1structure type_grammar :> type_grammar =
4open HOLgrammars
5open Lib
6open type_grammar_dtype
8fun typstruct_uptodate ts =
9    case ts of
10      PARAM _ => true
11    | TYOP {Thy, Tyop, Args} => (
12      case Type.op_arity {Thy = Thy, Tyop = Tyop} of
13          SOME a => length Args = a andalso List.all typstruct_uptodate Args
14        | _ => false
15    )
17type kernelname = KernelSig.kernelname
19fun break_qident s =
20  case String.fields (equal #"$") s of
21      [ _ ] => (NONE, s)
22    | [thy, nm] => (SOME thy, nm)
23    | _ => raise GrammarError ("String \""^s^
24                               "\" is not a valid type identifier")
27datatype grammar = TYG of {
28  rules : (int * grammar_rule) list,
29  parse_str : (kernelname, type_structure) Binarymap.dict,
30  str_print : (int * kernelname) TypeNet.typenet,
31  bare_names : (string, string) Binarymap.dict,
32  tstamp   : int
35datatype ty_absyn =
36         VTY of string
37       | QTYOP of kernelname * ty_absyn list
40   Like term parsing, type parsing is handled in two phases:
42   1. Concrete syntax (involving infixes and the special syntax for
43      array-typeshere) is mapped to abstract syntax, the ty_absyn type
44      above.  The infix rules are in the rules field.
46      Along the way, bare names in the concrete syntax are mapped to
47      "qualified" operators (the QTYOP constructor) using the
48      bare_names map of the grammar.
50   2. The parse_str field of the grammar is then used to turn QTYOPs
51      into genuine type operators.
53   Printing uses the str_print field to turn structures into syntactic
54   structure names. If these are privileged, they get to print in bare
55   form; otherwise they will be qualified.
57   As with term overloads, more specific structure matches are
58   preferred when turning underlying type operators into names, and
59   the timestamp is used to break ties.
62open FunctionalRecordUpdate
63fun tyg_mkUp z = makeUpdate5 z
64fun update_G z = let
65  fun from rules parse_str str_print bare_names tstamp =
66    {rules = rules, parse_str = parse_str,
67     str_print = str_print, bare_names = bare_names, tstamp = tstamp}
68  (* fields in reverse order *)
69  fun from' tstamp bare_names str_print parse_str rules =
70    {rules = rules, parse_str = parse_str,
71     str_print = str_print, bare_names = bare_names, tstamp = tstamp}
72  (* first order *)
73  fun to f {rules, parse_str, str_print, bare_names, tstamp} =
74    f rules parse_str str_print bare_names tstamp
76  tyg_mkUp (from, from', to)
77end z
79fun fupdate_rules f (TYG g) =
80  TYG (update_G g (U #rules (f (#rules g))) $$)
81fun fupdate_str_print f (TYG g) =
82  TYG (update_G g (U #str_print (f (#str_print g))) $$)
83fun fupdate_parse_str f (TYG g) =
84  TYG (update_G g (U #parse_str (f (#parse_str g))) $$)
85fun fupdate_tstamp f (TYG g) =
86  TYG (update_G g (U #tstamp (f (#tstamp g))) $$)
87fun fupdate_bare_names f (TYG g) =
88  TYG (update_G g (U #bare_names (f (#bare_names g))) $$)
90fun default_typrinter (G:grammar) (ty:Type.hol_type) =
91  HOLPP.PrettyString "<a type>"
93val type_printer = ref default_typrinter
94val initialised_printer = ref false
96fun initialise_typrinter f =
97    if not (!initialised_printer) then
98      (type_printer := f; initialised_printer := true)
99    else
100      raise Feedback.HOL_ERR {origin_structure = "type_grammar",
101                              origin_function = "initialised_printer",
102                              message = "Printer function already initialised"}
104fun pp_type g ty = (!type_printer) g ty
106fun structure_to_type st =
107    case st of
108      TYOP {Thy,Tyop,Args} =>
109      Type.mk_thy_type {Thy = Thy, Tyop = Tyop,
110                        Args = map structure_to_type Args}
111    | PARAM n => Type.mk_vartype ("'"^str (chr (n + ord #"a")))
113fun params0 acc (PARAM i) = HOLset.add(acc, i)
114  | params0 acc (TYOP{Args,...}) = foldl (fn (t,set) => params0 set t) acc Args
115val params = params0 (HOLset.empty Int.compare)
117val num_params = HOLset.numItems o params
119fun suffix_arity (abbrevs, privs) s =
120  case Binarymap.peek (privs, s) of
121      NONE => NONE
122    | SOME thy =>
123      let
124      in
125        case Binarymap.peek(abbrevs, {Thy = thy, Name = s}) of
126            NONE => NONE (* shouldn't happen *)
127          | SOME st => if typstruct_uptodate st then SOME (s, num_params st)
128                       else NONE
129      end
131fun merge r1 r2 =
132  case (r1, r2) of
133    (INFIX(rlist1, a1), INFIX(rlist2, a2)) => let
134    in
135      if a1 = a2 then INFIX(Lib.union rlist1 rlist2, a1)
136      else
137        raise GrammarError
138          "Attempt to merge two infix types with different associativities"
139    end
141fun insert_sorted (k, v) [] = [(k, v)]
142  | insert_sorted kv1 (wholething as (kv2::rest)) = let
143      val (k1, v1) = kv1
144      val (k2, v2) = kv2
145    in
146      if (k1 < k2) then kv1::wholething
147      else
148        if k1 = k2 then  (k1, merge v1 v2) :: rest
149        else
150          kv2 :: insert_sorted kv1 rest
151    end
153fun new_binary_tyop g {precedence, infix_form = ix, opname, associativity = a} =
154    let
155      val rule = (precedence, INFIX([{parse_string = ix, opname = opname}], a))
156    in
157      g |> fupdate_rules (insert_sorted rule)
158    end
160fun remove_binary_tyop g s = let
161  fun bad_irule {parse_string,...} = parse_string = s
162  fun edit_rule (prec, r) =
163      case r of
164        INFIX (irules, assoc) => let
165          val irules' = List.filter (not o bad_irule) irules
166        in
167          if null irules' then NONE
168          else SOME (prec, INFIX (irules', assoc))
169        end
171  g |> fupdate_rules (List.mapPartial edit_rule)
175fun new_qtyop (kid as {Name = name, Thy = thy}) g =
176  let
177    open Type Theory
178  in
179    case Type.op_arity {Tyop = name, Thy = thy} of
180        NONE => raise GrammarError
181                      (name ^ " is not the name of a type operator in theory "^
182                       thy)
183      | SOME i =>
184        let
185          val TYG {tstamp,...} = g
186          val opstructure = TYOP {Thy = thy, Tyop = name,
187                                  Args = List.tabulate(i, PARAM)}
188          fun mk_vari i = mk_vartype ("'a" ^ Int.toString i)
189          val ty =
190              mk_thy_type {Tyop = name, Thy = thy,
191                           Args = List.tabulate(i, mk_vari)}
192        in
193          g |> fupdate_str_print
194                 (fn tynet => TypeNet.insert(tynet,ty,(tstamp,kid)))
195            |> fupdate_parse_str (fn m => Binarymap.insert(m, kid, opstructure))
196            |> fupdate_tstamp (fn i => i + 1)
197            |> fupdate_bare_names (fn m => Binarymap.insert(m, name, thy))
198        end
199  end
201fun hide_tyop s =
202  fupdate_bare_names
203    (fn m => #1 (Binarymap.remove(m,s)) handle Binarymap.NotFound => m)
205val empty_grammar = TYG { rules = [],
206                          parse_str = Binarymap.mkDict KernelSig.name_compare,
207                          bare_names = Binarymap.mkDict String.compare,
208                          str_print = TypeNet.empty,
209                          tstamp = 0 }
211fun keys m = Binarymap.foldr (fn (k,v,acc) => k :: acc) [] m
213fun rules (TYG gr) = {infixes = #rules gr, suffixes = keys (#bare_names gr)}
214fun parse_map (TYG gr) = #parse_str gr
215fun print_map (TYG gr) = #str_print gr
216fun privabbs (TYG gr) = #bare_names gr
217val privileged_abbrevs = privabbs
218fun tstamp (TYG gr) = #tstamp gr
219fun bump_tstamp g = (tstamp g, fupdate_tstamp (fn n => n + 1) g)
221fun check_structure st = let
222  fun param_numbers (PARAM i, pset) = HOLset.add(pset, i)
223    | param_numbers (TYOP{Args,...}, pset) = foldl param_numbers pset Args
224  val pset = param_numbers (st, HOLset.empty Int.compare)
225  val plist = HOLset.listItems pset
226  fun check_for_gaps expecting [] = ()
227    | check_for_gaps expecting (h::t) =
228      if h <> expecting then
229        raise GrammarError
230                ("Expecting to find parameter #"^Int.toString expecting)
231      else
232        check_for_gaps (expecting + 1) t
234  check_for_gaps 0 plist
237fun remove_knm_abbreviation g knm = let
238  val (dict, st) = Binarymap.remove(parse_map g, knm)
239  fun doprint pmap0 = #1 (TypeNet.delete(pmap0, structure_to_type st))
240                     handle Binarymap.NotFound => pmap0
241  fun maybe_rmpriv d =
242    case Binarymap.peek (d, #Name knm) of
243        NONE => d
244      | SOME thy' => if thy' = #Thy knm then #1 (Binarymap.remove(d, #Name knm))
245                     else d
247  g |> fupdate_parse_str (K dict)
248    |> fupdate_str_print doprint
249    |> fupdate_bare_names maybe_rmpriv
252fun remove_abbreviation g s =
253  let
254    val (thyopt, nm) = break_qident s
255    fun parsemap nmcheck (knm,st,acc) =
256      if nmcheck knm then acc else Binarymap.insert(acc,knm,st)
257    fun printmap nmcheck (ty,i as (_, knm),acc) =
258        if nmcheck knm then acc else TypeNet.insert(acc,ty,i)
259    fun thyprivrm thy m =
260      case Binarymap.peek (m, nm) of
261          NONE => m
262        | SOME thy' => if thy' = thy then #1 (Binarymap.remove(m,nm))
263                       else m
264    val (check,privrm) =
265        case thyopt of
266            NONE => ((fn knm => #Name knm = nm),
267                     (fn m => #1 (Binarymap.remove (m, nm))
268                              handle Binarymap.NotFound => m))
269          | SOME thy => (equal {Name = nm, Thy = thy}, thyprivrm thy)
270  in
271    g |> fupdate_bare_names privrm
272      |> fupdate_str_print (TypeNet.fold (printmap check) TypeNet.empty)
273      |> fupdate_parse_str
274           (Binarymap.foldl (parsemap check)
275                            (Binarymap.mkDict KernelSig.name_compare))
276  end
278fun type_to_structure ty =
279  let
280    open Type
281    val params = Listsort.sort Type.compare (type_vars ty)
282    val (num_vars, pset) =
283        List.foldl (fn (ty,(i,pset)) => (i + 1, Binarymap.insert(pset,ty,i)))
284                   (0, Binarymap.mkDict Type.compare) params
285    fun mk_structure pset ty =
286      if is_vartype ty then PARAM (Binarymap.find(pset, ty))
287      else let
288        val {Thy,Tyop,Args} = dest_thy_type ty
289      in
290        TYOP {Thy = Thy, Tyop = Tyop, Args = map (mk_structure pset) Args}
291      end
292  in
293    mk_structure pset ty
294  end
297fun new_abbreviation {knm,print,ty} tyg = let
298  open Portable
299  val st = type_to_structure ty
300  val {Name = s, Thy = thy} = knm
301  val tyg = case Binarymap.peek(parse_map tyg, knm) of
302                NONE => tyg
303              | SOME st' =>
304                if st = st' then tyg
305                else
306                  let
307                    val tyg' = remove_knm_abbreviation tyg knm
308                  in
309                    Feedback.HOL_WARNING
310                      "type_grammar"
311                      "new_abbreviation"
312                      ("Replacing old mapping from " ^ s ^ " to "^
313                       PP.pp_to_string (!Globals.linewidth)
314                                       (pp_type tyg')
315                                       (structure_to_type st'));
316                    tyg'
317                  end
318  val _ = case st of PARAM _ =>
319                     raise GrammarError
320                               "Abbreviation can't be to a type variable"
321                   | _ => ()
322  val (tstamp, tyg) = bump_tstamp tyg
323  val result =
324    tyg |> fupdate_parse_str (fn d => Binarymap.insert(d,knm,st))
325        |> (print ?
326            fupdate_str_print
327             (fn pmap => TypeNet.insert(pmap,
328                                        structure_to_type st,
329                                        (tstamp, knm))))
330        |> fupdate_bare_names(fn d => Binarymap.insert(d,s,thy))
332  result
336fun rev_append [] acc = acc
337  | rev_append (x::xs) acc = rev_append xs (x::acc)
339fun merge_abbrevs G (d1, d2) = let
340  fun merge_dictinsert (k,v,newdict) =
341      case Binarymap.peek(newdict,k) of
342        NONE => Binarymap.insert(newdict,k,v)
343      | SOME v0 =>
344        if v0 <> v then
345          (Feedback.HOL_WARNING "parse_type" "merge_grammars"
346                                ("Conflicting entries for op/abbrev "^
347                                 KernelSig.name_toString k ^
348                                 "; arbitrarily keeping map to "^
349                                 PP.pp_to_string (!Globals.linewidth)
350                                                 (pp_type G)
351                                                 (structure_to_type v0));
352           newdict)
353        else
354          newdict
356    Binarymap.foldr merge_dictinsert d1 d2
359fun merge_pmaps (p1, p2) =
360    TypeNet.fold (fn (ty,v,acc) => TypeNet.insert(acc,ty,v)) p1 p2
362fun merge_privs (p1, p2) =
363  Binarymap.foldl (fn (nm,thy,acc) => Binarymap.insert(acc,nm,thy)) p1 p2
365fun merge_grammars (G1, G2) = let
366  (* both grammars are sorted, with no adjacent suffixes *)
367  val TYG { rules = grules1, parse_str = abbrevs1,
368            str_print = pmap1, tstamp = t1, bare_names = priv1 } = G1
369  val TYG { rules = grules2, parse_str = abbrevs2,
370            str_print = pmap2, tstamp = t2, bare_names = priv2 } = G2
371  fun merge_acc acc (gs as (g1, g2)) =
372    case gs of
373      ([], _) => rev_append acc g2
374    | (_, []) => rev_append acc g1
375    | ((g1rule as (g1k, g1v))::g1rest, (g2rule as (g2k, g2v))::g2rest) => let
376      in
377        case Int.compare (g1k, g2k) of
378          LESS => merge_acc (g1rule::acc) (g1rest, g2)
379        | GREATER => merge_acc (g2rule::acc) (g1, g2rest)
380        | EQUAL => merge_acc ((g1k, merge g1v g2v)::acc) (g1rest, g2rest)
381      end
383  TYG { rules = merge_acc [] (grules1, grules2),
384        parse_str = merge_abbrevs G2 (abbrevs1, abbrevs2),
385        str_print = merge_pmaps (pmap1, pmap2),
386        bare_names = merge_privs (priv1, priv2),
387        tstamp = Int.max(t1,t2) + 1 }
390fun can_print pmap kns ty =
391  let
392    val net_matches = TypeNet.match(pmap, ty)
393    fun check_match (pat, (tstamp, nm)) =
394      can (Type.match_type pat) ty andalso nm = kns
395  in
396    not (null (List.filter check_match net_matches))
397  end
399fun prettyprint_grammar G = let
400  open Portable Lib HOLPP
401  val TYG grm = G
402  val {rules=g, parse_str=abbrevs, str_print=pmap, bare_names,... } = grm
403  fun print_suffix (s,arity) = let
404    fun print_ty_n_tuple n =
405        case n of
406          0 => []
407        | 1 => [add_string "TY", add_break (1,0)]
408        | n => [add_string "(",
409                block INCONSISTENT 0
410                      (tabulateWith (fn _ => add_string "TY")
411                                    [add_string ",", add_break(1,0)]
412                                    n),
413                add_string ")", add_break(1,0)]
414  in
415    block CONSISTENT 2
416          (print_ty_n_tuple arity @ [add_string s])
417  end
419  fun print_abbrev lwidth (kid, kidstr0, st) = let
420    val kidstr = UTF8.padRight #" " (lwidth + 4) kidstr0
421    val ty = structure_to_type st
422    val printed = can_print pmap kid ty
423    val ty_string = PP.pp_to_string 100
424                      (Feedback.trace ("print_tyabbrevs", 0) (pp_type G))
425                      ty
426  in
427    block INCONSISTENT 0 (
428      add_string kidstr :: add_string "=" :: add_break(1,0) ::
429      add_string (UTF8.padRight #" " (35 - lwidth) ty_string) ::
430      (if not printed then
431         [add_break(1,lwidth + 6), add_string "[not printed]"]
432       else [])
433    )
434  end
436  fun kid_string kid st =
437    let
438      val ispriv = case Binarymap.peek (bare_names, #Name kid) of
439                       SOME thy => thy = #Thy kid
440                     | NONE => false
441      val kns = if ispriv then #Name kid else KernelSig.name_toString kid
442      val paramstr = PP.pp_to_string 100 (pp_type G) o structure_to_type o PARAM
443    in
444      case num_params st of
445          0 => kns
446        | 1 => paramstr 0 ^ " " ^ kns
447        | n => "(" ^ String.concatWith ", " (List.tabulate(n, paramstr)) ^
448               ") " ^ kns
449    end
451  val print_abbrevs = let
452    fun foldthis (k,st,acc as (mx,kstrs)) =
453        if typstruct_uptodate st then
454          let
455            val kstr = kid_string k st
456          in
457            (Int.max(mx,size kstr), (k,kstr,st)::kstrs)
458          end
459        else acc
460    val (lwidth, okabbrevs) = Binarymap.foldl foldthis (0, []) abbrevs
461  in
462    if length okabbrevs > 0 then [
463      NL, add_string "Type abbreviations:",
464      add_break(2,2),
465      block CONSISTENT 0 (
466        pr_list (print_abbrev lwidth) [NL] (List.rev okabbrevs)
467      )
468    ]
469    else []
470  end
472  fun print_infix {opname,parse_string} =
473    block INCONSISTENT 0 (
474      [add_string "TY ",add_string parse_string,add_break(1,0),add_string "TY"]@
475      (if opname <> parse_string then
476         [add_break(1,0), add_string ("["^opname^"]")]
477       else [])
478    )
480  fun print_suffixes slist = let
481    val oksl = List.mapPartial (suffix_arity (abbrevs, bare_names)) slist
482  in
483    if null oksl then []
484    else
485      [
486        block INCONSISTENT 0 [
487          add_string "       TY  ::=  ",
488          block INCONSISTENT 16 (
489            pr_list print_suffix [add_string " |", add_break(1,0)] oksl
490          )
491        ]
492      ]
493  end
495  fun print_rule0 r =
496    case r of
497      INFIX(oplist, assoc) => let
498        val assocstring =
499            case assoc of
500              LEFT => "L-"
501            | RIGHT => "R-"
502            | NONASSOC => "non-"
503      in
504        [add_string "TY  ::=  ",
505         block INCONSISTENT 0
506               (pr_list print_infix [add_string " |", add_break(1,0)] oplist @
507                [add_string (" ("^assocstring^"associative)")])]
508      end
509  fun print_rule (n, r) = let
510    val precstr = StringCvt.padRight #" " 7 ("("^Int.toString n^")")
511  in
512    block CONSISTENT 0 (add_string precstr :: print_rule0 r)
513  end
515  block CONSISTENT 0 (
516    block CONSISTENT 0 [
517      add_string "Rules:",
518      add_break (1,2),
519      block CONSISTENT 0 (
520        pr_list print_rule [NL] g @ [add_break(1,0)] @
521        print_suffixes (keys bare_names) @
522        [add_break(1,0), add_string "       TY  ::=  TY[TY] (array type)"]
523      )
524    ] :: print_abbrevs
525  )
528val print_abbrevs = ref true
529val _ = Feedback.register_btrace ("print_tyabbrevs", print_abbrevs)
531fun tysize ty =
532    if Type.is_vartype ty then 1
533    else let
534        val {Args,...} = Type.dest_thy_type ty
535      in
536        1 + List.foldl (fn (ty,acc) => tysize ty + acc) 0 Args
537      end
539fun dest_type' ty = let
540  val {Thy, Tyop, Args} = Type.dest_thy_type ty
542  {Thy = SOME Thy, Tyop = Tyop, Args = Args}
545fun abb_dest_type0 (TYG{str_print = pmap, bare_names, ...}) ty = let
546  open HolKernel
547  val net_matches = TypeNet.match(pmap, ty)
548  fun mymatch pat ty = let
549    val (i, sames) = Type.raw_match_type pat ty ([], [])
550  in
551    i @ (map (fn ty => ty |-> ty) sames)
552  end
553  fun check_match (pat, (tstamp, nm)) =
554      SOME(mymatch pat ty, nm, tstamp) handle HOL_ERR _ => NONE
555  val checked_matches = List.mapPartial check_match net_matches
556  fun instcmp ({redex = r1, ...}, {redex = r2, ...}) = Type.compare(r1, r2)
558  case checked_matches of
559    [] => dest_type' ty
560  | _ => let
561      fun instsize i =
562          List.foldl (fn ({redex,residue},acc) => tysize residue + acc) 0 i
563      fun match_info (i, _, tstamp) = (instsize i, tstamp)
564      val matchcmp = inv_img_cmp match_info
565                                 (pair_compare(Int.compare,
566                                               Lib.flip_order o Int.compare))
567      val allinsts = Listsort.sort matchcmp checked_matches
568      val (inst,{Thy,Name},_) = hd allinsts
569      val inst' = Listsort.sort instcmp inst
570      val args = map #residue inst'
571    in
572      case Binarymap.peek (bare_names, Name) of
573          NONE => {Thy = SOME Thy, Tyop = Name, Args = args}
574        | SOME thy' => if Thy = thy' then {Thy = NONE, Tyop = Name, Args = args}
575                       else {Thy = SOME Thy, Tyop = Name, Args = args}
576    end
579fun abb_dest_type G ty = if !print_abbrevs then abb_dest_type0 G ty
580                         else dest_type' ty
582fun disable_abbrev_printing s (g as TYG grm) = let
583  val (thyopt, nm) = break_qident s
584  fun rmprints namecheck g =
585    let
586      fun foldthis (ty, i as (_, knm), acc) =
587        if namecheck knm then acc else TypeNet.insert(acc,ty,i)
588      val pmap' = TypeNet.fold foldthis TypeNet.empty (print_map g)
589    in
590      fupdate_str_print (K pmap') g
591    end
593  case thyopt of
594      NONE => rmprints (fn knm => #Name knm = nm) g
595    | SOME thy => rmprints (fn knm => knm = {Name = nm, Thy = thy}) g
598(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
599    min grammar
601    Grammar that knows about types bool and ind, as well as the operator
602    fun, which also has an infix -> presentation
603   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
605fun nparams s n = TYOP {Thy = "min", Tyop = s,
606                        Args = List.tabulate(n, PARAM)}
607val funty = Type.-->(Type.alpha,Type.beta)
608val indty = Type.mk_thy_type {Thy = "min", Tyop = "ind", Args = []}
610fun insert_minop (s,arity,ty) g =
611  let
612    val kid = {Thy = "min", Name = s}
613  in
614    g |> fupdate_parse_str (fn m => Binarymap.insert(m,kid, nparams s arity))
615      |> fupdate_str_print (fn n => TypeNet.insert(n,ty,(tstamp g, kid)))
616      |> fupdate_bare_names (fn m => Binarymap.insert(m,s,"min"))
617      |> fupdate_tstamp (fn i => i + 1)
618  end
621val fun_rule = (50,INFIX([{opname = "fun", parse_string = "->"}], RIGHT))
623val min_grammar =
624    empty_grammar
625      |> fupdate_rules (K [fun_rule])
626      |> insert_minop ("ind", 0, indty)
627      |> insert_minop ("bool", 0, Type.bool)
628      |> insert_minop ("fun", 2, funty)
630fun apply_delta d g =
631  case d of
632      NEW_TYPE kid => new_qtyop kid g
633    | NEW_INFIX {Name,ParseName,Assoc,Prec} =>
634      new_binary_tyop g {precedence=Prec, infix_form = ParseName,
635                         opname = Name, associativity = Assoc}
636    | TYABBREV (kid,ty,prp) => new_abbreviation {knm=kid,ty=ty,print=prp} g
637    | DISABLE_TYPRINT s => disable_abbrev_printing s g
638    | RM_KNM_TYABBREV kid => remove_knm_abbreviation g kid
639    | RM_TYABBREV s => remove_abbreviation g s
642fun apply_deltas ds g =
643  List.foldl (uncurry apply_delta) g ds
645fun delta_toString d =
646    case d of
647        NEW_TYPE kid => "NEW_TYPE" ^ KernelSig.name_toString kid
648      | NEW_INFIX {Name,ParseName,Assoc,Prec} =>
649          "NEW_INFIX{Name=\"" ^ String.toString Name ^ "\",ParseName=\"" ^
650          String.toString ParseName ^ "...}"
651      | _ => ""