1structure BuildCommand :> BuildCommand =
4open Systeml Holmake_tools Holmake_types
5structure FileSys = OS.FileSys
6structure Path = OS.Path
7structure Process = OS.Process
9infix ++
10fun p1 ++ p2 = Path.concat(p1,p2)
11val SIGOBJ = Systeml.HOLDIR ++ "sigobj"
15infix |>
16fun x |> f = f x
18val default_holstate = Systeml.DEFAULT_STATE
20val _ = holpathdb.extend_db {vname = "HOLDIR", path = Systeml.HOLDIR}
22open HM_GraphBuildJ1
24datatype cmd_line = Mosml_compile of string list * string
25                  | Mosml_link of string * string list
26                  | Mosml_error
28datatype buildresult = datatype multibuild.buildresult
30fun process_mosml_args (outs:Holmake_tools.output_functions) c = let
31  val {diag,...} = outs
32  val diag = fn s => diag "mosml_args" (fn _ => s)
33  fun isSource t = OS.Path.ext t = SOME "sig" orelse OS.Path.ext t = SOME "sml"
34  fun isObj t = OS.Path.ext t = SOME "uo" orelse OS.Path.ext t = SOME "ui"
35  val toks = String.tokens (fn c => c = #" ") c
36  val c = ref false
37  val q = ref false
38  val obj = ref NONE
39  val I = ref []
40  val obj_files = ref ([] : string list)
41  val src_file = ref NONE
42  fun process_args [] = ()
43    | process_args ("-c"::rest) = (c := true; process_args rest)
44    | process_args ("-q"::rest) = process_args rest
45    | process_args ("-toplevel"::rest) = process_args rest
46    | process_args ("-o"::arg::rest) = (obj := SOME arg; process_args rest)
47    | process_args ("-I"::arg::rest) = (I := arg::(!I); process_args rest)
48    | process_args (file::rest) = let
49      in
50        if file = HM_BaseEnv.mosml_indicator then ()
51        else if isSource file then
52          src_file := SOME file
53        else if isObj file then
54          obj_files := file :: !obj_files
55        else ();
56        process_args rest
57      end
59  process_args toks;
60  ((case (!c, !src_file, !obj_files, !obj) of
61         (true, SOME f, ofs, NONE) => Mosml_compile (List.rev ofs, f)
62       | (false, NONE, ofs, SOME f) => Mosml_link (f, List.rev ofs)
63       | _ => let
64           fun ostring NONE = "NONE"
65             | ostring (SOME s) = "SOME "^s
66         in
67           diag ("mosml error: c = "^Bool.toString (!c)^", src_file = "^
68                 ostring (!src_file) ^ ", obj = "^ostring (!obj));
69           Mosml_error
70         end),
71   List.rev (!I))
77fun posix_diagnostic stat = let
78  open Posix.Process
80  case fromStatus stat of
81    W_EXITSTATUS w8 => "exited with code "^Word8.toString w8
82  | W_EXITED => "exited normally"
83  | W_SIGNALED sg => "with signal " ^
84                     SysWord.toString (Posix.Signal.toWord sg)
85  | W_STOPPED sg => "stopped with signal " ^
86                    SysWord.toString (Posix.Signal.toWord sg)
89fun addPath incs (file : string) : dep =
90    let
91      val dir = OS.FileSys.getDir()
92      open hm_target
93    in
94      if OS.Path.dir file <> "" then filestr_to_tgt file
95      else let
96        val p = List.find (fn p =>
97                              FileSys.access (p ++ (file ^ ".ui"), []))
98                          (dir :: incs)
99      in
100        case p of
101            NONE => mk(hmdir.curdir(), toFile file)
102          | SOME p => mk(hmdir.fromPath {origin = dir, path = p}, toFile file)
103      end
104    end
106fun time_max(t1,t2) = if Time.<(t1,t2) then t2 else t1
108fun finish_compilation warn depMods0 filename tgt =
109  case OS.Process.getEnv Systeml.build_after_reloc_envvar of
110      NONE => OS.Process.success
111    | SOME "1" =>
112      let
113        val filename_base = OS.Path.base filename
114        val depMods = List.filter (fn s => s <> filename_base) depMods0
115        fun getFTime fname =
116          SOME (OS.FileSys.modTime fname) handle OS.SysErr _ => NONE
117        fun combine fname t =
118          case getFTime fname of NONE => t | SOME t0 => time_max(t0,t)
119        fun foldthis (modn, t) =
120          t |> combine (modn ^ ".uo") |> combine (modn ^ ".ui")
121        val startTime =
122            case getFTime filename of
123                NONE => (warn("Can't see base file " ^ filename ^
124                              " though I just compiled it??");
125                         Time.zeroTime)
126              | SOME t => t
127      in
128        OS.FileSys.setTime (tgt, SOME (List.foldl foldthis startTime depMods));
129        OS.Process.success
130      end
131    | SOME s =>
132      (warn ("Ignoring strange value (" ^ s ^ ") in " ^
133             Systeml.build_after_reloc_envvar ^ " environment variable");
134       OS.Process.success)
136fun poly_compile warn diag quietp file I (deps : dep list) objs = let
137  open hm_target
138  val _ = diag (fn _ => "poly-compiling " ^ fromFile file ^ "\n  deps = [" ^
139                        concatWithf tgt_toString ", " deps ^ "]\n  objs = [" ^
140                        String.concatWith ", " objs ^ "]")
141  val modName = fromFileNoSuf file
142  val deps = let
143    open Binaryset
144    val dep_set0 = addList (empty_tgtset, deps)
145    val {deps = extra_deps, ...} =
146        Holdep.main {assumes = [], includes = I, diag = diag,
147                     fname = fromFile file}
148    val dep_set =
149        addList (dep_set0, map filestr_to_tgt extra_deps)
150  in
151    listItems dep_set
152  end
153  val depfiles = map (toFile o tgt_toString) deps
154  val objfiles = map toFile objs
155  fun mapthis (Unhandled _) = NONE
156    | mapthis (DAT _) = NONE
157    | mapthis f = SOME (fromFileNoSuf f)
158  val depMods = List.mapPartial mapthis depfiles
159  val objMods = List.map (addPath I) (List.mapPartial mapthis objfiles)
160  fun usePathVars p = holpathdb.reverse_lookup {path = p}
161  val depMods = List.map usePathVars (depMods @ map tgt_toString objMods)
162  val say = if quietp then (fn s => ())
163            else (fn s => TextIO.output(TextIO.stdOut, s ^ "\n"))
164  val _ = say ("HOLMOSMLC -c " ^ fromFile file)
165  val filename = tgt_toString (filestr_to_tgt (fromFile file))
166  val _ = diag (fn _ => "Writing target with dependencies: " ^
167                        String.concatWith ", " depMods)
169case file of
170  SIG _ =>
171    (let
172      val tgt = modName ^ ".ui"
173      val outUi = TextIO.openOut tgt
174     in
175       TextIO.output (outUi, String.concatWith "\n" depMods);
176       TextIO.output (outUi, "\n");
177       TextIO.output (outUi, usePathVars filename ^ "\n");
178       TextIO.closeOut outUi;
179       finish_compilation warn depMods filename tgt
180     end
181     handle IO.Io _ => OS.Process.failure)
182| SML _ =>
183    (let
184      val tgt = modName ^ ".uo"
185      val outUo = TextIO.openOut tgt
186     in
187       TextIO.output (outUo, String.concatWith "\n" depMods);
188       TextIO.output (outUo, "\n");
189       TextIO.output (outUo, usePathVars filename ^ "\n");
190       TextIO.closeOut outUo;
191       (if OS.FileSys.access (modName ^ ".sig", []) then
192          ()
193        else
194          let val outUi = TextIO.openOut (modName ^ ".ui")
195          in
196            TextIO.closeOut outUi;
197            ignore (finish_compilation warn depMods filename (modName ^ ".ui"))
198          end);
199       finish_compilation warn depMods filename tgt
200     end
201     handle IO.Io _ => OS.Process.failure)
202| _ => raise Match
205fun list_delete x [] = []
206  | list_delete x (y::ys) = if x = y then ys else y :: list_delete x ys
208type 'a build_command = 'a HM_DepGraph.t ->
209                        {preincludes : string list, includes : string list} ->
210                        (dep,'a) Holmake_tools.buildcmds ->
211                        File -> bool
213fun make_build_command (buildinfo : HM_Cline.t buildinfo_t) = let
214  val {optv,actual_overlay,envlist,quit_on_failure,outs,...} =
215      buildinfo
216  val hmenv = #hmenv buildinfo
217  val {warn,diag,tgtfatal,...} = outs
218  val keep_going = #keep_going (#core optv)
219  val debug = #debug (#core optv)
220  val opentheory = #opentheory (#core optv)
221  val allfast = #fast (#core optv)
222  val polynothol = #poly_not_hol optv
223  val relocbuild = #relocbuild optv orelse
224                   (case OS.Process.getEnv Systeml.build_after_reloc_envvar of
225                        SOME "1" => true
226                      | _ => false)
227  val interactive_flag = #interactive (#core optv)
228  val quiet_flag = #quiet (#core optv)
229  val cmdl_HOLSTATE = #holstate optv
230  val jobs = #jobs (#core optv)
231  val time_limit = #time_limit optv
232  val chatty = if jobs = 1 then #chatty outs else (fn _ => ())
233  val info = if jobs = 1 then #info outs else (fn _ => ())
235  fun extra_poly_cline() = envlist "POLY_CLINE_OPTIONS"
237  fun poly_link quietp extra result files =
238  let
239    open hm_target
240    val _ = if not quietp then
241              TextIO.output(TextIO.stdOut,
242                            "HOLMOSMLC -o " ^ result ^ " " ^
243                            String.concatWith " "
244                                              (map (fn s => s ^ ".uo") files) ^
245                            "\n")
246            else ()
247    val out = TextIO.openOut result
248    fun p s =
249        (TextIO.output (out, s); TextIO.output (out, "\n"))
250  in
251    p "#!/bin/sh";
252    p ("set -e");
253    p (protect(fullPath [HOLDIR, "bin", "buildheap"]) ^ " --gcthreads=1 " ^
254       (case #holheap extra of NONE => "--poly"
255                             | SOME d => "--holstate="^tgt_toString d) ^ " " ^
256       (if isSome debug then "--dbg " else "") ^
257       String.concatWith " " (extra_poly_cline()) ^ " " ^
258       String.concatWith " " (map protect files));
259    p ("exit 0");
260    TextIO.closeOut out;
261    Systeml.mk_xable result;
262    OS.Process.success
263  end handle IO.Io _ => OS.Process.failure
265  fun build_command g (ii as {preincludes,includes}) c arg = let
266    val diag = diag "build_command"
267    val _ = diag (fn _ => "build_command on "^fromFile arg)
268    val include_flags = preincludes @ includes
269    val overlay_stringl = case actual_overlay of NONE => [] | SOME s => [s]
270    exception CompileFailed
271    exception FileNotFound
272    val isSuccess = OS.Process.isSuccess
273    fun setup_script s depinfo extras = let
274      val scriptsml_file = SML (Script s)
275      val scriptsml = fromFile scriptsml_file
276      val script   = s^"Script"
277      val scriptuo = script^".uo"
278      val scriptui = script^".ui"
279      (* first thing to do is to create the Script.uo file *)
280      val b =
281          case build_command g ii (Compile depinfo) scriptsml_file of
282              BR_OK => true
283            | BR_Failed => false
284            | BR_ClineK _ => raise Fail "Compilation resulted in commandline"
285      val _ = b orelse raise CompileFailed
286      val _ = info ("Linking "^scriptuo^" to produce theory-builder executable")
287      val objectfiles0 =
288          if allfast then ["fastbuild.uo", scriptuo]
289          else if quit_on_failure then [scriptuo]
290          else ["holmakebuild.uo", scriptuo]
291      val objectfiles0 = extras @ objectfiles0
292      val objectfiles =
293        if polynothol then
294          objectfiles0
295        else if interactive_flag then
296          (SIGOBJ ++ "holmake_interactive.uo") :: objectfiles0
297        else (SIGOBJ ++ "holmake_not_interactive.uo") :: objectfiles0
298    in
299        ((script,[scriptuo,scriptui,script]), objectfiles)
300    end
301    fun run_script g (extra:GraphExtra.t) (script, intermediates) objectfiles expecteds =
302      let
303        fun safedelete s = FileSys.remove s handle OS.SysErr _ => ()
304        val _ = app safedelete expecteds
305        val useScript = fullPath [HOLDIR, "bin", "buildheap"]
306        val cline =
307            useScript::"--gcthreads=1"::
308            (case #multithread optv of
309                 NONE => []
310               | SOME i => ["--mt=" ^ Int.toString i]) @
311            (case #holheap extra of NONE => "--poly"
312                                  | SOME d => "--holstate="^tgt_toString d) ::
313            extra_poly_cline() @
314            ((if isSome debug then ["--dbg"] else []) @ objectfiles) @
315            List.concat (map (fn f => ["-c", f]) expecteds)
316        fun cont wn res =
317          let
318            val _ =
319                if not (isSuccess res) then
320                  wn ("Failed script build for "^script^" - "^
321                      posix_diagnostic res)
322                else ()
323            val _ = if isSuccess res orelse debug = NONE then
324                      app safedelete (script :: intermediates)
325                    else ()
326          in
327            isSuccess res
328          end
329        val script_part =
330            if String.isSuffix "Script" script then
331              String.substring(script, 0, size script - 6)
332            else raise Fail "Invariant failure in run_script"
333        val other_nodes = let
334          open HM_DepGraph
335        in
336          diag (fn _ => "Looking for other nodes with buildscript "^script);
337          find_nodes_by_command g
338              (BuiltInCmd (BIC_BuildScript script_part, empty_incinfo))
339              (* incinfos not consulted for comparison so empty value ok here *)
340        end
341      in
342        BR_ClineK { cline = (useScript, cline), job_kont = cont,
343                    other_nodes = other_nodes }
344      end
345  in
346    let
347    in
348      case (c : (dep,GraphExtra.t) buildcmds) of
349          Compile (deps,_) =>
350          let
351            val file = fromFile arg
352            val _ = exists_readable file orelse
353                    (warn ("Wanted to compile "^file^
354                            ", but it wasn't there\n");
355                     raise FileNotFound)
356            val res = poly_compile warn diag true arg include_flags deps []
357          in
358            if OS.Process.isSuccess res then BR_OK else BR_Failed
359          end
360        | BuildScript (s, deps, extra : GraphExtra.t) =>
361          let
362            val (scriptetc,objectfiles) = setup_script s (deps,extra) []
363          in
364            run_script g extra scriptetc objectfiles
365                       [s^"Theory.sml", s^"Theory.sig", s^"Theory.dat"]
366          end
367        | BuildArticle (s0, deps : dep list, extra) =>
368          let
369            open hm_target
370            val s = s0 ^ ".art"
371            val dep_set = Binaryset.addList(empty_tgtset, deps)
372            val oldscript_str = s0 ^ "Script.sml"
373            val fakescript_str = s ^ "Script.sml"
374            val _ = Posix.FileSys.link {old = oldscript_str,
375                                        new = fakescript_str }
376            val loggingextras =
377                case opentheory of SOME uo => [uo]
378                                 | NONE => ["loggingHolKernel.uo"]
379            val deps =
380                (Binaryset.delete(dep_set, filestr_to_tgt oldscript_str)
381                                 |> Binaryset.listItems) @
382                [filestr_to_tgt fakescript_str]
383            val ((script,inters),objectfiles) =
384                setup_script s (deps,extra) loggingextras
385          in
386            run_script g extra (script,fakescript_str :: inters) objectfiles [s]
387          end
388        | ProcessArticle (s,extra) =>
389          let
390            val raw_art_file = ART (RawArticle s)
391            val art_file = ART (ProcessedArticle s)
392            val raw_art = fromFile raw_art_file
393            val art = fromFile art_file
394            val cline =
395                ("/bin/sh",
396                 ["/bin/sh", "-c",
397                  "opentheory info --article -o " ^ art ^ " " ^ raw_art])
398          in
399            BR_ClineK {cline = cline, job_kont = (fn _ => OS.Process.isSuccess),
400                       other_nodes = []}
401          end
402    end handle CompileFailed => BR_Failed
403             | FileNotFound  => BR_Failed
404  end
405  fun mosml_build_command hm_env extra {noecho, ignore_error, command = c} deps=
406    let
407      open Holmake_types
408      val isHolmosmlcc =
409          String.isPrefix (perform_substitution hm_env [VREF "HOLMOSMLC-C"]) c
410      val isHolmosmlc =
411          String.isPrefix (perform_substitution hm_env [VREF "HOLMOSMLC"]) c
412      val isMosmlc =
413          String.isPrefix (perform_substitution hm_env [VREF "MOSMLC"]) c
414      val {diag,...} = outs
415      val diag = diag "mosml_build"
416    in
417      if isHolmosmlcc orelse isHolmosmlc orelse isMosmlc then let
418        val _ = diag (fn _ => "Processing mosml build command: "^c)
419      in
420        case process_mosml_args outs (if isHolmosmlcc then " -c " ^ c else c) of
421            (Mosml_compile (objs, src), I) =>
422            SOME (poly_compile warn diag (noecho orelse quiet_flag)
423                               (toFile src)
424                               I
425                               deps
426                               objs)
427          | (Mosml_link (result, objs), I) =>
428            let
429            in
430              diag (fn _ => "Moscow ML command is link -o "^result^" ["^
431                            String.concatWith ", " objs ^ "]");
432              SOME (poly_link (noecho orelse quiet_flag) extra result
433                              (map OS.Path.base objs))
434            end
435          | (Mosml_error, _) =>
436            (warn ("*** Couldn't interpret Moscow ML command: "^c);
437             SOME (OS.Process.failure))
438      end
439      else NONE
440    end
441  val jobs = #jobs (#core optv)
442  open HM_DepGraph
443  fun pr s = s
444  fun interpret_graph (g,ok) =
445      (if ok then OS.Process.success else OS.Process.failure, g)
446  fun interpret_bres bres =
447    case bres of
448        BR_OK => true
449      | BR_ClineK{cline = (_,cl), job_kont = k, ...} =>
450          k warn (Systeml.systeml cl)
451      | BR_Failed => false
454  fun system s =
455    Systeml.system_ps
456      (if relocbuild then Systeml.build_after_reloc_envvar ^ "=1 " ^ s
457       else s)
459  val build_graph =
460      if jobs = 1 then
461        (fn g =>
462            graphbuildj1 {
463              build_command = (fn g => fn ii => fn cmds => fn f =>
464                                  build_command g ii cmds f |> interpret_bres),
465              mosml_build_command = mosml_build_command,
466              outs = outs,
467              keep_going = keep_going,
468              quiet = quiet_flag,
469              hmenv = hmenv,
470              system = system } g)
471      else
472        (fn g =>
473            multibuild.graphbuild { build_command = build_command,
474                                    relocbuild = relocbuild,
475                                    mosml_build_command = mosml_build_command,
476                                    warn = warn, tgtfatal = tgtfatal,
477                                    keep_going = keep_going,
478                                    diag =
479                                      (fn s => diag "multibuild" (fn _ => s)),
480                                    info = #info outs,
481                                    time_limit = time_limit,
482                                    quiet = quiet_flag, hmenv = hmenv,
483                                    jobs = jobs } g |> interpret_graph)
485  {extra_impl_deps = [],
486   build_graph = build_graph}
489end (* struct *)