2    Copyright (c) 2000
3        Cambridge University Technical Services Limited
5    Modified David C.J. Matthews 2008-9, 2015-16, 2020.
7    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
9    License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation
11    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14    Lesser General Public License for more details.
16    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
18    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
22    Title:      Poly Make Program.
23    Author:     Dave Matthews, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
24    Copyright   Cambridge University 1985
27(* This previously contained PolyML.make which was passed through to
28   the basis.  It has now been reduced to just "use" and is
29   only used during the bootstrap process to compile the basis
30   library itself.  *)
32functor MAKE_ (
36structure UNIVERSALTABLE :
38  type 'a tag = 'a Universal.tag;
39  type univTable;
40  type universal = Universal.universal
42  val makeUnivTable:  unit -> univTable
43  val univEnter:  univTable * 'a tag * string * 'a -> unit;
44  val univLookup: univTable * 'a tag * string -> 'a option;
45  val univDelete: univTable * 'a tag * string -> unit;
46    val fold: (string * universal * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> univTable -> 'a
50structure DEBUG: DEBUG
51structure PRETTY: PRETTYSIG (* For compilerOutputTag *)
52structure LEX: LEXSIG (* For errorMessageProcTag *)
54structure VERSION:
55    sig
56        val versionSuffix: string
57    end
59sharing STRUCTVALS.Sharing = COMPILERBODY.Sharing
60sharing LEX.Sharing = PRETTY.Sharing
62) : MAKESIG =
65    type univTable  = UNIVERSALTABLE.univTable;
66    type values = STRUCTVALS.values
67    type typeConstrs = STRUCTVALS.typeConstrs
68    type fixStatus = STRUCTVALS.fixStatus
69    type structVals = STRUCTVALS.structVals
70    type signatures = STRUCTVALS.signatures
71    type functors = STRUCTVALS.functors
72    type env = STRUCTVALS.env
76    local
77        open UNIVERSALTABLE
78        open Thread.Thread
79        open Thread.Mutex
80    in
81        (* Create an environment with a mutex to protect concurrent access. *)
82        datatype gEnv = DbEnv of mutex * univTable
84        (* Lock the mutex during any lookup or entry.  This is primarily to
85           avoid the underlying hash table from being rehashed by different
86           threads at the same time.  This code should be in a library. *)
87        fun protect mutx f =
88        let
89            (* Turn off interrupts while we have the lock. *)
90            val oldAttrs = getAttributes()
91            val () = setAttributes[InterruptState InterruptDefer]
92              val () = lock mutx
93            val result = f()
94                handle exn => (unlock mutx; setAttributes oldAttrs; raise exn)
95        in
96            unlock mutx;
97            setAttributes oldAttrs;
98            result
99        end
101        (* Create an environment *)
102        fun makeGEnv () : gEnv = DbEnv (mutex(), makeUnivTable()); 
104        (* enter a value into an environment *)
105        fun dbEnvEnter (DbEnv(mutx, db)) (t : 'a tag) (s : string, v : 'a) : unit =
106          protect mutx (fn () => univEnter (db, t, s, v))
108        (* find a value in an environment *)
109        fun dbEnvLookup (DbEnv(mutx, db)) (t : 'a tag) (s : string) : 'a option =
110            protect mutx(fn () => univLookup (db, t, s))
112        fun dbEnvAll (DbEnv(mutx, db)) (t : 'a tag) () : (string * 'a) list =
113        let
114            open Universal UNIVERSALTABLE
115            fun filter (s, c, l) = if tagIs t c then (s, tagProject t c) :: l else l
116        in
117            protect mutx (fn () => fold filter [] db)
118        end
120        fun gEnvAsEnv gEnv =
121             STRUCTVALS.Env {
122                lookupFix    = dbEnvLookup gEnv STRUCTVALS.fixVar,
123                lookupVal    = dbEnvLookup gEnv STRUCTVALS.valueVar,
124                lookupType   = dbEnvLookup gEnv STRUCTVALS.typeConstrVar,
125                lookupSig    = dbEnvLookup gEnv STRUCTVALS.signatureVar,
126                lookupStruct = dbEnvLookup gEnv STRUCTVALS.structVar,
127                lookupFunct  = dbEnvLookup gEnv STRUCTVALS.functorVar,
129                enterFix     = dbEnvEnter gEnv STRUCTVALS.fixVar,
130                enterVal     = dbEnvEnter gEnv STRUCTVALS.valueVar,
131                enterType    = dbEnvEnter gEnv STRUCTVALS.typeConstrVar,
132                enterSig     = dbEnvEnter gEnv STRUCTVALS.signatureVar,
133                enterStruct  = dbEnvEnter gEnv STRUCTVALS.structVar,
134                enterFunct   = dbEnvEnter gEnv STRUCTVALS.functorVar,
136                allValNames  =
137                    fn () => map #1 (dbEnvAll gEnv STRUCTVALS.valueVar ())
138                };
140        fun gEnvAsNameSpace gEnv: nameSpace =
141              {
142                lookupFix    = dbEnvLookup gEnv STRUCTVALS.fixVar,
143                lookupVal    = dbEnvLookup gEnv STRUCTVALS.valueVar,
144                lookupType   = dbEnvLookup gEnv STRUCTVALS.typeConstrVar,
145                lookupSig    = dbEnvLookup gEnv STRUCTVALS.signatureVar,
146                lookupStruct = dbEnvLookup gEnv STRUCTVALS.structVar,
147                lookupFunct  = dbEnvLookup gEnv STRUCTVALS.functorVar,
149                enterFix     = dbEnvEnter gEnv STRUCTVALS.fixVar,
150                enterVal     = dbEnvEnter gEnv STRUCTVALS.valueVar,
151                enterType    = dbEnvEnter gEnv STRUCTVALS.typeConstrVar,
152                enterSig     = dbEnvEnter gEnv STRUCTVALS.signatureVar,
153                enterStruct  = dbEnvEnter gEnv STRUCTVALS.structVar,
154                enterFunct   = dbEnvEnter gEnv STRUCTVALS.functorVar,
156                allFix     = dbEnvAll gEnv STRUCTVALS.fixVar,
157                allVal     = dbEnvAll gEnv STRUCTVALS.valueVar,
158                allType    = dbEnvAll gEnv STRUCTVALS.typeConstrVar,
159                allSig     = dbEnvAll gEnv STRUCTVALS.signatureVar,
160                allStruct  = dbEnvAll gEnv STRUCTVALS.structVar,
161                allFunct   = dbEnvAll gEnv STRUCTVALS.functorVar
162                };
164    end;
166    (*****************************************************************************)
167    (*                  useIntoEnv (runcompiler with ML compiler bound in)       *)
168    (*****************************************************************************)
169    fun compileIntoEnv (globalEnv : gEnv) : (string * TextIO.instream * Universal.universal list) -> unit =
170    let
171        val useEnv : nameSpace =
172        { 
173            lookupFix    = dbEnvLookup globalEnv STRUCTVALS.fixVar,
174            lookupVal    = dbEnvLookup globalEnv STRUCTVALS.valueVar,
175            lookupType   = dbEnvLookup globalEnv STRUCTVALS.typeConstrVar,
176            lookupSig    = dbEnvLookup globalEnv STRUCTVALS.signatureVar,
177            lookupStruct = dbEnvLookup globalEnv STRUCTVALS.structVar,
178            lookupFunct  = dbEnvLookup globalEnv STRUCTVALS.functorVar,
179            enterFix     = dbEnvEnter globalEnv STRUCTVALS.fixVar,
180            enterVal     = dbEnvEnter globalEnv STRUCTVALS.valueVar,
181            enterType    = dbEnvEnter globalEnv STRUCTVALS.typeConstrVar,
182            enterStruct  = dbEnvEnter globalEnv STRUCTVALS.structVar,
183            enterSig     = dbEnvEnter globalEnv STRUCTVALS.signatureVar,
184            enterFunct   = dbEnvEnter globalEnv STRUCTVALS.functorVar,
185            allFix       = dbEnvAll globalEnv STRUCTVALS.fixVar,
186            allVal       = dbEnvAll globalEnv STRUCTVALS.valueVar,
187            allType      = dbEnvAll globalEnv STRUCTVALS.typeConstrVar,
188            allSig       = dbEnvAll globalEnv STRUCTVALS.signatureVar,
189            allStruct    = dbEnvAll globalEnv STRUCTVALS.structVar,
190            allFunct     = dbEnvAll globalEnv STRUCTVALS.functorVar
191        };
193        fun use (fileName, inStream, parameters) =
194        let            
195            val lineNo   = ref 1;
196            val eof      = ref false;
198            fun getChar () : char option =
199            case TextIO.input1 inStream of
200                eoln as SOME #"\n" =>
201                (
202                    lineNo := !lineNo + 1;                  
203                    eoln
204                )
205            |   NONE => (eof := true; NONE)
206            |   c => c
208            fun errorProc {message, hard, location={ file, startLine=line, ... }, ...} =
209               TextIO.print(concat
210                   [if hard then "Error-" else "Warning-",
211                    " in '", file, "', line ", FixedInt.toString line, ".\n",
212                    PRETTY.uglyPrint message, "\n"])
213        in
214            (
215                while not (! eof) do
216                let
217                    open DEBUG Universal
219                    (* Compile the code *)
220                    val code = 
221                        case COMPILERBODY.compiler
222                            (useEnv, getChar,
223                              parameters @ (* These will be found first and override the defaults. *)
224                              [
225                                 tagInject PRETTY.compilerOutputTag (PRETTY.prettyPrint(print, 70)),
226                                 tagInject lineNumberTag (fn () => !lineNo),
227                                 tagInject fileNameTag fileName,
228                                 tagInject LEX.errorMessageProcTag errorProc,
229                                 tagInject maxInlineSizeTag 80,
230                                 tagInject reportUnreferencedIdsTag true,
231                                 tagInject reportExhaustiveHandlersTag false, (* True for testing. *)
232                                 (* These are only needed for debugging. *)
233                                 tagInject PRETTY.printOutputTag (PRETTY.prettyPrint(print, 70)),
234                                 tagInject printDepthFunTag(fn () => 20),
235                                 tagInject parsetreeTag false,
236                                 tagInject codetreeTag false,
237                                 tagInject codetreeAfterOptTag false,
238                                 tagInject icodeTag false,
239                                 tagInject assemblyCodeTag false
240                              ] ) of
241                        (_, NONE) => raise Fail "Static Errors"
242                     |  (_, SOME c) => c
243                    (* execute the code and get the resulting declarations. *)
244                    val { fixes, values, structures, signatures, functors, types } = code()
245                in
246                    (* Just enter the values in the environment without printing. *)
247                    List.app (#enterFix useEnv) fixes;
248                    List.app (#enterVal useEnv) values;
249                    List.app (#enterStruct useEnv) structures;
250                    List.app (#enterSig useEnv) signatures;
251                    List.app (#enterFunct useEnv) functors;
252                    List.app (#enterType useEnv) types
253                end
254            )
255            handle Fail s => (* E.g. syntax error. *)
256            (
257                TextIO.closeIn inStream;
258                raise Fail s
259            )
260            | exn => (* close inStream if an error occurs *)
261            (
262                print ("Exception- " ^ General.exnName exn ^ " raised\n");
263                TextIO.closeIn inStream;
264                raise exn
265            )
266        end (* use *)
267    in
268        use
269    end; (* scope of compileIntoEnv *)
271    fun useIntoEnv globalEnv parameters baseName =
272    let
273        val () = print ("Use: " ^ baseName ^ "\n")
274        (* See if there is a path given as a command line argument. *)
275        val args = CommandLine.arguments();
276        (* If we have -I filename use that as the output name.
277           N.B.  polyImport takes the first argument that is not recognised as
278           an RTS argument and treats that as the file name so any -I must occur
279           AFTER the import file. *)
280        fun getPath [] = "." (* Default path *)
281          | getPath ("-I" :: path :: _) = path
282          | getPath (_::tl) = getPath tl
283        open OS.Path
284        (* Add the path to the source on to the directory. *)
285        val filePath = concat(getPath args, baseName)
286        open VERSION
287        (* See if we have a version of the file specific to this
288           version of the compiler.  For x.ML see if x.VER.ML exists.
289           When bootstrapping from one version of the compiler to
290           another we need to compile the basis library in both the
291           old and new compiler.  If the interface has changed we may
292           need version-specific files. *)
293        val { base, ext } = splitBaseExt filePath
294        val versionName =
295            joinBaseExt {
296                base = joinBaseExt{base = base, ext = SOME versionSuffix},
297                ext = ext }
298        val (inStream, fileName) =
299            (TextIO.openIn versionName, versionName)
300                handle IO.Io _ => (TextIO.openIn filePath, filePath)
301    in
302        compileIntoEnv globalEnv (fileName, inStream, parameters);
303        TextIO.closeIn inStream
304    end
306    fun shellProc globalEnv () = compileIntoEnv globalEnv ("<stdin>", TextIO.stdIn, [])
308    fun useStringIntoEnv globalEnv str =
309        compileIntoEnv globalEnv (str, TextIO.openString str, [])
311    structure Sharing =
312    struct
313        type env = env
314        type gEnv = gEnv
315        type values = values
316        type typeConstrSet = typeConstrSet
317        type fixStatus = fixStatus
318        type structVals = structVals
319        type signatures = signatures
320        type functors = functors
321        type ptProperties = ptProperties
322    end