1structure Term :> Term =
4open Feedback Lib KernelTypes Type
6val kernelid = "expknl"
8infixr --> |->
10val ERR = mk_HOL_ERR "Term"
11val WARN = HOL_WARNING "Term"
13(* used internally to avoid term rebuilding during substitution and
14   type instantiation *)
15exception Unchanged
17fun qcomb2 con (f, g) (x, y) =
18  let val fx = f x
19  in
20    let val gy = g y
21    in
22      con (fx, gy)
23    end handle Unchanged => con (fx, y)
24  end handle Unchanged => let val gy = g y in con (x, gy) end
26(* apply a function f under "constructor" con, handling Unchanged *)
27fun qcomb con f = qcomb2 con (f, f)
29type 'a set = 'a HOLset.set
31val compare_key = KernelSig.name_compare
32val compare_cinfo = KernelSig.id_compare
34val c2string = KernelSig.id_toString
35val id2string  = KernelSig.name_toString
37val const_table = KernelSig.new_table()
39fun prim_delete_const kn = ignore (KernelSig.retire_name(const_table, kn))
41fun inST s = not (null (KernelSig.listName const_table s))
43fun prim_new_const (k as {Thy,Name}) ty = let
44  val id = KernelSig.insert(const_table, k, ty)
46  Const(id, ty)
49fun uptodate_term tm = let
50  fun recurse tmlist =
51      case tmlist of
52        [] => true
53      | tm :: rest => let
54        in
55          case tm of
56            Var(s, ty) => uptodate_type ty andalso recurse rest
57          | Const(info, ty) => KernelSig.uptodate_id info andalso
58                               uptodate_type ty andalso
59                               recurse rest
60          | App(f, x) => recurse (f::x::rest)
61          | Abs(v, body) => recurse (v::body::rest)
62        end
64  recurse [tm]
67fun thy_consts s = let
68  fun f (k, info as (_, ty), acc) =
69      if #Thy k = s andalso Type.uptodate_type ty then Const info :: acc
70      else acc
72  KernelSig.foldl f [] const_table
75fun del_segment s = KernelSig.del_segment(const_table, s)
77fun prim_decls s = KernelSig.listName const_table s
79fun decls s = let
80  fun foldthis (k,cinfo as (_, v),acc) =
81      if #Name k = s andalso Type.uptodate_type v then Const cinfo::acc else acc
83  KernelSig.foldl foldthis  [] const_table
86fun all_consts () = let
87  fun foldthis (_,cinfo as (_, v),acc) =
88      if Type.uptodate_type v then Const cinfo :: acc else acc
90  KernelSig.foldl foldthis [] const_table
94fun type_of t = let
95  fun ty_of t k =
96      case t of
97        Var(_, ty) => k ty
98      | App(t1, t2) => ty_of t1 (fn ty => k (#2 (dom_rng ty)))
99      | Const(_, ty) => k ty
100      | Abs(Var(_, ty1), t) => ty_of t (fn tty => k (ty1 --> tty))
101      | _ => raise Fail "Catastrophic invariant failure"
103  ty_of t Lib.I
107(* discriminators *)
108fun is_var (Var _) = true | is_var _ = false
109fun is_const (Const _) = true | is_const _ = false
110fun is_abs (Abs _) = true | is_abs _ = false
111fun is_comb (App _) = true | is_comb _ = false
113fun same_const t1 t2 =
114    case (t1, t2) of
115      (Const(r1, _), Const(r2, _)) => r1 = r2
116    | _ => false
118(* constructors - variables *)
119val mk_var = Var
121local val genvar_prefix = "%%genvar%%"
122      fun num2name i = genvar_prefix^Lib.int_to_string i
123      val nameStrm = Lib.mk_istream (fn x => x+1) 0 num2name
125fun genvar ty = Var(state(next nameStrm), ty)
127fun genvars ty =
128 let fun gen acc n = if n <= 0 then rev acc else gen (genvar ty::acc) (n-1)
129 in gen []
130 end
132fun is_genvar (Var(Name,_)) = String.isPrefix genvar_prefix Name
133  | is_genvar _ = false;
136(* constructors - constants *)
137fun mk_const(s, ty) =
138    case prim_decls s of
139      [] => raise ERR "mk_const" ("No constant with name "^s)
140    | [(_, (id,basety))] => if can (match_type basety) ty then
141                         Const (id, ty)
142                       else raise ERR "mk_const"
143                                      ("Not a type instance: "^c2string id)
144    | (_, (id,basety))::_ =>
145         if can (match_type basety) ty then
146           (WARN "mk_const" (s^": more than one possibility"); Const (id,ty))
147         else raise ERR "mk_const" ("Not a type instance: "^ c2string id)
149fun prim_mk_const (k as {Thy, Name}) =
150    case KernelSig.peek(const_table, k) of
151      NONE => raise ERR "prim_mk_const" ("No such constant: "^id2string k)
152    | SOME x => Const x
154fun mk_thy_const {Thy,Name,Ty} = let
155  val k = {Thy = Thy, Name = Name}
157  case KernelSig.peek(const_table, k) of
158    NONE => raise ERR "mk_thy_const" ("No such constant: "^id2string k)
159  | SOME (id,basety) => if can (match_type basety) Ty then
160                          Const(id, Ty)
161                        else raise ERR "mk_thy_const"
162                                       ("Not a type instance: "^id2string k)
165(* constructors - applications *)
166local val INCOMPAT_TYPES  = Lib.C ERR "incompatible types"
167      fun lmk_comb err =
168        let fun loop (A,_) [] = A
169              | loop (A,typ) (tm::rst) =
170                 let val (ty1,ty2) = with_exn Type.dom_rng typ err
171                 in if type_of tm = ty1
172                    then loop(App(A,tm),ty2) rst
173                    else raise err
174                 end
175        in fn (f,L) => loop(f, type_of f) L
176        end
177      val lmk_comb = (fn err => (* Profile.profile "lmk_comb" *)(lmk_comb err))
178      val mk_comb0 = lmk_comb (INCOMPAT_TYPES "mk_comb")
181fun mk_comb(r as (Abs(Var(_,Ty),_), Rand)) =
182      if type_of Rand = Ty then App r else raise INCOMPAT_TYPES "mk_comb"
183  | mk_comb(Rator,Rand) = mk_comb0 (Rator,[Rand])
185val list_mk_comb = lmk_comb (INCOMPAT_TYPES "list_mk_comb")
189(* constructors - abstractions *)
190fun mk_abs(v, body) =
191    if is_var v then Abs(v, body)
192    else raise ERR "mk_abs" "Arg 1 not a variable"
195(* destructors *)
197fun dest_var (Var p) = p
198  | dest_var _ = raise ERR "dest_var" "Term not a variable"
200fun dest_const(Const(r, ty)) = (KernelSig.name_of r, ty)
201  | dest_const _ = raise ERR "dest_const" "Term not a constant"
203fun dest_thy_const t = let
204  open KernelSig
206  case t of
207    Const(r, ty) => {Thy = seg_of r, Name = name_of r, Ty = ty}
208  | _ => raise ERR "dest_thy_const" "Term not a constant"
211fun dest_comb(App p) = p
212  | dest_comb _ = raise ERR "dest_comb" "Term not a comb"
214val rator = #1 o dest_comb
215val rand = #2 o dest_comb
217fun dest_abs(Abs p) = p
218  | dest_abs _ = raise ERR "dest_abs" "Term not an abstraction"
219val bvar = #1 o dest_abs
220val body = #2 o dest_abs
222fun strip_binder binder = let
223  val f = case binder of
224            NONE => (fn t => if is_abs t then SOME t else NONE)
225          | SOME c => (fn t => let
226                            val (rator, rand) = dest_comb t
227                          in
228                            if same_const rator c andalso is_abs rand then
229                              SOME rand
230                            else NONE
231                          end handle HOL_ERR _ => NONE)
232  fun recurse acc t =
233      case f t of
234        NONE => (List.rev acc, t)
235      | SOME abs => let
236          val (v, body) = dest_abs abs
237        in
238          recurse (v::acc) body
239        end
241  recurse []
244val strip_abs = strip_binder NONE
246(* free variable calculations *)
248fun var_compare p =
249    case p of
250      (Var(s1, ty1), Var(s2, ty2)) => let
251      in
252        case String.compare(s1, s2) of
253          EQUAL => Type.compare(ty1, ty2)
254        | x => x
255      end
256    | _ => raise ERR "var_compare" "variables required"
258val empty_varset = HOLset.empty var_compare
261fun FV (v as Var _) A k = k (Lib.insert v A)
262  | FV (App(f, x)) A k = FV f A (fn q => FV x q k)
263  | FV (Abs(v, bdy)) A k =
264    if mem v A then FV bdy A k
265    else FV bdy A (fn q => k (Lib.set_diff q [v]))
266  | FV _ A k = k A
268fun free_vars tm = FV tm [] Lib.I
271fun free_vars_lr tm = let
272  fun FV (v as Var _) A = Lib.insert v A
273    | FV (App(f, x)) A = FV x (FV f A)
274    | FV (Abs(v, body)) A = if Lib.mem v A
275                            then FV body A
276                            else Lib.set_diff (FV body A) [v]
277    | FV _ A = A
279  List.rev (FV tm [])
283fun safe_delete(s, i) = HOLset.delete(s, i) handle HOLset.NotFound => s
285datatype FVaction = FVTM of term | DELvar of term
287fun FVL0 tlist acc =
288    case tlist of
289      [] => acc
290    | (FVTM t::ts) => let
291      in
292        case t of
293          (v as Var _) => FVL0 ts (HOLset.add(acc, v))
294        | Const _ => FVL0 ts acc
295        | App(f, x) => FVL0 (FVTM f :: FVTM x :: ts) acc
296        | Abs(v, bdy) =>
297          if HOLset.member(acc, v) then FVL0 (FVTM bdy :: ts) acc
298          else FVL0 (FVTM bdy :: DELvar v :: ts) acc
299      end
300    | DELvar v :: ts => FVL0 ts (safe_delete(acc, v))
302fun FVL tlist = FVL0 (map FVTM tlist)
306  fun vars (v as Var _) A = Lib.insert v A
307    | vars (App(f, x)) A = vars x (vars f A)
308    | vars (Abs(v, bdy)) A = vars bdy (vars v A)
309    | vars _ A = A
311fun all_vars tm = vars tm []
314fun free_varsl tm_list = itlist (union o free_vars) tm_list []
315fun all_varsl tm_list = itlist (union o all_vars) tm_list []
317(* term comparison *)
318fun fast_term_eq t1 t2 = Portable.pointer_eq (t1,t2)
319structure Map = Binarymap
320val empty_env = Map.mkDict var_compare
321fun compare p = let
322  open Map
323  fun cmp n (E as (env1, env2)) (p as (t1,t2)) =
324      if n = 0 andalso fast_term_eq t1 t2 then EQUAL
325      else
326        case p of
327          (v1 as Var _, v2 as Var _) => let
328          in
329            case (peek(env1, v1), peek(env2, v2)) of
330              (NONE, NONE) => var_compare(v1, v2)
331            | (SOME _, NONE) => GREATER
332            | (NONE, SOME _) => LESS
333            | (SOME i, SOME j) => Int.compare(j, i)
334              (* flipping i & j deliberate; mimics deBruijn implementation's
335                 behaviour, which would number variables in reverse order
336                 from that done here *)
337          end
338        | (Var _, _) => LESS
339        | (_, Var _) => GREATER
340        | (Const(cid1, ty1), Const(cid2, ty2)) => let
341          in
342            case compare_cinfo(cid1, cid2) of
343              EQUAL => Type.compare(ty1, ty2)
344            | x => x
345          end
346        | (Const _, _) => LESS
347        | (_, Const _) => GREATER
348        | (App(M, N), App(P, Q)) => let
349          in
350            case cmp n E (M, P) of
351              EQUAL => cmp n E (N, Q)
352            | x => x
353          end
354        | (App _, Abs _) => LESS
355        | (Abs _, App _) => GREATER
356        | (Abs(v1, bdy1), Abs(v2, bdy2)) => let
357          in
358            case Type.compare(type_of v1, type_of v2) of
359              EQUAL => cmp (n + 1) (insert(env1, v1, n), insert(env2, v2, n))
360                           (bdy1, bdy2)
361            | x => x
362          end
364  cmp 0 (empty_env, empty_env) p
367val empty_tmset = HOLset.empty compare
369(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
370    All "atoms" (variables (bound or free) and constants).
372    Does not respect alpha-equivalence
373   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
375fun all_atomsl tlist A =
376    case tlist of
377        [] => A
378      | t::ts =>
379        let
380        in
381          case t of
382              Var _ => all_atomsl ts (HOLset.add(A,t))
383            | Const _ => all_atomsl ts (HOLset.add(A,t))
384            | App(Rator,Rand) => all_atomsl (Rator::Rand::ts) A
385            | Abs(v,body) => all_atomsl (body::ts) (HOLset.add(A,v))
386        end
388fun all_atoms t = all_atomsl [t] empty_tmset
391fun aconv t1 t2 = compare(t1, t2) = EQUAL
393val term_eq = aconv
395fun free_in M N = let
396  val Mfvs = FVL [M] empty_varset
397  fun recurse t =
398      if compare(M, t) = EQUAL then true
399      else
400        case t of
401          Var _ => false
402        | Const _ => false
403        | App(f, x) => recurse f orelse recurse x
404        | Abs(v, bdy) => not (HOLset.member(Mfvs, v)) andalso
405                         recurse bdy
407  recurse N
410fun var_occurs M = let
411  val v = case M of
412            Var v => v
413          | _ => raise ERR "var_occurs" "Term not a variable"
414  fun occ (Var u) = (v = u)
415    | occ (Const _) = false
416    | occ (App(f, x)) = occ f orelse occ x
417    | occ (Abs(Var u, body)) = u <> v andalso occ body
418    | occ (Abs _) = raise Fail "catastrophic invariant failure"
420  occ
423fun type_vars_in_term t = let
424  fun tyv t k =
425      case t of
426        Var(_, ty) => k (Type.type_vars ty)
427      | Const(_, ty) => k (Type.type_vars ty)
428      | App(f, x) => tyv f (fn fq => tyv x (fn xq => k (union fq xq)))
429      | Abs(x, b) => tyv x (fn xq => tyv b (fn bq => k (union xq bq)))
431  tyv t Lib.I
434(* two different substs; monomorphism restriction bites again; later code
435   gives these different types *)
436val emptyvsubst = Map.mkDict compare
437val emptysubst = Map.mkDict compare
439val empty_stringset = HOLset.empty String.compare
441(* it's hard to calculate free names simply by traversing a term because
442   of the situation where \x:ty1. body has x:ty1 and x:ty2 as free variables
443   in body.  So, though it may be slightly less efficient, my solution here
444   is to just calculate the free variables and then calculate the image of
445   this set under name extraction *)
446val free_names = let
447  fun fold_name (v, acc) = HOLset.add(acc, #1 (dest_var v))
449  (fn t => HOLset.foldl fold_name empty_stringset (FVL [t] empty_varset))
452(* jrh's caml light HOL Light code
453let vsubst =
454  let mk_qcomb = qcomb(fun (x,y) -> Comb(x,y)) in
455  let rec vsubst theta tm =
456    match tm with
457      Var(_,_)  -> (try snd(rev_assoc tm theta)
458                    with Failure _ -> raise Unchanged)
459    | Const(_,_) -> raise Unchanged
460    | Comb(f,x) -> mk_qcomb (vsubst theta) (f,x)
461    | Abs(_,_) -> fst(vasubst theta tm)
462  and vasubst theta tm =
463    match tm with
464      Var(_,_)  -> (try snd(rev_assoc tm theta),[tm]
465                  with Failure _ -> raise Unchanged)
466    | Const(_,_) -> raise Unchanged
467    | Comb(l,r) -> (try let l',vs = vasubst theta l in
468                        try let r',vt = vasubst theta r in
469                            Comb(l',r'),union vs vt
470                        with Unchanged -> Comb(l',r),vs
471                    with Unchanged ->
472                        let r',vt = vasubst theta r in Comb(l,r'),vt)
473    | Abs(v,bod) -> let theta' = filter (prefix<> v o snd) theta in
474                    if theta' = [] then raise Unchanged else
475                    let bod',vs = vasubst theta' bod in
476                    let tms = map
477                      (eval o fst o C rev_assoc theta') vs in
478                    if exists (mem v) tms then
479                      let fvs = itlist union tms (subtract (frees bod) vs) in
480                      let v' = variant fvs v in
481                      let bod',vars' = vasubst
482                        (((eager [v'],v'),v)::theta') bod in
483                      Abs(v',bod'),subtract vars' [v]
484                    else
485                      Abs(v,bod'),vs in
486  fun theta ->
487    if theta = [] then (fun tm -> tm) else
488    let atheta = map
489      (fun (t,x) -> if type_of t = snd(dest_var x)
490                    then (lazy frees t,t),x
491                    else failwith "vsubst: Bad substitution list") theta in
492    qtry(vsubst atheta);;
495fun set_name_variant nmset n = let
496  fun loop n = if HOLset.member(nmset, n) then loop (n ^ "'") else n
498  loop n
503  open Map
505  datatype fvinfo = FVI of { current : term HOLset.set,
506                             is_full : bool,
507                             left : fvinfo option, (* also used for Abs *)
508                             right : fvinfo option }
509  fun leaf (s, b) =
510    FVI {current = s, is_full = b, left = NONE, right = NONE}
511  fun current (FVI r) = #current r
512  fun is_full (FVI r) = #is_full r
513  fun left (FVI r) = valOf (#left r)
514  fun right (FVI r) = valOf (#right r)
515  (* computes a tree with information about the set of free variables in tm,
516     returns early when all redexes in theta have become bound *)
517  fun calculate_fvinfo theta_opt tm =
518      case tm of
519        Var _ => leaf (HOLset.singleton var_compare tm, true)
520      | Const _ => leaf (empty_varset, true)
521      | App (f, x) =>
522        let
523          val fvs = calculate_fvinfo theta_opt f
524          val xvs = calculate_fvinfo theta_opt x
525        in
526          FVI {current = HOLset.union (current fvs, current xvs),
527               is_full = is_full fvs andalso is_full xvs,
528               left = SOME fvs, right = SOME xvs}
529        end
530      | Abs (v, body) =>
531        let
532          val theta'_opt = Option.map
533            (fn theta => #1 (remove (theta, v)) handle NotFound => theta)
534            theta_opt
535        in
536          if isSome theta'_opt andalso numItems (valOf theta'_opt) = 0 then
537            (* return early *)
538            leaf (empty_varset, false)
539          else
540            let
541              val bodyvs = calculate_fvinfo theta'_opt body
542            in
543              FVI {current = safe_delete (current bodyvs, v),
544                   is_full = is_full bodyvs,
545                   left = SOME bodyvs, right = NONE}
546            end
547        end
548  (* expands a (possibly partial) tree with information about the set of free
549     variables in tm into a tree with full information *)
550  fun expand_partial_fvinfo tm fvi =
551    if is_full fvi then
552      raise Unchanged
553    else
554      case tm of
555        App (f, x) =>
556          qcomb2 (fn (fvs, xvs) =>
557              FVI {current = HOLset.union (current fvs, current xvs),
558                   is_full = true,
559                   left = SOME fvs, right = SOME xvs})
560            (expand_partial_fvinfo f, expand_partial_fvinfo x)
561            (left fvi, right fvi)
562      | Abs (v, body) =>
563          let
564            val bodyvs = expand_partial_fvinfo body (left fvi)
565              handle Option => calculate_fvinfo NONE body
566          in
567            FVI {current = safe_delete (current bodyvs, v),
568                 is_full = true,
569                 left = SOME bodyvs, right = NONE}
570          end
571      | _ => raise Fail "expand_partial_fvinfo: catastrophic invariant failure"
573  fun filtertheta theta fvset = let
574    (* Removes entries in theta for things not in fvset.  theta likely to
575       be much smaller than fvset, so fold over that rather than the
576       other *)
577    fun foldthis (k,v,acc) = if HOLset.member(fvset, k) then insert(acc, k, v)
578                             else acc
579  in
580    foldl foldthis emptyvsubst theta
581  end
583  fun augvsubst theta fvi tm =
584      case tm of
585        Var _ => (case peek (theta, tm) of NONE => raise Unchanged
586                                         | SOME (_, t) => t)
587      | Const _ => raise Unchanged
588      | App p => qcomb2 App
589          (augvsubst theta (left fvi), augvsubst theta (right fvi)) p
590      | Abs (v, body) => let
591          val theta' = #1 (remove (theta, v)) handle NotFound => theta
592          val _ = if numItems theta' = 0 then raise Unchanged else ()
593          val (vname, vty) = dest_var v
594          val currentfvs = current fvi
595          val body_fvi = left fvi
596          (* first calculate the new names we are about to introduce into
597             the term *)
598          fun foldthis (k, v, acc) =
599              if HOLset.member (currentfvs, k) then
600                HOLset.union (acc, Susp.force (#1 v))
601              else acc
602          val newnames = foldl foldthis empty_stringset theta'
603        in
604          if HOLset.member (newnames, vname) then
605            let
606              (* now need to vary v, avoiding both newnames, and also the
607                 existing free-names of the whole term. *)
608              val body_fvi = expand_partial_fvinfo body body_fvi
609                handle Unchanged => body_fvi
610              val bodyfvs = current body_fvi
611              fun foldthis (fv, acc) = HOLset.add (acc, #1 (dest_var fv))
612              val allfreenames = HOLset.foldl foldthis newnames bodyfvs
613              val new_vname = set_name_variant allfreenames vname
614              val new_v = mk_var (new_vname, vty)
615              val new_theta =
616                if HOLset.member (bodyfvs, v) then
617                  let
618                    val singleton = HOLset.singleton String.compare new_vname
619                  in
620                    insert (theta', v,
621                      (Susp.delay (fn () => singleton), new_v))
622                  end
623                else theta'
624            in
625              Abs (new_v, augvsubst new_theta body_fvi body)
626            end
627          else
628            Abs (v, augvsubst theta' body_fvi body)
629        end
631  fun vsubst theta tm =
632      case tm of
633        Var _ => (case peek(theta, tm) of NONE => raise Unchanged
634                                        | SOME (_, t) => t)
635      | Const _ => raise Unchanged
636      | App p  => qcomb App (vsubst theta) p
637      | Abs _ => let
638          val fvi = calculate_fvinfo (SOME theta) tm
639          val theta' = filtertheta theta (current fvi)
640        in
641          if numItems theta' = 0 then raise Unchanged
642          else augvsubst theta' fvi tm
643        end
645  fun ssubst theta t =
646      (* only used to substitute in fresh variables (genvars), so no
647         capture check -- potentially incorrect (because there is no
648         guarantee that genvars are actually fresh) *)
649      if numItems theta = 0 then raise Unchanged
650      else
651        case peek(theta, t) of
652          SOME v => v
653        | NONE => let
654          in
655            case t of
656              App p => qcomb App (ssubst theta) p
657            | Abs(v, body) => let
658                fun modify_theta (k,value,newtheta) =
659                    if free_in v k then newtheta
660                    else insert(newtheta, k, value)
661                val newtheta = foldl modify_theta emptysubst theta
662              in
663                Abs(v, ssubst newtheta body)
664              end
665            | _ => raise Unchanged
666          end
668  fun vsubst_insert (map, k, v) =
669      insert (map, k, (Susp.delay (fn () => free_names v), v))
672(* Due to the missing capture check in ssubst, subst can produce wrong results
673   (with accidental variable capture) unless all redexes in theta are
674   variables.
676   Therefore, all calls to subst that occur in Thm must ensure this
677   precondition. *)
679fun subst theta =
680    if null theta then I
681    else if List.all (is_var o #redex) theta then let
682        fun foldthis ({redex, residue}, acc) = let
683          val _ = type_of redex = type_of residue
684                  orelse raise ERR "vsubst" "Bad substitution list"
685        in
686          if redex = residue then acc
687          else vsubst_insert (acc, redex, residue)
688        end
689        val atheta = List.foldl foldthis emptyvsubst theta
690      in
691        if numItems atheta = 0 then I
692        else (fn tm => vsubst atheta tm handle Unchanged => tm)
693      end
694    else let
695        fun foldthis ({redex,residue}, (theta1, theta2)) = let
696          val _ = type_of redex = type_of residue
697                  orelse raise ERR "vsubst" "Bad substitution list"
698          val gv = genvar (type_of redex)
699        in
700          (insert (theta1, redex, gv), vsubst_insert (theta2, gv, residue))
701        end
702        val (theta1, theta2) =
703            List.foldl foldthis (emptysubst, emptyvsubst) theta
704      in
705        (fn tm => vsubst theta2 (ssubst theta1 tm)
706                  handle Unchanged => tm)
707      end
709end (* local *)
713 *     Instantiate type variables in a term                                  *
714 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
717  exception NeedToRename of term
718  structure Map = struct open Redblackmap end
719  fun inst1 theta ctxt t =
720      case t of
721        (c as Const(r, ty)) => (case ty_sub theta ty of
722                                  SAME => raise Unchanged
723                                | DIFF ty => Const(r, ty))
724      | (v as Var(name,ty0)) => let
725          val (changed, nv) = case ty_sub theta ty0 of
726                                  SAME => (false, v)
727                                | DIFF ty => (true, Var(name, ty))
728        in
729          case Map.peek (ctxt, nv) of
730                SOME oldtype => if oldtype = ty0 then ()
731                                else raise NeedToRename nv
732              | NONE => ();
733          if changed then nv
734          else raise Unchanged
735        end
736      | App p => qcomb App (inst1 theta ctxt) p
737      | Abs (v as Var(n, ty), body) => let
738        in
739          let
740            val (changed, v') = case ty_sub theta ty of
741                                  SAME => (false, v)
742                                | DIFF ty' => (true, Var(n, ty'))
743          in let
744               val body' = SOME (inst1 theta (Map.insert(ctxt,v',ty)) body)
745                           handle Unchanged => NONE
746             in
747               case (body', changed) of
748                 (SOME t, _) => Abs(v', t)
749               | (NONE, true) => Abs(v', body)
750               | (NONE, false) => raise Unchanged
751             end handle e as NeedToRename v'' =>
752                     if v' = v'' then let
753                         val free_names = free_names t
754                         val new_name = set_name_variant free_names n
755                         val newv = Var(new_name, ty)
756                       in
757                         inst1 theta ctxt (Abs(newv, subst [v |-> newv] body))
758                       end
759                     else raise e
760          end
761        end
762      | Abs _ => raise Fail "inst1: catastrophic invariant failure!"
765fun inst [] tm = tm
766  | inst theta tm = inst1 theta (Map.mkDict compare) tm handle Unchanged => tm
769val inst : (hol_type, hol_type) Lib.subst -> term -> term = inst
773  val FORMAT = ERR "list_mk_binder"
774   "expected first arg to be a constant of type :(<ty>_1 -> <ty>_2) -> <ty>_3"
775  fun check_opt NONE = Lib.I
776    | check_opt (SOME c) =
777      if not(is_const c) then raise FORMAT
778      else case total (fst o Type.dom_rng o fst o Type.dom_rng o type_of) c of
779             NONE => raise FORMAT
780           | SOME ty => (fn abs =>
781                            let val dom = fst(Type.dom_rng(type_of abs))
782                            in mk_comb (inst[ty |-> dom] c, abs)
783                            end)
785fun list_mk_binder binder = let
786  val f = check_opt binder
787  (* As of Mosml2.00, List.foldr is clearly not tail recursive, and you can
788     blow the stack with big lists here.  Thus, the reversing of the list and
789     the use of foldl instead, relying on the fact that it's hard to imagine
790     not writing foldl tail-recursively *)
792  fn (vlist, tm) => List.foldl (f o mk_abs) tm (List.rev vlist)
794end (* local *)
796val list_mk_abs = list_mk_binder NONE
799fun beta_conv (App (Abs (v, body), x)) =
800  if x = v then body else subst [v |-> x] body
801  | beta_conv (App _) =
802  raise ERR "beta_conv" "LHS not an abstraction"
803  | beta_conv _ =
804  raise ERR "beta_conv" "Term not an application"
806val lazy_beta_conv = beta_conv
808fun eta_conv (Abs (x, App (f, x'))) =
809  if x = x' andalso not (free_in x f) then
810    f
811  else raise ERR "eta_conv" "Term not an eta-redex"
812  | eta_conv _ =
813  raise ERR "eta_conv" "Term not an eta-redex"
817 * Given a variable and a list of variables, if the variable does not exist  *
818 * on the list, then return the variable. Otherwise, rename the variable and *
819 * try again. Note well that the variant uses only the name of the variable  *
820 * as a basis for testing equality. Experience has shown that basing the     *
821 * comparison on both the name and the type of the variable resulted in      *
822 * needlessly confusing formulas occasionally being displayed in interactive *
823 * sessions.                                                                 *
824 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
826fun gen_variant P caller =
827  let fun var_name _ (Var(Name,_)) = Name
828        | var_name caller _ = raise ERR caller "not a variable"
829      fun vary vlist (Var(Name,Ty)) =
830          let val L = map (var_name caller) vlist
831              fun loop s =
832                  if mem s L orelse P s then loop (s ^ "'")
833                  else s
834          in mk_var(loop Name, Ty)
835          end
836        | vary _ _ = raise ERR caller "2nd argument should be a variable"
837  in vary
838  end;
840val variant      = gen_variant inST "variant"
841val prim_variant = gen_variant (K false) "prim_variant";
843fun numvariant avoids (Var(Name,Ty)) =
844    let
845      fun var_name (Var(Name,_)) = Name
846        | var_name _ =
847             raise ERR "numvariant" "Avoids list contains non-variable"
848      val nms = map var_name avoids
849      fun vary s = let val s' = Lexis.tmvar_vary s
850                   in
851                     if inST s' then vary s' else s'
852                   end
853    in
854      mk_var(Lexis.gen_variant vary nms Name, Ty)
855    end
856  | numvariant _ _ =
857      raise ERR "numvariant" "2nd argument should be a variable"
859fun mk_primed_var p = gen_variant inST "mk_primed_var" [] (mk_var p)
862(* In the name-carrying implementation this operation is no longer constant
863   time *)
864fun rename_bvar newname t =
865    case t of
866      Abs(v, body) => let
867        val (nm, ty) = dest_var v
868        val newvar0 = mk_var(newname, ty)
869        val newvar = variant (free_vars t) newvar0
870      in
871        Abs(newvar, subst [v |-> newvar] body)
872      end
873    | _ => raise ERR "rename_bvar" "Term not an abstraction"
877(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
878    Matching
879   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
881fun lookup x ids = let
882  fun look [] = if HOLset.member(ids, x) then SOME x else NONE
883    | look ({redex,residue}::t) = if x = redex then SOME residue else look t
885  look
888fun bvar_free (bvmap, tm) = let
889  (* return true if none of the free variables occur as keys in bvmap *)
890  fun recurse bs t =
891      case t of
892        v as Var _ => HOLset.member(bs, v) orelse
893                      not (isSome (Map.peek(bvmap, v)))
894      | Const _ => true
895      | App(f,x) => recurse bs f andalso recurse bs x
896      | Abs(v, body) => recurse (HOLset.add(bs, v)) body
898  Map.numItems bvmap = 0 orelse recurse empty_varset tm
901fun MERR s = raise ERR "raw_match_term" s
903fun add_id v {ids, patbvars, obbvars, theta, n} =
904    {ids = HOLset.add(ids, v), patbvars = patbvars, obbvars = obbvars, n = n,
905     theta = theta}
906fun add_binding v tm {ids, patbvars, obbvars, theta, n} =
907    {ids = ids, patbvars = patbvars, obbvars = obbvars, n = n,
908     theta = (v |-> tm) :: theta}
910type tminfo = {ids : term HOLset.set, n : int,
911               patbvars : (term,int)Map.dict,
912               obbvars :  (term,int)Map.dict,
913               theta : (term,term) Lib.subst}
915datatype tmpair = TMP of term * term
916                | BVrestore of {patbvars : (term,int)Map.dict,
917                                obbvars : (term,int)Map.dict,
918                                n : int}
920fun RM patobs (theta0 as (tminfo, tyS)) =
921    case patobs of
922      [] => theta0
923    | TMP po::rest => let
924      in
925        case po of
926          (v as Var(_, ty), tm) => let
927          in
928            case Map.peek(#patbvars tminfo, v) of
929              NONE => (* var on left not bound *) let
930              in
931                if bvar_free (#obbvars tminfo, tm) then
932                  RM rest ((case lookup v (#ids tminfo) (#theta tminfo) of
933                              NONE => if v = tm then add_id v tminfo
934                                      else add_binding v tm tminfo
935                            | SOME tm' => if aconv tm' tm then tminfo
936                                          else MERR "double bind"),
937                           Type.raw_match_type ty (type_of tm) tyS)
938                else
939                  MERR "Attempt to capture bound variable"
940              end
941            | SOME i => if is_var tm andalso
942                           Map.peek(#obbvars tminfo, tm) = SOME i
943                        then
944                          RM rest theta0
945                        else MERR "Bound var doesn't match"
946          end
947        | (Const(c1, ty1), Const(c2, ty2)) =>
948          if c1 <> c2 then MERR ("Different constants: "^c2string c1^" and "^
949                                 c2string c2)
950          else RM rest (tminfo, Type.raw_match_type ty1 ty2 tyS)
951        | (App(f1, x1), App(f2, x2)) =>
952          RM (TMP (f1, f2) :: TMP (x1, x2) :: rest) theta0
953        | (Abs(x1, bdy1), Abs(x2, bdy2)) => let
954            val tyS' = Type.raw_match_type (type_of x1) (type_of x2) tyS
955            val {ids, patbvars, obbvars, n, theta} = tminfo
956          in
957            RM (TMP (bdy1, bdy2) ::
958                BVrestore {patbvars = patbvars, obbvars = obbvars, n = n} ::
959                rest)
960               ({ids = #ids tminfo, n = n + 1, theta = theta,
961                 patbvars = Map.insert(patbvars, x1, n),
962                 obbvars = Map.insert(obbvars, x2, n)}, tyS')
963          end
964        | _ => MERR "different constructors"
965      end
966    | BVrestore{patbvars, obbvars, n} :: rest => let
967        val {ids, theta, ...} = tminfo
968      in
969        RM rest ({ids = ids, theta = theta, patbvars = patbvars,
970                  obbvars = obbvars, n = n}, tyS)
971      end
973(* tyfixed: list of type variables that mustn't be instantiated
974   tmfixed: set of term variables that mustn't be instantiated
975   pat    : term "pattern" to match
976   theta0 : an existing matching
979fun postRM (tmtheta : tminfo, tyS) = ((#theta tmtheta, #ids tmtheta), tyS)
981val empty_intsubst = Map.mkDict compare
983fun raw_match tyfixed tmfixed pat ob (tmS, tyS) =
984    postRM (RM [TMP (pat, ob)] ({ids = tmfixed, n = 0, theta = tmS,
985                                 patbvars = empty_intsubst,
986                                 obbvars = empty_intsubst},
987                                (tyS, tyfixed)))
989(* val raw_match0 = raw_match
990fun raw_match tyf tmf pat ob =
991    Profile.profile "raw_match" (raw_match0 tyf tmf pat ob) *)
993fun norm_subst ((tmS,_),(tyS,_)) =
994 let val Theta = inst tyS
995     fun del A [] = A
996       | del A ({redex,residue}::rst) =
997         del (let val redex' = Theta(redex)
998              in if residue=redex' then A else (redex' |-> residue)::A
999              end) rst
1000 in (del [] tmS,tyS)
1001 end
1003fun match_terml tyfixed tmfixed pat ob =
1004 norm_subst (raw_match tyfixed tmfixed pat ob ([],[]))
1006val match_term = match_terml [] empty_varset;
1008fun size acc tlist =
1009    case tlist of
1010      [] => acc
1011    | t :: ts => let
1012      in
1013        case t of
1014          Var _ => size (1 + acc) ts
1015        | Const _ => size (1 + acc) ts
1016        | App(t1, t2) => size (1 + acc) (t1 :: t2 :: ts)
1017        | Abs(_, b) => size (1 + acc) (b :: ts)
1018      end
1020fun term_size t = size 0 [t]
1025val imp = let
1026  val k = {Name = "==>", Thy = "min"}
1028  prim_new_const k (bool --> bool --> bool)
1031val equality = let
1032  val k = {Name = "=", Thy = "min"}
1034  prim_new_const k (alpha --> alpha --> bool)
1037val select = let
1038  val k = {Name = "@", Thy = "min"}
1040  prim_new_const k ((alpha --> bool) --> alpha)
1043fun dest_eq_ty t = let
1044  val (fx, y) = dest_comb t
1045  val (f, x) = dest_comb fx
1047  if same_const f equality then (x, y, type_of x)
1048  else raise ERR "dest_eq_ty" "Term not an equality"
1051fun prim_mk_eq ty t1 t2 =
1052    App(App(inst [alpha |-> ty] equality, t1), t2)
1054(*val prim_mk_eq =
1055    (fn ty => fn t1 => Profile.profile "prim_mk_eq" (prim_mk_eq ty t1)) *)
1057fun prim_mk_imp t1 t2 = App(App(imp, t1), t2)
1059(* val prim_mk_imp = (fn t1 => Profile.profile "prim_mk_imp" (prim_mk_imp t1))*)
1061(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1062    dest_term and the lambda type
1063   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
1065datatype lambda =
1066     VAR of string * hol_type
1067   | CONST of {Name: string, Thy: string, Ty: hol_type}
1068   | COMB of term * term
1069   | LAMB of term * term
1071fun dest_term M =
1072  case M of
1073      Const _ => CONST (dest_thy_const M)
1074    | Var p => VAR p
1075    | App p => COMB p
1076    | Abs p => LAMB p
1078fun identical t1 t2 = t1 = t2
1081 *  Raw syntax prettyprinter for terms.                                      *
1082 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
1084val app     = "@"
1085val lam     = "|"
1086val percent = "%"
1088datatype pptask = ppTM of term | ppLAM | ppAPP of int
1089fun pp_raw_term index tm = let
1090  fun mkAPP (ppAPP n :: rest) = ppAPP (n + 1) :: rest
1091    | mkAPP rest = ppAPP 1 :: rest
1092  fun pp acc tasklist =
1093      case tasklist of
1094          [] => String.concat (List.rev acc)
1095        | ppTM (Abs(Bvar, Body)) :: rest =>
1096            pp acc (ppTM Bvar :: ppTM Body :: ppLAM :: rest)
1097        | ppTM (App(Rator, Rand)) :: rest =>
1098            pp acc (ppTM Rator :: ppTM Rand :: mkAPP rest)
1099        | ppTM vc :: rest =>
1100            pp (percent ^ Int.toString (index vc) :: acc) rest
1101        | ppLAM :: rest => pp ("|" :: acc) rest
1102        | ppAPP n :: rest =>
1103            pp ("@" ^ (if n = 1 then "" else Int.toString n) :: acc) rest
1105  pp [] [ppTM tm]
1107val write_raw = pp_raw_term
1110datatype tok = lam | id of int | app of int
1111open StringCvt
1113fun readtok (c : (char, cs) reader) cs = let
1114  val intread = Int.scan DEC c
1116  case c cs of
1117    NONE => NONE
1118  | SOME (#"|",cs') => SOME (lam,cs')
1119  | SOME (#"@",cs') =>
1120      (case intread cs' of
1121           NONE => SOME (app 1,cs')
1122         | SOME (i,cs'') => SOME (app i, cs''))
1123  | SOME (c,cs') => (case intread cs' of
1124                         NONE => NONE
1125                       | SOME (i,cs'') => SOME(id i, cs''))
1128fun parse tmv c cs0 = let
1129  fun adv cs = case readtok c cs of NONE => (NONE, cs)
1130                                  | SOME (t, cs') => (SOME t, cs')
1131  fun parse_term stk cur =
1132      case (stk, cur) of
1133          ([t], (NONE,cs)) => SOME (t, cs)
1134        | ([], (NONE, _)) => raise Fail "raw_parse.eof: empty stack"
1135        | (_, (NONE, _)) => raise Fail "raw_parse.eof: large stack"
1136        | (body :: bvar :: stk, (SOME lam, cs')) =>
1137            parse_term (Abs(bvar,body) :: stk) (adv cs')
1138        | (_, (SOME lam, _)) => raise Fail "raw_parse.abs: short stack"
1139        | (stk, (SOME (app i), cs')) => doapp i stk cs'
1140        | (stk, (SOME (id i), cs')) =>
1141            parse_term (Vector.sub(tmv, i) :: stk) (adv cs')
1142  and doapp i stk cs =
1143      if i = 0 then parse_term stk (adv cs)
1144      else
1145        case stk of
1146            x :: f :: stk => doapp (i - 1) (App(f,x) :: stk) cs
1147          | _ => raise Fail "raw_parse.app: short stack"
1149  parse_term [] (adv cs0)
1155fun read_raw tmv s =
1156  valOf (scanString (parse tmv) s)
1158end (* local *)
1160end (* struct *)