(* Copyright (c) 2001-7, 2015 David C.J. Matthews This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *) (* Dialogue boxes and operations on them. *) structure Dialog: sig type HWND and HINSTANCE datatype DLGCLASSES = DLG_CLASS of string * Window.Style.flags | DLG_BUTTON of Button.Style.flags | DLG_COMBOBOX of Combobox.Style.flags | DLG_EDIT of Edit.Style.flags | DLG_LISTBOX of Listbox.Style.flags | DLG_SCROLLBAR of Scrollbar.Style.flags | DLG_STATIC of Static.Style.flags datatype DLGTITLE = DLG_TITLERESOURCE of int | DLG_TITLESTRING of string structure Style: sig include BIT_FLAGS val WS_OVERLAPPED: flags and WS_POPUP: flags and WS_CHILD: flags and WS_MINIMIZE: flags and WS_VISIBLE: flags and WS_DISABLED:flags and WS_CLIPSIBLINGS:flags and WS_CLIPCHILDREN:flags and WS_MAXIMIZE:flags and WS_CAPTION:flags and WS_BORDER:flags and WS_DLGFRAME:flags and WS_VSCROLL:flags and WS_HSCROLL:flags and WS_SYSMENU:flags and WS_THICKFRAME:flags and WS_GROUP:flags and WS_TABSTOP:flags and WS_MINIMIZEBOX:flags and WS_MAXIMIZEBOX:flags and WS_TILED:flags and WS_ICONIC:flags and WS_SIZEBOX:flags and WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW:flags and WS_TILEDWINDOW:flags and WS_POPUPWINDOW:flags and WS_CHILDWINDOW:flags and DS_3DLOOK: flags and DS_ABSALIGN: flags and DS_CENTER: flags and DS_CENTERMOUSE: flags and DS_CONTEXTHELP: flags and DS_CONTROL: flags and DS_FIXEDSYS: flags and DS_LOCALEDIT: flags and DS_MODALFRAME: flags and DS_NOFAILCREATE: flags and DS_NOIDLEMSG: flags and DS_SETFONT: flags and DS_SETFOREGROUND: flags and DS_SYSMODAL: flags end type DLGITEMTEMPLATE = { extendedStyle: int, x: int, y: int, cx : int, cy: int, id: int, class: DLGCLASSES, title: DLGTITLE, creationData: Word8Vector.vector option } type DLGTEMPLATE = { style: Style.flags, extendedStyle: int, x : int, y: int, cx: int, cy: int, menu: Resource.RESID option, class: Resource.RESID option, title: string, font: (int * string) option, items: DLGITEMTEMPLATE list } val DialogBox : HINSTANCE * Resource.RESID * HWND * (HWND * Message.Message * 'a -> Message.LRESULT * 'a) * 'a -> int val DialogBoxIndirect: HINSTANCE * DLGTEMPLATE * HWND * (HWND * Message.Message * 'a -> Message.LRESULT * 'a) * 'a -> int val CreateDialog : HINSTANCE * Resource.RESID * HWND * (HWND * Message.Message * 'a -> Message.LRESULT * 'a) * 'a -> HWND val CreateDialogIndirect: HINSTANCE * DLGTEMPLATE * HWND * (HWND * Message.Message * 'a -> Message.LRESULT * 'a) * 'a -> HWND val GetDialogBaseUnits : unit -> {horizontal: int, vertical: int} val GetDlgCtrlID: HWND -> int and GetDlgItem: HWND * int -> HWND and GetDlgItemText: HWND * int -> string and IsDialogMessage: HWND * Message.MSG -> bool and EndDialog: HWND * int -> unit (* MessageBox and MessageBeep are in the MessageBox structure. *) (* CreateDialogIndirectParam CreateDialogParam DefDlgProc - Used to create custom dialogues DialogBoxIndirectParam DialogBoxParam DialogProc GetDlgItemInt - Ignore - probably better done with Int.toString SetDlgItemInt - ditto GetNextDlgGroupItem GetNextDlgTabItem MapDialogRect MessageBoxEx SendDlgItemMessage SetDlgItemText MessageBoxIndirect *) val compileTemplate : DLGTEMPLATE -> Word8Vector.vector val decompileTemplate : Word8Vector.vector -> DLGTEMPLATE end = struct local open Foreign open Base open Globals open Window open Resource fun checkWindow c = (checkResult(not(isHNull c)); c) (* Dialogue procedures never call DefWindowProc. *) fun dlgProcRes (lres, state) = (lres, state) in type HWND = HWND and HINSTANCE = HINSTANCE datatype DLGCLASSES = DLG_CLASS of string * Window.Style.flags (* Named window class. *) | DLG_BUTTON of Button.Style.flags | DLG_EDIT of Edit.Style.flags | DLG_STATIC of Static.Style.flags | DLG_LISTBOX of Listbox.Style.flags | DLG_SCROLLBAR of Scrollbar.Style.flags | DLG_COMBOBOX of Combobox.Style.flags datatype DLGTITLE = DLG_TITLESTRING of string | DLG_TITLERESOURCE of int structure Style = struct open Window.Style (* Include all the windows styles. *) val DS_ABSALIGN: flags = fromWord 0wx0001 val DS_SYSMODAL: flags = fromWord 0wx0002 val DS_LOCALEDIT: flags = fromWord 0wx0020 val DS_SETFONT: flags = fromWord 0wx0040 val DS_MODALFRAME: flags = fromWord 0wx0080 val DS_NOIDLEMSG: flags = fromWord 0wx0100 val DS_SETFOREGROUND: flags = fromWord 0wx0200 val DS_3DLOOK: flags = fromWord 0wx0004 val DS_FIXEDSYS: flags = fromWord 0wx0008 val DS_NOFAILCREATE: flags = fromWord 0wx0010 val DS_CONTROL: flags = fromWord 0wx0400 val DS_CENTER: flags = fromWord 0wx0800 val DS_CENTERMOUSE: flags = fromWord 0wx1000 val DS_CONTEXTHELP: flags = fromWord 0wx2000 val all = flags[Window.Style.all, DS_ABSALIGN, DS_SYSMODAL, DS_LOCALEDIT, DS_SETFONT, DS_MODALFRAME, DS_NOIDLEMSG, DS_SETFOREGROUND, DS_3DLOOK, DS_FIXEDSYS, DS_NOFAILCREATE, DS_CONTROL, DS_CENTER, DS_CENTERMOUSE, DS_CONTEXTHELP] val intersect = List.foldl (fn (a, b) => fromWord(SysWord.andb(toWord a, toWord b))) all end type DLGITEMTEMPLATE = { extendedStyle: int, x: int, y: int, cx : int, cy: int, id: int, class: DLGCLASSES, title: DLGTITLE, creationData: Word8Vector.vector option } type DLGTEMPLATE = { style: Style.flags, extendedStyle: int, x : int, y: int, cx: int, cy: int, menu: Resource.RESID option, class: Resource.RESID option, title: string, font: (int * string) option, items: DLGITEMTEMPLATE list } (* Convert between the data structures and the templates. *) (* TODO: This only deals with the basic templates not the extended versions. *) fun decompileTemplate (w: Word8Vector.vector): DLGTEMPLATE = let val ptr = ref 0 val isExtended = PackWord32Little.subVec(w, 0) = 0wxFFFF0001 val _ = if isExtended then raise Fail "Extended templates not implemented" else (); val style = PackWord32Little.subVec(w, !ptr div 4) val _ = ptr := !ptr + 4; val exStyle = LargeWord.toInt(PackWord32Little.subVec(w, !ptr div 4)) val _ = ptr := !ptr + 4; val cdit = LargeWord.toInt(PackWord16Little.subVec(w, !ptr div 2)) val _ = ptr := !ptr + 2; val x = LargeWord.toInt(PackWord16Little.subVec(w, !ptr div 2)) val _ = ptr := !ptr + 2; val y = LargeWord.toInt(PackWord16Little.subVec(w, !ptr div 2)) val _ = ptr := !ptr + 2; val cx = LargeWord.toInt(PackWord16Little.subVec(w, !ptr div 2)) val _ = ptr := !ptr + 2; val cy = LargeWord.toInt(PackWord16Little.subVec(w, !ptr div 2)) val _ = ptr := !ptr + 2; (* Extract a null-terminated Unicode string and advance ptr beyond it. *) fun getString () = let val start = !ptr fun advance () = let val next = LargeWord.toInt(PackWord16Little.subVec(w, !ptr div 2)) in ptr := !ptr + 2; if next = 0 then () else advance() end in advance(); unicodeToString(Word8VectorSlice.vector(Word8VectorSlice.slice(w, start, SOME(!ptr-start-2)))) end fun ffffOrString(): Resource.RESID = let val next = LargeWord.toInt(PackWord16Little.subVec(w, !ptr div 2)) in if next = 0xffff then ( (* Resource identifier. *) ptr := !ptr + 4; Resource.IdAsInt(LargeWord.toInt(PackWord16Little.subVec(w, (!ptr-2) div 2))) ) else (* Resource name. *) Resource.IdAsString(getString()) end (* Menu. *) val menu = case ffffOrString() of Resource.IdAsString "" => NONE | r => SOME r (* Class. *) val class = case ffffOrString() of Resource.IdAsString "" => NONE | r => SOME r (* Title - null terminated Unicode string. *) val title = getString() (* Font - only if DS_SETFONT included in the style. *) val font = if Style.anySet(Style.fromWord style, Style.DS_SETFONT) then let val size = LargeWord.toInt(PackWord16Little.subVec(w, !ptr div 2)) val _ = ptr := !ptr + 2 val name = getString() in SOME(size, name) end else NONE (* Items. *) fun processItem _ : DLGITEMTEMPLATE = let (* Must be aligned onto a DWORD boundary. *) val _ = while !ptr mod 4 <> 0 do ptr := !ptr + 1; val style = PackWord32Little.subVec(w, !ptr div 4) val _ = ptr := !ptr + 4; val exStyle = LargeWord.toInt(PackWord32Little.subVec(w, !ptr div 4)) val _ = ptr := !ptr + 4; val x = LargeWord.toInt(PackWord16Little.subVec(w, !ptr div 2)) val _ = ptr := !ptr + 2; val y = LargeWord.toInt(PackWord16Little.subVec(w, !ptr div 2)) val _ = ptr := !ptr + 2; val cx = LargeWord.toInt(PackWord16Little.subVec(w, !ptr div 2)) val _ = ptr := !ptr + 2; val cy = LargeWord.toInt(PackWord16Little.subVec(w, !ptr div 2)) val _ = ptr := !ptr + 2; val id = LargeWord.toInt(PackWord16Little.subVec(w, !ptr div 2)) val _ = ptr := !ptr + 2; val class = case ffffOrString() of Resource.IdAsString s => DLG_CLASS (s, Window.Style.fromWord style) | Resource.IdAsInt 0x0080 => DLG_BUTTON (Button.Style.fromWord style) | Resource.IdAsInt 0x0081 => DLG_EDIT (Edit.Style.fromWord style) | Resource.IdAsInt 0x0082 => DLG_STATIC (Static.Style.fromWord style) | Resource.IdAsInt 0x0083 => DLG_LISTBOX (Listbox.Style.fromWord style) | Resource.IdAsInt 0x0084 => DLG_SCROLLBAR (Scrollbar.Style.fromWord style) | Resource.IdAsInt 0x0085 => DLG_COMBOBOX (Combobox.Style.fromWord style) | _ => raise Fail "Unknown dialog type" val title = case ffffOrString() of Resource.IdAsString s => DLG_TITLESTRING s | Resource.IdAsInt i => DLG_TITLERESOURCE i val creation = let val length = LargeWord.toInt(PackWord16Little.subVec(w, !ptr div 2)) val _ = ptr := !ptr + 2; val start = !ptr val _ = ptr := !ptr + length in if length = 0 then NONE else SOME(Word8VectorSlice.vector(Word8VectorSlice.slice(w, start, SOME length))) end in { extendedStyle = exStyle, x = x, y = y, cx = cx, cy = cy, id = id, class = class, title = title, creationData = creation } end in { style = Style.fromWord style, extendedStyle = exStyle, x = x, y = y, cx = cx, cy = cy, menu = menu, class = class, title = title, font = font, items = List.tabulate(cdit, processItem) } end; (* Generate a dialogue template in memory. *) fun compileTemplate (t: DLGTEMPLATE) = let val basis = Word8Array.array (18, 0w0) val nullString = Word8Vector.tabulate(2, fn _ => 0w0) (* Force DS_SETFONT in the style according to whether we have a font specified. *) val style = if #font t = NONE then Style.clear(Style.DS_SETFONT, #style t) else Style.flags[#style t, Style.DS_SETFONT] val _ = PackWord32Little.update(basis, 0, Style.toWord style); val _ = PackWord32Little.update(basis, 1, LargeWord.fromInt(#extendedStyle t)); val _ = PackWord16Little.update(basis, 4, LargeWord.fromInt(List.length(#items t))); val _ = PackWord16Little.update(basis, 5, LargeWord.fromInt(#x t)); val _ = PackWord16Little.update(basis, 6, LargeWord.fromInt(#y t)); val _ = PackWord16Little.update(basis, 7, LargeWord.fromInt(#cx t)); val _ = PackWord16Little.update(basis, 8, LargeWord.fromInt(#cy t)); fun unicodeString s = Word8Vector.concat[stringToUnicode s, nullString] fun resOrString (Resource.IdAsString s) = unicodeString s | resOrString (Resource.IdAsInt i) = Word8Vector.fromList [0wxff, 0wxff, Word8.fromInt i, Word8.fromInt(i div 256)] val menu = case #menu t of NONE => nullString | SOME r => resOrString r val class = case #class t of NONE => nullString | SOME r => resOrString r val title = unicodeString(#title t) val font = case #font t of SOME (size, name) => [Word8Vector.fromList [Word8.fromInt size, Word8.fromInt(size div 256)], stringToUnicode name, nullString] | NONE => [] fun compileItems [] = [] | compileItems((t: DLGITEMTEMPLATE) :: rest) = let val basis = Word8Array.array(18, 0w0) val (style, class) = case #class t of DLG_CLASS(c, s) => (Window.Style.toWord s, Resource.IdAsString c) | DLG_BUTTON s => (Button.Style.toWord s, Resource.IdAsInt 0x80) | DLG_COMBOBOX s => (Combobox.Style.toWord s, Resource.IdAsInt 0x85) | DLG_EDIT s => (Edit.Style.toWord s, Resource.IdAsInt 0x81) | DLG_LISTBOX s => (Listbox.Style.toWord s, Resource.IdAsInt 0x83) | DLG_SCROLLBAR s => (Scrollbar.Style.toWord s, Resource.IdAsInt 0x84) | DLG_STATIC s => (Static.Style.toWord s, Resource.IdAsInt 0x82) val _ = PackWord32Little.update(basis, 0, style); val _ = PackWord32Little.update(basis, 1, LargeWord.fromInt(#extendedStyle t)); val _ = PackWord16Little.update(basis, 4, LargeWord.fromInt(#x t)); val _ = PackWord16Little.update(basis, 5, LargeWord.fromInt(#y t)); val _ = PackWord16Little.update(basis, 6, LargeWord.fromInt(#cx t)); val _ = PackWord16Little.update(basis, 7, LargeWord.fromInt(#cy t)); val _ = PackWord16Little.update(basis, 8, LargeWord.fromInt(#id t)); val title = resOrString( case #title t of DLG_TITLESTRING s => Resource.IdAsString s | DLG_TITLERESOURCE i => Resource.IdAsInt i) val creation = case #creationData t of NONE => [nullString] | SOME r => [r, nullString] val vec = Word8Vector.concat (Word8ArraySlice.vector(Word8ArraySlice.full basis) :: resOrString class :: title :: creation) val rounding = Word8Vector.length vec mod 4 in (* Must align onto a 4-byte boundary except for the last. *) (if rounding = 0 orelse rest = nil then vec else Word8Vector.concat[vec, Word8Vector.tabulate(4-rounding, fn _ => 0w0)]) :: compileItems rest end val header = Word8Vector.concat (Word8ArraySlice.vector(Word8ArraySlice.full basis) :: menu :: class :: title :: font) val rounding = Word8Vector.length header mod 4 val alignment = Word8Vector.tabulate(4-rounding, fn _ => 0w0) in Word8Vector.concat(header :: alignment :: compileItems (#items t)) end (* CreateDialogIndirect: Create a modeless dialogue using a resource. *) local val sysCreateDialog = winCall5 (user "CreateDialogParamA") (cHINSTANCE, cRESID, cHWND, cFunction, cLPARAM) cHWND in fun CreateDialog (hInst, lpTemplate, hWndParent, dialogueProc, init) = let val _ = Message.setCallback(dlgProcRes o dialogueProc, init); val res = checkWindow (sysCreateDialog(hInst, lpTemplate, hWndParent, Message.mainWinProc, 0)) in (* Add this to the modeless dialogue list so that keyboard operations will work. *) Message.addModelessDialogue(res, NONE); res end end (* CreateDialogIndirect: Create a modeless dialogue from a template. *) local val sysCreateDialogIndirect = winCall5 (user "CreateDialogIndirectParamA") (cHINSTANCE, cPointer, cHWND, cFunction, cLPARAM) cHWND in fun CreateDialogIndirect (hInst, template, hWndParent, dialogueProc, init) = let val _ = Message.setCallback(dlgProcRes o dialogueProc, init); (* Compile the template and copy it to C memory. *) val compiled = compileTemplate template val size = Word8Vector.length compiled open Memory val templ = malloc (Word.fromInt size) fun copyToBuf(i, v) = set8(templ, Word.fromInt i, v) val () = Word8Vector.appi copyToBuf compiled val res = checkWindow (sysCreateDialogIndirect(hInst, templ, hWndParent, Message.mainWinProc, 0)) val () = free templ in (* Add this to the modeless dialogue list so that keyboard operations will work. *) Message.addModelessDialogue(res, NONE); res end end (* DialogBox: create a dialogue using a resource. *) local val sysDialogBox = winCall5 (user "DialogBoxParamA") (cHINSTANCE, cRESID, cHWND, cFunction, cLPARAM) cINT_PTR in fun DialogBox (hInst, lpTemplate, hWndParent, dialogueProc, init) = let (* We can use the normal window procedure as a dialogue proc. *) val _ = Message.setCallback(dlgProcRes o dialogueProc, init); val result = sysDialogBox(hInst, lpTemplate, hWndParent, Message.mainWinProc, 0) in (* How do we remove the callback? Look for the last message? *) result end end (* DialogBoxIndirect: create a dialogue using a template. *) local val sysDialogBoxIndirect = winCall5 (user "DialogBoxIndirectParamA") (cHINSTANCE, cPointer, cHWND, cFunction, cLPARAM) cINT_PTR in fun DialogBoxIndirect (hInst, template, hWndParent, dialogueProc, init) = let val _ = Message.setCallback(dlgProcRes o dialogueProc, init); (* Compile the template and copy it to C memory. *) val compiled = compileTemplate template val size = Word8Vector.length compiled open Memory val templ = malloc (Word.fromInt size) fun copyToBuf(i, v) = set8(templ, Word.fromInt i, v) val _ = Word8Vector.appi copyToBuf compiled in sysDialogBoxIndirect(hInst, templ, hWndParent, Message.mainWinProc, 0) before free templ end end (* Get average size of system font. *) local val getDialogBaseUnits = winCall0 (user "GetDialogBaseUnits") () cDWORDw (* Actually LONG *) in fun GetDialogBaseUnits() : {horizontal: int, vertical: int} = let val base = getDialogBaseUnits () in {horizontal = Word.toInt(LOWORD base), vertical = Word.toInt(HIWORD base)} end end val GetDlgCtrlID = winCall1 (user "GetDlgCtrlID") cHWND cInt and GetDlgItem = winCall2 (user "GetDlgItem") (cHWND, cInt) cHWND val GetDlgItemText = Window.GetWindowText o GetDlgItem val IsDialogMessage = winCall2 (user "IsDialogMessage") (cHWND, Message.LPMSG) cBool val EndDialog = winCall2 (user "EndDialog") (cHWND, cINT_PTR) (successState "EndDialog") end end;