1structure mungeTools :> mungeTools =
4open Lib Feedback HolKernel Parse boolLib
6datatype command = Theorem | Term | Type
7datatype opt = Turnstile | Case | TT | Def | SpacedDef | AlignedDef
8             | TypeOf | TermThm
9             | Indent of int * bool
10                 (* true: add spaces; false: just alter block indent *)
11             | NoSpec
12             | NoDefSym
13             | Inst of string * string
14             | OverrideUpd of (string * int) * string
15             | TraceSet of string * int
16             | NoTurnstile | Width of int
17             | Mathmode of string | NoMath
18             | AllTT | ShowTypes of int
19             | Conj of int
20             | Rule | StackedRule
21             | RuleName of string
22             | NoDollarParens
23             | Merge | NoMerge
24             | Unoverload of string
25             | Depth of int
27val numErrors = ref 0
28type posn = int * int
30fun inc ir = (ir := !ir + 1)
31fun warn ((l,c), s) = (TextIO.output(TextIO.stdErr,
32                                     Int.toString l ^ "." ^ Int.toString c ^
33                                     ": " ^ s ^ "\n");
34                       inc numErrors;
35                       TextIO.flushOut TextIO.stdErr)
36fun die s = (TextIO.output(TextIO.stdErr, s ^ "\n");
37             TextIO.flushOut TextIO.stdErr;
38             OS.Process.exit OS.Process.failure)
39fun usage() =
40    die ("Usage:\n  "^
41         CommandLine.name()^
42         " [-w<linewidth>] [-m[<math-spacing>]] [--nomergeanalysis] " ^
43         "[overridesfile]\nor\n  "^
44         CommandLine.name()^" -index filename")
46fun stringOpt pos s =
47  case s of
48    "|-" => SOME Turnstile
49  | "aligneddef" => SOME AlignedDef
50  | "alltt" => SOME AllTT
51  | "case" => SOME Case
52  | "def" => SOME Def
53  | "K" => SOME TermThm
54  | "merge" => SOME Merge
55  | "nodefsym" => SOME NoDefSym
56  | "nodollarparens" => SOME NoDollarParens
57  | "nomerge" => SOME NoMerge
58  | "nomath" => SOME NoMath
59  | "nosp" => SOME NoSpec
60  | "nostile" => SOME NoTurnstile
61  | "of" => SOME TypeOf
62  | "rule" => SOME Rule
63  | "spaceddef" => SOME SpacedDef
64  | "stackedrule" => SOME StackedRule
65  | "tt" => SOME TT
66  | _ => let
67    in
68      if String.isPrefix "showtypes" s then let
69        val numpart_s = String.extract(s,9,NONE)
70      in
71        if numpart_s = "" then SOME (ShowTypes 1) else
72        case Int.fromString numpart_s of
73          NONE => (warn(pos, s ^ " is not a valid option"); NONE)
74        | SOME i => SOME (ShowTypes i)
75      end
76      else if String.isPrefix "tr'" s then let
77        val sfx = String.extract(s, 3, NONE)
78        val (pfx,eqsfx) = Substring.position "'=" (Substring.full sfx)
79      in
80        if Substring.size eqsfx = 0 then
81          (warn(pos, s ^ " is not a valid option"); NONE)
82        else
83          let
84            val numpart_s = String.extract (Substring.string eqsfx, 2, NONE)
85          in
86            case Int.fromString numpart_s of
87                NONE => (warn(pos, s ^ " is not a valid option"); NONE)
88              | SOME i => SOME(TraceSet(Substring.string pfx, i))
89          end
90      end
91      else if String.isPrefix ">>" s then
92        let
93          val (addsp, num_i) =
94              if size s > 2 andalso String.sub(s,2) = #"~" then (false, 3)
95              else (true, 2)
96          val numpart_s = String.extract(s,num_i,NONE)
97        in
98          if numpart_s = "" then SOME (Indent (2, addsp))
99          else
100            case Int.fromString numpart_s of
101              NONE => (warn(pos, s ^ " is not a valid option"); NONE)
102            | SOME i => if i < 0 then
103                          (warn(pos, "Negative indents illegal"); NONE)
104                        else SOME (Indent (i, addsp))
105        end
106      else if String.isPrefix "rulename=" s then let
107        val name = String.extract(s,9,NONE)
108        in SOME (RuleName name) end
109      else if String.isPrefix "width=" s then let
110          val numpart_s = String.extract(s,6,NONE)
111        in
112          case Int.fromString numpart_s of
113            NONE => (warn(pos, s ^ " is not a valid option"); NONE)
114          | SOME i => SOME (Width i)
115        end
116      else if String.isPrefix "depth=" s then let
117          val numpart_s = String.extract(s,6,NONE)
118        in
119          case Int.fromString numpart_s of
120            NONE => (warn(pos, s ^ " is not a valid option"); NONE)
121          | SOME i => SOME (Depth i)
122        end
123      else if String.isPrefix "conj" s then let
124          val numpart_s = String.extract(s,4,NONE)
125        in
126          case Int.fromString numpart_s of
127            NONE => (warn(pos, s ^ " is not a valid option"); NONE)
128          | SOME i => if i <= 0 then
129                        (warn(pos, "Negative/zero conj specs illegal"); NONE)
130                      else SOME (Conj i)
131        end
132      else let
133          open Substring
134          val ss = full s
135          val (pfx,sfx) = position "/" ss
136          fun rmws ss = ss |> dropl Char.isSpace |> dropr Char.isSpace |> string
137        in
138          if size sfx < 2 then
139            if String.isPrefix "m" s then
140              SOME (Mathmode (String.extract(s,1,NONE)))
141            else if String.isPrefix "-" s then
142              if String.size s >= 2 then
143                SOME (Unoverload (String.extract(s,1,NONE)))
144              else
145                (warn (pos, s ^ " is not a valid option"); NONE)
146            else
147              (warn (pos, s ^ " is not a valid option"); NONE)
148          else if size sfx > 2 andalso sub(sfx,1) = #"/" then
149            SOME(OverrideUpd((rmws pfx, size sfx - 2),rmws (slice(sfx,2,NONE))))
150          else
151            SOME (Inst (rmws pfx, rmws (slice(sfx,1,NONE))))
152        end
153    end
157type override_map = (string,(string * int))Binarymap.dict
158fun read_overrides fname = let
159  val istrm = TextIO.openIn fname
160              handle _ => usage()
161  fun recurse count acc =
162      case TextIO.inputLine istrm of
163        NONE => acc
164      | SOME line => let
165          open Substring
166          val ss = full line
167          val ss = dropl Char.isSpace (dropr Char.isSpace ss)
168          val acc' = let
169          in
170            if size ss = 0 then acc
171            else let
172                val (word1, ss) = splitl (not o Char.isSpace) ss
173                val word1 = string word1
174                val ss = dropl Char.isSpace ss
175                val (num, ss) = splitl (not o Char.isSpace) ss
176                val word2 = string (dropl Char.isSpace ss)
177              in
178                case Int.fromString (string num) of
179                  NONE => (warn ((count,0),
180                                 fname ^ "(overrides file): --" ^
181                                 string (dropr Char.isSpace (full line)) ^
182                                 "-- couldn't decode size number. Ignoring.");
183                           acc)
184                | SOME n => let
185                  in
186                    case Binarymap.peek(acc, word1) of
187                      NONE => Binarymap.insert(acc, word1, (word2, n))
188                    | SOME _ => (warn ((count,0),
189                                       fname ^ " rebinds " ^ word1);
190                                 Binarymap.insert(acc, word1, (word2, n)))
191                  end
192              end
193          end
194        in
195          recurse (count + 1) acc'
196        end
198  recurse 1 (Binarymap.mkDict String.compare) before
199  TextIO.closeIn istrm
202structure OptSet : sig
203  type elem type set
204  val empty : set
205  val add : elem -> set -> set
206  val addList : elem list -> set -> set
207  val has : elem -> set -> bool
208  val listItems : set -> elem list
209  val fold : (elem * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> set -> 'a
210end where type elem = opt = struct
211  type elem = opt
212  type set = elem list
213  val empty = []
214  fun add e s = e::s
215  fun addList s1 s2 = s1 @ s2
216  fun has e s = Lib.mem e s
217  fun listItems l = l
218  val fold = List.foldl
221type optionset = OptSet.set
223fun optset_width s = get_first (fn Width i => SOME i | _ => NONE) s
224fun optset_depth s = get_first (fn Depth i => SOME i | _ => NONE) s
225fun spaces 0 = ""
226  | spaces 1 = " "
227  | spaces 2 = "  "
228  | spaces 3 = "   "
229  | spaces 4 = "    "
230  | spaces n = CharVector.tabulate(n, (fn _ => #" "))
231fun optset_indent s =
232    case get_first (fn Indent i => SOME i | _ => NONE) s of
233      NONE => (0, PP.add_string "")
234    | SOME (i,b) =>
235        (i, if b then PP.add_string (spaces i) else PP.add_string "")
237fun optset_conjnum s = get_first (fn Conj i => SOME i | _ => NONE) s
238fun optset_mathmode s = get_first (fn Mathmode s => SOME s | _ => NONE) s
239fun optset_showtypes s = get_first (fn ShowTypes i => SOME i | _ => NONE) s
240fun optset_rulename s = get_first (fn RuleName s => SOME s | _ => NONE) s
241fun optset_nomath s = OptSet.has NoMath s
243val optset_unoverloads =
244    OptSet.fold (fn (e,l) => case e of Unoverload s => s :: l | _ => l) []
246fun optset_traces opts f =
247    OptSet.fold (fn (e, f) => case e of TraceSet p => trace p f | _ => f) f opts
249val HOL = !EmitTeX.texPrefix
250val user_overrides = ref (Binarymap.mkDict String.compare)
252fun diag s = (TextIO.output(TextIO.stdErr, s ^ "\n");
253              TextIO.flushOut TextIO.stdErr)
254fun overrides s = Binarymap.peek (!user_overrides, s)
256fun isChar x y = x = y
258fun mkinst loc opts tm = let
259  val insts = List.mapPartial (fn Inst(s1,s2) => SOME (s1,s2) | _ => NONE)
260                              (OptSet.listItems opts)
261  val (tytheta,insts) = let
262    fun foldthis ((nm1, nm2), (tyacc, instacc)) =
263        if CharVector.sub(nm1,0) = #":" then
264          if CharVector.sub(nm2,0) = #":" then
265            ((Parse.Type [QUOTE nm2] |-> Parse.Type [QUOTE nm1]) :: tyacc,
266             instacc)
267          else (warn (loc, "Type substitution mal-formed"); die "")
268        else if CharVector.sub(nm2,0) = #":" then
269          (warn (loc, "Type substitution mal-formed"); die "")
270        else (tyacc, (nm1,nm2)::instacc)
271  in
272    List.foldl foldthis ([],[]) insts
273  end
274  val tm = Term.inst tytheta tm
275  val vs = FVL [tm] empty_tmset
276  fun foldthis (v, acc) = let
277    val (n,ty) = dest_var v
278  in
279    Binarymap.insert(acc,n,ty)
280  end
281  val vtypemap = HOLset.foldl foldthis (Binarymap.mkDict String.compare) vs
282  fun foldthis ((nm1,nm2),acc) = let
283    val ty = Binarymap.find(vtypemap, nm2)
284  in
285    (mk_var(nm2,ty) |-> mk_var(nm1,ty)) :: acc
286  end handle Binarymap.NotFound => acc
288  (insts, tytheta, foldr foldthis [] insts)
291fun mk_s2smap pairs = let
292  fun foldthis ((nm1,nm2), acc) = Binarymap.insert(acc, nm2, nm1)
293  val m = Binarymap.mkDict String.compare
295   List.foldl foldthis m pairs
298fun rename m t = let
299  val (v0, _) = dest_abs t
300  val (vnm, vty) = dest_var v0
302  case Binarymap.peek (m, vnm) of
303    NONE => NO_CONV t
304  | SOME newname => ALPHA_CONV (mk_var(newname,vty)) t
307fun depth1_conv c t =
308    (TRY_CONV c THENC TRY_CONV (SUB_CONV (depth1_conv c))) t
310fun updatef ((k, v), f) x = if x = k then SOME v else f x
312fun do_thminsts loc opts th = let
313  val (insts, tytheta, theta) = mkinst loc opts (concl th)
314  val th = INST_TYPE tytheta th
315  val m = mk_s2smap insts
316  val th = if null theta then th else INST theta th
318  CONV_RULE (depth1_conv (rename m)) th
321fun do_tminsts loc opts tm = let
322  val (insts, tytheta, theta) = mkinst loc opts tm
323  val tm = Term.inst tytheta tm
324  val tm = if null theta then tm else Term.subst theta tm
325  val m = mk_s2smap insts
327  if null insts then tm
328  else
329    rhs (concl (QCONV (depth1_conv (rename m)) tm))
333  val sm_t = prim_mk_const{Name = "stmarker", Thy = "marker"}
334  val exn = mk_HOL_ERR "EmitTeX" "replace_topeq"
335                       "Definition clause not an equality"
337fun replace_topeq tm =
338    let val (eqt,l,r) =
339            case strip_comb tm of
340                (f, [x,y]) => if same_const boolSyntax.equality f then (f, x, y)
341                              else raise exn
342              | _ => raise exn
343    in
344      list_mk_comb(mk_icomb(sm_t, eqt), [l,r])
345    end
349  open EmitTeX PP
350  val _ = set_trace "EmitTeX: print datatype names as types" 1
351  exception BadSpec
352  fun getThm spec = let
353    val (theory,theorem) =
354        case String.tokens (isChar #".") spec of
355            [thy,th] => (thy,th)
356          | _ => raise BadSpec
357  in
358    DB.fetch theory theorem
359  end
360  fun block_list begb pfun newl xs = begb (pr_list pfun [newl] xs)
361  type arg = {commpos : posn, argpos : posn, command : command,
362              options : optionset, argument : string}
363  val B = block CONSISTENT 0
364  val nothing = B []
366  fun replacement (argument:arg as {commpos = pos, argument = spec,...}) =
367  let
368    val {argpos = (argline, argcpos), command, options = opts, ...} = argument
369    val alltt = OptSet.has AllTT opts orelse
370                (command = Theorem andalso not (OptSet.has TT opts))
371    val rulep = OptSet.has Rule opts orelse OptSet.has StackedRule opts
372    fun rule_print printer term = let
373      val (hs, c) = let
374        val (h, c) = dest_imp term
375      in
376        (strip_conj h, c)
377      end handle HOL_ERR _ => ([], term)
378      open Portable
379      fun addz s = add_stringsz (s, 0)
380      val (sep,hypbegin,hypend) =
381          if OptSet.has StackedRule opts then
382            (addz "\\\\", addz "\\begin{array}{c}", addz "\\end{array}")
383          else
384            (addz "&", nothing, nothing)
385      val rulename =
386          case optset_rulename opts of
387              NONE => nothing
388            | SOME s => B [addz"[\\HOLRuleName{", addz s, addz"}]"]
389    in
390      B [
391        addz "\\infer", rulename, addz "{\\HOLinline{",
392        printer c,
393        addz "}}{",
394        hypbegin,
395        B (
396          pr_list (fn t => B [addz "\\HOLinline{", printer t, addz "}"])
397                  [sep] hs
398        ),
399        hypend, addz "}"
400      ]
401    end
403    fun clear_overloads slist f = let
404      val tyg = type_grammar()
405      val oldg = term_grammar()
406      val _ = List.app temp_clear_overloads_on slist
407      val _ = List.map hide slist
408      val newg = term_grammar()
409    in
410      (fn x => (temp_set_grammars(tyg,newg);
411                f x before temp_set_grammars(tyg,oldg)))
412    end
414    fun optprintermod f =
415        f |> (case optset_showtypes opts of
416                NONE => trace ("types", 0)
417              | SOME i => trace ("types", i))
418          |> (case optset_depth opts of
419                NONE => (fn f => f)
420              | SOME i => Lib.with_flag (Globals.max_print_depth, i))
421          |> (if OptSet.has NoDollarParens opts then
422                trace ("EmitTeX: dollar parens", 0)
423              else
424                trace ("EmitTeX: dollar parens", 1))
425          |> (if OptSet.has NoMerge opts then
426                trace ("pp_avoids_symbol_merges", 0)
427              else (fn f => f))
428          |> (if OptSet.has Merge opts then
429                trace ("pp_avoids_symbol_merges", 1)
430              else (fn f => f))
431          |> (case optset_unoverloads opts of
432                  [] => (fn f => f)
433                | slist => clear_overloads slist)
434          |> optset_traces opts
436    val overrides = let
437      fun foldthis (opt, acc) =
438          case opt of
439              OverrideUpd (newsz,old) => updatef ((old,newsz), acc)
440            | _ => acc
441    in
442      OptSet.fold foldthis overrides opts
443    end
444    fun stdtermprint t = optprintermod (raw_pp_term_as_tex overrides) t
446    fun clear_abbrevs slist f = let
447      val oldg = type_grammar()
448      val tmg = term_grammar()
449      val _ = List.app temp_disable_tyabbrev_printing slist
450      val newg = type_grammar()
451    in
452      (fn x => (temp_set_grammars(newg,tmg);
453                f x before temp_set_grammars(oldg,tmg)))
454    end
456    fun opttyprintermod f =
457      f |> (case optset_unoverloads opts of
458                [] => (fn f => f)
459              | slist => clear_abbrevs slist)
461    fun stdtypeprint t = opttyprintermod (raw_pp_type_as_tex overrides) t
463    val start1 =
464        if not alltt andalso not rulep then add_string "\\HOLinline{"
465        else nothing
466    val parse_start = " (*#loc "^ Int.toString argline ^ " " ^
467                      Int.toString argcpos ^"*)"
468    val QQ = QUOTE
469    val result =
470      case command of
471        Theorem => let
472          val thm = getThm spec
473          val thm =
474              if OptSet.has NoSpec opts then thm
475              else
476                case optset_conjnum opts of
477                  NONE => SPEC_ALL thm
478                | SOME i => List.nth(map SPEC_ALL (CONJUNCTS (SPEC_ALL thm)),
479                                     i - 1)
480                  handle Subscript =>
481                         (warn(pos,
482                               "Theorem "^spec^
483                               " does not have a conjunct #" ^
484                               Int.toString i);
485                          SPEC_ALL thm)
486          val thm = do_thminsts pos opts thm
487          val (ind,iact) = optset_indent opts
488          fun ind_bl p = block CONSISTENT ind [iact, p]
489        in
490          if OptSet.has Def opts orelse OptSet.has SpacedDef opts orelse
491             OptSet.has AlignedDef opts
492          then let
493              val newline = if OptSet.has SpacedDef opts then
494                              B [add_newline, add_newline]
495                            else add_newline
496              val m = if OptSet.has NoDefSym opts then (fn t => t)
497                      else replace_topeq
498              val lines = thm |> CONJUNCTS |> map (m o concl o SPEC_ALL)
499              val pr =
500                  if OptSet.has AlignedDef opts then
501                    let val overrides' =
502                            updatef(("(HOLDefEquality)",
503                                     ("&\\HOLTokenDefEquality{}&", 1)),
504                                    overrides)
505                    in
506                      optprintermod (raw_pp_term_as_tex overrides')
507                    end
508                  else
509                    stdtermprint
510            in
511              ind_bl (
512                block_list (block INCONSISTENT 0) pr newline lines
513              )
514            end
515          else if rulep then ind_bl (rule_print stdtermprint (concl thm))
516          else let
517              val base = raw_pp_theorem_as_tex overrides
518              val printer = optprintermod base
519              val printer =
520                  if OptSet.has NoTurnstile opts then
521                    trace ("EmitTeX: print thm turnstiles", 0) printer
522                  else printer
523            in
524              ind_bl (printer thm)
525            end
526        end
527      | Term => let
528          val term = if OptSet.has TermThm opts then
529                       spec |> getThm |> concl |> rand |> do_tminsts pos opts
530                     else if OptSet.has Case opts then
531                       let
532                         open Preterm errormonad
533                         val a = Absyn [QQ parse_start, QQ spec]
534                         val tm_M =
535                             absyn_to_preterm a >-                (fn ptm0 =>
536                             typecheck_phase1 NONE ptm0 >>
537                             overloading_resolution ptm0 >-       (fn (pt,b) =>
538                             report_ovl_ambiguity b >>
539                             to_term pt))
540                         val tm = smash tm_M Pretype.Env.empty
541                        in
542                          do_tminsts pos opts tm
543                        end
544                     else
545                         Parse.Term [QQ parse_start, QQ spec]
546                                    |> do_tminsts pos opts
547          val (ind,iact) = optset_indent opts
548          val s2 = if OptSet.has Turnstile opts then
549                        B [add_stringsz ("\\"^HOL^"TokenTurnstile", 2),
550                           add_string " "]
551                   else nothing
552        in
553          if rulep then
554            block CONSISTENT ind [iact, s2, rule_print stdtermprint term]
555          else block CONSISTENT ind [iact, s2, stdtermprint term]
556        end
557      | Type => let
558          val typ = if OptSet.has TypeOf opts
559                         then Parse.Term [QQ parse_start, QQ spec]
560                              |> do_tminsts pos opts
561                              |> Term.type_of
562                    else Parse.Type [QQ parse_start, QQ spec]
563          val (ind, iact) = optset_indent opts
564        in
565          block CONSISTENT ind [iact, stdtypeprint typ]
566        end
567    val final = if not alltt andalso not rulep then add_string "}"
568                else nothing
569  in
570    B [start1, result, final]
571  end handle
572      BadSpec => (warn (pos, spec ^ " does not specify a theorem"); nothing)
573    | HOL_ERR e => (warn (pos, !Feedback.ERR_to_string e); nothing)
574    | e => (warn (pos, "Unknown exception: "^General.exnMessage e); nothing)
577fun parseOpts pos opts = let
578  val toks = String.tokens (isChar #",") opts
579  val opts = List.mapPartial (stringOpt pos) toks
581  OptSet.addList opts OptSet.empty
584end ;