1(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Old_Datatype/old_primrec.ML
2    Author:     Norbert Voelker, FernUni Hagen
3    Author:     Stefan Berghofer, TU Muenchen
4    Author:     Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
6Primitive recursive functions on datatypes.
9signature OLD_PRIMREC =
11  val primrec: bool -> (binding * typ option * mixfix) list ->
12    Specification.multi_specs -> local_theory ->
13    {types: string list, result: term list * thm list} * local_theory
14  val primrec_cmd: bool -> (binding * string option * mixfix) list ->
15    Specification.multi_specs_cmd -> local_theory ->
16    {types: string list, result: term list * thm list} * local_theory
17  val primrec_global: bool -> (binding * typ option * mixfix) list ->
18    Specification.multi_specs -> theory -> (term list * thm list) * theory
19  val primrec_overloaded: bool -> (string * (string * typ) * bool) list ->
20    (binding * typ option * mixfix) list ->
21    Specification.multi_specs -> theory -> (term list * thm list) * theory
22  val primrec_simple: bool -> ((binding * typ) * mixfix) list -> term list -> local_theory ->
23    {prefix: string, types: string list, result: term list * thm list} * local_theory
26structure Old_Primrec : OLD_PRIMREC =
29exception PrimrecError of string * term option;
31fun primrec_error msg = raise PrimrecError (msg, NONE);
32fun primrec_error_eqn msg eqn = raise PrimrecError (msg, SOME eqn);
35(* preprocessing of equations *)
37fun process_eqn is_fixed spec rec_fns =
38  let
39    val (vs, Ts) = split_list (strip_qnt_vars \<^const_name>\<open>Pure.all\<close> spec);
40    val body = strip_qnt_body \<^const_name>\<open>Pure.all\<close> spec;
41    val (vs', _) = fold_map Name.variant vs (Name.make_context (fold_aterms
42      (fn Free (v, _) => insert (op =) v | _ => I) body []));
43    val eqn = curry subst_bounds (map2 (curry Free) vs' Ts |> rev) body;
44    val (lhs, rhs) = HOLogic.dest_eq (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop eqn)
45      handle TERM _ => primrec_error "not a proper equation";
46    val (recfun, args) = strip_comb lhs;
47    val fname =
48      (case recfun of
49        Free (v, _) =>
50          if is_fixed v then v
51          else primrec_error "illegal head of function equation"
52      | _ => primrec_error "illegal head of function equation");
54    val (ls', rest)  = chop_prefix is_Free args;
55    val (middle, rs') = chop_suffix is_Free rest;
56    val rpos = length ls';
58    val (constr, cargs') =
59      if null middle then primrec_error "constructor missing"
60      else strip_comb (hd middle);
61    val (cname, T) = dest_Const constr
62      handle TERM _ => primrec_error "ill-formed constructor";
63    val (tname, _) = dest_Type (body_type T) handle TYPE _ =>
64      primrec_error "cannot determine datatype associated with function"
66    val (ls, cargs, rs) =
67      (map dest_Free ls', map dest_Free cargs', map dest_Free rs')
68      handle TERM _ => primrec_error "illegal argument in pattern";
69    val lfrees = ls @ rs @ cargs;
71    fun check_vars _ [] = ()
72      | check_vars s vars = primrec_error (s ^ commas_quote (map fst vars)) eqn;
73  in
74    if length middle > 1 then
75      primrec_error "more than one non-variable in pattern"
76    else
77     (check_vars "repeated variable names in pattern: " (duplicates (op =) lfrees);
78      check_vars "extra variables on rhs: "
79        (Term.add_frees rhs [] |> subtract (op =) lfrees
80          |> filter_out (is_fixed o fst));
81      (case AList.lookup (op =) rec_fns fname of
82        NONE =>
83          (fname, (tname, rpos, [(cname, (ls, cargs, rs, rhs, eqn))])) :: rec_fns
84      | SOME (_, rpos', eqns) =>
85          if AList.defined (op =) eqns cname then
86            primrec_error "constructor already occurred as pattern"
87          else if rpos <> rpos' then
88            primrec_error "position of recursive argument inconsistent"
89          else
90            AList.update (op =)
91              (fname, (tname, rpos, (cname, (ls, cargs, rs, rhs, eqn)) :: eqns))
92              rec_fns))
93  end handle PrimrecError (msg, NONE) => primrec_error_eqn msg spec;
95fun process_fun descr eqns (i, fname) (fnames, fnss) =
96  let
97    val (_, (tname, _, constrs)) = nth descr i;
99    (* substitute "fname ls x rs" by "y ls rs" for (x, (_, y)) in subs *)
101    fun subst [] t fs = (t, fs)
102      | subst subs (Abs (a, T, t)) fs =
103          fs
104          |> subst subs t
105          |-> (fn t' => pair (Abs (a, T, t')))
106      | subst subs (t as (_ $ _)) fs =
107          let
108            val (f, ts) = strip_comb t;
109          in
110            if is_Free f
111              andalso member (fn ((v, _), (w, _)) => v = w) eqns (dest_Free f) then
112              let
113                val (fname', _) = dest_Free f;
114                val (_, rpos, _) = the (AList.lookup (op =) eqns fname');
115                val (ls, rs) = chop rpos ts
116                val (x', rs') =
117                  (case rs of
118                    x' :: rs => (x', rs)
119                  | [] => primrec_error ("not enough arguments in recursive application\n" ^
120                      "of function " ^ quote fname' ^ " on rhs"));
121                val (x, xs) = strip_comb x';
122              in
123                (case AList.lookup (op =) subs x of
124                  NONE =>
125                    fs
126                    |> fold_map (subst subs) ts
127                    |-> (fn ts' => pair (list_comb (f, ts')))
128                | SOME (i', y) =>
129                    fs
130                    |> fold_map (subst subs) (xs @ ls @ rs')
131                    ||> process_fun descr eqns (i', fname')
132                    |-> (fn ts' => pair (list_comb (y, ts'))))
133              end
134            else
135              fs
136              |> fold_map (subst subs) (f :: ts)
137              |-> (fn f' :: ts' => pair (list_comb (f', ts')))
138          end
139      | subst _ t fs = (t, fs);
141    (* translate rec equations into function arguments suitable for rec comb *)
143    fun trans eqns (cname, cargs) (fnames', fnss', fns) =
144      (case AList.lookup (op =) eqns cname of
145        NONE => (warning ("No equation for constructor " ^ quote cname ^
146          "\nin definition of function " ^ quote fname);
147            (fnames', fnss', (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>undefined\<close>, dummyT)) :: fns))
148      | SOME (ls, cargs', rs, rhs, eq) =>
149          let
150            val recs = filter (Old_Datatype_Aux.is_rec_type o snd) (cargs' ~~ cargs);
151            val rargs = map fst recs;
152            val subs = map (rpair dummyT o fst)
153              (rev (Term.rename_wrt_term rhs rargs));
154            val (rhs', (fnames'', fnss'')) = subst (map2 (fn (x, y) => fn z =>
155              (Free x, (Old_Datatype_Aux.body_index y, Free z))) recs subs) rhs (fnames', fnss')
156                handle PrimrecError (s, NONE) => primrec_error_eqn s eq
157          in
158            (fnames'', fnss'', fold_rev absfree (cargs' @ subs @ ls @ rs) rhs' :: fns)
159          end)
161  in
162    (case AList.lookup (op =) fnames i of
163      NONE =>
164        if exists (fn (_, v) => fname = v) fnames then
165          primrec_error ("inconsistent functions for datatype " ^ quote tname)
166        else
167          let
168            val (_, _, eqns) = the (AList.lookup (op =) eqns fname);
169            val (fnames', fnss', fns) = fold_rev (trans eqns) constrs
170              ((i, fname) :: fnames, fnss, [])
171          in
172            (fnames', (i, (fname, #1 (snd (hd eqns)), fns)) :: fnss')
173          end
174    | SOME fname' =>
175        if fname = fname' then (fnames, fnss)
176        else primrec_error ("inconsistent functions for datatype " ^ quote tname))
177  end;
180(* prepare functions needed for definitions *)
182fun get_fns fns ((i : int, (tname, _, constrs)), rec_name) (fs, defs) =
183  (case AList.lookup (op =) fns i of
184    NONE =>
185      let
186        val dummy_fns = map (fn (_, cargs) => Const (\<^const_name>\<open>undefined\<close>,
187          replicate (length cargs + length (filter Old_Datatype_Aux.is_rec_type cargs))
188            dummyT ---> HOLogic.unitT)) constrs;
189        val _ = warning ("No function definition for datatype " ^ quote tname)
190      in
191        (dummy_fns @ fs, defs)
192      end
193  | SOME (fname, ls, fs') => (fs' @ fs, (fname, ls, rec_name) :: defs));
196(* make definition *)
198fun make_def ctxt fixes fs (fname, ls, rec_name) =
199  let
200    val SOME (var, varT) = get_first (fn ((b, T), mx: mixfix) =>
201      if Binding.name_of b = fname then SOME ((b, mx), T) else NONE) fixes;
202    val def_name = Thm.def_name (Long_Name.base_name fname);
203    val raw_rhs = fold_rev (fn T => fn t => Abs ("", T, t)) (map snd ls @ [dummyT])
204      (list_comb (Const (rec_name, dummyT), fs @ map Bound (0 :: (length ls downto 1))))
205    val rhs = singleton (Syntax.check_terms ctxt) (Type.constraint varT raw_rhs);
206  in (var, ((Binding.concealed (Binding.name def_name), []): Attrib.binding, rhs)) end;
209(* find datatypes which contain all datatypes in tnames' *)
211fun find_dts _ _ [] = []
212  | find_dts dt_info tnames' (tname :: tnames) =
213      (case Symtab.lookup dt_info tname of
214        NONE => primrec_error (quote tname ^ " is not a datatype")
215      | SOME (dt : Old_Datatype_Aux.info) =>
216          if subset (op =) (tnames', map (#1 o snd) (#descr dt)) then
217            (tname, dt) :: (find_dts dt_info tnames' tnames)
218          else find_dts dt_info tnames' tnames);
221(* distill primitive definition(s) from primrec specification *)
223fun distill ctxt fixes eqs =
224  let
225    val eqns = fold_rev (process_eqn (fn v => Variable.is_fixed ctxt v
226      orelse exists (fn ((w, _), _) => v = Binding.name_of w) fixes)) eqs [];
227    val tnames = distinct (op =) (map (#1 o snd) eqns);
228    val dts = find_dts (Old_Datatype_Data.get_all (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt)) tnames tnames;
229    val main_fns = map (fn (tname, {index, ...}) =>
230      (index, (fst o the o find_first (fn (_, x) => #1 x = tname)) eqns)) dts;
231    val {descr, rec_names, rec_rewrites, ...} =
232      if null dts then primrec_error
233        ("datatypes " ^ commas_quote tnames ^ "\nare not mutually recursive")
234      else snd (hd dts);
235    val (fnames, fnss) = fold_rev (process_fun descr eqns) main_fns ([], []);
236    val (fs, raw_defs) = fold_rev (get_fns fnss) (descr ~~ rec_names) ([], []);
237    val defs = map (make_def ctxt fixes fs) raw_defs;
238    val names = map snd fnames;
239    val names_eqns = map fst eqns;
240    val _ =
241      if eq_set (op =) (names, names_eqns) then ()
242      else primrec_error ("functions " ^ commas_quote names_eqns ^
243        "\nare not mutually recursive");
244    val rec_rewrites' = map mk_meta_eq rec_rewrites;
245    val prefix = space_implode "_" (map (Long_Name.base_name o #1) raw_defs);
246    fun prove ctxt defs =
247      let
248        val frees = fold (Variable.add_free_names ctxt) eqs [];
249        val rewrites = rec_rewrites' @ map (snd o snd) defs;
250      in
251        map (fn eq => Goal.prove ctxt frees [] eq
252          (fn {context = ctxt', ...} =>
253            EVERY [rewrite_goals_tac ctxt' rewrites, resolve_tac ctxt' [refl] 1])) eqs
254      end;
255  in ((prefix, tnames, (fs, defs)), prove) end
256  handle PrimrecError (msg, some_eqn) =>
257    error ("Primrec definition error:\n" ^ msg ^
258      (case some_eqn of
259        SOME eqn => "\nin\n" ^ quote (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt eqn)
260      | NONE => ""));
263(* primrec definition *)
265fun primrec_simple int fixes ts lthy =
266  let
267    val ((prefix, tnames, (_, defs)), prove) = distill lthy fixes ts;
268  in
269    lthy
270    |> fold_map Local_Theory.define defs
271    |> tap (uncurry (BNF_FP_Rec_Sugar_Util.print_def_consts int))
272    |-> (fn defs =>
273      `(fn lthy => {prefix = prefix, types = tnames, result = (map fst defs, prove lthy defs)}))
274  end;
278fun gen_primrec prep_spec int raw_fixes raw_spec lthy =
279  let
280    val (fixes, spec) = fst (prep_spec raw_fixes raw_spec lthy);
281    val spec_name = Binding.conglomerate (map (#1 o #1) fixes);
282    fun attr_bindings prefix = map (fn ((b, attrs), _) =>
283      (Binding.qualify false prefix b, attrs)) spec;
284    fun simp_attr_binding prefix =
285      (Binding.qualify true prefix (Binding.name "simps"), @{attributes [simp, nitpick_simp]});
286  in
287    lthy
288    |> primrec_simple int fixes (map snd spec)
289    |-> (fn {prefix, types, result = (ts, simps)} =>
290      Spec_Rules.add spec_name (Spec_Rules.equational_primrec types) ts simps
291      #> fold_map Local_Theory.note (attr_bindings prefix ~~ map single simps)
292      #-> (fn simps' => Local_Theory.note (simp_attr_binding prefix, maps snd simps')
293        #-> (fn (_, simps'') => 
294          Code.declare_default_eqns (map (rpair true) simps'')
295          #> pair {types = types, result = (ts, simps'')})))
296  end;
300val primrec = gen_primrec Specification.check_multi_specs;
301val primrec_cmd = gen_primrec Specification.read_multi_specs;
305fun primrec_global int fixes specs thy =
306  let
307    val lthy = Named_Target.theory_init thy;
308    val ({result = (ts, simps), ...}, lthy') = primrec int fixes specs lthy;
309    val simps' = Proof_Context.export lthy' lthy simps;
310  in ((ts, simps'), Local_Theory.exit_global lthy') end;
312fun primrec_overloaded int ops fixes specs thy =
313  let
314    val lthy = Overloading.overloading ops thy;
315    val ({result = (ts, simps), ...}, lthy') = primrec int fixes specs lthy;
316    val simps' = Proof_Context.export lthy' lthy simps;
317  in ((ts, simps'), Local_Theory.exit_global lthy') end;