2(* Goalstacks, with no idea of undo.                                         *)
5structure goalStack :> goalStack =
8open HolKernel Abbrev;
10infix 0 before;
12val ERR = mk_HOL_ERR "goalStack";
14val show_nsubgoals = ref 10;
15val chatting = ref true;
16val show_stack_subgoal_count = ref true
17val print_fvs = ref false
18val print_goal_at_top = ref false;
19val reverse_assums = ref false;
20val print_number_assums = ref 1000000;
21val other_subgoals_pretty_limit = ref 100;
23val _ = register_trace ("Goalstack.howmany_printed_subgoals", show_nsubgoals,
24                        10000);
25val _ = register_btrace("Goalstack.show_proved_subtheorems", chatting);
26val _ = register_btrace("Goalstack.show_stack_subgoal_count",
27                        show_stack_subgoal_count);
28val _ = register_btrace("Goalstack.print_goal_fvs", print_fvs)
29val _ = register_btrace("Goalstack.print_goal_at_top", print_goal_at_top)
30val _ = register_btrace("Goalstack.print_assums_reversed", reverse_assums)
31val _ = register_trace ("Goalstack.howmany_printed_assums",
32                        print_number_assums, 1000000)
33val _ = register_trace("Goalstack.other_subgoals_pretty_limit",
34                       other_subgoals_pretty_limit, 100000)
37fun say s = if !chatting then Lib.say s else ();
39fun add_string_cr s = say (s^"\n")
40fun cr_add_string_cr s = say ("\n"^s^"\n")
42fun printthm th = if !chatting then say (Parse.thm_to_string th) else ()
44fun rotl (a::rst) = rst@[a]
45  | rotl [] = raise ERR "rotl" "empty list"
47fun rotr lst =
48  let val (front,back) = Lib.front_last lst
49  in (back::front)
50  end
51  handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "rotr" "empty list"
53fun goal_size (asl,t) =
54  List.foldl (fn (a,acc) => term_size a + acc) (term_size t) asl
59 * A goalstack is a stack of (goal list, validation_function) records. Each
60 * goal in the goal list is a (term list, term) pair. The validation
61 * function is a function from a list of theorems to a theorem. It must be
62 * that the number of goals in the goal list is equal to the number of
63 * formal parameters in the validation function. Unfortunately, the type
64 * system of ML is not strong enough to check that.
65 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
67type tac_result = {goals      : goal list,
68                   validation : thm list -> thm}
71   Need both initial goal and final theorem in PROVED case, because
72   finalizer can take a theorem achieving the original goal and
73   transform it into a second theorem. Destructing that second theorem
74   wouldn't deliver the original goal.
75 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
77datatype proposition = POSED of goal
78                     | PROVED of thm * goal;
80datatype gstk = GSTK of {prop  : proposition,
81                         final : thm -> thm,
82                         stack : tac_result list}
85fun depth(GSTK{stack,...}) = length stack;
87fun tac_result_size (tr : tac_result, acc) =
88  List.foldl (fn (g,acc) => goal_size g + acc) acc (#goals tr)
90fun gstk_size (GSTK{prop,stack,...}) =
91  case prop of
92      PROVED _ => 0
93    | POSED _ => List.foldl tac_result_size 0 stack
95fun is_initial(GSTK{prop=POSED g, stack=[], ...}) = true
96  | is_initial _ = false;
98fun top_goals(GSTK{prop=POSED g, stack=[], ...}) = [g]
99  | top_goals(GSTK{prop=POSED _, stack = ({goals,...}::_),...}) = goals
100  | top_goals(GSTK{prop=PROVED _, ...}) = raise ERR "top_goals" "no goals";
102val top_goal = hd o top_goals;
104fun new_goal (g as (asl,w)) f =
105   if all (fn tm => type_of tm = bool) (w::asl)
106    then GSTK{prop=POSED g, stack=[], final=f}
107    else raise ERR "set_goal" "not a proposition; new goal not added";
109fun finalizer(GSTK{final,...}) = final;
111fun initial_goal(GSTK{prop = POSED g,...}) = g
112  | initial_goal(GSTK{prop = PROVED (th,g),...}) = g;
114fun rotate(GSTK{prop=PROVED _, ...}) _ =
115        raise ERR "rotate" "goal has already been proved"
116  | rotate(GSTK{prop, stack, final}) n =
117     if n<0 then raise ERR"rotate" "negative rotations not allowed"
118     else
119      case stack
120       of [] => raise ERR"rotate" "No goals to rotate"
121        | {goals,validation}::rst =>
122           if n > length goals
123           then raise ERR "rotate"
124                 "More rotations than goals -- no rotation done"
125           else GSTK{prop=prop, final=final,
126                     stack={goals=funpow n rotl goals,
127                            validation=validation o funpow n rotr} :: rst};
130  fun imp_err s =
131    raise ERR "expandf or expand_listf" ("implementation error: "^s)
133  fun return(GSTK{stack={goals=[],validation}::rst, prop as POSED g,final}) =
134      let val th = validation []
135      in case rst
136         of [] =>
137           (let val thm = final th
138            in GSTK{prop=PROVED (thm,g), stack=[], final=final}
139            end
140            handle e as HOL_ERR _
141              => (cr_add_string_cr "finalization failed"; raise e))
142          | {goals = _::rst_o_goals, validation}::rst' =>
143             ( cr_add_string_cr "Goal proved.";
144               printthm th; say "\n";
145               return(GSTK{prop=prop, final=final,
146                           stack={goals=rst_o_goals,
147                              validation=fn thl => validation(th::thl)}::rst'})
148             )
149          | otherwise => imp_err (quote "return")
150      end
151    | return gstk = gstk
153  fun expand_msg dpth (GSTK{prop = PROVED _, ...}) = ()
154    | expand_msg dpth (GSTK{prop, final, stack as {goals, ...}::_}) =
155       let val dpth' = length stack
156       in if dpth' > dpth
157          then if (dpth+1 = dpth')
158               then add_string_cr
159                     (case (length goals)
160                       of 0 => imp_err "1"
161                        | 1 => "1 subgoal:"
162                        | n => (int_to_string n)^" subgoals:")
163               else imp_err "2"
164          else cr_add_string_cr "Remaining subgoals:"
165               end
166    | expand_msg _ _ = imp_err "3" ;
168fun expandf _ (GSTK{prop=PROVED _, ...}) =
169       raise ERR "expandf" "goal has already been proved"
170  | expandf tac (GSTK{prop as POSED g, stack,final}) =
171     let val arg = (case stack of [] => g | tr::_ => hd (#goals tr))
172         val (glist,vf) = tac arg
173         val dpth = length stack
174         val gs = return(GSTK{prop=prop,final=final,
175                              stack={goals=glist, validation=vf} :: stack})
176     in expand_msg dpth gs ; gs end
178(* note - expand_listf, unlike expandf, replaces the top member of the stack *)
179fun expand_listf ltac (GSTK{prop=PROVED _, ...}) =
180        raise ERR "expand_listf" "goal has already been proved"
181  | expand_listf ltac (GSTK{prop as POSED g, stack = [], final}) =
182    expand_listf ltac (GSTK{prop = POSED g,
183      stack = [{goals = [g], validation = hd}], final = final})
184  | expand_listf ltac (GSTK{prop, stack as {goals,validation}::rst, final}) =
185    let val (new_goals, new_vf) = ltac goals
186      val dpth = length stack - 1 (* because we don't augment the stack *)
187      val new_gs = return (GSTK{prop=prop, final=final,
188        stack={goals=new_goals, validation=validation o new_vf} :: rst})
189    in expand_msg dpth new_gs ; new_gs end ;
190end ;
192fun expand tac gs = expandf (Tactical.VALID tac) gs;
193fun expand_list ltac gs = expand_listf (Tactical.VALID_LT ltac) gs;
195fun flat gstk =
196    case gstk of
197        GSTK{prop,
198             stack as {goals,validation} ::
199                      {goals = g2 :: goals2, validation = validation2} ::
200                      rst,
201             final} =>
202        let
203          fun v thl = let
204            val (thl1, thl2) = Lib.split_after (length goals) thl
205          in
206            validation2 (validation thl1 :: thl2)
207          end
208          val newgv = {goals = goals @ goals2, validation = v}
209        in
210          GSTK {prop = prop, stack = newgv :: rst, final = final}
211        end
212    | _ => raise ERR "flat" "goalstack in wrong shape"
214fun flatn (GSTK{prop=PROVED _, ...}) n =
215        raise ERR "flatn" "goal has already been proved"
216  | flatn gstk 0 = gstk
217  | flatn (gstk as GSTK{prop, stack = [], final}) n = gstk
218  | flatn (gstk as GSTK{prop, stack as [_], final}) n = gstk
219  | flatn (gstk as GSTK{prop, stack, final}) n = flatn (flat gstk) (n-1) ;
221fun extract_thm (GSTK{prop=PROVED(th,_), ...}) = th
222  | extract_thm _ = raise ERR "extract_thm" "no theorem proved";
224(* Prettyprinting *)
228open Portable smpp
229fun ty2s ty = String.extract(Parse.type_to_string ty, 1, NONE)
231fun check_vars (g as (asl,w)) =
232    let
233      val fvs = FVL (w::asl) empty_tmset
234      fun foldthis (v,acc) =
235          let
236            val (nm,ty_s) = (I ## ty2s) (dest_var v)
237          in
238            case Binarymap.peek(acc, nm) of
239                NONE => Binarymap.insert(acc, nm, [ty_s])
240              | SOME vs => Binarymap.insert(acc, nm, ty_s::vs)
241          end
242      val m = HOLset.foldl foldthis (Binarymap.mkDict String.compare) fvs
243      fun foldthis (nm,vtys,msg) =
244          if length vtys > 1 then
245            ("  " ^ nm ^ " : " ^ String.concatWith ", " vtys) :: msg
246          else msg
247      val msg = Binarymap.foldl foldthis [] m
248    in
249      if null msg then nothing
250      else (
251        add_newline >> add_newline >>
252        add_string ("WARNING: goal contains variables of same name \
253                    \but different types") >>
254        add_newline >>
255        List.foldl (fn (s,m) => m >> add_string s >> add_newline)
256                   nothing
257                   msg
258      )
259    end
260val pr = lift Parse.pp_term
261fun min (a,b) = if a < b then a else b
262fun pr_numbered_assum (i,tm) =
263    let
264      val istr = StringCvt.padLeft #" " 2 (Int.toString i)^".  "
265    in
266      block CONSISTENT 0 (
267        add_string istr >>
268        block CONSISTENT (size istr) (pr tm)
269      )
270    end
271fun pr_maybe_hidden_assum (SOME a) = pr_numbered_assum a
272  | pr_maybe_hidden_assum NONE = add_string "..."
274fun pr_assums asl =
275    let
276      val length_asl = length asl
277      val length_assums = min (length_asl, !print_number_assums)
278      val assums = List.rev (List.take (asl, length_assums))
279      val l = Lib.enumerate (length_asl - length_assums) assums
280      val l = if !reverse_assums then List.rev l else l
281      val has = if !print_number_assums < length_asl then NONE :: map SOME l
282                else map SOME l
283    in
284      pr_list pr_maybe_hidden_assum add_newline has
285    end
287fun pr_v v = let
288  val (n, ty) = dest_var v
290  block INCONSISTENT 2 (
291    add_string n >> add_break(1,0) >> lift Parse.pp_type ty
292  )
295fun print_fvs0 fvs =
296    block CONSISTENT 0 (
297      add_string "Free variables:" >> add_break(1,2) >>
298      block INCONSISTENT 0 (pr_list pr_v (add_break(3,0)) fvs)
299    )
300fun print_goalfvs (asl,w) =
301    let
302      val fvs = free_varsl (w::asl) |> Listsort.sort Term.compare
303    in
304      if !print_fvs andalso not (null fvs) then
305        add_newline >> add_newline >> print_fvs0 fvs
306      else nothing
307    end
309val pr_goal = pr
310fun indent n p = add_string (CharVector.tabulate(n, fn _ => #" ")) >>
311                 block CONSISTENT n p
314fun ppgoal_assums_first (g as (asl,w)) =
315      block CONSISTENT 0 (
316        block CONSISTENT 0 (pr_assums asl) >> add_newline >>
317        add_string (!Globals.goal_line) >> add_newline >>
318        indent 5 (pr_goal w) >>
319        print_goalfvs g >> check_vars g
320      )
322fun ppgoal_assums_last (g as (asl,w)) =
323    block CONSISTENT 0 (
324      indent 5 (pr_goal w) >> add_newline >>
325      add_string (!Globals.goal_line) >> add_newline >>
326      block CONSISTENT 0 (pr_assums asl) >>
327      print_goalfvs g >> check_vars g
328    )
330fun ppgoal (g as (asl,w)) =
331    if null asl then pr_goal w >> print_goalfvs g >> check_vars g
332    else
333      if !print_goal_at_top then ppgoal_assums_last g
334      else ppgoal_assums_first g
335   handle e => (Lib.say "\nError in attempting to print a goal!\n";  raise e);
337   val goal_printer = ref (Parse.mlower o ppgoal)
339 val mppgoal = ppgoal
340 val std_pp_goal = Parse.mlower o ppgoal
341 val pp_goal = !goal_printer
342 fun set_goal_pp pp = !goal_printer before (goal_printer := pp)
345(* not clear that this function is used; certainly, default interactive system
346   uses Manager.sml's printer instead. *)
347fun pp_gstk gstk =
348 let open smpp
349     val pr_goal = mppgoal
350     fun pr (GSTK{prop = POSED g, stack = [], ...}) =
351             block Portable.CONSISTENT 0 (
352               add_string"Initial goal:" >> add_newline >> add_newline >>
353               pr_goal g
354             )
355       | pr (GSTK{prop = POSED _, stack = ({goals,...}::_), ...}) =
356           let val (ellipsis_action, goals_to_print) =
357                 if length goals > !show_nsubgoals then
358                   let val num_elided = length goals - !show_nsubgoals
359                   in
360                     (add_string ("..."^Int.toString num_elided ^ " subgoal"^
361                                  (if num_elided = 1 then "" else "s") ^
362                                  " elided...") >>
363                      add_newline >> add_newline,
364                      rev (List.take (goals, !show_nsubgoals)))
365                   end
366                 else
367                   (add_newline, rev goals)
368               val (pfx,lastg) = front_last goals_to_print
369               fun start() =
370                 (ellipsis_action >>
371                  pr_list pr_goal (add_newline >> add_newline) pfx)
372               val size = List.foldl (fn (g,acc) => goal_size g + acc) 0 pfx
373           in
374             block Portable.CONSISTENT 0 (
375               (if size > current_trace "Goalstack.other_subgoals_pretty_limit"
376                then
377                  with_flag(Parse.current_backend, PPBackEnd.raw_terminal)
378                           start()
379                else start()) >>
380               (if not (null pfx) then add_newline >> add_newline
381                else nothing) >>
382               pr_goal lastg >>
383              (if length goals > 1 andalso !show_stack_subgoal_count then
384                 add_string ("\n\n" ^ Int.toString (length goals) ^
385                             " subgoals")>>
386                 add_newline
387               else add_newline >> add_newline)
388             )
389           end
390       | pr (GSTK{prop = PROVED (th,_), ...}) =
391              block Portable.CONSISTENT 0 (
392                add_string "Initial goal proved." >>
393                add_newline >>
394                lift Parse.pp_thm th
395              )
396 in
397   pr gstk
398 end
400val pp_gstk = Parse.mlower o pp_gstk
402fun print_tac pfx g = let
404  print pfx;
405  HOLPP.prettyPrint(print,!Globals.linewidth) (pp_goal g);
406  Tactical.ALL_TAC g
409end (* goalStack *)