2    Copyright (c) 2000
3        Cambridge University Technical Services Limited
5    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13    Lesser General Public License for more details.
15    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
17    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
22    Title:      Lexical symbols for ML compiler.
23    Author:     Dave Matthews, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
24    Copyright   Cambridge University 1985
27structure Symbols : SymbolsSig =
30    datatype sys =
31        AbortParse
32    |   Ident
33    |   AbstypeSy
34    |   AndSy 
35    |   AndalsoSy 
36    |   AsSy 
37    |   CaseSy
38    |   DatatypeSy 
39    |   DoSy 
40    |   ElseSy 
41    |   EndSy 
42    |   ExceptionSy 
43    |   FnSy 
44    |   FunSy
45    |   HandleSy 
46    |   IfSy 
47    |   InSy 
48    |   InfixSy 
49    |   InfixrSy 
50    |   LetSy 
51    |   LocalSy
52    |   NonfixSy 
53    |   OfSy 
54    |   OpSy 
55    |   OpenSy 
56    |   OrelseSy 
57    |   RaiseSy 
58    |   RecSy 
59    |   ThenSy
60    |   TypeSy 
61    |   ValSy 
62    |   WithSy 
63    |   WhileSy 
64    |   LeftParen 
65    |   RightParen
66    |   LeftBrack
67    |   RightBrack
68    |   Comma 
69    |   Colon 
70    |   Semicolon 
71    |   ThickArrow
72    |   VerticalBar
73    |   EqualsSign
74    |   Underline 
75    |   TypeIdent
76    |   StringConst
77    |   IntegerConst
78    |   Asterisk 
79    |   Arrow 
80    |   RealConst 
81    |   LeftCurly
82    |   RightCurly
83    |   ThreeDots
84    |   ColonGt
85    |   HashSign 
86    |   StructureSy 
87    |   SignatureSy
88    |   StructSy 
89    |   SigSy 
90    |   SharingSy 
91    |   FunctorSy 
92    |   WithtypeSy
93    |   EqtypeSy
94    |   IncludeSy
95    |   WhereSy
96    |   WordConst
97    |   CharConst
98    |   Othersy
100    fun repr AbortParse     = "\^G"
101    |   repr Ident          = "<identifier>"
102    |   repr AbstypeSy      = "abstype"
103    |   repr AndSy          = "and"
104    |   repr AndalsoSy      = "andalso"
105    |   repr AsSy           = "as"
106    |   repr CaseSy         = "case"
107    |   repr DatatypeSy     = "datatype"
108    |   repr DoSy           = "do"
109    |   repr ElseSy         = "else"
110    |   repr EndSy          = "end"
111    |   repr ExceptionSy    = "exception"
112    |   repr FnSy           = "fn"
113    |   repr FunSy          = "fun"
114    |   repr HandleSy       = "handle"
115    |   repr IfSy           = "if"
116    |   repr InSy           = "in"
117    |   repr InfixSy        = "infix"
118    |   repr InfixrSy       = "infixr"
119    |   repr LetSy          = "let"
120    |   repr LocalSy        = "local"
121    |   repr NonfixSy       = "nonfix"
122    |   repr OfSy           = "of"
123    |   repr OpSy           = "op"
124    |   repr OpenSy         = "open"
125    |   repr OrelseSy       = "orelse"
126    |   repr RaiseSy        = "raise"
127    |   repr RecSy          = "rec"
128    |   repr ThenSy         = "then"
129    |   repr TypeSy         = "type"
130    |   repr ValSy          = "val"
131    |   repr WithSy         = "with"
132    |   repr WhileSy        = "while"
133    |   repr LeftParen      = "("
134    |   repr RightParen     = ")"
135    |   repr LeftBrack      = "["
136    |   repr RightBrack     = "]"
137    |   repr Comma          = ","
138    |   repr Colon          = ":"
139    |   repr Semicolon      = ";"
140    |   repr ThickArrow     = "=>"
141    |   repr VerticalBar    = "|"
142    |   repr EqualsSign     = "="
143    |   repr Underline      = "_"
144    |   repr TypeIdent      = "<type identifier>"
145    |   repr StringConst    = "<string constant>"
146    |   repr IntegerConst   = "<integer constant>"
147    |   repr Asterisk       = "*"
148    |   repr Arrow          = "->"
149    |   repr RealConst      = "<real constant>"
150    |   repr LeftCurly      = "{"
151    |   repr RightCurly     = "}"
152    |   repr ThreeDots      = "..."
153    |   repr ColonGt        = ":>"
154    |   repr HashSign       = "#"
155    |   repr StructureSy    = "structure"
156    |   repr SignatureSy    = "signature"
157    |   repr StructSy       = "struct"
158    |   repr SigSy          = "sig"
159    |   repr SharingSy      = "sharing"
160    |   repr FunctorSy      = "functor"
161    |   repr WithtypeSy     = "withtype"
162    |   repr EqtypeSy       = "eqtype"
163    |   repr IncludeSy      = "include"
164    |   repr WhereSy        = "where"
165    |   repr WordConst      = "<word constant>"
166    |   repr CharConst      = "<char constant>"
167    |   repr Othersy        = "unknown symbol"
169    local
170        open HashTable;
172        val reservedWords =
173        [
174            AbstypeSy,
175            AndSy,
176            AndalsoSy,
177            AsSy,
178            CaseSy,
179            DatatypeSy, 
180            DoSy,
181            ElseSy, 
182            EndSy,
183            ExceptionSy,
184            FnSy,
185            FunSy,
186            HandleSy,
187            IfSy,
188            InSy,
189            InfixSy,
190            InfixrSy,
191            LetSy,
192            LocalSy,
193            NonfixSy,
194            OfSy,
195            OpSy,
196            OpenSy,
197            OrelseSy,
198            RaiseSy,
199            RecSy,
200            ThenSy,
201            TypeSy,
202            ValSy,
203            WithSy,
204            WhileSy,
205            StructureSy,
206            SignatureSy,
207            StructSy,
208            SigSy,
209            SharingSy,
210            FunctorSy,
211            WithtypeSy,
212            EqtypeSy,
213            IncludeSy,
214            WhereSy,
215            (* Reserved or special symbols *)
216            Arrow,
217            EqualsSign,
218            ThickArrow,
219            Asterisk,
220            ColonGt,
221            Underline,
222            Colon,
223            VerticalBar,
224            HashSign
225        ]
227        local
228            (* Make table sparse to minimise collisions. *)
229            val table = hashMake (4 * List.length reservedWords);
231            (* Enter each reserved word in the hash table *)
232            val () = List.app (fn n => hashSet (table, repr n, n)) reservedWords
233        in
234            val table = hashFreeze table
235        end
236    in
237        (* Returns the symbol if it is in the table else ident *)
238        fun lookup str = getOpt(hashSub (table, str), Ident);
239    end;
241end (* Symbols *);