1structure EmitTeX :> EmitTeX =
4open HolKernel boolLib;
6(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
7(* Configuration                                                             *)
8(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
10val texOptions = "11pt, twoside";
12val texLinewidth = ref 64;
13val texPrefix    = ref "HOL";
14val emitTeXDir   = ref "";
16val current_theory_name = ref "";
17val current_path        = ref Path.currentArc
19fun tex_command_escape s =
20  String.concat (map
21    (fn c =>
22       case c of
23         #"_" => "XX"
24       | #"'" => "YY"
25       | #"?" => "QQ"
26       | #"!" => "ZZ"
27       | #"0" => "Zero"
28       | #"1" => "One"
29       | #"2" => "Two"
30       | #"3" => "Three"
31       | #"4" => "Four"
32       | #"5" => "Five"
33       | #"6" => "Six"
34       | #"7" => "Seven"
35       | #"8" => "Eight"
36       | #"9" => "Nine"
37       | _ => String.str c)
38    (String.explode s));
40fun index_string() =
41  "\\index{" ^
42    (if !current_theory_name = "" then
43       ""
44     else
45       !current_theory_name ^ " Theory@\\textbf  {" ^
46       !current_theory_name ^ " Theory}");
48fun prefix_escape s = !texPrefix ^ (tex_command_escape s);
50fun prefix_string()     = prefix_escape (!current_theory_name);
51fun datatype_prefix()   = prefix_string() ^ "Datatypes";
52fun definition_prefix() = prefix_string() ^ "Definitions";
53fun theorem_prefix()    = prefix_string() ^ "Theorems";
54fun date_prefix()       = prefix_string() ^ "Date";
55fun time_prefix()       = prefix_string() ^ "Time";
57(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
58(* datatype_theorems : string -> (string * thm) list                         *)
59(*   Get a list of datatype theorems in the names theory.                    *)
60(*   These have the form |- DATATYPE x                                       *)
61(*                                                                           *)
62(* non_type_definitions : string -> (string * thm) list                      *)
63(*   A version of DB.definitions that filters out definitions created by     *)
64(*   Hol_datatype and those containing WFREC.                                *)
65(*                                                                           *)
66(* non_type_theorems : string -> (string * thm) list                         *)
67(*   A version of DB.theorems that filters out theorems created by           *)
68(*   Hol_datatype.                                                           *)
69(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
72  fun datatype_defns s =
73    map (fn x => s ^ x)
74      ["_TY_DEF", "_repfns", "_size_def"]
76  fun datatype_theorems s =
77    "datatype_" ^ s :: map (fn x => s ^ x)
78      ["_11", "_Axiom", "_case_cong", "_induction", "_nchotomy"]
80  fun enumerate_defns s =
81     [s ^ "_BIJ", s ^ "_case", s ^ "_CASE"]
83  fun enumerate_thms s =
84    ["num2" ^ s ^ "_ONTO", "num2" ^ s ^ "_thm", "num2" ^ s ^ "_11",
85     s ^ "2num_ONTO", s ^ "2num_thm", s ^ "2num_11",
86     s ^ "_case_def", s ^ "_EQ_" ^ s,
87     s ^ "2num_num2" ^ s, "num2" ^ s ^ "_" ^ s ^ "2num"]
89  fun record_defns s flds =
90    let val (l,r) = Substring.position "brss__" (Substring.full s)
91        val big = if Substring.isPrefix "brss__" r then
92                    let val n = Substring.string l ^ "brss__sf" ^
93                                Substring.string (Substring.slice (r, 6, NONE))
94                    in [n, n ^ "_fupd"] end
95                  else
96                    []
97    in
98      s :: s ^ "_case_def" :: (big @ List.concat
99        (map (fn x => let val y = s ^ "_" ^ x in [y, y ^ "_fupd"] end) flds))
100    end
102  fun record_thms s =
103    ["EXISTS_" ^ s, "FORALL_" ^ s] @
104    (map (fn x => s ^ x)
105      ["_11", "_accessors", "_accfupds", "_Axiom", "_case_cong",
106       "_component_equality", "_fn_updates", "_updates_eq_literal",
107       "_fupdcanon", "_fupdcanon_comp", "_fupdfupds", "_fupdfupds_comp",
108       "_induction", "_literal_11", "_literal_nchotomy", "_nchotomy"])
110  fun type_defn_names thy tyop =
111  let val tyinfo = TypeBase.read {Thy = thy, Tyop = tyop} in
112    case tyinfo of
113      NONE => []
114    | SOME x =>
115       let val defns =
116         case TypeBasePure.fields_of x of
117           [] => let val constructors = map (fst o dest_const)
118                                            (TypeBasePure.constructors_of x)
119                 in
120                   case TypeBasePure.one_one_of x of
121                     NONE => enumerate_defns tyop @ constructors
122                   | SOME _ => tyop ^ "_case_def" :: constructors
123                 end
124         | flds => record_defns tyop (map fst flds)
125       in
126         datatype_defns tyop @ defns
127       end
128  end
130  fun type_thm_names thy tyop =
131  let val tyinfo = TypeBase.read {Thy = thy, Tyop = tyop} in
132    case tyinfo of
133      NONE => []
134    | SOME x =>
135       let val thms =
136         case TypeBasePure.fields_of x of
137           [] => (case TypeBasePure.one_one_of x of
138                   NONE => tyop ^ "_distinct" ::  enumerate_thms tyop
139                 | SOME _ => [tyop ^ "_distinct"])
140         | flds => record_thms tyop
141       in
142         datatype_theorems tyop @ thms
143       end
144  end
146  fun datatypes s =
147        map snd (filter (fn x => fst x = s)
148           (map TypeBasePure.ty_name_of
149              (TypeBasePure.listItems (TypeBase.theTypeBase()))))
151  fun type_defn_set s =
152  let val thm_names = List.concat (map (type_defn_names s) (datatypes s)) in
153    Redblackset.addList (Redblackset.empty String.compare, thm_names)
154  end
156  fun type_thm_set s =
157  let val thm_names = List.concat (map (type_thm_names s) (datatypes s)) in
158    Redblackset.addList (Redblackset.empty String.compare, thm_names)
159  end
161  val rec_thm = can (match_term
162         ``f = WFREC (a:'a -> 'a -> bool) (b:('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b)``) o
163          concl o SPEC_ALL
165  val lc = String.map Char.toLower
166  fun thm_cmp (a,b) = String.compare (lc (fst a), lc (fst b))
167  val thm_sort = Listsort.sort thm_cmp
169  fun is_datatype_thm thm =
170        ((fst o dest_const o fst o dest_comb o concl) thm = "DATATYPE")
171             handle HOL_ERR _ => false
173  fun datatype_theorems s =
174  let val dtype_thms = matchp is_datatype_thm [s]
175      fun dtype_name s = String.extract(s, 9, NONE)
176  in
177    map (fn x => (dtype_name (snd (fst x)), fst (snd x))) dtype_thms
178  end
180  fun non_type_definitions s =
181    List.filter (fn (x,y) => not ((String.sub(x, 0) = #" ") orelse
182                              Redblackset.member(type_defn_set s, x) orelse
183                              rec_thm y))
184                (thm_sort (definitions s))
186  fun non_type_theorems s =
187    List.filter (fn x => not ((String.sub(fst x, 0) = #" ") orelse
188                              Redblackset.member(type_thm_set s, fst x)))
189                (thm_sort (theorems s))
192(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
193(* An emit TeX back end                                                      *)
194(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
196fun token_string s = String.concat ["\\", !texPrefix, "Token", s, "{}"];
197val KRrecordtypes = ref true
198val _ = register_btrace ("EmitTeX: K&R record type defns", KRrecordtypes)
201  fun greek s = "\\ensuremath{\\" ^ s ^ "}"
202  fun subn i  = "\\ensuremath{\\sb{" ^ Int.toString i ^ "}}"
204  val dollar_parens = ref true
205  val _ = register_btrace ("EmitTeX: dollar parens", dollar_parens)
207  fun char_map c =
208    case c
209    of "\\" => token_string "Backslash"
210     | "{"  => token_string "Leftbrace"
211     | "}"  => token_string "Rightbrace"
212     | "\"" => token_string "DoubleQuote"
213     | "$"  => "\\$"
214     | "��" => greek "alpha"
215     | "��" => greek "beta"
216     | "��" => greek "gamma"
217     | "��" => greek "Gamma"
218     | "��" => greek "delta"
219     | "��" => greek "Delta"
220     | "��" => greek "epsilon"
221     | "��" => greek "zeta"
222     | "��" => greek "eta"
223     | "��" => greek "theta"
224     | "��" => greek "Theta"
225     | "��" => greek "iota"
226     | "��" => greek "kappa"
227     | "��" => greek "lambda"
228     | "��" => greek "Lambda"
229     | "��" => greek "mu"
230     | "��" => greek "nu"
231     | "��" => greek "xi"
232     | "��" => greek "Xi"
233     | "��" => greek "pi"
234     | "��" => greek "Pi"
235     | "��" => greek "rho"
236     | "��" => greek "sigma"
237     | "��" => greek "varsigma"
238     | "��" => greek "Sigma"
239     | "��" => greek "tau"
240     | "��" => greek "upsilon"
241     | "��" => greek "Upsilon"
242     | "��" => greek "varphi" (* U+03C6 *)
243     | "��" => greek "phi"    (* U+03D5 *)
244     | "��" => greek "Phi"    (* U+03A6 *)
245     | "��" => greek "chi"
246     | "��" => greek "psi"
247     | "��" => greek "Psi"
248     | "��" => greek "omega"
249     | "��" => greek "Omega"
250     | "���" => subn 1
251     | "���" => subn 2
252     | "���" => subn 3
253     | "���" => subn 4
254     | "���" => subn 5
255     | "���" => subn 6
256     | "���" => subn 7
257     | "���" => subn 8
258     | "���" => subn 9
259     | "���" => subn 0
260     | c     => c
262  fun string_map (s,sz) =
263      case Binarymap.peek(TexTokenMap.the_map(), s) of
264        SOME {info = result, ...} => result
265      | NONE => (UTF8.translate char_map s,
266                 case sz of NONE => String.size s | SOME sz => sz)
268  fun smap overrides (s,sz) =
269      case overrides s of
270        NONE => string_map (s,sz)
271      | SOME r => r
272  fun varmunge s =
273      if String.sub(s,0) = #"_" andalso
274         CharVector.all (fn c => Char.isDigit c) (String.extract(s,1,NONE))
275      then
276        ("\\HOLTokenUnderscore{}", "")
277      else let
278          open Substring
279          val ss = full s
280          val (pfx,primes) = splitr (equal #"'") ss
281          val prime_str_interior = translate (fn _ => "\\prime") primes
282          val prime_str = if prime_str_interior = "" then ""
283                          else "\\sp{" ^ prime_str_interior ^ "}"
284          val (core,digits) = splitr Char.isDigit pfx
285          val dsz = size digits
286          val digitstr = if 0 < dsz andalso dsz <= 2 then
287                           "\\sb{\\mathrm{" ^ string digits ^ "}}"
288                         else string digits
289          val core_s = UTF8.translate (fn "_" => "\\HOLTokenUnderscore{}"
290                                        | s => s)
291                                      (string core)
292        in
293          (core_s, digitstr ^ prime_str)
294        end
296  val stringmunge =
297    UTF8.translate (fn "\\" => "\\HOLTokenBackslash{}"
298                     | "~" => "\\HOLTokenTilde{}"
299                     | s => s)
301  fun ann_string overrides (s,sz_opt,ann) = let
302    open PPBackEnd
303    val (dollarpfx,dollarsfx,s,szdelta) =
304        if String.sub(s,0) = #"$" andalso size s > 1 then
305          if !dollar_parens then ("(", ")", String.extract(s,1,NONE),2)
306          else ("", "", String.extract(s,1,NONE),0)
307        else ("", "", s,0)
308    fun addann2 ty (s1,s2) =
309        let val base = "\\" ^ !texPrefix ^ ty ^ "{" ^ s1 ^ "}"
310        in
311          if size s2 = 0 then base
312          else
313            "\\ensuremath{" ^ base ^ s2 ^ "}"
314        end
315    fun addann ty s = addann2 ty (s,"")
316    fun smapper s = smap overrides (s, sz_opt)
317    val unmapped_sz = case sz_opt of NONE => size s | SOME i => i
318    val (string_to_print, sz) =
319        case ann of
320            BV _ => apfst (addann2 "BoundVar" o varmunge) (smapper s)
321          | FV _ => apfst (addann2 "FreeVar" o varmunge) (smapper s)
322          | Const _ => apfst (addann "Const") (smapper s)
323          | SymConst _ => apfst (addann "SymConst") (smapper s)
324          | TyOp _ => apfst (addann "TyOp") (smapper s)
325          | Literal StringLit =>
326            let
327              val c1i = case UTF8.getChar s of
328                            SOME ((_, i), _) => i
329                          | NONE => failwith "String literal with no content"
330              val ann =
331                  case c1i of
332                    34 => (* " *) "StringLit"
333                   | 0xAB => (* double guillemet *) "StringLitDG"
334                   | 0x2039 => (* single guillemet *) "StringLitSG"
335                   | _ => failwith
336                            ("Don't understand string literal delimiter: "^s)
337              (* contents of strings are 8-bit chars, but delimiters are
338                 potentially Unicode *)
339            in
340              (addann ann
341                      (stringmunge
342                         (UTF8.substring(s, 1, UTF8.size s - 2))),
343               unmapped_sz)
344            end
345          | Literal FldName => apfst (addann "FieldName") (smapper s)
346          | Literal NumLit => (addann "NumLit" s, unmapped_sz)
347          | Literal CharList => (addann "CharLit"
348                                        (String.substring(s, 2, size s - 3)),
349                                 unmapped_sz)
350          | _ => smapper s
351  in
352    smpp.add_stringsz (dollarpfx ^ string_to_print ^ dollarsfx, sz + szdelta)
353  end
355  fun add_string overrides (s,sz) = smpp.add_stringsz (smap overrides (s,sz))
356  fun add_xstring overrides {s,sz,ann} =
357    if isSome ann then ann_string overrides (s,sz,valOf ann)
358    else add_string overrides (s,sz)
360  fun emit_latex overrides =
361    {add_break = smpp.add_break,
362     add_string = (fn s => add_string overrides (s,NONE)),
363     add_xstring = add_xstring overrides,
364     add_newline = smpp.add_newline,
365     ublock = smpp.block,
366     ustyle = fn sty => fn p => p ,
367     extras = {
368       tm_grammar_upd = (fn g => g),
369       ty_grammar_upd = (fn g => g),
370       name = "emit_latex"
371     }
372    }
375(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
376(* pp_datatype_theorem : ppstream -> thm -> unit                             *)
377(* Pretty-printer for datatype theorems                                      *)
378(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
380val print_datatype_names_as_types = ref false
381val _ = register_btrace ("EmitTeX: print datatype names as types", print_datatype_names_as_types)
383val print_datatypes_compactly = ref false
384val _ = register_btrace ("EmitTeX: print datatypes compactly",
385                         print_datatypes_compactly)
387fun pp_datatype_theorem backend thm =
388let open smpp
389    val {add_string,add_break,ublock,add_newline,add_xstring,...} = backend
390    val S = add_string
391    val SX = add_xstring
392    val BR = add_break
393    val BB = ublock
394    val NL = add_newline
395    val trace = Feedback.trace
396    fun PT0 tm =
397        term_pp.pp_term (Parse.term_grammar()) (Parse.type_grammar())
398                        backend tm
399    val PT = Parse.mlower o (PT0 |> trace ("types", 0))
400    val TP0 = type_pp.pp_type (Parse.type_grammar()) backend
401    val adest_type = type_grammar.abb_dest_type (Parse.type_grammar())
402    fun TP ty =
403        if is_vartype ty orelse null (#Args (adest_type ty)) then TP0 ty
404        else
405          S "(" >> BB PP.INCONSISTENT 1 (TP0 ty) >> S")"
407    fun strip_type t =
408      if is_vartype t then
409        [t]
410      else
411        case dest_type t of
412          ("fun", [a, b]) => a :: strip_type b
413        | _ => [t]
415    fun pp_clause t =
416        let val l = strip_type (type_of t)
417            val ll = length l
418        in
419          BB PP.CONSISTENT 0 (
420            lift PT t >>
421            (if ll < 2 then nothing
422             else
423               S " " >>
424               BB PP.INCONSISTENT 0 (
425                 mapp (fn x => (TP x >> BR(1,0))) (List.take(l, ll - 2)) >>
426                 TP (List.nth(l, ll - 2))
427               ))
428          )
429        end
431    fun enumerated_type n =
432          let val l = butlast (strip_type (type_of n))
433              val typ = fst (dest_var n)
434          in
435            all (fn x => fst (dest_type x) = typ) l
436          end
438    fun pp_type_name n =
439      let val l = strip_type (type_of n)
440      in
441        TP0 (last (strip_type (hd l)))
442      end
444    fun pp_constructor_spec (n, l) = let
445      val PT0 = if !print_datatype_names_as_types then pp_type_name else lift PT
446      val tylen = n |> dest_var |> #1 |> size
447    in
448      if enumerated_type n then
449        BB PP.CONSISTENT 0 (
450         PT0 n >> S " " >>
451         BB PP.INCONSISTENT (tylen + 1) (
452           S "=" >> S " " >>
453           pr_list pp_clause (BR(1,0) >> S"|" >> S " ") l
454         )
455        )
456      else
457        BB (if !print_datatypes_compactly then PP.INCONSISTENT
458            else PP.CONSISTENT) 2 (
459          PT0 n >> S " " >> S "=" >> BR(1,2) >>
460          pr_list pp_clause (BR(1,0) >> S"|" >> S " ") l
461        )
462    end
464    fun pp_record_spec ty l =
465        let val ll = tl l
466            fun pp_record x =
467              let
468                val (x,ty) = dest_var x
469                val ann = SOME (PPBackEnd.Literal PPBackEnd.FldName)
470              in
471                BB PP.INCONSISTENT 2 (
472                  SX {s=x,sz=NONE,ann=ann} >> S " " >> S ":" >> BR(1,0) >>
473                  TP0 ty
474                )
475              end
476        in
477          if !KRrecordtypes then (
478            BB PP.CONSISTENT 3 (
479              (if !print_datatype_names_as_types then TP0 (snd(dest_var(hd l)))
480               else lift PT (hd l)) >>
481              S " = " >>
482              S "<|" >> BR(1,0) >>
483              pr_list pp_record (S ";" >> BR(1,0)) ll >>
484              BR(1,~3) >> S "|>"
485            )
486          ) else (
487            BB PP.CONSISTENT 0 (
488              (if !print_datatype_names_as_types then TP0 (snd(dest_var(hd l)))
489               else lift PT (hd l)) >>
490              S " =" >> BR(1,2) >>
491              BB PP.CONSISTENT 2 (
492                S "<|" >> BR(1,0) >>
493                pr_list pp_record (S ";" >> BR(1,0)) ll >>
494                BR(1,~2) >>
495                S "|>"
496              )
497            )
498          )
499        end
501    fun pp_binding (n, l) =
502          let val (x,ty) = dest_var n in
503            if x = "record" then
504              pp_record_spec ty l
505            else
506              pp_constructor_spec (n, l)
507          end
509    val t = map strip_comb (strip_conj (snd (dest_comb (concl thm))))
511  BB PP.CONSISTENT 0 (pr_list pp_binding (S " ;" >> NL >> NL) t)
514val datatype_thm_to_string =
515    PP.pp_to_string (!Globals.linewidth)
516                    (Parse.mlower o pp_datatype_theorem PPBackEnd.raw_terminal)
518fun print_datatypes s =
519  app (fn (_,x) =>
520          HOLPP.prettyPrint(print,!Globals.linewidth)
521                           (Parse.mlower
522                              (pp_datatype_theorem PPBackEnd.raw_terminal x)))
523      (datatype_theorems s);
525(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
526(* Various pretty-printers                                                   *)
527(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
529type override_map = string -> (string * int) option
531fun UnicodeOff f = trace ("Unicode", 0) f
532  (* can't eta-convert because of value restriction *)
534fun raw_pp_term_as_tex overrides tm mdata =
535    term_pp.pp_term (Parse.term_grammar())
536                    (Parse.type_grammar())
537                    (emit_latex overrides)
538                    tm
539                    mdata
540   (* eta-expanded into the monad for the sake of side-effects *)
542fun pp_term_as_tex tm = raw_pp_term_as_tex (K NONE) tm |> UnicodeOff
544fun raw_pp_type_as_tex overrides ty md =
545    type_pp.pp_type (Parse.type_grammar()) (emit_latex overrides) ty md
547fun pp_type_as_tex ty = UnicodeOff (raw_pp_type_as_tex (K NONE) ty)
549val print_thm_turnstile = ref true
550val _ = register_btrace ("EmitTeX: print thm turnstiles", print_thm_turnstile)
552fun raw_pp_theorem_as_tex overrides thm =
553  if is_datatype_thm thm then
554    pp_datatype_theorem (emit_latex overrides) thm
555  else
556    let
557      open PP smpp
558      val (turnstrs, width) =
559          if (!print_thm_turnstile) then
560            case overrides "$Turnstile$" of
561                NONE => ([(token_string "Turnstile", 2), (" ",1)], 3)
562              | SOME p => ([p], snd p)
563          else ([], 0)
564    in
565      block INCONSISTENT width (
566        mapp add_stringsz turnstrs >>
567        raw_pp_term_as_tex overrides (concl thm)
568      )
569    end;
571fun pp_theorem_as_tex ostrm =
572    raw_pp_theorem_as_tex (K NONE) ostrm |> UnicodeOff
573                                         |> trace ("pp_dollar_escapes", 0)
575fun pprint f = PP.prettyPrint (print, !Globals.linewidth) o f
576val pp_type_as_tex = fn ty => Parse.mlower (pp_type_as_tex ty)
577val pp_term_as_tex = fn tm => Parse.mlower (pp_term_as_tex tm)
578val pp_theorem_as_tex = fn th => Parse.mlower (pp_theorem_as_tex th)
580val print_term_as_tex = pprint pp_term_as_tex;
581val print_type_as_tex = pprint pp_type_as_tex;
582val print_theorem_as_tex = pprint pp_theorem_as_tex;
584val S = PP.add_string
585val NL = PP.add_newline
586val B = PP.block PP.CONSISTENT 0
588fun pp_hol_as_tex_command prefix (s, thm) =
589  let
590    val es = prefix ^ tex_command_escape s
591  in
592    B [
593      S ("\\begin{SaveVerbatim}{" ^ es ^ "}"), NL,
594      pp_theorem_as_tex thm, NL,
595      S "\\end{SaveVerbatim}", NL,
596      S ("\\newcommand{\\" ^ es ^ "}{\\UseVerbatim{" ^ es ^ "}}"), NL
597    ]
598  end;
600fun pp_hol_as_tex p s = PP.add_string ("\\" ^ p ^ tex_command_escape s);
602fun pp_hol_as_tex_with_tag (p1,p2) s =
603  let val c = p2 ^ tex_command_escape s
604  in
605    B [
606      S ("\\" ^ p2 ^ "{" ^ !current_theory_name ^ "}" ^ "{" ^ s ^ "}"),
607      pp_hol_as_tex p1 s, NL
608    ]
609  end;
611(* ......................................................................... *)
613fun pp_newcommand c = PP.add_string ("\\newcommand{\\" ^ c ^ "}{")
615fun pp_datatypes_as_tex thms =
616  let val prefix = datatype_prefix()
617  in
618    if null thms then B []
619    else
620      B (
621        map (pp_hol_as_tex_command prefix) thms @
622        [pp_newcommand prefix, NL] @
623        map (pp_hol_as_tex prefix o fst) thms @
624        [S "}", NL]
625      )
626  end;
628fun pp_defnitions_as_tex thms =
629  let val prefix = definition_prefix()
630  in
631    PP.block PP.CONSISTENT 0 (
632      if null thms then []
633      else
634        map (pp_hol_as_tex_command prefix) thms @
635        [pp_newcommand prefix, NL] @
636        map (pp_hol_as_tex_with_tag (prefix, "HOLDfnTag") o fst) thms @
637        [S "}", NL]
638    )
639  end;
641fun pp_theorems_as_tex thms =
642  let val prefix = theorem_prefix()
643  in
644    B (
645      if null thms then []
646      else
647        map (pp_hol_as_tex_command prefix) thms @
648        [pp_newcommand prefix, NL] @
649        map (pp_hol_as_tex_with_tag (prefix, "HOLThmTag") o fst) thms @
650        [S "}", NL]
651    )
652  end;
654fun pp_theory_as_tex name =
655  let val _ = current_theory_name := name
656      val typs = datatype_theorems name
657      val defns = non_type_definitions name
658      val thms = non_type_theorems name
659      val time = Date.fromTimeLocal (stamp name handle HOL_ERR _ => Time.now())
660      val u = current_trace "Unicode"
661      val _ = set_trace "Unicode" 0
662  in
663    if null typs andalso null defns andalso null thms then
664      (set_trace "Unicode" u; raise Fail (name ^ "Theory is empty.\n"))
665    else
666      B [
667        pp_newcommand (date_prefix()),
668        S (Date.fmt "%d %B %Y" time), S "}", NL,
669        pp_newcommand (time_prefix()),
670        S (Date.fmt "%H:%M" time), S "}", NL,
671        pp_datatypes_as_tex typs,
672        pp_defnitions_as_tex defns,
673        pp_theorems_as_tex thms
674      ] before (set_trace "Unicode" u; current_theory_name := "")
675  end;
677fun print_theory_as_tex name =
678   let val name = case name of "-" => current_theory() | _ => name
679       val path = if !emitTeXDir = "" then !current_path else !emitTeXDir
680       val path = if path = "" then Path.currentArc else path
681       val _ = FileSys.access(path, []) orelse can FileSys.mkDir path
682       val _ = FileSys.access(path, [FileSys.A_WRITE, FileSys.A_EXEC])
683                 orelse failwith ("Cannot create/access directory: " ^ path)
684       val filename = Path.concat(path, prefix_escape name ^ ".tex")
685       val ostrm = TextIO.openOut filename
686   in
687     PP.prettyPrint (curry TextIO.output ostrm, !texLinewidth)
688                    (pp_theory_as_tex name)
689       handle e => (TextIO.closeOut ostrm; raise e);
690     TextIO.closeOut ostrm
691   end;
693(* ......................................................................... *)
695val sec_divide =
696  "% :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\
697    \:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::";
699val subsec_divide =
700  "% .....................................";
702fun pp_parents_as_tex_doc names =
703    B (
704      if null names then [S "% No parents", NL]
705      else [
706        S "\\begin{flushleft}", NL,
707        S ("\\textbf{Built:} " ^ "\\" ^ date_prefix() ^ " \\\\[2pt]"), NL,
708        S "\\textbf{Parent Theories:} ",
709        B (PP.pr_list S [S ",", PP.add_break(1,0)] names), NL,
710       S "\\end{flushleft}", NL
711      ]
712    )
714fun pp_datatypes_as_tex_doc empty =
715  let val i = index_string() ^ "!Datatypes"
716  in
717    B (
718      if empty then [S "% No datatypes", NL]
719      else [
720        S "\\subsection{Datatypes}", NL,
721        S i, S "}", NL,
722        S subsec_divide, NL, NL,
723        S ("\\" ^ datatype_prefix()), NL
724      ]
725    )
726  end;
728fun pp_defnitions_as_tex_doc empty =
729  let val i = index_string() ^ "!Definitions"
730  in
731    B (
732      if empty then [S "% No definitions", NL]
733      else [
734        S "\\subsection{Definitions}", NL,
735        S i, S "}", NL,
736        S subsec_divide, NL, NL,
737        S ("\\" ^ definition_prefix()), NL
738      ]
739    )
740  end;
742fun pp_theorems_as_tex_doc empty =
743  let val i = index_string() ^ "!Theorems"
744  in
745    B (
746      if empty then [S "% No theorems", NL]
747      else [
748        S "\\subsection{Theorems}", NL,
749        S i, S "}", NL,
750        S subsec_divide, NL, NL,
751        S ("\\" ^ theorem_prefix()), NL
752      ]
753    )
754  end;
756fun pp_theory_as_tex_doc name =
757  let val _ = current_theory_name := name
758      val names = parents name handle HOL_ERR _ => []
759      val typs = datatype_theorems name
760      val defns = non_type_definitions name
761      val thms = non_type_theorems name
762  in
763    B (
764      if null names then []
765      else [
766        S sec_divide, NL,
767        S "\\section{", S name, S " Theory}", NL,
768        S (index_string()), S "}", NL,
769        pp_parents_as_tex_doc names,
770        S sec_divide, NL, NL,
771        pp_datatypes_as_tex_doc (null typs), NL,
772        pp_defnitions_as_tex_doc (null defns), NL,
773        pp_theorems_as_tex_doc (null thms)
774      ]
775    ) before
776    current_theory_name := ""
777  end;
779(* ......................................................................... *)
781fun pp_theories_as_tex_doc names =
782  B [
783    S "\\documentclass[", S texOptions, S "]{article}", NL,
784    S "\\usepackage{holtex}", NL, NL,
785    S "\\makeindex", NL, NL,
786    S "\\begin{document}", NL, NL,
787    B (PP.pr_list (fn x => (S ("\\input{" ^ (prefix_escape x) ^ "}")))
788               [NL] names), NL,
789    S "\\tableofcontents", NL,
790    S "\\cleardoublepage", NL,
791    S "\\HOLpagestyle", NL, NL,
792    B (PP.pr_list pp_theory_as_tex_doc [NL] names),
793    S "\\HOLindex", NL, NL,
794    S "\\end{document}"
795  ]
798  fun tex_suffix s =
799    if Path.ext s = SOME "tex" then s
800    else Path.joinBaseExt {base = s, ext = SOME "tex"}
802  fun print_theories_as_tex_doc names path =
803   let val {dir, file} = Path.splitDirFile path
804       val dir = if Path.isAbsolute path orelse !emitTeXDir = "" then
805                   dir
806                 else
807                   Path.concat(!emitTeXDir, dir)
808       val filename = Path.concat(dir, tex_suffix file)
809       val _ = not (FileSys.access (filename, [])) orelse
810                 (TextIO.output(TextIO.stdErr,
811                    "File " ^ path ^ " already exists.\n");
812                  failwith "File exists")
813       val _ = current_path := dir
814       val _ = app print_theory_as_tex names
815       val _ = current_path := Path.currentArc
816       val ostrm = TextIO.openOut filename
817   in
818     PP.prettyPrint (curry TextIO.output ostrm, !texLinewidth)
819                    (pp_theories_as_tex_doc names)
820       handle e => (TextIO.closeOut ostrm; raise e);
821     TextIO.closeOut ostrm
822   end
825fun tex_theory s =
826let val c = case s of "-" => current_theory() | _ => s in
827  print_theories_as_tex_doc [c] c
831(* lower monadic printers to what signature wants (pprinters) *)
832val raw_pp_type_as_tex = fn ovm => Parse.mlower o raw_pp_type_as_tex ovm
833val raw_pp_term_as_tex = fn ovm => Parse.mlower o raw_pp_term_as_tex ovm
834val raw_pp_theorem_as_tex = fn ovm => Parse.mlower o raw_pp_theorem_as_tex ovm