms ctxt [xthm]
161    val bracket =
162      implode (map (enclose "[" "]" o Pretty.unformatted_string_of o Token.pretty_src ctxt) args)
164    fun nth_name j =
165      (case xref of
166        Facts.Fact s => cartouche (simplify_spaces (YXML.content_of s)) ^ bracket
167      | Facts.Named (("", _), _) => "[" ^ bracket ^ "]"
168      | Facts.Named ((name, _), NONE) => make_name keywords (length ths > 1) (j + 1) name ^ bracket
169      | Facts.Named ((name, _), SOME intervals) =>
170        make_name keywords true
171          (nth (maps (explode_interval (length ths)) intervals) j) name ^ bracket)
173    fun add_nth th (j, rest) =
174      let val name = nth_name j in
175        (j + 1, ((name, stature_of_thm false [] chained css name th), th) :: rest)
176      end
177  in
178    (0, []) |> fold add_nth ths |> snd
179  end
181(* Reject theorems with names like "List.filter.filter_list_def" or "Accessible_Part.acc.defs", as
182   these are definitions arising from packages. *)
183fun is_package_def s =
184  let val ss = Long_Name.explode s in
185    length ss > 2 andalso not (hd ss = "local") andalso
186    exists (fn suf => String.isSuffix suf s)
187      ["_case_def", "_rec_def", "_size_def", "_size_overloaded_def"]
188  end
190(* FIXME: put other record thms here, or declare as "no_atp" *)
191fun multi_base_blacklist ctxt ho_atp =
192  ["defs", "select_defs", "update_defs", "split", "splits", "split_asm", "ext_cases", "eq.simps",
193   "eq.refl", "nchotomy", "case_cong", "case_cong_weak", "nat_of_char_simps", "nibble.simps",
194   "nibble.distinct"]
195  |> not (ho_atp orelse Config.get ctxt instantiate_inducts) ? append ["induct", "inducts"]
196  |> map (prefix Long_Name.separator)
198(* The maximum apply depth of any "metis" call in "Metis_Examples" (back in 2007) was 11. *)
199val max_apply_depth = 18
201fun apply_depth (f $ t) = Int.max (apply_depth f, apply_depth t + 1)
202  | apply_depth (Abs (_, _, t)) = apply_depth t
203  | apply_depth _ = 0
205fun is_too_complex t = apply_depth t > max_apply_depth
207(* FIXME: Ad hoc list *)
208val technical_prefixes =
209  ["ATP", "Code_Evaluation", "Datatype", "Enum", "Lazy_Sequence", "Limited_Sequence", "Meson",
210   "Metis", "Nitpick", "Quickcheck_Random", "Quickcheck_Exhaustive", "Quickcheck_Narrowing",
211   "Random_Sequence", "Sledgehammer", "SMT"]
212  |> map (suffix Long_Name.separator)
214fun is_technical_const s = exists (fn pref => String.isPrefix pref s) technical_prefixes
216(* FIXME: make more reliable *)
217val sep_class_sep = Long_Name.separator ^ "class" ^ Long_Name.separator
219fun is_low_level_class_const s =
220  s = \<^const_name>\<open>equal_class.equal\<close> orelse String.isSubstring sep_class_sep s
222val sep_that = Long_Name.separator ^ Auto_Bind.thatN
223val skolem_thesis = Name.skolem Auto_Bind.thesisN
225fun is_that_fact th =
226  exists_subterm (fn Free (s, _) => s = skolem_thesis | _ => false) (Thm.prop_of th)
227  andalso String.isSuffix sep_that (Thm.get_name_hint th)
229datatype interest = Deal_Breaker | Interesting | Boring
231fun combine_interests Deal_Breaker _ = Deal_Breaker
232  | combine_interests _ Deal_Breaker = Deal_Breaker
233  | combine_interests Interesting _ = Interesting
234  | combine_interests _ Interesting = Interesting
235  | combine_interests Boring Boring = Boring
237val type_has_top_sort =
238  exists_subtype (fn TFree (_, []) => true | TVar (_, []) => true | _ => false)
240fun is_likely_tautology_too_meta_or_too_technical th =
241  let
242    fun is_interesting_subterm (Const (s, _)) =
243        not (member (op =) atp_widely_irrelevant_consts s)
244      | is_interesting_subterm (Free _) = true
245      | is_interesting_subterm _ = false
247    fun interest_of_bool t =
248      if exists_Const ((is_technical_const o fst) orf (is_low_level_class_const o fst) orf
249          type_has_top_sort o snd) t then
250        Deal_Breaker
251      else if exists_type (exists_subtype (curry (op =) \<^typ>\<open>prop\<close>)) t orelse
252          not (exists_subterm is_interesting_subterm t) then
253        Boring
254      else
255        Interesting
257    fun interest_of_prop _ (\<^const>\<open>Trueprop\<close> $ t) = interest_of_bool t
258      | interest_of_prop Ts (\<^const>\<open>Pure.imp\<close> $ t $ u) =
259        combine_interests (interest_of_prop Ts t) (interest_of_prop Ts u)
260      | interest_of_prop Ts (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Pure.all\<close>, _) $ Abs (_, T, t)) =
261        if type_has_top_sort T then Deal_Breaker else interest_of_prop (T :: Ts) t
262      | interest_of_prop Ts ((t as Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Pure.all\<close>, _)) $ u) =
263        interest_of_prop Ts (t $ eta_expand Ts u 1)
264      | interest_of_prop _ (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Pure.eq\<close>, _) $ t $ u) =
265        combine_interests (interest_of_bool t) (interest_of_bool u)
266      | interest_of_prop _ _ = Deal_Breaker
268    val t = Thm.prop_of th
269  in
270    (interest_of_prop [] t <> Interesting andalso not (Thm.eq_thm_prop (@{thm ext}, th))) orelse
271    is_that_fact th
272  end
274fun is_blacklisted_or_something ctxt ho_atp =
275  let val blist = multi_base_blacklist ctxt ho_atp in
276    fn name => is_package_def name orelse exists (fn s => String.isSuffix s name) blist
277  end
279(* This is a terrible hack. Free variables are sometimes coded as "M__" when
280   they are displayed as "M" and we want to avoid clashes with these. But
281   sometimes it's even worse: "Ma__" encodes "M". So we simply reserve all
282   prefixes of all free variables. In the worse case scenario, where the fact
283   won't be resolved correctly, the user can fix it manually, e.g., by giving a
284   name to the offending fact. *)
285fun all_prefixes_of s = map (fn i => String.extract (s, 0, SOME i)) (1 upto size s - 1)
287fun close_form t =
288  (t, [] |> Term.add_free_names t |> maps all_prefixes_of)
289  |> fold (fn ((s, i), T) => fn (t', taken) =>
290      let val s' = singleton (Name.variant_list taken) s in
291        ((if fastype_of t' = HOLogic.boolT then HOLogic.all_const
292          else Logic.all_const) T
293         $ Abs (s', T, abstract_over (Var ((s, i), T), t')),
294         s' :: taken)
295      end)
296    (Term.add_vars t [] |> sort_by (fst o fst))
297  |> fst
299fun cartouche_term ctxt = close_form #> hackish_string_of_term ctxt #> cartouche
300fun cartouche_thm ctxt = cartouche_term ctxt o Thm.prop_of
302(* TODO: rewrite to use nets and/or to reuse existing data structures *)
303fun clasimpset_rule_table_of ctxt =
304  let val simps = ctxt |> simpset_of |> dest_ss |> #simps in
305    if length simps >= max_simps_for_clasimpset then
306      Termtab.empty
307    else
308      let
309        fun add stature th = Termtab.update (normalize_vars (Thm.prop_of th), stature)
311        val {safeIs, (* safeEs, *) unsafeIs, (* unsafeEs, *) ...} =
312          ctxt |> claset_of |> Classical.rep_cs
313        val intros = map #1 (Item_Net.content safeIs @ Item_Net.content unsafeIs)
314(* Add once it is used:
315        val elims = Item_Net.content safeEs @ Item_Net.content unsafeEs
316          |> map Classical.classical_rule
318        val specs = Spec_Rules.get ctxt
319        val (rec_defs, nonrec_defs) = specs
320          |> filter (Spec_Rules.is_equational o #rough_classification)
321          |> maps #rules
322          |> List.partition (is_rec_def o Thm.prop_of)
323        val spec_intros = specs
324          |> filter (Spec_Rules.is_relational o #rough_classification)
325          |> maps #rules
326      in
327        Termtab.empty
328        |> fold (add Simp o snd) simps
329        |> fold (add Rec_Def) rec_defs
330        |> fold (add Non_Rec_Def) nonrec_defs
331(* Add once it is used:
332        |> fold (add Elim) elims
334        |> fold (add Intro) intros
335        |> fold (add Inductive) spec_intros
336      end
337  end
339fun normalize_eq (\<^const>\<open>Trueprop\<close> $ (t as (t0 as Const (\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>, _)) $ t1 $ t2)) =
340    if is_less_equal (Term_Ord.fast_term_ord (t1, t2)) then t else t0 $ t2 $ t1
341  | normalize_eq (\<^const>\<open>Trueprop\<close> $ (t as \<^const>\<open>Not\<close>
342      $ ((t0 as Const (\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>, _)) $ t1 $ t2))) =
343    if is_less_equal (Term_Ord.fast_term_ord (t1, t2)) then t else HOLogic.mk_not (t0 $ t2 $ t1)
344  | normalize_eq (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Pure.eq\<close>, Type (_, [T, _])) $ t1 $ t2) =
345    (if is_less_equal (Term_Ord.fast_term_ord (t1, t2)) then (t1, t2) else (t2, t1))
346    |> (fn (t1, t2) => HOLogic.eq_const T $ t1 $ t2)
347  | normalize_eq t = t
349fun if_thm_before th th' =
350  if Context.subthy_id (apply2 Thm.theory_id (th, th')) then th else th'
352(* Hack: Conflate the facts about a class as seen from the outside with the corresponding low-level
353   facts, so that MaSh can learn from the low-level proofs. *)
354fun un_class_ify s =
355  (case first_field "_class" s of
356    SOME (pref, suf) => [s, pref ^ suf]
357  | NONE => [s])
359fun build_name_tables name_of facts =
360  let
361    fun cons_thm (_, th) = Termtab.cons_list (normalize_vars (normalize_eq (Thm.prop_of th)), th)
362    fun add_plain canon alias =
363      Symtab.update (Thm.get_name_hint alias, name_of (if_thm_before canon alias))
364    fun add_plains (_, aliases as canon :: _) = fold (add_plain canon) aliases
365    fun add_inclass (name, target) = fold (fn s => Symtab.update (s, target)) (un_class_ify name)
366    val prop_tab = fold cons_thm facts Termtab.empty
367    val plain_name_tab = Termtab.fold add_plains prop_tab Symtab.empty
368    val inclass_name_tab = Symtab.fold add_inclass plain_name_tab Symtab.empty
369  in
370    (plain_name_tab, inclass_name_tab)
371  end
373fun fact_distinct eq facts =
374  fold (fn (i, fact as (_, th)) =>
375      Net.insert_term_safe (eq o apply2 (normalize_eq o Thm.prop_of o snd o snd))
376        (normalize_eq (Thm.prop_of th), (i, fact)))
377    (tag_list 0 facts) Net.empty
378  |> Net.entries
379  |> sort (int_ord o apply2 fst)
380  |> map snd
382fun struct_induct_rule_on th =
383  (case Logic.strip_horn (Thm.prop_of th) of
384    (prems, \<^const>\<open>Trueprop\<close> $ ((p as Var ((p_name, 0), _)) $ (a as Var (_, ind_T)))) =>
385    if not (is_TVar ind_T) andalso length prems > 1 andalso
386       exists (exists_subterm (curry (op aconv) p)) prems andalso
387       not (exists (exists_subterm (curry (op aconv) a)) prems) then
388      SOME (p_name, ind_T)
389    else
390      NONE
391  | _ => NONE)
393val instantiate_induct_timeout = seconds 0.01
395fun instantiate_induct_rule ctxt concl_prop p_name ((name, stature), th) ind_x =
396  let
397    fun varify_noninducts (t as Free (s, T)) =
398        if (s, T) = ind_x orelse can dest_funT T then t else Var ((s, 0), T)
399      | varify_noninducts t = t
401    val p_inst = concl_prop
402      |> map_aterms varify_noninducts
403      |> close_form
404      |> lambda (Free ind_x)
405      |> hackish_string_of_term ctxt
406  in
407    ((fn () => name () ^ "[where " ^ p_name ^ " = " ^ quote p_inst ^ "]", stature),
408     th |> Rule_Insts.read_instantiate ctxt [(((p_name, 0), Position.none), p_inst)] [])
409  end
411fun type_match thy (T1, T2) =
412  (Sign.typ_match thy (T2, T1) Vartab.empty; true)
413  handle Type.TYPE_MATCH => false
415fun instantiate_if_induct_rule ctxt stmt stmt_xs (ax as (_, th)) =
416  (case struct_induct_rule_on th of
417    SOME (p_name, ind_T) =>
418    let val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt in
419      stmt_xs
420      |> filter (fn (_, T) => type_match thy (T, ind_T))
421      |> map_filter (try (Timeout.apply instantiate_induct_timeout
422        (instantiate_induct_rule ctxt stmt p_name ax)))
423    end
424  | NONE => [ax])
426fun external_frees t =
427  [] |> Term.add_frees t |> filter_out (Name.is_internal o fst)
429fun maybe_instantiate_inducts ctxt hyp_ts concl_t =
430  if Config.get ctxt instantiate_inducts then
431    let
432      val ind_stmt =
433        (hyp_ts |> filter_out (null o external_frees), concl_t)
434        |> Logic.list_implies |> Object_Logic.atomize_term ctxt
435      val ind_stmt_xs = external_frees ind_stmt
436    in
437      maps (instantiate_if_induct_rule ctxt ind_stmt ind_stmt_xs)
438    end
439  else
440    I
442fun fact_of_raw_fact ((name, stature), th) = ((name (), stature), th)
444fun fact_count facts = Facts.fold_static (K (Integer.add 1)) facts 0
446fun is_useful_unnamed_local_fact ctxt =
447  let
448    val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
449    val global_facts = Global_Theory.facts_of thy
450    val local_facts = Proof_Context.facts_of ctxt
451    val named_locals = Facts.dest_static true [global_facts] local_facts
452      |> maps (map (normalize_eq o Thm.prop_of) o snd)
453  in
454    fn th =>
455      not (Thm.has_name_hint th) andalso
456      not (member (op aconv) named_locals (normalize_eq (Thm.prop_of th)))
457  end
459fun all_facts ctxt generous ho_atp keywords add_ths chained css =
460  let
461    val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
462    val transfer = Global_Theory.transfer_theories thy
463    val global_facts = Global_Theory.facts_of thy
464    val is_too_complex =
465      if generous orelse fact_count global_facts >= max_facts_for_complex_check then K false
466      else is_too_complex
467    val local_facts = Proof_Context.facts_of ctxt
468    val assms = Assumption.all_assms_of ctxt
469    val named_locals = Facts.dest_static true [global_facts] local_facts
470    val unnamed_locals =
471      Facts.props local_facts
472      |> map #1
473      |> filter (is_useful_unnamed_local_fact ctxt)
474      |> map (pair "" o single)
476    val full_space = Name_Space.merge (Facts.space_of global_facts, Facts.space_of local_facts)
477    val is_blacklisted_or_something = is_blacklisted_or_something ctxt ho_atp
479    fun add_facts global foldx facts =
480      foldx (fn (name0, ths) => fn accum =>
481        if name0 <> "" andalso
482           (Long_Name.is_hidden (Facts.intern facts name0) orelse
483            ((Facts.is_concealed facts name0 orelse
484              (not generous andalso is_blacklisted_or_something name0)) andalso
485             forall (not o member Thm.eq_thm_prop add_ths) ths)) then
486          accum
487        else
488          let
489            val n = length ths
490            val multi = n > 1
492            fun check_thms a =
493              (case try (Proof_Context.get_thms ctxt) a of
494                NONE => false
495              | SOME ths' => eq_list Thm.eq_thm_prop (ths, ths'))
496          in
497            snd (fold_rev (fn th0 => fn (j, accum) =>
498              let val th = transfer th0 in
499                (j - 1,
500                 if not (member Thm.eq_thm_prop add_ths th) andalso
501                    (is_likely_tautology_too_meta_or_too_technical th orelse
502                     is_too_complex (Thm.prop_of th)) then
503                   accum
504                 else
505                   let
506                     fun get_name () =
507                       if name0 = "" orelse name0 = local_thisN then
508                         cartouche_thm ctxt th
509                       else
510                         let val short_name = Facts.extern ctxt facts name0 in
511                           if check_thms short_name then
512                             short_name
513                           else
514                             let val long_name = Name_Space.extern ctxt full_space name0 in
515                               if check_thms long_name then
516                                 long_name
517                               else
518                                 name0
519                             end
520                         end
521                         |> make_name keywords multi j
522                     val stature = stature_of_thm global assms chained css name0 th
523                     val new = ((get_name, stature), th)
524                   in
525                     (if multi then apsnd else apfst) (cons new) accum
526                   end)
527              end) ths (n, accum))
528          end)
529  in
530    (* The single-theorem names go before the multiple-theorem ones (e.g., "xxx" vs. "xxx(3)"), so
531       that single names are preferred when both are available. *)
532    ([], [])
533    |> add_facts false fold local_facts (unnamed_locals @ named_locals)
534    |> add_facts true Facts.fold_static global_facts global_facts
535    |> op @
536  end
538fun nearly_all_facts ctxt ho_atp {add, del, only} keywords css chained hyp_ts concl_t =
539  if only andalso null add then
540    []
541  else
542    let
543      val chained = chained |> maps (fn th => insert Thm.eq_thm_prop (zero_var_indexes th) [th])
544    in
545      (if only then
546         maps (map (fn ((name, stature), th) => ((K name, stature), th))
547           o fact_of_ref ctxt keywords chained css) add
548       else
549         let
550           val (add, del) = apply2 (Attrib.eval_thms ctxt) (add, del)
551           val facts =
552             all_facts ctxt false ho_atp keywords add chained css
553             |> filter_out ((member Thm.eq_thm_prop del orf
554               (Named_Theorems.member ctxt \<^named_theorems>\<open>no_atp\<close> andf
555                 not o member Thm.eq_thm_prop add)) o snd)
556         in
557           facts
558         end)
559      |> maybe_instantiate_inducts ctxt hyp_ts concl_t
560    end
562fun drop_duplicate_facts facts =
563  let val num_facts = length facts in
564    facts |> num_facts <= max_facts_for_duplicates ? fact_distinct (op aconv)
565  end