2    Copyright David C. J. Matthews 2018-20
4    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
6    License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
8    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11    Lesser General Public License for more details.
13    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
14    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
15    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
18functor X86ICodeOptimise(
19    structure ICODE: ICodeSig
20    structure INTSET: INTSETSIG
22    structure X86CODE: X86CODESIG (* For invertTest. *)
23    structure DEBUG: DEBUG
24    structure PRETTY: PRETTYSIG
25    sharing ICODE.Sharing = IDENTIFY.Sharing = INTSET = X86CODE
28    open ICODE
29    open INTSET
30    open IDENTIFY
31    val InternalError = Misc.InternalError
33    datatype optimise = Changed of basicBlock vector * regProperty vector | Unchanged
35    (* Optimiser.
36       This could incorporate optimisations done elsewhere.
37       IdentifyReferences currently removes instructions that
38       produce results in registers that are never used.
40       PushRegisters deals with caching. Caching involves
41       speculative changes that can be reversed if there is a need
42       to spill registers.
44       The optimiser currently deals with booleans and conditions
45       and with moving memory loads into an instruction operand.
46    *)
48    (* This is a rewrite of the last instruction to set a boolean.
49       This is almost always rewriting the next instruction.  The only
50       possibility is that we have a ResetStackPtr in between. *)
51    datatype boolRegRewrite =
52        BRNone
53        (* BRSetConditionToConstant - we have a comparison of two constant value.
54           This will usually happen because we've duplicated a branch and
55           set a register to a constant which we then compare. *)
56    |   BRSetConditionToConstant of
57            { srcCC: ccRef, signedCompare: order, unsignedCompare: order }
59    fun optimiseICode{ code, pregProps, ccCount=_, debugSwitches=_ } =
60    let
61        val hasChanged = ref false
62        val regCounter = ref(Vector.length pregProps)
63        val regList = ref []
64        fun newReg kind =
65        (
66            regList := kind :: ! regList;
67            PReg (!regCounter)
68        ) before regCounter := !regCounter + 1
70        (* If this argument is a register and the register is mapped to a memory location, a constant
71           or another register replace the value.  Memory locations are only replaced if this is
72           the only use.  If there is more than one reference it's better to load it into a
73           register and retain the register references.  *)
74        fun replaceWithValue(arg as RegisterArgument (preg as PReg pregNo), kill, regMap, instrOpSize) =
75        (
76            case List.find(fn {dest, ... } => dest = preg) regMap of
77                SOME { source as MemoryLocation _, opSize, ...} =>
78                (
79                    if member(pregNo, kill) andalso opSize = instrOpSize
80                    then ( hasChanged := true; source )
81                    else arg,
82                    (* Filter this from the list.  If this is not the last
83                       reference we want to use the register and if it is then
84                       we don't need it any longer. *)
85                    List.filter(fn {dest, ...} => dest <> preg) regMap
86                )
87           |    SOME { source, ...} =>
88                (
89                    source,
90                    (* Filter it if it is the last reference. *)
91                    if member(pregNo, kill)
92                    then List.filter(fn {dest, ...} => dest <> preg) regMap
93                    else regMap
94                )
95           |    NONE => (arg, regMap)
96        )
98        |   replaceWithValue(arg, _, regMap, _) = (arg, regMap)
100        fun optimiseBlock processed (block, flow, outCCState) =
101        let
102            fun optCode([], brCond, regMap, code) = (code, brCond, regMap)
104            |   optCode({instr=CompareLiteral{arg1, arg2, ccRef=ccRefOut, opSize}, kill, ...} :: rest,
105                        _, regMap, code) =
106                let
107                    val (repArg1, memRefsOut) = replaceWithValue(arg1, kill, regMap, opSize)
108                in
109                    case repArg1 of
110                        IntegerConstant test =>
111                        (* CompareLiteral is put in by CodetreeToIcode to test a boolean value.  It can also
112                           arise as the result of pattern matching on booleans or even by tests such as = true.
113                           If the source register is now a constant we want to propagate the constant
114                           condition. *)
115                        let
116                            (* This comparison reduces to a constant.  *)
117                            val _ = hasChanged := true
118                            (* Put in a replacement so that if we were previously testing ccRefOut
119                               we should instead test ccRef. *)
120                            val repl =
121                                BRSetConditionToConstant{srcCC=ccRefOut, signedCompare=LargeInt.compare(test, arg2),
122                                (* Unsigned tests.  We converted the values from Word to LargeInt.  We can therefore
123                                   turn the tests back to Word for the unsigned comparisons. *)
124                                    unsignedCompare=Word.compare(Word.fromLargeInt test, Word.fromLargeInt arg2)}
125                            val _ = isSome outCCState andalso raise InternalError "optCode: CC exported"
126                        in
127                            optCode(rest, repl, memRefsOut, code)
128                        end
130                    |   repArg1 =>
131                            optCode(rest, BRNone, memRefsOut,
132                                CompareLiteral{arg1=repArg1, arg2=arg2, ccRef=ccRefOut, opSize=opSize}::code)
133                end
135            |   optCode({instr=LoadArgument{dest, source, kind=Move64Bit}, kill, ...} :: rest, inCond, regMap, code) =
136                let
137                    val (repSource, mapAfterReplace) = replaceWithValue(source, kill, regMap, OpSize64)
138                    (* If the value is a constant or memory after replacement we include this. *)
139                    val mapOut =
140                        if (case repSource of MemoryLocation _ => true | IntegerConstant _ => true | _ => false)
141                        then {dest=dest, source=repSource, opSize=OpSize64} :: mapAfterReplace
142                        else mapAfterReplace
143                    val outInstr = LoadArgument{dest=dest, source=repSource, kind=Move64Bit}
144                in
145                    optCode(rest, inCond, mapOut, outInstr::code)
146                end
148            |   optCode({instr=LoadArgument{dest, source, kind=Move32Bit}, kill, ...} :: rest, inCond, regMap, code) =
149                let
150                    val (repSource, mapAfterReplace) = replaceWithValue(source, kill, regMap, OpSize32)
151                    val mapOut =
152                        if (case repSource of MemoryLocation _ => true | IntegerConstant _ => true | _ => false)
153                        then {dest=dest, source=repSource, opSize=OpSize32} :: mapAfterReplace
154                        else mapAfterReplace
155                    val outInstr = LoadArgument{dest=dest, source=repSource, kind=Move32Bit}
156                in
157                    optCode(rest, inCond, mapOut, outInstr::code)
158                end
160            |   optCode({instr as LoadArgument{dest, source as MemoryLocation _, kind} , ...} :: rest, inCond, regMap, code) =
161                let
162                    (* If we load a memory location add it to the list in case we can use it later. *)
163                    val memRefsOut =
164                        case kind of
165                            Move64Bit => {dest=dest, source=source, opSize=OpSize64} :: regMap
166                        |   Move32Bit => {dest=dest, source=source, opSize=OpSize32} :: regMap
167                        |   _ => regMap
168                in
169                    optCode(rest, inCond, memRefsOut, instr::code)
170                end
172            |   optCode({instr as StoreArgument _, ...} :: rest, inCond, _, code) =
173                    (* This may change a value in memory.  For safety remove everything. *)
174                    optCode(rest, inCond, [], instr::code)
176            |   optCode({instr as FunctionCall _, ...} :: rest, _, _, code) =
177                    optCode(rest, BRNone, [], instr::code)                
179            |   optCode({instr as BeginLoop, ...} :: rest, _, _, code) =
180                    (* Any register value from outside the loop are not valid inside. *)
181                    optCode(rest, BRNone, [], instr::code)                
183            |   optCode({instr as JumpLoop _, ...} :: rest, _, _, code) =
184                    (* Likewise at the end of the loop.  Not sure if this is essential. *)
185                    optCode(rest, BRNone, [], instr::code)                
187                (* These instructions could take memory operands.  This isn't the full set but the others are
188                   rare or only take memory operands that refer to boxed memory. *)
189            |   optCode({instr=WordComparison{arg1, arg2, ccRef, opSize}, kill, ...} :: rest, _, regMap, code) =
190                let
191                    (* Replace register reference with memory if possible. *)
192                    val (source, memRefsOut) = replaceWithValue(arg2, kill, regMap, opSize)
193                in
194                    (* This affects the CC. *)
195                    optCode(rest, BRNone, memRefsOut, WordComparison{arg1=arg1, arg2=source, ccRef=ccRef, opSize=opSize}::code)
196                end
198            |   optCode({instr=ArithmeticFunction{oper, resultReg, operand1, operand2, ccRef, opSize}, kill, ...} :: rest, _, regMap, code) =
199                let
200                    (* Replace register reference with memory if possible. *)
201                    val (source, memRefsOut) = replaceWithValue(operand2, kill, regMap, opSize)
202                in
203                    (* This affects the CC. *)
204                    optCode(rest, BRNone, memRefsOut,
205                        ArithmeticFunction{oper=oper, resultReg=resultReg, operand1=operand1,
206                                           operand2=source, ccRef=ccRef, opSize=opSize}::code)
207                end
209            |   optCode({instr as TestTagBit{arg, ccRef}, kill, ...} :: rest, _, regMap, code) =
210                let
211                    (* Replace register reference with memory.  In some circumstances it can try to
212                       replace it with a constant.  Since we don't code-generate that case we
213                       need to filter it out and retain the original register. *)
214                    val (source, memRefsOut) = replaceWithValue(arg, kill, regMap, polyWordOpSize)
215                    val resultInstr =
216                        case source of
217                            IntegerConstant _ => instr (* Use original *)
218                        |   AddressConstant _ => instr
219                        |   _ => TestTagBit{arg=source, ccRef=ccRef}
220                in
221                    (* This affects the CC. *)
222                    optCode(rest, BRNone, memRefsOut, resultInstr::code)
223                end
225            |   optCode({instr=UntagFloat{source, dest, cache=_}, kill, ...} :: rest, _, regMap, code) =
226                let
227                    (* Replace register reference with memory if possible. *)
228                    val (source, memRefsOut) = replaceWithValue(source, kill, regMap, polyWordOpSize)
229                in
230                    (* Not sure if this affects the CC but assume it might. *)
231                    optCode(rest, BRNone, memRefsOut, UntagFloat{source=source, dest=dest, cache=NONE}::code)
232                end
234            |   optCode({instr, ...} :: rest, inCond, regMap, code) =
235                let
236                    (* If this instruction affects the CC the cached SetToCondition will no longer be valid. *)
237                    val afterCond =
238                        case getInstructionCC instr of
239                            CCUnchanged => inCond
240                        |   _ => BRNone
241                in
242                    optCode(rest, afterCond, regMap, instr::code)
243                end
245            val (blkCode, finalRepl, finalMap) = optCode(block, BRNone, [], processed)
246        in
247            case (flow, finalRepl) of
248                (* We have a Condition and a change to the condition. *)
249                (flow as Conditional{ccRef, condition, trueJump, falseJump},
250                 BRSetConditionToConstant({srcCC, signedCompare, unsignedCompare, ...})) =>
251                    if srcCC = ccRef
252                    then
253                    let
254                        val testResult =
255                            case (condition, signedCompare, unsignedCompare) of
256                                (JE,    EQUAL,  _)   => true
257                            |   (JE,    _,      _)   => false
258                            |   (JNE,   EQUAL,  _)   => false
259                            |   (JNE,   _,      _)   => true
260                            |   (JL,    LESS,   _)   => true
261                            |   (JL,    _,      _)   => false
262                            |   (JG,    GREATER,_)   => true
263                            |   (JG,    _,      _)   => false
264                            |   (JLE,   GREATER,_)   => false
265                            |   (JLE,   _,      _)   => true
266                            |   (JGE,   LESS,   _)   => false
267                            |   (JGE,   _,      _)   => true
268                            |   (JB,    _, LESS  )   => true
269                            |   (JB,    _,      _)   => false
270                            |   (JA,    _,GREATER)   => true
271                            |   (JA,    _,      _)   => false
272                            |   (JNA,   _,GREATER)   => false
273                            |   (JNA,   _,      _)   => true
274                            |   (JNB,   _, LESS  )   => false
275                            |   (JNB,   _,      _)   => true
276                                (* The overflow and parity checks should never occur. *)
277                            |   _   => raise InternalError "getCondResult: comparison"
279                        val newFlow =
280                            if testResult
281                            then Unconditional trueJump
282                            else Unconditional falseJump
284                        val() = hasChanged := true
285                    in
286                        BasicBlock{flow=newFlow, block=List.rev blkCode}
287                    end
288                    else BasicBlock{flow=flow, block=List.rev blkCode}
290            |   (flow as Unconditional jmp, _) =>
291                let
292                    val ExtendedBasicBlock{block=targetBlck, locals, exports, flow=targetFlow, outCCState=targetCC, ...} =
293                        Vector.sub(code, jmp)
294                    (* If the target is empty or is simply one or more Resets or a Return we're
295                       better off merging this in rather than doing the jump.  We allow a single
296                       Load  e.g. when loading a constant or moving a register.
297                       If we have a CompareLiteral and we're comparing with a register in the map
298                       that has been set to a constant we include that because the comparison will
299                       then be reduced to a constant. *)
300                    fun isSimple([], _, _) = true
301                    |   isSimple ({instr=ResetStackPtr _, ...} :: instrs, moves, regMap) = isSimple(instrs, moves, regMap)
302                    |   isSimple ({instr=ReturnResultFromFunction _, ...} :: instrs, moves, regMap) = isSimple(instrs, moves, regMap)
303                    |   isSimple ({instr=RaiseExceptionPacket _, ...} :: instrs, moves, regMap) = isSimple(instrs, moves, regMap)
304                    |   isSimple ({instr=LoadArgument{source=RegisterArgument preg, dest, kind=Move64Bit}, ...} :: instrs, moves, regMap) =
305                        let
306                            (* We frequently have a move of the original register into a new register before the test. *)
307                            val newMap =
308                                case List.find(fn {dest, ... } => dest = preg) regMap of
309                                    SOME {source, ...} => {dest=dest, source=source, opSize=OpSize64} :: regMap
310                                |   NONE => regMap
311                        in
312                            moves = 0 andalso isSimple(instrs, moves+1, newMap)
313                        end
314                    |   isSimple ({instr=LoadArgument{source=RegisterArgument preg, dest, kind=Move32Bit}, ...} :: instrs, moves, regMap) =
315                        let
316                            (* We frequently have a move of the original register into a new register before the test. *)
317                            val newMap =
318                                case List.find(fn {dest, ... } => dest = preg) regMap of
319                                    SOME {source, ...} => {dest=dest, source=source, opSize=OpSize32} :: regMap
320                                |   NONE => regMap
321                        in
322                            moves = 0 andalso isSimple(instrs, moves+1, newMap)
323                        end
324                    |   isSimple ({instr=LoadArgument _, ...} :: instrs, moves, regMap) = moves = 0 andalso isSimple(instrs, moves+1, regMap)
325                    |   isSimple ({instr=CompareLiteral{arg1=RegisterArgument preg, ...}, ...} :: instrs, moves, regMap) =
326                        let
327                            val isReplace = List.find(fn {dest, ... } => dest = preg) regMap
328                        in
329                            case isReplace of
330                                SOME {source=IntegerConstant _, ...} => isSimple(instrs, moves, regMap)
331                            |   _ => false
332                        end
333                    |   isSimple _ = false
335                in
336                    (* Merge trivial blocks.  This previously also tried to merge non-trivial blocks if
337                       they only had one reference but this ends up duplicating non-trivial code.  If we
338                       have a trivial block that has multiple references but is the only reference to
339                       a non-trivial block we can merge the non-trivial block into it.  That would
340                       be fine except that at the same time we may merge this trivial block elsewhere. *)
341                    (* The restriction that a block must only export "merge" registers is unfortunate
342                       but necessary to avoid the situation where a non-merge register is defined at
343                       multiple points and cannot be pushed to the stack.  This really isn't an issue
344                       with blocks with unconditional branches but there are cases where we have
345                       successive tests of the same condition and that results in local registers
346                       being defined and then exported.  This occurs in, for example,
347                       fun f x = if x > "abcde" then "yes" else "no"; *)
348                    if isSimple(targetBlck, 0, finalMap) andalso
349                            List.all (fn i => Vector.sub(pregProps, i) = RegPropMultiple) (setToList exports)
350                    then
351                    let
352                        (* Copy the block, creating new registers for the locals. *)
353                        val localMap = List.map (fn r => (PReg r, newReg(Vector.sub(pregProps, r)))) (setToList locals)
354                        fun mapReg r = case List.find (fn (s, _) => r = s) localMap of SOME(_, s) => s | NONE => r
355                        fun mapIndex(MemIndex1 r) = MemIndex1(mapReg r)
356                        |   mapIndex(MemIndex2 r) = MemIndex2(mapReg r)
357                        |   mapIndex(MemIndex4 r) = MemIndex4(mapReg r)
358                        |   mapIndex(MemIndex8 r) = MemIndex8(mapReg r)
359                        |   mapIndex index        = index
360                        fun mapArg(RegisterArgument r) = RegisterArgument(mapReg r)
361                        |   mapArg(MemoryLocation{base, offset, index, ...}) =
362                                MemoryLocation{base=mapReg base, offset=offset, index=mapIndex index, cache=NONE}
363                        |   mapArg arg = arg
364                        fun mapInstr(instr as ResetStackPtr _) = instr
365                        |   mapInstr(ReturnResultFromFunction{resultReg, realReg, numStackArgs}) =
366                                ReturnResultFromFunction{resultReg=mapReg resultReg, realReg=realReg, numStackArgs=numStackArgs}
367                        |   mapInstr(RaiseExceptionPacket{packetReg}) =
368                                RaiseExceptionPacket{packetReg=mapReg packetReg}
369                        |   mapInstr(LoadArgument{source, dest, kind}) =
370                                LoadArgument{source=mapArg source, dest=mapReg dest, kind=kind}
371                        |   mapInstr(CompareLiteral{arg1, arg2, opSize, ccRef}) =
372                                CompareLiteral{arg1=mapArg arg1, arg2=arg2, opSize=opSize, ccRef=ccRef}
373                        |   mapInstr _ = raise InternalError "mapInstr: other instruction"
374                        fun mapRegNo i = case(mapReg(PReg i)) of PReg r => r
375                        (* Map the instructions and the sets although we only use the kill set. *)
376                        fun mapCode{instr, current, active, kill} =
377                            {instr=mapInstr instr, current=listToSet(map mapRegNo (setToList current)),
378                             active=listToSet(map mapRegNo (setToList active)), kill=listToSet(map mapRegNo (setToList kill))}
379                    in
380                        hasChanged := true;
381                        optimiseBlock blkCode(map mapCode targetBlck, targetFlow, targetCC)
382                    end
383                    else BasicBlock{flow=flow, block=List.rev blkCode}
384                end
386            |   (flow, _) => BasicBlock{flow=flow, block=List.rev blkCode}
387        end
389        fun optBlck(ExtendedBasicBlock{block, flow, outCCState, ...}) = optimiseBlock [] (block, flow, outCCState)
390        val resVector = Vector.map optBlck code
391    in
392        if !hasChanged
393        then
394        let
395            val extraRegs = List.rev(! regList)
396            val props =
397                if null extraRegs
398                then pregProps
399                else Vector.concat[pregProps, Vector.fromList extraRegs]
400        in
401            Changed(resVector, props)
402        end
403        else Unchanged
404    end
406    structure Sharing =
407    struct
408        type extendedBasicBlock = extendedBasicBlock
409        and basicBlock = basicBlock
410        and regProperty = regProperty
411        and optimise = optimise
412    end