1(* ========================================================================= *)
2(* Inductive (or free recursive) types.                                      *)
3(*                                                                           *)
4(*       John Harrison, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory          *)
5(*                                                                           *)
6(*            (c) Copyright, University of Cambridge 1998                    *)
7(*                                                                           *)
8(* ported from Caml Light source by Michael Norrish, November 1999           *)
9(* ========================================================================= *)
12   app load [(* "HOLSimps", *) "Q", "numLib", "IndDefLib", "tautLib"];
15structure ind_types :> ind_types =
18open HolKernel Parse boolLib InductiveDefinition
19     numTheory arithmeticTheory prim_recTheory
20     simpLib boolSimps ind_typeTheory;
22type constructor  = string * hol_type list
23type tyspec       = hol_type * constructor list
25val ERR = mk_HOL_ERR "ind_types";
27(* Fix the grammar used by this file *)
28structure Parse = struct
29open Parse
30val (Type,Term) = parse_from_grammars ind_typeTheory.ind_type_grammars
32open Parse;
35   First some JRH HOL-Light portability stuff.
36 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
38fun chop_list 0 l      = ([], l)
39  | chop_list n []     = raise ERR "chop_list" "Empty list"
40  | chop_list n (h::t) = let val (m,l') = chop_list (n-1) t in (h::m, l') end;
42val lhand = rand o rator;
44val RIGHT_BETAS = rev_itlist(fn a=>CONV_RULE(RAND_CONV BETA_CONV) o C AP_THM a)
46fun sucivate n = funpow n numSyntax.mk_suc numSyntax.zero_tm;
47(* fun sucivate n = numSyntax.term_of_int n; *)
49val make_args =
50  let fun margs n s avoid [] = []
51        | margs n s avoid (h::t) =
52           let val v = variant avoid (mk_var(s^Int.toString n, h))
53           in v::margs (n + 1) s (v::avoid) t
54           end
55  in fn s => fn avoid => fn tys =>
56       if length tys = 1
57         then [variant avoid (mk_var(s, hd tys))]
58         else margs 0 s avoid tys
59   end handle _ => raise ERR "make_args" "";
61fun mk_binop op_t tm1 tm2 = list_mk_comb(op_t, [tm1, tm2])
63fun mk_const (thy, n, theta) =
64 let val c0 = prim_mk_const{Name = n, Thy = thy}
65     val ty = type_of c0
66  in Term.mk_thy_const{Name=n, Thy=thy, Ty=Type.type_subst theta ty}
67  end;
69fun mk_icomb(tm1,tm2) =
70   let val (ty, _) = Type.dom_rng (type_of tm1)
71       val tyins = Type.match_type ty (type_of tm2)
72   in
73      mk_comb(Term.inst tyins tm1, tm2)
74   end;
76fun list_mk_icomb (thy,cname) =
77  let val cnst = mk_const(thy,cname,[])
78  in fn args => rev_itlist (C (curry mk_icomb)) args cnst
79  end;
81val variables =
82  let
83    fun ins t l = op_insert aconv t l
84    fun vars(acc,tm) =
85        if is_var tm then ins tm acc
86        else if is_const tm then acc
87        else if is_abs tm
88             then let val (v, bod) = dest_abs tm in vars(ins v acc,bod) end
89             else let val (l,r)    = dest_comb tm in vars(vars(acc,l),r)   end
90  in
91    fn tm => vars([],tm)
92  end;
94fun striplist dest =
95  let fun strip x acc =
96        let val (l,r) = dest x
97        in strip l (strip r acc)
98        end handle HOL_ERR _ => x::acc
99  in
100     fn x => strip x []
101  end;
104   This is not the same as Type.type_subst, which only substitutes
105   for variables!
106 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
108fun tysubst theta ty =
109  case subst_assoc (equal ty) theta
110   of SOME x => x
111    | NONE =>
112       if is_vartype ty then ty
113       else let val {Tyop,Thy,Args} = dest_thy_type ty
114            in mk_thy_type{Tyop=Tyop,Thy=Thy, Args=map (tysubst theta) Args}
115            end;
117fun SUBS_CONV [] tm = REFL tm
118  | SUBS_CONV ths tm =
119     let val lefts = map (lhand o concl) ths
120         val gvs = map (genvar o type_of) lefts
121         val pat = Term.subst (map2 (curry op|->) lefts gvs) tm
122         val abs = list_mk_abs(gvs,pat)
123         val th = rev_itlist (fn y => fn x =>
124                   CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV BETA_CONV THENC
125                           (RATOR_CONV o RAND_CONV) BETA_CONV)(MK_COMB(x,y)))
126                   ths (REFL abs)
127     in
128       if aconv (rand(concl th)) tm then REFL tm else th
129     end
131val GEN_REWRITE_RULE = fn c => fn thl => GEN_REWRITE_RULE c empty_rewrites thl
132val GEN_REWRITE_CONV = fn c => fn thl => GEN_REWRITE_CONV c empty_rewrites thl
134fun SIMPLE_EXISTS v th = EXISTS (mk_exists(v, concl th),v) th;
135fun SIMPLE_CHOOSE v th = CHOOSE(v,ASSUME (mk_exists(v, hd(hyp th)))) th;
137fun new_basic_type_definition tyname (mkname, destname) thm =
138  let val (pred, witness) = dest_comb(concl thm)
139      val predty = type_of pred
140      val dom_ty = #1 (dom_rng predty)
141      val x = mk_var("x", dom_ty)
142      val witness_exists = EXISTS(mk_exists(x, mk_comb(pred,x)),witness) thm
143      val tyax = new_type_definition(tyname,witness_exists)
144      val (mk_dest, dest_mk) =
145          CONJ_PAIR(define_new_type_bijections
146                        {name=temp_binding (tyname^"_repfns"),
147                         ABS=mkname, REP=destname, tyax=tyax})
148  in
149      (SPEC_ALL mk_dest, SPEC_ALL dest_mk)
150  end;
153(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
154(* Eliminate local "definitions" in hyps.                                    *)
155(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
157fun SCRUB_EQUATION eq th =
158   let val (l,r) = dest_eq eq
159   in MP (INST [l |-> r] (DISCH eq th)) (REFL r)
160   end;
162(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
163(* Proves existence of model (inductively); use pseudo-constructors.         *)
164(*                                                                           *)
165(* Returns suitable definitions of constructors in terms of CONSTR, and the  *)
166(* rule and induction theorems from the inductive relation package.          *)
167(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
170val justify_inductive_type_model = let
171  val aty = Type.alpha
172  val T_tm = boolSyntax.T
173  and n_tm = mk_var("n",numSyntax.num)
174(*  and beps_tm = Term`@x:bool. T` *)
175  and beps_tm = mk_arb bool
176  fun munion [] s2 = s2
177    | munion (h1::s1') s2 =
178       let val (_,s2') = Lib.pluck (fn h2 => h2 = h1) s2
179       in h1::munion s1' s2'
180       end handle HOL_ERR _ => h1::munion s1' s2
182  fn def => let
183    val (newtys,rights) = unzip def
184    val tyargls = itlist (curry op@ o map snd) rights []
185    val alltys = itlist (munion o C set_diff newtys) tyargls []
186(*    val epstms = map (fn ty => mk_select(mk_var("v",ty),T_tm)) alltys *)
187    val arb_tms = map mk_arb alltys
188    val pty =
189      end_itlist (fn ty1 => fn ty2 => mk_type("prod",[ty1,ty2])) alltys
190      handle HOL_ERR _ => Type.bool
191    val recty = mk_type("recspace",[pty])
192    val constr = mk_const("ind_type","CONSTR",[aty |-> pty])
193    val fcons = mk_const("ind_type", "FCONS",[aty |-> recty])
194    val bot = mk_const("ind_type", "BOTTOM",[aty |-> pty])
195    val  bottail = mk_abs(n_tm,bot)
196    fun mk_constructor n (cname,cargs) = let
197      val ttys = map (fn ty => if mem ty newtys then recty else ty) cargs
198      val args = make_args "a" [] ttys
199      val (rargs,iargs) = partition (fn t => type_of t = recty) args
200      fun mk_injector arb_tms alltys iargs =
201        if alltys = [] then []
202        else let
203          val ty = hd alltys
204        in
205          let
206            val (a,iargs') = Lib.pluck (fn t => type_of t = ty) iargs
207          in
208            a::(mk_injector (tl arb_tms) (tl alltys) iargs')
209          end handle HOL_ERR _ =>
210            (hd arb_tms)::(mk_injector (tl arb_tms) (tl alltys) iargs)
211        end
212      val iarg =
213        end_itlist (curry pairSyntax.mk_pair) (mk_injector arb_tms alltys iargs)
214        handle HOL_ERR _ => beps_tm
215      val rarg = itlist (mk_binop fcons) rargs bottail
216      val conty = itlist (curry Type.-->) (map type_of args) recty
217      val condef = list_mk_comb(constr,[sucivate n, iarg, rarg])
218    in
219      mk_eq(mk_var(cname,conty),list_mk_abs(args,condef))
220    end
221    fun mk_constructors n rights =
222      if rights = [] then []
223      else
224        (mk_constructor n (hd rights))::(mk_constructors (n + 1) (tl rights))
225    val condefs = mk_constructors 0 (itlist (curry op@) rights [])
226    val conths = map ASSUME condefs
227    val predty = Type.-->(recty, Type.bool)
228    val rels = map (fn s => mk_var(dest_vartype s,predty)) newtys
229    val edefs =
230      itlist (fn (x,l) => fn acc => map (fn t => (x,t)) l @ acc) def []
231    val idefs =
232      map2 (fn (r,(_,atys)) => fn def => ((r,atys),def)) edefs condefs
233    fun mk_rule ((r,a),condef) = let
234      val (left,right) = dest_eq condef
235      val (args,bod) = strip_abs right
236      val lapp = list_mk_comb(left,args)
237      val  conds = itlist2
238        (fn arg => fn argty => fn sofar =>
239         if mem argty newtys then
240           mk_comb(mk_var(dest_vartype argty,predty),arg)::sofar
241         else sofar) args a []
242      val conc = mk_comb(mk_var(dest_vartype r,predty),lapp)
243      val rule = if null conds then conc
244                 else mk_imp(list_mk_conj conds,conc)
245    in
246      list_mk_forall(args,rule)
247    end
248    val rules = list_mk_conj (map mk_rule idefs)
249    val th0 = derive_nonschematic_inductive_relations rules
250    val th1 = prove_monotonicity_hyps bool_monoset th0
251    val (th2a,th2bc) = CONJ_PAIR th1
252    val th2b = CONJUNCT1 th2bc
253  in
254    (conths,th2a,th2b)
255  end
258(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
259(* Shows that the predicates defined by the rules are all nonempty.          *)
260(* (This could be done much more efficiently/cleverly, but it's OK.)         *)
261(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
263val tmem = op_mem aconv
264val tmk_set = op_mk_set aconv
265val tunion = op_union aconv
266fun prove_model_inhabitation rth = let
267  val srules = map SPEC_ALL (CONJUNCTS rth)
268  val (imps,bases) = partition (is_imp o concl) srules
269  val concs = map concl bases @ map (rand o concl) imps
270  val preds = op_mk_set aconv (map (repeat rator) concs)
271  fun exhaust_inhabitations ths sofar = let
272    val dunnit = tmk_set (map (fst o strip_comb o concl) sofar)
273    val useful = filter
274      (fn th => not (tmem (fst(strip_comb(rand(concl th)))) dunnit)) ths
275  in
276    if null useful then sofar
277    else let
278      fun follow_horn thm = let
279        val preds = map (fst o strip_comb) (strip_conj(lhand(concl thm)))
280        val asms =
281          map (fn p =>
282               valOf (List.find
283                        (fn th => aconv (fst(strip_comb(concl th))) p)
284                        sofar))
285          preds
286      in
287        MATCH_MP thm (end_itlist CONJ asms)
288      end
289      val newth = tryfind follow_horn useful
290    in
291      exhaust_inhabitations ths (newth::sofar)
292    end
293  end
294  val ithms = exhaust_inhabitations imps bases
295  val exths = map
296    (fn p => valOf
297               (List.find
298                  (fn th => aconv (fst(strip_comb(concl th))) p)
299                  ithms))
300    preds
302  exths
305(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
306(* Makes a type definition for one of the defined subsets.                   *)
307(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
309val safepfx = " @ind_type"
311  val count = ref 0
312  fun vary_to_avoid_constants () = let
313    val nm =
314        temp_binding (safepfx ^ current_theory() ^ Int.toString (!count))
315  in
316    if (not (null (decls nm))) then (count := !count + 100;
317                                     vary_to_avoid_constants())
318    else (count := !count + 1; nm)
319  end
322fun safeid_genvar ty = Term.mk_var(vary_to_avoid_constants(), ty)
323val safeid_genname = vary_to_avoid_constants
325end (* local *)
327fun define_inductive_type cdefs exth = let
328  val extm = concl exth
329  val epred = fst(strip_comb extm)
330  val ename = String.extract(fst(dest_var epred), 1, NONE)
331  val th1 = ASSUME
332              (valOf (List.find (fn eq => aconv (lhand eq) epred) (hyp exth)))
333  val th2 = TRANS th1 (SUBS_CONV cdefs (rand(concl th1)))
334  val th3 = EQ_MP (AP_THM th2 (rand extm)) exth
335  fun scrubber th = case HOLset.find (fn _ => true) (hypset th) of
336                      NONE => th
337                    | SOME eq => scrubber (SCRUB_EQUATION eq th)
338  val th4 = scrubber th3
339  val mkname = safeid_genname() and destname = safeid_genname()
340  val (bij1,bij2) = new_basic_type_definition ename (mkname,destname) th4
341  val bij2a = AP_THM th2 (rand(rand(concl bij2)))
342  val bij2b = TRANS bij2a bij2
344  (bij1,bij2b)
347(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
348(* Defines a type constructor corresponding to current pseudo-constructor.   *)
349(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
350fun tmassoc t l = op_assoc aconv t l
351fun define_inductive_type_constructor defs consindex th = let
352  val (avs,bod) = strip_forall(concl th)
353  val (asms,conc) =
354    if is_imp bod then (strip_conj(lhand bod),rand bod) else ([],bod)
355  val asmlist = map dest_comb asms
356  val (cpred,cterm) = dest_comb conc
357  val (oldcon,oldargs) = strip_comb cterm
358  fun modify_arg v = let
359    val dest = snd(tmassoc (op_rev_assoc aconv v asmlist) consindex)
360    val ty' = hd(snd(dest_type(type_of dest)))
361    val v' = mk_var(fst(dest_var v),ty')
362  in
363    (mk_comb(dest,v'),v')
364  end handle HOL_ERR _ => (v,v)
365  val (newrights,newargs) = unzip(map modify_arg oldargs)
366  val retmk = fst(tmassoc cpred consindex)
367  val defbod = mk_comb(retmk,list_mk_comb(oldcon,newrights))
368  val defrt = list_mk_abs(newargs,defbod)
369  val expth = valOf (List.find (fn th => aconv (lhand(concl th)) oldcon) defs)
370  val rexpth = SUBS_CONV [expth] defrt
371  val deflf = mk_var(fst(dest_var oldcon),type_of defrt)
372  val defth = new_definition(temp_binding (fst (dest_var oldcon) ^ "_def"),
373                             mk_eq(deflf,rand(concl rexpth)))
375  TRANS defth (SYM rexpth)
378(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
379(* Instantiate the induction theorem on the representatives to transfer      *)
380(* it to the new type(s). Uses "\x. rep-pred(x) /\ P(mk x)" for "P".         *)
381(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
383fun instantiate_induction_theorem consindex ith = let
384  val (avs,bod) = strip_forall(concl ith)
385  val corlist =
386    map((repeat rator ## repeat rator) o dest_imp o body o rand)
387    (strip_conj(rand bod))
388  val consindex' =
389    map (fn v => let val w = op_rev_assoc aconv v corlist
390                 in (w,tmassoc w consindex) end)
391    avs
392  val recty = (hd o snd o dest_type o type_of o fst o snd o hd) consindex
393  val newtys = map (hd o snd o dest_type o type_of o snd o snd) consindex'
394  val ptypes = map (C (curry op -->) Type.bool) newtys
395  val preds = make_args "P" [] ptypes
396  val args = make_args "x" [] (map (K recty) preds)
397  val lambs = map2 (fn (r,(m,d)) => fn (p,a) =>
398                     mk_abs(a,mk_conj(mk_comb(r,a),mk_comb(p,mk_comb(m,a)))))
399                   consindex' (zip preds args)
401  SPECL lambs ith
404(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
405(* Reduce a single clause of the postulated induction theorem (old_ver) back *)
406(* to the kind wanted for the new type (new_ver); |- new_ver ==> old_ver     *)
407(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
409fun pullback_induction_clause tybijpairs conthms = let
410  val PRERULE = GEN_REWRITE_RULE (funpow 3 RAND_CONV) (map SYM conthms)
411  val IPRULE  = SYM o GEN_REWRITE_RULE I (map snd tybijpairs)
413  fn rthm => fn tm => let
414    val (avs,bimp) = strip_forall tm
415  in
416    if is_imp bimp then let
417      val (ant,con) = dest_imp bimp
418      val ths = map (CONV_RULE BETA_CONV) (CONJUNCTS (ASSUME ant))
419      val (tths,pths) = unzip (map CONJ_PAIR ths)
420      val tth = MATCH_MP (SPEC_ALL rthm) (end_itlist CONJ tths)
421      val mths = map IPRULE (tth::tths)
422      val conth1 = BETA_CONV con
423      val contm1 = rand(concl conth1)
424      val conth2 = TRANS conth1
425        (AP_TERM (rator contm1) (SUBS_CONV (tl mths) (rand contm1)))
426      val conth3 = PRERULE conth2
427      val lctms = map concl pths
428      val asmin = mk_imp(list_mk_conj lctms,rand(rand(concl conth3)))
429      val argsin = map rand (strip_conj(lhand asmin))
430      val argsgen =
431        map (fn tm => mk_var(fst(dest_var(rand tm)),type_of tm)) argsin
432      val asmgen = Term.subst (map2 (curry op |->) argsin argsgen) asmin
433      val asmquant =
434        list_mk_forall(snd(strip_comb(rand(rand asmgen))),asmgen)
435      val th1 = INST (map2 (curry op |->) argsgen argsin)
436                     (SPEC_ALL (ASSUME asmquant))
437      val th2 = MP th1 (end_itlist CONJ pths)
438      val th3 = EQ_MP (SYM conth3) (CONJ tth th2)
439    in
440      DISCH asmquant (GENL avs (DISCH ant th3))
441    end
442    else let
443      val con = bimp
444      val conth2 = BETA_CONV con
445      val tth = HO_PART_MATCH I rthm (lhand(rand(concl conth2)))
446      val conth3 = PRERULE conth2
447      val asmgen = rand(rand(concl conth3))
448      val asmquant = list_mk_forall(snd(strip_comb(rand asmgen)),asmgen)
449      val th2 = SPEC_ALL (ASSUME asmquant)
450      val th3 = EQ_MP (SYM conth3) (CONJ tth th2)
451    in
452      DISCH asmquant (GENL avs th3)
453    end
454  end
457(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
458(* Finish off a consequence of the induction theorem.                        *)
459(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
461fun finish_induction_conclusion consindex tybijpairs = let
462  val (tybij1,tybij2) = unzip tybijpairs
463  val PRERULE =
468  fn th => let
469    val (av,bimp) = dest_forall(concl th)
470    val pv = lhand(body(rator(rand bimp)))
471    val (p,v) = dest_comb pv
472    val (mk,dest) = tmassoc p consindex
473    val ty = hd(snd(dest_type(type_of dest)))
474    val v' = mk_var(fst(dest_var v),ty)
475    val dv = mk_comb(dest,v')
476    val th1 = PRERULE (SPEC dv th)
477    val th2 = MP th1 (REFL (rand(lhand(concl th1))))
478    val th3 = CONV_RULE BETA_CONV th2
479  in
480    GEN v' (FINRULE (CONJUNCT2 th3))
481  end
484(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
485(* Derive the induction theorem.                                             *)
486(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
488val conjuncts = strip_conj;
490fun derive_induction_theorem consindex tybijpairs conthms iith rth = let
491  val bths = map2
492    (pullback_induction_clause tybijpairs conthms)
493    (CONJUNCTS rth) (conjuncts(lhand(concl iith)))
494  val asm = list_mk_conj(map (lhand o concl) bths)
495  val ths = map2 MP bths (CONJUNCTS (ASSUME asm))
496  val th1 = MP iith (end_itlist CONJ ths)
497  val th2 = end_itlist CONJ (map
498    (finish_induction_conclusion consindex tybijpairs) (CONJUNCTS th1))
499  val th3 = DISCH asm th2
500  val preds = map (rator o body o rand) (conjuncts(rand(concl th3)))
501  val th4 = GENL preds th3
502  val pasms = filter (C tmem (map fst consindex) o lhand) (hyp th4)
503  val th5 = itlist DISCH pasms th4
504  val th6 = itlist SCRUB_EQUATION (hyp th5) th5
505  val th7 = UNDISCH_ALL th6
507  itlist SCRUB_EQUATION (hyp th7) th7
510(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
511(* Create the recursive functions and eliminate pseudo-constructors.         *)
512(* (These are kept just long enough to derive the key property.)             *)
513(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
515fun create_recursive_functions tybijpairs consindex conthms rth = let
516  val domtys = map (hd o snd o dest_type o type_of o snd o snd) consindex
517  val recty = (hd o snd o dest_type o type_of o fst o snd o hd) consindex
518  val ranty = mk_vartype "'Z"
519  val fnn = mk_var("fn", recty --> ranty)
520  and fns = make_args "fn" [] (map (C (curry op -->) ranty) domtys)
521  val args = make_args "a" [] domtys
522  val rights =
523    map2 (fn (_,(_,d)) => fn a =>
524          mk_abs(a,mk_comb(fnn,mk_comb(d,a))))
525    consindex args
526  val eqs = map2 (curry mk_eq) fns rights
527  val fdefs = map ASSUME eqs
528  val fxths1 =
529    map (fn th1 => tryfind (fn th2 => MK_COMB(th2,th1)) fdefs)
530    conthms
531  val fxths2 = map (fn th => TRANS th (BETA_CONV (rand(concl th)))) fxths1
532  fun mk_tybijcons (th1,th2) = let
533    val th3 = INST [rand(lhand(concl th2)) |-> rand(lhand(concl th1))] th2
534    val th4 = AP_TERM (rator(lhand(rand(concl th2)))) th1
535  in
536    EQ_MP (SYM th3) th4
537  end
538  val SCONV = GEN_REWRITE_CONV I (map mk_tybijcons tybijpairs)
539  and ERULE = GEN_REWRITE_RULE I (map snd tybijpairs)
540  fun simplify_fxthm rthm fxth = let
541    val pat = funpow 4 rand (concl fxth)
542  in
543    if is_imp(repeat (snd o dest_forall) (concl rthm)) then let
544      val th1 = PART_MATCH (rand o rand) rthm pat
545      val tms1 = conjuncts(lhand(concl th1))
546      val ths2 = map (fn t => EQ_MP (SYM(SCONV t)) TRUTH) tms1
547    in
548      ERULE (MP th1 (end_itlist CONJ ths2))
549    end
550    else
551      ERULE (PART_MATCH rand rthm pat)
552  end
553  val fxths3 = map2 simplify_fxthm (CONJUNCTS rth) fxths2
554  val fxths4 = map2 (fn th1 => TRANS th1 o AP_TERM fnn) fxths2 fxths3
555  fun cleanup_fxthm cth fxth = let
556    val tms = snd(strip_comb(rand(rand(concl fxth))))
557    val kth = RIGHT_BETAS tms (ASSUME (hd(hyp cth)))
558  in
559    TRANS fxth (AP_TERM fnn kth)
560  end
561  val fxth5 = end_itlist CONJ (map2 cleanup_fxthm conthms fxths4)
562  val pasms = filter (C tmem (map fst consindex) o lhand) (hyp fxth5)
563  val fxth6 = itlist DISCH pasms fxth5
564  val fxth7 =
565    itlist SCRUB_EQUATION (itlist (tunion o hyp) conthms []) fxth6
566  val fxth8 = UNDISCH_ALL fxth7
568  itlist SCRUB_EQUATION (op_set_diff aconv (hyp fxth8) eqs) fxth8
571(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
572(* Create a function for recursion clause.                                   *)
573(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
575fun SUBS ths = CONV_RULE (SUBS_CONV ths);
577fun upto n = let
578  fun down l n = if n < 0 then l else down (n::l) (n - 1)
580  down [] n
584  val zty = mk_vartype"'Z"
585  val numty = numSyntax.num
586  val s = mk_var("s",numty --> zty)
587  fun extract_arg tup v =
588    if aconv v tup then REFL tup
589    else let
590      val (t1,t2) = pairSyntax.dest_pair tup
591      val PAIR_th = ISPECL [t1,t2] (if free_in v t1 then pairTheory.FST
592                                    else pairTheory.SND)
593      val tup' = rand(concl PAIR_th)
594    in
595      if aconv tup' v then PAIR_th
596      else let
597        val th = extract_arg (rand(concl PAIR_th)) v
598      in
599        SUBS[SYM PAIR_th] th
600      end
601    end
603  fun create_recursion_iso_constructor consindex = let
604    val recty = hd(snd(dest_type(type_of(fst(hd consindex)))))
605    val domty = hd(snd(dest_type recty))
606    val i = mk_var("i",domty)
607    and r = mk_var("r", numty --> recty)
608    val mks = map (fst o snd) consindex
609    val mkindex = map (fn t => (hd(tl(snd(dest_type(type_of t)))),t)) mks
610  in
611    fn cth => let
612      val artms = snd(strip_comb(rand(rand(concl cth))))
613      val artys = mapfilter (type_of o rand) artms
614      val (args,bod) = strip_abs(rand(hd(hyp cth)))
615      val (ccitm,rtm) = dest_comb bod
616      val (cctm,itm) = dest_comb ccitm
617      val (rargs,iargs) = partition (C free_in rtm) args
618      val xths = map (extract_arg itm) iargs
619      val cargs' = map (subst [itm |-> i] o lhand o concl) xths
620      val indices = map sucivate (upto (length rargs - 1))
621      val rindexed = map (curry mk_comb r) indices
622      val rargs' =
623        map2 (fn a => fn rx => mk_comb(assoc a mkindex,rx))
624        artys rindexed
625      val sargs' = map (curry mk_comb s) indices
626      val allargs = cargs'@ rargs' @ sargs'
627      val funty = itlist (curry op --> o type_of) allargs zty
628      val funname = fst(dest_const(repeat rator (lhand(concl cth))))^"'"
629      val funarg = mk_var(funname,funty)
630    in
631      list_mk_abs([i,r,s],list_mk_comb(funarg,allargs))
632    end
633  end
636(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
637(* Derive the recursion theorem.                                             *)
638(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
642val bndvar = Term.bvar;
646(*  val mycompset = reduceLib.num_compset()
647  val _ = computeLib.add_thms[FCONS_DEST] mycompset
648  val fcons_reduce = computeLib.CBV_CONV mycompset
649  val CCONV1 = funpow 3 RATOR_CONV fcons_reduce
652  fun  derive_recursion_theorem tybijpairs consindex conthms rath = let
653    val isocons = map (create_recursion_iso_constructor consindex) conthms
654    val ty = type_of(hd isocons)
655    val fcons = mk_const("ind_type", "FCONS",[Type.alpha |-> ty])
656    and fnil = mk_const("ind_type", "FNIL",[Type.alpha |-> ty])
657    val bigfun = itlist (mk_binop fcons) isocons fnil
658    val eth = ISPEC bigfun CONSTR_REC
659    val fnn = rator(rand(hd(conjuncts(concl rath))))
660    val betm = let
661      val (v,bod) = dest_abs(rand(concl eth))
662    in
663      subst[v |-> fnn] bod
664    end
665    val LCONV = REWR_CONV (ASSUME betm)
666    val fnths =
667      map (fn t => RIGHT_BETAS [bndvar(rand t)] (ASSUME t)) (hyp rath)
668    val SIMPER = SIMP_RULE bool_ss
669      (map SYM fnths @ map fst tybijpairs @ [pairTheory.FST,
670                                             pairTheory.SND, FCONS, BETA_THM])
671    fun hackdown_rath th = let
672      val (ltm,rtm) = dest_eq(concl th)
673      val wargs = snd(strip_comb(rand ltm))
674      val th1 = TRANS th (LCONV rtm)
675      val th2 = TRANS th1 (CCONV (rand(concl th1)))
676      val th3 = TRANS th2 (funpow 2 RATOR_CONV BETA_CONV (rand(concl th2)))
677      val th4 = TRANS th3 (RATOR_CONV BETA_CONV (rand(concl th3)))
678      val th5 = TRANS th4 (BETA_CONV (rand(concl th4)))
679    in
680      GENL wargs (SIMPER th5)
681    end
682    val rthm = end_itlist CONJ (map hackdown_rath (CONJUNCTS rath))
683    val seqs = let
684      val unseqs = filter is_eq (hyp rthm)
685      val tys = map (hd o snd o dest_type o type_of o snd o snd) consindex
686    in
687      map (fn ty => valOf (List.find
688        (fn t => hd(snd(dest_type(type_of(lhand t)))) = ty) unseqs)) tys
689    end
690    val rethm = itlist EXISTS_EQUATION seqs rthm
691    val fethm = CHOOSE(fnn,eth) rethm
692    val pcons =
693      map (repeat rator o rand o repeat (snd o dest_forall))
694      (conjuncts(concl rthm))
695  in
696    GENL pcons fethm
697  end
700(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
701(* Basic function: returns induction and recursion separately. No parser.    *)
702(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
704fun define_type_raw def = let
705  val (defs,rth,ith) = justify_inductive_type_model def
706  val neths = prove_model_inhabitation rth
707  val tybijpairs = map (define_inductive_type defs) neths
708  val preds = map (repeat rator o concl) neths
709  val mkdests =
710    map
711    (fn (th,_) =>
712     let val tm = lhand(concl th) in (rator tm,rator(rand tm)) end)
713    tybijpairs
714  val consindex = zip preds mkdests
715  val condefs = map (define_inductive_type_constructor defs consindex)
716                    (CONJUNCTS rth)
717  val conthms = map
718    (fn th => let val args = fst(strip_abs(rand(concl th))) in
719     RIGHT_BETAS args th end) condefs
720  val iith = instantiate_induction_theorem consindex ith
721  val fth = derive_induction_theorem consindex tybijpairs conthms iith rth
722  val rath = create_recursive_functions tybijpairs consindex conthms rth
723  val kth = derive_recursion_theorem tybijpairs consindex conthms rath
725  (fth,kth)
728(* Test the above with:
730   val def = [(Type`:'foo`, [("C1", []), ("C2", [Type`:num`])])];
731   define_type_raw def;
733   val def = [(Type`:'bar`, [("D1", [Type`:num`]), ("D2", [Type`:'bar`])])]
734   define_type_raw def;
736   val def = [(Type`:'qux`, [("F1", []), ("F2", [Type`:'a`, Type`:'qux`])])];
737   define_type_raw def;
739   val def = [(Type`:'qwerty`, [("G1", [Type`:num`]),
740                                ("G2", [Type`:'asdf`])]),
741              (Type`:'asdf`,   [("H1", []), ("H2", [Type`:'qwerty`])])];
743   Form of recursion equation is not quite what hol98 expects.  It doesn't
744   use ?! and it puts the recursive calls last as arguments, not first.
745   So, the list equivalent gets a theorem along the lines of:
746      !nil cons.
747         ?fn.
748            (fn NIL = nil) /\ (!x xs. fn (CONS x xs) = cons x xs (fn xs))
749   not,
750      !nil cons.
751          ?!fn.
752            (fn NIL = nil) /\ (!x xs. fn (CONS x xs) = cons (fn xs) x xs)
757 *     Required stuff for sum types                                          *
758 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
760val sum_INDUCT = TypeBase.induction_of ``:'a + 'b``
761val sum_RECURSION = TypeBase.axiom_of ``:'a + 'b``;
763val OUTL = sumTheory.OUTL;
764val OUTR = sumTheory.OUTR;
766(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
767(* Generalize the recursion theorem to multiple domain types.                *)
768(* (We needed to use a single type to justify it via a proforma theorem.)    *)
769(*                                                                           *)
770(* NB! Before this is called nontrivially (i.e. more than one new type)      *)
771(*     the type constructor ":sum", used internally, must have been defined. *)
772(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
774val generalize_recursion_theorem = let
776  fun mk_sum tys = let
777    val k = length tys
778  in
779    if k = 1 then hd tys
780    else let
781      val (tys1,tys2) = chop_list (k div 2) tys
782    in
783      mk_type("sum", [mk_sum tys1, mk_sum tys2])
784    end
785  end
786  val mk_inls = let
787    fun mk_inls ty =
788      if is_vartype ty then [mk_var("x",ty)]
789      else let
790        val (ty1,ty2) = case dest_type ty
791                        of (_,[ty1,ty2]) => (ty1,ty2)
792                         | _ => raise Match
793        val inls1 = mk_inls ty1
794        and inls2 = mk_inls ty2
795        val inl =
796          mk_const("sum", "INL",[(Type.alpha |-> ty1), (Type.beta |-> ty2)])
797        and inr =
798          mk_const("sum", "INR",[(Type.alpha |-> ty1), (Type.beta |-> ty2)])
799      in
800        map (curry mk_comb inl) inls1 @ map (curry mk_comb inr) inls2
801      end
802  in
803    fn ty => let
804      val bods = mk_inls ty
805    in
806      map (fn t => mk_abs(find_term is_var t,t)) bods
807    end
808  end
809  val mk_outls = let
810    fun mk_inls sof ty =
811      if is_vartype ty then [sof]
812      else let
813        val (ty1,ty2) = case dest_type ty
814                        of (_,[ty1,ty2]) => (ty1,ty2)
815                         | _ => raise Match
816        val outl =
817          mk_const("sum", "OUTL",[(Type.alpha |-> ty1), (Type.beta |-> ty2)])
818        and outr =
819          mk_const("sum", "OUTR",[(Type.alpha |-> ty1), (Type.beta |-> ty2)])
820      in
821        mk_inls (mk_comb(outl,sof)) ty1 @ mk_inls (mk_comb(outr,sof)) ty2
822      end
823  in
824    fn ty => let
825      val x = mk_var("x",ty)
826    in
827      map (curry mk_abs x) (mk_inls x ty)
828    end
829  end
830  fun mk_newfun fnn outl = let
831    val (s,ty) = dest_var fnn
832    val dty = hd(snd(dest_type ty))
833    val x = mk_var("x",dty)
834    val (y,bod) = dest_abs outl
835    val r = mk_abs(x,subst[y |-> mk_comb(fnn,x)] bod)
836    val l = mk_var(s,type_of r)
837    val th1 = ASSUME (mk_eq(l,r))
838  in
839    RIGHT_BETAS [x] th1
840  end
842  fn th => let
843    val (avs,ebod) = strip_forall(concl th)
844    val (evs,bod) = strip_exists ebod
845    val n = length evs
846  in
847    if n = 1 then th
848    else let
849      val tys =
850        map (fn i => mk_vartype ("'Z"^Int.toString i)) (upto (n - 1))
851      val sty = mk_sum tys
852      val inls = mk_inls sty
853      and outls = mk_outls sty
854      val zty = type_of(rand(snd(strip_forall(hd(conjuncts bod)))))
855      val ith = INST_TYPE [zty |-> sty] th
856      val (avs,ebod) = strip_forall(concl ith)
857      val (evs,bod) = strip_exists ebod
858      val fns' = map2 mk_newfun evs outls
859      val fnalist = zip evs (map (rator o lhs o concl) fns')
860      and inlalist = zip evs inls
861      and outlalist = zip evs outls
862      fun hack_clause tm = let
863        val (avs,bod) = strip_forall tm
864        val (l,r) = dest_eq bod
865        val (fnn,args) = strip_comb r
866        val pargs = map
867          (fn a => let
868            val g = genvar(type_of a)
869          in
870            if is_var a then (g,g)
871            else let
872              val outl = tmassoc (rator a) outlalist
873            in
874              (mk_comb(outl,g),g)
875            end
876          end) args
877        val (args',args'') = unzip pargs
878        val inl = tmassoc (rator l) inlalist
879        val rty = hd(snd(dest_type(type_of inl)))
880        val nty = itlist (curry op --> o type_of) args' rty
881        val fn' = mk_var(fst(dest_var fnn),nty)
882        val r' = list_mk_abs(args'',mk_comb(inl,list_mk_comb(fn',args')))
883      in
884        (r',fnn)
885      end
886      val defs = map hack_clause (conjuncts bod)
887      val jth = BETA_RULE (SPECL (map fst defs) ith)
888      val bth = ASSUME (snd(strip_exists(concl jth)))
889      fun finish_clause th = let
890        val (avs,bod) = strip_forall (concl th)
891        val outl = tmassoc (rator (lhand bod)) outlalist
892      in
893        GENL avs (BETA_RULE (AP_TERM outl (SPECL avs th)))
894      end
895      val cth = end_itlist CONJ (map finish_clause (CONJUNCTS bth))
896      val dth = ELIM_OUTCOMBS cth
897      val eth = GEN_REWRITE_RULE ONCE_DEPTH_CONV (map SYM fns') dth
898      val fth = itlist SIMPLE_EXISTS (map snd fnalist) eth
899      val dtms = map (hd o hyp) fns'
900      val gth =
901        itlist (fn e => fn th => let
902          val (l,r) = dest_eq e
903        in
904                MP (Thm.INST [l |-> r] (DISCH e th)) (REFL r)
905        end) dtms fth
906      val hth = PROVE_HYP jth (itlist SIMPLE_CHOOSE evs gth)
907      val xvs =
908        map (fst o strip_comb o rand o snd o strip_forall)
909        (conjuncts(concl eth))
910    in
911      GENL xvs hth
912    end
913  end
916fun define_type_mutual def = let
917  val (ith,rth) = define_type_raw def
919  (ith,generalize_recursion_theorem rth)
922(* Test the above with:
924   val def = [(Type`:'foo`, [("C1", []), ("C2", [Type`:num`])])];
925   define_type_mutual def;
927   val def = [(Type`:'bar`, [("D1", [Type`:num`]), ("D2", [Type`:'bar`])])];
928   define_type_mutual def;
930   val def = [(Type`:'qux`, [("F1", []), ("F2", [Type`:'a`, Type`:'qux`])])];
931   define_type_mutual def;
933   val def = [(Type`:'qwerty`, [("G1", [Type`:num`]),
934                                ("G2", [Type`:'asdf`])]),
935              (Type`:'asdf`,   [("H1", []), ("H2", [Type`:'qwerty`])])];
936   define_type_mutual def;
938   (* HOL Light equivalent *)
939   let def =
940     let q = mk_vartype("qwerty")
941     and a = mk_vartype("asdf") in
942     [(q, [("G1", [`:num`]); ("G2", [a])]); (a, [("H1", []); ("H2", [q])])];;
943   define_type_mutual def;;
948(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
949(* Now deal with nested recursion.                                           *)
950(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
953(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
954(* Convenient functions for manipulating types.                              *)
955(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
957val dest_fun_ty  = Type.dom_rng
959fun occurs_in ty bigty =
960  bigty = ty orelse
961  (not (is_vartype bigty) andalso
962   exists (occurs_in ty) (snd(dest_type bigty)))
964(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
965(* Dispose of trivial antecedent.                                            *)
966(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
968val TRIV_ANTE_RULE = let
969  fun TRIV_IMP_CONV tm = let
970    val (avs,bod) = strip_forall tm
971    val bth =
972      if is_eq bod then REFL (rand bod)
973      else let
974        val (ant,con) = dest_imp bod
975        val ith = SUBS_CONV (CONJUNCTS(ASSUME ant)) (lhs con)
976      in
977        DISCH ant ith
978      end
979  in
980    GENL avs bth
981  end
983  fn th => let
984    val tm = concl th
985  in
986    if is_imp tm then let
987      val (ant,con) = dest_imp(concl th)
988      val cjs = conjuncts ant
989      val cths = map TRIV_IMP_CONV cjs
990    in
991      MP th (end_itlist CONJ cths)
992    end
993    else th
994  end
997(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
998(* Lift type bijections to "arbitrary" (well, free rec or function) type.    *)
999(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
1004fun lift_type_bijections iths cty =
1005 let val itys = map (hd o snd o dest_type o type_of o lhand o concl) iths
1006 in assoc cty (zip itys iths)
1007    handle HOL_ERR _ =>
1008     if not (List.exists (C occurs_in cty) itys)
1009     then Thm.INST_TYPE [Type.alpha |-> cty] ISO_REFL
1010     else let val (tycon,isotys) = dest_type cty
1011          in if tycon = "fun"
1012             then MATCH_MP ISO_FUN
1013                    (end_itlist CONJ (map (lift_type_bijections iths) isotys))
1014             else raise ERR "lift_type_bijections"
1015                      ("Unexpected type operator \""^tycon^"\"")
1016          end
1017 end;
1019(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
1020(* Prove isomorphism of nested types where former is the smaller.            *)
1021(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
1023val T_tm = boolSyntax.T
1026  val pth = prove(
1027    ``$? P ==> (c:'a = $@ P) ==> P c``,
1031  val USE_PTH = MATCH_MP pth
1033    if not (is_exists(concl th)) then ([],th)
1034    else let
1035      val th1 = USE_PTH th
1036      val v1 = rand(rand(concl th1))
1037      val gv = genvar(type_of v1)
1038      val th2 = CONV_RULE BETA_CONV (UNDISCH (Thm.INST [v1 |-> gv] th1))
1039      val (vs,th3) = DE_EXISTENTIALIZE_RULE th2
1040    in
1041      (gv::vs,th3)
1042    end
1047val grab_type = type_of o rand o lhand o snd o strip_forall;;
1049fun clause_corresponds cl0 =
1050 let val (f0,ctm0) = dest_comb (lhs cl0)
1051     val c0 = fst(dest_const(fst(strip_comb ctm0)))
1052     val (dty0,rty0) = dest_fun_ty (type_of f0)
1053 in
1054  fn cl1 =>
1055     let val (f1,ctm1) = dest_comb (lhs cl1)
1056         val c1 = fst(dest_const(fst(strip_comb ctm1)))
1057         val (dty1,rty1) = dest_fun_ty (type_of f1)
1058     in
1059         (c0 = c1) andalso (dty0 = rty1) andalso (rty0 = dty1)
1060     end
1061 end
1063fun INSTANTIATE (tmsubst, tysubst) thm = INST tmsubst (INST_TYPE tysubst thm)
1065fun find P l =
1066  case List.find P l
1067   of NONE => raise ERR "find" "No element satisfying predicate"
1068    | SOME x => x;
1070fun pair2recd (M,v) = {redex=v, residue=M}
1071fun hol98_subst_of s = map pair2recd s;
1073fun prove_inductive_types_isomorphic n k (ith0,rth0) (ith1,rth1) = let
1074  val sth0 = SPEC_ALL rth0
1075  and sth1 = SPEC_ALL rth1
1076  val (pevs0,pbod0) = strip_exists (concl sth0)
1077  and (pevs1,pbod1) = strip_exists (concl sth1)
1078  val (pcjs0,qcjs0) = chop_list k (conjuncts pbod0)
1079  and (pcjs1,qcjs1) = chop_list k (snd(chop_list n (conjuncts pbod1)))
1080  val tyal0 = hol98_subst_of
1081               (mk_set (zip (map grab_type pcjs1) (map grab_type pcjs0)))
1082  val tyal1 = map (fn {redex,residue} => {redex=residue,residue=redex}) tyal0
1083  val tyins0 = map (fn f =>
1084                 let val (domty,ranty) = dest_fun_ty (type_of f)
1085                 in ranty |-> tysubst tyal0 domty
1086                 end) pevs0
1087  and tyins1 = map (fn f =>
1088                let val (domty,ranty) = dest_fun_ty (type_of f)
1089                in ranty |-> tysubst tyal1 domty
1090                end) pevs1
1091  val tth0 = Thm.INST_TYPE tyins0 sth0
1092  and tth1 = Thm.INST_TYPE tyins1 sth1
1093  val (evs0,bod0) = strip_exists(concl tth0)
1094  and (evs1,bod1) = strip_exists(concl tth1)
1095  val (lcjs0,rcjs0) = chop_list k (map (snd o strip_forall) (conjuncts bod0))
1096  and (lcjs1,rcjsx) = chop_list k (map (snd o strip_forall)
1097                                   (snd(chop_list n (conjuncts bod1))))
1098  val rcjs1 = map (fn t => find (clause_corresponds t) rcjsx) rcjs0
1099  fun proc_clause tm0 tm1 = let
1100    val (l0,r0) = dest_eq tm0
1101    and (l1,r1) = dest_eq tm1
1102    val (vc0,wargs0) = strip_comb r0
1103    val (con0,vargs0) = strip_comb(rand l0)
1104    val gargs0 = map (genvar o type_of) wargs0
1105    val nestf0 =
1106      map (fn a => can (find (fn t => is_comb t andalso aconv (rand t) a))
1107                       wargs0)
1108          vargs0
1109    val targs0 =
1110      map2 (fn a => fn f =>
1111            if f then
1112              find (fn t => is_comb t andalso aconv (rand t) a) wargs0
1113            else a)
1114      vargs0 nestf0
1115    val gvlist0 = zip wargs0 gargs0
1116    val xargs = map (fn v => tmassoc v gvlist0) targs0
1117    val inst0 =
1118      (vc0 |->
1119       list_mk_abs(gargs0,list_mk_comb(fst(strip_comb(rand l1)),xargs)))
1120    val (vc1,wargs1) = strip_comb r1
1121    val (con1,vargs1) = strip_comb(rand l1)
1122    val gargs1 = map (genvar o type_of) wargs1
1123    val targs1 =
1124      map2 (fn a => fn f =>
1125            if f then find (fn t => is_comb t andalso aconv (rand t) a) wargs1
1126            else a)
1127      vargs1 nestf0
1128    val gvlist1 = zip wargs1 gargs1
1129    val xargs = map (fn v => tmassoc v gvlist1) targs1
1130    val inst1 =
1131      (vc1 |->
1132       list_mk_abs(gargs1,list_mk_comb(fst(strip_comb(rand l0)),xargs)))
1133  in
1134    (inst0,inst1)
1135  end
1136  val (insts0,insts1) = unzip (map2 proc_clause (lcjs0@rcjs0) (lcjs1@rcjs1))
1137  val uth0 = BETA_RULE(Thm.INST insts0 tth0)
1138  and uth1 = BETA_RULE(Thm.INST insts1 tth1)
1139  val (efvs0,sth0) = DE_EXISTENTIALIZE_RULE uth0
1140  and (efvs1,sth1) = DE_EXISTENTIALIZE_RULE uth1
1141  val efvs2 =
1142    map (fn t1 => find (fn t2 =>
1143                        hd(tl(snd(dest_type(type_of t1)))) =
1144                        hd(snd(dest_type(type_of t2))))
1145         efvs1)
1146    efvs0
1147  val isotms = map2 (fn ff => fn gg =>
1148                     list_mk_icomb ("ind_type", "ISO") [ff,gg])
1149    efvs0 efvs2
1150  val ctm = list_mk_conj isotms
1151  val cth1 = ISO_EXPAND_CONV ctm
1152  val ctm1 = rand(concl cth1)
1153  val cjs = conjuncts ctm1
1154  val eee = map (fn n => n mod 2 = 0) (upto (length cjs - 1))
1155  val (cjs1,cjs2) = partition fst (zip eee cjs)
1156  val ctm2 = mk_conj(list_mk_conj (map snd cjs1),
1157                     list_mk_conj (map snd cjs2))
1158  val cth2 = CONJ_ACI_CONV (mk_eq(ctm1,ctm2))
1159  val cth3 = TRANS cth1 cth2
1161  val jth0 = let
1162    val itha = SPEC_ALL ith0
1163    val icjs = conjuncts(rand(concl itha))
1164    val cinsts =
1165      map (fn tm =>
1166              tryfind (fn vtm => ho_match_term [] empty_tmset vtm tm) icjs)
1167          (conjuncts (rand ctm2))
1168    val tvs = op_set_diff aconv
1169                          (fst(strip_forall(concl ith0)))
1170                          (itlist (fn (x,_) => tunion (map #redex x)) cinsts [])
1171    val ctvs =
1172      map (fn p => let val x = mk_var("x",hd(snd(dest_type(type_of p))))
1173      in (p |-> mk_abs(x,T_tm)) end) tvs
1174  in
1175    DETRIV_RULE (BETA_RULE (Thm.INST ctvs (itlist INSTANTIATE cinsts itha)))
1176  end
1177  and jth1 = let
1178    val itha = SPEC_ALL ith1
1179    val icjs = conjuncts(rand(concl itha))
1180    val cinsts = map (fn tm => tryfind
1181                      (fn vtm => ho_match_term [] empty_tmset vtm tm) icjs)
1182                     (conjuncts (lhand ctm2))
1183    val tvs =
1184        op_set_diff aconv (fst(strip_forall(concl ith1)))
1185                    (itlist (fn (x,_) => tunion (map #redex x)) cinsts [])
1186    val ctvs =
1187      map (fn p => let val x = mk_var("x",hd(snd(dest_type(type_of p)))) in
1188           (p |-> mk_abs(x,T_tm)) end) tvs
1189  in
1190    DETRIV_RULE (BETA_RULE (Thm.INST ctvs (itlist INSTANTIATE cinsts itha)))
1191  end
1192  val cths4 = map2 CONJ (CONJUNCTS jth0) (CONJUNCTS jth1)
1193  val cths5 = map (PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_RULE[GSYM ISO]) cths4
1194  val cth6 = end_itlist CONJ cths5
1196  (cth6,CONJ sth0 sth1)
1199(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
1200(* Define nested type by doing a 1-level unwinding.                          *)
1201(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
1204 let val hyps = hyp th
1205     val eqn = find (fn t =>
1206                let val x = lhs t
1207                in List.all (fn u => not (free_in x (rand u))) hyps
1208                end) hyps
1209       val (l,r) = dest_eq eqn
1210 in
1211    MP (Thm.INST [l |-> r] (DISCH eqn th)) (REFL r)
1212 end
1215fun define_type_basecase def =
1216  let fun add_id s = fst(dest_var(safeid_genvar Type.bool))
1217      val def' = map (I ## (map (add_id ## I))) def
1218  in define_type_mutual def'
1219  end
1225fun REWRITE_FUN_EQ_RULE thl = SIMP_RULE bool_ss (FUN_EQ_THM::thl)
1227fun get_nestedty_info tyname =
1228  let fun hol98_to_jrh_ind ind0 =
1229       let fun CONJUNCTS_CONV c tm =
1230             if is_conj tm then BINOP_CONV (CONJUNCTS_CONV c) tm else c tm
1231       in
1233               (RATOR_CONV (RAND_CONV
1234                            (CONJUNCTS_CONV
1235                             (REDEPTH_CONV RIGHT_IMP_FORALL_CONV))))) ind0
1236       end
1237      open TypeBasePure
1238 in
1239  case TypeBase.read tyname
1240   of SOME tyinfo => SOME (length (constructors_of tyinfo),
1241                         hol98_to_jrh_ind (induction_of tyinfo),
1242                         axiom_of tyinfo)
1243    | NONE => NONE
1244 end
1249   JRH's package returns the list type's induction theorem as:
1250      !P. P [] /\ (!h t. P t ==> P (h::t)) ==> !l. P l
1251   hol90 tradition is to have induction theorems where the universal
1252   variables in the hypotheses are pushed as far to the right as possible, so
1253   that the above appears as:
1254      !P. P [] /\ (!t. P t ==> !h. P (h::t)) ==> !l. P l
1255   A small difference you might think, but it causes the venerable
1256   INDUCT_THEN code to cark, and who am I to fiddle with INDUCT_THEN?
1257   And haven't I already introduced enough gratuitous incompatibilities?
1258   So, push_in_vars below performs this conversion.
1260   Further, the old induction theorems automatically proved by
1261   prove_induction_thm picked names for bound variables that were appropriate
1262   for the type (the first letter of the type, basically).  So, rename_bvars
1263   below does this too.
1265   Finally, munge_ind_thm composes the two functions.
1266 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
1269  fun CONJUNCTS_CONV c tm =
1270    if is_conj tm then BINOP_CONV (CONJUNCTS_CONV c) tm else c tm
1271  fun SWAP_TILL_BOTTOM_THEN c t =
1273  fun app_letter ty =
1274    if is_vartype ty then String.sub(dest_vartype ty, 1)
1275    else let
1276        val {Thy,Tyop=outerop,Args} = dest_thy_type ty
1277      in
1278        if Thy = "list" andalso outerop = "list" then
1279          case Lib.total dest_thy_type (hd Args) of
1280            SOME {Thy,Tyop,...} =>
1281            if Thy = "string" andalso Tyop = "char" then #"s"
1282            else String.sub(outerop, 0)
1283          | NONE => #"l"
1284        else String.sub(outerop,0)
1285      end
1286  fun new_name ctxt ty = let
1287    fun nvary ctxt nm n = let
1288      val fullname = nm ^ Int.toString n
1289    in
1290      if Lib.mem fullname ctxt then nvary ctxt nm (n + 1) else fullname
1291    end
1292    val name = str (app_letter ty)
1293  in
1294    if Lib.mem name ctxt then nvary ctxt name 0 else name
1295  end
1297  fun push_in_vars thm = let
1298    fun each_conj tm =
1299      if is_forall tm then let
1300        val (vs, body) = strip_forall tm
1301      in
1302        if is_imp body then let
1303          val (ant,con) = Psyntax.dest_imp body
1304        in
1305          if tmem (hd vs) (free_vars ant) then
1306            BINDER_CONV each_conj tm
1307          else
1308            (SWAP_TILL_BOTTOM_THEN FORALL_IMP_CONV THENC each_conj) tm
1309        end
1310        else REFL tm
1311      end
1312      else REFL tm
1313    val c =
1315  in
1316    CONV_RULE c thm
1317  end
1319  fun rename_bvars thm = let
1320    fun renCONV ctxt tm =
1321      if is_forall tm orelse is_exists tm then let
1322        val dest = if is_forall tm then dest_forall else dest_exists
1323        val (Bvar, Body) = dest tm
1324        val vname = new_name ctxt (type_of Bvar)
1325      in
1326        (RENAME_VARS_CONV [vname] THENC
1327         BINDER_CONV (renCONV (vname::ctxt))) tm
1328      end
1329      else if is_abs tm then ABS_CONV (renCONV ctxt) tm
1330      else if is_comb tm then (RATOR_CONV (renCONV ctxt) THENC
1331                               RAND_CONV (renCONV ctxt)) tm
1332      else REFL tm
1333    val Pvars = map (#1 o dest_var) (#1 (strip_forall (concl thm)))
1334  in
1335    CONV_RULE (STRIP_QUANT_CONV (renCONV Pvars)) thm
1336  end
1338  val munge_ind_thm = rename_bvars o push_in_vars
1342fun canonicalise_tyvars def thm = let
1343  val thm_tyvars = Term.type_vars_in_term (concl thm)
1344  val utys = Lib.U (itlist (union o map snd o snd) def [])
1345  val def_tyvars = Type.type_varsl utys
1346  fun gen_canonicals tyvs avoids =
1347    case tyvs of
1348      [] => []
1349    | (tyv::tyvs) => let
1350        val newtyname = Lexis.gen_variant Lexis.tyvar_vary avoids "'a"
1351      in
1352        (tyv |-> mk_vartype newtyname) ::
1353        gen_canonicals tyvs (newtyname :: avoids)
1354      end
1355  val names_to_avoid = map dest_vartype def_tyvars
1357  Thm.INST_TYPE
1358  (gen_canonicals (Lib.set_diff thm_tyvars def_tyvars) names_to_avoid)
1359  thm
1363  fun is_nested vs ty =
1364    not (is_vartype ty) andalso not (intersect (type_vars ty) vs = [])
1365  fun modify_type theta ty =
1366    case subst_assoc (equal ty) theta
1367     of SOME x => x
1368      | NONE => (let val {Tyop,Thy,Args} = dest_thy_type ty
1369                 in mk_thy_type{Tyop=Tyop,Thy=Thy,
1370                                Args=map (modify_type theta) Args}
1371                 end handle HOL_ERR _ => ty)
1373  fun modify_item alist (s,l) = (s,map (modify_type alist) l)
1374  fun modify_clause alist (l,lis) = (l,map (modify_item alist) lis)
1375  fun recover_clause id tm =
1376    let val (con,args) = strip_comb tm
1377    in (fst(dest_const con)^id, map type_of args)
1378    end
1380  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1381     Returns a substitution that will map elements of check_these to
1382     things not in check_these or avoids0.  Won't map an element of
1383     check_these away unless it is in avoids0.
1384  -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
1386  fun mk_thm_avoid check_these avoids0 = let
1387    fun recurse [] avoids = []
1388      | recurse (tyv1::tyvs) avoids =
1389         if Lib.mem tyv1 avoids
1390         then let val newtyv =
1391                Lexis.gen_variant Lexis.tyvar_vary (check_these@avoids) "'a"
1392              in (mk_vartype tyv1 |-> mk_vartype newtyv)
1393                 :: recurse tyvs (newtyv::avoids)
1394              end
1395         else recurse tyvs avoids
1396  in
1397    recurse check_these avoids0
1398  end
1400  fun create_auxiliary_clauses nty avoids = let
1401    val id = fst(dest_var(safeid_genvar Type.bool))
1402    val {Thy,Tyop=tycon,Args=tyargs} = dest_thy_type nty
1403    val (k,ith0,rth0) =
1404      valOf (get_nestedty_info {Thy = Thy, Tyop = tycon})
1405      handle Option.Option =>
1406        raise ERR "define_type_nested"
1407               ("Can't find definition for nested type: "^ tycon)
1408    val rth0_tvs = map dest_vartype (Term.type_vars_in_term (concl rth0))
1409    val avoid_tyal = mk_thm_avoid rth0_tvs avoids
1410    val rth = Thm.INST_TYPE avoid_tyal rth0
1411    val ith = Thm.INST_TYPE avoid_tyal ith0
1413    val (evs,bod) = strip_exists(snd(strip_forall(concl rth)))
1414    val cjs = map (lhand o snd o strip_forall) (conjuncts bod)
1415    val rtys = map (hd o snd o dest_type o type_of) evs
1416    val tyins = tryfind (fn vty => Type.match_type vty nty) rtys
1417    val cjs' = map (Term.inst tyins o rand) (fst(chop_list k cjs))
1418    val mtys = itlist (insert o type_of) cjs' []
1419    val pcons = map (fn ty => filter (fn t => type_of t = ty) cjs') mtys
1420    val cls' = zip mtys (map (map (recover_clause id)) pcons)
1421    val tyal = map (fn ty => ty |-> mk_vartype("'"^id^fst(dest_type ty))) mtys
1422    val cls'' = map (modify_type tyal ## map (modify_item tyal)) cls'
1423  in
1424    (k,tyal,cls'',Thm.INST_TYPE tyins ith, Thm.INST_TYPE tyins rth)
1425  end
1427  fun define_type_nested def = let
1428    val n = length(itlist (curry op@) (map (map fst o snd) def) [])
1429    val newtys = map fst def
1430    val utys = Lib.U (itlist (union o map snd o snd) def [])
1431    val utyvars = type_varsl utys
1432    val rectys = filter (is_nested newtys) utys
1433  in
1434    if rectys = [] then let
1435        val (th1,th2) = define_type_basecase def
1436      in
1437        (n,th1,th2)
1438      end
1439    else let
1440        val nty = hd (Listsort.sort (flip_cmp (measure_cmp type_size)) rectys)
1441        val (k,tyal,ncls,ith,rth) =
1442            create_auxiliary_clauses nty (map dest_vartype utyvars)
1443        val cls = map (modify_clause tyal) def @ ncls
1444        val (_,ith1,rth1) = define_type_nested cls
1445        val xnewtys = map (hd o snd o dest_type o type_of)
1446                          (fst(strip_exists(snd(strip_forall(concl rth1)))))
1447        val xtyal = let
1448          fun mapthis ty = let
1449            val s = dest_vartype ty
1450          in
1451            (ty |-> find(fn t => "'"^fst(dest_type t) = s) xnewtys)
1452          end
1453        in
1454          map (mapthis o fst) cls
1455        end
1456        val ith0 = Thm.INST_TYPE xtyal ith
1457        and rth0 = Thm.INST_TYPE xtyal rth
1458        val (isoth,rclauses) =
1459            prove_inductive_types_isomorphic n k (ith0,rth0) (ith1,rth1)
1460        val irth3 = CONJ ith1 rth1
1461        val vtylist = itlist (insert o type_of) (variables(concl irth3)) []
1462        val isoths = CONJUNCTS isoth
1463        val isotys =
1464            map (hd o snd o dest_type o type_of o lhand o concl) isoths
1465        val ctylist =
1466            filter
1467                (fn ty => List.exists (fn t => occurs_in t ty) isotys)
1468                vtylist
1469        val atylist = itlist (union o striplist dest_fun_ty) ctylist []
1470        val isoths' = map (lift_type_bijections isoths)
1471                          (filter (fn ty => List.exists
1472                                                (fn t => occurs_in t ty)
1473                                                isotys)
1474                                  atylist)
1475        val cisoths =
1476            map (BETA_RULE o lift_type_bijections isoths') ctylist
1477        val uisoths = map ISO_USAGE_RULE cisoths
1478        val visoths = map (ASSUME o concl) uisoths
1479        val irth4 =
1480            itlist PROVE_HYP uisoths (REWRITE_FUN_EQ_RULE visoths irth3)
1481        val irth5 = REWRITE_RULE
1482                        (rclauses :: map SIMPLE_ISO_EXPAND_RULE isoths') irth4
1483        val irth6 = repeat SCRUB_ASSUMPTION irth5
1484        val ncjs =
1485            filter (fn t => List.exists (not o is_var)
1486                                        (snd(strip_comb(rand(lhs(snd(strip_forall t)))))))
1487                   (conjuncts(snd(strip_exists
1488                                      (snd(strip_forall(rand(concl irth6)))))))
1489        val id = fst(dest_var(genvar Type.bool))
1490        fun mk_newcon tm = let
1491          val (vs,bod) = strip_forall tm
1492          val rdeb = rand(lhs bod)
1493          val rdef = list_mk_abs(vs,rdeb)
1494          val newname = fst(dest_var(safeid_genvar Type.bool))
1495          val def = mk_eq(mk_var(newname,type_of rdef),rdef)
1496          val dth = new_definition (newname, def)
1497        in
1498          SIMPLE_BETA_RULE dth
1499        end
1500        val dths = map mk_newcon ncjs
1501        val (ith6,rth6) = CONJ_PAIR(PURE_REWRITE_RULE dths irth6)
1502      in
1503        (n,ith6,rth6)
1504      end
1505  end
1507  fun remove_intermediate_junk () = let
1508    val cs = Theory.constants (current_theory())
1509    fun c_appthis c = let
1510      val {Name, Thy, ...} = dest_thy_const c
1511    in
1512      if String.isSubstring safepfx Name then
1513        (Parse.temp_remove_ovl_mapping Name {Name = Name, Thy = Thy};
1514         Theory.delete_const Name)
1515      else ()
1516    end
1518    val tys = Theory.types (current_theory())
1519    fun ty_appthis (tyn,arity) =
1520        if String.isSubstring safepfx tyn then Theory.delete_type tyn
1521        else ()
1522  in
1523    List.app c_appthis cs;
1524    List.app ty_appthis tys
1525  end
1527val define_type_nested = fn def =>
1528 let val newtys = map fst def
1529     val truecons = itlist (curry op@) (map (map fst o snd) def) []
1530     val defnested = define_type_nested
1531                         |> trace ("Vartype Format Complaint", 0)
1532                         |> with_flag (Globals.checking_type_names, false)
1533                         |> with_flag (Globals.checking_const_names, false)
1534     val (p,ith0,rth0) = defnested def
1535     val (avs,etm) = strip_forall(concl rth0)
1536     val allcls = conjuncts(snd(strip_exists etm))
1537     val relcls = fst(chop_list (length truecons) allcls)
1538     val gencons = map(repeat rator o rand o lhand o snd o strip_forall) relcls
1539     val cdefs =
1540         map2 (fn s => fn r =>
1541                  SYM(new_definition (temp_binding s,
1542                                      mk_eq(mk_var(s,type_of r),r))))
1543              truecons
1544              gencons
1545     val tavs = make_args "f" [] (map type_of avs)
1546     val ith1 = SUBS cdefs ith0
1547     and rth1 = GENL tavs (SUBS cdefs (SPECL tavs rth0))
1548     val retval = (p,ith1,rth1)
1549  in
1550    {induction = munge_ind_thm ith1,
1551     recursion = canonicalise_tyvars def rth1} before
1552    remove_intermediate_junk()
1553  end
1556fun define_type d =
1557  define_type_nested d
1558  handle e => raise (wrap_exn "ind_types" "define_type" e);
1560(* test this with:
1562   val def = [(Type`:'foo`, [("C1", []), ("C2", [Type`:num`])])];
1563   (* HOL Light equivalent:
1564    let def =
1565      let foo = mk_vartype "foo" in
1566      [(foo, [("C1", []); ("C2", [`:num`])])];;
1567    *)
1569   define_type_nested def;
1571   val def = [(Type`:'bar`, [("D1", [Type`:num`]), ("D2", [Type`:'bar`])])];
1572   define_type_nested def;
1574   val def = [(Type`:'qux`, [("F1", []), ("##", [Type`:'qux option`])])];
1575   (* HOL Light equivalent :
1576       let def =
1577         let qux = mk_vartype "qux" in
1578         [(qux, [("F1", []); ("F2", [mk_type("option", [qux])])])];; *)
1579   define_type_nested def;
1581   val def = [(Type`:'bozz`, [("G1", [Type`:num`, Type`:'fozz`])]),
1582              (Type`:'fozz`, [("G2", [Type`:'bozz option`]),
1583                              ("G3", [Type`:num + 'fozz`])])]
1584   (* HOL Light equivalent :
1585       let def =
1586         let bozz = mk_vartype "bozz"
1587         and fozz = mk_vartype "fozz" in
1588         [(bozz, [("G1", [`:num`; fozz])]);
1589          (fozz, [("G2", [mk_type("option", [bozz])]);
1590                  ("G3", [mk_type("sum", [`:num`; fozz])])])];;
1591       let (bozz_ind, bozz_rec) = define_type_nested def;;
1592   *)
1594   val (bozz_ind, bozz_rec) = define_type_nested def;