4This library provides a conversion that does rewrite and
5$\beta$-reduce any term, using a call by value strategy.
7%% Document CBV_CONV, from_list, add_clauses, new_rws
11The \ml{CBV\_CONV} conversion rewrites the equations in a call-by-value
12strategy, that is completely evaluates the arguments before the
13``function call'' (the application of a rewrite which left-hand side
14has this constant in its head). The reduction is weak, which means
15that reduction under abstractions are delayed as long as
16possible. However, when we know that an abstraction will never be
17applied, reductions are performed under it, so that we can actually
18reach the full normal form.
20The strategy is intentionally close to that of ML. This allows one to
21think \HOL\ has a programming language, and \ml{CBV\_CONV} is an
22evaluator which have the same complexity (with a large slow down factor,
23though) as usual compiled ML programs.
25The strategy differs from ML for abstractions: $\beta$-redexes are
26reduced in call by need. The usual call by value strategy can be
27achieved by replacing abstractions \verb#\x. e# by
28\verb#LET (\x. e)#, and reducing \ml{LET} with equation
29\verb#LET f x = f x#.
31The reason is to allow the evaluation of conditional expressions
32without evaluating both alternatives. We could use the weak reduction
33strategy to fake call by need:
35\ml{COND'~T~x~y} & = & \ml{x()} \\
36\ml{COND'~F~x~y} & = & \ml{y()}
38but this is a bit of overhead, and not very natural. Here, instead of
39rewriting equation \verb#COND T x y = x#, we use
40\verb#COND T = \x y. x#. The advantage of the second statement, is
41that only the condition is evaluated strictly, while in the first
42case, the two alternatives are also evaluated. Doing this
43transformation is not useful only in the case we need to evaluate
44arguments lazily, as shown above. It may be an improvement since
45$\beta$-reduction has been optimized, while pattern-matching is not a
46primitive notion in \HOL, and is slower.
50\section{Simplification sets}
52The \ml{compute} library has its own type of simplification sets, that
53can be as usual built from a list of theorems. These theorems must be
54conjunctions of possibly quantified equations, whose left-hand sides
55satisfy some condition to be defined below. Conjuncts not in the
56requested form are not used.
58Left-hand sides must be a constant applied to a list of
59patterns. Patterns are either a variable or a constant applied to
60other patterns. Abstractions cannot appear in patterns.
62P & ::= & x \mid c~P_1 \ldots P_n
64This corresponds to the usual definition scheme by pattern-matching,
65slightly extended. Patterns need not be linear. If a variable occurs
66several times, it is checked that the instantiations are
67$\alpha$-convertibles. Beware, that only the weakly reduced forms are
68compared. For instance, reflexivity fails to solve the folowing example:
70(\x. x) = (\x. (\y.y) x)
74Simplification sets are mutable objects: one creates an empty set and
75then adds lists of theorems to it. Function \ml{new\_rws} returns a
76new empty simplification set. Function \ml{add\_clauses} adds a list
77of theorems to a simplification set. It returns the list of rules that
78have been recognized, but it is mainly to check that everything was
79all right. Creation of a new simplification set and addition of a list
80of theorems can be combined using \ml{from\_list}.