1(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/SMT/smt_datatypes.ML
2    Author:     Sascha Boehme, TU Muenchen
4Collector functions for common type declarations and their representation
5as (co)algebraic datatypes.
8signature SMT_DATATYPES =
10  val add_decls: BNF_Util.fp_kind list -> typ ->
11    (BNF_Util.fp_kind * (typ * (term * term list) list)) list list * Proof.context ->
12    (BNF_Util.fp_kind * (typ * (term * term list) list)) list list * Proof.context
15structure SMT_Datatypes: SMT_DATATYPES =
18fun mk_selectors T Ts sels =
19  if null sels then
20    Variable.variant_fixes (replicate (length Ts) "select")
21    #>> map2 (fn U => fn n => Free (n, T --> U)) Ts
22  else
23    pair sels
26(* free constructor type declarations *)
28fun get_ctr_sugar_decl ({ctrs = ctrs0, selss = selss0, ...} : Ctr_Sugar.ctr_sugar) T Ts ctxt =
29  let
30    val selss = map (map (Ctr_Sugar.mk_disc_or_sel Ts)) selss0
31    val ctrs = map (Ctr_Sugar.mk_ctr Ts) ctrs0
33    fun mk_constr ctr sels =
34      mk_selectors T (binder_types (fastype_of ctr)) sels #>> pair ctr
36    val selss' =
37      (if has_duplicates (op aconv) (flat selss) orelse
38          exists (exists (can (dest_funT o range_type o fastype_of))) selss then
39         []
40       else
41         selss)
42      |> Ctr_Sugar_Util.pad_list [] (length ctrs)
43  in
44    @{fold_map 2} mk_constr ctrs selss' ctxt
45    |>> (pair T #> single)
46  end
49(* typedef declarations *)
51fun get_typedef_decl (({Abs_name, Rep_name, abs_type, rep_type, ...}, {Abs_inverse, ...})
52    : Typedef.info) T Ts =
53  if can (curry (op RS) @{thm UNIV_I}) Abs_inverse then
54    let
55      val env = snd (Term.dest_Type abs_type) ~~ Ts
56      val instT = Term.map_atyps (perhaps (AList.lookup (op =) env))
58      val constr = Const (Abs_name, instT (rep_type --> abs_type))
59      val select = Const (Rep_name, instT (abs_type --> rep_type))
60    in [(T, [(constr, [select])])] end
61  else
62    []
65(* collection of declarations *)
67val extN = "_ext" (* cf. "HOL/Tools/typedef.ML" *)
69fun get_decls fps T n Ts ctxt =
70  let
71    fun maybe_typedef () =
72      (case Typedef.get_info ctxt n of
73        [] => ([], ctxt)
74      | info :: _ => (map (pair (hd fps)) (get_typedef_decl info T Ts), ctxt))
75  in
76    (case BNF_FP_Def_Sugar.fp_sugar_of ctxt n of
77      SOME {fp, fp_res = {Ts = fp_Ts, ...}, fp_ctr_sugar = {ctr_sugar, ...}, ...} =>
78      if member (op =) fps fp then
79        let
80          val ns = map (fst o dest_Type) fp_Ts
81          val mutual_fp_sugars = map_filter (BNF_FP_Def_Sugar.fp_sugar_of ctxt) ns
82          val Xs = map #X mutual_fp_sugars
83          val ctrXs_Tsss = map (#ctrXs_Tss o #fp_ctr_sugar) mutual_fp_sugars
85          (* Datatypes nested through datatypes and codatatypes nested through codatatypes are
86             allowed. So are mutually (co)recursive (co)datatypes. *)
87          fun is_same_fp s =
88            (case BNF_FP_Def_Sugar.fp_sugar_of ctxt s of
89              SOME {fp = fp', ...} => fp' = fp
90            | NONE => false)
91          fun is_homogenously_nested_co_recursive (Type (s, Ts)) =
92              forall (if is_same_fp s then is_homogenously_nested_co_recursive
93                else not o BNF_FP_Rec_Sugar_Util.exists_subtype_in Xs) Ts
94            | is_homogenously_nested_co_recursive _ = true
96          val Type (_, As) :: _ = fp_Ts
97          val substAs = Term.typ_subst_atomic (As ~~ Ts);
98        in
99          (* TODO/FIXME: The "bool" check is there to work around a CVC4 bug
100             (http://church.cims.nyu.edu/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=597). It should be removed once
101             the bug is fixed. *)
102          if forall (forall (forall (is_homogenously_nested_co_recursive))) ctrXs_Tsss andalso
103             forall (forall (forall (curry (op <>) \<^typ>\<open>bool\<close>)))
104               (map (map (map substAs)) ctrXs_Tsss) then
105            get_ctr_sugar_decl ctr_sugar T Ts ctxt |>> map (pair fp)
106          else
107            maybe_typedef ()
108        end
109      else
110        ([], ctxt)
111    | NONE =>
112      if String.isSuffix extN n then
113        (* for records (FIXME: hack) *)
114        (case Ctr_Sugar.ctr_sugar_of ctxt n of
115          SOME ctr_sugar =>
116          get_ctr_sugar_decl ctr_sugar T Ts ctxt |>> map (pair (hd fps))
117        | NONE => maybe_typedef ())
118      else
119        maybe_typedef ())
120  end
122fun add_decls fps T (declss, ctxt) =
123  let
124    fun declared T = exists (exists (equal T o fst o snd))
125    fun declared' T = exists (exists (equal T o fst o snd) o snd)
126    fun depends ds = exists (member (op =) (map (fst o snd) ds))
128    fun add (TFree _) = I
129      | add (TVar _) = I
130      | add (T as Type (\<^type_name>\<open>fun\<close>, _)) =
131          fold add (Term.body_type T :: Term.binder_types T)
132      | add \<^typ>\<open>bool\<close> = I
133      | add (T as Type (n, Ts)) = (fn (dss, ctxt1) =>
134          if declared T declss orelse declared' T dss then
135            (dss, ctxt1)
136          else if SMT_Builtin.is_builtin_typ_ext ctxt1 T then
137            (dss, ctxt1)
138          else
139            (case get_decls fps T n Ts ctxt1 of
140              ([], _) => (dss, ctxt1)
141            | (ds, ctxt2) =>
142                let
143                  val constrTs = maps (map (snd o Term.dest_Const o fst) o snd o snd) ds
144                  val Us = fold (union (op =) o Term.binder_types) constrTs []
146                  fun ins [] = [(Us, ds)]
147                    | ins ((Uds as (Us', _)) :: Udss) =
148                        if depends ds Us' then (Us, ds) :: Uds :: Udss else Uds :: ins Udss
149            in fold add Us (ins dss, ctxt2) end))
150  in add T ([], ctxt) |>> append declss o map snd end