2    Copyright (c) 2001-7, 2015
3        David C.J. Matthews
5    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7    License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
9    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12    Lesser General Public License for more details.
14    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
15    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
16    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
20Dialogue boxes and operations on them.
22structure Dialog:
24    type HWND and HINSTANCE 
25    datatype
26      DLGCLASSES =
27          DLG_CLASS of string * Window.Style.flags
28        | DLG_BUTTON of Button.Style.flags
29        | DLG_COMBOBOX of Combobox.Style.flags
30        | DLG_EDIT of Edit.Style.flags
31        | DLG_LISTBOX of Listbox.Style.flags
32        | DLG_SCROLLBAR of Scrollbar.Style.flags
33        | DLG_STATIC of Static.Style.flags
35    datatype DLGTITLE = DLG_TITLERESOURCE of int | DLG_TITLESTRING of string
37    structure Style:
38    sig
39        include BIT_FLAGS
40        val WS_OVERLAPPED: flags and WS_POPUP: flags and WS_CHILD: flags and WS_MINIMIZE: flags
41        and WS_VISIBLE: flags and WS_DISABLED:flags and WS_CLIPSIBLINGS:flags
42        and WS_CLIPCHILDREN:flags and WS_MAXIMIZE:flags and WS_CAPTION:flags
43        and WS_BORDER:flags and WS_DLGFRAME:flags and WS_VSCROLL:flags and WS_HSCROLL:flags
44        and WS_SYSMENU:flags and WS_THICKFRAME:flags and WS_GROUP:flags and WS_TABSTOP:flags
45        and WS_MINIMIZEBOX:flags and WS_MAXIMIZEBOX:flags and WS_TILED:flags and WS_ICONIC:flags
46        and WS_SIZEBOX:flags and WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW:flags and WS_TILEDWINDOW:flags
47        and WS_POPUPWINDOW:flags and WS_CHILDWINDOW:flags
48        and DS_3DLOOK: flags and DS_ABSALIGN: flags and DS_CENTER: flags and DS_CENTERMOUSE: flags
49        and DS_CONTEXTHELP: flags and DS_CONTROL: flags and DS_FIXEDSYS: flags
50        and DS_LOCALEDIT: flags and DS_MODALFRAME: flags and DS_NOFAILCREATE: flags
51        and DS_NOIDLEMSG: flags and DS_SETFONT: flags and DS_SETFOREGROUND: flags
52        and DS_SYSMODAL: flags
53    end
56        { extendedStyle: int,
57          x: int,
58          y: int,
59          cx : int,
60          cy: int,
61          id: int,
62          class: DLGCLASSES,
63          title: DLGTITLE,
64          creationData: Word8Vector.vector option
65        }
67    type DLGTEMPLATE =
68        { style: Style.flags,
69          extendedStyle: int,
70          x : int,
71          y: int,
72          cx: int,
73          cy: int,
74          menu: Resource.RESID option,
75          class: Resource.RESID option,
76          title: string,
77          font: (int * string) option,
78          items: DLGITEMTEMPLATE list
79        }
82    val DialogBox :
83        HINSTANCE * Resource.RESID * HWND *
84        (HWND * Message.Message * 'a -> Message.LRESULT * 'a) * 'a -> int
85    val DialogBoxIndirect: HINSTANCE * DLGTEMPLATE * HWND *
86        (HWND * Message.Message * 'a -> Message.LRESULT * 'a) * 'a -> int
87    val CreateDialog : HINSTANCE * Resource.RESID * HWND *
88        (HWND * Message.Message * 'a -> Message.LRESULT * 'a) * 'a -> HWND
89    val CreateDialogIndirect: HINSTANCE * DLGTEMPLATE * HWND *
90        (HWND * Message.Message * 'a -> Message.LRESULT * 'a) * 'a -> HWND
92    val GetDialogBaseUnits : unit -> {horizontal: int, vertical: int}
94    val GetDlgCtrlID: HWND -> int
95    and GetDlgItem: HWND * int -> HWND
96    and GetDlgItemText: HWND * int -> string
97    and IsDialogMessage: HWND * Message.MSG -> bool
98    and EndDialog: HWND * int -> unit
100(* MessageBox and MessageBeep are in the MessageBox structure. *)
104DefDlgProc  - Used to create custom dialogues
108GetDlgItemInt  - Ignore - probably better done with Int.toString
109SetDlgItemInt  - ditto
120    val compileTemplate : DLGTEMPLATE -> Word8Vector.vector
121    val decompileTemplate : Word8Vector.vector -> DLGTEMPLATE
122end =
124    local
125        open Foreign
126        open Base
127        open Globals
128        open Window
129        open Resource
131        fun checkWindow c = (checkResult(not(isHNull c)); c)
133        (* Dialogue procedures never call DefWindowProc. *)
134        fun dlgProcRes (lres, state) = (lres, state)
135    in
136        type HWND = HWND and HINSTANCE = HINSTANCE
138        datatype DLGCLASSES =
139            DLG_CLASS of string * Window.Style.flags (* Named window class. *)
140        |   DLG_BUTTON of Button.Style.flags
141        |   DLG_EDIT of Edit.Style.flags
142        |   DLG_STATIC of Static.Style.flags
143        |   DLG_LISTBOX of Listbox.Style.flags
144        |   DLG_SCROLLBAR of Scrollbar.Style.flags
145        |   DLG_COMBOBOX of Combobox.Style.flags
147        datatype DLGTITLE = DLG_TITLESTRING of string | DLG_TITLERESOURCE of int
149        structure Style =
150        struct
151            open Window.Style (* Include all the windows styles. *)
153            val DS_ABSALIGN: flags          = fromWord 0wx0001
154            val DS_SYSMODAL: flags          = fromWord 0wx0002
155            val DS_LOCALEDIT: flags         = fromWord 0wx0020
156            val DS_SETFONT: flags           = fromWord 0wx0040
157            val DS_MODALFRAME: flags        = fromWord 0wx0080
158            val DS_NOIDLEMSG: flags         = fromWord 0wx0100
159            val DS_SETFOREGROUND: flags     = fromWord 0wx0200
160            val DS_3DLOOK: flags            = fromWord 0wx0004
161            val DS_FIXEDSYS: flags          = fromWord 0wx0008
162            val DS_NOFAILCREATE: flags      = fromWord 0wx0010
163            val DS_CONTROL: flags           = fromWord 0wx0400
164            val DS_CENTER: flags            = fromWord 0wx0800
165            val DS_CENTERMOUSE: flags       = fromWord 0wx1000
166            val DS_CONTEXTHELP: flags       = fromWord 0wx2000
168            val all = flags[Window.Style.all, DS_ABSALIGN, DS_SYSMODAL, DS_LOCALEDIT, DS_SETFONT,
172            val intersect =
173                List.foldl (fn (a, b) => fromWord(SysWord.andb(toWord a, toWord b))) all
174        end
176        type DLGITEMTEMPLATE =
177            { extendedStyle: int,
178              x: int,
179              y: int,
180              cx : int,
181              cy: int,
182              id: int,
183              class: DLGCLASSES,
184              title: DLGTITLE,
185              creationData: Word8Vector.vector option
186            }
188        type DLGTEMPLATE =
189            { style: Style.flags,
190              extendedStyle: int,
191              x : int,
192              y: int,
193              cx: int,
194              cy: int,
195              menu: Resource.RESID option,
196              class: Resource.RESID option,
197              title: string,
198              font: (int * string) option,
199              items: DLGITEMTEMPLATE list
200            }
202        (* Convert between the data structures and the templates. *)
203        (* TODO: This only deals with the basic templates not the extended
204           versions. *)
205        fun decompileTemplate (w: Word8Vector.vector): DLGTEMPLATE =
206        let
207            val ptr = ref 0
208            val isExtended = PackWord32Little.subVec(w, 0) = 0wxFFFF0001
209            val _ = if isExtended then raise Fail "Extended templates not implemented" else ();
211            val style = PackWord32Little.subVec(w, !ptr div 4)
212            val _ = ptr := !ptr + 4;
213            val exStyle = LargeWord.toInt(PackWord32Little.subVec(w, !ptr div 4))
214            val _ = ptr := !ptr + 4;
215            val cdit = LargeWord.toInt(PackWord16Little.subVec(w, !ptr div 2))
216            val _ = ptr := !ptr + 2;
217            val x = LargeWord.toInt(PackWord16Little.subVec(w, !ptr div 2))
218            val _ = ptr := !ptr + 2;
219            val y = LargeWord.toInt(PackWord16Little.subVec(w, !ptr div 2))
220            val _ = ptr := !ptr + 2;
221            val cx = LargeWord.toInt(PackWord16Little.subVec(w, !ptr div 2))
222            val _ = ptr := !ptr + 2;
223            val cy = LargeWord.toInt(PackWord16Little.subVec(w, !ptr div 2))
224            val _ = ptr := !ptr + 2;
226            (* Extract a null-terminated Unicode string and advance ptr beyond it. *)
227            fun getString () =
228            let
229                val start = !ptr
230                fun advance () =
231                let
232                    val next = LargeWord.toInt(PackWord16Little.subVec(w, !ptr div 2))
233                in
234                    ptr := !ptr + 2;
235                    if next = 0 then () else advance()
236                end
237            in
238                advance();
239                unicodeToString(Word8VectorSlice.vector(Word8VectorSlice.slice(w, start, SOME(!ptr-start-2))))
240            end
242            fun ffffOrString(): Resource.RESID =
243            let
244                val next = LargeWord.toInt(PackWord16Little.subVec(w, !ptr div 2))
245            in
246                if next = 0xffff
247                then ( (* Resource identifier. *)
248                    ptr := !ptr + 4;
249                    Resource.IdAsInt(LargeWord.toInt(PackWord16Little.subVec(w, (!ptr-2) div 2)))
250                )
251                else (* Resource name. *)
252                    Resource.IdAsString(getString())
253            end
255            (* Menu. *)
256            val menu =
257                case ffffOrString() of
258                    Resource.IdAsString "" => NONE
259                |   r => SOME r
261            (* Class. *)
262            val class =
263                case ffffOrString() of
264                    Resource.IdAsString "" => NONE
265                |   r => SOME r
267            (* Title - null terminated Unicode string. *)
268            val title = getString()
269            (* Font - only if DS_SETFONT included in the style. *)
270            val font =
271                if Style.anySet(Style.fromWord style, Style.DS_SETFONT)
272                then
273                let
274                    val size = LargeWord.toInt(PackWord16Little.subVec(w, !ptr div 2))
275                    val _ = ptr := !ptr + 2
276                    val name = getString()
277                in
278                    SOME(size, name)
279                end
280                else NONE
282            (* Items. *)
283            fun processItem _ : DLGITEMTEMPLATE =
284            let
285                (* Must be aligned onto a DWORD boundary. *)
286                val _ = while !ptr mod 4 <> 0 do ptr := !ptr + 1;
288                val style = PackWord32Little.subVec(w, !ptr div 4)
289                val _ = ptr := !ptr + 4;
290                val exStyle = LargeWord.toInt(PackWord32Little.subVec(w, !ptr div 4))
291                val _ = ptr := !ptr + 4;
292                val x = LargeWord.toInt(PackWord16Little.subVec(w, !ptr div 2))
293                val _ = ptr := !ptr + 2;
294                val y = LargeWord.toInt(PackWord16Little.subVec(w, !ptr div 2))
295                val _ = ptr := !ptr + 2;
296                val cx = LargeWord.toInt(PackWord16Little.subVec(w, !ptr div 2))
297                val _ = ptr := !ptr + 2;
298                val cy = LargeWord.toInt(PackWord16Little.subVec(w, !ptr div 2))
299                val _ = ptr := !ptr + 2;
300                val id = LargeWord.toInt(PackWord16Little.subVec(w, !ptr div 2))
301                val _ = ptr := !ptr + 2;
303                val class =
304                    case ffffOrString() of
305                        Resource.IdAsString s => DLG_CLASS (s, Window.Style.fromWord style)
306                    |   Resource.IdAsInt 0x0080 => DLG_BUTTON (Button.Style.fromWord style)
307                    |   Resource.IdAsInt 0x0081 => DLG_EDIT (Edit.Style.fromWord style)
308                    |   Resource.IdAsInt 0x0082 => DLG_STATIC (Static.Style.fromWord style)
309                    |   Resource.IdAsInt 0x0083 => DLG_LISTBOX (Listbox.Style.fromWord style)
310                    |   Resource.IdAsInt 0x0084 => DLG_SCROLLBAR (Scrollbar.Style.fromWord style)
311                    |   Resource.IdAsInt 0x0085 => DLG_COMBOBOX (Combobox.Style.fromWord style)
312                    |   _ => raise Fail "Unknown dialog type"
314                val title = 
315                    case ffffOrString() of
316                        Resource.IdAsString s => DLG_TITLESTRING s
317                    |   Resource.IdAsInt i => DLG_TITLERESOURCE i
319                val creation =
320                let
321                    val length = LargeWord.toInt(PackWord16Little.subVec(w, !ptr div 2))
322                    val _ = ptr := !ptr + 2;
323                    val start = !ptr
324                    val _ = ptr := !ptr + length
325                in
326                    if length = 0
327                    then NONE
328                    else SOME(Word8VectorSlice.vector(Word8VectorSlice.slice(w, start, SOME length)))
329                end
330            in
331            {
332                extendedStyle = exStyle,
333                x = x,
334                y = y,
335                cx = cx,
336                cy = cy,
337                id = id,
338                class = class,
339                title = title,
340                creationData = creation
341            }
342            end
343        in
344            { style = Style.fromWord style,
345              extendedStyle = exStyle,
346              x = x,
347              y = y,
348              cx = cx,
349              cy = cy,
350              menu = menu,
351              class = class,
352              title = title,
353              font = font,
354              items = List.tabulate(cdit, processItem)
355            }
356        end;
358        (* Generate a dialogue template in memory. *)
359        fun compileTemplate (t: DLGTEMPLATE) =
360        let
361            val basis = Word8Array.array (18, 0w0)
362            val nullString = Word8Vector.tabulate(2, fn _ => 0w0)
363            (* Force DS_SETFONT in the style according to whether we have a font specified. *)
364            val style =
365                if #font t = NONE
366                then Style.clear(Style.DS_SETFONT, #style t)
367                else Style.flags[#style t, Style.DS_SETFONT]
368            val _ = PackWord32Little.update(basis, 0, Style.toWord style);
369            val _ = PackWord32Little.update(basis, 1, LargeWord.fromInt(#extendedStyle t));
370            val _ = PackWord16Little.update(basis, 4, LargeWord.fromInt(List.length(#items t)));
371            val _ = PackWord16Little.update(basis, 5, LargeWord.fromInt(#x t));
372            val _ = PackWord16Little.update(basis, 6, LargeWord.fromInt(#y t));
373            val _ = PackWord16Little.update(basis, 7, LargeWord.fromInt(#cx t));
374            val _ = PackWord16Little.update(basis, 8, LargeWord.fromInt(#cy t));
376            fun unicodeString s = Word8Vector.concat[stringToUnicode s, nullString]
378            fun resOrString (Resource.IdAsString s) = unicodeString s
379              | resOrString (Resource.IdAsInt i) =
380                    Word8Vector.fromList
381                            [0wxff, 0wxff, Word8.fromInt i, Word8.fromInt(i div 256)]
382            val menu =
383                case #menu t of
384                    NONE => nullString
385                |   SOME r => resOrString r
387            val class = 
388                case #class t of
389                    NONE => nullString
390                |   SOME r => resOrString r
392            val title = unicodeString(#title t)
393            val font =
394                case #font t of
395                    SOME (size, name) =>
396                        [Word8Vector.fromList
397                            [Word8.fromInt size, Word8.fromInt(size div 256)],
398                         stringToUnicode name, nullString]
400                |   NONE => []
402            fun compileItems [] = []
403            |   compileItems((t: DLGITEMTEMPLATE) :: rest) =
404            let
405                val basis = Word8Array.array(18, 0w0)
406                val (style, class) =
407                    case #class t of
408                      DLG_CLASS(c, s)   => (Window.Style.toWord s, Resource.IdAsString c)
409                    | DLG_BUTTON s      => (Button.Style.toWord s, Resource.IdAsInt 0x80)
410                    | DLG_COMBOBOX s    => (Combobox.Style.toWord s, Resource.IdAsInt 0x85)
411                    | DLG_EDIT s        => (Edit.Style.toWord s, Resource.IdAsInt 0x81)
412                    | DLG_LISTBOX s     => (Listbox.Style.toWord s, Resource.IdAsInt 0x83)
413                    | DLG_SCROLLBAR s   => (Scrollbar.Style.toWord s, Resource.IdAsInt 0x84)
414                    | DLG_STATIC s      => (Static.Style.toWord s, Resource.IdAsInt 0x82)
416                val _ = PackWord32Little.update(basis, 0, style);
417                val _ = PackWord32Little.update(basis, 1, LargeWord.fromInt(#extendedStyle t));
418                val _ = PackWord16Little.update(basis, 4, LargeWord.fromInt(#x t));
419                val _ = PackWord16Little.update(basis, 5, LargeWord.fromInt(#y t));
420                val _ = PackWord16Little.update(basis, 6, LargeWord.fromInt(#cx t));
421                val _ = PackWord16Little.update(basis, 7, LargeWord.fromInt(#cy t));
422                val _ = PackWord16Little.update(basis, 8, LargeWord.fromInt(#id t));
423                val title =
424                    resOrString(
425                        case #title t of
426                            DLG_TITLESTRING s => Resource.IdAsString s
427                        |   DLG_TITLERESOURCE i => Resource.IdAsInt i) 
429                val creation =
430                    case #creationData t of
431                        NONE => [nullString]
432                    |   SOME r => [r, nullString]
433                val vec = 
434                    Word8Vector.concat
435                        (Word8ArraySlice.vector(Word8ArraySlice.full basis) ::
436                         resOrString class :: title :: creation)
437                val rounding = Word8Vector.length vec mod 4
438            in
439                (* Must align onto a 4-byte boundary except for the last. *)
440                (if rounding = 0 orelse rest = nil then vec
441                 else Word8Vector.concat[vec, Word8Vector.tabulate(4-rounding, fn _ => 0w0)]) ::
442                    compileItems rest
443            end
445            val header = 
446                Word8Vector.concat
447                    (Word8ArraySlice.vector(Word8ArraySlice.full basis) :: menu :: class :: title :: font)
448            val rounding = Word8Vector.length header mod 4
449            val alignment = Word8Vector.tabulate(4-rounding, fn _ => 0w0)
450        in
451            Word8Vector.concat(header :: alignment :: compileItems (#items t))
452        end
454        (* CreateDialogIndirect: Create a modeless dialogue using a resource. *)
455        local
456            val sysCreateDialog =
457                winCall5 (user "CreateDialogParamA") (cHINSTANCE, cRESID, cHWND, cFunction, cLPARAM) cHWND
458        in
459            fun CreateDialog (hInst, lpTemplate, hWndParent, dialogueProc, init) =
460            let
461                val _ = Message.setCallback(dlgProcRes o dialogueProc, init);
462                val res = checkWindow
463                    (sysCreateDialog(hInst, lpTemplate, hWndParent, Message.mainWinProc, 0))
464            in
465                (* Add this to the modeless dialogue list so that keyboard
466                   operations will work. *)
467                Message.addModelessDialogue(res, NONE);
468                res
469            end
470        end
472        (* CreateDialogIndirect: Create a modeless dialogue from a template. *)
473        local
474            val sysCreateDialogIndirect =
475                winCall5 (user "CreateDialogIndirectParamA") (cHINSTANCE, cPointer, cHWND, cFunction, cLPARAM) cHWND
476        in
477            fun CreateDialogIndirect (hInst, template, hWndParent, dialogueProc, init) =
478            let
479                val _ = Message.setCallback(dlgProcRes o dialogueProc, init);
480                (* Compile the template and copy it to C memory. *)
481                val compiled = compileTemplate template
482                val size = Word8Vector.length compiled
483                open Memory
484                val templ = malloc (Word.fromInt size)
485                fun copyToBuf(i, v) = set8(templ, Word.fromInt i, v)
486                val () = Word8Vector.appi copyToBuf compiled
487                val res = checkWindow
488                    (sysCreateDialogIndirect(hInst, templ, hWndParent, Message.mainWinProc, 0))
489                val () = free templ
490            in
491                (* Add this to the modeless dialogue list so that keyboard
492                   operations will work. *)
493                Message.addModelessDialogue(res, NONE);
494                res
495            end
496        end
498        (* DialogBox: create a dialogue using a resource. *)
499        local
500            val sysDialogBox =
501                winCall5 (user "DialogBoxParamA") (cHINSTANCE, cRESID, cHWND, cFunction, cLPARAM) cINT_PTR
502        in
503            fun DialogBox (hInst, lpTemplate, hWndParent, dialogueProc, init) =
504            let
505                (* We can use the normal window procedure as a dialogue proc. *)
506                val _ = Message.setCallback(dlgProcRes o dialogueProc, init);
507                val result = sysDialogBox(hInst, lpTemplate, hWndParent, Message.mainWinProc, 0)
508            in
509                (* How do we remove the callback?  Look for the last message? *)
510                result
511        end
512        end
514        (* DialogBoxIndirect: create a dialogue using a template. *)
515        local
516            val sysDialogBoxIndirect =
517                winCall5 (user "DialogBoxIndirectParamA") (cHINSTANCE, cPointer, cHWND, cFunction, cLPARAM) cINT_PTR
518        in
519            fun DialogBoxIndirect (hInst, template, hWndParent, dialogueProc, init) =
520            let
521                val _ = Message.setCallback(dlgProcRes o dialogueProc, init);
522                (* Compile the template and copy it to C memory. *)
523                val compiled = compileTemplate template
524                val size = Word8Vector.length compiled
525                open Memory
526                val templ = malloc (Word.fromInt size)
527                fun copyToBuf(i, v) = set8(templ, Word.fromInt i, v)
528                val _ = Word8Vector.appi copyToBuf compiled
529            in
530                sysDialogBoxIndirect(hInst, templ, hWndParent, Message.mainWinProc, 0)
531                    before free templ
532            end
533        end
535        (* Get average size of system font. *)
536        local
537            val getDialogBaseUnits = winCall0 (user "GetDialogBaseUnits") () cDWORDw (* Actually LONG *)
538        in
539            fun GetDialogBaseUnits() : {horizontal: int, vertical: int} =
540            let
541                val base = getDialogBaseUnits ()
542            in
543                {horizontal = Word.toInt(LOWORD base), vertical = Word.toInt(HIWORD base)}
544            end
545        end
547        val GetDlgCtrlID = winCall1 (user "GetDlgCtrlID") cHWND cInt
548        and GetDlgItem   = winCall2 (user "GetDlgItem") (cHWND, cInt) cHWND
550        val GetDlgItemText = Window.GetWindowText o GetDlgItem
552        val IsDialogMessage = winCall2 (user "IsDialogMessage") (cHWND, Message.LPMSG) cBool
554        val EndDialog = winCall2 (user "EndDialog") (cHWND, cINT_PTR) (successState "EndDialog")
555    end