1(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_fp_n2m.ML
2    Author:     Dmitriy Traytel, TU Muenchen
3    Copyright   2013
5Flattening of nested to mutual (co)recursion.
8signature BNF_FP_N2M =
10  val construct_mutualized_fp: BNF_Util.fp_kind -> int list -> typ list ->
11    (int * BNF_FP_Util.fp_result) list -> binding list -> (string * sort) list ->
12    typ list * typ list list -> BNF_Def.bnf list -> BNF_Comp.absT_info list -> local_theory ->
13    BNF_FP_Util.fp_result * local_theory
16structure BNF_FP_N2M : BNF_FP_N2M =
19open BNF_Def
20open BNF_Util
21open BNF_Comp
22open BNF_FP_Util
23open BNF_FP_Def_Sugar
24open BNF_Tactics
25open BNF_FP_N2M_Tactics
27fun mk_arg_cong ctxt n t =
28  let
29    val Us = fastype_of t |> strip_typeN n |> fst;
30    val ((xs, ys), _) = ctxt
31      |> mk_Frees "x" Us
32      ||>> mk_Frees "y" Us;
33    val goal = Logic.list_implies (@{map 2} (curry mk_Trueprop_eq) xs ys,
34      mk_Trueprop_eq (list_comb (t, xs), list_comb (t, ys)));
35    val vars = Variable.add_free_names ctxt goal [];
36  in
37    Goal.prove_sorry ctxt vars [] goal (fn {context = ctxt, prems = _} =>
38      HEADGOAL (hyp_subst_tac ctxt THEN' rtac ctxt refl))
39    |> Thm.close_derivation \<^here>
40  end;
42val cacheN = "cache"
43fun mk_cacheN i = cacheN ^ string_of_int i ^ "_";
44val cache_threshold = Attrib.setup_config_int \<^binding>\<open>bnf_n2m_cache_threshold\<close> (K 200);
45type cache = int * (term * thm) Typtab.table
46val empty_cache = (0, Typtab.empty)
47fun update_cache b0 TU t (cache as (i, tab), lthy) =
48  if size_of_term t < Config.get lthy cache_threshold then (t, (cache, lthy))
49  else
50    let
51      val b = Binding.prefix_name (mk_cacheN i) b0;
52      val ((c, thm), lthy') =
53        Local_Theory.define ((b, NoSyn), ((Binding.concealed (Thm.def_binding b), []), t)) lthy
54        |>> apsnd snd;
55    in
56      (c, ((i + 1, Typtab.update (TU, (c, thm)) tab), lthy'))
57    end;
59fun lookup_cache (SOME _) _ _ = NONE
60  | lookup_cache NONE TU ((_, tab), _) = Typtab.lookup tab TU |> Option.map fst;
62fun construct_mutualized_fp fp mutual_cliques fpTs indexed_fp_ress bs resBs (resDs, Dss) bnfs
63    (absT_infos : absT_info list) lthy =
64  let
65    val time = time lthy;
66    val timer = time (Timer.startRealTimer ());
68    val b_names = map Binding.name_of bs;
69    val b_name = mk_common_name b_names;
70    val b = Binding.name b_name;
72    fun of_fp_res get = map (uncurry nth o swap o apsnd get) indexed_fp_ress;
73    fun mk_co_algT T U = case_fp fp (T --> U) (U --> T);
74    fun co_swap pair = case_fp fp I swap pair;
75    val mk_co_comp = curry (HOLogic.mk_comp o co_swap);
77    val dest_co_algT = co_swap o dest_funT;
78    val co_alg_argT = case_fp fp range_type domain_type;
79    val co_alg_funT = case_fp fp domain_type range_type;
80    val rewrite_comp_comp = case_fp fp @{thm rewriteL_comp_comp} @{thm rewriteR_comp_comp};
82    val fp_absT_infos = of_fp_res #absT_infos;
83    val fp_bnfs = of_fp_res #bnfs;
84    val fp_pre_bnfs = of_fp_res #pre_bnfs;
86    val fp_absTs = map #absT fp_absT_infos;
87    val fp_repTs = map #repT fp_absT_infos;
88    val fp_abss = map #abs fp_absT_infos;
89    val fp_reps = map #rep fp_absT_infos;
90    val fp_type_definitions = map #type_definition fp_absT_infos;
92    val absTs = map #absT absT_infos;
93    val repTs = map #repT absT_infos;
94    val absTs' = map (Logic.type_map (singleton (Variable.polymorphic lthy))) absTs;
95    val repTs' = map (Logic.type_map (singleton (Variable.polymorphic lthy))) repTs;
96    val abss = map #abs absT_infos;
97    val reps = map #rep absT_infos;
98    val abs_inverses = map #abs_inverse absT_infos;
99    val type_definitions = map #type_definition absT_infos;
101    val n = length bnfs;
102    val deads = fold (union (op =)) Dss resDs;
103    val As = subtract (op =) deads (map TFree resBs);
104    val names_lthy = fold Variable.declare_typ (As @ deads) lthy;
105    val m = length As;
106    val live = m + n;
108    val (((Xs, Ys), Bs), names_lthy) = names_lthy
109      |> mk_TFrees n
110      ||>> mk_TFrees n
111      ||>> mk_TFrees m;
113    val allAs = As @ Xs;
114    val allBs = Bs @ Xs;
115    val phiTs = map2 mk_pred2T As Bs;
116    val thetaBs = As ~~ Bs;
117    val fpTs' = map (Term.typ_subst_atomic thetaBs) fpTs;
118    val fold_thetaAs = Xs ~~ fpTs;
119    val fold_thetaBs = Xs ~~ fpTs';
120    val pre_phiTs = map2 mk_pred2T fpTs fpTs';
122    val ((ctors, dtors), (xtor's, xtors)) =
123      let
124        val ctors = map2 (force_typ names_lthy o (fn T => dummyT --> T)) fpTs (of_fp_res #ctors);
125        val dtors = map2 (force_typ names_lthy o (fn T => T --> dummyT)) fpTs (of_fp_res #dtors);
126      in
127        ((ctors, dtors), `(map (Term.subst_atomic_types thetaBs)) (case_fp fp ctors dtors))
128      end;
130    val absATs = map (domain_type o fastype_of) ctors;
131    val absBTs = map (Term.typ_subst_atomic thetaBs) absATs;
132    val xTs = map (domain_type o fastype_of) xtors;
133    val yTs = map (domain_type o fastype_of) xtor's;
135    val absAs = @{map 3} (fn Ds => mk_abs o mk_T_of_bnf Ds allAs) Dss bnfs abss;
136    val absBs = @{map 3} (fn Ds => mk_abs o mk_T_of_bnf Ds allBs) Dss bnfs abss;
137    val fp_repAs = map2 mk_rep absATs fp_reps;
138    val fp_repBs = map2 mk_rep absBTs fp_reps;
140    val typ_subst_nonatomic_sorted = fold_rev (typ_subst_nonatomic o single);
141    val sorted_theta = sort (int_ord o apply2 (Term.size_of_typ o fst)) (fpTs ~~ Xs)
142    val sorted_fpTs = map fst sorted_theta;
144    val nesting_bnfs = nesting_bnfs lthy
145      [[map (typ_subst_nonatomic_sorted (rev sorted_theta) o range_type o fastype_of) fp_repAs]]
146      allAs;
147    val fp_or_nesting_bnfs = distinct (op = o apply2 T_of_bnf) (fp_bnfs @ nesting_bnfs);
149    val (((((phis, phis'), pre_phis), xs), ys), names_lthy) = names_lthy
150      |> mk_Frees' "R" phiTs
151      ||>> mk_Frees "S" pre_phiTs
152      ||>> mk_Frees "x" xTs
153      ||>> mk_Frees "y" yTs;
155    val rels =
156      let
157        fun find_rel T As Bs = fp_or_nesting_bnfs
158          |> filter_out (curry (op = o apply2 name_of_bnf) BNF_Comp.DEADID_bnf)
159          |> find_first (fn bnf => Type.could_unify (T_of_bnf bnf, T))
160          |> Option.map (fn bnf =>
161            let val live = live_of_bnf bnf;
162            in (mk_rel live As Bs (rel_of_bnf bnf), live) end)
163          |> the_default (HOLogic.eq_const T, 0);
165        fun mk_rel (T as Type (_, Ts)) (Type (_, Us)) =
166              let
167                val (rel, live) = find_rel T Ts Us;
168                val (Ts', Us') = fastype_of rel |> strip_typeN live |> fst |> map_split dest_pred2T;
169                val rels = map2 mk_rel Ts' Us';
170              in
171                Term.list_comb (rel, rels)
172              end
173          | mk_rel (T as TFree _) _ = (nth phis (find_index (curry op = T) As)
174              handle General.Subscript => HOLogic.eq_const T)
175          | mk_rel _ _ = raise Fail "fpTs contains schematic type variables";
176      in
177        map2 (fold_rev Term.absfree phis' oo mk_rel) fpTs fpTs'
178      end;
180    val pre_rels = map2 (fn Ds => mk_rel_of_bnf Ds (As @ fpTs) (Bs @ fpTs')) Dss bnfs;
182    val rel_unfolds = maps (no_refl o single o rel_def_of_bnf) fp_pre_bnfs;
183    val rel_xtor_co_inducts = of_fp_res (split_conj_thm o #xtor_rel_co_induct)
184      |> map (zero_var_indexes o unfold_thms lthy (id_apply :: rel_unfolds));
186    val rel_defs = map rel_def_of_bnf bnfs;
187    val rel_monos = map rel_mono_of_bnf bnfs;
189    fun cast castA castB pre_rel =
190      let
191        val castAB = mk_vimage2p (Term.subst_atomic_types fold_thetaAs castA)
192          (Term.subst_atomic_types fold_thetaBs castB);
193      in
194        fold_rev (fold_rev Term.absdummy) [phiTs, pre_phiTs]
195          (castAB $ Term.list_comb (pre_rel, map Bound (live - 1 downto 0)))
196      end;
198    val castAs = map2 (curry HOLogic.mk_comp) absAs fp_repAs;
199    val castBs = map2 (curry HOLogic.mk_comp) absBs fp_repBs;
201    val fp_or_nesting_rel_eqs = no_refl (map rel_eq_of_bnf fp_or_nesting_bnfs);
202    val fp_or_nesting_rel_monos = map rel_mono_of_bnf fp_or_nesting_bnfs;
204    fun mutual_instantiate ctxt inst =
205      let
206        val thetas = AList.group (op =) (mutual_cliques ~~ inst);
207      in
208        map2 (infer_instantiate ctxt o the o AList.lookup (op =) thetas) mutual_cliques
209      end;
211    val rel_xtor_co_inducts_inst =
212      let
213        val extract =
214          case_fp fp (snd o Term.dest_comb) (snd o Term.dest_comb o fst o Term.dest_comb);
215        val raw_phis = map (extract o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o Thm.concl_of) rel_xtor_co_inducts;
216        val inst = map (fn (t, u) => (#1 (dest_Var t), Thm.cterm_of lthy u)) (raw_phis ~~ pre_phis);
217      in
218        mutual_instantiate lthy inst rel_xtor_co_inducts
219      end
221    val xtor_rel_co_induct =
222      mk_xtor_rel_co_induct_thm fp (@{map 3} cast castAs castBs pre_rels) pre_phis rels phis xs ys
223        xtors xtor's (mk_rel_xtor_co_induct_tac fp abs_inverses rel_xtor_co_inducts_inst rel_defs
224          rel_monos fp_or_nesting_rel_eqs fp_or_nesting_rel_monos)
225        lthy;
227    val map_id0s = no_refl (map map_id0_of_bnf bnfs);
229    val xtor_co_induct_thm =
230      (case fp of
231        Least_FP =>
232          let
233            val (Ps, names_lthy) = names_lthy
234              |> mk_Frees "P" (map (fn T => T --> HOLogic.boolT) fpTs);
235            fun mk_Grp_id P =
236              let val T = domain_type (fastype_of P);
237              in mk_Grp (HOLogic.Collect_const T $ P) (HOLogic.id_const T) end;
238            val cts =
239              map (SOME o Thm.cterm_of names_lthy) (map HOLogic.eq_const As @ map mk_Grp_id Ps);
240            fun mk_fp_type_copy_thms thm = map (curry op RS thm)
241              @{thms type_copy_Abs_o_Rep type_copy_vimage2p_Grp_Rep};
242            fun mk_type_copy_thms thm = map (curry op RS thm)
243              @{thms type_copy_Rep_o_Abs type_copy_vimage2p_Grp_Abs};
244          in
245            infer_instantiate' names_lthy cts xtor_rel_co_induct
246            |> singleton (Proof_Context.export names_lthy lthy)
247            |> unfold_thms lthy (@{thms eq_le_Grp_id_iff all_simps(1,2)[symmetric]} @
248                fp_or_nesting_rel_eqs)
249            |> funpow n (fn thm => thm RS spec)
250            |> unfold_thms lthy (@{thm eq_alt} :: map rel_Grp_of_bnf bnfs @ map_id0s)
251            |> unfold_thms lthy (@{thms vimage2p_id vimage2p_comp comp_apply comp_id
252               Grp_id_mono_subst eqTrueI[OF subset_UNIV] simp_thms(22)} @
253               maps mk_fp_type_copy_thms fp_type_definitions @
254               maps mk_type_copy_thms type_definitions)
255            |> unfold_thms lthy @{thms subset_iff mem_Collect_eq
256               atomize_conjL[symmetric] atomize_all[symmetric] atomize_imp[symmetric]}
257          end
258      | Greatest_FP =>
259          let
260            val cts = NONE :: map (SOME o Thm.cterm_of lthy) (map HOLogic.eq_const As);
261          in
262            infer_instantiate' lthy cts xtor_rel_co_induct
263            |> unfold_thms lthy (@{thms le_fun_def le_bool_def all_simps(1,2)[symmetric]} @
264                fp_or_nesting_rel_eqs)
265            |> funpow (2 * n) (fn thm => thm RS spec)
266            |> Conv.fconv_rule (Object_Logic.atomize lthy)
267            |> funpow n (fn thm => thm RS mp)
268          end);
270    val timer = time (timer "Nested-to-mutual (co)induction");
272    val fold_preTs = map2 (fn Ds => mk_T_of_bnf Ds allAs) Dss bnfs;
274    val fold_strTs = map2 mk_co_algT fold_preTs Xs;
275    val resTs = map2 mk_co_algT fpTs Xs;
277    val fp_un_folds = of_fp_res #xtor_un_folds;
278    val ns = map (length o #Ts o snd) indexed_fp_ress;
280    fun force_fold i TU raw_un_fold =
281      let
282        val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of lthy;
284        val approx_un_fold = raw_un_fold
285          |> force_typ names_lthy (replicate (nth ns i) dummyT ---> TU);
286        val subst = Term.typ_subst_atomic fold_thetaAs;
288        fun mk_fp_absT_repT fp_repT fp_absT = mk_absT thy fp_repT fp_absT ooo mk_repT;
289        val mk_fp_absT_repTs = @{map 5} mk_fp_absT_repT fp_repTs fp_absTs absTs repTs;
291        val fold_preTs' = mk_fp_absT_repTs (map subst fold_preTs);
293        val fold_pre_deads_only_Ts =
294          map (typ_subst_nonatomic_sorted (map (rpair dummyT) (As @ sorted_fpTs))) fold_preTs';
296        val (mutual_clique, TUs) =
297          map_split dest_co_algT (binder_fun_types (fastype_of approx_un_fold))
298          |>> map subst
299          |> `(fn (_, Ys) => nth mutual_cliques
300            (find_index (fn X => X = the (find_first (can dest_TFree) Ys)) Xs))
301          ||> uncurry (map2 mk_co_algT);
302        val cands = mutual_cliques ~~ map2 mk_co_algT fold_preTs' Xs;
303        val js = find_indices (fn ((cl, cand), TU) =>
304          cl = mutual_clique andalso Type.could_unify (TU, cand)) TUs cands;
305        val Tpats = map (fn j => mk_co_algT (nth fold_pre_deads_only_Ts j) (nth Xs j)) js;
306      in
307        force_typ names_lthy (Tpats ---> TU) raw_un_fold
308      end;
310    fun mk_co_comp_abs_rep fp_absT absT fp_abs fp_rep abs rep t =
311      case_fp fp (HOLogic.mk_comp (HOLogic.mk_comp (t, mk_abs absT abs), mk_rep fp_absT fp_rep))
312        (HOLogic.mk_comp (mk_abs fp_absT fp_abs, HOLogic.mk_comp (mk_rep absT rep, t)));
314    val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of lthy;
315    fun mk_absT_fp_repT repT absT = mk_absT thy repT absT ooo mk_repT;
317    fun mk_un_fold b_opt ss un_folds cache_lthy TU =
318      (case lookup_cache b_opt TU cache_lthy of
319        SOME t => ((t, Drule.dummy_thm), cache_lthy)
320      | NONE =>
321        let
322          val x = co_alg_argT TU;
323          val i = find_index (fn T => x = T) Xs;
324          val TUfold =
325            (case find_first (fn f => body_fun_type (fastype_of f) = TU) un_folds of
326              NONE => force_fold i TU (nth fp_un_folds i)
327            | SOME f => f);
329          val TUs = binder_fun_types (fastype_of TUfold);
331          fun mk_s TU' cache_lthy =
332            let
333              val i = find_index (fn T => co_alg_argT TU' = T) Xs;
334              val fp_abs = nth fp_abss i;
335              val fp_rep = nth fp_reps i;
336              val abs = nth abss i;
337              val rep = nth reps i;
338              val sF = co_alg_funT TU';
339              val sF' =
340                mk_absT_fp_repT (nth repTs' i) (nth absTs' i) (nth fp_absTs i) (nth fp_repTs i) sF
341                  handle Term.TYPE _ => sF;
342              val F = nth fold_preTs i;
343              val s = nth ss i;
344            in
345              if sF = F then (s, cache_lthy)
346              else if sF' = F then (mk_co_comp_abs_rep sF sF' fp_abs fp_rep abs rep s, cache_lthy)
347              else
348                let
349                  val smapT = replicate live dummyT ---> mk_co_algT sF' F;
350                  fun hidden_to_unit t =
351                    Term.subst_TVars (map (rpair HOLogic.unitT) (Term.add_tvar_names t [])) t;
352                  val smap = map_of_bnf (nth bnfs i)
353                    |> force_typ names_lthy smapT
354                    |> hidden_to_unit;
355                  val smap_argTs = strip_typeN live (fastype_of smap) |> fst;
356                  fun mk_smap_arg T_to_U cache_lthy =
357                    (if domain_type T_to_U = range_type T_to_U then
358                      (HOLogic.id_const (domain_type T_to_U), cache_lthy)
359                    else
360                      mk_un_fold NONE ss un_folds cache_lthy T_to_U |>> fst);
361                  val (smap_args, cache_lthy') = fold_map mk_smap_arg smap_argTs cache_lthy;
362                in
363                  (mk_co_comp_abs_rep sF sF' fp_abs fp_rep abs rep
364                    (mk_co_comp s (Term.list_comb (smap, smap_args))), cache_lthy')
365                end
366            end;
367          val (args, cache_lthy) = fold_map mk_s TUs cache_lthy;
368          val t = Term.list_comb (TUfold, args);
369        in
370          (case b_opt of
371            NONE => update_cache b TU t cache_lthy |>> rpair Drule.dummy_thm
372          | SOME b => cache_lthy
373             |-> (fn cache =>
374               let
375                 val S = HOLogic.mk_tupleT fold_strTs;
376                 val s = HOLogic.mk_tuple ss;
377                 val u = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Let\<close>, S --> (S --> TU) --> TU) $ s $ absdummy S t;
378               in
379                 Local_Theory.define ((b, NoSyn), ((Binding.concealed (Thm.def_binding b), []), u))
380                 #>> apsnd snd ##> pair cache
381               end))
382        end);
384    val un_foldN = case_fp fp ctor_foldN dtor_unfoldN;
385    fun mk_un_folds (ss_names, lthy) =
386      let val ss = map2 (curry Free) ss_names fold_strTs;
387      in
388        fold2 (fn TU => fn b => fn ((un_folds, defs), cache_lthy) =>
389          mk_un_fold (SOME b) (map2 (curry Free) ss_names fold_strTs) un_folds cache_lthy TU
390          |>> (fn (f, d) => (f :: un_folds, d :: defs)))
391        resTs (map (Binding.suffix_name ("_" ^ un_foldN)) bs) (([], []), (empty_cache, lthy))
392        |>> map_prod rev rev
393        |>> pair ss
394      end;
395    val ((ss, (un_folds, un_fold_defs0)), (cache, (lthy, raw_lthy))) = lthy
396      |> Local_Theory.open_target |> snd
397      |> Variable.add_fixes (mk_names n "s")
398      |> mk_un_folds
399      ||> apsnd (`(Local_Theory.close_target));
401    val un_fold_defs = map (unfold_thms raw_lthy @{thms Let_const}) un_fold_defs0;
403    val cache_defs = snd cache |> Typtab.dest |> map (snd o snd);
405    val phi = Proof_Context.export_morphism raw_lthy lthy;
407    val xtor_un_folds = map (head_of o Morphism.term phi) un_folds;
408    val xtor_un_fold_defs = map (Drule.abs_def o Morphism.thm phi) un_fold_defs;
409    val xtor_cache_defs = map (Drule.abs_def o Morphism.thm phi) cache_defs;
410    val xtor_un_folds' = map2 (fn raw => fn t =>
411        Const (fst (dest_Const t), fold_strTs ---> fastype_of raw))
412      un_folds xtor_un_folds;
414    val fp_un_fold_o_maps = of_fp_res #xtor_un_fold_o_maps
415      |> maps (fn thm => [thm, thm RS rewrite_comp_comp]);
417    val fold_mapTs = co_swap (As @ fpTs, As @ Xs);
418    val pre_fold_maps = @{map 2} (fn Ds => uncurry (mk_map_of_bnf Ds) fold_mapTs) Dss bnfs
419    fun mk_pre_fold_maps fs =
420      map (fn mapx => Term.list_comb (mapx, map HOLogic.id_const As @ fs)) pre_fold_maps;
422    val pre_map_defs = no_refl (map map_def_of_bnf bnfs);
423    val fp_map_defs = no_refl (map map_def_of_bnf fp_pre_bnfs);
424    val map_defs = pre_map_defs @ fp_map_defs;
425    val pre_rel_defs = no_refl (map rel_def_of_bnf bnfs);
426    val fp_rel_defs = no_refl (map rel_def_of_bnf fp_pre_bnfs);
427    val rel_defs = pre_rel_defs @ fp_rel_defs;
428    fun mk_Rep_o_Abs thm = (thm RS @{thm type_copy_Rep_o_Abs})
429      |> (fn thm => [thm, thm RS rewrite_comp_comp]);
430    val fp_Rep_o_Abss = maps mk_Rep_o_Abs fp_type_definitions;
431    val pre_Rep_o_Abss = maps mk_Rep_o_Abs type_definitions;
432    val Rep_o_Abss = fp_Rep_o_Abss @ pre_Rep_o_Abss;
434    val unfold_map = map (unfold_thms lthy (id_apply :: pre_map_defs));
435    val simp_thms = case_fp fp @{thm comp_assoc} @{thm comp_assoc[symmetric]} ::
436      @{thms id_apply comp_id id_comp};
438    val eq_thm_prop_untyped = Term.aconv_untyped o apply2 Thm.full_prop_of;
440    val map_thms = no_refl (maps (fn bnf =>
441        let val map_comp0 = map_comp0_of_bnf bnf RS sym
442        in [map_comp0, map_comp0 RS rewrite_comp_comp, map_id0_of_bnf bnf] end)
443      fp_or_nesting_bnfs) @
444      remove eq_thm_prop_untyped (case_fp fp @{thm comp_assoc[symmetric]} @{thm comp_assoc})
445      (map2 (fn thm => fn bnf =>
446        @{thm type_copy_map_comp0_undo} OF
447          (replicate 3 thm @ unfold_map [map_comp0_of_bnf bnf]) RS
448          rewrite_comp_comp)
449      type_definitions bnfs);
451    val xtor_un_fold_thms =
452      let
453        val pre_fold_maps = mk_pre_fold_maps un_folds;
454        fun mk_goals f xtor s smap fp_abs fp_rep abs rep =
455          let
456            val lhs = mk_co_comp f xtor;
457            val rhs = mk_co_comp s smap;
458          in
459            HOLogic.mk_eq (lhs,
460              mk_co_comp_abs_rep (co_alg_funT (fastype_of lhs)) (co_alg_funT (fastype_of rhs))
461                fp_abs fp_rep abs rep rhs)
462          end;
464        val goals =
465          @{map 8} mk_goals un_folds xtors ss pre_fold_maps fp_abss fp_reps abss reps;
467        val fp_un_folds = map (mk_pointfree2 lthy) (of_fp_res #xtor_un_fold_thms);
469        val simps = flat [simp_thms, un_fold_defs, map_defs, fp_un_folds,
470          fp_un_fold_o_maps, map_thms, Rep_o_Abss];
471      in
472        Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj goals
473        |> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
474        |> (fn goal => Goal.prove_sorry raw_lthy [] [] goal
475          (fn {context = ctxt, prems = _} => mk_xtor_un_fold_tac ctxt n simps cache_defs))
476        |> Thm.close_derivation \<^here>
477        |> Morphism.thm phi
478        |> split_conj_thm
479        |> map (fn thm => thm RS @{thm comp_eq_dest})
480      end;
482    val xtor_un_fold_o_maps = of_fp_res #xtor_un_fold_o_maps
483      |> maps (fn thm => [thm, thm RS rewrite_comp_comp]);
484    val xtor_un_fold_unique_thm =
485      let
486        val (fs, _) = names_lthy |> mk_Frees "f" resTs;
487        val fold_maps = mk_pre_fold_maps fs;
488        fun mk_prem f s mapx xtor fp_abs fp_rep abs rep =
489          let
490            val lhs = mk_co_comp f xtor;
491            val rhs = mk_co_comp s mapx;
492          in
493            mk_Trueprop_eq (lhs,
494              mk_co_comp_abs_rep (co_alg_funT (fastype_of lhs)) (co_alg_funT (fastype_of rhs))
495                fp_abs fp_rep abs rep rhs)
496          end;
497        val prems = @{map 8} mk_prem fs ss fold_maps xtors fp_abss fp_reps abss reps;
498        val concl = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Library.foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj
499          (map2 (curry HOLogic.mk_eq) fs un_folds));
500        val vars = Variable.add_free_names raw_lthy concl [];
501        val fp_un_fold_uniques0 = of_fp_res (split_conj_thm o #xtor_un_fold_unique)
502          |> map (Drule.zero_var_indexes o unfold_thms lthy fp_map_defs);
503        val names = fp_un_fold_uniques0
504          |> map (Thm.concl_of #> HOLogic.dest_Trueprop
505            #> HOLogic.dest_eq #> fst #> dest_Var #> fst);
506        val inst = names ~~ map (Thm.cterm_of lthy) fs;
507        val fp_un_fold_uniques = mutual_instantiate lthy inst fp_un_fold_uniques0;
508        val map_arg_congs =
509          map (fn bnf => mk_arg_cong lthy (live_of_bnf bnf) (map_of_bnf bnf)
510            |> unfold_thms lthy (pre_map_defs @ simp_thms)) nesting_bnfs;
511      in
512        Goal.prove_sorry raw_lthy vars prems concl
513          (mk_xtor_un_fold_unique_tac fp un_fold_defs map_arg_congs xtor_un_fold_o_maps
514            Rep_o_Abss fp_un_fold_uniques simp_thms map_thms map_defs cache_defs)
515          |> Thm.close_derivation \<^here>
516          |> case_fp fp I (fn thm => thm OF replicate n sym)
517          |> Morphism.thm phi
518      end;
520    val ABs = As ~~ Bs;
521    val XYs = Xs ~~ Ys;
522    val ABphiTs = @{map 2} mk_pred2T As Bs;
523    val XYphiTs = @{map 2} mk_pred2T Xs Ys;
525    val ((ABphis, XYphis), _) = names_lthy
526      |> mk_Frees "R" ABphiTs
527      ||>> mk_Frees "S" XYphiTs;
529    val pre_rels = @{map 2} (fn Ds => mk_rel_of_bnf Ds (As @ Xs) (Bs @ Ys)) Dss bnfs;
531    val ns = map (fn i => length (filter (fn c => i = c) mutual_cliques)) mutual_cliques;
533    val map_transfers = map (funpow live (fn thm => thm RS @{thm rel_funD})
534        #> unfold_thms lthy pre_rel_defs)
535      (map map_transfer_of_bnf bnfs);
536    val fp_un_fold_transfers = map2 (fn n => funpow n (fn thm => thm RS @{thm rel_funD})
537        #> unfold_thms lthy fp_rel_defs)
538      ns (of_fp_res #xtor_un_fold_transfers);
539    val pre_Abs_transfers = map (fn thm => @{thm Abs_transfer} OF [thm, thm]) type_definitions;
540    val fp_Abs_transfers = map (fn thm => @{thm Abs_transfer} OF [thm, thm]) fp_type_definitions;
541    val Abs_transfers = pre_Abs_transfers @ fp_Abs_transfers;
543    fun tac {context = ctxt, prems = _} =
544      mk_xtor_un_fold_transfer_tac ctxt n xtor_un_fold_defs rel_defs fp_un_fold_transfers
545        map_transfers Abs_transfers fp_or_nesting_rel_eqs xtor_cache_defs;
547    val xtor_un_fold_transfer_thms =
548      mk_xtor_co_iter_transfer_thms fp pre_rels XYphis XYphis rels ABphis
549        xtor_un_folds' (map (subst_atomic_types (ABs @ XYs)) xtor_un_folds') tac lthy;
551    val timer = time (timer "Nested-to-mutual (co)iteration");
553    val xtor_maps = of_fp_res #xtor_maps;
554    val xtor_rels = of_fp_res #xtor_rels;
555    fun mk_Ts Cs = map (typ_subst_atomic (As ~~ Cs)) fpTs;
556    val phi = Local_Theory.target_morphism lthy;
557    val export = map (Morphism.term phi);
558    val ((xtor_co_recs, (xtor_co_rec_thms, xtor_co_rec_unique_thm, xtor_co_rec_o_map_thms,
559        xtor_co_rec_transfer_thms)), lthy) = lthy
560      |> derive_xtor_co_recs fp bs mk_Ts (Dss, resDs) bnfs
561        (export xtors) (export xtor_un_folds)
562        xtor_un_fold_unique_thm xtor_un_fold_thms xtor_un_fold_transfer_thms xtor_maps xtor_rels
563        (@{map 2} (curry (SOME o @{apply 2} (morph_absT_info phi))) fp_absT_infos absT_infos);
565    val timer = time (timer "Nested-to-mutual (co)recursion");
567    val common_notes =
568      (case fp of
569        Least_FP =>
570        [(ctor_inductN, [xtor_co_induct_thm]),
571         (ctor_rel_inductN, [xtor_rel_co_induct])]
572      | Greatest_FP =>
573        [(dtor_coinductN, [xtor_co_induct_thm]),
574         (dtor_rel_coinductN, [xtor_rel_co_induct])])
575      |> map (fn (thmN, thms) =>
576        ((Binding.qualify true (Binding.name_of b) (Binding.name thmN), []), [(thms, [])]));
578    val notes =
579      (case fp of
580        Least_FP => [(ctor_foldN, xtor_un_fold_thms)]
581      | Greatest_FP => [(dtor_unfoldN, xtor_un_fold_thms)])
582      |> map (apsnd (map single))
583      |> maps (fn (thmN, thmss) =>
584        map2 (fn b => fn thms =>
585          ((Binding.qualify true (Binding.name_of b) (Binding.name thmN), []), [(thms, [])]))
586        bs thmss);
588    val lthy = lthy |> Config.get lthy bnf_internals
589      ? snd o Local_Theory.notes (common_notes @ notes);
591    (* These results are half broken. This is deliberate. We care only about those fields that are
592       used by "primrec", "primcorecursive", and "datatype_compat". *)
593    val fp_res =
594      ({Ts = fpTs, bnfs = of_fp_res #bnfs, pre_bnfs = bnfs, absT_infos = absT_infos,
595        dtors = dtors, ctors = ctors,
596        xtor_un_folds = xtor_un_folds, xtor_co_recs = xtor_co_recs,
597        xtor_co_induct = xtor_co_induct_thm,
598        dtor_ctors = of_fp_res #dtor_ctors (*too general types*),
599        ctor_dtors = of_fp_res #ctor_dtors (*too general types*),
600        ctor_injects = of_fp_res #ctor_injects (*too general types*),
601        dtor_injects = of_fp_res #dtor_injects (*too general types*),
602        xtor_maps = of_fp_res #xtor_maps (*too general types and terms*),
603        xtor_map_unique = xtor_un_fold_unique_thm (*wrong*),
604        xtor_setss = of_fp_res #xtor_setss (*too general types and terms*),
605        xtor_rels = of_fp_res #xtor_rels (*too general types and terms*),
606        xtor_un_fold_thms = xtor_un_fold_thms,
607        xtor_co_rec_thms = xtor_co_rec_thms,
608        xtor_un_fold_unique = xtor_un_fold_unique_thm,
609        xtor_co_rec_unique = xtor_co_rec_unique_thm,
610        xtor_un_fold_o_maps = fp_un_fold_o_maps (*wrong*),
611        xtor_co_rec_o_maps = xtor_co_rec_o_map_thms (*wrong*),
612        xtor_un_fold_transfers = xtor_un_fold_transfer_thms,
613        xtor_co_rec_transfers = xtor_co_rec_transfer_thms (*wrong*),
614        xtor_rel_co_induct = xtor_rel_co_induct, dtor_set_inducts = []}
615       |> morph_fp_result (Morphism.term_morphism "BNF" (singleton (Variable.polymorphic lthy))));
616  in
617    timer; (fp_res, lthy)
618  end;