1(*  Title:      HOL/UNITY/ProgressSets.thy
2    Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
3    Copyright   2003  University of Cambridge
5Progress Sets.  From 
7    David Meier and Beverly Sanders,
8    Composing Leads-to Properties
9    Theoretical Computer Science 243:1-2 (2000), 339-361.
11    David Meier,
12    Progress Properties in Program Refinement and Parallel Composition
13    Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (1997)
16section\<open>Progress Sets\<close>
18theory ProgressSets imports Transformers begin
20subsection \<open>Complete Lattices and the Operator \<^term>\<open>cl\<close>\<close>
22definition lattice :: "'a set set => bool" where
23   \<comment> \<open>Meier calls them closure sets, but they are just complete lattices\<close>
24   "lattice L ==
25         (\<forall>M. M \<subseteq> L --> \<Inter>M \<in> L) & (\<forall>M. M \<subseteq> L --> \<Union>M \<in> L)"
27definition cl :: "['a set set, 'a set] => 'a set" where
28   \<comment> \<open>short for ``closure''\<close>
29   "cl L r == \<Inter>{x. x\<in>L & r \<subseteq> x}"
31lemma UNIV_in_lattice: "lattice L ==> UNIV \<in> L"
32by (force simp add: lattice_def)
34lemma empty_in_lattice: "lattice L ==> {} \<in> L"
35by (force simp add: lattice_def)
37lemma Union_in_lattice: "[|M \<subseteq> L; lattice L|] ==> \<Union>M \<in> L"
38by (simp add: lattice_def)
40lemma Inter_in_lattice: "[|M \<subseteq> L; lattice L|] ==> \<Inter>M \<in> L"
41by (simp add: lattice_def)
43lemma UN_in_lattice:
44     "[|lattice L; !!i. i\<in>I ==> r i \<in> L|] ==> (\<Union>i\<in>I. r i) \<in> L"
45apply (blast intro: Union_in_lattice) 
48lemma INT_in_lattice:
49     "[|lattice L; !!i. i\<in>I ==> r i \<in> L|] ==> (\<Inter>i\<in>I. r i)  \<in> L"
50apply (blast intro: Inter_in_lattice) 
53lemma Un_in_lattice: "[|x\<in>L; y\<in>L; lattice L|] ==> x\<union>y \<in> L"
54  using Union_in_lattice [of "{x, y}" L] by simp
56lemma Int_in_lattice: "[|x\<in>L; y\<in>L; lattice L|] ==> x\<inter>y \<in> L"
57  using Inter_in_lattice [of "{x, y}" L] by simp
59lemma lattice_stable: "lattice {X. F \<in> stable X}"
60by (simp add: lattice_def stable_def constrains_def, blast)
62text\<open>The next three results state that \<^term>\<open>cl L r\<close> is the minimal
63 element of \<^term>\<open>L\<close> that includes \<^term>\<open>r\<close>.\<close>
64lemma cl_in_lattice: "lattice L ==> cl L r \<in> L"
65  by (simp add: lattice_def cl_def)
67lemma cl_least: "[|c\<in>L; r\<subseteq>c|] ==> cl L r \<subseteq> c" 
68by (force simp add: cl_def)
70text\<open>The next three lemmas constitute assertion (4.61)\<close>
71lemma cl_mono: "r \<subseteq> r' ==> cl L r \<subseteq> cl L r'"
72by (simp add: cl_def, blast)
74lemma subset_cl: "r \<subseteq> cl L r"
75by (simp add: cl_def le_Inf_iff)
77text\<open>A reformulation of @{thm subset_cl}\<close>
78lemma clI: "x \<in> r ==> x \<in> cl L r"
79by (simp add: cl_def, blast)
81text\<open>A reformulation of @{thm cl_least}\<close>
82lemma clD: "[|c \<in> cl L r; B \<in> L; r \<subseteq> B|] ==> c \<in> B"
83by (force simp add: cl_def)
85lemma cl_UN_subset: "(\<Union>i\<in>I. cl L (r i)) \<subseteq> cl L (\<Union>i\<in>I. r i)"
86by (simp add: cl_def, blast)
88lemma cl_Un: "lattice L ==> cl L (r\<union>s) = cl L r \<union> cl L s"
89apply (rule equalityI) 
90 prefer 2 
91  apply (simp add: cl_def, blast)
92apply (rule cl_least)
93 apply (blast intro: Un_in_lattice cl_in_lattice)
94apply (blast intro: subset_cl [THEN subsetD])  
97lemma cl_UN: "lattice L ==> cl L (\<Union>i\<in>I. r i) = (\<Union>i\<in>I. cl L (r i))"
98apply (rule equalityI) 
99 prefer 2 apply (simp add: cl_def, blast)
100apply (rule cl_least)
101 apply (blast intro: UN_in_lattice cl_in_lattice)
102apply (blast intro: subset_cl [THEN subsetD])  
105lemma cl_Int_subset: "cl L (r\<inter>s) \<subseteq> cl L r \<inter> cl L s"
106by (simp add: cl_def, blast)
108lemma cl_idem [simp]: "cl L (cl L r) = cl L r"
109by (simp add: cl_def, blast)
111lemma cl_ident: "r\<in>L ==> cl L r = r" 
112by (force simp add: cl_def)
114lemma cl_empty [simp]: "lattice L ==> cl L {} = {}"
115by (simp add: cl_ident empty_in_lattice)
117lemma cl_UNIV [simp]: "lattice L ==> cl L UNIV = UNIV"
118by (simp add: cl_ident UNIV_in_lattice)
120text\<open>Assertion (4.62)\<close>
121lemma cl_ident_iff: "lattice L ==> (cl L r = r) = (r\<in>L)" 
122apply (rule iffI) 
123 apply (erule subst)
124 apply (erule cl_in_lattice)  
125apply (erule cl_ident) 
128lemma cl_subset_in_lattice: "[|cl L r \<subseteq> r; lattice L|] ==> r\<in>L" 
129by (simp add: cl_ident_iff [symmetric] equalityI subset_cl)
132subsection \<open>Progress Sets and the Main Lemma\<close>
133text\<open>A progress set satisfies certain closure conditions and is a 
134simple way of including the set \<^term>\<open>wens_set F B\<close>.\<close>
136definition closed :: "['a program, 'a set, 'a set,  'a set set] => bool" where
137   "closed F T B L == \<forall>M. \<forall>act \<in> Acts F. B\<subseteq>M & T\<inter>M \<in> L -->
138                              T \<inter> (B \<union> wp act M) \<in> L"
140definition progress_set :: "['a program, 'a set, 'a set] => 'a set set set" where
141   "progress_set F T B ==
142      {L. lattice L & B \<in> L & T \<in> L & closed F T B L}"
144lemma closedD:
145   "[|closed F T B L; act \<in> Acts F; B\<subseteq>M; T\<inter>M \<in> L|] 
146    ==> T \<inter> (B \<union> wp act M) \<in> L" 
147by (simp add: closed_def) 
149text\<open>Note: the formalization below replaces Meier's \<^term>\<open>q\<close> by \<^term>\<open>B\<close>
150and \<^term>\<open>m\<close> by \<^term>\<open>X\<close>.\<close>
152text\<open>Part of the proof of the claim at the bottom of page 97.  It's
153proved separately because the argument requires a generalization over
154all \<^term>\<open>act \<in> Acts F\<close>.\<close>
155lemma lattice_awp_lemma:
156  assumes TXC:  "T\<inter>X \<in> C" \<comment> \<open>induction hypothesis in theorem below\<close>
157      and BsubX:  "B \<subseteq> X"   \<comment> \<open>holds in inductive step\<close>
158      and latt: "lattice C"
159      and TC:   "T \<in> C"
160      and BC:   "B \<in> C"
161      and clos: "closed F T B C"
162    shows "T \<inter> (B \<union> awp F (X \<union> cl C (T\<inter>r))) \<in> C"
163apply (simp del: INT_simps add: awp_def INT_extend_simps) 
164apply (rule INT_in_lattice [OF latt]) 
165apply (erule closedD [OF clos]) 
166apply (simp add: subset_trans [OF BsubX Un_upper1]) 
167apply (subgoal_tac "T \<inter> (X \<union> cl C (T\<inter>r)) = (T\<inter>X) \<union> cl C (T\<inter>r)")
168 prefer 2 apply (blast intro: TC clD) 
169apply (erule ssubst) 
170apply (blast intro: Un_in_lattice latt cl_in_lattice TXC) 
173text\<open>Remainder of the proof of the claim at the bottom of page 97.\<close>
174lemma lattice_lemma:
175  assumes TXC:  "T\<inter>X \<in> C" \<comment> \<open>induction hypothesis in theorem below\<close>
176      and BsubX:  "B \<subseteq> X"   \<comment> \<open>holds in inductive step\<close>
177      and act:  "act \<in> Acts F"
178      and latt: "lattice C"
179      and TC:   "T \<in> C"
180      and BC:   "B \<in> C"
181      and clos: "closed F T B C"
182    shows "T \<inter> (wp act X \<inter> awp F (X \<union> cl C (T\<inter>r)) \<union> X) \<in> C"
183apply (subgoal_tac "T \<inter> (B \<union> wp act X) \<in> C")
184 prefer 2 apply (simp add: closedD [OF clos] act BsubX TXC)
185apply (drule Int_in_lattice
186              [OF _ lattice_awp_lemma [OF TXC BsubX latt TC BC clos, of r]
187                    latt])
188apply (subgoal_tac
189         "T \<inter> (B \<union> wp act X) \<inter> (T \<inter> (B \<union> awp F (X \<union> cl C (T\<inter>r)))) = 
190          T \<inter> (B \<union> wp act X \<inter> awp F (X \<union> cl C (T\<inter>r)))") 
191 prefer 2 apply blast 
192apply simp  
193apply (drule Un_in_lattice [OF _ TXC latt])  
194apply (subgoal_tac
195         "T \<inter> (B \<union> wp act X \<inter> awp F (X \<union> cl C (T\<inter>r))) \<union> T\<inter>X = 
196          T \<inter> (wp act X \<inter> awp F (X \<union> cl C (T\<inter>r)) \<union> X)")
197 apply simp 
198apply (blast intro: BsubX [THEN subsetD]) 
202text\<open>Induction step for the main lemma\<close>
203lemma progress_induction_step:
204  assumes TXC:  "T\<inter>X \<in> C" \<comment> \<open>induction hypothesis in theorem below\<close>
205      and act:  "act \<in> Acts F"
206      and Xwens: "X \<in> wens_set F B"
207      and latt: "lattice C"
208      and  TC:  "T \<in> C"
209      and  BC:  "B \<in> C"
210      and clos: "closed F T B C"
211      and Fstable: "F \<in> stable T"
212  shows "T \<inter> wens F act X \<in> C"
213proof -
214  from Xwens have BsubX: "B \<subseteq> X"
215    by (rule wens_set_imp_subset) 
216  let ?r = "wens F act X"
217  have "?r \<subseteq> (wp act X \<inter> awp F (X\<union>?r)) \<union> X"
218    by (simp add: wens_unfold [symmetric])
219  then have "T\<inter>?r \<subseteq> T \<inter> ((wp act X \<inter> awp F (X\<union>?r)) \<union> X)"
220    by blast
221  then have "T\<inter>?r \<subseteq> T \<inter> ((wp act X \<inter> awp F (T \<inter> (X\<union>?r))) \<union> X)"
222    by (simp add: awp_Int_eq Fstable stable_imp_awp_ident, blast) 
223  then have "T\<inter>?r \<subseteq> T \<inter> ((wp act X \<inter> awp F (X \<union> cl C (T\<inter>?r))) \<union> X)"
224    by (blast intro: awp_mono [THEN [2] rev_subsetD] subset_cl [THEN subsetD])
225  then have "cl C (T\<inter>?r) \<subseteq> 
226             cl C (T \<inter> ((wp act X \<inter> awp F (X \<union> cl C (T\<inter>?r))) \<union> X))"
227    by (rule cl_mono) 
228  then have "cl C (T\<inter>?r) \<subseteq> 
229             T \<inter> ((wp act X \<inter> awp F (X \<union> cl C (T\<inter>?r))) \<union> X)"
230    by (simp add: cl_ident lattice_lemma [OF TXC BsubX act latt TC BC clos])
231  then have "cl C (T\<inter>?r) \<subseteq> (wp act X \<inter> awp F (X \<union> cl C (T\<inter>?r))) \<union> X"
232    by blast
233  then have "cl C (T\<inter>?r) \<subseteq> ?r"
234    by (blast intro!: subset_wens) 
235  then have cl_subset: "cl C (T\<inter>?r) \<subseteq> T\<inter>?r"
236    by (simp add: cl_ident TC
237                  subset_trans [OF cl_mono [OF Int_lower1]]) 
238  show ?thesis
239    by (rule cl_subset_in_lattice [OF cl_subset latt]) 
242text\<open>Proved on page 96 of Meier's thesis.  The special case when
243   \<^term>\<open>T=UNIV\<close> states that every progress set for the program \<^term>\<open>F\<close>
244   and set \<^term>\<open>B\<close> includes the set \<^term>\<open>wens_set F B\<close>.\<close>
245lemma progress_set_lemma:
246     "[|C \<in> progress_set F T B; r \<in> wens_set F B; F \<in> stable T|] ==> T\<inter>r \<in> C"
247apply (simp add: progress_set_def, clarify) 
248apply (erule wens_set.induct) 
249  txt\<open>Base\<close>
250  apply (simp add: Int_in_lattice) 
251 txt\<open>The difficult \<^term>\<open>wens\<close> case\<close>
252 apply (simp add: progress_induction_step) 
253txt\<open>Disjunctive case\<close>
254apply (subgoal_tac "(\<Union>U\<in>W. T \<inter> U) \<in> C") 
255 apply simp 
256apply (blast intro: UN_in_lattice) 
260subsection \<open>The Progress Set Union Theorem\<close>
262lemma closed_mono:
263  assumes BB':  "B \<subseteq> B'"
264      and TBwp: "T \<inter> (B \<union> wp act M) \<in> C"
265      and B'C:  "B' \<in> C"
266      and TC:   "T \<in> C"
267      and latt: "lattice C"
268  shows "T \<inter> (B' \<union> wp act M) \<in> C"
269proof -
270  from TBwp have "(T\<inter>B) \<union> (T \<inter> wp act M) \<in> C"
271    by (simp add: Int_Un_distrib)
272  then have TBBC: "(T\<inter>B') \<union> ((T\<inter>B) \<union> (T \<inter> wp act M)) \<in> C"
273    by (blast intro: Int_in_lattice Un_in_lattice TC B'C latt) 
274  show ?thesis
275    by (rule eqelem_imp_iff [THEN iffD1, OF _ TBBC], 
276        blast intro: BB' [THEN subsetD]) 
280lemma progress_set_mono:
281    assumes BB':  "B \<subseteq> B'"
282    shows
283     "[| B' \<in> C;  C \<in> progress_set F T B|] 
284      ==> C \<in> progress_set F T B'"
285by (simp add: progress_set_def closed_def closed_mono [OF BB'] 
286                 subset_trans [OF BB']) 
288theorem progress_set_Union:
289  assumes leadsTo: "F \<in> A leadsTo B'"
290      and prog: "C \<in> progress_set F T B"
291      and Fstable: "F \<in> stable T"
292      and BB':  "B \<subseteq> B'"
293      and B'C:  "B' \<in> C"
294      and Gco: "!!X. X\<in>C ==> G \<in> X-B co X"
295  shows "F\<squnion>G \<in> T\<inter>A leadsTo B'"
296apply (insert prog Fstable) 
297apply (rule leadsTo_Join [OF leadsTo]) 
298  apply (force simp add: progress_set_def awp_iff_stable [symmetric]) 
299apply (simp add: awp_iff_constrains)
300apply (drule progress_set_mono [OF BB' B'C]) 
301apply (blast intro: progress_set_lemma Gco constrains_weaken_L 
302                    BB' [THEN subsetD]) 
306subsection \<open>Some Progress Sets\<close>
308lemma UNIV_in_progress_set: "UNIV \<in> progress_set F T B"
309by (simp add: progress_set_def lattice_def closed_def)
313subsubsection \<open>Lattices and Relations\<close>
314text\<open>From Meier's thesis, section 4.5.3\<close>
316definition relcl :: "'a set set => ('a * 'a) set" where
317    \<comment> \<open>Derived relation from a lattice\<close>
318    "relcl L == {(x,y). y \<in> cl L {x}}"
320definition latticeof :: "('a * 'a) set => 'a set set" where
321    \<comment> \<open>Derived lattice from a relation: the set of upwards-closed sets\<close>
322    "latticeof r == {X. \<forall>s t. s \<in> X & (s,t) \<in> r --> t \<in> X}"
325lemma relcl_refl: "(a,a) \<in> relcl L"
326by (simp add: relcl_def subset_cl [THEN subsetD])
328lemma relcl_trans:
329     "[| (a,b) \<in> relcl L; (b,c) \<in> relcl L; lattice L |] ==> (a,c) \<in> relcl L"
330apply (simp add: relcl_def)
331apply (blast intro: clD cl_in_lattice)
334lemma refl_relcl: "lattice L ==> refl (relcl L)"
335by (simp add: refl_onI relcl_def subset_cl [THEN subsetD])
337lemma trans_relcl: "lattice L ==> trans (relcl L)"
338by (blast intro: relcl_trans transI)
340lemma lattice_latticeof: "lattice (latticeof r)"
341by (auto simp add: lattice_def latticeof_def)
343lemma lattice_singletonI:
344     "[|lattice L; !!s. s \<in> X ==> {s} \<in> L|] ==> X \<in> L"
345apply (cut_tac UN_singleton [of X]) 
346apply (erule subst) 
347apply (simp only: UN_in_lattice) 
350text\<open>Equation (4.71) of Meier's thesis.  He gives no proof.\<close>
351lemma cl_latticeof:
352     "[|refl r; trans r|] 
353      ==> cl (latticeof r) X = {t. \<exists>s. s\<in>X & (s,t) \<in> r}" 
354apply (rule equalityI) 
355 apply (rule cl_least) 
356  apply (simp (no_asm_use) add: latticeof_def trans_def, blast)
357 apply (simp add: latticeof_def refl_on_def, blast)
358apply (simp add: latticeof_def, clarify)
359apply (unfold cl_def, blast) 
362text\<open>Related to (4.71).\<close>
363lemma cl_eq_Collect_relcl:
364     "lattice L ==> cl L X = {t. \<exists>s. s\<in>X & (s,t) \<in> relcl L}" 
365apply (cut_tac UN_singleton [of X]) 
366apply (erule subst) 
367apply (force simp only: relcl_def cl_UN)
370text\<open>Meier's theorem of section 4.5.3\<close>
371theorem latticeof_relcl_eq: "lattice L ==> latticeof (relcl L) = L"
372apply (rule equalityI) 
373 prefer 2 apply (force simp add: latticeof_def relcl_def cl_def, clarify) 
374apply (rename_tac X)
375apply (rule cl_subset_in_lattice)   
376 prefer 2 apply assumption
377apply (drule cl_ident_iff [OF lattice_latticeof, THEN iffD2])
378apply (drule equalityD1)   
379apply (rule subset_trans) 
380 prefer 2 apply assumption
381apply (thin_tac "_ \<subseteq> X") 
382apply (cut_tac A=X in UN_singleton) 
383apply (erule subst) 
384apply (simp only: cl_UN lattice_latticeof 
385                  cl_latticeof [OF refl_relcl trans_relcl]) 
386apply (simp add: relcl_def) 
389theorem relcl_latticeof_eq:
390     "[|refl r; trans r|] ==> relcl (latticeof r) = r"
391by (simp add: relcl_def cl_latticeof)
394subsubsection \<open>Decoupling Theorems\<close>
396definition decoupled :: "['a program, 'a program] => bool" where
397   "decoupled F G ==
398        \<forall>act \<in> Acts F. \<forall>B. G \<in> stable B --> G \<in> stable (wp act B)"
401text\<open>Rao's Decoupling Theorem\<close>
402lemma stableco: "F \<in> stable A ==> F \<in> A-B co A"
403by (simp add: stable_def constrains_def, blast) 
405theorem decoupling:
406  assumes leadsTo: "F \<in> A leadsTo B"
407      and Gstable: "G \<in> stable B"
408      and dec:     "decoupled F G"
409  shows "F\<squnion>G \<in> A leadsTo B"
410proof -
411  have prog: "{X. G \<in> stable X} \<in> progress_set F UNIV B"
412    by (simp add: progress_set_def lattice_stable Gstable closed_def
413                  stable_Un [OF Gstable] dec [unfolded decoupled_def]) 
414  have "F\<squnion>G \<in> (UNIV\<inter>A) leadsTo B" 
415    by (rule progress_set_Union [OF leadsTo prog],
416        simp_all add: Gstable stableco)
417  thus ?thesis by simp
421text\<open>Rao's Weak Decoupling Theorem\<close>
422theorem weak_decoupling:
423  assumes leadsTo: "F \<in> A leadsTo B"
424      and stable: "F\<squnion>G \<in> stable B"
425      and dec:     "decoupled F (F\<squnion>G)"
426  shows "F\<squnion>G \<in> A leadsTo B"
427proof -
428  have prog: "{X. F\<squnion>G \<in> stable X} \<in> progress_set F UNIV B" 
429    by (simp del: Join_stable
430             add: progress_set_def lattice_stable stable closed_def
431                  stable_Un [OF stable] dec [unfolded decoupled_def])
432  have "F\<squnion>G \<in> (UNIV\<inter>A) leadsTo B" 
433    by (rule progress_set_Union [OF leadsTo prog],
434        simp_all del: Join_stable add: stable,
435        simp add: stableco) 
436  thus ?thesis by simp
439text\<open>The ``Decoupling via \<^term>\<open>G'\<close> Union Theorem''\<close>
440theorem decoupling_via_aux:
441  assumes leadsTo: "F \<in> A leadsTo B"
442      and prog: "{X. G' \<in> stable X} \<in> progress_set F UNIV B"
443      and GG':  "G \<le> G'"  
444               \<comment> \<open>Beware!  This is the converse of the refinement relation!\<close>
445  shows "F\<squnion>G \<in> A leadsTo B"
446proof -
447  from prog have stable: "G' \<in> stable B"
448    by (simp add: progress_set_def)
449  have "F\<squnion>G \<in> (UNIV\<inter>A) leadsTo B" 
450    by (rule progress_set_Union [OF leadsTo prog],
451        simp_all add: stable stableco component_stable [OF GG'])
452  thus ?thesis by simp
456subsection\<open>Composition Theorems Based on Monotonicity and Commutativity\<close>
458subsubsection\<open>Commutativity of \<^term>\<open>cl L\<close> and assignment.\<close>
459definition commutes :: "['a program, 'a set, 'a set,  'a set set] => bool" where
460   "commutes F T B L ==
461       \<forall>M. \<forall>act \<in> Acts F. B \<subseteq> M --> 
462           cl L (T \<inter> wp act M) \<subseteq> T \<inter> (B \<union> wp act (cl L (T\<inter>M)))"
465text\<open>From Meier's thesis, section 4.5.6\<close>
466lemma commutativity1_lemma:
467  assumes commutes: "commutes F T B L" 
468      and lattice:  "lattice L"
469      and BL: "B \<in> L"
470      and TL: "T \<in> L"
471  shows "closed F T B L"
472apply (simp add: closed_def, clarify)
473apply (rule ProgressSets.cl_subset_in_lattice [OF _ lattice])  
474apply (simp add: Int_Un_distrib cl_Un [OF lattice] 
475                 cl_ident Int_in_lattice [OF TL BL lattice] Un_upper1)
476apply (subgoal_tac "cl L (T \<inter> wp act M) \<subseteq> T \<inter> (B \<union> wp act (cl L (T \<inter> M)))") 
477 prefer 2 
478 apply (cut_tac commutes, simp add: commutes_def) 
479apply (erule subset_trans) 
480apply (simp add: cl_ident)
481apply (blast intro: rev_subsetD [OF _ wp_mono]) 
484text\<open>Version packaged with @{thm progress_set_Union}\<close>
485lemma commutativity1:
486  assumes leadsTo: "F \<in> A leadsTo B"
487      and lattice:  "lattice L"
488      and BL: "B \<in> L"
489      and TL: "T \<in> L"
490      and Fstable: "F \<in> stable T"
491      and Gco: "!!X. X\<in>L ==> G \<in> X-B co X"
492      and commutes: "commutes F T B L" 
493  shows "F\<squnion>G \<in> T\<inter>A leadsTo B"
494by (rule progress_set_Union [OF leadsTo _ Fstable subset_refl BL Gco],
495    simp add: progress_set_def commutativity1_lemma commutes lattice BL TL) 
499text\<open>Possibly move to Relation.thy, after \<^term>\<open>single_valued\<close>\<close>
500definition funof :: "[('a*'b)set, 'a] => 'b" where
501   "funof r == (\<lambda>x. THE y. (x,y) \<in> r)"
503lemma funof_eq: "[|single_valued r; (x,y) \<in> r|] ==> funof r x = y"
504by (simp add: funof_def single_valued_def, blast)
506lemma funof_Pair_in:
507     "[|single_valued r; x \<in> Domain r|] ==> (x, funof r x) \<in> r"
508by (force simp add: funof_eq) 
510lemma funof_in:
511     "[|r``{x} \<subseteq> A; single_valued r; x \<in> Domain r|] ==> funof r x \<in> A" 
512by (force simp add: funof_eq)
514lemma funof_imp_wp: "[|funof act t \<in> A; single_valued act|] ==> t \<in> wp act A"
515by (force simp add: in_wp_iff funof_eq)
518subsubsection\<open>Commutativity of Functions and Relation\<close>
519text\<open>Thesis, page 109\<close>
521(*FIXME: this proof is still an ungodly mess*)
522text\<open>From Meier's thesis, section 4.5.6\<close>
523lemma commutativity2_lemma:
524  assumes dcommutes: 
525      "\<And>act s t. act \<in> Acts F \<Longrightarrow> s \<in> T \<Longrightarrow> (s, t) \<in> relcl L \<Longrightarrow>
526        s \<in> B | t \<in> B | (funof act s, funof act t) \<in> relcl L"
527    and determ: "!!act. act \<in> Acts F ==> single_valued act"
528    and total: "!!act. act \<in> Acts F ==> Domain act = UNIV"
529    and lattice:  "lattice L"
530    and BL: "B \<in> L"
531    and TL: "T \<in> L"
532    and Fstable: "F \<in> stable T"
533  shows  "commutes F T B L"
534proof -
535  { fix M and act and t
536    assume 1: "B \<subseteq> M" "act \<in> Acts F" "t \<in> cl L (T \<inter> wp act M)"
537    then have "\<exists>s. (s,t) \<in> relcl L \<and> s \<in> T \<inter> wp act M"
538      by (force simp add: cl_eq_Collect_relcl [OF lattice])
539    then obtain s where 2: "(s, t) \<in> relcl L" "s \<in> T" "s \<in> wp act M"
540      by blast
541    then have 3: "\<forall>u\<in>L. s \<in> u --> t \<in> u"
542      apply (intro ballI impI) 
543      apply (subst cl_ident [symmetric], assumption)
544      apply (simp add: relcl_def)  
545      apply (blast intro: cl_mono [THEN [2] rev_subsetD])
546      done
547    with 1 2 Fstable have 4: "funof act s \<in> T\<inter>M"
548      by (force intro!: funof_in 
549        simp add: wp_def stable_def constrains_def determ total)
550    with 1 2 3 have 5: "s \<in> B | t \<in> B | (funof act s, funof act t) \<in> relcl L"
551      by (intro dcommutes) assumption+ 
552    with 1 2 3 4 have "t \<in> B | funof act t \<in> cl L (T\<inter>M)"
553      by (simp add: relcl_def) (blast intro: BL cl_mono [THEN [2] rev_subsetD])  
554    with 1 2 3 4 5 have "t \<in> B | t \<in> wp act (cl L (T\<inter>M))"
555      by (blast intro: funof_imp_wp determ) 
556    with 2 3 have "t \<in> T \<and> (t \<in> B \<or> t \<in> wp act (cl L (T \<inter> M)))"
557      by (blast intro: TL cl_mono [THEN [2] rev_subsetD])
558    then have"t \<in> T \<inter> (B \<union> wp act (cl L (T \<inter> M)))"
559      by simp
560  }
561  then show "commutes F T B L" unfolding commutes_def by clarify
564text\<open>Version packaged with @{thm progress_set_Union}\<close>
565lemma commutativity2:
566  assumes leadsTo: "F \<in> A leadsTo B"
567      and dcommutes: 
568        "\<forall>act \<in> Acts F. 
569         \<forall>s \<in> T. \<forall>t. (s,t) \<in> relcl L --> 
570                      s \<in> B | t \<in> B | (funof act s, funof act t) \<in> relcl L"
571      and determ: "!!act. act \<in> Acts F ==> single_valued act"
572      and total: "!!act. act \<in> Acts F ==> Domain act = UNIV"
573      and lattice:  "lattice L"
574      and BL: "B \<in> L"
575      and TL: "T \<in> L"
576      and Fstable: "F \<in> stable T"
577      and Gco: "!!X. X\<in>L ==> G \<in> X-B co X"
578  shows "F\<squnion>G \<in> T\<inter>A leadsTo B"
579apply (rule commutativity1 [OF leadsTo lattice]) 
580apply (simp_all add: Gco commutativity2_lemma dcommutes determ total
581                     lattice BL TL Fstable)
585subsection \<open>Monotonicity\<close>
586text\<open>From Meier's thesis, section 4.5.7, page 110\<close>
587(*to be continued?*)