2  Title:      GraphBrowser/GraphBrowser.java
3  Author:     Stefan Berghofer, TU Muenchen
4  Options:    :tabSize=4:
6  This is the graph browser's main class. It contains the "main(...)"
7  method, which is used for the stand-alone version, as well as
8  "init(...)", "start(...)" and "stop(...)" methods which are used for
9  the applet version.
10  Note: GraphBrowser is designed for the 1.1.x version of the JDK.
13package GraphBrowser;
15import java.awt.*;
16import java.applet.*;
17import java.io.*;
18import java.util.*;
19import java.net.*;
20import awtUtilities.*;
22public class GraphBrowser extends Applet {
23	GraphView gv;
24	TreeBrowser tb=null;
25	String gfname;
27	static boolean isApplet;
28	static Frame f;
30	public GraphBrowser(String name) {
31		gfname=name;
32	}
34	public GraphBrowser() {}
36	public void showWaitMessage() {
37		if (isApplet)
38			getAppletContext().showStatus("calculating layout, please wait ...");
39		else {
40			f.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR));
41		}
42	}
44	public void showReadyMessage() {
45		if (isApplet)
46			getAppletContext().showStatus("ready !");
47		else {
48			f.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR));
49		}
50	}
52	public void viewFile(String fname) {
53		try {
54			if (isApplet)
55				getAppletContext().showDocument(new URL(getDocumentBase(), fname), "_blank");
56			else {
57				String path = gfname.substring(0, gfname.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
58				Reader rd;
59				BufferedReader br;
60				String line, text = "";
62				try {
63					rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader((new URL(fname)).openConnection().getInputStream()));
64				} catch (Exception exn) {
65					rd = new FileReader(path + fname);
66				}
67				br = new BufferedReader(rd);
69				while ((line = br.readLine()) != null)
70					text += line + "\n";
72				if (fname.endsWith(".html")) {
73					/**** convert HTML to text (just a quick hack) ****/
75					String buf="";
76					char[] text2,text3;
77					int i,j=0;
78					boolean special=false, html=false;
79					char ctrl;
81					text2 = text.toCharArray();
82					text3 = new char[text.length()];
83					for (i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) {
84						char c = text2[i];
85						if (c == '&') {
86							special = true;
87							buf = "";
88						} else if (special) {
89							if (c == ';') {
90								special = false;
91								if (buf.equals("lt"))
92									text3[j++] = '<';
93								else if (buf.equals("gt"))
94									text3[j++] = '>';
95								else if (buf.equals("amp"))
96									text3[j++] = '&';
97							} else
98								buf += c;
99						} else if (c == '<') {
100							html = true;
101							ctrl = text2[i+1];
102						} else if (c == '>')
103							html = false;
104						else if (!html)
105							text3[j++] = c;
106					}
107					text = String.valueOf(text3);
108				}
110				Frame f=new TextFrame(fname.substring(fname.lastIndexOf('/')+1),text);
111				f.setSize(500,600);
112				f.show();
113			}
114		} catch (Exception exn) {
115			System.err.println("Can't read file "+fname);
116		}
117	}
119	public void PS(String fname,boolean printable) throws IOException {
120		gv.PS(fname,printable);
121	}
123	public boolean isEmpty() {
124		return tb==null;
125	}
127	public void initBrowser(InputStream is, boolean noAWT) {
128		try {
129			Font font = noAWT ? null : new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 12);
130			TreeNode tn = new TreeNode("Root", "", -1, true);
131			gv = new GraphView(new Graph(is, tn), this, font);
132			tb = new TreeBrowser(tn, gv, font);
133			gv.setTreeBrowser(tb);
134			Vector v = new Vector(10,10);
135			tn.collapsedDirectories(v);
136			gv.collapseDir(v);
138			ScrollPane scrollp1 = new ScrollPane();
139			ScrollPane scrollp2 = new ScrollPane();
140			scrollp1.add(gv);
141			scrollp2.add(tb);
142			scrollp1.getHAdjustable().setUnitIncrement(20);
143			scrollp1.getVAdjustable().setUnitIncrement(20);
144			scrollp2.getHAdjustable().setUnitIncrement(20);
145			scrollp2.getVAdjustable().setUnitIncrement(20);
146			Component gv2 = new Border(scrollp1, 3);
147			Component tb2 = new Border(scrollp2, 3);
148			GridBagLayout gridbag = new GridBagLayout();
149			GridBagConstraints cnstr = new GridBagConstraints();
150			setLayout(gridbag);
151			cnstr.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
152			cnstr.insets = new Insets(5,5,5,5);
153			cnstr.weightx = 1;
154			cnstr.weighty = 1;
155			cnstr.gridwidth = 1;
156			gridbag.setConstraints(tb2,cnstr);
157			add(tb2);
158			cnstr.weightx = 2.5;
159			cnstr.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
160			gridbag.setConstraints(gv2,cnstr);
161			add(gv2);
162		} catch (IOException exn) {
163			System.err.println("\nI/O error while reading graph file.");
164		} catch (ParseError exn) {
165			System.err.println("\nParse error in graph file:");
166			System.err.println(exn.getMessage());
167			System.err.println("\nSyntax:\n<vertexname> <vertexID> <dirname> [ + ] <path> [ < | > ] [ <vertexID> [ ... [ <vertexID> ] ... ] ] ;");
168		}
169	}
171	public void init() {
172		isApplet=true;
173		gfname=getParameter("graphfile");
174		try {
175			InputStream is=(new URL(getDocumentBase(), gfname)).openConnection().getInputStream();
176			initBrowser(is, false);
177			is.close();
178		} catch (MalformedURLException exn) {
179			System.err.println("Invalid URL: "+gfname);
180		} catch (IOException exn) {
181			System.err.println("I/O error while reading "+gfname+".");
182		}
183	}
185	public static void main(String[] args) {
186		isApplet=false;
187		try {
188			GraphBrowser gb=new GraphBrowser(args.length > 0 ? args[0] : "");
189			if (args.length > 0) {
190				InputStream is=new FileInputStream(args[0]);
191				gb.initBrowser(is, args.length > 1);
192				is.close();
193			}
194			if (args.length > 1) {
195                            try {
196			      if (args[1].endsWith(".ps"))
197                                gb.gv.PS(args[1], true);
198                              else if (args[1].endsWith(".eps"))
199                                gb.gv.PS(args[1], false);
200                              else
201                                System.err.println("Unknown file type: " + args[1]);
202                            } catch (IOException exn) {
203                              System.err.println("Unable to write file " + args[1]);
204                            }
205                        } else {
206			    f=new GraphBrowserFrame(gb);
207			    f.setSize(700,500);
208			    f.show();
209                        }
210		} catch (IOException exn) {
211			System.err.println("Can't open graph file "+args[0]);
212		}
213	}