1structure parmonadsyntax :> parmonadsyntax =
4open HolKernel Parse Feedback
6local open oneTheory in end
8val monadseq_special = "__monad_sequence"
9val monad_emptyseq_special = "__monad_emptyseq"
10val monadassign_special = "__monad_assign"
11val monad_bind = "monad_bind"
12val monad_par = "monad_par"
14val par_prec = 90
15val ass_prec = 100
17val genvar = "_%" (* impossible to type in as a variable; lexer splits it *)
18fun is_genvar t = #2 (dest_var t) = oneSyntax.one_ty handle HOL_ERR _ => false
20val _ = temp_add_listform {block_info = (PP.CONSISTENT,0),
21                           cons = monadseq_special,
22                           nilstr = monad_emptyseq_special,
23                           leftdelim = [TOK "do", BreakSpace(1,2)],
24                           rightdelim = [TOK "od"],
25                           separator = [TOK ";", BreakSpace(1,0)]}
27val _ = temp_add_rule {block_style = (AroundEachPhrase, (PP.INCONSISTENT, 2)),
28                       fixity = Infix(NONASSOC, ass_prec),
29                       paren_style = OnlyIfNecessary,
30                       pp_elements = [BreakSpace(1,0), TOK "<-", HardSpace 1],
31                       term_name = monadassign_special}
33val _ = temp_add_rule {block_style = (AroundSameName, (PP.INCONSISTENT, 2)),
34                       fixity = Infix(RIGHT, par_prec),
35                       paren_style = OnlyIfNecessary,
36                       pp_elements = [BreakSpace(1,0), TOK "|||", HardSpace 1],
37                       term_name = monad_par}
39fun to_vstruct a = let
40  open Absyn
42  case a of
43    AQ x => VAQ x
44  | IDENT x => VIDENT x
45  | QIDENT(loc,_,_) =>
46    raise mk_HOL_ERRloc "Absyn" "to_vstruct" loc
47                        "Qualified identifiers can't be varstructs"
48  | APP(loc1, APP(loc2, IDENT (loc3, ","), arg1), arg2) =>
49      VPAIR(loc1, to_vstruct arg1, to_vstruct arg2)
50  | TYPED (loc, a0, pty) => VTYPED(loc, to_vstruct a0, pty)
51  | _ => raise mk_HOL_ERRloc "Absyn" "to_vstruct" (locn_of_absyn a)
52                             "Bad form of varstruct"
55fun clean_action a = let
56  open Absyn
57  val unit_pty = Pretype.Tyop{Args = [], Thy = "one", Tyop = "one"}
58  fun mk_bare a = (VTYPED (locn.Loc_None,
59                           VIDENT (locn.Loc_None, genvar),
60                           unit_pty),
61                   a)
64  case a of
65    APP(loc1, APP(loc2, IDENT(loc3, s), arg1), arg2) => let
66    in
67      if s = monadassign_special then
68        (to_vstruct arg1, arg2)
69      else if s = monad_par then let
70          val (v1,a1) = clean_action arg1
71          val (v2,a2) = clean_action arg2
72        in
73          (VPAIR(loc1,v1,v2),
74           APP(loc1, APP(loc2, IDENT(loc3, s), a1), a2))
75        end
76      else mk_bare a
77    end
78  | _ => mk_bare a
81fun cleanseq a = let
82  open Absyn
84  case a of
85    APP(loc1, APP(loc2, IDENT(loc3, s), arg1), arg2) => let
86    in
87      if s = monadseq_special then let
88          val (bv, arg1') = clean_action (clean_do true arg1)
89          val arg2' = clean_actions arg2
90        in
91          case arg2' of
92            NONE => SOME arg1'
93          | SOME a => let
94            in
95              SOME (APP(loc1, APP(loc2,
96                                  IDENT(loc3, monad_bind),
97                                  arg1'),
98                        LAM(locn_of_absyn a, bv, a)))
99            end
100        end
101      else NONE
102    end
103  | _ => NONE
105and clean_do indo a = let
106  open Absyn
107  val clean_do = clean_do indo
109  case cleanseq a of
110    SOME a => a
111  | NONE => let
112    in
113      case a of
114        APP(l,arg1 as APP(_,IDENT(_,s),_),arg2) =>
115        if s = monadassign_special andalso not indo then
116          raise mk_HOL_ERRloc "monadsyntax" "clean_do" l
117                              "Bare monad assign arrow illegal"
118        else APP(l,clean_do arg1,clean_do arg2)
119      | APP(l,a1,a2) => APP(l,clean_do a1, clean_do a2)
120      | LAM(l,v,a) => LAM(l,v,clean_do a)
121      | IDENT(loc,s) => if s = monad_emptyseq_special then
122                          raise mk_HOL_ERRloc "monadsyntax" "clean_do" loc
123                                              "Empty do-od pair illegal"
124                        else a
125      | TYPED(l,a,pty) => TYPED(l,clean_do a,pty)
126      | _ => a
127    end
129and clean_actions a = let
130  open Absyn
132  case cleanseq a of
133    SOME a => SOME a
134  | NONE => let
135    in
136      case a of
137        IDENT(loc,s) => if s = monad_emptyseq_special then NONE
138                        else SOME a
139      | a => SOME a
140    end
143fun transform_absyn G a = clean_do false a
145val _ = Parse.temp_add_absyn_postprocessor ("parmonadsyntax.transform_absyn",
146                                            transform_absyn)
149fun dest_binop s G t = let
150  open term_pp_types
151  val oinfo = term_grammar.overload_info G
152  val (fx, y) = dest_comb t
153  val (f, x) = dest_comb fx
154  val prname = case Overload.overloading_of_term oinfo f of
155                 NONE => if is_var f then #1 (dest_var f)
156                         else raise UserPP_Failed
157               | SOME s => s
158  val _ = prname = s orelse raise UserPP_Failed
160  SOME (x, y)
161end handle HOL_ERR _ => NONE
162         | term_pp_types.UserPP_Failed =>  NONE
164val dest_par = dest_binop monad_par
165val dest_bind = dest_binop monad_bind
167fun print_monads (tyg, tmg) backend sysprinter ppfns (p,l,r) depth t = let
168  open smpp term_pp_utils
169  infix >> >-
170  val ppfns = ppfns : term_pp_types.ppstream_funs
171  open term_pp_types term_grammar
172  val (strn,brk) = (#add_string ppfns, #add_break ppfns)
173  val ublock = #ublock ppfns
174  fun pbegin b = if b then strn "(" else nothing
175  fun pend b = if b then strn ")" else nothing
176  val (arg1, arg2) = valOf (dest_bind tmg t)
177                             handle Option => raise UserPP_Failed
178  fun syspr bp gravs t =
179    sysprinter {gravs = gravs, depth = depth - 1, binderp = bp} t
180  fun pr_action (p,l,r) (vopt, action) = let
181    fun atomic_assign () = let
182      fun check_grav grav =
183          case grav of
184            Prec(n, _) => n > ass_prec
185          | _ => false
186      val bracketp = check_grav l orelse check_grav r
187      val prec = Prec(ass_prec, monadassign_special)
188      val bvars = free_vars (valOf vopt)
189    in
190      pbegin bracketp >>
191      ublock PP.INCONSISTENT 0
192         (record_bvars bvars (syspr true (prec, l, prec) (valOf vopt)) >>
193          strn " " >> strn "<-" >> brk(1,2) >>
194          syspr false (prec,prec,r) action) >>
195      pend bracketp >>
196      addbvs bvars
197    end
198  in
199    case vopt of
200      NONE => syspr false (p,l,r) action
201    | SOME v => let
202      in
203        case dest_par tmg action of
204          NONE => let
205          in
206            if is_genvar v then syspr false (p,l,r) action
207            else atomic_assign()
208          end
209        | SOME (a1, a2) => let
210          in
211            case Lib.total pairSyntax.dest_pair v of
212              NONE => atomic_assign()
213            | SOME(v1, v2) => let
214                fun check_grav a grav =
215                    case grav of
216                      Prec(n, _) => n > par_prec orelse (n = par_prec andalso
217                                                         a <> RIGHT)
218                    | _ => false
219                val bracketp = check_grav RIGHT l orelse check_grav LEFT r
220                val prec = Prec(par_prec, monad_par)
221              in
222                pbegin bracketp >>
223                ublock PP.CONSISTENT 0
224                  (pr_action (prec,l,prec) (SOME v1, a1) >>
225                   strn " " >> strn "|||" >>
226                   brk(1,0) >>
227                   pr_action (prec,prec,r) (SOME v2, a2)) >>
228                pend bracketp
229              end
230          end
231      end
232  end
234  fun brk_bind arg1 arg2 = let
235    val (v,body) = (SOME ## I) (pairSyntax.dest_pabs arg2)
236                   handle HOL_ERR _ => (NONE, arg2)
237  in
238    ((v, arg1), body)
239  end
240  fun strip acc t =
241      case dest_bind tmg t of
242        NONE => List.rev ((NONE, t) :: acc)
243      | SOME (arg1, arg2) => let
244          val (arg1', arg2') = brk_bind arg1 arg2
245        in
246          strip (arg1'::acc) arg2'
247        end
248  val (arg1',arg2') = brk_bind arg1 arg2
249  val actions = strip [arg1'] arg2'
251  ublock PP.CONSISTENT 0
252    (strn "do" >> brk(1,2) >>
253     getbvs >- (fn oldbvs =>
254     pr_list (pr_action(Top,Top,Top))
255             (strn ";" >> brk(1,2))
256             actions >>
257     brk(1,0) >>
258     strn "od" >> setbvs oldbvs))
261val _ = temp_add_user_printer ("parmonadsyntax.print_monads", ``x:'a``,
262                               print_monads)
264val _ = TexTokenMap.temp_TeX_notation {hol = "<-", TeX = ("\\HOLTokenLeftmap{}", 1)}
265val _ = TexTokenMap.temp_TeX_notation {hol = "do", TeX = ("\\HOLKeyword{do}", 2)}
266val _ = TexTokenMap.temp_TeX_notation {hol = "od", TeX = ("\\HOLKeyword{od}", 2)}
267end (* struct *)