2 * Building records of facts about datatypes.                                *
3 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
5structure TypeBasePure :> TypeBasePure =
8open HolKernel boolSyntax Drule Conv Prim_rec;
9type simpfrag = simpfrag.simpfrag
10type rcd_fieldinfo = {ty: hol_type, accessor: term, fupd : term}
12val ERR = mk_HOL_ERR "TypeBasePure";
13val WARN = HOL_WARNING "TypeBasePure";
15fun type_names ty =
16  let val {Thy,Tyop,Args} = Type.dest_thy_type ty
17  in (Thy,Tyop)
18  end;
20datatype shared_thm
21    = ORIG of thm
22    | COPY of (string * string) * thm;
24   type mk_datatype_record =
25        {ax        : shared_thm,
26         induction : shared_thm,
27         case_def  : thm,
28         case_cong : thm,
29         case_eq   : thm,
30         nchotomy  : thm,
31         size      : (term * shared_thm) option,
32         encode    : (term * shared_thm) option,
33         lift      : term option,
34         one_one   : thm option,
35         distinct  : thm option,
36         fields    : (string * rcd_fieldinfo) list,
37         accessors : thm list,
38         updates   : thm list,
39         destructors : thm list,
40         recognizers : thm list}
42fun thm_of (ORIG x)     = x
43  | thm_of (COPY (s,x)) = x;
46(* Support both constructor-style datatypes and other types as well.         *)
49type dtyinfo =
50           {ty           : hol_type,
51            axiom        : shared_thm,
52            induction    : shared_thm,
53            case_def     : thm,
54            case_eq      : thm,
55            case_cong    : thm,
56            nchotomy     : thm,
57            case_const   : term,
58            constructors : term list,
59            destructors  : thm list,
60            recognizers  : thm list,
61            size         : (term * shared_thm) option,
62            encode       : (term * shared_thm) option,
63            lift         : term option,
64            distinct     : thm option,
65            one_one      : thm option,
66            fields       : (string * rcd_fieldinfo) list,
67            accessors    : thm list,
68            updates      : thm list,
69            simpls       : simpfrag,
70            extra        : ThyDataSexp.t list} ;
72open FunctionalRecordUpdate
73fun gcons_mkUp z = makeUpdate21 z
74fun update_DTY z = let
75  fun from accessors axiom case_cong case_const case_def case_eq
76           constructors destructors distinct encode extra fields induction lift
77           nchotomy one_one recognizers simpls size ty updates =
78    {accessors = accessors, axiom = axiom, case_cong = case_cong,
79     case_const = case_const, case_def = case_def, case_eq = case_eq,
80     constructors = constructors, destructors = destructors,
81     distinct = distinct, encode = encode, extra = extra, fields = fields,
82     induction = induction, lift = lift, nchotomy = nchotomy,
83     one_one = one_one, recognizers = recognizers, simpls = simpls,
84     size = size, ty = ty, updates = updates}
85  (* fields in reverse order to above *)
86  fun from' updates ty size simpls recognizers one_one nchotomy lift induction
87            fields extra encode distinct destructors constructors case_eq
88            case_def case_const case_cong axiom accessors =
89    {accessors = accessors, axiom = axiom, case_cong = case_cong,
90     case_const = case_const, case_def = case_def, case_eq = case_eq,
91     constructors = constructors, destructors = destructors,
92     distinct = distinct, encode = encode, extra = extra, fields = fields,
93     induction = induction, lift = lift, nchotomy = nchotomy,
94     one_one = one_one, recognizers = recognizers, simpls = simpls,
95     size = size, ty = ty, updates = updates}
96  (* first order *)
97  fun to f {accessors, axiom, case_cong, case_const, case_def, case_eq,
98            constructors, destructors, distinct, encode, extra, fields,
99            induction, lift, nchotomy, one_one, recognizers, simpls, size, ty,
100            updates} =
101    f accessors axiom case_cong case_const case_def case_eq
102      constructors destructors distinct encode extra fields induction lift
103      nchotomy one_one recognizers simpls size ty updates
105  gcons_mkUp (from, from', to)
106end z
108type ntyrec = {encode : (term * thm) option,
109               extra : ThyDataSexp.t list,
110               induction : thm option,
111               nchotomy : thm option,
112               simpls : simpfrag.simpfrag,
113               size : (term * thm) option
114              };
116fun gcons_mkUp z = makeUpdate6 z
117fun update_NTY z = let
118  fun from encode extra induction nchotomy simpls size =
119    {encode = encode, extra = extra, induction = induction,
120     nchotomy = nchotomy, simpls = simpls, size = size}
121  (* fields in reverse order to above *)
122  fun from' size simpls nchotomy induction extra encode =
123    {encode = encode, extra = extra, induction = induction,
124     nchotomy = nchotomy, simpls = simpls, size = size}
125  (* first order *)
126  fun to f {encode, extra, induction, nchotomy, simpls, size} =
127    f encode extra induction nchotomy simpls size
129  gcons_mkUp (from, from', to)
130end z
133type ntyinfo = hol_type * ntyrec
135datatype tyinfo = DFACTS of dtyinfo
136                | NFACTS of ntyinfo;
140                  Projections
141 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
143fun ty_of (DFACTS {ty,...}) = ty
144  | ty_of (NFACTS(ty,_)) = ty;
146fun dollarty ty =
147  let val {Thy,Tyop,Args} = dest_thy_type ty
148  in Lib.quote (Thy ^ "$" ^ Tyop)
149  end;
151val ty_name_of = type_names o ty_of
153fun constructors_of (DFACTS {constructors,...}) = constructors
154  | constructors_of (NFACTS _) = [];
156fun destructors_of (DFACTS {destructors,...}) = destructors
157  | destructors_of (NFACTS _) = [];
159fun recognizers_of (DFACTS {recognizers,...}) = recognizers
160  | recognizers_of (NFACTS _) = [];
162fun case_const_of (DFACTS {case_const,...}) = case_const
163  | case_const_of (NFACTS (ty,_)) =
164      raise ERR "case_const_of" (dollarty ty^" is not a datatype");
166fun case_cong_of (DFACTS {case_cong,...}) = case_cong
167  | case_cong_of (NFACTS (ty,_)) =
168       raise ERR "case_cong_of" (dollarty ty^" is not a datatype");
170fun case_def_of (DFACTS {case_def,...}) = case_def
171  | case_def_of (NFACTS (ty,_)) =
172       raise ERR "case_def_of" (dollarty ty^" is not a datatype");
174fun case_eq_of (DFACTS {case_eq, ...}) = case_eq
175  | case_eq_of (NFACTS (ty,_)) =
176       raise ERR "case_eq_of" (dollarty ty^" is not a datatype");
178fun extra_of (DFACTS{extra,...}) = extra
179  | extra_of (NFACTS(_, {extra,...})) = extra
181fun induction_of0 (DFACTS {induction,...}) = induction
182  | induction_of0 (NFACTS (ty,{induction,...}))
183     = raise ERR "induction_of0" "not a mutrec. datatype";
185fun induction_of (DFACTS {induction,...}) = thm_of induction
186  | induction_of (NFACTS(_,{induction=SOME th,...})) = th
187  | induction_of (NFACTS(ty,{induction=NONE,...})) =
188        raise ERR "induction_of" (dollarty ty^" no induction theorem available");
190fun nchotomy_of (DFACTS {nchotomy,...}) = nchotomy
191  | nchotomy_of (NFACTS(_,{nchotomy=SOME th,...})) = th
192  | nchotomy_of (NFACTS(ty,{nchotomy=NONE,...})) =
193        raise ERR "nchotomy_of" (dollarty ty^" no cases theorem available");
195fun distinct_of (DFACTS {distinct,...}) = distinct
196  | distinct_of (NFACTS (ty,_)) = NONE
198fun one_one_of (DFACTS {one_one,...}) = one_one
199  | one_one_of (NFACTS (ty,_)) = NONE
201fun fields_of (DFACTS {fields,...}) = fields
202  | fields_of (NFACTS _) = [];
204fun accessors_of (DFACTS {accessors,...}) = accessors
205  | accessors_of (NFACTS _) = [];
207fun updates_of (DFACTS {updates,...}) = updates
208  | updates_of (NFACTS _) = [];
210fun simpls_of (DFACTS {simpls,...}) = simpls
211  | simpls_of (NFACTS _) = simpfrag.empty_simpfrag;
213fun axiom_of0 (DFACTS {axiom,...}) = axiom
214  | axiom_of0 (NFACTS (ty,_)) =
215      raise ERR "axiom_of0" (dollarty ty^" is not a datatype");
217fun axiom_of (DFACTS {axiom,...}) = thm_of axiom
218  | axiom_of (NFACTS (ty,_)) =
219      raise ERR "axiom_of" (dollarty ty^" is not a datatype");
221fun size_of0 (DFACTS {size,...}) = size
222  | size_of0 (NFACTS (ty,{size,...})) = Option.map (I ## ORIG) size
224fun size_of (DFACTS {size=NONE,...}) = NONE
225  | size_of (DFACTS {size=SOME(tm,def),...}) = SOME(tm,thm_of def)
226  | size_of (NFACTS(_,{size,...})) = size;
228fun encode_of0(DFACTS {encode,...}) = encode
229  | encode_of0(NFACTS (ty,{encode,...})) = Option.map (I ## ORIG) encode
231fun encode_of(DFACTS {encode=NONE,...}) = NONE
232  | encode_of(DFACTS {encode=SOME(tm,def),...}) = SOME(tm,thm_of def)
233  | encode_of(NFACTS(_,{encode,...})) = encode;
235fun lift_of(DFACTS {lift,...}) = lift
236  | lift_of(NFACTS (ty,_)) =
237       raise ERR "lift_of" (dollarty ty^" is not a datatype")
240fun extras_of (DFACTS{extra,...}) = extra
241  | extras_of (NFACTS(_, {extra,...})) = extra
244                    Making alterations
245 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
247fun put_nchotomy th (DFACTS dty) = DFACTS (update_DTY dty (U #nchotomy th) $$)
248  | put_nchotomy th (NFACTS(ty,ntyr)) =
249      NFACTS(ty,update_NTY ntyr (U #nchotomy (SOME th)) $$)
251fun put_simpls thl (DFACTS dty) = DFACTS (update_DTY dty (U #simpls thl) $$)
252  | put_simpls ssf (NFACTS (ty,nty)) =
253      NFACTS(ty, update_NTY nty (U #simpls ssf) $$)
255fun add_rewrs thl tyi =
256  let
257    val {convs,rewrs} = simpls_of tyi
258  in
259    put_simpls {convs = convs, rewrs = rewrs @ thl} tyi
260  end
262val add_convs = simpfrag.add_convs
263fun add_ssfrag_convs cds (DFACTS dty) =
264    DFACTS (update_DTY dty(U #simpls (add_convs cds (#simpls dty))) $$)
265  | add_ssfrag_convs cds (NFACTS(ty,nty)) =
266      NFACTS(ty, update_NTY nty (U #simpls (add_convs cds (#simpls nty))) $$)
268fun put_induction th (DFACTS dty) = DFACTS (update_DTY dty (U #induction th) $$)
269  | put_induction (ORIG th) (NFACTS(ty,ntyr)) =
270      NFACTS(ty,update_NTY ntyr (U #induction (SOME th)) $$)
271  | put_induction (COPY th) (NFACTS _) =
272      raise ERR "put_induction" "non-datatype but mutrec"
274fun put_axiom th (DFACTS dty) = DFACTS (update_DTY dty (U #axiom th) $$)
275  | put_axiom _ (NFACTS(ty,ntyr)) =
276      raise ERR "put_axiom" "updating non-datatype"
278fun put_size szinfo (DFACTS dty) =
279      DFACTS (update_DTY dty (U #size (SOME szinfo)) $$)
280  | put_size (size_tm,ORIG size_rw) (NFACTS(ty,ntyr)) =
281      NFACTS(ty,update_NTY ntyr (U #size (SOME(size_tm,size_rw))) $$)
282  | put_size (size_tm,COPY size_rw) (NFACTS _) =
283      raise ERR "put_size" "non-datatype but mutrec"
285fun put_encode encinfo (DFACTS dty) =
286      DFACTS (update_DTY dty (U #encode (SOME encinfo)) $$)
287  | put_encode (encode_tm,ORIG encode_rw)
288               (NFACTS(ty, ntyr)) =
289      NFACTS(ty, update_NTY ntyr (U #encode (SOME(encode_tm,encode_rw))) $$)
290  | put_encode (encode_tm,COPY encode_rw) (NFACTS _) =
291      raise ERR "put_encode" "non-datatype but mutrec"
293fun put_extra e tyi =
294  case tyi of
295      DFACTS dty => DFACTS (update_DTY dty (U #extra e) $$)
296    | NFACTS(ty,ntyr) => NFACTS (ty, update_NTY ntyr (U #extra e) $$)
298fun add_extra e tyi =
299  case tyi of
300      DFACTS dty => DFACTS (update_DTY dty (U #extra (#extra dty @ e)) $$)
301    | NFACTS (ty, ntyr) =>
302        NFACTS (ty, update_NTY ntyr (U #extra (#extra ntyr @ e)) $$)
304fun put_lift lift_tm (DFACTS dty) =
305      DFACTS (update_DTY dty (U #lift (SOME lift_tm)) $$)
306  | put_lift _ _ = raise ERR "put_lift" "not a datatype";
308fun put_fields flds (DFACTS dty) = DFACTS (update_DTY dty (U #fields flds) $$)
309  | put_fields _ _ = raise ERR "put_fields" "not a datatype";
311fun put_accessors thl (DFACTS dty) =
312      DFACTS (update_DTY dty (U #accessors thl) $$)
313  | put_accessors _ _ = raise ERR "put_accessors" "not a datatype";
315fun put_updates thl (DFACTS dty) =
316      DFACTS (update_DTY dty (U #updates thl) $$)
317  | put_updates _ _ = raise ERR "put_updates" "not a datatype";
319fun put_recognizers thl (DFACTS dty) =
320      DFACTS (update_DTY dty (U #recognizers thl) $$)
321  | put_recognizers _ _ = raise ERR "put_recognizers" "not a datatype";
323fun put_destructors thl (DFACTS dty) =
324      DFACTS (update_DTY dty (U #destructors thl) $$)
325  | put_destructors _ _ = raise ERR "put_destructors" "not a datatype";
328 * Returns the datatype name and the constructors. The code is a copy of     *
329 * the beginning of "Datatype.define_case".                                  *
330 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
332fun basic_info case_def =
333 let val clauses = (strip_conj o concl) case_def
334     val lefts   = map (fst o dest_eq o #2 o strip_forall) clauses
335     val constrs = map (#1 o strip_comb o hd o #2 o strip_comb) lefts
336     val ty      = type_of (hd (#2 (strip_comb (Lib.trye hd lefts))))
337 in
338   (ty, type_names ty, constrs)
339 end
340 handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "basic_info" "";
343val defn_const =
344  #1 o strip_comb o lhs o #2 o strip_forall o hd o strip_conj o concl;
348 * The size field is not filled by mk_tyinfo, since that operation           *
349 * requires access to the current fact database, and also assumes that       *
350 * numbers are in the context, which is not necessarily true.                *
351 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
353fun mk_datatype_info_no_simpls rcd =
354  let
355    val {ax,case_def,case_eq,case_cong,induction,
356         nchotomy,size,encode,lift,one_one,
357         fields, accessors, updates, distinct,
358         destructors,recognizers} = rcd
359    val (ty,ty_names,constructors) = basic_info case_def
360  in
361    DFACTS
362      {ty           = ty,
363       constructors = constructors,
364       destructors  = destructors,
365       recognizers  = recognizers,
366       case_const   = defn_const case_def,
367       case_def     = case_def,
368       case_eq      = case_eq,
369       case_cong    = case_cong,
370       induction    = induction,
371       nchotomy     = nchotomy,
372       one_one      = one_one,
373       distinct     = distinct,
374       fields       = fields,
375       accessors    = accessors,
376       updates      = updates,
377       simpls       = {rewrs = [], convs = []},
378       size         = size,
379       encode       = encode,
380       lift         = lift,
381       axiom        = ax,
382       extra        = []}
383  end
385fun gen_std_rewrs tyi =
386  let
387    val D  = case distinct_of tyi of NONE => [] | SOME x => CONJUNCTS x
388    val inj = case one_one_of tyi of NONE => [] | SOME th => [th]
389    val c = D @ map GSYM D @ inj
390  in
391    case_def_of tyi :: c handle HOL_ERR _ => c
392  end
393fun add_std_simpls tyi = add_rewrs (gen_std_rewrs tyi) tyi
395fun mk_datatype_info rcd =
396    rcd |> mk_datatype_info_no_simpls |> add_std_simpls
398local fun mk_ti (n,ax,ind)
399                (cdef::cds) (ccong::cgs) (oo::oos) (d::ds) (nch::nchs) =
400            mk_datatype_info{ax=COPY(n,ax), induction=COPY(n,ind),
401                      case_def=cdef,case_cong=ccong, nchotomy=nch,
402                      case_eq =
403                        prove_case_eq_thm {case_def = cdef, nchotomy = nch},
404                      one_one=oo, distinct=d,size=NONE, encode=NONE,
405                      lift=NONE, fields=[], accessors=[],updates=[],
406                      recognizers=[],destructors=[]}
407            :: mk_ti (n,ax,ind) cds cgs oos ds nchs
408        | mk_ti _ [] [] [] [] [] = []
409        | mk_ti _ [] _ _ _ _ = raise ERR "gen_tyinfo" "Too few case defns"
410        | mk_ti _ _ _ _ _ _  = raise ERR "gen_tyinfo" "Too many case defns"
412fun gen_datatype_info {ax, ind, case_defs} =
413 let val nchotomyl  = prove_cases_thm ind
414     val case_congs = map2 case_cong_thm nchotomyl case_defs
415     val one_ones   = prove_constructors_one_one ax
416     val distincts  = prove_constructors_distinct ax
417     val _ = (length nchotomyl  = length case_congs andalso
418              length case_congs = length one_ones   andalso
419              length one_ones   = length distincts)
420        orelse raise ERR "gen_tyinfo"
421                 "Number of theorems automatically proved doesn't match up"
422     val cased1 = hd case_defs
423     val casec1 = hd case_congs
424     val nch1 = hd nchotomyl
425     val tyinfo_1 = mk_datatype_info_no_simpls
426           {ax=ORIG ax, induction=ORIG ind,
427            case_def = cased1, case_cong = casec1, nchotomy = nch1,
428            case_eq =
429              prove_case_eq_thm {case_def = cased1, nchotomy = nch1},
430            size=NONE, encode=NONE, lift=NONE,
431            fields=[], accessors=[],updates=[],
432            one_one=hd one_ones, distinct=hd distincts,
433            recognizers=[],destructors=[]}
434 in
435   if length nchotomyl = 1 then [tyinfo_1]
436   else let val tyname = ty_name_of tyinfo_1
437        in tyinfo_1 :: mk_ti (tyname,ax,ind)
438                          (tl case_defs) (tl case_congs)
439                          (tl one_ones) (tl distincts) (tl nchotomyl)
440        end
441 end
444fun mk_nondatatype_info (ty,{encode,induction,nchotomy,size}) =
445  NFACTS(ty,{encode=encode,induction=induction,size=size,extra=[],
446             nchotomy=nchotomy,simpls=simpfrag.empty_simpfrag});
448fun name_pair(s1,s2) = s1^"$"^s2;
450fun pp_tyinfo tyi =
451  let
452    open Portable smpp
453    val pp_type = lift Parse.pp_type
454    val pp_term = lift Parse.pp_term
455    val pp_thm = lift Parse.pp_thm
456    val pp_sexp =
457        lift (ThyDataSexp.pp_sexp Parse.pp_type Parse.pp_term Parse.pp_thm)
458  in
459    case tyi of
460        d as DFACTS recd =>
461        let
462          val {ty,constructors, case_const, case_def, case_cong, induction,
463               nchotomy,one_one,distinct,simpls,size,encode,lift,axiom, case_eq,
464               fields, accessors, updates,recognizers,destructors,extra} = recd
465          val ty_namestring = name_pair (ty_name_of d)
466        in
467          block CONSISTENT 0 (
468            block INCONSISTENT 0 (
469              add_string "-----------------------" >> add_newline >>
470              add_string "-----------------------" >> add_newline >>
471              add_string "HOL datatype:" >> add_break(1,0) >>
472              add_string (Lib.quote ty_namestring)
473            ) >> add_break(1,0) >>
475            block CONSISTENT 1 (
476              add_string "Primitive recursion:" >> add_break (1,0) >>
477              (case axiom of
478                   ORIG thm  => pp_thm thm
479                 | COPY(sp,_) => add_string ("see "^Lib.quote (name_pair sp)))
480            ) >> add_break(1,0) >>
482            block CONSISTENT 1 (
483              add_string "Case analysis:" >> add_break (1,0) >> pp_thm case_def
484            ) >> add_break(1,0) >>
486            (case size of
487                 NONE => nothing
488               | SOME (tm,size_def) =>
489                 block CONSISTENT 1 (
490                   add_string "Size:" >> add_break (1,0) >>
491                   (case size_def of
492                        COPY(sp,th) =>
493                          add_string ("see "^Lib.quote (name_pair sp))
494                      | ORIG th    => if is_const tm then pp_thm th
495                                      else pp_term tm)
496                 ) >> add_break(1,0)) >>
498            (case encode of
499                 NONE => nothing
500               | SOME (tm,encode_def) =>
501                 (block CONSISTENT 1 (
502                     add_string "Encoder:" >> add_break (1,0) >>
503                     (case encode_def of
504                          COPY(sp,th) =>
505                            add_string ("see "^Lib.quote (name_pair sp))
506                        | ORIG th => if is_const tm then pp_thm th
507                                     else pp_term tm)
508                   ) >> add_break(1,0))) >>
510            block CONSISTENT 1 (
511              add_string "Induction:" >> add_break (1,0) >>
512              (case induction of
513                   ORIG thm  => pp_thm thm
514                 | COPY(sp,_) => add_string ("see "^Lib.quote (name_pair sp)))
515            ) >> add_break(1,0) >>
517            block CONSISTENT 1 (
518              add_string "Case completeness:" >> add_break (1,0) >>
519              pp_thm nchotomy
520            ) >> add_break(1,0) >>
522            block CONSISTENT 1 (
523              add_string "Case-const equality split:" >> add_break (1,0) >>
524              pp_thm case_eq
525            ) >> add_break(1,0) >>
527            block CONSISTENT 1 (
528              add_string "Extras: [" >> add_break(1,0) >>
529              pr_list pp_sexp (add_string "," >> add_break(1,0)) extra >>
530              add_string "]"
531            ) >>
533            let fun do11 thm =
534                     block CONSISTENT 1 (add_string "One-to-one:" >>
535                                         add_break (1,0) >> pp_thm thm)
536                fun do_distinct thm =
537                     block CONSISTENT 1 (add_string "Distinctness:" >>
538                                         add_break (1,0) >> pp_thm thm)
539            in
540              case (one_one,distinct)
541               of (NONE,NONE) => nothing
542                | (NONE,SOME thm) => add_break(1,0) >> do_distinct thm
543                | (SOME thm,NONE) => add_break(1,0) >> do11 thm
544                | (SOME thm1,SOME thm2) => add_break(1,0) >> do11 thm1 >>
545                                           add_break(1,0) >> do_distinct thm2
546            end
547          )
548        end
549      | NFACTS(ty,{nchotomy,induction,size,encode,extra,...}) =>
550        block CONSISTENT 0 (
551          block INCONSISTENT 0 (
552             add_string "-----------------------" >> add_newline >>
553             add_string "-----------------------" >> add_newline >>
554             add_string "HOL type:" >> add_break(1,0) >> pp_type ty
555          ) >> add_break(1,0) >>
557          block CONSISTENT 1 (
558            add_string "Case completeness:" >> add_break (1,0) >>
559            (case nchotomy of
560                 NONE => add_string "none"
561               | SOME thm => pp_thm thm)
562          ) >> add_break(1,0) >>
564          block CONSISTENT 1 (
565            add_string "Induction:" >> add_break (1,0) >>
566            (case induction of
567                 NONE  => add_string "none"
568               | SOME thm => pp_thm thm)
569          ) >> add_break(1,0) >>
571          block CONSISTENT 1 (
572            add_string "Size:" >> add_break (1,0) >>
573            (case size of
574                 NONE => add_string "none"
575               | SOME (tm,size_def) =>
576                 block CONSISTENT 1 (
577                     if is_const tm then pp_thm size_def else pp_term tm
578                 )
579            )
580          ) >> add_break(1,0) >>
582          block CONSISTENT 1 (
583            add_string "Extras:" >> add_break(1,0) >>
584            pr_list pp_sexp (add_string "," >> add_break(1,0)) extra
585          )
586        )
587  end
589val pp_tyinfo = Parse.mlower o pp_tyinfo
592(* Database of facts.                                                        *)
595type typeBase = tyinfo TypeNet.typenet
597val empty : typeBase = TypeNet.empty
599val fold = TypeNet.fold
601fun next_ty ty = mk_vartype(Lexis.tyvar_vary (dest_vartype ty))
604(* Rename type variables in a type so that they occur in alphabetical order, *)
605(* from left-to-right, and start from 'a. Example:                           *)
606(*                                                                           *)
607(*  normalise_ty ``:('k#'a) list`` = ``:('a#'b) list                         *)
608(*                                                                           *)
611fun normalise_ty ty = let
612  fun recurse (acc as (dict,usethis)) tylist =
613      case tylist of
614        [] => acc
615      | ty :: rest => let
616        in
617          if is_vartype ty then
618            case Binarymap.peek(dict,ty) of
619                NONE => recurse (Binarymap.insert(dict,ty,usethis),
620                                 next_ty usethis)
621                                rest
622              | SOME _ => recurse acc rest
623          else let
624              val {Args,...} = dest_thy_type ty
625            in
626              recurse acc (Args @ rest)
627            end
628        end
629  val (inst0, _) = recurse (Binarymap.mkDict Type.compare, Type.alpha) [ty]
630  val inst = Binarymap.foldl (fn (tyk,tyv,acc) => (tyk |-> tyv)::acc)
631                             []
632                             inst0
634  Type.type_subst inst ty
637fun prim_get (db:typeBase) (thy,tyop) =
638    case Type.op_arity {Thy = thy, Tyop = tyop} of
639      NONE => NONE
640    | SOME i => let
641        fun genargs (acc,nextty) n = if n = 0 then List.rev acc
642                                 else genargs (nextty :: acc, next_ty nextty)
643                                              (n - 1)
644        val ty = mk_thy_type {Thy = thy, Tyop = tyop,
645                              Args = genargs ([], alpha) i}
646      in
647        TypeNet.peek (db, ty)
648      end
650fun insert db x = TypeNet.insert(db,normalise_ty (ty_of x), x);
652fun get db s = let
653  fun foldthis (ty,tyi as DFACTS _,acc) =
654      if #2 (type_names ty) = s then tyi::acc else acc
655    | foldthis (ty, _, acc) = acc
657  TypeNet.fold foldthis [] db
660fun listItems db = map #2 (TypeNet.listItems db)
662fun toPmatchThry tbase {Thy,Tyop} =
663    case prim_get tbase (Thy,Tyop) of
664        NONE => NONE
665      | SOME tyi => SOME {case_const = case_const_of tyi,
666                          constructors = constructors_of tyi}
671(* If ty1 is an instance of ty2, then return the record                      *)
674fun tysize ty =
675    if Type.is_vartype ty then 1
676    else let
677        val {Args,...} = Type.dest_thy_type ty
678      in
679        1 + List.foldl (fn (ty,acc) => tysize ty + acc) 0 Args
680      end
682fun mymatch pat ty = let
683  val (i, sames) = Type.raw_match_type pat ty ([], [])
685  i @ (map (fn ty => ty |-> ty) sames)
688fun instsize i =
689    List.foldl (fn ({redex,residue},acc) => tysize residue + acc) 0 i
691fun check_match ty (pat, data) =
692    SOME(instsize (mymatch pat ty), data) handle HOL_ERR _ => NONE
694fun fetch tbase ty =
695    case TypeNet.match (tbase, ty) of
696      [] => NONE
697    | matches0 => let
698        val matches = List.mapPartial (check_match ty) matches0
699        val sorted = Listsort.sort (measure_cmp fst) matches
700      in
701        case sorted of
702            [] => NONE
703          | (_, tyi) :: _ => SOME tyi
704      end
708      General facility for interpreting types as terms. It takes a
709      couple of environments (theta,gamma); theta maps type variables
710      to (term) functions on those type variables, and gamma maps
711      type operators to (term) functions on elements of the given type.
712      The interpretation is partial: for types that are not mapped,
713      the supplied function undef is applied.
714 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
717local fun drop [] ty = fst(dom_rng ty)
718        | drop (_::t) ty = drop t (snd(dom_rng ty))
720fun typeValue (theta,gamma,undef) =
721 let fun tyValue ty =
722      case theta ty
723       of SOME fvar => fvar
724        | NONE =>
725          let val {Thy,Tyop,Args} = dest_thy_type ty
726          in case gamma (Thy,Tyop)
727              of SOME f =>
728                  let val vty = drop Args (type_of f)
729                      val sigma = match_type vty ty
730                  in list_mk_comb(inst sigma f, map tyValue Args)
731                  end
732               | NONE => undef ty
733          end
734  in tyValue
735  end
739fun tystring ty =
740 let val (thy,name) = type_names ty
741 in String.concat [thy,"$",name]
742 end;
745(* gamma models polymorphic functions of the form                            *)
746(*                                                                           *)
747(*  ty |-> ty_size size1 ... sizen arg = ...                                 *)
748(*                                                                           *)
749(* where arg is a term with a type having n type variables. In order to      *)
750(* synthesize the correct instance of ty_size, we have to match the types    *)
751(* of size1...sizen against the concrete types found in the instance of type *)
752(* ty. Hence the complex lead-up to matching.                                *)
755fun typeValue (theta,gamma,undef) =
756 let fun tyValue ty =
757      case theta ty
758       of SOME fvar => fvar
759        | NONE =>
760            case gamma ty
761             of SOME f =>
762                 (let val args = snd(dest_type ty)
763                      val csizefns = map tyValue args
764                      val (tys,rng) = strip_fun (type_of f)
765                      val (gen_sizefn_tys,vty) = front_last tys
766                      val tyinst = match_type (list_mk_fun(gen_sizefn_tys,bool))
767                                              (list_mk_fun(map type_of csizefns,bool))
768                  in list_mk_comb(inst tyinst f, csizefns)
769                  end handle HOL_ERR _
770                      => (WARN "typeValue"
771                           ("Badly typed terms at type constructor "
772                            ^Lib.quote (tystring ty)^". Continuing anyway.");
773                          undef ty))
774               | NONE => undef ty
775 in tyValue
776 end
779(*    Map a HOL type (ty) into a term having type :ty -> num.                *)
782fun num() = mk_thy_type{Tyop="num",Thy="num",Args=[]}
783fun Zero() = mk_thy_const{Name="0",Thy="num", Ty=num()}
784             handle HOL_ERR _ =>
785             raise ERR "type_size.Zero()" "Numbers not declared"
787fun type_size db ty =
788 let fun K0 ty = mk_abs(mk_var("v",ty),Zero())
789     fun theta ty = if is_vartype ty then SOME (K0 ty) else NONE
790     val gamma = Option.map fst o
791                 Option.composePartial (size_of,fetch db)
792  in
793    typeValue (theta,gamma,K0) ty
794  end
797    Encoding: map a HOL type (ty) into a term having type :ty -> bool list
798 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
801  fun tyencode_env db =
802    Option.map fst o Option.composePartial (encode_of, fetch db)
803  fun undef _ = raise ERR "type_encode" "unknown type"
804  fun theta ty =
805    if is_vartype ty then raise ERR "type_encode" "type variable" else NONE
807fun type_encode db = typeValue (theta, tyencode_env db, undef)
811(* Lifters are a bit different, since they are ML-level definitions.         *)
812(*                                                                           *)
813(* Build a HOL term that represents an ML expression that will construct a   *)
814(* compound HOL type.                                                        *)
818  val string_tyv = mk_vartype "'string"
819  val type_tyv   = mk_vartype "'type"
820  val typelist_tyv = mk_vartype "'typelist"
821  val stringXtypelist_tyv = mk_vartype "'string_X_typelist"
822  val mk_type_var = mk_var("mk_type", stringXtypelist_tyv --> type_tyv)
823  val cons_var  = mk_var ("cons",type_tyv --> typelist_tyv --> typelist_tyv)
824  val nil_var   = mk_var ("nil",typelist_tyv)
825  val comma_var = mk_var (",",string_tyv --> typelist_tyv
826                                          --> stringXtypelist_tyv)
827  val mk_vartype_var = mk_var("mk_vartype",string_tyv --> type_tyv)
828  fun Cons x y = list_mk_comb(cons_var,[x,y])
829  fun to_list alist = itlist Cons alist nil_var
830  fun tyop_var tyop = mk_var(Lib.quote tyop,string_tyv)
831  fun Pair x y = list_mk_comb(comma_var,[x,y])
832  val bool_var = mk_var("bool",type_tyv)
834fun enc_type ty =
835  if is_vartype ty
836  then mk_comb(mk_vartype_var,
837               mk_var(Lib.quote (dest_vartype ty),string_tyv))
838  else
839  if ty = Type.bool then bool_var
840  else
841  let val (tyop,args) = dest_type ty
842      val enc_args = to_list(map enc_type args)
843      val enc_tyop = tyop_var tyop
844      val pair = Pair enc_tyop enc_args
845  in
846    mk_comb(mk_type_var,pair)
847  end
851(* Implements the interpretation of a type, which yields a function to be    *)
852(* applied to a term. (Except that in this case, it is applied to an ML      *)
853(* value.)                                                                   *)
854(*                                                                           *)
855(*    [| v |] = Theta(v), where v is a type variable                         *)
856(*   [| ty |] = Gamma(c) ty [| t1 |] ... [| tn |], where ty is (t1,...,tn)c  *)
857(*                                                                           *)
860local fun drop [] ty = fst(dom_rng ty)
861        | drop (_::t) ty = drop t (snd(dom_rng ty))
863fun tyValue (theta,gamma,undef) =
864 let fun tyVal ty =
865      case theta ty  (* map type variable *)
866       of SOME x => x
867        | NONE =>    (* map compound type *)
868          let val {Thy,Tyop,Args} = dest_thy_type ty
869          in case gamma ty
870              of SOME f =>
871                  let val vty = drop (alpha::Args) (type_of f)
872                      val sigma = match_type vty ty
873                  in list_mk_comb(inst sigma f,
874                                  enc_type ty::map tyVal Args)
875                  end
876               | NONE => undef ty
877          end
878  in tyVal
879  end
882fun Undef ty =
883    raise ERR "Undef"
884              (Lib.quote (Parse.type_to_string ty)^" is an unknown type");
887(* Used to synthesize lifters                                                *)
890local fun mk_K_1(tm,ty) =
891        let val ty1 = type_of tm
892            val K = mk_thy_const{Name="K",Thy="combin",
893                                 Ty = ty1 --> ty --> ty1}
894        in mk_comb(K,tm)
895        end
897fun type_lift db ty =
898  let val TYV = type_vars ty
899      val tyv_fns = map (fn tyv => mk_K_1(boolSyntax.mk_arb tyv, tyv)) TYV
900      val Theta = C assoc (zip TYV tyv_fns)
901      val Gamma = Option.composePartial (lift_of, fetch db)
902  in
903     tyValue (total Theta, Gamma, Undef) ty
904  end
908(* Instantiate a constructor to a type. Used in lifting (see                 *)
909(* datatype/Lift.sml                                                         *)
912fun cinst ty c =
913  let val cty = snd(strip_fun(type_of c))
914      val theta = match_type cty ty
915  in inst theta c
916  end
919(* Is a constant a constructor for some datatype.                            *)
922fun is_constructor tybase c =
923  let val (_,ty) = strip_fun (type_of c)
924  in case prim_get tybase (type_names ty)
925     of NONE => false
926      | SOME tyinfo => op_mem same_const c (constructors_of tyinfo)
927  end handle HOL_ERR _ => false;
929fun is_constructor_pat tybase tm =
930    is_constructor tybase (fst (strip_comb tm))
932fun is_constructor_var_pat tybase tm =
933    is_var tm orelse is_constructor_pat tybase tm
935(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
936    Syntax operations on the (extensible) set of case expressions.
938    All implemented in Pmatch
939   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
941fun dest_case tbase = Pmatch.dest_case (toPmatchThry tbase)
942fun is_case tbase = Pmatch.is_case (toPmatchThry tbase)
943fun strip_case tbase = Pmatch.strip_case (toPmatchThry tbase)
944fun mk_case tbase = Pmatch.mk_case (toPmatchThry tbase)
947(* Syntax operations for record types.                                       *)
950fun dest_record_type tybase ty =
951  case Lib.total (fields_of o valOf o prim_get tybase o type_names) ty
952    of SOME (fields as (_::_)) => fields
953     | otherwise => raise ERR "dest_record_type" "not a record type";
955fun is_record_type tybase ty = Lib.can (dest_record_type tybase) ty;
957fun has_record_type tybase M = is_record_type tybase (type_of M);
960(* The function                                                              *)
961(*                                                                           *)
962(*   dest_record : tyBase -> term -> (string * hol_type) list                *)
963(*                                                                           *)
964(* needs to know about the TypeBase in order to tell if the term is an       *)
965(* element of a record type.                                                 *)
968fun mk_K_1 (tm,ty) =
969  let val K_tm = prim_mk_const{Name="K",Thy="combin"}
970  in mk_comb(inst [alpha |-> type_of tm, beta |-> ty] K_tm,tm)
971  end;
972fun dest_K_1 tm =
973  let val K_tm = prim_mk_const{Name="K",Thy="combin"}
974  in dest_monop K_tm (ERR "dest_K_1" "not a K-term") tm
975  end;
977fun get_field_name s1 s2 =
978  let val prefix = String.extract(s2,0,SOME(String.size s1))
979      val rest = String.extract(s2,String.size s1 + 1, NONE)
980      val middle = String.extract(rest,0,SOME(String.size rest - 5))
981      val suffix = String.extract(rest,String.size middle, NONE)
982  in
983    if prefix = s1 andalso suffix = "_fupd"
984      then middle
985      else raise ERR "get_field" ("unable to parse "^Lib.quote s2)
986  end;
989(* A record looks like `fupd arg_1 (fupd arg_2 ... (fupd arg_n ARB) ...)`    *)
990(* where each arg_i is a (name,type) pair showing how the ith field should   *)
991(* be declared.                                                              *)
994fun dest_field tm =
995  let val (ty,_) = dom_rng (type_of tm)
996      val tyname = fst(dest_type ty)
997      val (updf,arg) = dest_comb tm
998      val (name0,ty) = dest_const updf
999      val name = get_field_name tyname name0
1000  in
1001    (name,dest_K_1 arg)
1002  end
1003  handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "dest_field" "unexpected term structure";
1006fun dest_record tybase tm =
1007  let fun dest tm =
1008       if is_arb tm then []
1009       else let val (f,a) = dest_comb tm
1010            in dest_field f::dest a
1011            end
1012       handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "dest_record" "unexpected term structure"
1013  in
1014   if has_record_type tybase tm
1015     then (type_of tm, dest tm)
1016     else raise ERR "dest_record" "not a record"
1017  end;
1019fun is_record tybase = can (dest_record tybase);
1021fun mk_record tybase (ty,fields) =
1022 if is_record_type tybase ty
1023 then let val (Thy,Tyop) = type_names ty
1024        val fupds = map (fn p => String.concat[Tyop,"_",fst p,"_fupd"]) fields
1025        val updfns = map (fn n => prim_mk_const{Name=n,Thy=Thy}) fupds
1026        fun ifn c = let val (_,ty') = dom_rng (type_of c)
1027                        val theta = match_type ty' (ty --> ty)
1028                    in inst theta c
1029                    end
1030        val updfns' = map ifn updfns
1031        fun mk_field (updfn,v) tm =
1032              mk_comb(mk_comb(updfn, mk_K_1(v,type_of v)),tm)
1033       in
1034         itlist mk_field (zip updfns' (map snd fields)) (mk_arb ty)
1035       end
1036  else raise ERR "mk_record" "first arg. not a record type";
1038exception OptionExn = Option
1039open ThyDataSexp
1040fun ty_to_key ty =
1041  let
1042    val {Thy,Tyop,...} = dest_thy_type ty
1043  in
1044    List [String Thy, String Tyop]
1045  end
1047fun field s v = [Sym s, v]
1048fun option f v =
1049  case v of
1050      NONE => Sym "NONE"
1051    | SOME v0 => List [Sym "SOME", f v0]
1052fun rcdfinfo_to_sexp {ty,accessor,fupd} =
1053    List [Type ty, Term accessor, Term fupd]
1055fun dtyiToSEXPs (dtyi : dtyinfo) =
1056    field "ty" (Type (#ty dtyi)) @
1057    field "axiom" (Thm (thm_of (#axiom dtyi))) @
1058    field "induction" (Thm (thm_of (#induction dtyi))) @
1059    field "case_def" (Thm (#case_def dtyi)) @
1060    field "case_eq" (Thm (#case_eq dtyi)) @
1061    field "case_cong" (Thm (#case_cong dtyi)) @
1062    field "case_const" (Term (#case_const dtyi)) @
1063    field "constructors" (List (map Term (#constructors dtyi))) @
1064    field "destructors" (List (map Thm (#destructors dtyi))) @
1065    field "recognizers" (List (map Thm (#recognizers dtyi))) @
1066    field "size" (option (fn (t,th) => List [Term t, Thm (thm_of th)])
1067                         (#size dtyi)) @
1068    field "encode" (option (fn (t,th) => List [Term t, Thm (thm_of th)])
1069                           (#encode dtyi)) @
1070    field "lift" (option Term (#lift dtyi)) @
1071    field "distinct" (option Thm (#distinct dtyi)) @
1072    field "nchotomy" (Thm (#nchotomy dtyi)) @
1073    field "one_one" (option Thm (#one_one dtyi)) @
1074    field "fields"
1075          (List (map (fn (s,rfi) => List[String s, rcdfinfo_to_sexp rfi])
1076                     (#fields dtyi))) @
1077    field "accessors" (List (map Thm (#accessors dtyi))) @
1078    field "updates" (List (map Thm (#updates dtyi))) @
1079    field "simpls" (List (map Thm (#rewrs (#simpls dtyi)))) @
1080    field "extra" (List (#extra dtyi))
1082fun toSEXP0 tyi =
1083  case tyi of
1084      DFACTS dtyi => List (Sym "DFACTS" :: dtyiToSEXPs dtyi)
1085    | NFACTS (ty,{nchotomy, induction, size, encode, extra, simpls}) =>
1086        List (
1087          Sym "NFACTS" ::
1088          field "ty" (Type ty) @
1089          field "nchotomy" (option Thm nchotomy) @
1090          field "induction" (option Thm induction) @
1091          field "extra" (List extra) @
1092          field "size" (option (fn (t,th) => List [Term t, Thm th]) size) @
1093          field "encode" (option (fn (t,th) => List [Term t, Thm th]) encode) @
1094          field "simpls" (List (map Thm (#rewrs simpls)))
1095        )
1097fun toSEXP tyi =
1098  List [ty_to_key (ty_of tyi), toSEXP0 tyi]
1100fun fromSEXP0 s =
1101  let
1102    fun string (String s) = s | string _ = raise OptionExn
1103    fun ty (Type t) = t | ty _ = raise OptionExn
1104    fun tm (Term t) = t | tm _ = raise OptionExn
1105    fun thm (Thm th) = th | thm _ = raise OptionExn
1106    fun sthm (Thm th) = ORIG th | sthm _ = raise OptionExn
1107    fun dest_option df (Sym "NONE") = NONE
1108      | dest_option df (List [Sym "SOME", v]) = SOME (df v)
1109      | dest_option _ _ = raise OptionExn
1110    fun dest_pair df1 df2 (List [s1, s2]) = (df1 s1, df2 s2)
1111      | dest_pair _ _ _ = raise OptionExn
1112    fun dest_rfi (List [typ, acc, fupd]) = {ty = ty typ, accessor = tm acc,
1113                                            fupd = tm fupd}
1114      | dest_rfi _ = raise OptionExn
1116    fun H nm f x = f x
1117       handle OptionExn => raise ERR "fromSEXP" ("Bad encoding for field "^nm)
1118  in
1119    case s of
1120        List [Sym "DFACTS",
1121              Sym "ty", Type typ,
1122              Sym "axiom", Thm axiom,
1123              Sym "induction", Thm induction,
1124              Sym "case_def", Thm case_def,
1125              Sym "case_eq", Thm case_eq,
1126              Sym "case_cong", Thm case_cong,
1127              Sym "case_const", Term case_const,
1128              Sym "constructors", List clist,
1129              Sym "destructors", List dlist,
1130              Sym "recognizers", List rlist,
1131              Sym "size", size_option,
1132              Sym "encode", encode_option,
1133              Sym "lift", lift_option,
1134              Sym "distinct", distinct_option,
1135              Sym "nchotomy", Thm nchotomy,
1136              Sym "one_one", one_one_option,
1137              Sym "fields", List field_list,
1138              Sym "accessors", List accessor_list,
1139              Sym "updates", List update_list,
1140              Sym "simpls", List fragrewr_list,
1141              Sym "extra", List extra] =>
1142        (SOME (
1143            DFACTS {ty = typ, axiom = ORIG axiom, induction = ORIG induction,
1144                    case_def = case_def, case_eq = case_eq,
1145                    case_cong = case_cong,
1146                    case_const = case_const,
1147                    constructors = H "constructors" (map tm) clist,
1148                    destructors = H "destructors" (map thm) dlist,
1149                    recognizers = H "recognizers" (map thm) rlist,
1150                    size =
1151                      H "size" (dest_option (dest_pair tm sthm)) size_option,
1152                    encode = H "encode"
1153                               (dest_option (dest_pair tm sthm)) encode_option,
1154                    lift = H "lift" (dest_option tm) lift_option,
1155                    distinct = H "distinct" (dest_option thm) distinct_option,
1156                    nchotomy = nchotomy,
1157                    one_one = H "one_one" (dest_option thm) one_one_option,
1158                    fields = H "fields"
1159                               (map (dest_pair string dest_rfi)) field_list,
1160                    accessors = H "accessors" (map thm) accessor_list,
1161                    updates = H "updates" (map thm) update_list,
1162                    simpls = simpfrag.add_rwts simpfrag.empty_simpfrag
1163                                 (H "simpls" (map thm) fragrewr_list),
1164                    extra = extra}
1165          ) handle OptionExn => NONE)
1166      | List [Sym "NFACTS", Sym "ty", Type typ,
1167              Sym "nchotomy", nch_option,
1168              Sym "induction", ind_option,
1169              Sym "extra", List extra,
1170              Sym "size", size_option,
1171              Sym "encode", encode_option,
1172              Sym "simpls", List rewrs] =>
1173        (SOME (
1174            NFACTS (typ, {
1175                     nchotomy = H "nchotomy" (dest_option thm) nch_option,
1176                     induction = H "induction" (dest_option thm) ind_option,
1177                     extra = extra,
1178                     size = H "size" (dest_option (dest_pair tm thm))
1179                              size_option,
1180                     encode = H "encode" (dest_option (dest_pair tm thm))
1181                                encode_option,
1182                     simpls = simpfrag.add_rwts simpfrag.empty_simpfrag
1183                                                (H "simpls" (map thm) rewrs)}))
1184         handle OptionExn => NONE)
1185      | _ => NONE
1186  end
1188fun fromSEXP s =
1189  case s of
1190      List[_, s0] => fromSEXP0 s0
1191    | _ => NONE
1193end (* struct *)