1(* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
2(* 		Copyright (c) Jim Grundy 1992				*)
3(*									*)
4(* Jim Grundy, hereafter referred to as `the Author', retains the	*)
5(* copyright and all other legal rights to the Software contained in	*)
6(* this file, hereafter referred to as `the Software'.			*)
7(* 									*)
8(* The Software is made available free of charge on an `as is' basis.	*)
9(* No guarantee, either express or implied, of maintenance, reliability	*)
10(* or suitability for any purpose is made by the Author.		*)
11(* 									*)
12(* The user is granted the right to make personal or internal use	*)
13(* of the Software provided that both:					*)
14(* 1. The Software is not used for commercial gain.			*)
15(* 2. The user shall not hold the Author liable for any consequences	*)
16(*    arising from use of the Software.					*)
17(* 									*)
18(* The user is granted the right to further distribute the Software	*)
19(* provided that both:							*)
20(* 1. The Software and this statement of rights is not modified.	*)
21(* 2. The Software does not form part or the whole of a system 		*)
22(*    distributed for commercial gain.					*)
23(* 									*)
24(* The user is granted the right to modify the Software for personal or	*)
25(* internal use provided that all of the following conditions are	*)
26(* observed:								*)
27(* 1. The user does not distribute the modified software. 		*)
28(* 2. The modified software is not used for commercial gain.		*)
29(* 3. The Author retains all rights to the modified software.		*)
30(*									*)
31(* Anyone seeking a licence to use this software for commercial purposes*)
32(* is invited to contact the Author.					*)
33(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------*)
37(* Translated to hol90 by David Shepherd, April 1993 *)