2    Copyright (c) 2012, 2016-20 David C.J. Matthews
4    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
6    License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
8    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11    Lesser General Public License for more details.
13    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
14    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
15    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
18(* Intermediate code tree for the back end of the compiler. *)
20structure BackendIntermediateCode: BackendIntermediateCodeSig =
22    open Address
24    structure BuiltIns =
25    struct
26        datatype testConditions =
27            TestEqual
28        |   TestLess
29        |   TestLessEqual
30        |   TestGreater
31        |   TestGreaterEqual
32        |   TestUnordered (* Reals only. *)
34        datatype arithmeticOperations =
35            ArithAdd
36        |   ArithSub
37        |   ArithMult
38        |   ArithQuot
39        |   ArithRem
40        |   ArithDiv
41        |   ArithMod
43        datatype logicalOperations =
44            LogicalAnd
45        |   LogicalOr
46        |   LogicalXor
48        datatype shiftOperations =
49            ShiftLeft
50        |   ShiftRightLogical
51        |   ShiftRightArithmetic
53        datatype unaryOps =
54            NotBoolean
55        |   IsTaggedValue
56        |   MemoryCellLength
57        |   MemoryCellFlags
58        |   ClearMutableFlag
59        |   AtomicIncrement
60        |   AtomicDecrement
61        |   AtomicReset
62        |   LongWordToTagged
63        |   SignedToLongWord
64        |   UnsignedToLongWord
65        |   RealAbs of precision
66        |   RealNeg of precision
67        |   RealFixedInt of precision
68        |   FloatToDouble
69        |   DoubleToFloat of IEEEReal.rounding_mode option
70        |   RealToInt of precision * IEEEReal.rounding_mode
71        |   TouchAddress
72        |   AllocCStack
74        and precision = PrecSingle | PrecDouble
76        and binaryOps =
77            WordComparison of { test: testConditions, isSigned: bool }
78        |   FixedPrecisionArith of arithmeticOperations
79        |   WordArith of arithmeticOperations
80        |   WordLogical of logicalOperations
81        |   WordShift of shiftOperations
82        |   AllocateByteMemory
83        |   LargeWordComparison of testConditions
84        |   LargeWordArith of arithmeticOperations
85        |   LargeWordLogical of logicalOperations
86        |   LargeWordShift of shiftOperations
87        |   RealComparison of testConditions * precision
88        |   RealArith of arithmeticOperations * precision
89        |   PointerEq
90        |   FreeCStack
92        and nullaryOps =
93            GetCurrentThreadId
94        |   CheckRTSException
96        fun unaryRepr NotBoolean = "NotBoolean"
97        |   unaryRepr IsTaggedValue = "IsTaggedValue"
98        |   unaryRepr MemoryCellLength = "MemoryCellLength"
99        |   unaryRepr MemoryCellFlags = "MemoryCellFlags"
100        |   unaryRepr ClearMutableFlag = "ClearMutableFlag"
101        |   unaryRepr AtomicIncrement = "AtomicIncrement"
102        |   unaryRepr AtomicDecrement = "AtomicDecrement"
103        |   unaryRepr AtomicReset = "AtomicReset"
104        |   unaryRepr LongWordToTagged = "LongWordToTagged"
105        |   unaryRepr SignedToLongWord = "SignedToLongWord"
106        |   unaryRepr UnsignedToLongWord = "UnsignedToLongWord"
107        |   unaryRepr (RealAbs prec) = "RealAbs" ^ precRepr prec
108        |   unaryRepr (RealNeg prec) = "RealNeg" ^ precRepr prec
109        |   unaryRepr (RealFixedInt prec) = "RealFixedInt" ^ precRepr prec
110        |   unaryRepr FloatToDouble = "FloatToDouble"
111        |   unaryRepr (DoubleToFloat NONE) = "DoubleToFloat"
112        |   unaryRepr (DoubleToFloat (SOME mode)) = "DoubleToFloat" ^ rndModeRepr mode
113        |   unaryRepr (RealToInt (prec, mode)) = "RealToInt" ^ precRepr prec ^ rndModeRepr mode
114        |   unaryRepr TouchAddress = "TouchAddress"
115        |   unaryRepr AllocCStack = "AllocCStack"
117        and binaryRepr (WordComparison{test, isSigned}) =
118                "Test" ^ (testRepr test) ^ (if isSigned then "Signed" else "Unsigned")
119        |   binaryRepr (FixedPrecisionArith arithOp) = (arithRepr arithOp) ^ "Fixed"
120        |   binaryRepr (WordArith arithOp) =  (arithRepr arithOp) ^ "Word"
121        |   binaryRepr (WordLogical logOp) =  (logicRepr logOp) ^ "Word"
122        |   binaryRepr (WordShift shiftOp) =  (shiftRepr shiftOp) ^ "Word"
123        |   binaryRepr AllocateByteMemory = "AllocateByteMemory"
124        |   binaryRepr (LargeWordComparison test) = "Test" ^ (testRepr test) ^ "LargeWord"
125        |   binaryRepr (LargeWordArith arithOp) =  (arithRepr arithOp) ^ "LargeWord"
126        |   binaryRepr (LargeWordLogical logOp) =  (logicRepr logOp) ^ "LargeWord"
127        |   binaryRepr (LargeWordShift shiftOp) =  (shiftRepr shiftOp) ^ "LargeWord"
128        |   binaryRepr (RealComparison (test, prec)) = "Test" ^ testRepr test ^ precRepr prec
129        |   binaryRepr (RealArith (arithOp, prec)) = arithRepr arithOp ^ precRepr prec
130        |   binaryRepr PointerEq = "PointerEq"
131        |   binaryRepr FreeCStack = "FreeCStack"
133        and nullaryRepr GetCurrentThreadId = "GetCurrentThreadId"
134        |   nullaryRepr CheckRTSException = "CheckRTSException"
136        and testRepr TestEqual          = "Equal"
137        |   testRepr TestLess           = "Less"
138        |   testRepr TestLessEqual      = "LessEqual"
139        |   testRepr TestGreater        = "Greater"
140        |   testRepr TestGreaterEqual   = "GreaterEqual"
141        |   testRepr TestUnordered      = "Unordered"
143        and arithRepr ArithAdd          = "Add"
144        |   arithRepr ArithSub          = "Sub"
145        |   arithRepr ArithMult         = "Mult"
146        |   arithRepr ArithQuot         = "Quot"
147        |   arithRepr ArithRem          = "Rem"
148        |   arithRepr ArithDiv          = "Div"
149        |   arithRepr ArithMod          = "Mod"
151        and logicRepr LogicalAnd        = "And"
152        |   logicRepr LogicalOr         = "Or"
153        |   logicRepr LogicalXor        = "Xor"
155        and shiftRepr ShiftLeft         = "Left"
156        |   shiftRepr ShiftRightLogical = "RightLogical"
157        |   shiftRepr ShiftRightArithmetic = "RightArithmetic"
159        and precRepr PrecSingle         = "Single"
160        |   precRepr PrecDouble         = "Double"
162        and rndModeRepr IEEEReal.TO_NEAREST = "Round"
163        |   rndModeRepr IEEEReal.TO_NEGINF = "Down"
164        |   rndModeRepr IEEEReal.TO_POSINF = "Up"
165        |   rndModeRepr IEEEReal.TO_ZERO = "Trunc"
167    end
169    datatype argumentType =
170        GeneralType
171    |   DoubleFloatType
172    |   SingleFloatType
174    datatype backendIC =
175        BICNewenv of bicCodeBinding list * backendIC (* Set of bindings with an expression. *)
177    |   BICConstnt of machineWord * Universal.universal list (* Load a constant *)
179    |   BICExtract of bicLoadForm (* Get a local variable, an argument or a closure value *)
181    |   BICField of {base: backendIC, offset: int }
182         (* Load a field from a tuple or record *)
184    |   BICEval of (* Evaluate a function with an argument list. *)
185        {
186            function:  backendIC,
187            argList:   (backendIC * argumentType) list,
188            resultType: argumentType
189        }
191        (* Built-in functions. *)
192    |   BICNullary of {oper: BuiltIns.nullaryOps}
193    |   BICUnary of {oper: BuiltIns.unaryOps, arg1: backendIC}
194    |   BICBinary of {oper: BuiltIns.binaryOps, arg1: backendIC, arg2: backendIC}
196    |   BICArbitrary of
197            {oper: BuiltIns.arithmeticOperations, shortCond: backendIC, arg1: backendIC, arg2: backendIC, longCall: backendIC}
199    |   BICLambda of bicLambdaForm (* Lambda expressions. *)
201    |   BICCond of backendIC * backendIC * backendIC (* If-then-else expression *)
203    |   BICCase of (* Case expressions *)
204        {
205            cases   : backendIC option list, (* NONE means "jump to the default". *)
206            test    : backendIC,
207            default : backendIC,
208            isExhaustive: bool,
209            firstIndex: word
210        }
212    |   BICBeginLoop of (* Start of tail-recursive inline function. *)
213        { loop: backendIC, arguments: (bicSimpleBinding * argumentType) list }
215    |   BICLoop of (backendIC * argumentType) list (* Jump back to start of tail-recursive function. *)
217    |   BICRaise of backendIC (* Raise an exception *)
219    |   BICHandle of (* Exception handler. *) { exp: backendIC, handler: backendIC, exPacketAddr: int }
221    |   BICTuple of backendIC list (* Tuple *)
223    |   BICSetContainer of (* Copy a tuple to a container. *)
224        {
225            container: backendIC,
226            tuple:     backendIC,
227            filter:    BoolVector.vector
228        }
230    |   BICLoadContainer of {base: backendIC, offset: int } 
232    |   BICTagTest of { test: backendIC, tag: word, maxTag: word }
234    |   BICLoadOperation of { kind: loadStoreKind, address: bicAddress }
236    |   BICStoreOperation of { kind: loadStoreKind, address: bicAddress, value: backendIC }
238    |   BICBlockOperation of
239            { kind: blockOpKind, sourceLeft: bicAddress, destRight: bicAddress, length: backendIC }
241    |   BICAllocateWordMemory of {numWords: backendIC, flags: backendIC, initial: backendIC}
243    and bicCodeBinding =
244        BICDeclar  of bicSimpleBinding (* Make a local declaration or push an argument *)
245    |   BICRecDecs of { addr: int, lambda: bicLambdaForm } list (* Set of mutually recursive declarations. *)
246    |   BICNullBinding of backendIC (* Just evaluate the expression and discard the result. *)
247    |   BICDecContainer of { addr: int, size: int } (* Create a container for a tuple on the stack. *)
249    and caseType =
250        CaseWord        (* Word or fixed-precision integer. *)
251    |   CaseTag of word
253    and bicLoadForm =
254        BICLoadLocal of int (* Local binding *)
255    |   BICLoadArgument of int (* Argument - 0 is first arg etc.*)
256    |   BICLoadClosure of int (* Closure - 0 is first closure item etc *)
257    |   BICLoadRecursive (* Recursive call *)
259    and loadStoreKind =
260        LoadStoreMLWord of {isImmutable: bool} (* Load/Store an ML word in an ML word cell. *)
261    |   LoadStoreMLByte of {isImmutable: bool} (* Load/Store a byte, tagging and untagging as appropriate, in an ML byte cell. *)
262    |   LoadStoreC8         (* Load/Store C values - The base address is a boxed SysWord.word value. *)
263    |   LoadStoreC16
264    |   LoadStoreC32
265    |   LoadStoreC64
266    |   LoadStoreCFloat
267    |   LoadStoreCDouble
268    |   LoadStoreUntaggedUnsigned
270    and blockOpKind =
271        BlockOpMove of {isByteMove: bool}
272    |   BlockOpEqualByte
273    |   BlockOpCompareByte
275    withtype bicSimpleBinding = 
276    { (* Declare a value or push an argument. *)
277        value:      backendIC,
278        addr:       int
279    }
281    and bicLambdaForm =
282    { (* Lambda expressions. *)
283        body          : backendIC,
284        name          : string,
285        closure       : bicLoadForm list,
286        argTypes      : argumentType list,
287        resultType    : argumentType,
288        localCount    : int,
289        heapClosure   : bool
290    }
292    and bicAddress =
293        (* Address form used in loads, store and block operations.  The base is an ML
294           address if this is to/from ML memory or a (boxed) SysWord.word if it is
295           to/from C memory.  The index is a value in units of the size of the item
296           being loaded/stored and the offset is always in bytes. *)
297        {base: backendIC, index: backendIC option, offset: int}
299    structure CodeTags =
300    struct
301        open Universal
302        val tupleTag: universal list list tag = tag()
304        fun splitProps _ [] = (NONE, [])
305        |   splitProps tag (hd::tl) =
306                if Universal.tagIs tag hd
307                then (SOME hd, tl)
308                else let val (p, l) = splitProps tag tl in (p, hd :: l) end
310        fun mergeTupleProps(p, []) = p
311        |   mergeTupleProps([], p) = p
312        |   mergeTupleProps(m, n) =
313            (
314                case (splitProps tupleTag m, splitProps tupleTag n) of
315                    ((SOME mp, ml), (SOME np, nl)) =>
316                    let
317                        val mpl = Universal.tagProject tupleTag mp
318                        and npl = Universal.tagProject tupleTag np
319                        val merge = ListPair.mapEq mergeTupleProps (mpl, npl)
320                    in
321                        Universal.tagInject tupleTag merge :: (ml @ nl)
322                    end
323                |   _ => m @ n
324            )
325    end
327    fun loadStoreKindRepr(LoadStoreMLWord {isImmutable=true}) = "MLWordImmutable"
328    |   loadStoreKindRepr(LoadStoreMLWord {isImmutable=false}) = "MLWord"
329    |   loadStoreKindRepr(LoadStoreMLByte {isImmutable=true}) = "MLByteImmutable"
330    |   loadStoreKindRepr(LoadStoreMLByte {isImmutable=false}) = "MLByte"
331    |   loadStoreKindRepr LoadStoreC8 = "C8Bit"
332    |   loadStoreKindRepr LoadStoreC16 = "C16Bit"
333    |   loadStoreKindRepr LoadStoreC32 = "C32Bit"
334    |   loadStoreKindRepr LoadStoreC64 = "C64Bit"
335    |   loadStoreKindRepr LoadStoreCFloat = "CFloat"
336    |   loadStoreKindRepr LoadStoreCDouble = "CDouble"
337    |   loadStoreKindRepr LoadStoreUntaggedUnsigned = "MLWordUntagged"
339    fun blockOpKindRepr (BlockOpMove{isByteMove=false}) = "MoveWord"
340    |   blockOpKindRepr (BlockOpMove{isByteMove=true}) = "MoveByte"
341    |   blockOpKindRepr BlockOpEqualByte = "EqualByte"
342    |   blockOpKindRepr BlockOpCompareByte = "CompareByte"
344    open Pretty
346    fun pList ([]: 'b list, _: string, _: 'b->pretty) = []
347    |   pList ([h],    _, disp) = [disp h]
348    |   pList (h::t, sep, disp) =
349        PrettyBlock (0, false, [],
350            [
351                disp h,
352                PrettyBreak (0, 0),
353                PrettyString sep
354            ]
355        ) ::
356        PrettyBreak (1, 0) ::
357        pList (t, sep, disp)
359    fun pretty (pt : backendIC) : pretty =
360    let
362        fun printList(start, lst, sep) : pretty =
363            PrettyBlock (1, true, [],
364                PrettyString (start ^ "(") ::
365                pList(lst, sep, pretty) @
366                [ PrettyBreak (0, 0), PrettyString (")") ]
367            )
369        fun prettyArgType GeneralType = PrettyString "G"
370        |   prettyArgType DoubleFloatType = PrettyString "D"
371        |   prettyArgType SingleFloatType = PrettyString "F"
373        fun prettyArg (c, t) =
374                PrettyBlock(1, false, [], [pretty c, PrettyBreak (1, 0), prettyArgType t])
376        fun prettyArgs(start, lst, sep) : pretty =
377            PrettyBlock (1, true, [],
378                PrettyString (start ^ "(") ::
379                pList(lst, sep, prettyArg) @
380                [ PrettyBreak (0, 0), PrettyString (")") ]
381            )
383        fun prettyAddress({base, index, offset}: bicAddress): pretty =
384        let
385        in
386            PrettyBlock (1, true, [],
387                [
388                    PrettyString "[", PrettyBreak (0, 3),
389                    pretty base,
390                    PrettyBreak (0, 0), PrettyString ",", PrettyBreak (1, 0), 
391                    case index of NONE => PrettyString "-" | SOME i => pretty i,
392                    PrettyBreak (0, 0), PrettyString ",", PrettyBreak (1, 0),
393                    PrettyString(Int.toString offset), PrettyBreak (0, 0), PrettyString "]"
394                ])
395        end
397    in
398        case pt of
399            BICEval {function, argList, resultType} =>
400            let
401                val prettyArgs =
402                    PrettyBlock (1, true, [],
403                        PrettyString ("$(") ::
404                        pList(argList, ",", prettyArg) @
405                        [ PrettyBreak (0, 0), PrettyString (")") ]
406                    )
407            in
408                PrettyBlock (3, false, [],
409                    [ pretty function, PrettyBreak(1, 0), prettyArgType resultType, PrettyBreak(1, 0), prettyArgs ]
410                )
411            end
413        |   BICUnary { oper, arg1 } =>
414                PrettyBlock (3, false, [],
415                    [ PrettyString(BuiltIns.unaryRepr oper), PrettyBreak(1, 0), printList("", [arg1], ",") ]
416                )
418        |   BICBinary { oper, arg1, arg2 } =>
419                PrettyBlock (3, false, [],
420                    [ PrettyString(BuiltIns.binaryRepr oper), PrettyBreak(1, 0), printList("", [arg1, arg2], ",") ]
421                )
423        |   BICNullary { oper } => PrettyString(BuiltIns.nullaryRepr oper)
425        |   BICArbitrary { oper, shortCond, arg1, arg2, longCall } =>
426                PrettyBlock (3, false, [],
427                    [ PrettyString(BuiltIns.arithRepr oper), PrettyBreak(1, 0),
428                        printList("", [shortCond, arg1, arg2, longCall], ",") ]
429                )
431        |   BICAllocateWordMemory { numWords, flags, initial } =>
432                PrettyBlock (3, false, [],
433                    [ PrettyString "AllocateWordMemory", PrettyBreak(1, 0), printList("", [numWords, flags, initial], ",") ]
434                )
436        |   BICExtract (BICLoadLocal addr) =>
437            let
438                val str : string =
439                    concat ["LOCAL(", Int.toString addr, ")"]
440            in
441                PrettyString str
442            end
444        |   BICExtract (BICLoadArgument addr) =>
445            let
446                val str : string =
447                    concat ["PARAM(", Int.toString addr, ")"]
448            in
449                PrettyString str
450            end
452        |   BICExtract (BICLoadClosure addr) =>
453            let
454                val str : string =
455                    concat ["CLOS(", Int.toString addr, ")"]
456            in
457                PrettyString str
458            end
460        |   BICExtract (BICLoadRecursive) =>
461            let
462                val str : string =
463                    concat ["RECURSIVE(", ")"]
464            in
465                PrettyString str
466            end
468        |   BICField {base, offset} =>
469            let
470                val str = "INDIRECT(" ^ Int.toString offset ^ ", ";
471            in
472                PrettyBlock(0, false, [],
473                    [ PrettyString str, pretty base, PrettyString ")" ]
474                )
475            end
477        |   BICLambda {body, name, closure, argTypes,
478                  heapClosure, resultType, localCount} =>
479            let
480                fun prettyArgTypes [] = []
481                |   prettyArgTypes [last] = [prettyArgType last]
482                |   prettyArgTypes (hd::tl) = prettyArgType hd :: PrettyBreak(1, 0) :: prettyArgTypes tl
483            in
484                PrettyBlock (1, true, [],
485                    [
486                        PrettyString ("LAMBDA("),
487                        PrettyBreak (1, 0),
488                        PrettyString name,
489                        PrettyBreak (1, 0),
490                        PrettyString ( "CL="  ^ Bool.toString heapClosure),
491                        PrettyString (" LOCALS=" ^ Int.toString localCount),
492                        PrettyBreak(1, 0),
493                        PrettyBlock (1, false, [], PrettyString "ARGS=" :: prettyArgTypes argTypes),
494                        PrettyBreak(1, 0),
495                        PrettyBlock (1, false, [], [PrettyString "RES=", prettyArgType resultType]),
496                        printList (" CLOS=", map BICExtract closure, ","),
497                        PrettyBreak (1, 0),
498                        pretty body,
499                        PrettyString "){LAMBDA}"
500                    ]
501                )
502            end
504        |   BICConstnt (w, _) => PrettyString (stringOfWord w)
506        |   BICCond (f, s, t) =>
507            PrettyBlock (1, true, [],
508                [
509                    PrettyString "IF(",
510                    pretty f,
511                    PrettyString ", ",
512                    PrettyBreak (0, 0),
513                    pretty s,
514                    PrettyString ", ",
515                    PrettyBreak (0, 0),
516                    pretty t,
517                    PrettyBreak (0, 0),
518                    PrettyString (")")
519                ]
520            )
522        |   BICNewenv(decs, final) =>
523            PrettyBlock (1, true, [],
524                PrettyString ("BLOCK" ^ "(") ::
525                pList(decs, ";", prettyBinding) @
526                [ PrettyBreak (1, 0), pretty final, PrettyBreak (0, 0), PrettyString (")") ]
527            )
529        |   BICBeginLoop{loop=loopExp, arguments=args } =>
530            let
531                fun prettyArg (c, t) =
532                    PrettyBlock(1, false, [],
533                        [prettySimpleBinding c, PrettyBreak (1, 0), prettyArgType t])
534            in
535                PrettyBlock (3, false, [],
536                    [
537                        PrettyBlock (1, true, [],
538                            PrettyString ("BEGINLOOP(") ::
539                            pList(args, ",", prettyArg) @
540                            [ PrettyBreak (0, 0), PrettyString (")") ]
541                        ),
542                        PrettyBreak (0, 0),
543                        PrettyString "(",
544                        PrettyBreak (0, 0),
545                        pretty loopExp,
546                        PrettyBreak (0, 0),
547                        PrettyString ")"
548                    ]
549                )
550            end
552        |   BICLoop ptl => prettyArgs("LOOP", ptl, ",")
554        |   BICRaise c =>
555            PrettyBlock (1, true, [],
556                [
557                    PrettyString "RAISE(",
558                    pretty c,
559                    PrettyBreak (0, 0),
560                    PrettyString (")")
561                ]
562            )
564        |   BICHandle {exp, handler, exPacketAddr} =>
565            PrettyBlock (3, false, [],
566                [
567                    PrettyString "HANDLE(",
568                    pretty exp,
569                    PrettyString ("WITH exid=" ^ Int.toString exPacketAddr),
570                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
571                    pretty handler,
572                    PrettyString ")"
573                ]
574            )
576        |   BICCase {cases, test, default, isExhaustive, firstIndex, ...} =>
577            PrettyBlock (1, true, [],
578                PrettyString "CASE (" ::
579                pretty test ::
580                PrettyBreak (1, 0) ::
581                PrettyString ("( from " ^ Word.toString firstIndex ^ (if isExhaustive then " exhaustive" else "")) ::
582                PrettyBreak (1, 0) ::
583                pList(cases, ",",
584                    fn (SOME exp) =>
585                        PrettyBlock (1, true, [],
586                            [
587                                PrettyString "=>",
588                                PrettyBreak (1, 0),
589                                pretty exp
590                            ])
591                    |   NONE => PrettyString "=> default"
592                    ) @
593                [
594                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
595                    PrettyBlock (1, false, [],
596                        [
597                            PrettyString "ELSE:",
598                            PrettyBreak (1, 0),
599                            pretty default
600                        ]
601                    ),
602                    PrettyBreak (1, 0), 
603                    PrettyString (") {"^"CASE"^"}")
604                ]
605            )
607        |   BICTuple ptl => printList("RECCONSTR", ptl, ",")
609        |   BICSetContainer{container, tuple, filter} =>
610            let
611                val source = BoolVector.length filter
612                val dest = BoolVector.foldl(fn (true, n) => n+1 | (false, n) => n) 0 filter
613            in
614                PrettyBlock (3, false, [],
615                    [
616                        PrettyString (concat["SETCONTAINER(", Int.toString dest, "/", Int.toString source, ", "]),
617                        pretty container,
618                        PrettyBreak (0, 0),
619                        PrettyString ",",
620                        PrettyBreak (1, 0),
621                        pretty tuple,
622                        PrettyBreak (0, 0),
623                        PrettyString ")"
624                    ]
625                )
626            end
628        |   BICLoadContainer {base, offset} =>
629            let
630                val str = "INDIRECTCONTAINER(" ^ Int.toString offset ^ ", ";
631            in
632                PrettyBlock(0, false, [],
633                    [ PrettyString str, pretty base, PrettyString ")" ]
634                )
635            end
637        |   BICTagTest { test, tag, maxTag } =>
638            PrettyBlock (3, false, [],
639                [
640                    PrettyString (concat["TAGTEST(", Word.toString tag, ", ", Word.toString maxTag, ","]),
641                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
642                    pretty test,
643                    PrettyBreak (0, 0),
644                    PrettyString ")"
645                ]
646            )
648        |   BICLoadOperation{ kind, address } =>
649            PrettyBlock (3, false, [],
650                [
651                    PrettyString("Load" ^ loadStoreKindRepr kind),
652                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
653                    prettyAddress address
654                ]
655            )
657        |   BICStoreOperation{ kind, address, value } =>
658            PrettyBlock (3, false, [],
659                [
660                    PrettyString("Store" ^ loadStoreKindRepr kind),
661                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
662                    prettyAddress address,
663                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
664                    PrettyString "<=",
665                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
666                    pretty value
667                ]
668            )
670        |   BICBlockOperation{ kind, sourceLeft, destRight, length } =>
671            PrettyBlock (3, false, [],
672                [
673                    PrettyString(blockOpKindRepr kind ^ "("),
674                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
675                    prettyAddress sourceLeft,
676                    PrettyBreak (1, 0), PrettyString ",",
677                    prettyAddress destRight,
678                    PrettyBreak (1, 0), PrettyString ",",
679                    pretty length,
680                    PrettyBreak (1, 0), PrettyString ")"
681                ]
682            )
684        (* That list should be exhaustive! *)
685    end (* pretty *)
687    and prettyBinding(BICDeclar dec) = prettySimpleBinding dec
689    |   prettyBinding(BICRecDecs ptl) =
690        let
691            fun prettyRDec {lambda, addr} =
692            PrettyBlock (1, false, [],
693                [
694                    PrettyString (concat ["DECL #", Int.toString addr, "="]),
695                    PrettyBreak (1, 0),
696                    pretty(BICLambda lambda)
697                ]
698            )
699        in
700            PrettyBlock (1, true, [],
701                PrettyString ("MUTUAL" ^ "(") ::
702                pList(ptl, " AND ", prettyRDec) @
703                [ PrettyBreak (0, 0), PrettyString (")") ]
704            )
705        end
707    |   prettyBinding(BICNullBinding c) = pretty c
709    |   prettyBinding(BICDecContainer{addr, size}) =
710            PrettyString (concat ["CONTAINER #", Int.toString addr, "=", Int.toString size])
712    and prettySimpleBinding{value, addr} =
713        PrettyBlock (1, false, [],
714            [
715                PrettyString (concat ["DECL #", Int.toString addr, "="]),
716                PrettyBreak (1, 0),
717                pretty value
718            ]
719        )
721    structure Sharing =
722    struct
723        type backendIC = backendIC
724        and  bicLoadForm = bicLoadForm
725        and  caseType = caseType
726        and  pretty = pretty
727        and  argumentType = argumentType
728        and  bicCodeBinding = bicCodeBinding
729        and  bicSimpleBinding = bicSimpleBinding
730        and  loadStoreKind = loadStoreKind
731        and  blockOpKind = blockOpKind
732        and  unaryOps = BuiltIns.unaryOps
733        and  binaryOps = BuiltIns.binaryOps
734        and  nullaryOps = BuiltIns.nullaryOps
735        and  testConditions = BuiltIns.testConditions
736        and  arithmeticOperations = BuiltIns.arithmeticOperations
737    end