1(* ===================================================================== *)
2(* FILE          : Term.sml                                              *)
3(* DESCRIPTION   : ML-style typed lambda terms (no ML "let" though).     *)
4(*                                                                       *)
5(* AUTHOR        : (c) Konrad Slind, University of Calgary               *)
6(* DATE          : August 26, 1991                                       *)
7(* Modified      : September 22, 1997, Ken Larsen (functor removal)      *)
8(* Rewritten     : 1999, Bruno Barras, to use explicit substitutions     *)
9(* Modified      : July 2000, Konrad Slind, for Moscow ML 2.00           *)
10(* ===================================================================== *)
12structure Term :> Term =
15open Feedback Lib Subst KernelTypes
17val kernelid = "stdknl"
19type 'a set = 'a HOLset.set;
21val ERR = mk_HOL_ERR "Term";
22val WARN = HOL_WARNING "Term";
24val --> = Type.-->;   infixr 3 -->;
26infix |-> ##;
29               Create the signature for HOL terms
30 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
33val termsig = KernelSig.new_table()
34fun prim_delete_const kn = ignore (KernelSig.retire_name(termsig, kn))
35fun prim_new_const (k as {Thy,Name}) ty = let
36  val hty = if Type.polymorphic ty then POLY ty else GRND ty
37  val id = KernelSig.insert(termsig, k, hty)
39  Const(id, hty)
41fun del_segment s = KernelSig.del_segment(termsig, s)
44 * Builtin constants. These are in every HOL signature, and it is            *
45 * convenient to nail them down here.                                        *
46 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
49  open KernelSig Type
50  val eq_ty = POLY (alpha --> alpha --> bool)
51  val hil_ty = POLY ((alpha --> bool) --> alpha)
52  val imp_ty = GRND (bool --> bool --> bool)
54  val eq_id = insert(termsig,{Name = "=", Thy = "min"}, eq_ty)
55  val hil_id = insert(termsig,{Name = "@", Thy = "min"}, hil_ty)
56  val imp_id = insert(termsig,{Name = "==>", Thy = "min"}, imp_ty)
58  val eqc = Const (eq_id,eq_ty)
59  val equality = eqc
60  val hil = Const (hil_id,hil_ty)
61  val imp = Const (imp_id,imp_ty)
65    Useful functions to hide explicit substitutions
66    Important invariant: never delay subst on atoms, and compose Clos.
67    Therefore, in Clos{Env,Body}, Body is either a Comb or an Abs.
68    This invariant is enforced if we always use mk_clos instead of Clos.
69 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
71fun mk_clos (s, Bv i) =
72      (case (Subst.exp_rel(s,i))
73        of (0, SOME t) => t
74         | (k, SOME t) => mk_clos (Subst.shift(k,Subst.id), t)
75         | (v, NONE)   => Bv v)
76  | mk_clos (s, t as Fv _)     = t
77  | mk_clos (s, t as Const _)  = t
78  | mk_clos (s,Clos(Env,Body)) = Clos(Subst.comp mk_clos (s,Env), Body)
79  | mk_clos (s,t)              = Clos(s, t)
83    Propagate substitutions so that we are sure the head of the term is
84    not a delayed substitution.
85 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
87fun push_clos (Clos(E, Comb(f,x))) = Comb(mk_clos(E,f), mk_clos(E,x))
88  | push_clos (Clos(E, Abs(v,M)))  = Abs(v, mk_clos (Subst.lift(1,E),M))
89  | push_clos _ = raise ERR "push_clos" "not a subst"
93 * Computing the type of a term.                                             *
94 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
96local fun lookup 0 (ty::_)  = ty
97        | lookup n (_::rst) = lookup (n-1) rst
98        | lookup _ []       = raise ERR "type_of" "lookup"
99      fun ty_of (Fv(_,Ty)) _           = Ty
100        | ty_of (Const(_,GRND Ty)) _   = Ty
101        | ty_of (Const(_,POLY Ty)) _   = Ty
102        | ty_of (Bv i) E               = lookup i E
103        | ty_of (Comb(Rator, _)) E     = snd(Type.dom_rng(ty_of Rator E))
104        | ty_of (t as Clos _) E        = ty_of (push_clos t) E
105        | ty_of (Abs(Fv(_,Ty),Body)) E = Ty --> ty_of Body (Ty::E)
106        | ty_of _ _ = raise ERR "type_of" "term construction"
108fun type_of tm = ty_of tm []
113                Discriminators
114 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
116fun is_bvar (Bv _)    = true | is_bvar _  = false;
117fun is_var  (Fv _)    = true | is_var _   = false;
118fun is_const(Const _) = true | is_const _ = false;
119fun is_comb(Comb _) = true | is_comb(Clos(_,Comb _)) = true | is_comb _ = false
120fun is_abs(Abs _) = true | is_abs(Clos(_,Abs _)) = true | is_abs _ = false;
124 * The type variables of a lambda term. Tail recursive (from Ken Larsen).    *
125 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
127local fun tyV (Fv(_,Ty)) k         = k (Type.type_vars Ty)
128        | tyV (Bv _) k             = k []
129        | tyV (Const(_,GRND _)) k  = k []
130        | tyV (Const(_,POLY Ty)) k = k (Type.type_vars Ty)
131        | tyV (Comb(Rator,Rand)) k = tyV Rand (fn q1 =>
132                                     tyV Rator(fn q2 => k (union q2 q1)))
133        | tyV (Abs(Bvar,Body)) k   = tyV Body (fn q1 =>
134                                     tyV Bvar (fn q2 => k (union q2 q1)))
135        | tyV (t as Clos _) k      = tyV (push_clos t) k
137fun type_vars_in_term tm = tyV tm Lib.I
141 * The free variables of a lambda term. Tail recursive (from Ken Larsen).    *
142 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
144local fun FV (v as Fv _) A k   = k (Lib.insert v A)
145        | FV (Comb(f,x)) A k   = FV f A (fn q => FV x q k)
146        | FV (Abs(_,Body)) A k = FV Body A k
147        | FV (t as Clos _) A k = FV (push_clos t) A k
148        | FV _ A k = k A
150fun free_vars tm = FV tm [] Lib.I
154 * The free variables of a lambda term, in textual order.                    *
155 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
157fun free_vars_lr tm =
158  let fun FV ((v as Fv _)::t) A   = FV t (Lib.insert v A)
159        | FV (Bv _::t) A          = FV t A
160        | FV (Const _::t) A       = FV t A
161        | FV (Comb(M,N)::t) A     = FV (M::N::t) A
162        | FV (Abs(_,M)::t) A      = FV (M::t) A
163        | FV ((M as Clos _)::t) A = FV (push_clos M::t) A
164        | FV [] A = rev A
165  in
166     FV [tm] []
167  end;
170 * The set of all variables in a term, represented as a list.                *
171 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
173local fun vars (v as Fv _) A        = Lib.insert v A
174        | vars (Comb(Rator,Rand)) A = vars Rand (vars Rator A)
175        | vars (Abs(Bvar,Body)) A   = vars Body (vars Bvar A)
176        | vars (t as Clos _) A      = vars (push_clos t) A
177        | vars _ A = A
179fun all_vars tm = vars tm []
182fun free_varsl tm_list = itlist (union o free_vars) tm_list []
183fun all_varsl tm_list  = itlist (union o all_vars) tm_list [];
186     Support for efficient sets of variables
187 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
189fun var_compare (Fv(s1,ty1), Fv(s2,ty2)) =
190       (case String.compare (s1,s2)
191         of EQUAL => Type.compare (ty1,ty2)
192          | x => x)
193  | var_compare _ = raise ERR "var_compare" "variables required";
195val empty_varset = HOLset.empty var_compare
197(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
198    A total ordering on terms that respects alpha equivalence.
199    Fv < Bv < Const < Comb < Abs
200   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
202fun fast_term_eq (t1:term) (t2:term) = Portable.pointer_eq (t1,t2)
204fun compare (p as (t1,t2)) =
205    if fast_term_eq t1 t2 then EQUAL else
206    case p of
207      (t1 as Clos _, t2)     => compare (push_clos t1, t2)
208    | (t1, t2 as Clos _)     => compare (t1, push_clos t2)
209    | (u as Fv _, v as Fv _) => var_compare (u,v)
210    | (Fv _, _)              => LESS
211    | (Bv _, Fv _)           => GREATER
212    | (Bv i, Bv j)           => Int.compare (i,j)
213    | (Bv _, _)              => LESS
214    | (Const _, Fv _)        => GREATER
215    | (Const _, Bv _)        => GREATER
216    | (Const(c1,ty1),
217       Const(c2,ty2))        => (case KernelSig.id_compare (c1, c2)
218                                  of EQUAL => Type.compare (to_hol_type ty1,
219                                                            to_hol_type ty2)
220                                   | x => x)
221    | (Const _, _)           => LESS
222    | (Comb(M,N),Comb(P,Q))  => (case compare (M,P)
223                                  of EQUAL => compare (N,Q)
224                                   | x => x)
225    | (Comb _, Abs _)        => LESS
226    | (Comb _, _)            => GREATER
227    | (Abs(Fv(_, ty1),M),
228       Abs(Fv(_, ty2),N))    => (case Type.compare(ty1,ty2)
229                                  of EQUAL => compare (M,N)
230                                   | x => x)
231    | (Abs _, _)             => GREATER;
233val empty_tmset = HOLset.empty compare
234fun term_eq t1 t2 = compare(t1,t2) = EQUAL
236(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
237    All "atoms" (variables (bound or free) and constants).
239    Does not respect alpha-equivalence
240   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
242fun all_atomsl tlist A =
243    case tlist of
244        [] => A
245      | t::ts =>
246        let
247        in
248          case t of
249              Fv _ => all_atomsl ts (HOLset.add(A,t))
250            | Const _ => all_atomsl ts (HOLset.add(A,t))
251            | Comb(Rator,Rand) => all_atomsl (Rator::Rand::ts) A
252            | Abs(v,body) => all_atomsl (body::ts) (HOLset.add(A,v))
253            | Clos _ => all_atomsl (push_clos t::ts) A
254            | Bv _ => all_atomsl ts A
255        end
257fun all_atoms t = all_atomsl [t] empty_tmset
260        Free variables of a term. Tail recursive. Returns a set.
261 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
263fun FVL [] A = A
264  | FVL ((v as Fv _)::rst) A      = FVL rst (HOLset.add(A,v))
265  | FVL (Comb(Rator,Rand)::rst) A = FVL (Rator::Rand::rst) A
266  | FVL (Abs(_,Body)::rst) A      = FVL (Body::rst) A
267  | FVL ((t as Clos _)::rst) A    = FVL (push_clos t::rst) A
268  | FVL (_::rst) A                = FVL rst A
271(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
272    free_in tm M : does tm occur free in M?
273   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
275fun free_in tm =
276   let fun f1 (Comb(Rator,Rand)) = (f2 Rator) orelse (f2 Rand)
277         | f1 (Abs(_,Body)) = f2 Body
278         | f1 (t as Clos _) = f2 (push_clos t)
279         | f1 _ = false
280       and f2 t = term_eq t tm orelse f1 t
281   in f2
282   end;
285     The following are used in Thm to check side conditions (e.g.,
286     does variable v occur free in the assumptions).
287 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
289fun var_occurs M =
290  let val v = (case M of Fv v => v | _ => raise ERR "" "")
291      fun occ (Fv u)             = (v=u)
292        | occ (Bv _)             = false
293        | occ (Const _)          = false
294        | occ (Comb(Rator,Rand)) = occ Rand orelse occ Rator
295        | occ (Abs(_,Body))      = occ Body
296        | occ (t as Clos _)      = occ (push_clos t)
297   in occ end
298   handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "var_occurs" "not a variable";
302 * Making variables                                                          *
303 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
305val mk_var = Fv
307fun inST s = not(null(KernelSig.listName termsig s))
310 *   "genvars" are a Lisp-style "gensym" for HOL variables.                  *
311 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
313local val genvar_prefix = "%%genvar%%"
314      fun num2name i = genvar_prefix^Int.toString i
315      val num_stream = Portable.make_counter{init=0,inc=1}
317fun genvar ty = Fv(num2name(num_stream()), ty)
319fun genvars ty =
320 let fun gen acc n = if n <= 0 then rev acc else gen (genvar ty::acc) (n-1)
321 in gen []
322 end
324fun is_genvar (Fv(Name,_)) = String.isPrefix genvar_prefix Name
325  | is_genvar _ = false;
330 * Given a variable and a list of variables, if the variable does not exist  *
331 * on the list, then return the variable. Otherwise, rename the variable and *
332 * try again. Note well that the variant uses only the name of the variable  *
333 * as a basis for testing equality. Experience has shown that basing the     *
334 * comparison on both the name and the type of the variable resulted in      *
335 * needlessly confusing formulas occasionally being displayed in interactive *
336 * sessions.                                                                 *
337 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
340fun gen_variant P caller =
341  let fun var_name _ (Fv(Name,_)) = Name
342        | var_name caller _ = raise ERR caller "not a variable"
343      fun vary vlist (Fv(Name,Ty)) =
344          let val L = map (var_name caller) vlist
345              fun loop s =
346                  if mem s L orelse P s then loop (s ^ "'")
347                  else s
348          in mk_var(loop Name, Ty)
349          end
350        | vary _ _ = raise ERR caller "2nd argument should be a variable"
351  in vary
352  end;
354val variant      = gen_variant inST "variant"
355val prim_variant = gen_variant (K false) "prim_variant";
357fun numvariant avoids (Fv(Name,Ty)) =
358    let
359      fun var_name (Fv(Name,_)) = Name
360        | var_name _ =
361             raise ERR "numvariant" "Avoids list contains non-variable"
362      val nms = map var_name avoids
363      fun vary s = let val s' = Lexis.tmvar_vary s
364                   in
365                     if inST s' then vary s' else s'
366                   end
367    in
368      Fv(Lexis.gen_variant vary nms Name, Ty)
369    end
370  | numvariant _ _ =
371      raise ERR "numvariant" "2nd argument should be a variable"
373fun mk_primed_var (Name,Ty) =
374    gen_variant inST "mk_primed_var" [] (Fv(Name,Ty))
377 *             Making constants.                                             *
378 *                                                                           *
379 * We grab the constant scheme from the signature. If it is ground, then     *
380 * we just return the scheme. Thus there will only be one copy of any        *
381 * ground constant. If it is polymorphic, we match its type against the      *
382 * given type. If the match is the identity substitution, we just return     *
383 * the constant. If the match moves some variables, then we check that the   *
384 * instance is ground (and then return GRND); otherwise the type is still    *
385 * polymorphic.                                                              *
386 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
388fun decls nm =
389    let
390      fun f ({Name,...}, info as (_, ty), A) =
391          if nm = Name andalso Type.uptodate_type (to_hol_type ty) then
392            Const info :: A
393          else A
394    in
395      KernelSig.foldl f [] termsig
396    end
398fun prim_mk_const (knm as {Name,Thy}) =
399 case KernelSig.peek(termsig, knm)
400  of SOME c => Const c
401   | NONE => raise ERR "prim_mk_const"
402               (Lib.quote Name^" not found in theory "^Lib.quote Thy)
404fun ground x = Lib.all (fn {redex,residue} => not(Type.polymorphic residue)) x;
406fun create_const errstr (const as (_,GRND pat)) Ty =
407      if Ty=pat then Const const
408      else raise ERR "create_const" "not a type match"
409  | create_const errstr (const as (r,POLY pat)) Ty =
410     ((case Type.raw_match_type pat Ty ([],[])
411        of ([],_) => Const const
412         | (S,[]) => Const(r, if ground S then GRND Ty else POLY Ty)
413         | (S, _) => Const(r,POLY Ty))
414        handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR errstr
415             (String.concat["Not a type instance: ", KernelSig.id_toString r]))
418fun mk_thy_const {Thy,Name,Ty} = let
419  val knm = {Thy=Thy,Name=Name}
421  case KernelSig.peek(termsig, knm) of
422    NONE => raise ERR "mk_thy_const" (KernelSig.name_toString knm^" not found")
423  | SOME c => create_const "mk_thy_const" c Ty
426fun first_decl fname Name =
427  case KernelSig.listName termsig Name
428   of []             => raise ERR fname (Name^" not found")
429    | [(_, const)]  => const
430    | (_, const) :: _ =>
431        (WARN fname (Lib.quote Name^": more than one possibility");
432         const)
434val current_const = first_decl "current_const";
435fun mk_const(Name,Ty) = create_const"mk_const" (first_decl"mk_const" Name) Ty;
437fun all_consts() =
438    let
439      fun buildAll (_, cinfo as (_,v), A) =
440          if Type.uptodate_type (to_hol_type v) then Const cinfo :: A else A
441    in
442      KernelSig.foldl buildAll [] termsig
443    end
444fun thy_consts s =
445    let
446      fun buildthy ({Thy,...}, cinfo as (_, v), A) =
447          if Thy = s andalso Type.uptodate_type (to_hol_type v) then
448            Const cinfo :: A
449          else A
450    in
451      KernelSig.foldl buildthy [] termsig
452    end
454fun same_const (Const(id1,_)) (Const(id2,_)) = id1 = id2
455  | same_const _ _ = false
458 *        Making applications                                                *
459 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
461local val INCOMPAT_TYPES  = Lib.C ERR "incompatible types"
462      fun lmk_comb err =
463        let fun loop (A,_) [] = A
464              | loop (A,typ) (tm::rst) =
465                 let val (ty1,ty2) = with_exn Type.dom_rng typ err
466                 in if type_of tm = ty1
467                    then loop(Comb(A,tm),ty2) rst
468                    else raise err
469                 end
470        in fn (f,L) => loop(f, type_of f) L
471        end
472      val mk_comb0 = lmk_comb (INCOMPAT_TYPES "mk_comb")
475fun mk_comb(r as (Abs(Fv(_,Ty),_), Rand)) =
476      if type_of Rand = Ty then Comb r else raise INCOMPAT_TYPES "mk_comb"
477  | mk_comb(r as (Clos(_,Abs(Fv(_,Ty),_)), Rand)) =
478      if type_of Rand = Ty then Comb r else raise INCOMPAT_TYPES "mk_comb"
479  | mk_comb(Rator,Rand) = mk_comb0 (Rator,[Rand])
481val list_mk_comb = lmk_comb (INCOMPAT_TYPES "list_mk_comb")
485fun dest_var (Fv v) = v
486  | dest_var _ = raise ERR "dest_var" "not a var"
490 *                  Alpha conversion                                         *
491 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
493fun rename_bvar s t =
494    case t of
495      Abs(Fv(_, Ty), Body) => Abs(Fv(s,Ty), Body)
496    | Clos(_, Abs _) => rename_bvar s (push_clos t)
497    | _ => raise ERR "rename_bvar" "not an abstraction";
501  fun EQ(t1,t2) = fast_term_eq t1 t2
502  fun subsEQ(s1,s2) = s1 = s2
504fun aconv t1 t2 = EQ(t1,t2) orelse
505 case(t1,t2)
506  of (Comb(M,N),Comb(P,Q)) => aconv N Q andalso aconv M P
507   | (Abs(Fv(_,ty1),M),
508      Abs(Fv(_,ty2),N)) => ty1=ty2 andalso aconv M N
509   | (Clos(e1,b1),
510      Clos(e2,b2)) => (subsEQ(e1,e2) andalso EQ(b1,b2))
511                       orelse aconv (push_clos t1) (push_clos t2)
512   | (Clos _, _) => aconv (push_clos t1) t2
513   | (_, Clos _) => aconv t1 (push_clos t2)
514   | (M,N)       => (M=N)
519 *        Beta-reduction. Non-renaming.                                      *
520 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
522fun beta_conv (Comb(Abs(_,Body), Bv 0)) = Body
523  | beta_conv (Comb(Abs(_,Body), Rand)) =
524     let fun subs((tm as Bv j),i)     = if i=j then Rand else tm
525           | subs(Comb(Rator,Rand),i) = Comb(subs(Rator,i),subs(Rand,i))
526           | subs(Abs(v,Body),i)      = Abs(v,subs(Body,i+1))
527           | subs (tm as Clos _,i)    = subs(push_clos tm,i)
528           | subs (tm,_) = tm
529     in
530       subs (Body,0)
531     end
532  | beta_conv (Comb(x as Clos _, Rand)) = beta_conv (Comb(push_clos x, Rand))
533  | beta_conv (x as Clos _) = beta_conv (push_clos x)
534  | beta_conv _ = raise ERR "beta_conv" "not a beta-redex";
538 *   Beta-reduction without propagation of the explicit substitution         *
539 *   until the next abstraction.                                             *
540 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
542fun lazy_beta_conv (Comb(Abs(_,Body),Rand)) =
543      mk_clos(Subst.cons(Subst.id,Rand), Body)
544  | lazy_beta_conv (Comb(Clos(Env, Abs(_,Body)),Rand)) =
545      mk_clos(Subst.cons(Env,Rand), Body)
546  | lazy_beta_conv (t as Clos _) = lazy_beta_conv (push_clos t)
547  | lazy_beta_conv _ = raise ERR "lazy_beta_conv" "not a beta-redex";
551 *       Eta-conversion                                                      *
552 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
554local fun pop (tm as Bv i, k) =
555           if i=k then raise ERR "eta_conv" "not an eta-redex" else tm
556        | pop (Comb(Rator,Rand),k) = Comb(pop(Rator,k), pop(Rand,k))
557        | pop (Abs(v,Body), k)     = Abs(v,pop(Body, k+1))
558        | pop (tm as Clos _, k)    = pop (push_clos tm, k)
559        | pop (tm,k) = tm
560      fun eta_body (Comb(Rator,Bv 0)) = pop (Rator,0)
561        | eta_body (tm as Clos _)     = eta_body (push_clos tm)
562        | eta_body _ = raise ERR "eta_conv" "not an eta-redex"
564fun eta_conv (Abs(_,Body)) = eta_body Body
565  | eta_conv (tm as Clos _)  = eta_conv (push_clos tm)
566  | eta_conv _ = raise ERR "eta_conv" "not an eta-redex"
571 *    Replace arbitrary subterms in a term. Non-renaming.                    *
572 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
574val emptysubst:(term,term)Binarymap.dict = Binarymap.mkDict compare
576  open Binarymap
577  fun addb [] A = A
578    | addb ({redex,residue}::t) (A,b) =
579      addb t (if type_of redex = type_of residue
580              then (insert(A,redex,residue),
581                    is_var redex andalso b)
582              else raise ERR "subst" "redex has different type than residue")
584fun subst [] = I
585  | subst theta =
586    let val (fmap,b) = addb theta (emptysubst, true)
587        fun vsubs (v as Fv _) = (case peek(fmap,v) of NONE => v | SOME y => y)
588          | vsubs (Comb(Rator,Rand)) = Comb(vsubs Rator, vsubs Rand)
589          | vsubs (Abs(Bvar,Body)) = Abs(Bvar,vsubs Body)
590          | vsubs (c as Clos _) = vsubs (push_clos c)
591          | vsubs tm = tm
592        fun subs tm =
593          case peek(fmap,tm)
594           of SOME residue => residue
595            | NONE =>
596              (case tm
597                of Comb(Rator,Rand) => Comb(subs Rator, subs Rand)
598                 | Abs(Bvar,Body) => Abs(Bvar,subs Body)
599                 | Clos _        => subs(push_clos tm)
600                 |   _         => tm)
601    in
602      (if b then vsubs else subs)
603    end
607 *     Instantiate type variables in a term                                  *
608 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
610fun inst [] tm = tm
611  | inst theta tm =
612    let fun
613       inst1 (bv as Bv _) = bv
614     | inst1 (c as Const(_, GRND _)) = c
615     | inst1 (c as Const(r, POLY Ty)) =
616       (case Type.ty_sub theta Ty
617         of SAME => c
618          | DIFF ty => Const(r,(if Type.polymorphic ty then POLY else GRND)ty))
619     | inst1 (v as Fv(Name,Ty)) =
620         (case Type.ty_sub theta Ty of SAME => v | DIFF ty => Fv(Name, ty))
621     | inst1 (Comb(Rator,Rand)) = Comb(inst1 Rator, inst1 Rand)
622     | inst1 (Abs(Bvar,Body))   = Abs(inst1 Bvar, inst1 Body)
623     | inst1 (t as Clos _)      = inst1(push_clos t)
624    in
625      inst1 tm
626    end;
628fun dest_comb (Comb r) = r
629  | dest_comb (t as Clos _) = dest_comb (push_clos t)
630  | dest_comb _ = raise ERR "dest_comb" "not a comb"
634       Making abstractions. list_mk_binder is a relatively
635       efficient version for making terms with many consecutive
636       abstractions.
637  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
639local val FORMAT = ERR "list_mk_binder"
640   "expected first arg to be a constant of type :(<ty>_1 -> <ty>_2) -> <ty>_3"
641   fun check_opt NONE = Lib.I
642     | check_opt (SOME c) =
643        if not(is_const c) then raise FORMAT
644        else case total (fst o Type.dom_rng o fst o Type.dom_rng o type_of) c
645              of NONE => raise FORMAT
646               | SOME ty => (fn abs =>
647                   let val dom = fst(Type.dom_rng(type_of abs))
648                   in mk_comb (inst[ty |-> dom] c, abs)
649                   end)
651fun list_mk_binder opt =
652 let val f = check_opt opt
653 in fn (vlist,tm)
654 => if not (all is_var vlist) then raise ERR "list_mk_binder" ""
655    else
656  let open Redblackmap
657     val varmap0 = mkDict compare
658     fun enum [] _ A = A
659       | enum (h::t) i (vmap,rvs) = let val vmap' = insert (vmap,h,i)
660                                    in enum t (i-1) (vmap',h::rvs)
661                                    end
662     val (varmap, rvlist) = enum vlist (length vlist - 1) (varmap0, [])
663     fun lookup v vmap = case peek (vmap,v) of NONE => v | SOME i => Bv i
664     fun increment vmap = transform (fn x => x+1) vmap
665     fun bind (v as Fv _) vmap k = k (lookup v vmap)
666       | bind (Comb(M,N)) vmap k = bind M vmap (fn m =>
667                                   bind N vmap (fn n => k (Comb(m,n))))
668       | bind (Abs(v,M)) vmap k  = bind M (increment vmap)
669                                          (fn q => k (Abs(v,q)))
670       | bind (t as Clos _) vmap k = bind (push_clos t) vmap k
671       | bind tm vmap k = k tm
672  in
673     rev_itlist (fn v => fn M => f(Abs(v,M))) rvlist (bind tm varmap I)
674  end
675  handle e => raise wrap_exn "Term" "list_mk_binder" e
676 end
679val list_mk_abs = list_mk_binder NONE;
681fun mk_abs(Bvar as Fv _, Body) =
682    let fun bind (v as Fv _) i        = if v=Bvar then Bv i else v
683          | bind (Comb(Rator,Rand)) i = Comb(bind Rator i, bind Rand i)
684          | bind (Abs(Bvar,Body)) i   = Abs(Bvar, bind Body (i+1))
685          | bind (t as Clos _) i      = bind (push_clos t) i
686          | bind tm _ = tm (* constant *)
687    in
688      Abs(Bvar, bind Body 0)
689    end
690  | mk_abs _ = raise ERR "mk_abs" "Bvar not a variable"
694            Taking terms apart
696    These operations are all easy, except for taking apart multiple
697    abstractions. It can happen, via beta-conversion or substitution,
698    or instantiation, that a free variable is bound by the scope. One
699    of the tasks of strip_abs is to sort the resulting mess out.
700    strip_abs works by first classifying all the free variables in the
701    body as being captured by the prefix bindings or not. Each capturing
702    prefix binder is then renamed until it doesn't capture. Then we go
703    through the body and replace the dB indices of the prefix with the
704    corresponding free variables. These may in fact fall under another
705    binder; the renaming of that will, if necessary, get done if that
706    binder is taken apart (by a subsequent dest/strip_binder).
707 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
709local fun peel f (t as Clos _) A = peel f (push_clos t) A
710        | peel f tm A =
711            case f tm of
712              SOME(Abs(v,M)) => peel f M (v::A)
713            | otherwise => (A,tm)
714      datatype occtype = PREFIX of int | BODY
715      fun array_to_revlist A =
716        let val top = Array.length A - 1
717            fun For i B = if i>top then B else For (i+1) (Array.sub(A,i)::B)
718        in For 0 []
719        end
720      val vi_empty = HOLset.empty (fn ((v1,i1),(v2,i2)) => var_compare(v1,v2))
721      fun add_vi viset vi =
722         if HOLset.member(viset,vi) then viset else HOLset.add(viset,vi)
723      fun trypush_clos (x as Clos _) = push_clos x
724        | trypush_clos t = t
726fun strip_binder opt =
727 let val f =
728         case opt of
729           NONE => (fn (t as Abs _) => SOME t
730                     | (t as Clos(_, Abs _)) => SOME (push_clos t)
731                     | other => NONE)
732               | SOME c => (fn t => let val (rator,rand) = dest_comb t
733                                    in if same_const rator c
734                                       then SOME (trypush_clos rand)
735                                       else NONE
736                                    end handle HOL_ERR _ => NONE)
737 in fn tm =>
738   let
739     open Uref
740     val (prefixl,body) = peel f tm []
741     val AV = Uref.new (Redblackmap.mkDict String.compare) : ((string,occtype)Redblackmap.dict) Uref.t
742     fun peekInsert (key,data) =
743        let open Redblackmap
744        in case peek (!AV,key)
745            of SOME data' => SOME data'
746             | NONE       => (AV := insert(!AV,key,data); NONE)
747        end
748     val prefix = Array.fromList prefixl
749     val vmap = curry Array.sub prefix
750     val (insertAVbody,insertAVprefix,lookAV,dupls) =
751        let open Redblackmap  (* AV is red-black map  of (var,occtype) elems *)
752            fun insertl [] _ dupls = dupls
753              | insertl (x::rst) i dupls =
754                  let val n = fst(dest_var x)
755                  in case peekInsert (n,PREFIX i)
756                      of NONE => insertl rst (i+1) (dupls)
757                       | SOME _ => insertl rst (i+1) ((x,i)::dupls)
758                  end
759            val dupls = insertl prefixl 0 []
760        in ((fn s => (AV := insert (!AV,s,BODY))),         (* insertAVbody *)
761            (fn (s,i) => (AV := insert (!AV,s,PREFIX i))), (* insertAVprefix *)
762            (fn s => peek (!AV,s)),                        (* lookAV *)
763            dupls)
764        end
765     fun variantAV n =
766         gen_variant (fn s => isSome (lookAV s)) "strip_binder" [] n
767     fun CVs (v as Fv(n,_)) capt k =
768          (case lookAV n
769            of SOME (PREFIX i) => k (add_vi capt (vmap i,i))
770             | SOME BODY => k capt
771             | NONE => (insertAVbody n; k capt))
772       | CVs(Comb(M,N)) capt k = CVs N capt (fn c => CVs M c k)
773       | CVs(Abs(_,M)) capt k  = CVs M capt k
774       | CVs(t as Clos _) capt k = CVs (push_clos t) capt k
775       | CVs tm capt k = k capt
776     fun unclash insert [] = ()
777       | unclash insert ((v,i)::rst) =
778           let val v' = variantAV v
779               val n' = #1 (dest_var v')
780           in Array.update(prefix,i,v')
781            ; insert (n',i)
782            ; unclash insert rst
783           end
784     fun unbind (v as Bv i) j k = k (vmap(i-j) handle Subscript => v)
785       | unbind (Comb(M,N)) j k = unbind M j (fn m =>
786                                  unbind N j (fn n => k(Comb(m,n))))
787       | unbind (Abs(v,M)) j k  = unbind M (j+1) (fn q => k(Abs(v,q)))
788       | unbind (t as Clos _) j k = unbind (push_clos t) j k
789       | unbind tm j k = k tm
790 in
791     unclash insertAVprefix (List.rev dupls)
792   ; unclash (insertAVbody o fst) (HOLset.listItems(CVs body vi_empty I))
793   ; (array_to_revlist prefix, unbind body 0 I)
794 end
795 end
798val strip_abs = strip_binder NONE;
800local exception CLASH
802fun dest_abs(Abs(Bvar as Fv(Name,Ty), Body)) =
803    let fun dest (v as (Bv j), i)     = if i=j then Bvar else v
804          | dest (v as Fv(s,_), _)    = if Name=s then raise CLASH else v
805          | dest (Comb(Rator,Rand),i) = Comb(dest(Rator,i),dest(Rand,i))
806          | dest (Abs(Bvar,Body),i)   = Abs(Bvar, dest(Body,i+1))
807          | dest (t as Clos _, i)     = dest (push_clos t, i)
808          | dest (tm,_) = tm
809    in (Bvar, dest(Body,0))
810       handle CLASH =>
811              dest_abs(Abs(variant (free_vars Body) Bvar, Body))
812    end
813  | dest_abs (t as Clos _) = dest_abs (push_clos t)
814  | dest_abs _ = raise ERR "dest_abs" "not a lambda abstraction"
818open KernelSig
820fun break_abs(Abs(_,Body)) = Body
821  | break_abs(t as Clos _) = break_abs (push_clos t)
822  | break_abs _ = raise ERR "break_abs" "not an abstraction";
824fun dest_thy_const (Const(id,ty)) =
825      let val {Name,Thy} = name_of_id id
826      in {Thy=Thy, Name=Name, Ty=to_hol_type ty}
827      end
828  | dest_thy_const _ = raise ERR"dest_thy_const" "not a const"
830fun break_const (Const p) = (I##to_hol_type) p
831  | break_const _ = raise ERR "break_const" "not a const"
833fun dest_const (Const(id,ty)) = (name_of id, to_hol_type ty)
834  | dest_const _ = raise ERR "dest_const" "not a const"
838               Derived destructors
839 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
841fun rator (Comb(Rator,_)) = Rator
842  | rator (Clos(Env, Comb(Rator,_))) = mk_clos(Env,Rator)
843  | rator _ = raise ERR "rator" "not a comb"
845fun rand (Comb(_,Rand)) = Rand
846  | rand (Clos(Env, Comb(_,Rand))) = mk_clos(Env,Rand)
847  | rand _ = raise ERR "rand" "not a comb"
849val bvar = fst o dest_abs;
850val body = snd o dest_abs;
854    Matching (first order, modulo alpha conversion) of terms, including
855    sets of variables and type variables to avoid binding.
856 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
859  fun MERR s = raise ERR "raw_match_term" s
860  fun free (Bv i) n             = i<n
861    | free (Comb(Rator,Rand)) n = free Rand n andalso free Rator n
862    | free (Abs(_,Body)) n      = free Body (n+1)
863    | free (t as Clos _) n      = free (push_clos t) n
864    | free _ _ = true
865  fun lookup x ids =
866   let fun look [] = if HOLset.member(ids,x) then SOME x else NONE
867         | look ({redex,residue}::t) = if x=redex then SOME residue else look t
868   in look end
869  fun bound_by_scope scoped M = if scoped then not (free M 0) else false
870  val tymatch = Type.raw_match_type
871  open KernelSig
873fun RM [] theta = theta
874  | RM (((v as Fv(n,Ty)),tm,scoped)::rst) ((S1 as (tmS,Id)),tyS)
875     = if bound_by_scope scoped tm
876       then MERR "Attempt to capture bound variable"
877       else RM rst
878            ((case lookup v Id tmS
879               of NONE => if v=tm then (tmS,HOLset.add(Id,v))
880                                  else ((v |-> tm)::tmS,Id)
881                | SOME tm' => if aconv tm' tm then S1
882                              else MERR ("double bind on variable "^
883                                         Lib.quote n)),
884             tymatch Ty (type_of tm) tyS)
885  | RM ((Const(c1,ty1),Const(c2,ty2),_)::rst) (tmS,tyS)
886      = RM rst
887        (if c1 <> c2 then
888          let val n1 = id_toString c1
889              val n2 = id_toString c2
890          in
891           MERR ("Different constants: "^n1^" and "^n2)
892          end
893         else
894         case (ty1,ty2)
895          of (GRND _, POLY _) => MERR"ground const vs. polymorphic const"
896           | (GRND pat,GRND obj) => if pat=obj then (tmS,tyS)
897                       else MERR"const-const with different (ground) types"
898           | (POLY pat,GRND obj) => (tmS, tymatch pat obj tyS)
899           | (POLY pat,POLY obj) => (tmS, tymatch pat obj tyS))
900  | RM ((Abs(Fv(_,ty1),M),Abs(Fv(_,ty2),N),_)::rst) (tmS,tyS)
901      = RM ((M,N,true)::rst) (tmS, tymatch ty1 ty2 tyS)
902  | RM ((Comb(M,N),Comb(P,Q),s)::rst) S = RM ((M,P,s)::(N,Q,s)::rst) S
903  | RM ((Bv i,Bv j,_)::rst) S  = if i=j then RM rst S
904                                 else MERR "Bound var doesn't match"
905  | RM (((pat as Clos _),ob,s)::t) S = RM ((push_clos pat,ob,s)::t) S
906  | RM ((pat,(ob as Clos _),s)::t) S = RM ((pat,push_clos ob,s)::t) S
907  | RM all others                    = MERR "different constructors"
910fun raw_match tyfixed tmfixed pat ob (tmS,tyS)
911   = RM [(pat,ob,false)] ((tmS,tmfixed), (tyS,tyfixed));
913fun norm_subst ((tmS,_),(tyS,_)) =
914 let val Theta = inst tyS
915     fun del A [] = A
916       | del A ({redex,residue}::rst) =
917         del (let val redex' = Theta(redex)
918              in if residue=redex' then A else (redex' |-> residue)::A
919              end) rst
920 in (del [] tmS,tyS)
921 end
923fun match_terml tyfixed tmfixed pat ob =
924 norm_subst (raw_match tyfixed tmfixed pat ob ([],[]))
926val match_term = match_terml [] empty_varset;
929       Must know that ty is the type of tm1 and tm2.
930 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
932fun prim_mk_eq ty tm1 tm2 = Comb(Comb(inst [Type.alpha |-> ty] eqc, tm1), tm2)
935      Must know that tm1 and tm2 both have type "bool"
936 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
938fun prim_mk_imp tm1 tm2  = Comb(Comb(imp, tm1),tm2);
941      Take an equality apart, and return the type of the operands
942 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
944local val err = ERR "dest_eq_ty" ""
946fun dest_eq_ty t =
947 let val ((c,M),N) = with_exn ((dest_comb##I) o dest_comb) t err
948 in if same_const c eqc
949       then (M,N,fst(Type.dom_rng (type_of c)))
950       else raise err
951 end
955   Full propagation of substitutions.
956 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
958local val subs_comp = Subst.comp mk_clos
959  fun vars_sigma_norm (s,t) =
960    case t of
961      Comb(Rator,Rand) => Comb(vars_sigma_norm(s, Rator),
962                               vars_sigma_norm(s, Rand))
963    | Bv i =>
964        (case Subst.exp_rel(s,i) of
965           (0, SOME v)   => vars_sigma_norm (Subst.id, v)
966         | (lams,SOME v) => vars_sigma_norm (Subst.shift(lams,Subst.id),v)
967         | (lams,NONE)   => Bv lams)
968    | Abs(Bvar,Body) => Abs(Bvar, vars_sigma_norm  (Subst.lift(1,s), Body))
969    | Fv _ => t
970    | Clos(Env,Body) => vars_sigma_norm (subs_comp(s,Env), Body)
971    | _ => t  (* i.e., a const *)
973fun norm_clos tm = vars_sigma_norm(Subst.id,tm)
976fun size acc tlist =
977    case tlist of
978      [] => acc
979    | t :: ts => let
980      in
981        case t of
982          Comb(t1,t2) => size (1 + acc) (t1 :: t2 :: ts)
983        | Abs(_, b) => size (1 + acc) (b :: ts)
984        | Clos _ => size acc (push_clos t :: ts)
985        | _ => size (1 + acc) ts
986      end
987fun term_size t = size 0 [t]
990 * Traverse a term, performing a given (side-effecting) operation at the     *
991 * leaves. For our purposes, bound variables can be ignored.                 *
992 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
994fun trav f =
995  let fun trv (a as Fv _) = f a
996        | trv (a as Const _) = f a
997        | trv (Comb(Rator,Rand)) = (trv Rator; trv Rand)
998        | trv (Abs(Bvar,Body))   = (trv Bvar; trv Body)
999        | trv _ = ()
1000  in
1001    trv o norm_clos
1002  end;
1005 *  Raw syntax prettyprinter for terms.                                      *
1006 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
1008val app     = "@"
1009val lam     = "|"
1010val dollar  = "$"
1011val percent = "%"
1013fun strip_comb t =
1014    let fun recurse t A =
1015            case t of
1016                Comb(f,x) => recurse f (x::A)
1017              | _ => (t, A)
1018    in
1019      recurse t []
1020    end
1022datatype pptask = ppTM of term | ppLAM | ppAPP of int | ppS of string
1023fun pp_raw_term index tm = let
1024  fun mkAPP [] = [ppAPP 1]
1025    | mkAPP (ppAPP n :: rest) = ppAPP (n + 1) :: rest
1026    | mkAPP rest = ppAPP 1 :: rest
1027  fun pp acc tasklist =
1028      case tasklist of
1029          [] => String.concat (List.rev acc)
1030        | ppTM (Abs(Bvar, Body)) :: rest =>
1031            pp acc (ppTM Bvar :: ppTM Body :: ppLAM :: rest)
1032        | ppTM (t as Comb(Rator, Rand)) :: rest =>
1033          let
1034            val (f, args) = strip_comb t
1035          in
1036            if is_abs f then
1037              pp acc (ppTM Rator :: ppTM Rand :: mkAPP rest)
1038            else
1039              let
1040                val (letter1,letter2,i) = case f of Bv i => ("u", "b", i)
1041                                                  | _ => ("U", "B", index f)
1042              in
1043                case args of
1044                    [x] => pp acc (ppTM x :: ppS (letter1 ^ Int.toString i) ::
1045                                   rest)
1046                  | [x,y] =>
1047                    pp acc (ppTM x::ppTM y::
1048                            ppS (letter2 ^ Int.toString i)::rest)
1049                  | _ => pp acc (ppTM Rator :: ppTM Rand :: mkAPP rest)
1050              end
1051          end
1052        | ppTM (Bv i) :: rest =>
1053            pp (dollar ^ Int.toString i :: acc) rest
1054        | ppTM a :: rest =>
1055            pp (percent ^ Int.toString (index a) :: acc) rest
1056        | ppLAM :: rest => pp (lam :: acc) rest
1057        | ppAPP n :: rest =>
1058            pp (app ^ (if n = 1 then "" else Int.toString n) :: acc) rest
1059        | ppS s :: rest =>  pp (s :: acc) rest
1061  pp [] [ppTM tm]
1064fun write_raw index tm = pp_raw_term index (norm_clos tm)
1067 * Fetching theorems from disk. The following parses the "raw" term          *
1068 * representation found in exported theory files.                            *
1069 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
1072datatype lexeme
1073   = app of int
1074   | lamb
1075   | ident of int
1076   | bvar  of int
1077   | BV1 of int
1078   | BV2 of int
1079   | I1 of int
1080   | I2 of int
1082local val numeric = Char.contains "0123456789"
1084fun take_numb ss0 =
1085  let val (ns, ss1) = Substring.splitl numeric ss0
1086  in case Int.fromString (Substring.string ns)
1087      of SOME i => (i,ss1)
1088       | NONE   => raise ERR "take_numb" ""
1089  end
1092(* don't allow numbers to be split across fragments *)
1094fun lexer ss1 =
1095  case Substring.getc ss1 of
1096    NONE => NONE
1097  | SOME (c,ss2) =>
1098    case c of
1099        #"|" => SOME(lamb,  ss2)
1100      | #"%"  => let val (n,ss3) = take_numb ss2 in SOME(ident n, ss3) end
1101      | #"$"  => let val (n,ss3) = take_numb ss2 in SOME(bvar n,  ss3) end
1102      | #"U"  => let val (n,ss3) = take_numb ss2 in SOME(I1 n,  ss3) end
1103      | #"u"  => let val (n,ss3) = take_numb ss2 in SOME(BV1 n,  ss3) end
1104      | #"B"  => let val (n,ss3) = take_numb ss2 in SOME(I2 n,  ss3) end
1105      | #"b"  => let val (n,ss3) = take_numb ss2 in SOME(BV2 n,  ss3) end
1106      | #"@" =>
1107        (let val (n,ss3) = take_numb ss2 in SOME(app n, ss3) end
1108         handle HOL_ERR _ => SOME (app 1, ss2))
1109      |   _   => raise ERR "raw lexer" "bad character";
1112fun read_raw tmv = let
1113  fun index i = Vector.sub(tmv, i)
1114  fun parse (stk,ss) =
1115      case (stk, lexer ss) of
1116        (_, SOME (bvar n,  rst)) => parse (Bv n::stk,rst)
1117      | (_, SOME (ident n, rst)) => parse (index n::stk,rst)
1118      | (stk, SOME (app n, rst)) => doapps n stk rst
1119      | (t::stk, SOME (I1 n, rst)) => parse (Comb(index n, t) :: stk, rst)
1120      | (t::stk, SOME (BV1 n, rst)) => parse (Comb(Bv n, t) :: stk, rst)
1121      | (t2::t1::stk, SOME (I2 n, rst)) =>
1122          parse (Comb(Comb(index n, t1), t2) :: stk, rst)
1123      | (t2::t1::stk, SOME (BV2 n, rst)) =>
1124          parse (Comb(Comb(Bv n, t1), t2) :: stk, rst)
1125      | (bd::bv::stk, SOME(lam,rst)) => parse (Abs(bv,bd)::stk, rst)
1126      | (_, SOME(lam, _)) => raise ERR "read_raw" "lam: small stack"
1127      | ([tm], NONE) => tm
1128      | ([], NONE) => raise ERR "read_raw" "eof: empty stack"
1129      | (_, NONE) => raise ERR "read_raw" "eof: large stack"
1130  and doapps n stk rst =
1131      if n = 0 then parse (stk,rst)
1132      else
1133        case stk of
1134            x::f::stk => doapps (n - 1) (Comb(f,x)::stk) rst
1135          | _ =>  raise ERR "read_raw" "app: small stack"
1138fn s => parse ([], Substring.full s)
1140end (* local *)
1142(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1143    Is a term up-to-date wrt the theory?
1144   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
1146fun uptodate_term t = let
1147  open Type
1148  fun recurse tmlist =
1149      case tmlist of
1150        [] => true
1151      | t::rest => let
1152        in
1153          case t of
1154            Fv(_, ty) => Type.uptodate_type ty andalso recurse rest
1155          | Const(info, ty) => KernelSig.uptodate_id info andalso
1156                               uptodate_type (to_hol_type ty) andalso
1157                               recurse rest
1158          | Comb(f,x) => recurse (f::x::rest)
1159          | Abs(v,bod) => recurse (v::bod::rest)
1160          | Bv _ => recurse rest
1161          | Clos _ => recurse (push_clos t :: rest)
1162        end
1164  recurse [t]
1167datatype lambda =
1168     VAR of string * hol_type
1169   | CONST of {Name: string, Thy: string, Ty: hol_type}
1170   | COMB of term * term
1171   | LAMB of term * term
1173fun dest_term M =
1174  case M of
1175      Const _ => CONST (dest_thy_const M)
1176    | Fv p => VAR p
1177    | Comb p => COMB p
1178    | Abs _ => LAMB (dest_abs M)
1179    | Clos _ => dest_term (push_clos M)
1180    | Bv _ => raise Fail "dest_term applied to bound variable"
1182fun identical t1 t2 =
1183  t1 = t2 orelse
1184  case (t1,t2) of
1185      (Clos _, _) => identical (push_clos t1) t2
1186    | (_, Clos _) => identical t1 (push_clos t2)
1187    | (Const p1, Const p2) => p1 = p2
1188    | (Fv p1, Fv p2) => p1 = p2
1189    | (Bv i1, Bv i2) => i1 = i2
1190    | (Comb(t1,t2), Comb(ta,tb)) => identical t1 ta andalso identical t2 tb
1191    | (Abs(v1,t1), Abs (v2, t2)) => v1 = v2 andalso identical t1 t2
1192    | _ => false
1194end (* Term *)