1(* Copyright (c) Michael Norrish *)
3structure mlibOmega :> mlibOmega =
6(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
7    Implementation of "shadow chasing" in ML.  This procedure can find
8    a real shadow refutation without forcing all of the shadow to be
9    computed in the logic; a path to false can be found that only
10    involves a small proportion of the possible logical inferences.
12    Alternatively, if the shadow is exact, then this procedure can
13    also generate witnesses for the logic to exploit, again saving it
14    from having to do a lot of calculation internally.
15   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
17type arbint = mlibOmegaint.int
18type 'a table = 'a mlibPatricia.t
19infix ==
20val op == = mlibOmegaint.eq
22(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
23    The factoid datatype
25    A factoid c[0..n] represents the term
26       0 <= c[0] * v_0 + .. + c[n-1] * v_{n-1} + c[n] * 1
27    The factoid "key" is the vector of variable coefficients, leaving
28    out the constant part.
29   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
32datatype factoid =
33         ALT of arbint Vector.vector
35structure V = Vector
36structure VS = VectorSlice
37structure AS = ArraySlice
39abstype factoid_key = KEY of arbint V.vector * int
41  local open mlibOmegaint
42        val alpha = fromInt 33
43        val beta  = fromInt 720
44  in
45  fun khash v len =
46      hash(if zero <= V.sub(v, 0)
47           then V.foldli (fn(_,i,h) => alpha * h + beta + i) zero v
48           else ~(V.foldli (fn(_,i,h)=> alpha * h + beta + ~i) zero v))
49  end
51  fun factoid_key (ALT av) = KEY(av, V.length av - 1)
53  fun keyhash (KEY(av, len)) = khash av (SOME len)
55  fun map_key f (KEY(v, len)) =
56      VS.mapi (fn(_, x) => f x) (VS.slice(v, 0, SOME len))
58  fun foldl_key f c (KEY(v, len)) =
59      VS.foldli (fn(_, x, c) => f(x, c)) c (VS.slice(v, 0, SOME len))
61  fun foldli_key f c (KEY(v, len)) = VS.foldli f c (VS.slice(v, 0, SOME len))
63  fun appi_key f (KEY(v, len)) = VS.appi f (VS.slice(v, 0, SOME len))
65  fun sub_key (KEY(v, len), i) = if i < len then V.sub(v, i)
66                                 else raise Subscript
68  fun negate_key (KEY(v, len)) = KEY(V.map mlibOmegaint.~ v, len)
70  fun key_eq (KEY(v1, len1)) (KEY(v2, len2)) =
71      len1 = len2
72      andalso
73      VS.foldli (fn(i,e1,res) => res andalso e1 == V.sub(v2,i)) true
74                (VS.slice(v1, 0, SOME len1))
78fun factoid v = ALT v
80val fromArbList = factoid o V.fromList
81val fromList = fromArbList o map mlibOmegaint.fromInt
82fun toList (ALT av) = V.foldr op:: [] av
86fun factoid_constant f =
87    case f of
88      ALT av => V.sub(av, V.length av - 1)
90fun factoid_size f =
91    case f of ALT av => V.length av
93fun split_factoid f = (factoid_key f, factoid_constant f)
95fun zero_var_factoid f =
96    foldl_key (fn (ai, b) => b andalso ai == mlibOmegaint.zero) true
97              (factoid_key f)
99val the_false_factoid = factoid (V.fromList [mlibOmegaint.fromInt ~1])
100fun false_factoid f =
101    zero_var_factoid f andalso mlibOmegaint.<(factoid_constant f, mlibOmegaint.zero)
102fun true_factoid f =
103    zero_var_factoid f andalso mlibOmegaint.<=(mlibOmegaint.zero, factoid_constant f)
105fun eval_factoid_rhs vmap f = let
106  val maxdex = factoid_size f - 1
107  open mlibOmegaint Vector
108  fun foldthis (i, ai, acc) =
109      if ai == zero then acc
110      else if i = maxdex then ai + acc
111      else ai * mlibPatricia.find i vmap + acc
113  case f of
114    ALT fv => foldli foldthis zero fv
117fun eval_factoid_except vmap i f = let
118  val maxdex = factoid_size f - 1
119  open mlibOmegaint Vector
120  fun foldthis (j, ai, acc) =
121      if ai == zero orelse i = j then acc
122      else if j = maxdex then ai + acc
123      else ai * mlibPatricia.find j vmap + acc
125  case f of
126    ALT fv => foldli foldthis zero fv
130(* "prints" factoids *)
131fun factoid_pairings vars f =
132    case f of
133      ALT av => V.foldri
134                (fn (i, ai, list) =>
135                    (mlibOmegaint.toString ai, List.nth(vars, i)) :: list)
136                [] av
139fun ERR f s = Fail ("Function: "^f^", message: "^s)
141fun gcdl l =
142  case l of
143    []     => raise ERR "gcdl" "empty list"
144  | (h::t) => foldl mlibOmegaint.gcd h t
147(* Function to compute the Lowest Common Multiple of two integers.           *)
150fun lcm (i,j) = let open mlibOmegaint in (i * j) div gcd (i,j) end
151(*handle _ => raise ERR "lcm" "negative arguments to lcm";
153(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
154    combine_real_factoids i f1 f2
156    takes two factoids and produces a fresh one by "variable
157    elimination" over the i'th variable in the vector.  It requires
158    that the coefficient of v_i is strictly positive in f1, and
159    strictly negative in f2.  The combination may produce a factoid where
160    the coefficients can all be divided through by some number, but
161    this factor won't be the gcd of the coefficients of v_i; this
162    factor is eliminated from the outset.
163   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
165fun combine_real_factoids i f1 f2 =
166    case (f1, f2) of
167      (ALT av1, ALT av2) => let
168        open mlibOmegaint Vector
169        val c0 = sub(av1, i)
170        val d0 = ~ (sub(av2, i))
171        val l = lcm (c0, d0)
172        val c = l div d0
173        val d = l div c0
174        fun gen j = c * sub(av2, j) + sub(av1, j) * d
175      in
176        factoid (tabulate(length av1, gen))
177      end
179(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
180    combine_dark_factoids i lower upper
182    takes two factoids and combines them to produce a new, "dark shadow"
183    factoid.  As above, the first one must have a positive coefficient of
184    i, and the second a negative coefficient.
185   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
187fun combine_dark_factoids i low up =
188    case (low, up) of
189      (ALT L, ALT U) => let
190        open mlibOmegaint Vector
191        (* have ~L <= ax /\ bx <= U *)
192        val a = sub(L, i)
193        val b = ~(sub(U, i))
194        val maxdex = Int.-(length L, 1)
195        fun gen j = let
196          val base =  a * sub(U, j) + b * sub(L, j)
197        in
198          if j = maxdex then base - ((a - one) * (b - one))
199          else base
200        end
201      in
202        factoid (tabulate(Int.+(maxdex, 1), gen))
203      end
206(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
207    factoid_gcd f
209    eliminates common factors in the variable coefficients of a factoid,
210    or raises the exception no_gcd, if there is no common factor.
211   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
213exception no_gcd
214fun factoid_gcd f =
215    case f of
216      ALT av => let
217        val g = VS.foldli
218                    (fn (_, c, g0) => mlibOmegaint.gcd (mlibOmegaint.abs c, g0))
219                    mlibOmegaint.zero
220                    (VS.slice(av, 0, SOME (V.length av - 1)))
221      in
222        if mlibOmegaint.<=(g, mlibOmegaint.one) then raise no_gcd
223        else factoid (V.map (fn c => mlibOmegaint.div(c, g)) av)
224      end
226(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
227    term_to_factoid vars tm
229    returns the factoid corresponding to tm.  tm is thus of the form
230      0 <= c1 * v1 + ... + cn * vn + num
231    Assumes that the variables are in the "correct" order (as given in the
232    list vars), but that all are not necessarily present.  Omission
233    indicates a coefficient of zero, of course.
234   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
237fun term_to_factoid vars tm = let
238  val summands = strip_plus (rand tm)
239  fun mk_coeffs vlist slist =
240    case (vlist,slist) of
241      ([],[]) => [mlibOmegaint.zero]
242    | ([],[s]) => [int_of_term s]
243    | ([], _) => raise HOL_ERR { origin_function = "term_to_factoid",
244                                origin_structure = "mlibOmegaMLShadow",
245                                message = "Too many summands in term"}
246    | (v::vs, []) => mlibOmegaint.zero :: mk_coeffs vs []
247    | (v::vs, s::ss) =>
248        if is_mult s then let
249          val (c, mv) = dest_mult s
250        in
251          if mv = v then int_of_term c :: mk_coeffs vs ss
252          else mlibOmegaint.zero :: mk_coeffs vs slist
253        end
254        else mlibOmegaint.zero :: mk_coeffs vs slist
256  ALT (V.fromList (mk_coeffs vars summands))
260(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
261    factoid_to_term vars f
263    returns the term corresponding to f, interpreting f over the list of
264    variables vars.
265   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
268fun factoid_to_term vars f =
269    case f of
270      ALT av => let
271        open Vector
272        fun varcoeff (i, c, t0) =
273            if c = mlibOmegaint.zero then t0
274            else let
275                val cv = mk_mult(term_of_int c, List.nth(vars, i))
276              in
277                case t0 of NONE => SOME cv | SOME t => SOME (mk_plus(t, cv))
278              end
279        val varpart = foldli varcoeff NONE (av, 0, SOME (length av - 1))
280        val numpart = term_of_int (sub(av,length av - 1))
281      in
282        case varpart of
283          NONE => numpart
284        | SOME t => mk_plus(t, numpart)
285      end
288(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
289    The derivation datatype
290   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
292(* a derivation represents a proof of a factoid *)
293datatype 'a derivation =
294         ASM of 'a
295       | REAL_COMBIN of int * 'a derivation * 'a derivation
296       | GCD_CHECK of 'a derivation
297       | DIRECT_CONTR of 'a derivation * 'a derivation
298type 'a dfactoid = (factoid * 'a derivation)
300datatype 'a result = CONTR of 'a derivation
301                   | SATISFIABLE of mlibOmegaint.int table
302                   | NO_CONCL
304fun direct_contradiction(d1, d2) = CONTR (DIRECT_CONTR(d1, d2))
306fun gcd_check_dfactoid (df as (f, d)) =
307    (factoid_gcd f, GCD_CHECK d) handle no_gcd => df
309fun split_dfactoid (f, d) = (factoid_key f, (factoid_constant f, d))
310fun dfactoid_key (f, d) = factoid_key f
311fun dfactoid_derivation (f, d) = d
313(* fun term_to_dfactoid vars t = (term_to_factoid vars t, ASM t) *)
315(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
316    The "elimination mode" datatype.
318    This records what sort of shadow we're currently working on.
319   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
321datatype elimmode = REAL | DARK | EXACT | EDARK
322  (* REAL when we're looking for a contradiction (only)
323     DARK when we're looking for satisfiability and the problem is not
324          exact
325     EXACT when we're looking for either a contradiction or satisfiability.
326     EDARK when we're looking for satisfiability (i.e., have switched from
327           a REAL search, but where the problem is still EXACT) *)
332fun inexactify EXACT = REAL
333  | inexactify EDARK = DARK
334  | inexactify x = x
336fun mode_result em result =
337    case em of
338      EXACT => result
339    | REAL => (case result of SATISFIABLE _ => NO_CONCL | x => x)
340    | DARK => (case result of CONTR _ => NO_CONCL | x => x)
341    | EDARK => (case result of CONTR _ => NO_CONCL | x => x)
343fun combine_dfactoids em i ((f1, d1), (f2, d2)) =
344    case em of
345      DARK => (combine_dark_factoids i f1 f2, d1)
346    | _ => (combine_real_factoids i f1 f2, REAL_COMBIN(i, d1, d2))
349(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
350    The "db" datatype
352    So far, I'm using a mlibPatricia tree to store my sets of constraints,
353    so the function parameters of type "database" are often called
354    ptree.  The keys are the hashes of the constraint keys.  The items
355    are lists (buckets) of dfactoids.
356   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
357local structure V = Vector in
358fun veceq eq ( v1) ( v2) =
359    if V.length v1 <> V.length v2 then false
360    else V.foldli (fn(i,e1,res) => res andalso eq(e1, V.sub(v2,i))) true v1
363fun aveceq x = veceq op== x;
366fun fkassoc k alist =
367    case List.find (fn (f, data) => key_eq k (factoid_key f)) alist of
368        NONE   => raise mlibPatricia.NotFound
369      | SOME x => x
371fun lookup_fkey (ptree,w) fk =
372    fkassoc fk (mlibPatricia.find (keyhash fk) ptree)
374type 'a cstdb = ((factoid * 'a derivation) list) mlibPatricia.t * int
376fun dbempty i = (mlibPatricia.empty, i)
378fun dbfold (f : ((factoid * 'b derivation) * 'a) -> 'a) (acc:'a) (ptree,w) =
379    mlibPatricia.fold (fn (i,b,acc) => List.foldl f acc b) acc ptree
381fun dbapp (f : factoid * 'a derivation -> unit) (ptree,w) =
382    mlibPatricia.app (fn (i,b) => List.app f b) ptree
384(* does a raw insert, with no checking; the dfactoid really should have
385   width w *)
386fun dbinsert (df as (f,d)) (ptree,w) =
387    (mlibPatricia.addf (fn b => df :: b) (keyhash (factoid_key f)) [df] ptree,
388     w)
390fun dbchoose (ptree,w) =
391    case mlibPatricia.getItem ptree of
392        SOME((_, a_bucket),_) => List.hd a_bucket
393      | NONE                  => raise mlibPatricia.NotFound
395fun dbwidth (ptree,w) = w
397fun dbsize (ptree,w) = mlibPatricia.size ptree
399(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
400    dbadd df ptree
402    Precondition: df is neither a trivially true nor false factoid.
404    adds a dfactoid (i.e., a factoid along with its derivation) to a
405    database of accumulating factoids.  If the factoid is
406    actually redundant, because there is already a factoid with the
407    same constraint key in the tree with a less or equal constant,
408    then the exception RedundantAddition is raised.  Otherwise the
409    return value is the new tree.
410   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
412exception Pluck
413fun pluck P =
414 let fun pl _ [] = raise Pluck
415       | pl A (h::t) = if P h then (h, List.foldl (op::) t A) else pl (h::A) t
416 in pl []
417 end;
419exception RedundantAddition
420fun dbadd df (ptree, w) = let
421  fun merge alist = let
422    val (fk, (fc, _)) = split_dfactoid df
423    val ((f',_), samehashes) =
424        pluck (fn (f', _) => key_eq fk (factoid_key f')) alist
425  in
426    if mlibOmegaint.<(fc, factoid_constant f') then
427      df :: samehashes
428    else raise RedundantAddition
429  end handle Pluck => df :: alist
431  (mlibPatricia.addf merge (keyhash (dfactoid_key df)) [df] ptree, w)
434(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
435    add_check_factoid ptree df next kont
437    Precondition: df is neither a trivially true nor false factoid.
438    Types:
439      next:     ptree -> (result -> 'a) -> 'a
440      kont:     result -> 'a
442   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
444fun add_check_factoid ptree0 (df as (f,d)) next kont = let
445  val ptree = dbadd df ptree0
447  let
448    val (fk,fc) = split_factoid f
449    val (negdf as (negf, negd)) = lookup_fkey ptree (negate_key fk)
450    val negc = factoid_constant negf
451    open mlibOmegaint
452  in
453    if negc < ~fc then kont (direct_contradiction(d, negd))
454    else next ptree kont
455  end handle mlibPatricia.NotFound => next ptree kont
456end handle RedundantAddition => next ptree0 kont
459(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
460    has_one_var ptree
462    returns true if all of ptree's factoids are over just one variable
463    (and they're all the same variable)
464   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
466fun has_one_var ptree = let
467  exception return_false
468  fun checkkey (i,c,acc) =
469      if c == mlibOmegaint.zero then acc
470      else
471        case acc of
472          NONE => SOME i
473        | _ => raise return_false
474  fun check ((f,d),a) = let
475    val fk = factoid_key f
476    val fk_single = valOf (foldli_key checkkey NONE fk)
477  in
478    case a of
479      NONE => SOME fk_single
480    | SOME i => if i = fk_single then a else raise return_false
481  end
483  (dbfold check NONE ptree; true) handle return_false => false
487(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
488    one_var_analysis ptree em
490    Precondition: the dfactoids in ptree have just one variable with a
491    non-zero coefficient, and its everywhere the same variable.  Our aim
492    is to either derive a contradiction, or to return a satisfying
493    assignment.  Our gcd_checks will have ensured that our variable
494    (call it x) will only have coefficients of one at this point, so
495    we just need to check that the maximum of the lower bounds is less
496    than or equal to the minimum of the lower bounds.  If it is then
497    return either as a satisfying valuation for x.  Otherwise return
498    false, combining the maximum lower and the minimum upper constraint.
499   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
501fun one_var_analysis ptree em = let
502  val (a_constraint, _) = dbchoose ptree
503  fun find_var (i, ai, NONE) = if not (ai == mlibOmegaint.zero) then SOME i else NONE
504    | find_var (_, _, v as SOME _) = v
505  val x_var =
506      valOf (foldli_key find_var NONE (factoid_key a_constraint))
507  open mlibOmegaint
508  fun assign_factoid (df, acc as (upper, lower)) = let
509    val (fk as  k, (fc, d)) = split_dfactoid df
510  in
511    if sub_key(k, x_var) < zero then
512      case upper of
513        NONE => (SOME (fc, d), lower)
514      | SOME (c', d') => if fc < c' then (SOME (fc, d), lower) else acc
515    else
516      case lower of
517        NONE => (upper, SOME (~fc, d))
518      | SOME (c', d') => if ~fc > c' then (SOME (~fc,d), lower) else acc
519  end
520  val (upper, lower) = dbfold assign_factoid (NONE,NONE) ptree
522  case (upper, lower) of
523    (NONE, NONE) => raise Fail "one_var_analysis: this can't happen"
524  | (SOME (c, _), NONE) => if em = REAL then NO_CONCL
525                           else SATISFIABLE (mlibPatricia.add x_var c mlibPatricia.empty)
526  | (NONE, SOME (c, _)) => if em = REAL then NO_CONCL
527                           else SATISFIABLE (mlibPatricia.add x_var c mlibPatricia.empty)
528  | (SOME (u,du), SOME (l, dl)) =>
529    if u < l then
530      if em = DARK orelse em = EDARK then NO_CONCL
531      else direct_contradiction(du,dl)
532    else
533      if em = REAL then NO_CONCL
534      else SATISFIABLE (mlibPatricia.add x_var u mlibPatricia.empty)
537(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
538    throwaway_redundant_factoids ptree nextstage kont
540    checks ptree for variables that are constrained only in one sense
541    (i.e., with upper or lower bounds only).
543    The function nextstage takes a ptree and a continuation; it is
544    called when ptree has run out of constraints that can be thrown
545    away.
547    The continuation function kont is of type result -> 'a, and will
548    be called when the whole process eventually gets an answer.  This
549    code will not call it directly, but if it does throw anything
550    away, it will modify it so that a satisfying value can be
551    calculated for the variables that are chucked.
552   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
554fun throwaway_redundant_factoids ptree nextstage kont = let
555  val dwidth = dbwidth ptree
556  val numvars = dwidth - 1
557  val has_low = Array.array(numvars, false)
558  val has_up = Array.array(numvars, false)
560  fun assess fk = let
561    fun appthis (i, ai) = let
562      open mlibOmegaint
563    in
564      case compare(ai,zero) of
565        LESS => Array.update(has_up, i, true)
566      | EQUAL => ()
567      | GREATER => Array.update(has_low, i, true)
568    end
569  in
570    appi_key appthis fk
571  end
572  val () = dbapp (fn (f,d) => assess (factoid_key f)) ptree
574  fun find_redundant_var i =
575      if i = numvars then NONE
576      else if Array.sub(has_up, i) = Array.sub(has_low, i) then
577        find_redundant_var (i + 1)
578      else SOME (i, Array.sub(has_up, i))
580  case find_redundant_var 0 of
581    NONE => nextstage ptree kont
582  | SOME(i, hasupper) => let
583      fun partition (df as (f,d), (pt, elim)) = let
584        open mlibOmegaint
585        val  fk = factoid_key f
586      in
587        if sub_key(fk, i) == zero then
588          (dbinsert df pt, elim)
589        else
590          (pt, df :: elim)
591      end
592      val (newptree, elim) = dbfold partition (dbempty dwidth, []) ptree
593      fun handle_result r =
594          case r of
595            SATISFIABLE vmap => let
596              open mlibOmegaint
597              fun mapthis (f,_) =
598                  let val  fk = factoid_key f
599                  in  (eval_factoid_except vmap i f) div
600                      abs (sub_key(fk, i))
601                  end
602              val evaluated = if hasupper then map mapthis elim
603                              else map (~ o mapthis) elim
604              val foldfn = if hasupper then mlibOmegaint.min else mlibOmegaint.max
605            in
606              SATISFIABLE (mlibPatricia.add i (foldl foldfn (hd evaluated)
607                                               (tl evaluated))
608                                      vmap)
609            end
610          | x => x
611    in
612      throwaway_redundant_factoids newptree nextstage (kont o handle_result)
613    end
616(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
617    exact_var ptree
619    An exact var is one that has coefficients of one in either all of its
620    upper bounds or all of its lower bounds.  This function returns
621    SOME v if v is an exact var in ptree, or NONE if there is no exact
622    var.
623   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
625fun exact_var ptree = let
626  val up_coeffs_unit = Array.array(dbwidth ptree - 1, true)
627  val low_coeffs_unit = Array.array(dbwidth ptree - 1, true)
628  val coeffs_all_zero = Array.array(dbwidth ptree - 1, true)
629  fun appthis (f,d) = let
630    open mlibOmegaint
631    fun examine_key (i, ai) =
632        case compare(ai,zero) of
633          LESS => (if not(abs ai == one) then
634                     Array.update(up_coeffs_unit, i, false)
635                   else ();
636                   Array.update(coeffs_all_zero, i, false))
637        | EQUAL => ()
638        | GREATER => (if not(ai == one) then
639                        Array.update(low_coeffs_unit, i, false)
640                      else ();
641                      Array.update(coeffs_all_zero, i, false))
642    val  fk = factoid_key f
643  in
644    appi_key examine_key fk
645  end
646  val () = dbapp appthis ptree
647  fun check_index (i, b, acc) =
648      if b andalso not (Array.sub(coeffs_all_zero,i)) then SOME i else acc
650  case Array.foldli check_index NONE low_coeffs_unit of
651    NONE => Array.foldli check_index NONE up_coeffs_unit
652  | x => x
655(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
656    least_coeff_var ptree
658    Returns the variable whose coefficients' absolute values sum to the
659    least amount (that isn't zero).
660   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
662fun least_coeff_var ptree = let
663  val sums = Array.array(dbwidth ptree - 1, mlibOmegaint.zero)
664  fun appthis df = let
665    open mlibOmegaint
666    fun add_in_c (i, ai) =
667        Array.update(sums, i, Array.sub(sums, i) + abs ai)
668  in
669    appi_key add_in_c (dfactoid_key df)
670  end
671  val () = dbapp appthis ptree
672  fun find_min (i,ai,NONE) = if not(ai == mlibOmegaint.zero) then SOME(i,ai) else NONE
673    | find_min (i,ai, acc as SOME(mini, minai)) =
674      if mlibOmegaint.<(ai, minai) andalso not(ai == mlibOmegaint.zero) then SOME(i,ai) else acc
676  #1 (valOf (Array.foldli find_min NONE sums))
679(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
680    generate_row (pt0, em, i, up, lows, next, kont)
682    Types:
683      pt0       :ptree
684      em        :elimmode
685      i         :int  (a variable index)
686      up        :dfactoid
687      lows      :dfactoid list
688      next      :ptree -> (result -> 'a) -> 'a
689      kont      :result -> 'a
691    "Resolves" dfactoid against all the factoids in lows, producing new
692    factoids, which get added to the ptree.  If a factoid is directly
693    contradictory, then return it immediately, using kont.  If a factoid
694    is vacuous, drop it.
695   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
697fun generate_row pt0 em i up lows next kont =
698    case lows of
699      [] => next pt0 kont
700    | low::lowtl => let
701        val (df as (f,d)) =
702            gcd_check_dfactoid (combine_dfactoids em i (low, up))
703        fun after_add pt k = generate_row pt em i up lowtl next k
704      in
705        if true_factoid f then after_add pt0 kont
706        else if false_factoid f then kont (CONTR d)
707        else add_check_factoid pt0 df after_add kont
708      end
710(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
711    generate_crossproduct (pt0, em, i, ups, lows, next, kont)
713    Types:
714      pt0       :ptree
715      em        :elimmode
716      i         :integer (a variable index)
717      ups       :dfactoid list
718      lows      :dfactoid list
719      next      :ptree -> (result -> 'a) -> 'a
720      kont      :result -> 'a
721   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
723fun generate_crossproduct (pt0, em, i, ups, lows, next, kont) =
724    case ups of
725      [] => next pt0 kont
726    | u::us => let
727        fun after pt k = generate_crossproduct(pt, em, i, us, lows, next, k)
728      in
729        generate_row pt0 em i u lows after kont
730      end
732(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
733    extend_vmap ptree i vmap
735    vmap provides values for all of the variables present in ptree's
736    factoids except i.  Use it to evaluate all of the factoids, except
737    at variable i and to then return vmap extended with a value for
738    variable i that respects all of the factoids.
740    Note definite parallels with code in one_var_analysis.
741   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
743fun extend_vmap ptree i vmap = let
744  fun categorise ((f, _), (acc as (lower, upper))) = let
745    val c0 = eval_factoid_except vmap i f
746    val (fk as  k) = factoid_key f
747    open mlibOmegaint
748    val coeff = sub_key(k, i)
749  in
750    case compare(coeff, zero) of
751      LESS => let (* upper *)
752        val c = c0 div ~coeff
753      in
754        case upper of
755          NONE => (lower, SOME c)
756        | SOME c' => if c < c' then (lower, SOME c) else acc
757      end
758    | EQUAL => acc
759    | GREATER => let (* lower *)
760        val c = ~(c0 div coeff)
761      in
762        case lower of
763          NONE => (SOME c, upper)
764        | SOME c' => if c > c' then (SOME c, upper) else acc
765      end
766  end
767  val (lower, upper) = dbfold categorise (NONE, NONE) ptree
768  open mlibOmegaint
769  val _ = valOf lower <= valOf upper orelse raise Fail "urk in extend map"
771  mlibPatricia.add i (valOf lower) vmap
774(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
775    zero_upto n
777    Returns an integer map that maps the integers from 0..n (inclusive)
778    to mlibOmegaint.zero.
779   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
781fun zero_upto n =
782    if n < 0 then raise Fail "zero_upto called with negative argument"
783    else if n = 0 then mlibPatricia.add 0 mlibOmegaint.zero mlibPatricia.empty
784    else mlibPatricia.add n mlibOmegaint.zero (zero_upto (n - 1))
787(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
788    one_step ptree em nextstage kont
790    Types:
791      em         :elimmode
792      nextstage  :ptree -> elimmode -> (result -> 'a) -> 'a
793      kont       :result -> 'a
795    Assume that ptree doesn't contain anything directly contradictory,
796    and that there aren't any redundant constraints around (these have
797    been thrown away by throwaway_redundant_factoids).
799    Perform one step of the shadow calculation algorithm:
800      (a) if there is only one variable left in all of the constraints
801          in ptree do one_var_analysis to return some sort of result,
802          and pass this result to kont.
803      (b) otherwise, decide on a variable to eliminate.  If there's a
804          variable that allows for an exact shadow (has coefficients of
805          one in all of its lower-bound or upper-bound occurrences),
806          pick this.  Otherwise, take the variable whose coefficients'
807          absolute values sum to the least amount.
808      (c) the initial tree of the result contains all of those
809          constraints from the original which do not mention the
810          variable to be eliminated.
811      (d) divide the constraints that do mention the variable to be
812          eliminated into upper and lower bound sets.
813    Then (in generate_crossproduct):
814      (e) work through all of the possible combinations in
815            upper x lower
816          using combine_dfactoids.  Each new dfactoid has to be added
817          to the accumulating tree.  This may produce a direct
818          contradiction, in which case, stop and return this (again,
819          using the kont function).  Otherwise keep going.
820      (f) pass the completed new ptree to nextstage, with an augmented
821          continuation that copes with satisfiable results (though
822          satisfiable results won't come back if the mode is REAL
823          of course).
824   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
826fun one_step ptree em nextstage kont = let
827  val (var_to_elim, mode) =
828      case exact_var ptree of
829        SOME i => (i, em)
830      | NONE => (least_coeff_var ptree, inexactify em)
831  fun categorise (df, (notmentioned, uppers, lowers)) = let
832    open mlibOmegaint
833    val fk = dfactoid_key df
834  in
835    case compare(sub_key(fk, var_to_elim), zero) of
836      LESS => (notmentioned, df::uppers, lowers)
837    | EQUAL => (dbinsert df notmentioned, uppers, lowers)
838    | GREATER => (notmentioned, uppers, df::lowers)
839  end
840  val (newtree0, uppers, lowers) =
841      dbfold categorise (dbempty (dbwidth ptree), [], []) ptree
842  fun drop_contr (CONTR _) = NO_CONCL
843    | drop_contr x = x
844  fun extend_satisfiable r =
845      case r of
846        SATISFIABLE vmap =>
847        SATISFIABLE (extend_vmap ptree var_to_elim vmap)
848      | _ => r
849  fun newkont r =
850      case (em, mode) of
851        (EXACT, EXACT) => kont (extend_satisfiable r)
852      | (EXACT, REAL) => let
853        in
854          case r of
855            CONTR _ => kont r
856          | _ => one_step ptree EDARK nextstage kont
857        end
858      | (REAL, REAL) => kont r
859      | (EDARK, EDARK) => kont (drop_contr (extend_satisfiable r))
860      | (EDARK, DARK) => kont (drop_contr (extend_satisfiable r))
861      | (DARK, DARK) => kont (drop_contr (extend_satisfiable r))
862      | _ => raise Fail "Can't happen - in newkont calculation"
863  fun newnextstage pt k = nextstage pt mode k
865  generate_crossproduct(newtree0, mode, var_to_elim, uppers, lowers,
866                        newnextstage, newkont)
869(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
870    toplevel ptree em kont
872   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
874fun toplevel ptree em kont = let
875  fun after_throwaway pt k =
876      if dbsize pt = 0 then
877        k (SATISFIABLE (zero_upto (dbwidth pt - 2)))
878      else if has_one_var ptree then
879        k (mode_result em (one_var_analysis ptree em))
880      else
881        one_step pt em toplevel k
883  throwaway_redundant_factoids ptree after_throwaway kont
886(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
887    work ptree kont
889   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
891fun work ptree k = toplevel ptree EXACT k
893(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
894   simple tests
896   open mlibOmegaMLShadow
897   fun failkont r = raise Fail "kont"
898   fun next1 pt em k = pt
900   fun fromList l = (mlibOmegaMLShadow.fromList l, ASM l)
902   datatype 'a prettyr = SAT of bool * (string * mlibOmegaint.int) list
903                    | PCONTR of 'a derivation
904                    | PNOCONC
905   fun v2list vs = #1 (List.foldr (fn(v,(acc,n)) =>
906                                     (("X"^Int.toString n, v)::acc, n - 1))
907                                  ([], length vs - 1) vs)
909   fun display_result orig r =
910       case r of
911         SATISFIABLE v => let
912           val limit = length (hd orig)
913           val satlist = List.tabulate(limit,
914                                       (fn i => if i = limit - 1 then
915                                                  mlibOmegaint.one
916                                                else mlibPatricia.find i v))
917           val vslistlist = map (fn c => ListPair.zip(c, satlist)) orig
918           open mlibOmegaint
919           val sumprod = List.foldl (fn((x,y),acc) => acc + fromInt x * y) zero
920         in
921           SAT (List.all (fn l => zero <= sumprod l) vslistlist,
922                v2list satlist)
923         end
924       | CONTR x => PCONTR x
925       | NO_CONCL => PNOCONC;
927   fun dbinsert db f =
928       add_check_factoid db f (fn db => fn g => db) failkont
929   fun gentree l =
930       List.foldl (fn (df,t) => dbinsert t (fromList df))
931                  (dbempty (length (hd l))) l;
933   val seed = Random.newgen()
934   fun gen_int() = Random.range(~15,16) seed
935   fun gen_constraint n  = List.tabulate(n, fn n => gen_int())
936   fun gen_test m n = List.tabulate(m, fn _ => gen_constraint n)
939   fun test l = work (gentree l) (display_result l);
941   fun test csts = let
942    fun add_csts db normalc exc csts =
943      case csts of
944        [] => normalc db
945      | (c::cs) =>
946           add_check_factoid db (fromList c)
947                                (fn db => fn k => add_csts db normalc k cs)
948                                exc
949   in
950     add_csts (dbempty (length (hd csts))) work display_result
951   end
953   test [[2,3,6],[~1,~4,7]];  (* exact elimination *)
954   test [[2,3,4],[~3,~4,7]];  (* dark shadow test *)
955   test [[2,3,4],[~3,~4,7],[4,5,~10]];  (* another dark shadow *)
956   test [[2,3,4],[~3,~4,7],[4,~5,~10]];  (* also satisfiable *)
957   test [[~3,~1,6],[2,1,~5],[3,~1,~3]];  (* a contradiction *)
958   test [[11,13,~27], [~11,~13,45],[7,~9,10],[~7,9,4]];  (* no conclusion *)
960   (* satisfiable after throwing away everything because of var 1 *)
961   test [[1,2,3,4],[2,1,4,3],[5,6,7,~8],[~3,2,~1,6]];
963   test [[1,2,3,4],[2,~2,3,~10],[2,3,~5,6],[~3,~2,1,7]];
965   test [[~9, ~11, ~8, 9, 11], [15, 0, 8, ~7, 8], [4, 3, 11, ~2, ~13],
966         [~13, ~8, ~14, 15, 8], [~10, 9, 15, ~13, 9], [~15, ~14, ~3, 2, 5],
967         [2, ~1, ~5, 14, ~7]];
970   (* very poor performance exhibited here: *)
971   test [[13, ~5, ~12, 11, 1, ~5, ~3, ~6], [14, ~6, ~8, ~1, 4, ~10, 15, 6],
972         [9, ~5, 1, 10, 2, ~1, ~2, 0], [~1, ~13, 14, ~3, 11, ~9, 14, 9],
973         [~13, 1, 5, ~14, ~6, ~3, 14, 12], [11, 8, 9, 12, 1, ~2, ~6, 8],
974         [~14, ~8, ~4, ~2, ~3, 13, ~7, ~10], [~3, 3, ~14, ~3, ~7, 4, ~6, ~6]];
976   fun print_test (l:int list list) = ignore (printVal l)
978   val current_goal = ref ([] : int list list)
979   val slow_goals = ref  ([] : int list list list)
980   fun sattest i timelimit numcsts numvars = if i <= 0 then ()
981                       else let
982                           val t = gen_test numcsts numvars
983                           val _ = current_goal := t (* OK *)
984                           val ctimer = Timer.startCPUTimer()
985                           val result = test t
986                           val timetaken = Timer.checkCPUTimer ctimer
987                           val _ = if Time.>(#usr timetaken,
988                                             Time.fromSeconds timelimit) then
989                                     slow_goals := t :: (!slow_goals) (* OK *)
990                                   else ()
991                         in
992                           case result of
993                             SAT (b, _) => if b then print "SAT - OK\n"
994                                           else (print "SAT - FAILED\n";
995                                                 print_test t;
996                                                 print "SAT - FAILED\n\n")
997                           | PCONTR _ => print "CONTR\n"
998                           | PNOCONC => print "PNOCONC\n";
999                           sattest (i - 1) timelimit numcsts numvars
1000                         end
1003   fun can_throwaway ptree = let
1004     val next = throwaway_redundant_factoids ptree (fn p => fn k => p) failkont
1005   in
1006     dbsize next < dbsize ptree
1007   end
1009   fun dbonestep ptree em =
1010     throwaway_redundant_factoids ptree
1011                                  (fn p =>
1012                                      fn k =>
1013                                         one_step ptree em
1014                                                  (fn pt =>
1015                                                      fn em =>
1016                                                         fn k => (pt, em))
1017                                                  k) failkont
1019   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
1022end (* struct *)