1(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_isar_compress.ML
2    Author:     Steffen Juilf Smolka, TU Muenchen
3    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
5Compression of Isar proofs by merging steps.
6Only proof steps using the same proof method are merged.
11  type isar_proof = Sledgehammer_Isar_Proof.isar_proof
12  type isar_preplay_data = Sledgehammer_Isar_Preplay.isar_preplay_data
14  val compress_isar_proof : Proof.context -> real -> Time.time ->
15    isar_preplay_data Unsynchronized.ref -> isar_proof -> isar_proof
18structure Sledgehammer_Isar_Compress : SLEDGEHAMMER_ISAR_COMPRESS =
21open Sledgehammer_Util
22open Sledgehammer_Proof_Methods
23open Sledgehammer_Isar_Proof
24open Sledgehammer_Isar_Preplay
26fun collect_successors steps lbls =
27  let
28    fun collect_steps _ (accum as ([], _)) = accum
29      | collect_steps [] accum = accum
30      | collect_steps (step :: steps) accum = collect_steps steps (collect_step step accum)
31    and collect_step (step as Prove (_, _, l, _, subproofs, _, _, _)) x =
32        (case collect_subproofs subproofs x of
33          (accum as ([], _)) => accum
34        | accum as (l' :: lbls', accu) => if l = l' then (lbls', step :: accu) else accum)
35        | collect_step _ accum = accum
36    and collect_subproofs [] accum = accum
37      | collect_subproofs (proof :: subproofs) accum =
38        (case collect_steps (steps_of_isar_proof proof) accum of
39          accum as ([], _) => accum
40        | accum => collect_subproofs subproofs accum)
41  in
42    rev (snd (collect_steps steps (lbls, [])))
43  end
45fun update_steps updates steps =
46  let
47    fun update_steps [] updates = ([], updates)
48      | update_steps steps [] = (steps, [])
49      | update_steps (step :: steps) updates = update_step step (update_steps steps updates)
50    and update_step step (steps, []) = (step :: steps, [])
51      | update_step (Prove (qs, xs, l, t, subproofs, facts, meths, comment))
52          (steps,
53           updates as Prove (qs', xs', l', t', subproofs', facts', meths', comment') :: updates') =
54        (if l = l' then
55           update_subproofs subproofs' updates'
56           |>> (fn subproofs'' => Prove (qs', xs', l', t', subproofs'', facts', meths', comment'))
57         else
58           update_subproofs subproofs updates
59           |>> (fn subproofs' => Prove (qs, xs, l, t, subproofs', facts, meths, comment)))
60        |>> (fn step => step :: steps)
61      | update_step step (steps, updates) = (step :: steps, updates)
62    and update_subproofs [] updates = ([], updates)
63      | update_subproofs steps [] = (steps, [])
64      | update_subproofs (proof :: subproofs) updates =
65        update_proof proof (update_subproofs subproofs updates)
66    and update_proof proof (proofs, []) = (proof :: proofs, [])
67      | update_proof (Proof (xs, assms, steps)) (proofs, updates) =
68        let val (steps', updates') = update_steps steps updates in
69          (Proof (xs, assms, steps') :: proofs, updates')
70        end
71  in
72    fst (update_steps steps (rev updates))
73  end
75fun merge_methods preplay_data (l1, meths1) (l2, meths2) =
76  let
77    fun is_hopeful l meth =
78      let val outcome = preplay_outcome_of_isar_step_for_method preplay_data l meth in
79        not (Lazy.is_finished outcome) orelse
80        (case Lazy.force outcome of Played _ => true | Play_Timed_Out _ => true | _ => false)
81      end
83    val (hopeful, hopeless) =
84      meths2 @ subtract (op =) meths2 meths1
85      |> List.partition (is_hopeful l1 andf is_hopeful l2)
86  in
87    (hopeful @ hopeless, hopeless)
88  end
90fun merge_steps preplay_data (Prove ([], xs1, l1, _, subproofs1, (lfs1, gfs1), meths1, comment1))
91      (Prove (qs2, xs2, l2, t, subproofs2, (lfs2, gfs2), meths2, comment2)) =
92  let
93    val (meths, hopeless) = merge_methods preplay_data (l1, meths1) (l2, meths2)
94    val lfs = union (op =) lfs1 (remove (op =) l1 lfs2)
95    val gfs = union (op =) gfs1 gfs2
96  in
97    (Prove (qs2, inter (op =) (Term.add_frees t []) (xs1 @ xs2), l2, t,
98       subproofs1 @ subproofs2, sort_facts (lfs, gfs), meths, comment1 ^ comment2),
99     hopeless)
100  end
102val merge_slack_time = seconds 0.01
103val merge_slack_factor = 1.5
105fun adjust_merge_timeout max time =
106  let val timeout = time_mult merge_slack_factor (merge_slack_time + time) in
107    if max < timeout then max else timeout
108  end
110val compress_degree = 2
112(* Precondition: The proof must be labeled canonically. *)
113fun compress_isar_proof ctxt compress preplay_timeout preplay_data proof =
114  if compress <= 1.0 then
115    proof
116  else
117    let
118      val (compress_further, decrement_step_count) =
119        let
120          val number_of_steps = add_isar_steps (steps_of_isar_proof proof) 0
121          val target_number_of_steps = Real.ceil (Real.fromInt number_of_steps / compress)
122          val delta = Unsynchronized.ref (number_of_steps - target_number_of_steps)
123        in
124          (fn () => !delta > 0, fn () => delta := !delta - 1)
125        end
127      val (get_successors, replace_successor) =
128        let
129          fun add_refs (Prove (_, _, l, _, _, (lfs, _), _, _)) =
130              fold (fn key => Canonical_Label_Tab.cons_list (key, l)) lfs
131            | add_refs _ = I
133          val tab =
134            Canonical_Label_Tab.empty
135            |> fold_isar_steps add_refs (steps_of_isar_proof proof)
136            (* "rev" should have the same effect as "sort canonical_label_ord" *)
137            |> Canonical_Label_Tab.map (K rev)
138            |> Unsynchronized.ref
140          fun get_successors l = Canonical_Label_Tab.lookup_list (!tab) l
141          fun set_successors l refs = tab := Canonical_Label_Tab.update (l, refs) (!tab)
142          fun replace_successor old new dest =
143            get_successors dest
144            |> Ord_List.remove canonical_label_ord old
145            |> Ord_List.union canonical_label_ord new
146            |> set_successors dest
147        in
148          (get_successors, replace_successor)
149        end
151      fun reference_time l =
152        (case forced_intermediate_preplay_outcome_of_isar_step (!preplay_data) l of
153          Played time => time
154        | _ => preplay_timeout)
156      (* elimination of trivial, one-step subproofs *)
157      fun elim_one_subproof time (step as Prove (qs, xs, l, t, _, (lfs, gfs), meths, comment)) subs
158          nontriv_subs =
159        if null subs orelse not (compress_further ()) then
160          Prove (qs, xs, l, t, List.revAppend (nontriv_subs, subs), (lfs, gfs), meths, comment)
161        else
162          (case subs of
163            (sub as Proof (_, assms, [Prove (_, _, l', _, [], (lfs', gfs'), meths', _)])) :: subs =>
164            let
165              (* merge steps *)
166              val subs'' = subs @ nontriv_subs
167              val lfs'' = union (op =) lfs (subtract (op =) (map fst assms) lfs')
168              val gfs'' = union (op =) gfs' gfs
169              val (meths'' as _ :: _, hopeless) =
170                merge_methods (!preplay_data) (l', meths') (l, meths)
171              val step'' = Prove (qs, xs, l, t, subs'', (lfs'', gfs''), meths'', comment)
173              (* check if the modified step can be preplayed fast enough *)
174              val timeout = adjust_merge_timeout preplay_timeout (time + reference_time l')
175            in
176              (case preplay_isar_step ctxt [] timeout hopeless step'' of
177                meths_outcomes as (_, Played time'') :: _ =>
178                (* "l'" successfully eliminated *)
179                (decrement_step_count ();
180                 set_preplay_outcomes_of_isar_step ctxt time'' preplay_data step'' meths_outcomes;
181                 map (replace_successor l' [l]) lfs';
182                 elim_one_subproof time'' step'' subs nontriv_subs)
183              | _ => elim_one_subproof time step subs (sub :: nontriv_subs))
184            end
185          | sub :: subs => elim_one_subproof time step subs (sub :: nontriv_subs))
187      fun elim_subproofs (step as Prove (_, _, l, _, subproofs, _, _, _)) =
188          if exists (null o tl o steps_of_isar_proof) subproofs then
189            elim_one_subproof (reference_time l) step subproofs []
190          else
191            step
192        | elim_subproofs step = step
194      fun compress_top_level steps =
195        let
196          val cand_key = apfst (length o get_successors)
197          val cand_ord =
198            prod_ord int_ord (prod_ord (int_ord o swap) (int_ord o swap)) o apply2 cand_key
200          fun pop_next_candidate [] = (NONE, [])
201            | pop_next_candidate (cands as (cand :: cands')) =
202              fold (fn x => fn y => if is_less (cand_ord (x, y)) then x else y) cands' cand
203              |> (fn best => (SOME best, remove (op =) best cands))
205          fun try_eliminate i l labels steps =
206            let
207              val (steps_before, (cand as Prove (_, _, _, _, _, (lfs, _), _, _)) :: steps_after) =
208                chop i steps
209              val succs = collect_successors steps_after labels
210              val (succs', hopelesses) = split_list (map (merge_steps (!preplay_data) cand) succs)
211            in
212              (case try (map ((fn Played time => time) o
213                  forced_intermediate_preplay_outcome_of_isar_step (!preplay_data))) labels of
214                NONE => steps
215              | SOME times0 =>
216                let
217                  val n = length labels
218                  val total_time = Library.foldl (op +) (reference_time l, times0)
219                  val timeout = adjust_merge_timeout preplay_timeout
220                    (Time.fromReal (Time.toReal total_time / Real.fromInt n))
221                  val meths_outcomess =
222                    @{map 2} (preplay_isar_step ctxt [] timeout) hopelesses succs'
223                in
224                  (case try (map (fn (_, Played time) :: _ => time)) meths_outcomess of
225                    NONE => steps
226                  | SOME times =>
227                    (* "l" successfully eliminated *)
228                    (decrement_step_count ();
229                     @{map 3} (fn time => set_preplay_outcomes_of_isar_step ctxt time preplay_data)
230                       times succs' meths_outcomess;
231                     map (replace_successor l labels) lfs;
232                     steps_before @ update_steps succs' steps_after))
233                end)
234            end
236          fun compression_loop candidates steps =
237            if not (compress_further ()) then
238              steps
239            else
240              (case pop_next_candidate candidates of
241                (NONE, _) => steps (* no more candidates for elimination *)
242              | (SOME (l, (num_xs, _)), candidates') =>
243                (case find_index (curry (op =) (SOME l) o label_of_isar_step) steps of
244                  ~1 => steps
245                | i =>
246                  let
247                    val successors = get_successors l
248                    val num_successors = length successors
249                  in
250                    (* Careful with "obtain", so we don't "obtain" twice the same variable after a
251                       merge. *)
252                    if num_successors > (if num_xs > 0 then 1 else compress_degree) then
253                      steps
254                    else
255                      steps
256                      |> not (null successors) ? try_eliminate i l successors
257                      |> compression_loop candidates'
258                  end))
260          fun add_cand (Prove (_, xs, l, t, _, _, _, _)) = cons (l, (length xs, size_of_term t))
261            | add_cand _ = I
263          (* the very last step is not a candidate *)
264          val candidates = fold add_cand (fst (split_last steps)) []
265        in
266          compression_loop candidates steps
267        end
269      (* Proofs are compressed bottom-up, beginning with the innermost subproofs. On the innermost
270         proof level, the proof steps have no subproofs. In the best case, these steps can be merged
271         into just one step, resulting in a trivial subproof. Going one level up, trivial subproofs
272         can be eliminated. In the best case, this once again leads to a proof whose proof steps do
273         not have subproofs. Applying this approach recursively will result in a flat proof in the
274         best cast. *)
275      fun compress_proof (proof as (Proof (xs, assms, steps))) =
276        if compress_further () then Proof (xs, assms, compress_steps steps) else proof
277      and compress_steps steps =
278        (* bottom-up: compress innermost proofs first *)
279        steps
280        |> map (fn step => step |> compress_further () ? compress_sub_levels)
281        |> compress_further () ? compress_top_level
282      and compress_sub_levels (Prove (qs, xs, l, t, subproofs, facts, meths, comment)) =
283          (* compress subproofs *)
284          Prove (qs, xs, l, t, map compress_proof subproofs, facts, meths, comment)
285          (* eliminate trivial subproofs *)
286          |> compress_further () ? elim_subproofs
287        | compress_sub_levels step = step
288    in
289      compress_proof proof
290    end