1open Lib Type PP smpp PPBackEnd testutils
3(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
4(* Test code for terminal styles                                              *)
5(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
7val color_name_fw_spaces      = "          ";
8fun color_name_fw Black       = "Black     "
9  | color_name_fw RedBrown    = "RedBrown  "
10  | color_name_fw Green       = "Green     "
11  | color_name_fw BrownGreen  = "BrownGreen"
12  | color_name_fw DarkBlue    = "DarkBlue  "
13  | color_name_fw Purple      = "Purple    "
14  | color_name_fw BlueGreen   = "BlueGreen "
15  | color_name_fw DarkGrey    = "DarkGrey  "
16  | color_name_fw LightGrey   = "LightGrey "
17  | color_name_fw OrangeRed   = "OrangeRed "
18  | color_name_fw VividGreen  = "VividGreen"
19  | color_name_fw Yellow      = "Yellow    "
20  | color_name_fw Blue        = "Blue      "
21  | color_name_fw PinkPurple  = "PinkPurple"
22  | color_name_fw LightBlue   = "LightBlue "
23  | color_name_fw White       = "White     ";
26val color_list =
27  [ Black     , RedBrown   , Green      , BrownGreen,
28    DarkBlue  , Purple     , BlueGreen  , DarkGrey,
29    LightGrey , OrangeRed  , VividGreen , Yellow,
30    Blue      , PinkPurple , LightBlue  , White]
32val _ = tprint "Basic vt100 style"
33val s = HOLPP.pp_to_string
34          70
35          (fn s => Parse.mlower
36                     (#ustyle vt100_terminal [FG Blue] (smpp.add_string s)))
37          "should be blue"
38val _ = if s = "\027[0;1;34mshould be blue\027[0m" then OK()
39        else die "FAILED!";
42fun test_terminal test_bg (terminal:t) =
44   val {add_string, add_xstring, add_newline, add_break,
45        ustyle, ublock, ...} = terminal
46   fun add_ann_string (s,ann) = add_xstring {s=s,ann=SOME ann,sz=NONE}
48   val fg_styles =
49          ((" -            "^color_name_fw_spaces), [])::
50     map (fn c =>
51          ((" - Foreground "^(color_name_fw c)), [FG c])) color_list
52   val bold_fg_styles =
53     (map (fn (s, styL) => (" -     "^s, styL)) fg_styles)@
54     (map (fn (s, styL) => (" - Bold"^s, Bold::styL)) fg_styles)
55   val und_fg_styles =
56     (map (fn (s, styL) => ("         "^s, styL)) bold_fg_styles)@
57     (map (fn (s, styL) => ("Underline"^s, Underline::styL)) bold_fg_styles)
59   val full_styles = if not test_bg then und_fg_styles else
60     (flatten (
61        (map (fn (s, styL) =>
62            ((s^" -            "^color_name_fw_spaces), styL)) und_fg_styles)::
63         (map (fn c =>
64          map (fn (s, styL) =>
65            ((s^" - Background "^(color_name_fw c)), (BG c)::styL)) und_fg_styles)
66          color_list)))
67   val m =
68       ublock INCONSISTENT 0 (
69         add_string "Terminal testing" >> add_newline >>
70         add_string "================" >> add_newline >> add_newline >>
72         add_string "Annotations:" >> add_newline >>
73         add_string "------------" >> add_newline >>
74         add_ann_string ("Bound variable", BV (bool, fn () => ": bool")) >>
75         add_newline >>
76         add_ann_string ("Free variable", FV (bool, fn () => ": bool")) >>
77         add_newline >>
78         add_ann_string ("Type variable", TyV) >>
79         add_newline >>
80         add_ann_string ("TySyn", TySyn (fn () => "TySyn")) >>
81         add_newline >>
82         add_ann_string ("TyOp", TyOp (fn () => "TyOp")) >>
83         add_newline >>
84         add_ann_string ("Const", Const {Name = "test-name", Thy = "test-thy",
85                                         Ty = (Type.bool, fn () => "bool")}) >>
86         add_newline >>
87         add_ann_string ("Note", Note "Some note") >>
88         add_newline >>
90         add_newline >> add_newline >>
92         add_string "Basic styles:" >> add_newline >>
93         add_string "-------------" >> add_newline >>
94         add_string "default style" >> add_newline >>
95         ustyle [Bold] (add_string "Bold") >> add_newline >>
96         ustyle [Underline] (add_string "Underline") >> add_newline >>
97         mapp (fn c => (
98                 add_string "Foreground " >>
99                 ustyle [FG c] (add_string (color_name_fw c)) >>
100                 add_newline))
101              color_list >>
102         mapp (fn c => (
103                add_string "Background " >>
104                ustyle [BG c] (add_string (color_name_fw c)) >>
105                add_newline)) color_list >>
106         add_newline >> add_newline >>
108         (if test_bg then
109            add_string "All style combinations:" >> add_newline >>
110            add_string "------------------------" >> add_newline
111          else
112            add_string "All style combinations (without background color):" >>
113            add_newline >>
114            add_string "--------------------------------------------------" >>
115            add_newline) >>
116         mapp (fn (s, styL) => ustyle styL (add_string s) >> add_newline)
117              full_styles >>
118         add_newline >> add_newline
119       )
121  HOLPP.prettyPrint (TextIO.print, 75) (Parse.mlower m)
125val _ = print "raw terminal\n";
126val _ = print "============\n\n";
127val _ = test_terminal false (PPBackEnd.raw_terminal);
129val _ = print "emacs terminal\n";
130val _ = print "==============\n\n";
131val _ = test_terminal false (PPBackEnd.emacs_terminal);
133val _ = print "vt100 terminal\n";
134val _ = print "==============\n\n";
135val _ = test_terminal false (PPBackEnd.vt100_terminal);
139(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
140    Tests of the base lexer
141   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
143val _ = print "** Testing basic lexing functionality\n\n"
144open base_tokens
146exception InternalDie of string
147fun idie s = raise InternalDie s
149fun quoteToString [QUOTE s] = "`"^s^"`"
150  | quoteToString _ = idie "Bad test quotation"
152fun test (q, slist) = let
153  val _ = tprint ("Testing " ^ quoteToString q)
154  fun prs s = "\"" ^ String.toString s ^ "\""
155  fun prsl sl = "[" ^ String.concatWith ", " (map prs sl) ^ "]"
157  require_msg (check_result (equal slist)) prsl
158              (map (base_tokens.toString o #1) o qbuf.lex_to_toklist) q
159end handle InternalDie s => die s
161val _ = app test [(`abc`, ["abc"]),
162                  (`12`, ["12"]),
163                  (`3.0`, ["3.0"]),
164                  (`3.00`, ["3.00"]),
165                  (`0xab`, ["171"]),
166                  (`12.1`, ["12.1"]),
167                  (`12.01`, ["12.01"]),
168                  (`12.010`, ["12.010"]),
169                  (`(`, ["("]),
170                  (`a(a`, ["a(a"]),
171                  (`x+y`, ["x+y"]),
172                  (`x +y`, ["x", "+y"]),
173                  (`x ++ y`, ["x", "++", "y"]),
174                  (`x (* *)y`, ["x", "y"]),
175                  (`x(**)y`, ["x", "y"]),
176                  (`+(**)y`, ["+", "y"]),
177                  (`((*x*)`, ["("]),
178                  (`+(%*%((*"*)-*foo`,["+(%*%(", "-*foo"]),
179                  (`"(*"`, ["BTStrL(\",\"(*\")"]),
180                  (`foo$bar`, ["foo$bar"]),
181                  (`+foo$bar`, ["+", "foo$bar"]),
182                  (`+foo$bar+`, ["+", "foo$bar", "+"])
183                 ]
185(* tests of the term lexer *)
187  open term_tokens
188  fun prtoks l =
189      "["^ String.concatWith ", " (map (toString (fn _ => "()")) l) ^ "]"
190  val testf = lextest ["--b->", "=��=>���", "(<", ">)", "-->"]
192fun test (s, toklist : unit term_token list) = let
193  val _ = tprint ("Term token testing " ^ Lib.quote (String.toString s))
195  require_msg (check_result (equal toklist)) prtoks testf s
198fun failtest (s, substring) =
199    let
200      fun pr s = "Testing failing lex of " ^ Lib.quote (String.toString s)
201      fun check substring (LEX_ERR(s, _)) =
202            String.isSubstring substring s
203        | check _ _ = false
204    in
205      shouldfail {testfn = testf, printresult = prtoks, printarg = pr,
206                  checkexn = check substring}
207                 s
208    end
210val ai = Arbnum.fromInt
211fun snum i = Numeral(ai i, NONE)
212fun stdstr s = StrLit{ldelim = "\"", contents = s}
213fun charstr s = StrLit{ldelim = "#\"", contents = s}
214fun guillstr s = StrLit{ldelim = "��", contents = s}
215fun sguillstr s = StrLit{ldelim = "���", contents = s}
217val _ = app (ignore o test) [
218      ("abc", [Ident "abc"]),
219      ("���", [Ident "\226\128\153"]),
220      ("\"\\172\"", [stdstr "\172"]),
221      ("#\"c\"", [charstr "c"]),
222      ("f#\"c\"", [Ident "f", charstr "c"]),
223      ("f(#\"c\"", [Ident "f", Ident "(", charstr "c"]),
224      ("(\"ab\\172\"++z)",
225       [Ident "(", stdstr "ab\172", Ident "++", Ident "z", Ident ")"]),
226      ("f\"ab\\172x\"++", [Ident "f", stdstr "ab\172x", Ident "++"]),
227      ("+\"ab\\172\"++", [Ident "+", stdstr "ab\172", Ident "++"]),
228      ("$+\"ab\\172\"++", [Ident "$+", stdstr "ab\172", Ident "++"]),
229      ("12", [snum 12]),
230      ("-12", [Ident "-", snum 12]),
231      ("((-12", [Ident "(", Ident "(", Ident "-", snum 12]),
232      ("0a", [Numeral(ai 0, SOME #"a")]),
233      ("0", [snum 0]),
234      ("(0xF", [Ident "(", snum 15]),
235      ("01", [snum 1]),
236      ("1.2", [Fraction{wholepart = ai 1, fracpart = ai 2, places = 1}]),
237      ("-1.2", [Ident "-",
238                Fraction{wholepart = ai 1, fracpart = ai 2, places = 1}]),
239      ("~1.2", [Ident "~",
240                Fraction{wholepart = ai 1, fracpart = ai 2, places = 1}]),
241      ("(2n*e", [Ident "(", Numeral (ai 2, SOME #"n"), Ident "*", Ident "e"]),
242      ("2_001", [snum 2001]),
243      ("2.000_023", [Fraction{wholepart = ai 2, places = 6, fracpart = ai 23}]),
244      ("(", [Ident "("]),
245      (".", [Ident "."]),
246      ("0.", [snum 0, Ident "."]),
247      ("a0.", [Ident "a0", Ident "."]),
248      ("-0.", [Ident "-", snum 0, Ident "."]),
249      ("{2.3",
250       [Ident "{", Fraction{wholepart = ai 2, places = 1, fracpart = ai 3}]),
251      ("(a+1", [Ident "(", Ident"a", Ident"+", snum 1]),
252      ("a--b->c", [Ident "a", Ident"--b->", Ident"c"]),
253      ("(+)", [Ident "(", Ident "+", Ident ")"]),
254      ("$ $$ $$$ $+ $if $a",
255       [Ident "$", Ident "$$", Ident "$$$", Ident "$+", Ident "$if",
256        Ident "$a"]),
257      ("thy$id", [QIdent("thy", "id")]),
258      ("(thy$id", [Ident "(", QIdent("thy", "id")]),
259      ("(thy$id +", [Ident "(", QIdent("thy", "id"), Ident "+"]),
260      ("(thy$id+", [Ident "(", QIdent("thy", "id"), Ident "+"]),
261      ("+thy$id", [Ident "+", QIdent("thy", "id")]),
262      ("thy$0", [QIdent("thy", "0")]),
263      ("(thy$id\"foo\"", [Ident "(", QIdent ("thy", "id"), stdstr "foo"]),
264      ("(thy$id#\"f\"", [Ident "(", QIdent ("thy", "id"), charstr "f"]),
265      ("(thy$id��foo b��", [Ident "(", QIdent ("thy", "id"), guillstr "foo b"]),
266      ("x+�� f��", [Ident "x", Ident "+", guillstr " f"]),
267      ("(thy$id���foo b���", [Ident "(", QIdent ("thy", "id"), sguillstr "foo b"]),
268      ("x+��� f���", [Ident "x", Ident "+", sguillstr " f"]),
269      ("foo$bar<foo$baz", [QIdent ("foo", "bar"), Ident "<",
270                           QIdent ("foo", "baz")]),
271      ("(bool$/\\", [Ident "(", QIdent ("bool", "/\\")]),
272      ("*foo$bar<foo$baz", [Ident "*", QIdent ("foo", "bar"), Ident "<",
273                            QIdent ("foo", "baz")]),
274      ("nm_sub$id", [QIdent ("nm_sub", "id")]),
275      ("+nm$id\"bar\"", [Ident "+", QIdent ("nm", "id"), stdstr "bar"]),
276      ("+nm$id\"\"", [Ident "+", QIdent ("nm", "id"), stdstr ""]),
277      ("nm$**", [QIdent("nm", "**")]),
278      ("$+a", [Ident "$+", Ident "a"]),
279      ("$==>", [Ident "$==>"]),
280      ("bool$~", [QIdent("bool", "~")]),
281      ("$~", [Ident "$~"]),
282      ("$��", [Ident "$��"]),
283      ("(<a+b>)", [Ident "(<", Ident "a", Ident "+", Ident "b", Ident ">)"]),
284      ("f(<a+b>)", [Ident "f", Ident "(<", Ident "a", Ident "+", Ident "b",
285                    Ident ">)"]),
286      ("+(<a+b>)", [Ident "+", Ident "(<", Ident "a", Ident "+", Ident "b",
287                    Ident ">)"]),
288      ("((<a+b>)", [Ident "(", Ident "(<", Ident "a", Ident "+", Ident "b",
289                    Ident ">)"]),
290      ("::_", [Ident "::", Ident "_"]),             (* case pattern with CONS *)
291      ("=\"\"", [Ident "=", stdstr ""]),                (* e.g., stringScript *)
292      ("$-->", [Ident "$-->"]),                       (* e.g., quotientScript *)
293      ("$var$(ab)", [Ident "ab"]),
294      ("$var$(ab\\nc)", [Ident "ab\nc"]),
295      ("$var$(ab\\nc\\))", [Ident "ab\nc)"]),
296      ("$var$(% foo )", [Ident "% foo "]),
297      ("$var$(% foo* )", [Ident "% foo* "]),
298      ("$var$(% foo*\\z)", [Ident "% foo*"]),
299      ("$var$(((foo)", [Ident "((foo"]),
300      ("$var$(foo\"bar)", [Ident "foo\"bar"]),
301      ("$var$(foo\\172bar)", [Ident "foo\172bar"]),
302      ("($var$(foo\"bar)", [Ident "(", Ident "foo\"bar"]),
303      ("$$var$(foo\"bar)", [Ident "$foo\"bar"]),
304      ("(')", [Ident "(", Ident "'", Ident ")"]),   (* e.g., finite_mapScript *)
305      ("��x.x", [Ident "��", Ident "x", Ident ".", Ident "x"]),
306      ("x'0,y)", [Ident "x'0", Ident ",", Ident "y", Ident ")"]),
307      ("x'0)", [Ident "x'0", Ident ")"]),
308      ("(x'0)", [Ident "(", Ident "x'0", Ident ")"]),
309      ("x'��,y)", [Ident "x'", Ident "��", Ident ",", Ident "y", Ident ")"]),
310      ("x'", [Ident "x'"]),
311      ("x''", [Ident "x''"]),
312      ("x'3'", [Ident "x'''"]),
313      ("xa'3'a'", [Ident "xa'3'a'"]),
314      ("x'���'", [Ident "x''''"]),
315      ("map:=��h.", [Ident "map", Ident ":=", Ident "��", Ident "h", Ident "."]),
316      ("map:=\\h.", [Ident "map", Ident ":=\\", Ident "h", Ident "."])
317    ]
318val _ = List.app (ignore o failtest) [
319      ("thy$$$", "qualified ident"),
320      ("$var$(ab\n c)", "quoted variable"),
321      ("'a", "can't begin with prime"),
322      ("thy$1", "qualified ident")
324end (* local - tests of term lexer *)
326(* tests of type lexer *)
327val _ = let
328  open type_tokens
329  fun prtoklist ts =
330      "[" ^ String.concatWith ", " (map (token_string (fn _ => "_")) ts) ^ "]"
331  fun test (s,toklist) =
332      (tprint ("Type-lexing \"" ^ s ^ "\"");
333       require_msg (check_result (equal toklist)) prtoklist lextest s)
335  List.app (ignore o test) [
336    ("bool", [TypeIdent "bool"]),
337    ("min$bool", [QTypeIdent("min", "bool")]),
338    ("��", [TypeVar "��"]),
339    ("'a", [TypeVar "'a"]),
340    ("bool->'a", [TypeIdent "bool", TypeSymbol "->", TypeVar "'a"]),
341    ("min$bool1->min$bool2", [QTypeIdent("min", "bool1"), TypeSymbol "->",
342                              QTypeIdent("min", "bool2")]),
343    ("(��,bool)fun", [LParen, TypeVar "��", Comma, TypeIdent "bool", RParen,
344                     TypeIdent "fun"]),
345    ("(foo$ty2,foo$ty2) ty1",
346     [LParen, QTypeIdent("foo", "ty2"), Comma, QTypeIdent("foo", "ty2"),
347      RParen, TypeIdent"ty1"])
348  ]
349end (* let - tests of type lexer *)
351val g0 = term_grammar.stdhol;
352fun mTOK s = term_grammar_dtype.RE (HOLgrammars.TOK s)
353val mTM = term_grammar_dtype.RE HOLgrammars.TM
356  open term_grammar term_grammar_dtype
358val cond_g =
359    add_rule {
360        term_name   = "COND",
361        fixity      = Prefix 70,
362        pp_elements = [PPBlock([mTOK "if", BreakSpace(1,2), mTM,
363                                BreakSpace(1,0),
364                                mTOK "then"], (CONSISTENT, 0)),
365                       BreakSpace(1,2), mTM, BreakSpace(1,0),
366                       mTOK "else", BreakSpace(1,2)],
367        paren_style = OnlyIfNecessary,
368        block_style = (AroundEachPhrase, (CONSISTENT, 0))} g0
369val let_g =
370    add_rule { pp_elements = [mTOK "let",
371                              ListForm {
372                                 separator = [mTOK ";"],
373                                 cons = GrammarSpecials.letcons_special,
374                                 nilstr = GrammarSpecials.letnil_special,
375                                 block_info = (INCONSISTENT, 0)},
376                              mTOK "in"],
377               term_name = GrammarSpecials.let_special,
378               paren_style = OnlyIfNecessary, fixity = Prefix 8,
379               block_style = (AroundEachPhrase, (CONSISTENT, 0))} g0
380val lf_g = add_listform g0
381            { block_info = (CONSISTENT, 0),
382              separator = [mTOK ";", BreakSpace(1,0)],
383              leftdelim = [mTOK "["],
384              rightdelim= [mTOK "]"],
385              nilstr = "NIL", cons = "CONS"}
387fun isabsynlist slist a =
388  let
389    open Absyn
390  in
391    case slist of
392        [] => (case a of IDENT (_, "NIL") => true | _ => false)
393      | s1 :: rest =>
394        (case a of
395             APP(_, APP (_, IDENT(_, "CONS"), IDENT (_, el1)), a_rest) =>
396               el1 = s1 andalso isabsynlist rest a_rest
397           | _ => false)
398  end
399val _ = PP.prettyPrint
400          (print, 75)
401          (Parse.mlower
402             (term_grammar.prettyprint_grammar
403                (fn g =>fn _ => smpp.add_string "<term>")
404                lf_g))
406fun parsetest sl =
407  let
408    val s = "["^String.concatWith ";" sl^"]"
409    val _ = tprint ("Parsing "^s)
410    val a = TermParse.absyn lf_g type_grammar.min_grammar [QUOTE s]
411  in
412    if isabsynlist sl a then OK() else die "FAILED!"
413  end
415val _ = parsetest []
416val _ = parsetest (map str (explode "ab"))
417val _ = parsetest (map str (explode "abcdef"))
419fun find_named_rule nm g =
420  let
421    open term_grammar_dtype term_grammar
422  in
423    List.map
424      (fn PREFIX (STD_prefix rrs) =>
425          List.filter (fn rr => #term_name rr = nm) rrs
426      | _ => [])
427      (grammar_rules g) |> List.concat
428  end;
430val _ = tprint "term_grammar.grammar_tokens (LET)"
431val _ =
432    let val result = term_grammar.grammar_tokens let_g
433    in
434      if Lib.set_eq result
435                    ["\\", "|>", "<|", ")", "(", ".", ":", "updated_by",
436                     ":=", "with", "let", "in", ";", "$"]
437      then OK()
438      else die ("\nFAILED ["^
439                String.concatWith "," (map (fn s => "\""^s^"\"") result) ^ "]")
440    end;
442val _ = tprint "term_grammar.rule_elements (COND)"
443val cond_rule = hd (find_named_rule "COND" cond_g)
444val cond_rels = term_grammar.rule_elements (#elements cond_rule)
445val _ = let
446  open HOLgrammars
448  if cond_rels = [TOK "if", TM, TOK "then", TM, TOK "else"] then OK()
449  else die "FAILED"
452val _ = tprint "PrecAnalysis.rule_equalities (COND)"
453val cond_eqns = PrecAnalysis.rule_equalities cond_rule
454val _ = if Lib.set_eq cond_eqns [("if", true, "then"), ("then", true, "else")]
455        then OK()
456        else die "FAILED";
458val _ = tprint "term_grammar.rule_elements (LET)"
459val let_rule = hd (find_named_rule GrammarSpecials.let_special let_g)
460val let_rels = term_grammar.rule_elements (#elements let_rule)
461val _ = let
462  open HOLgrammars GrammarSpecials
464  if let_rels =
465     [TOK"let", ListTM{nilstr=letnil_special, cons=letcons_special, sep=";"},
466      TOK "in"]
467  then OK ()
468  else die "FAILED"
471fun prlist eqns =
472  "[" ^ String.concatWith ", "
473         (map (fn (s1,b,s2) => "(\"" ^ s1 ^ "\"," ^ Bool.toString b ^ ",\"" ^
474                               s2 ^"\")")
475              eqns) ^ "]";
477val _ = tprint "PrecAnalysis.rule_equalities (LET)"
478val let_eqns = PrecAnalysis.rule_equalities let_rule
479val _ = if Lib.set_eq let_eqns
480                      [("let", true, ";"), (";", true, ";"), (";", true, "in"),
481                       ("let", false, "in"), ("let", true, "in"),
482                       (";", false, "in")]
483        then OK()
484        else die ("FAILED\n  got: "^prlist let_eqns);
486val _ = tprint "term_grammar.rules_for (LET)"
487val let_rules = term_grammar.rules_for let_g GrammarSpecials.let_special
488val _ = if length let_rules = 1 then OK() else die "FAILED"
490val lsp1 = {nilstr="lnil",cons="lcons",sep=";"}
491val lsp2 = {nilstr="lnil2",cons="lcons2",sep=";;"}
492fun check (s1,s2) =
493  case (s1,s2) of
494      ("let", "in") => SOME lsp1
495    | ("in", "end") => SOME lsp2
496    | _ => NONE
498val f = PrecAnalysis.check_for_listreductions check
500open term_grammar_dtype GrammarSpecials
501val S = HOLPP.add_string
502fun prmsp {nilstr,cons,sep} = "{" ^ nilstr ^ "," ^ cons ^ "," ^ sep ^ "}"
503fun prlr (s1,s2,sp) = "(" ^ s1 ^ ", " ^ s2 ^ ", " ^ prmsp sp ^ ")"
504fun prlist p l = "[" ^ String.concatWith ", " (map p l) ^ "]"
505fun prlrs lrs = prlist prlr lrs
506fun prrel (TOK s) = "TOK \""^s^"\""
507  | prrel TM = "TM"
508  | prrel _ = "<Unexpected rule-element>"
509fun prlspi (lsp,i1,i2) =
510    "(" ^ prmsp lsp ^ "," ^ Int.toString i1 ^ "," ^ Int.toString i2 ^ ")"
511fun prrm_result (rels,lspis) =
512    "(" ^ prlist prrel rels ^ ", " ^ prlist prlspi lspis ^ ")"
513fun require_msg_eqk v pr f k x = require_msgk (check_result (equal v)) pr f k x
514fun require_msg_eq v pr f x = require_msg_eqk v pr f (fn _ => ()) x
515fun require_eq v f x = require (check_result (equal v)) f x
516fun rmlistrels r i = PrecAnalysis.remove_listrels (Exn.release r) i
518fun listredn_test (nm, input, input', expected1, testseq) =
519    let
520      val _ = tprint ("check_for_listreductions (" ^ nm ^ ")")
521      fun kont result =
522          (tprint ("remove_listrels (" ^ nm ^ ")");
523           require_msg_eq (input', testseq) (S o prrm_result)
524                          (rmlistrels result) input)
525    in
526      require_msg_eqk expected1 (S o prlrs) f kont input
527    end
528val bare_let = [TOK "let", TM, TOK "in", TM]
529val suffix_let = [TM, TOK "let", TM, TOK "in"]
531val _ = List.app listredn_test [
532      ("1 element prefix", [TOK "let", TM, TOK "in", TM], bare_let,
533       [("let", "in", lsp1)], [(lsp1, 0, 1)]),
534      ("0 element prefix", [TOK "let", TOK "in", TM], bare_let,
535       [("let", "in", lsp1)], [(lsp1, 0, 0)]),
536      ("1 element + ; prefix", [TOK "let", TM, TOK ";", TOK "in", TM], bare_let,
537       [("let", "in", lsp1)], [(lsp1, 0, 1)]),
538      ("2 element prefix", [TOK "let", TM, TOK ";", TM, TOK "in", TM], bare_let,
539       [("let", "in", lsp1)], [(lsp1, 0, 2)]),
540      ("1 element suffix", [TM, TOK "let", TM, TOK "in"], suffix_let,
541       [("let", "in", lsp1)], [(lsp1, 1, 1)]),
542      ("2 element suffix", [TM, TOK "let", TM, TOK ";", TM, TOK "in"],
543       suffix_let, [("let", "in", lsp1)], [(lsp1,1,2)]),
544      ("2 element + ; suffix",
545       [TM, TOK "let", TM, TOK ";", TM, TOK ";", TOK "in"],
546       suffix_let, [("let", "in", lsp1)], [(lsp1,1,2)]),
547      ("0 element suffix", [TM, TOK "let", TOK "in"], suffix_let,
548       [("let", "in", lsp1)], [(lsp1, 1, 0)])
549    ]
551val mk_var = Term.mk_var
552val mk_comb = Term.mk_comb
553val bool = Type.bool
554val alpha = Type.alpha
555val CONS_t = mk_var("CONS", bool --> (bool --> bool))
556val NIL_t = mk_var("NIL", bool)
557fun mk_list00 elty n c tmlist =
558  let
559    fun recurse ts =
560      case ts of
561          [] => Term.inst [alpha |-> elty] n
562        | x::xs => mk_comb(mk_comb(Term.inst [alpha |-> elty] c, x),
563                           recurse xs)
564  in
565    recurse tmlist
566  end
568fun mk_list0 elty n c s =
569  mk_list00 elty n c (map (fn c => mk_var(str c, elty)) (String.explode s))
571val mk_list = mk_list0 bool NIL_t CONS_t;
573fun tmprint g =
574  PP.pp_to_string 70
575      (fn t =>
576          Parse.mlower
577            (term_pp.pp_term g
578                             type_grammar.min_grammar
579                             PPBackEnd.raw_terminal
580                             t))
582fun tpp msg expected g t =
583  let
584    val _ = tprint msg
585    val result = tmprint g t
586  in
587    if result = expected then OK()
588    else die ("\nFAILED - got >" ^ result ^"<")
589  end handle e => die ("EXN-FAILED: "^General.exnMessage e)
591val _ = tpp "Printing empty list form (var)" "[]" lf_g NIL_t
592val _ = tpp "Printing CONS-list form [x] (var)" "[x]" lf_g (mk_list "x")
593val _ = tpp "Printing CONS-list form [x;y] (var)" "[x; y]" lf_g (mk_list "xy")
595val cCONS_t =
596    Term.prim_new_const {Thy = "min", Name = "CONS"} (bool --> (bool --> bool))
597val cNIL_t = Term.prim_new_const {Thy = "min", Name = "NIL"} bool
598val cmk_list = mk_list0 bool cNIL_t cCONS_t
600val _ = tpp "Printing nil (const, no overload)" "min$NIL" lf_g cNIL_t
602val lfco_g = lf_g |> term_grammar.fupdate_overload_info
603                       (Overload.add_overloading ("NIL", cNIL_t))
604                  |> term_grammar.fupdate_overload_info
605                       (Overload.add_overloading ("CONS", cCONS_t));
607val _ = tpp "Printing nil (const, overload)" "[]" lfco_g cNIL_t
608val _ = tpp "Printing CONS-list [x] (const, overload)" "[x]"
609            lfco_g (cmk_list "x")
611(* listform, const, overload, nil overloaded again (as EMPTY is in pred_set) *)
612val lfcono_g =
613    lfco_g |> term_grammar.fupdate_overload_info
614                 (Overload.add_overloading ("altNIL", cNIL_t))
616val _ = tpp "Printing nil (const, double-overload)" "[x]" lfcono_g
617            (cmk_list "x")
619val cINS_t = Term.prim_new_const{Thy = "min", Name = "INS"}
620                       (alpha --> (alpha --> bool) --> (alpha --> bool))
621val cEMP_t = Term.prim_new_const{Thy = "min", Name = "EMP"} (alpha --> bool)
622fun add_setlistform g =
623  term_grammar.add_listform g {
624      block_info = (CONSISTENT, 0),
625      separator = [mTOK ";", BreakSpace(1,0)],
626      leftdelim = [mTOK "{"],
627      rightdelim= [mTOK "}"],
628      nilstr = "EMP", cons = "INS"}
629    |> term_grammar.fupdate_overload_info
630         (Overload.add_overloading ("EMP", cEMP_t))
631    |> term_grammar.fupdate_overload_info
632         (Overload.add_overloading ("INS", cINS_t))
634val lfcop_g = g0 |> add_setlistform
637val pbmk_list = mk_list0 bool cEMP_t cINS_t
638fun ptpp msg exp t = tpp msg exp lfcop_g t
640val _ = ptpp "Printing INS-list {x} (const, overload, polymorphic inst)" "{x}"
641             (pbmk_list "x")
643val _ = ptpp "Printing INS-list {x;y} (const, overload, polymorphic inst)"
644             "{x; y}"
645             (pbmk_list "xy")
647val fx = mk_comb(mk_var("f", alpha --> bool), mk_var("x", alpha))
648val y = mk_var("y", bool)
649val bINS = Term.inst[alpha |-> bool] cINS_t
650val bEMP = Term.inst[alpha |-> bool] cEMP_t
651val l = mk_comb(mk_comb(bINS, fx), mk_comb(mk_comb(bINS, y), bEMP))
652val _ = ptpp "Printing INS-list {f x;y} (const, overload, polymorphic inst)"
653             "{f x; y}"
655val lfcopuo_g = (* as before + Unicode-ish overload on EMP *)
656  lfcop_g
657   |> term_grammar.fupdate_overload_info
658       (Overload.add_overloading ("���", cEMP_t))
659val _ = tpp "Printing INS-list (Unicode EMP) {x;y}" "{x; y}"
660            lfcopuo_g (pbmk_list "xy")
664val add_infixINS =
665  term_grammar.add_rule {
666         block_style = (AroundEachPhrase, (INCONSISTENT, 0)),
667         fixity = Parse.Infixr 490,
668         term_name = "INS",
669         pp_elements = [HardSpace 1, mTOK "INSERT", BreakSpace(1,0)],
670         paren_style = OnlyIfNecessary}
672val lf_infixfirst_cop = g0 |> add_infixINS |> add_setlistform
673val lf_copinfix_g = (* list first + infix INS *)
674  g0 |> add_setlistform |> add_infixINS
675fun get_stamps g =
676  let
677    open term_grammar_dtype
678    val rules = term_grammar.rules_for g "INS"
679    fun stamp fxty =
680      Option.map #1
681                 (List.find (fn (_, GRULE {fixity,...}) => fixity = fxty
682                               | _ => false)
683                            rules)
684  in
685    {c = stamp Closefix, i = stamp (Infix(RIGHT, 490))}
686  end
687fun optionToString f NONE = "NONE"
688  | optionToString f (SOME x) = "SOME("^f x^")"
689fun recordic {i,c} = "i="^optionToString Int.toString i^"; "^
690                     "c="^optionToString Int.toString c
692val _ = tprint "infix INS first grule timestamps"
693val ic as {c, i} = get_stamps lf_infixfirst_cop
694val _ = case ic of
695            {i = SOME i0, c = SOME c0} =>
696              if i0 < c0 then OK()
697              else die ("\n FAILED: "^recordic ic)
698          | _ => die ("\n FAILED: "^recordic ic)
700val _ = tprint "infix INS second grule timestamps"
701val ic as {c, i} = get_stamps lf_copinfix_g
702val _ = case ic of
703            {i = SOME i0, c = SOME c0} =>
704              if c0 < i0 then OK()
705              else die ("\n FAILED: "^recordic ic)
706          | _ => die ("\n FAILED: "^recordic ic)
708val _ = tpp "Printing INS-list (w/infix INS first) {x}" "{x}"
709            lf_infixfirst_cop (pbmk_list "x")
712val _ = tpp "Printing INS-list (w/infix INS second) {x}" "x INSERT {}"
713            lf_copinfix_g (pbmk_list "x")
715val _ = tpp "Printing applied EMPTY: {} x" "{} x" lf_infixfirst_cop
716            (mk_comb(cEMP_t, mk_var("x", alpha)))
718val _ = tpp "Printing applied non-empty 1: {x} y" "{x} y" lf_infixfirst_cop
719            (mk_comb(pbmk_list "x", mk_var("y", bool)))
721val _ = tpp "Printing applied non-empty 2: {x; y} z" "{x; y} z"
722            lf_infixfirst_cop
723            (mk_comb(pbmk_list "xy", mk_var("z", bool)))
725open ParseDatatype
726val _ = tprint
727val ASTL_toString =
728    ParseDatatype_dtype.list_toString ParseDatatype_dtype.toString
729val mintyg = type_grammar.min_grammar
730val vbool = dTyop{Tyop = "bool", Thy = SOME "min", Args = []}
731fun pdparse s = parse mintyg [QUOTE s]
732fun hdparse s = hparse mintyg [QUOTE s]
734fun pdtest0 (nm, s,expected) =
735  let
736    val _ = tprint (nm ^ ": " ^ s)
737    val res = (if nm = "p" then pdparse else hdparse) s
738  in
739    if res = expected then OK()
740    else die ("FAILED:\n  "^ASTL_toString res)
741  end
742infix -=>
743fun nm2parse nm = if nm = "p" then pdparse else hdparse
744fun pdtest (nm, s, expected) =
745  let
746    val _ = tprint (nm ^ ": " ^ s)
747  in
748    timed (nm2parse nm)
749          (exncheck (fn r => if r = expected then OK()
750                             else die ("FAILED:\n  "^ASTL_toString r)))
751          s
752  end
753fun pdfail (nm, s) =
754  shouldfail {printarg = (fn s => nm ^ ": " ^ s ^ " (should fail)"),
755              printresult = ASTL_toString,
756              testfn = nm2parse nm,
757              checkexn = is_struct_HOL_ERR "ParseDatatype"} s
759fun vty1 -=> vty2 = dTyop{Tyop = "fun", Thy = SOME "min", Args = [vty1,vty2]}
760fun recop s = dTyop{Thy = NONE, Tyop = s, Args = []}
761val expected1 = [("ty", Constructors [("Cons", [vbool])])]
762val expected2 = [("ty", Constructors [("Cons1", [vbool]),
763                                      ("Cons2", [vbool, vbool -=> vbool])])]
764val expected3 = [("ty", Record [("fld1", vbool), ("fld2", vbool -=> vbool)])]
765fun listnm nm =
766  [(nm, Constructors[("N", []), ("C",[dVartype "'a", recop "ty"])])]
767val expected4 = listnm "ty"
768val expected5 = [("C", Constructors[("foo", []), ("bar",[])])]
769val expected6 = [("C", Constructors[("foo", [vbool, vbool])]),
770                 ("D", Constructors[("bar", [vbool]), ("baz", [])])]
771val _ = List.app pdtest [
772  ("p", "ty = Cons of bool;", expected1),
773  ("h", "ty = Cons bool;", expected1),
774  ("h", "ty = Cons1 bool | Cons2 bool (bool -> bool);", expected2),
775  ("h", "ty = Cons1 bool | Cons2 bool (bool->bool);", expected2),
776  ("p", "ty = Cons1 of bool | Cons2 of bool => bool -> bool;", expected2),
777  ("h", "ty = <| fld1 : bool ; fld2 : bool -> bool |>;", expected3),
778  ("h", "ty = <| fld1 : bool ; fld2 : bool -> bool; |>;", expected3),
779  ("h", "ty= <|fld1:bool;fld2:bool->bool; |>;", expected3),
780  ("h", "ty = N | C 'a ty;", expected4),
781  ("p", "ty = N | C of 'a => ty", expected4),
782  ("h", "ty=N|C 'a ty;", expected4),
783  ("h", "ty=N|C 'a ty", expected4),
784  ("h", "ty= <|fld1:bool;fld2:bool->bool; |>;ty2=N|C 'a ty",
785   expected3 @ listnm "ty2"),
786  ("h", "C = | foo | bar", expected5),
787  ("h", "C = foo bool bool; D = bar bool|baz", expected6)
790val _ = List.app (ignore o pdfail) [("h", "C = foo bool->bool")]
793(* string find-replace *)
795val theta = map (fn (a,b) => {redex = a, residue = b})
796                [("a", "xxx"), ("b", "zzzz"), ("abc", "y"), ("c", ""),
797                 ("ca", "uu"), ("cb", "vv")]
798val f = stringfindreplace.subst theta
799fun test (inp,out) =
800  let
801    val _ = tprint ("String find/replace "^inp^" = "^out)
802    val res = f inp
803  in
804    if res = out then OK()
805    else die ("FAILED - Got "^res)
806  end
808val _ = List.app test [("abcd", "yd"), ("ab", "xxxzzzz"), ("c", ""),
809                       ("cab", "uuzzzz"), ("", ""), ("xyz", "xyz"),
810                       ("ccb", "vv")]
811end (* local *)
813val _ = tprint "rules_for finds record rule"
814val G0 = term_grammar.stdhol
815val recrules = term_grammar.rules_for G0 GrammarSpecials.reccons_special
816val _ =
817    let
818      open term_grammar
819    in
820      case recrules of
821          [(_, GRULE {pp_elements = RE (TOK "<|") :: _,...})] => OK()
822        | _ => die "Couldn't find it"
823    end
825val _ = tprint "remove_termtok \"<|\" removes record rule"
826val G' =
827    term_grammar.remove_form_with_tok G0 {
828      term_name = GrammarSpecials.recd_lform_name, tok = "<|"
829    }
830val _ =
831    let
832      open term_grammar
833    in
834      case term_grammar.rules_for G' GrammarSpecials.reccons_special of
835          [] => OK()
836        | _ => die "Nope - something still there!"
837    end
840  val pr = PP.pp_to_string 77 type_grammar.prettyprint_grammar
841  fun testvs(testname, fname, g) =
842    let
843      val expected0 = let
844        val istrm = TextIO.openIn fname
845      in
846        TextIO.inputAll istrm before TextIO.closeIn istrm
847      end
848      val expected = if String.sub(expected0, size expected0 - 1) = #"\n" then
849                       String.extract(expected0, 0, SOME (size expected0 - 1))
850                     else expected0
851      val res = delete_trailing_wspace (pr g)
852    in
853      tprint testname;
854      if res = expected then OK() else die ("\nFAILED!\n" ^ res)
855    end
856  open type_grammar
858  val _ = app testvs [
859        ("Testing ty-grammar p/printing (min_grammar)", "tygrammar.txt",
860         min_grammar),
861        ("Testing ty-grammar p/printing (min_grammar with non-printing abbrev)",
862         "noprint_tygrammar.txt",
863         min_grammar |> new_abbreviation {knm = {Name = "set", Thy = "scratch"},
864                                          ty = alpha --> bool, print = true}
865                     |> disable_abbrev_printing "set")
866      ]
867end (* tygrammar p/printing local *)
870  open term_tokens
871  fun test (s, expected) =
872    let
873      val _ = tprint ("Non-aggregating lex-test on "^s)
874      fun check (Exn.Res (SOME (r, _))) =
875            (case r of Ident s' => s' = expected | _ => false)
876        | check _ = false
877      fun pr NONE = "NONE"
878        | pr (SOME (t, _)) = "SOME(" ^ token_string t ^ ")"
879    in
880      require_msg check pr (lex []) (qbuf.new_buffer [QUOTE s])
881    end
883val _ = List.app (ignore o test) [
884      ("aa(", "aa"), ("((a", "("), ("����", "��"), ("����p", "��")
885    ]
886end (* local open term_tokens *)
888val _ = let
889  open term_grammar Absyn Portable
890  val rTOK = RE o TOK
891  datatype sexp = id of string | app of string * sexp list
892  fun toString (id s) = s
893    | toString (app(f,xs)) =
894      "(" ^ f ^
895      (case xs of [] => ""
896                | _ => " " ^ String.concatWith " " (map toString xs)) ^ ")"
897  fun dropA A a =
898      case a of
899          APP (_, a1, a2) => dropA (dropA [] a2::A) a1
900        | IDENT (_, s) => (case A of [] => id s | _ => app(s, A))
901        | _ => raise Fail "Unexpected Absyn form"
902  val G = min_grammar
903            |> add_rule {block_style = (AroundEachPhrase, (PP.CONSISTENT, 0)),
904                         fixity = Suffix 2100,
905                         paren_style = OnlyIfNecessary,
906                         pp_elements = [
907                           rTOK "{",
908                           ListForm {
909                             separator = [rTOK ";", BreakSpace(1,0)],
910                             block_info = (PP.CONSISTENT, 1),
911                             cons = "icons",
912                             nilstr = "inil"
913                           },
914                           rTOK "}"],
915                         term_name = "top"}
916  val testfn =
917      toString o dropA [] o TermParse.absyn G type_grammar.min_grammar o
918      single o QUOTE
919  fun test (s,expected) =
920      (tprint ("listspec-suffix: " ^ s);
921       require_msg_eq expected HOLPP.add_string testfn s)
923  List.app (ignore o test) [
924    ("x {y}", "(top x (icons y inil))"),
925    ("x {y;z;}", "(top x (icons y (icons z inil)))"),
926    ("x {}", "(top x inil)")
927  ]