2    Copyright (c) 2013, 2015, 2020 David C.J. Matthews
4    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
6    License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
8    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11    Lesser General Public License for more details.
13    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
14    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
15    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
19    Derived from the original parse-tree
21    Copyright (c) 2000
22        Cambridge University Technical Services Limited
24    Title:      Parse Tree Structure and Operations.
25    Author:     Dave Matthews, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
26    Copyright   Cambridge University 1985
30functor MATCH_COMPILER (
31    structure BASEPARSETREE : BaseParseTreeSig
32    structure PRINTTREE: PrintParsetreeSig
33    structure LEX : LEXSIG
34    structure CODETREE : CODETREESIG
35    structure DEBUGGER : DEBUGGER
36    structure TYPETREE : TYPETREESIG
39    structure VALUEOPS : VALUEOPSSIG
41    structure DEBUG: DEBUG
44    structure MISC :
45    sig
46        (* These are handled in the compiler *)
47        exception Conversion of string     (* string to int conversion failure *)
49        (* This isn't handled at all (except generically) *)
50        exception InternalError of string (* compiler error *)
51    end
53    structure ADDRESS : AddressSig
55    sharing BASEPARSETREE.Sharing
56    =       PRINTTREE.Sharing
57    =       LEX.Sharing
58    =       CODETREE.Sharing
59    =       DEBUGGER.Sharing
60    =       TYPETREE.Sharing
61    =       TYPEIDCODE.Sharing
62    =       STRUCTVALS.Sharing
63    =       VALUEOPS.Sharing
64    =       DATATYPEREP.Sharing
65    =       ADDRESS
66): MatchCompilerSig =
69    open PRINTTREE
70    open CODETREE
71    open TYPEIDCODE
72    open LEX
73    open TYPETREE
74    open DEBUG
75    open STRUCTVALS
76    open VALUEOPS
77    open MISC
78    open DATATYPEREP
79    open TypeVarMap
81    datatype environEntry = datatype DEBUGGER.environEntry
83    type debuggerStatus = DEBUGGER.debuggerStatus
85    (* To simplify passing the context it is wrapped up in this type.
86       This is a subset of the context used in CODEGEN_PARSETREE. *)
87    type matchContext =
88        { mkAddr: int->int, level: level, typeVarMap: typeVarMap, lex: lexan }
90    (* Devised by Mike Fourman, Nick Rothwell and me (DCJM).  First coded
91       up by Nick Rothwell for the Kit Compiler. First phase of the match
92       compiler. The purpose of this phase is to take a match (a set of
93       patterns) and bring together the elements that will be discriminated
94       by testing any particular part of the value.  Where a pattern is a
95       tuple, for example, it is possible to discriminate on each of the
96       fields independently, but it may be more efficient to discriminate
97       on one of the fields first, and then on the others. The aim is to
98       produce a set of tests that discriminate between the patterns 
99       quickly. *)
101    abstype patSet = PatSet of int list
103    with           
104        (* Each leaf in the tree contains a number which identifies the
105           pattern it came from. As well as linking back to the patterns,
106           these numbers represent an ordering, because earlier patterns
107           mask out later ones. *)
108        (* A set of pattern identifiers. *)
109        val empty       = PatSet [];
110        fun singleton i = PatSet [i];
112        fun list (PatSet p) = p;
114        infix 3 :::;
116        fun a ::: b = PatSet (a :: list b);
118        fun isEmptySet (PatSet []) = true | isEmptySet _ = false
120        fun first   (PatSet p) = hd p; 
121        fun next    (PatSet p) = PatSet (tl p); 
123        fun cardinality(PatSet p) = List.length p
125        (* Set from i to j inclusive. *)
126        fun from i j = if i > j then empty else i ::: from (i + 1) j;
128        infix 3 plus;
129        infix 4 inside;
130        infix 5 intersect;
131        infix 6 diff;
132        infix 7 eq;
133        infix 8 eqSc
134        infix 9 neq;
136        (* Union of sets. *)
137        fun a plus b =
138            if isEmptySet a then b
139            else if isEmptySet b then a
140            else if first a = first b then first a ::: (next a plus next b)
141            else if first a < first b then first a ::: (next a plus b)
142            else first b ::: (a plus next b);
144        (* Set membership. *)
145        fun i inside a =
146            if isEmptySet a then false
147            else if i = first a then true
148            else if i < first a then false
149            else i inside next a
151        (* Intersection of sets. *) 
152        fun a intersect b =
153            if isEmptySet a orelse isEmptySet b
154            then empty
155            else if first a = first b 
156            then first a ::: ((next a) intersect (next b))
157            else if first a < first b 
158            then (next a) intersect b
159            else a intersect next b;
161        (* Set difference. *)
162        fun a diff b =
163            if isEmptySet a 
164            then empty
165            else if isEmptySet b
166            then a
167            else if first a = first b
168            then (next a) diff (next b) 
169            else if first a < first b
170            then first a ::: ((next a) diff b)
171            else a diff next b;
173        (* Set equality. *)
174        fun (PatSet a) eq (PatSet b) = a = b
176    end (* patSet *);
178    datatype aot = 
179        Aot of 
180        { 
181            patts:    aots,       (* Choices made at this point. *)
182            defaults: patSet,     (* Patterns that do not discriminate on this node. *)
183            vars:     values list (* The variables bound at this point. *)
184        }
186    and aots = 
187        TupleField of aot list       (* Each element of the list is a field of the tuple. *)
188    |   Cons       of consrec list * int   (* List of constructors and the number of different constructors. *)
189    |   Excons     of exconsrec list   (* Exception constructors. *)
190    |   Scons      of sconsrec list  (* Int, char, string, real. *)
191    |   Wild                         (* Patterns that do not discriminate at all. *) 
193    (* Datatype constructors and exception constructors. *)
194    withtype consrec =
195        {
196            constructor: values, (* The constructor itself. *)
197            patts: patSet,       (* Patterns that use this constructor *)
198            appliedTo: aot,      (* Patterns this constructor was applied to. *)
199            polyVars: types list (* If this was polymorphic, the matched types. *)
200        }
202    and exconsrec =
203        {
204            constructor: values,
205            patts: patSet,
206            appliedTo: aot,
207            exValue: machineWord option
208        }
210    and sconsrec =
211        {
212            eqFun:   codetree,    (* Equality functions for this type*)
213            specVal: machineWord option,    (* The constant value. NONE here means we had a conversion error. *)
214            patts:   patSet       (* Patterns containing this value. *)
215        }
217    fun makeAot(patts, defaults, vars) =
218        Aot 
219        { 
220            patts    = patts,
221            defaults = defaults,
222            vars     = vars
223        }
225    fun makeConsrec(constructor, patts, appliedTo, polyVars): consrec = 
226        {
227            constructor = constructor,
228            patts       = patts, 
229            appliedTo   = appliedTo,
230            polyVars    = polyVars
231        }
233    fun makeExconsrec(constructor, patts, appliedTo, exValue): exconsrec = 
234        {
235            constructor = constructor,
236            patts       = patts, 
237            appliedTo   = appliedTo,
238            exValue     = exValue
239        }
241    fun makeSconsrec(eqFun, specVal, patts) : sconsrec =
242        {
243            eqFun    = eqFun,
244            specVal  = specVal,
245            patts    = patts
246        }
248    (* An empty wild card - can be expanded as required. *)
249    val aotEmpty = makeAot(Wild, empty, [])
251    (* A new wild card entry with the same defaults as a previous entry. *)
252    fun wild (Aot {defaults, ...}) = makeAot(Wild, defaults, [])
254    local
255        (* Add a default (wild card or variable) to every node in the tree. *)
256        fun addDefault (Aot {patts, defaults, vars}) patNo =
257        let
259            val newPatts =
260                case patts of
261                    TupleField pl => 
262                        TupleField (map (fn a => addDefault a patNo) pl)
264                |   Cons(cl, width) =>
265                    let
266                        fun addDefaultToConsrec {constructor, patts, appliedTo, polyVars} =
267                            makeConsrec(constructor, patts, addDefault appliedTo patNo, polyVars)
268                    in
269                        Cons (map addDefaultToConsrec cl, width)
270                    end
272                |   Excons cl =>
273                    let
274                        fun addDefaultToExconsrec {constructor, patts, appliedTo, exValue} =
275                            makeExconsrec(constructor, patts, addDefault appliedTo patNo, exValue)
276                    in
277                        Excons (map addDefaultToExconsrec cl)
278                    end
280                |   otherPattern => (* Wild, Scons *) otherPattern
281        in
282            makeAot(newPatts, defaults plus singleton patNo, vars)
283        end (* addDefault *)
285        fun addVar (Aot {patts, defaults, vars}) var = makeAot(patts, defaults, var :: vars)
287        (* Add a constructor to the tree.  It can only be added to a
288           cons node or a wild card. *)
289        fun addConstr(cons, noOfConstrs, doArg, tree as Aot {patts = Wild, defaults, vars, ...}, patNo, polyVars) =
290            let (* Expand out the wildCard into a constructor node. *)          
291                val cr = 
292                    makeConsrec(cons, singleton patNo, (* Expand the argument *) doArg (wild tree), polyVars);
293            in
294                makeAot(Cons([cr], noOfConstrs), defaults, vars)
295            end
297        |   addConstr(cons, _, doArg, tree as Aot {patts = Cons(pl, width), defaults, vars}, patNo, polyVars) =
298            let
299                (* Merge this constructor with other occurences. *)
300                fun addClist [] = (* Not there - add this on the end. *)
301                    [makeConsrec(cons, singleton patNo, doArg (wild tree), polyVars)]
303                |   addClist ((ccl as {constructor, patts, appliedTo, ... })::ccls) =
304                    if valName constructor = valName cons
305                    then (* Merge in. *)
306                        makeConsrec(cons, singleton patNo plus patts, doArg appliedTo, polyVars)
307                            :: ccls
308                    else (* Carry on looking. *) ccl :: addClist ccls;
309            in
310                makeAot (Cons (addClist pl, width), defaults, vars)
311            end
313        |   addConstr _ = raise InternalError "addConstr: badly-formed and-or tree"
315            (* Add a special constructor to the tree.  Very similar to preceding. *)
316        fun addSconstr(eqFun, cval, Aot {patts = Wild, defaults, vars, ...}, patNo, _) =
317             (* Expand out the wildCard into a constructor node. *)
318            makeAot (Scons [makeSconsrec(eqFun, cval, singleton patNo)], defaults, vars)
320        |   addSconstr(eqFun, cval, Aot {patts = Scons pl, defaults, vars, ...}, patNo, lex) =
321            let (* Must be scons *)
322                (* Merge this constructor with other occurrences. *)
323                (* Special constants may be overloaded so we don't have a fixed set of types
324                   here.  We need to use the type-specific equality function to test.
325                   Since only the basis library overloads constants we can assume that
326                   eqFun is a constant. *)
327                fun equalSpecials(SOME a, SOME b) =
328                    let
329                        val eqCode = mkEval(eqFun, [mkTuple[mkConst a, mkConst b]])
330                    in
331                        RunCall.unsafeCast(valOf(evalue(genCode(eqCode, debugParams lex, 0)())))
332                    end
333                |   equalSpecials _ = false
335                fun addClist [] = (* Not there - add this on the end. *)
336                        [makeSconsrec(eqFun, cval, singleton patNo)]
337                |   addClist ((ccl as { specVal, patts, ...}) :: ccls) =
338                        if equalSpecials(cval, specVal)
339                        then (* Merge in. *)
340                            makeSconsrec(eqFun, cval, singleton patNo plus patts) :: ccls
341                        else (* Carry on looking. *) ccl :: addClist ccls
342            in
343                makeAot (Scons (addClist pl), defaults, vars)
344            end
346        |   addSconstr _ = raise InternalError "addSconstr: badly-formed and-or tree"
348        (* Return the exception id if it is a constant.  It may be a
349           top-level exception or it could be in a top-level structure. *)
350        local
351            fun testAccess(Global code) = evalue code
352            |   testAccess(Selected{addr, base}) =
353                (
354                    case testAccess base of
355                        NONE => NONE
356                    |   SOME c => evalue(mkInd(addr, mkConst c))
357                )
358            |   testAccess _ = NONE
359        in
360            fun exceptionId(Value{access, ...}) = testAccess access
361        end
363        (* Add an exception constructor to the tree.  Similar to the above
364           now that non-constant exceptions are excluded from codePatt. *)
365        fun addExconstr(cons, doArg, tree as Aot {patts = Wild, defaults, vars, ...}, patNo) =
366                (* Expand out the wildCard into a constructor node. *)
367            let
368                val cr =
369                    makeExconsrec (cons, singleton patNo, doArg(wild tree), exceptionId cons)
370            in
371                makeAot (Excons [cr], defaults, vars)
372            end
375        |   addExconstr(cons, doArg, tree as Aot {patts = Excons cl, defaults, vars, ...}, patNo) =
376            let
377                (* See if this is a constant. *)
378                val newExval = exceptionId cons
379                (* Two exceptions can only be considered the same if they are both
380                   constants and the same value. *)
381                fun sameException(SOME a, SOME b) = PolyML.pointerEq(a, b)
382                |   sameException _ = false
384                (* It would not be safe to merge exceptions if we were *)
385                fun addClist [] = (* Not there - add this on the end. *)
386                    [makeExconsrec(cons, singleton patNo, doArg(wild tree), newExval)]
388                |   addClist ((ccl as {constructor, patts, appliedTo, exValue, ... })::ccls) =
389                    if sameException(newExval, exValue)
390                    then (* Merge in. *)
391                        makeExconsrec(constructor, singleton patNo plus patts, doArg appliedTo, exValue)
392                            :: ccls
393                    else (* Carry on looking. *) ccl :: addClist ccls
394            in
395                makeAot (Excons (addClist cl), defaults, vars)
396            end
398        |   addExconstr _ = raise InternalError "addExconstr: badly-formed and-or tree"
399    in
401        (* Take a pattern and merge it into an andOrTree. *)
402        fun buildAot (Ident {value=ref ident, expType=ref expType, ... }, tree, patNo, line, context as { typeVarMap, ...} ) =
403            let
404                val polyVars =
405                    List.map #value (getPolymorphism (ident, expType, typeVarMap))
406                fun doArg a = buildAot(WildCard nullLocation, a, patNo, line, context)
407            in
408                case ident of
409                    Value{class=Constructor {ofConstrs, ...}, ...} =>
410                      (* Only nullary constructors. Constructors with arguments
411                         will be dealt with by ``isApplic'. *)
412                        addConstr(ident, ofConstrs, doArg, tree, patNo, polyVars)
413                |    Value{class=Exception, ...} =>
414                          addExconstr(ident, doArg, tree, patNo)
415                |   _ => (* variable - matches everything. Defaults here and pushes a var. *)
416                          addVar (addDefault tree patNo) ident
417            end
419        |   buildAot (TupleTree{fields, location, ...},
420                  tree as Aot {patts = Wild, defaults = treeDefaults, vars = treeVars, ...},
421                  patNo, _, context) =
422                (* Adding tuple to existing wild-card *)
423            let
424                val tlist = map (fn el => buildAot(el, wild tree, patNo, location, context)) fields
425            in
426                makeAot (TupleField tlist, treeDefaults, treeVars)
427            end
429        |   buildAot (TupleTree{fields, ...},
430                  Aot {patts = TupleField pl, defaults = treeDefaults, vars = treeVars, ...},
431                  patNo, line, context) =
432            let (* Adding tuple to existing tuple. *)
433                (* Merge each field of the tuple in with the corresponding
434                   field of the existing tree. *)
435                val tlist =
436                    ListPair.mapEq (fn(t, a) => buildAot(t, a, patNo, line, context)) (fields, pl)
437            in
438                makeAot (TupleField tlist, treeDefaults, treeVars)
439            end
442        |   buildAot (TupleTree _, _, _, _, _) =
443                raise InternalError "pattern is not a tuple in a-o-t"
445        |   buildAot (vars as Labelled {recList, expType=ref expType, location, ...},
446                      tree, patNo, _, context as { lex, ...}) =
447            let
448                (* Treat as a tuple, but in the order of the record entries.
449                   Missing entries are replaced by wild-cards. The order of
450                   the patterns given may bear no relation to the order in
451                   the record which will be matched.
452                   e.g. case X of (a = 1, ...) => ___ | (b = 2, a = 3) => ___ *)
454                (* Check that the type is frozen. *)
455                val () =
456                    if recordNotFrozen expType
457                    then errorNear (lex, true, vars, location,
458                          "Can't find a fixed record type.")
459                    else ()
461                (* Get the maximum number of patterns. *)
462                val wilds = List.tabulate(recordWidth expType, fn _ => WildCard nullLocation)
464                (* Now REPLACE entries from the actual pattern, leaving
465                   the defaulting ones behind. *)
466                (* Take a pattern and add it into the list. *)
467                fun mergen (_ :: t) 0 pat = pat :: t
468                |   mergen (h :: t) n pat = h :: mergen t (n - 1) pat
469                |   mergen []       _ _   = raise InternalError "mergen";
471                fun enterLabel ({name, valOrPat, ...}, l) = 
472                    (* Put this label in the appropriate place in the tree. *)
473                    mergen l (entryNumber (name, expType)) valOrPat
475                val tupleList = List.foldl enterLabel wilds recList
476            in
477                (* And process it as a tuple. *)
478                buildAot(TupleTree{fields=tupleList, location=location, expType=ref expType}, tree, patNo, location, context)
479            end
481        |   buildAot (Applic{f = Ident{value = ref applVal, expType = ref expType, ...}, arg, location, ...},
482                      tree, patNo, _, context as { typeVarMap, ...}) =
483            let
484                val polyVars = List.map #value (getPolymorphism (applVal, expType, typeVarMap))
485                fun doArg atree = buildAot(arg, atree, patNo, location, context)
486            in
487                case applVal of
488                     Value{class=Constructor{ofConstrs, ...}, ...} =>
489                        addConstr(applVal, ofConstrs, doArg, tree, patNo, polyVars)
491                |    Value{class=Exception, ...} => addExconstr(applVal, doArg, tree, patNo)
493                |    _ => tree (* Only if error *)
494            end
496        |   buildAot (Applic _ , tree, _, _, _) = tree (* Only if error *)
498        |   buildAot (Unit _, tree, patNo, _, _) =
499                (* There is only one value so it matches everything. *)
500                addDefault tree patNo
502        |   buildAot (WildCard _, tree, patNo, _, _) = addDefault tree patNo (* matches everything *)
504        |   buildAot (List{elements, location, expType=ref expType, ...},
505                      tree, patNo, _, context) =
506            let (* Generate suitable combinations of cons and nil.
507                e.g [1,2,3] becomes ::(1, ::(2, ::(3, nil))). *)
508                (* Get the base type. *)
509                val elementType = mkTypeVar (generalisable, false, false, false)
510                val listType = mkTypeConstruction ("list", tsConstr listConstr, [elementType], [DeclaredAt inBasis])
511                val _ = unifyTypes(listType, expType)
512                val polyVars = [elementType]
514                fun processList [] tree = 
515                    (* At the end put in a nil constructor. *)
516                    addConstr(nilConstructor, 2,
517                        fn a => buildAot (WildCard nullLocation, a, patNo, location, context), tree, patNo, polyVars)
518                | processList (h :: t) tree = (* Cons node. *)
519                    let
520                        fun mkConsPat (Aot {patts = TupleField [hPat, tPat], defaults, vars, ...}) =  
521                            let   (* The argument is a pair consisting of the
522                                     list element and the rest of the list. *)
523                                val tlist = [buildAot(h, hPat, patNo, location, context), processList t tPat];
524                            in
525                                makeAot (TupleField tlist, defaults, vars)
526                            end
527                       | mkConsPat (tree  as Aot {patts = Wild, defaults, vars, ...}) =  
528                            let
529                                val hPat  = wild tree;
530                                val tPat  = wild tree;
531                                val tlist = [buildAot(h, hPat, patNo, location, context), processList t tPat];
532                            in
533                                makeAot (TupleField tlist, defaults, vars)
534                            end
535                        | mkConsPat _ = 
536                            raise InternalError "mkConsPat: badly-formed parse-tree"
537                    in
538                        addConstr(consConstructor, 2, mkConsPat, tree, patNo, polyVars)
539                    end
540                (* end processList *);
541            in
542                processList elements tree
543            end
545        |   buildAot (vars as Literal{converter, literal, expType=ref expType, location},
546                      tree, patNo, _, {lex, level, ...}) =
547            let
548                (* At the same time we have to get the equality function
549                   for this type to plug into the code.  Literals are overloaded
550                   so this may require first resolving the overload to the
551                   preferred type. *)
552                val constr = typeConstrFromOverload(expType, true)
553                val equality =
554                    equalityForType(
555                        mkTypeConstruction(tcName constr, constr, [], []), level,
556                        defaultTypeVarMap(fn _ => raise InternalError "equalityForType", baseLevel) (* Should never be used. *))
557                val litValue: machineWord option =
558                    getLiteralValue(converter, literal, expType, fn s => errorNear(lex, true, vars, location, s))
559            in
560                addSconstr(equality, litValue, tree, patNo, lex)
561             end
563        |   buildAot (Constraint {value, location, ...}, tree, patNo, _, context) = (* process the pattern *)
564                buildAot(value, tree, patNo, location, context)
566        |   buildAot (Layered {var, pattern, location}, tree, patNo, _, context) =(* process the pattern *)
567            let  
568                (* A layered pattern may involve a constraint which
569                   has to be removed. *)
570                fun getVar (Ident {value, ...}) = !value
571                |   getVar (Constraint {value, ...}) = getVar value
572                |   getVar _ = undefinedValue (* error *)
573            in
574                addVar (buildAot(pattern, tree, patNo, location, context)) (getVar var)
575            end
577        |   buildAot (Parenthesised(p, location), tree, patNo, _, context) =
578               buildAot(p, tree, patNo, location, context)
580        |   buildAot (_, tree, _, _, _) = tree (* error cases *)
581    end
584    fun buildTree (patts: matchtree list, context) =
585    let   (* Merge together all the patterns into a single tree. *)
586        fun maket []     _ tree = tree
587        |   maket ((MatchTree{vars, location, ...})::t) patNo tree =
588                maket t (patNo + 1) (buildAot(vars, tree, patNo, location, context))
589    in
590        maket patts 1 aotEmpty 
591    end
593    fun bindPattVars(arg, vars, { mkAddr, level, ...}) =
594    let
595        val addressOfVar = mkAddr 1
596        val dec = mkDec (addressOfVar, arg)
597        and load = mkLoadLocal addressOfVar
599        (* Set the addresses of the variables and create debug entries. *)
600        fun setAddr (Value{access=Local{addr=lvAddr, level=lvLevel}, ...}) =
601            ( (* Set the address of the variable. *)
602                lvAddr  := addressOfVar;
603                lvLevel := level
604            )
606        | setAddr _ = raise InternalError "setAddr"
608        val () = List.app setAddr vars
609     in
610        (load, dec)
611     end
613    local
614        (* Find the "depth" of pattern i.e. the position of
615           any defaults. If one of the fields is itself a
616           tuple find the maximum depth of its fields, since
617           if we decide to discriminate on this field we will
618           come back and choose the deepest in that tuple. *)
619        fun pattDepth (Aot {patts=TupleField pl, ...}, active) =
620            List.foldl (fn (t, d) => Int.max(pattDepth(t, active), d)) 0 pl
622        |   pattDepth (Aot {patts, defaults,...}, active) =
623            let (* Wild cards, constructors etc. *)
624                val activeDefaults = defaults intersect active
625            in
626                if not (isEmptySet activeDefaults)
627                then first activeDefaults
628                else
629                    (* No default - the depth is the number of
630                       patterns that will be discriminated. Apart
631                       from Cons which could be a complete match,
632                       all the other cases will only occur
633                       if the match is not exhaustive. *)
634                case patts of 
635                    Cons (cl, _) => length cl + 1
636                |   Excons cl => length cl + 1
637                |   Scons  sl => length sl + 1
638                |   _         => 0 (* Error? *)
639            end
640    in
641        fun bestColumn(colsToDo, noOfCols, asTuples, active) =
642        let
643            fun findDeepest(column, bestcol, depth) =
644            if column = noOfCols (* Finished. *)
645            then bestcol
646            else if column inside colsToDo
647            then
648            let
649                val thisDepth = pattDepth (List.nth(asTuples, column), active)
650            in
651                if thisDepth > depth
652                then findDeepest (column + 1, column, thisDepth)
653                else findDeepest (column + 1, bestcol, depth)
654            end
655            else findDeepest (column + 1, bestcol, depth)
656        in
657            findDeepest(0, 0, 0)
658        end
659    end
661    (* The result of compiling the pattern match code. *)
662    datatype pattCodeOption =
663        PattCodeLeaf (* All the discrimination is done. *)
664    |   PattCodeBindTuple of (* The value is a tuple - take it apart. *)
665            { tupleNo: int, next: pattCode }
666    |   PattCodeTupleSelect of (* Select a field of a tuple. *)
667            { tupleNo: int, fieldOffset: int, next: pattCode }
668    |   PattCodeConstructors of (* Test a set of constructors *)
669            {
670                nConstrs: int, (* Number of constrs in datatype. 0 = infinite *)
671                patterns: (pattCodeConstructor * pattCode) list, (* Constructor and pattern to follow. *)
672                default: pattCode (* Pattern if none match *)
673            }
674    |   PattCodeNaive of (* Do all the discrimination for each pattern separately. *)
675            { pattNo: int, tests: (naiveTest * values list) list } list
677    and pattCodeConstructor =
678        PattCodeDatatype of values * types list
679    |   PattCodeException of values
680    |   PattCodeSpecial of codetree * machineWord option
682    and naiveTest =
683        NaiveWild
684    |   NaiveBindTuple of int
685    |   NaiveTupleSelect of { tupleNo: int, fieldOffset: int }
686    |   NaivePattTest of pattCodeConstructor
688    withtype pattCode =
689    {
690        leafSet: patSet,        (* Set of different patterns fired by the discrimination. *)
691        leafCount: int,         (* Count of number of leaves - >= cardinality of leafSet *)
692        vars: values list,      (* Variables bound to this node.  May be layered i.e. id as pat *)
693        code: pattCodeOption    (* Code to apply at this node. *)
694    }
696    local
697        fun pattCode(Aot {patts, defaults, vars, ...}, active: patSet, nextMatch: patSet * int -> pattCode, tupleNo) =
698        let
699            (* Get the set of defaults which are active. *)
700            val activeDefaults = defaults intersect active
702            fun makePattTest(patts, default, nConstrs) =
703            let
704                (* If we have included all the constructors the default may be
705                   redundant. *)
706                val nPatts = length patts
707                val (initSet, initCount) =
708                    if nPatts = nConstrs
709                    then (empty, 0)
710                    else (#leafSet default, #leafCount default)
711                val defaultSet = #leafSet default
712                (* If we have a default above a constructor then we may not need to
713                   discriminate on the constructor.  This can occur in tuples where
714                   we have already discriminated on a different constructor.
715                   e.g (1, _) => ...| (_, SOME _) => ... | (_, NONE) => ...
716                   The values (1, NONE) and (1, SOME _) will both match the first
717                   pattern. *)
718                val allSame = List.all (fn (_, { leafSet, ...}) => leafSet eq defaultSet) patts
719            in
720                if allSame
721                then default
722                else
723                let
724                    val unionSet = foldl (fn ((_, {leafSet, ...}), s) => s plus leafSet) initSet patts
725                    val leafCount = foldl (fn ((_, {leafCount, ...}), n) => n + leafCount) initCount patts
726                    val constrs =
727                    {
728                        leafSet = unionSet,
729                        vars = [],
730                        code = PattCodeConstructors{nConstrs = nConstrs, patterns=patts, default=default},
731                        leafCount = leafCount
732                    }
733                in
734                    (* If the patterns are blowing up we are better off using naive matching.
735                       leafCount indicates the number of different times a pattern is fired.
736                       The cardinality of the unionSet is the number of different patterns.
737                       In particular we can have pathological cases that really blow up.
738                       See Tests/Succeed/Test133.ML. *)
739                    if leafCount > 1 andalso leafCount >= cardinality unionSet * 2 - 1
740                    then makeNaive constrs
741                    else constrs
742                end
743            end
745            val codePatt =
746                (* If the active set is empty (match is not exhaustive) or
747                   everything will default we can skip further checks.  *)
748                if isEmptySet active orelse active eq activeDefaults
749                then nextMatch(active, tupleNo)
750                else case patts of
751                    TupleField [single] =>
752                        (* Singleton tuple - this is just the same as the field. *)
753                        pattCode(single, active, nextMatch, tupleNo)
755                |   TupleField asTuples =>
756                    let
757                        val thisTuple = tupleNo
758                        (* The address is used to refer to this tuple. *)
759                        val nextTupleNo = tupleNo+1
760                        (* A simple-minded scheme would despatch the first column
761                           and then do the others. The scheme used here tries to do
762                           better by choosing the column that has any wild card
763                           furthest down the column. *)
764                        val noOfCols = length asTuples
766                        fun despatch colsToDo (active, tupleNo) =
767                            (* If we have done all the columns we can stop. (Or if
768                               the active set is empty). *)
769                            if isEmptySet colsToDo orelse isEmptySet active
770                            then nextMatch(active, tupleNo)
771                            else
772                            let
773                                (* Choose the best column. *)
774                                val bestcol = bestColumn(colsToDo, noOfCols, asTuples, active)
775                                (* Discriminate on the constructors in it. *)
776                                val code as { leafSet, leafCount, ...} =
777                                    pattCode(List.nth(asTuples, bestcol), active,
778                                        despatch (colsToDo diff (singleton bestcol)),
779                                        tupleNo)
780                                (* Code to do the selection. *)
781                                val select = PattCodeTupleSelect{tupleNo = thisTuple, fieldOffset = bestcol, next = code }
782                            in
783                                { leafSet = leafSet, leafCount = leafCount, vars = [], code = select }
784                            end
785                        val takeApartTuple as { leafSet, leafCount, ...} = despatch (from 0 (noOfCols-1)) (active, nextTupleNo)
786                        val code = PattCodeBindTuple { tupleNo=tupleNo, next = takeApartTuple }
787                    in
788                        { leafSet = leafSet, leafCount = leafCount, vars=[], code=code }
789                    end
791                |   Cons(cl, width) =>
792                    let
793                        fun doConstr({ patts, constructor, appliedTo, polyVars, ...}, rest) =
794                            let 
795                                (* If this pattern is in the active set
796                                   we discriminate on it. *)
797                                val newActive = patts intersect active
798                            in
799                                if isEmptySet newActive
800                                then (* No point *) rest
801                                else
802                                let
803                                     val thenCode =
804                                        pattCode(appliedTo, newActive plus activeDefaults, nextMatch, tupleNo)
805                                in
806                                    (PattCodeDatatype(constructor, polyVars), thenCode) :: rest
807                               end 
808                            end
809                        val pattList = foldl doConstr [] cl
810                    in
811                        makePattTest(pattList, nextMatch(activeDefaults, tupleNo), width)
812                    end
814                |   Excons cl =>
815                    let
816                        (* We now process exception constructors in the same way as datatype constructors.
817                           This is only valid because all the exception constructors are constants. *)
818                        fun doConstr({ patts, constructor, appliedTo, ...}, rest) =
819                            let 
820                                (* If this pattern is in the active set
821                                   we discriminate on it. *)
822                                val newActive = patts intersect active
823                            in
824                                if isEmptySet newActive
825                                then (* No point *) rest
826                                else
827                                let
828                                     val thenCode =
829                                        pattCode(appliedTo, newActive plus activeDefaults, nextMatch, tupleNo)
830                                in
831                                    (PattCodeException constructor, thenCode) :: rest
832                               end 
833                            end
834                        val pattList = foldl doConstr [] cl
835                    in
836                        makePattTest(pattList, nextMatch(activeDefaults, tupleNo), 0)
837                    end
839                |   Scons sl =>
840                    let (* Int, char, string *)
841                        (* Generate if..then..else for each of the choices. *)
842                        fun doConstr({ patts, eqFun, specVal, ...}, rest) =
843                            let 
844                                val newActive = patts intersect active
845                            in
846                                if isEmptySet newActive
847                                then (* No point *) rest
848                                else (PattCodeSpecial(eqFun, specVal), nextMatch(newActive plus activeDefaults, tupleNo)) :: rest
849                            end
850                        val pattList = foldl doConstr [] sl
851                    in
852                        makePattTest(pattList, nextMatch(activeDefaults, tupleNo), 0)
853                    end
855                |   Wild => nextMatch(activeDefaults, tupleNo)
856        in
857            { leafSet = #leafSet codePatt, leafCount = #leafCount codePatt, vars=vars @ #vars codePatt, code = #code codePatt }
858        end
860        (* Turn a decision tree into a series of tests for each pattern. *)
861        and makeNaive(pattern as { leafSet, vars, ... }) =
862        let
863            fun createTests(_, { code = PattCodeLeaf, vars, ...}) = [(NaiveWild, vars)]
865            |   createTests(pat, { code = PattCodeBindTuple{ tupleNo, next }, vars, ... }) =
866                    (NaiveBindTuple tupleNo, vars) :: createTests(pat, next)
868            |   createTests(pat, { code = PattCodeTupleSelect { tupleNo, fieldOffset, next }, vars, ...}) =
869                    (NaiveTupleSelect { tupleNo = tupleNo, fieldOffset = fieldOffset }, vars) :: createTests(pat, next)
871            |   createTests(pat, { code = PattCodeConstructors { patterns, default, ... }, vars, ...}) =
872                    if pat inside #leafSet default (* If it's in the default set we don't discriminate here. *)
873                    then (NaiveWild, vars) :: createTests(pat, default)
874                    else
875                    let
876                        (* If it's not in the default it must be in one of the constructors. *)
877                        val (constr, code) = valOf(List.find(fn (_, {leafSet, ...}) => pat inside leafSet) patterns)
878                    in
879                        (NaivePattTest constr, vars) :: createTests(pat, code)
880                    end
882            |   createTests(pat, { code = PattCodeNaive l, vars, ...}) =
883                let
884                    val { tests, ...} = valOf(List.find(fn{pattNo, ...} => pat = pattNo) l)
885                in
886                    (NaiveWild, vars) :: tests
887                end
889            fun createPatts setToDo =
890                if isEmptySet setToDo
891                then []
892                else
893                let
894                    val pat = first setToDo
895                    val entry = { pattNo = pat, tests = createTests(pat, pattern) }
896                    val otherPatts = createPatts(setToDo diff singleton pat)
897                in
898                    (* Normally we want the patterns in order since earlier ones
899                       will generally be more specific.  If 0 is in the set it
900                       represents "non-exhaustive" and must go last. *)
901                    if pat = 0
902                    then otherPatts @ [entry]
903                    else entry :: otherPatts
904                end
905        in
906            { leafSet=leafSet, vars=vars, code=PattCodeNaive(createPatts leafSet), leafCount = cardinality leafSet }
907        end
908    in
909        fun buildPatternCode(tree, noOfPats, alwaysNaive) =
910        let
911            fun firePatt(pattsLeft, _) =
912            let
913                val pattern =
914                    if isEmptySet pattsLeft
915                    then 0 (* This represents non-exhaustive. *)
916                    else first pattsLeft
917            in
918                { vars = [], code = PattCodeLeaf, leafSet = singleton pattern, leafCount = 1 }
919            end
921            val patts = pattCode(tree, from 1 noOfPats, firePatt, 0)
922        in
923            if alwaysNaive
924            then makeNaive patts
925            else patts
926        end
927    end
929    local
930        val EXC_Bind        = 100
931        val EXC_Match       = 101
932         (* Raises an exception. *)
933        fun raiseException(exName, exIden, line) =
934            mkRaise (mkTuple [exIden, mkStr exName, CodeZero, codeLocation line]);
935        (* Create exception values - Small integer values are used for
936           run-time system exceptions. *)
937        val bindExceptionVal  = mkConst (ADDRESS.toMachineWord EXC_Bind);
938        val matchExceptionVal = mkConst (ADDRESS.toMachineWord EXC_Match);
939    in
940        (* Raise match and bind exceptions. *)        
941        fun raiseBindException line = raiseException("Bind", bindExceptionVal, line)
942        and raiseMatchException line = raiseException("Match", matchExceptionVal, line)
943    end
945    (* Turn the decision tree into real code. *)
946    local
947        (* Guard and inversion code for constructors *)
948        fun constructorCode(PattCodeDatatype(cons, polyVars), arg, {level, typeVarMap, ...}) =
949                (
950                    makeGuard (cons, polyVars, arg, level, typeVarMap),
951                    makeInverse (cons, polyVars, arg, level, typeVarMap)
952                )
953        |   constructorCode(PattCodeException cons, arg, {level, typeVarMap, ...}) =
954                (
955                    makeGuard (cons, [], arg, level, typeVarMap),
956                    makeInverse (cons, [], arg, level, typeVarMap)
957                )
958        |   constructorCode(PattCodeSpecial(eqFun, cval), arg, _) =
959                let
960                    val constVal = case cval of SOME cv => mkConst cv | NONE => CodeZero
961                in
962                    (mkEval(eqFun, [mkTuple[arg, constVal]]), CodeZero (* Unused *))
963                end
965        (* Sequence of tests for naive match. *)
966        fun makeNaiveTests([], _, _, _) = CodeTrue
968        |   makeNaiveTests ((NaiveWild, _) :: rest, arg, tupleMap, context) = makeNaiveTests(rest, arg, tupleMap, context)
970        |   makeNaiveTests ((NaiveBindTuple tupleNo, _) :: rest, arg, tupleMap, context) =
971            let
972                (* Bind it to a variable.  We don't set the addresses of the vars at this point. *)
973                val (declLoad, declDec) = bindPattVars(arg, [], context)
974            in
975                mkEnv([declDec], makeNaiveTests(rest, arg, (tupleNo, declLoad) :: tupleMap, context))
976            end
978        |   makeNaiveTests ((NaiveTupleSelect { tupleNo, fieldOffset}, _) :: rest, _, tupleMap, context) =
979            let
980                val findTuple = List.find(fn(a, _) => tupleNo = a) tupleMap
981            in
982                makeNaiveTests(rest, mkInd(fieldOffset, #2 (valOf findTuple)), tupleMap, context)
983            end
985        |   makeNaiveTests ((NaivePattTest constr, _) :: rest, arg, tupleMap, context) =
986            let
987                (* Bind it to a variable.  This avoids making multiple copies of code. *)
988                val (declLoad, declDec) = bindPattVars(arg, [], context)
989                val (thisTest, inverse) = constructorCode(constr, declLoad, context)
990            in
991                mkEnv([declDec], mkCand(thisTest, makeNaiveTests(rest, inverse, tupleMap, context)))
992            end
994        (* Load all the variables. *)
995        fun makeLoads([], _, _, _, _) = []
997        |   makeLoads((pattern, vars) :: rest, patNo, arg, tupleMap, context) =
998            let
999                val (declLoad, declDec) = bindPattVars(arg, vars, context)
1001                val pattLoad =
1002                    case pattern of
1003                        NaiveWild => makeLoads(rest, patNo, declLoad, tupleMap, context)
1004                    |   NaiveBindTuple tupleNo =>
1005                            makeLoads(rest, patNo, declLoad, (tupleNo, declLoad) :: tupleMap, context)
1006                    |   NaiveTupleSelect { tupleNo, fieldOffset} =>
1007                        let
1008                            val findTuple = List.find(fn(a, _) => tupleNo = a) tupleMap
1009                        in
1010                            makeLoads(rest, patNo, mkInd(fieldOffset, #2 (valOf findTuple)), tupleMap, context)
1011                        end
1012                    |   NaivePattTest constr =>
1013                        let
1014                            val (_, inverse) = constructorCode(constr, declLoad, context)
1015                        in
1016                            makeLoads(rest, patNo, inverse, tupleMap, context)
1017                        end
1018            in
1019                declDec :: pattLoad
1020            end
1021    in
1023        fun codeGenerateMatch(patCode, arg, firePatt,
1024                context: matchContext as {level, typeVarMap,  ...}) =
1025        let
1026            fun codeMatch({ leafSet, vars, code, ...}, arg, tupleMap) =
1027            let
1028                (* Bind the current value to a codetree variable and set the addresses
1029                   of any ML variables to this. *)
1030                val (declLoad, declDec) = bindPattVars(arg, vars, context)
1033                val pattCode =
1034                    case code of
1035                        PattCodeLeaf => (* Finished - fire the pattern. *)
1036                            firePatt(first leafSet)
1038                    |   PattCodeBindTuple { tupleNo, next }=>
1039                            (* Bind the tuple number to this address. *)
1040                            codeMatch(next, arg, (tupleNo, declLoad) :: tupleMap)
1042                    |   PattCodeTupleSelect { tupleNo, fieldOffset, next } =>
1043                        let
1044                            (* The tuple number should be in the map.  Find the address and
1045                               select the field. *)
1046                            val findTuple = List.find(fn(a, _) => tupleNo = a) tupleMap
1047                        in
1048                            codeMatch(next, mkInd(fieldOffset, #2 (valOf findTuple)), tupleMap)
1049                        end
1051                    |   PattCodeConstructors { nConstrs, patterns, default } =>
1052                        let
1053                            fun doPattern((PattCodeDatatype(cons, polyVars), code) :: rest, 1) =
1054                                (* This is the last pattern and we have done all the others.
1055                                   We don't need to test this one and we don't use the default. *)
1056                                let
1057                                    val _ = null rest orelse raise InternalError "doPattern: not at end"
1058                                    val invertCode = makeInverse (cons, polyVars, declLoad, level, typeVarMap)
1059                                in
1060                                    codeMatch(code, invertCode, tupleMap)
1061                                end
1063                            |   doPattern([], _) = (* We've done all of them - do the default *)
1064                                    codeMatch(default, arg, tupleMap)
1066                            |   doPattern((constructor, matchCode) :: next, constrsLeft) =
1067                                let
1068                                    val (testCode, invertCode) = constructorCode(constructor, declLoad, context)
1069                                    val thenCode = codeMatch(matchCode, invertCode, tupleMap)
1070                                in
1071                                    mkIf(testCode, thenCode, doPattern(next, constrsLeft-1))
1072                                end
1073                        in
1074                            doPattern(patterns, nConstrs)
1075                        end
1077                    |   PattCodeNaive patterns =>
1078                        let
1080                            fun makePatterns [] = raise InternalError "makeTests: empty"
1081                            |   makePatterns ({ tests, pattNo} :: rest) =
1082                                let
1083                                    val pattDecs = makeLoads(tests, pattNo, arg, tupleMap, context)
1084                                    val pattCode = mkEnv(pattDecs, firePatt pattNo)
1085                                in
1086                                    (* If this is the last one there's no need for a test. *)
1087                                    if null rest
1088                                    then pattCode
1089                                    else mkIf(makeNaiveTests(tests, arg, tupleMap, context), pattCode, makePatterns rest)
1090                                end
1091                        in
1092                            makePatterns patterns
1093                        end
1094            in
1095                mkEnv([declDec], pattCode)
1096            end
1097        in
1098            codeMatch(patCode, arg, [])
1099        end
1101        (* Binding.  This should be a single naive match.  Generally it will be exhaustive
1102           so we will only have to load the variables. *)
1103        fun codeBinding(
1104                { leafSet, vars, 
1105                    code = PattCodeNaive({ tests, ...} :: _ (* Normally nil but could be PattCodeWild if non-exhaustive *)), ...}, 
1106                arg, line, context) =
1107            let
1108                (* Bind this to a variable and set any top-level variable(s). *)
1109                val (declLoad, declDec) = bindPattVars(arg, vars, context)
1110                (* Create any test code to raise the bind exception *)
1111                val testCode =
1112                    if not (0 inside leafSet)
1113                    then [] (* Exhaustive - no test needed. *)
1114                    else [mkNullDec(mkIf(makeNaiveTests(tests, declLoad, [], context), CodeZero, raiseBindException line))]
1115                (* Load the variables.  *)
1116                val pattDecs = makeLoads(tests, 1, declLoad, [], context)
1117            in
1118                declDec :: testCode @ pattDecs
1119            end
1121        |   codeBinding _ = raise InternalError "codeBinding: should be naive pattern match"
1122    end
1124    fun containsNonConstException(Aot{patts = TupleField fields, ...}) =
1125        List.foldl(fn (aot, t) => t orelse containsNonConstException aot) false fields
1127    |   containsNonConstException(Aot{patts = Cons(cl, _), ...}) =
1128            List.foldl(fn ({appliedTo, ...}, t) => t orelse containsNonConstException appliedTo) false cl
1130    |   containsNonConstException(Aot{patts = Excons cl, ...}) =
1131            List.foldl(fn ({appliedTo, exValue, ...}, t) =>
1132                t orelse not (isSome exValue) orelse containsNonConstException appliedTo) false cl
1134    |   containsNonConstException _ = false (* Scons or Wild *)
1136    (* Process a pattern in a binding. *)
1137    (* This previously used codePatt with special options to generate the correct
1138       structure for a binding.  This does the test separately from loading
1139       the variables.  If the pattern is not exhaustive this may do more work
1140       since the pattern is taken apart both in the test and for loading.  *)
1141    fun codeBindingPattern(vbDec, arg, line, context) =
1142    let
1143        (* Build the tree. *)
1144        val andortree = buildAot(vbDec, aotEmpty, 1, line, context)
1145        (* Build the pattern code *)
1146        val patternCode as { leafSet, ... } = buildPatternCode(andortree, 1, true (* Always *))
1147        (* It's not exhaustive if pattern zero is in the set. *)
1148        val exhaustive = not (0 inside leafSet)
1150        val codeDecs = codeBinding(patternCode, arg, line, context)
1151    in
1152        (codeDecs, exhaustive)
1153    end
1155    (* Process a set of patterns in a match. *)
1156    (* Naive match code.  Doesn't check for exhaustiveness or redundancy. *)
1157    fun codeMatchPatterns(alt, arg, isHandlerMatch, lineNo, codePatternExpression, context as { lex, ...}) =
1158    let
1159        val noOfPats  = length alt
1160        val andortree = buildTree(alt, context)
1161        (* If the match is sparse or there are any non-constant exceptions we
1162           need to use pattern-by-pattern matching.  Non-constant exceptions
1163           could involve exception aliasing and this complicates pattern
1164           matching.  It could break the rule that says that if a value
1165           matches one constructor it cannot then match any other.
1166           If we are compiling with debugging we also use the naive
1167           match.  *)
1168        val alwaysNaive = containsNonConstException andortree 
1169            orelse getParameter debugTag (debugParams lex)
1170        val patternCode as { leafSet, ... } = buildPatternCode(andortree, noOfPats, alwaysNaive)
1171        (* It's not exhaustive if pattern zero is in the set. *)
1172        val exhaustive = not (0 inside leafSet)
1174        fun firePatt 0 =
1175        (
1176            exhaustive andalso raise InternalError "codeDefault called but exhaustive";
1177            if isHandlerMatch
1178            then mkRaise arg
1179            else raiseMatchException lineNo
1180        )
1181        |   firePatt pattChosen = codePatternExpression(pattChosen - 1)
1182    in
1183        (codeGenerateMatch(patternCode, arg, firePatt, context), exhaustive)
1184    end
1186    (* Types that can be shared. *)
1187    structure Sharing =
1188    struct
1189        type parsetree = parsetree
1190        type typeVarMap = typeVarMap
1191        type level = level
1192        type codetree = codetree
1193        type matchtree = matchtree
1194        type codeBinding = codeBinding
1195        type lexan = lexan
1196    end