2    Copyright (c) 2013 David C.J. Matthews
4    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
6    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
7    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12    Lesser General Public License for more details.
14    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
15    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
16    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
20    Derived from the original parse-tree
22    Copyright (c) 2000
23        Cambridge University Technical Services Limited
25    Further development:
26    Copyright (c) 2000-13 David C.J. Matthews
28    Title:      Parse Tree Structure and Operations.
29    Author:     Dave Matthews, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
30    Copyright   Cambridge University 1985
36    structure BASEPARSETREE : BaseParseTreeSig
37    structure LEX : LEXSIG
39    structure TYPETREE : TYPETREESIG
40    structure VALUEOPS : VALUEOPSSIG;
41    structure PRETTY : PRETTYSIG
43    sharing LEX.Sharing = TYPETREE.Sharing = STRUCTVALS.Sharing
44           = VALUEOPS.Sharing = PRETTY.Sharing
45           = BASEPARSETREE.Sharing
47): PrintParsetreeSig
50    open LEX
51    open STRUCTVALS
52    open VALUEOPS
53    open TYPETREE
54    open PRETTY
57    fun isEmptyTree           EmptyTree               = true | isEmptyTree _           = false;
59  (* This pretty printer is used to format the parsetree
60     for error messages (Error near ...) and also for
61     debugging.  There is a quite different pretty printer
62     in VALUEOPS that is used to format values produced as
63     a result of compiling and executing an expression or
64     declaration. *) 
66    fun printList (doPrint: 'a*FixedInt.int->pretty) (c: 'a list, separator, depth: FixedInt.int): pretty list =
67        if depth <= 0 then [PrettyString "..."]
68        else
69        case c of
70            []      => []
71        |   [v]     => [doPrint (v, depth)]
72        |   (v::vs) =>
73                PrettyBlock (0, false, [],
74                    [
75                        doPrint (v, depth),
76                        PrettyBreak
77                           (if separator = "," orelse separator = ";" orelse separator = "" then 0 else 1, 0),
78                        PrettyString separator
79                    ]
80                    ) ::
81                PrettyBreak (1, 0) ::
82                printList doPrint (vs, separator, depth - 1)
84   (* Generates a pretty-printed representation of a piece of tree. *)
85    fun displayParsetree (c      : parsetree, (* The value to print. *)
86                   depth  : FixedInt.int) : pretty = (* The number of levels to display. *)
87    let
88        val displayList = printList displayParsetree
89        and displayListWithBpts = printList (fn ((c,_), depth) => displayParsetree(c, depth))
91        (* type bindings and datatype bindings are used in several cases *)
92        fun printTypeBind (TypeBind{name, typeVars, decType, ...}, depth) =
93            PrettyBlock (3, true, [],
94                displayTypeVariables (typeVars, depth) @
95                (
96                    PrettyString name ::
97                    (* The type may be missing if this is a signature. *)
98                    (case decType of
99                        NONE => []
100                    |   SOME t =>
101                            [
102                                PrettyBreak (1, 0),
103                                PrettyString "=",
104                                PrettyBreak (1, 0),
105                                displayTypeParse (t, depth, emptyTypeEnv)
106                            ]
107                    )
108                )
109            )
111        and printDatatypeBind (DatatypeBind{name, typeVars, constrs, ...}, depth) =
112            PrettyBlock (3, true, [],
113                displayTypeVariables (typeVars, depth) @
114                    (
115                        PrettyString name ::
116                        PrettyBreak (1, 0) ::
117                        PrettyString "=" ::
118                        PrettyBreak (1, 0) ::
119                        printList printConstructor (constrs, "|", depth - 1)
120                    )
121                )
123        and printConstructor ({constrName, constrArg, ...}, depth) =
124            PrettyBlock (2, false, [],
125                PrettyString constrName ::
126                (
127                    case constrArg of
128                        NONE => []
129                    |   SOME argType =>
130                        [
131                            PrettyBreak (1, 0),
132                            PrettyString "of",
133                            PrettyBreak (1, 0),
134                            displayTypeParse (argType, depth, emptyTypeEnv)
135                        ]
136                )
137            )
139    in
140      if depth <= 0 (* elide further text. *)
141        then PrettyString "..."
143      else case c of
145        Ident {name, ...} =>
146          PrettyString name
148      | Literal{literal, converter, ...} =>
149        let
150            val convName = valName converter
151            val lit =
152                if convName = "convString"
153                then concat["\"" , literal, "\""]
154                else if convName = "convChar"
155                then concat["#\"" , literal, "\""]
156                else literal 
157        in
158            PrettyString lit
159        end
161      | Applic { f, arg = TupleTree{fields=[left, right], ...}, isInfix = true, ...} =>
162            (* Infixed application. *)
163            PrettyBlock (0, false, [],
164                [
165                    displayParsetree (left, depth - 1),
166                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
167                    displayParsetree (f, depth), (* Just an identifier. *)
168                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
169                    displayParsetree (right, depth - 1)
170                ]
171            )
173      | Applic {f, arg, ...} => (* Function application. *)
174            PrettyBlock (0, false, [],
175                [
176                    displayParsetree (f, depth - 1),
177                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
178                    displayParsetree (arg, depth - 1)
179                ]
180            )
182      | Cond {test, thenpt, elsept, ...} => (* if..then..else.. *)
183            PrettyBlock (0, false, [],
184                [
185                    PrettyString "if",
186                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
187                    displayParsetree (test, depth - 1),
188                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
189                    PrettyString "then",
190                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
191                    displayParsetree (thenpt, depth - 1),
192                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
193                    PrettyString "else",
194                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
195                    displayParsetree (elsept, depth - 1)
196                ]
197            )
199      | TupleTree{fields, ...} =>
200            PrettyBlock (3, true, [],
201                (
202                    PrettyString "(" ::
203                    PrettyBreak (0, 0) ::
204                    displayList (fields, ",", depth - 1)
205                ) @ [PrettyBreak (0, 0), PrettyString ")"]
206            )
208      | ValDeclaration {dec, ...} =>
209        let
210            (* We can't use printList here because we don't want an
211               "and" after a "rec". *)
212            fun printValBind ([], _) = []
214              | printValBind (ValBind{dec, exp, isRecursive, ...} :: rest, depth) =
215                    if depth <= 0
216                    then [PrettyString "..."]
217                    else
218                    let
219                        val isRec =
220                            if isRecursive then [PrettyString "rec" , PrettyBreak (1, 0)] else []
221                        val pValBind =
222                            PrettyBlock (3, false, [],
223                                [
224                                    displayParsetree (dec, depth - 1),
225                                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
226                                    PrettyString "=",
227                                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
228                                    displayParsetree (exp, depth - 1)
229                                ]
230                            )
231                    in
232                        case rest of
233                            [] => isRec @ [pValBind]
234                        |   _ => PrettyBlock (0, false, [], isRec @ [pValBind, PrettyBreak(1, 0), PrettyString "and"]) ::
235                                      PrettyBreak(1, 0) :: printValBind(rest, depth-1)
236                    end
237        in
238            PrettyBlock (3, true, [],
239                PrettyString "val" ::
240                PrettyBreak (1, 0) ::
241                (* TODO: Display the explicit type variables. *)
242                (* displayTypeVariables (explicit, depth); *)
243                printValBind (dec, depth - 1)
244            )
245        end
247      | FunDeclaration {dec, ...} =>
248          let
249            fun printfvalbind (FValBind{clauses, ...}, depth) =
250                PrettyBlock(3, true, [], printList printClause (clauses, "|", depth - 1))
251            and printClause (FValClause{dec, exp, ...}, depth) =
252                PrettyBlock (3, true, [],
253                    [
254                        printDec (dec, depth - 1),
255                        PrettyBreak (1, 0),
256                        PrettyString "=",
257                        PrettyBreak (1, 0),
258                        displayParsetree (exp, depth - 1)
259                    ]
260                )
261            and printDec(
262                    { ident = { name, ... }, isInfix=true, args=[TupleTree{fields=[left, right], ...}], constraint }, depth) =
263                (* Single infixed application. *)
264                PrettyBlock (0, false, [],
265                    [
266                        displayParsetree (left, depth - 1),
267                        PrettyBreak (1, 0),
268                        PrettyString name,
269                        PrettyBreak (1, 0),
270                        displayParsetree (right, depth - 1)
271                    ] @ printConstraint (constraint, depth-1)
272                )
273            |   printDec(
274                    { ident = { name, ... }, isInfix=true,
275                      args=TupleTree{fields=[left, right], ...} :: args, constraint }, depth) =
276                (* Infixed application followed by other arguments. *)
277                PrettyBlock (0, false, [],
278                    [
279                        PrettyString "(",
280                        PrettyBreak (0, 0),
281                        displayParsetree (left, depth - 1),
282                        PrettyBreak (1, 0),
283                        PrettyString name,
284                        PrettyBreak (1, 0),
285                        displayParsetree (right, depth - 1),
286                        PrettyBreak (0, 0),
287                        PrettyString ")"
288                    ] @ displayList (args, "", depth - 1) @ printConstraint(constraint, depth-2)
289                )
290            |   printDec({ ident = { name, ...}, args, constraint, ... }, depth) =
291                (* Prefixed application. *)
292                PrettyBlock (0, false, [],
293                    [ PrettyString name, PrettyBreak (1, 0) ] @
294                        displayList (args, "", depth - 1) @ printConstraint(constraint, depth-2)
295                )
296            and printConstraint(NONE, _) = []
297            |   printConstraint(SOME given, depth) =
298                [
299                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
300                    PrettyString ":",
301                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
302                    displayTypeParse (given, depth, emptyTypeEnv)
303                ]
304         in
305            PrettyBlock (3, true, [],
306                PrettyString "fun" ::
307                PrettyBreak (1, 0) ::
308                (* TODO: Display the explicit type variables. *)
309                (* displayTypeVariables (explicit, depth); *)
310                printList printfvalbind (dec, "and", depth - 1)
311            )
312        end
314      | OpenDec {decs, ...} =>
315        let
316            fun printStrName ({name, ...}: structureIdentForm, _) = PrettyString name
317        in
318            PrettyBlock (3, true, [],
319                PrettyString "open" ::
320                PrettyBreak (1, 0) ::
321                printList printStrName (decs, "", depth - 1)
322            )
323        end
325      | List {elements, ...} =>
326            PrettyBlock (3, true, [],
327                PrettyString "[" ::
328                PrettyBreak (0, 0) ::
329                displayList (elements, ",", depth - 1) @
330                [PrettyBreak (0, 0), PrettyString "]" ]
331            )
333      | Constraint {value, given, ...} =>
334            PrettyBlock (3, false, [],
335                [
336                    displayParsetree (value, depth - 1),
337                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
338                    PrettyString ":",
339                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
340                    displayTypeParse (given, depth, emptyTypeEnv)
341                ]
342            )
344      | Layered {var, pattern, ...} =>
345            PrettyBlock (3, true, [],
346                [
347                    displayParsetree (var, depth - 1),
348                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
349                    PrettyString "as",
350                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
351                    displayParsetree (pattern, depth - 1)
352                ]
353            )
355      | Fn {matches, ...} =>
356            PrettyBlock (3, true, [],
357                PrettyString "fn" ::
358                PrettyBreak (1, 0) ::
359                printList displayMatch (matches, "|", depth - 1)
360            )
362      | Unit _ =>
363            PrettyString "()"
365      | WildCard _ =>
366            PrettyString "_"
368      | Localdec {isLocal, decs, body, ...} =>
369            PrettyBlock (3, false, [],
370                PrettyString (if isLocal then "local" else "let") ::
371                PrettyBreak (1, 0) ::
372                displayListWithBpts (decs, ";", depth - 1) @
373                [PrettyBreak (1, 0), PrettyString "in", PrettyBreak (1, 0)] @
374                displayListWithBpts (body, ";", depth - 1) @
375                [PrettyBreak (1, 0), PrettyString "end"]
376            )
378      | TypeDeclaration(ptl, _) =>
379        let
380            (* This is used both for type bindings and also in signatures.
381               In a signature we may have "eqtype". *)
382            val typeString =
383                case ptl of
384                    TypeBind {isEqtype=true, ...} :: _ => "eqtype"
385                |   _ => "type"
386        in
387            PrettyBlock (3, true, [],
388                PrettyString typeString ::
389                PrettyBreak (1, 0) ::
390                printList printTypeBind (ptl, "and", depth - 1)
391            )
392        end
394      | AbsDatatypeDeclaration {typelist, withtypes, isAbsType=false, ...} =>
395            PrettyBlock (3, true, [],
396                PrettyString "datatype" ::
397                PrettyBreak (1, 0) ::
398                printList printDatatypeBind (typelist, "and", depth - 1) @
399                (
400                    if null withtypes then []
401                    else
402                        PrettyBreak (1, 0) ::
403                        PrettyString "withtype" ::
404                        PrettyBreak (1, 0) ::
405                        printList printTypeBind (withtypes, "and", depth - 1)
406                 )
407             )
409      | DatatypeReplication {newType, oldType, ...} =>
410            PrettyBlock (3, true, [],
411                [
412                    PrettyString "datatype",
413                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
414                    PrettyString newType,
415                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
416                    PrettyString "=",
417                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
418                    PrettyString "datatype",
419                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
420                    PrettyString oldType
421                ]
422            )
424       | AbsDatatypeDeclaration {typelist, withtypes, declist, isAbsType=true, ...} =>
425            PrettyBlock (3, true, [],
426                PrettyString "abstype" ::
427                PrettyBreak (1, 0) ::
428                printList printDatatypeBind (typelist, "and", depth - 1) @
429                [ PrettyBreak (1, 0) ] @
430                (
431                    if null withtypes then []
432                    else
433                        PrettyString "withtype" ::
434                        PrettyBreak (1, 0) ::
435                        printList printTypeBind (withtypes, "and", depth - 1) @
436                        [PrettyBreak (1, 0)]
437                ) @
438                [
439                    PrettyString "with",
440                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
441                    PrettyBlock (3, true, [],
442                        displayListWithBpts(declist, ";", depth - 1))
443                ]
444            )
447      | ExpSeq(ptl, _) =>
448            PrettyBlock (3, true, [],
449                PrettyString "(" ::
450                PrettyBreak (0, 0) ::
451                displayListWithBpts (ptl, ";", depth - 1) @
452                [ PrettyBreak (0, 0), PrettyString ")"]
453            )
455      | Directive {fix, tlist, ...} =>
456        let
457            val status =
458                case fix of
459                    Nonfix => PrettyString "nonfix"
460                |   Infix prec =>
461                        PrettyBlock(0, false, [],
462                            [ PrettyString "infix", PrettyBreak (1, 0), PrettyString (Int.toString prec) ])
463                |   InfixR prec =>
464                        PrettyBlock(0, false, [],
465                            [ PrettyString "infixr", PrettyBreak (1, 0), PrettyString (Int.toString prec) ])
466        in
467            PrettyBlock (3, true, [],
468                status ::
469                PrettyBreak (1, 0) ::
470                printList (fn (name, _) => PrettyString name) (tlist, "", depth - 1)
471            )
472        end
474      | ExDeclaration(pt, _) =>
475          let
476            fun printExBind (ExBind {name, ofType, previous, ...}, depth) =
477                PrettyBlock (0, false, [],
478                    PrettyString name ::
479                    (case ofType of NONE => []
480                        | SOME typeof =>
481                        [
482                            PrettyBreak (1, 0),
483                            PrettyString "of",
484                            PrettyBreak (1, 0),
485                            displayTypeParse (typeof, depth, emptyTypeEnv)
486                        ]
487                    ) @
488                    (if isEmptyTree previous then []
489                    else 
490                    [
491                        PrettyBreak (1, 0),
492                        PrettyString "=",
493                        PrettyBreak (1, 0),
494                        displayParsetree (previous, depth - 1)
495                    ])
496                )
497         in
498            PrettyBlock (3, true, [],
499                PrettyString "exception" ::
500                PrettyBreak (1, 0) ::
501                printList printExBind (pt, "and", depth - 1)
502            )
503        end
505      | Raise (pt, _) =>
506            PrettyBlock (0, false, [],
507                [
508                    PrettyString "raise",
509                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
510                    displayParsetree (pt, depth - 1)
511                ]
512            )
514      | HandleTree {exp, hrules, ...} =>
515            PrettyBlock (0, false, [],
516                [
517                    displayParsetree (exp, depth - 1),
518                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
519                    PrettyBlock (3, true, [],
520                        PrettyString "handle" ::
521                        PrettyBreak (1, 0) ::
522                        printList displayMatch (hrules, "|", depth - 1)
523                    )
524                ]
525            )
527      | While {test, body, ...} =>
528            PrettyBlock (0, false, [],
529                [
530                    PrettyString "while",
531                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
532                    displayParsetree (test, depth - 1),
533                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
534                    PrettyString "do",
535                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
536                    displayParsetree (body, depth - 1)
537                ]
538            )
540      | Case {test, match, ...} =>
541            PrettyBlock (3, true, [],
542                PrettyBlock (0, false, [],
543                    [
544                        PrettyString "case",
545                        PrettyBreak (1, 0),
546                        displayParsetree (test, depth - 1),
547                        PrettyBreak (1, 0),
548                        PrettyString "of"
549                    ]
550                ) ::
551                PrettyBreak (1, 0) ::
552                printList displayMatch (match, "|", depth - 1)
553            )
555      | Andalso {first, second, ...} =>
556            PrettyBlock (3, true, [],
557                [
558                    displayParsetree (first, depth - 1),
559                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
560                    PrettyString "andalso",
561                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
562                    displayParsetree (second, depth - 1)
563                ]
564            )
566      | Orelse {first, second, ...} =>
567            PrettyBlock (3, true, [],
568                [
569                    displayParsetree (first, depth - 1),
570                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
571                    PrettyString "orelse",
572                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
573                    displayParsetree (second, depth - 1)
574                ]
575            )
577      | Labelled {recList, frozen, ...} =>
578        let
579            fun displayRecList (c, depth): pretty list =
580            if depth <= 0 then [PrettyString "..."]
581            else
582              case c of
583                []      => []
584              | [{name, valOrPat, ...}]     =>
585                    [
586                        PrettyBlock (0, false, [],
587                            [
588                                PrettyString (name ^ " ="),
589                                PrettyBreak (1, 0),
590                                displayParsetree (valOrPat, depth - 1)
591                            ]
592                        )
593                    ]
594                | ({name, valOrPat, ...}::vs) =>
595                    PrettyBlock (0, false, [],
596                        [
597                             PrettyBlock (0, false, [],
598                                [
599                                    PrettyString (name ^ " ="),
600                                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
601                                    displayParsetree (valOrPat, depth - 1)
602                                ]
603                            ),
604                            PrettyBreak (0, 0),
605                            PrettyString ","
606                        ]
607                    ) ::
608                    PrettyBreak (1, 0) ::
609                    displayRecList (vs, depth - 1)
610             (* end displayRecList *)
611        in
612            PrettyBlock (2, false, [],
613                PrettyString "{" ::
614                displayRecList (recList, depth - 1) @
615                (if frozen then [PrettyString "}"]
616                else [PrettyString (if null recList then "...}" else ", ...}")])
617            )
618        end
620      | Selector {name, ...} =>
621          PrettyString ("#" ^ name)
623      | EmptyTree =>
624         PrettyString "<Empty>"
626      | Parenthesised(p, _) =>
627            PrettyBlock(0, false, [],
628                [
629                    PrettyString "(",
630                    PrettyBreak (0, 0),
631                    displayParsetree (p, depth),
632                    PrettyBreak (0, 0),
633                    PrettyString ")"
634                ]
635            )
637    end (* displayParsetree *)
639    and displayMatch(MatchTree {vars, exp, ...}, depth) =
640        PrettyBlock (0, false, [],
641            [
642                displayParsetree (vars, depth - 1),
643                PrettyBreak (1, 0),
644                PrettyString "=>",
645                PrettyBreak (1, 0),
646                displayParsetree (exp, depth - 1)
647            ]
648        )
650    (* Error message routine.  Used in both pass 2 and pass 3. *)
651    fun errorNear (lex, hard, near, line, message) =
652    let
653        val errorDepth = errorDepth lex
654    in
655    (* Puts out an error message and then prints the piece of tree. *)
656        reportError lex
657        {
658            hard = hard,
659            location = line,
660            message = PrettyBlock (0, false, [], [PrettyString message]),
661            context = SOME(displayParsetree (near, errorDepth))
662        }
663     end
665    (* Types that can be shared. *)
666    structure Sharing =
667    struct
668        type lexan = lexan
669        and  parsetree = parsetree
670        and  matchtree = matchtree
671        and  pretty = pretty
672    end