2    Title:      Standard Basis Library: OS Structures and Signatures
3    Author:     David Matthews
4    Copyright   David Matthews 2000, 2005, 2015-16, 2019-20
6    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8    License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
10    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13    Lesser General Public License for more details.
15    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
17    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
20signature OS_FILE_SYS =
21  sig
22    type dirstream
23    val openDir : string -> dirstream
24    val readDir : dirstream -> string option
25    val rewindDir : dirstream -> unit
26    val closeDir : dirstream -> unit
27    val chDir : string -> unit
28    val getDir : unit -> string
29    val mkDir : string -> unit
30    val rmDir : string -> unit
31    val isDir : string -> bool
32    val isLink : string -> bool
33    val readLink : string -> string
34    val fullPath : string -> string
35    val realPath : string -> string
36    val modTime : string -> Time.time
37    val fileSize : string -> Position.int
39    val setTime : (string * Time.time Option.option) -> unit
40    val remove : string -> unit
41    val rename : {old : string, new : string} -> unit
43    datatype access_mode
44      = A_READ
45      | A_WRITE
46      | A_EXEC
48    val access : (string * access_mode list) -> bool
50    val tmpName : unit -> string
52    eqtype  file_id
53    val fileId : string -> file_id
54    val hash : file_id -> word
55    val compare : (file_id * file_id) -> General.order
56  end (* OS_FILE_SYS *);
59signature OS_PATH =
61    exception Path
62    exception InvalidArc
63    val parentArc : string
64    val currentArc : string
66    val fromString : string -> { isAbs : bool, vol : string, arcs : string list }
67    val toString : { isAbs : bool, vol : string, arcs : string list } -> string
69    val validVolume : {isAbs : bool, vol : string} -> bool
70    val getVolume : string -> string
71    val getParent : string -> string
72    val splitDirFile : string -> {dir : string, file : string}
73    val joinDirFile : {dir : string, file : string} -> string
74    val dir  : string -> string
75    val file : string -> string
76    val splitBaseExt : string -> {base : string, ext : string option }
77    val joinBaseExt : {base : string, ext : string option} -> string
78    val base : string -> string
79    val ext  : string -> string option
80    val mkCanonical : string -> string
81    val isCanonical : string -> bool
82    val mkAbsolute : {path : string, relativeTo : string} -> string
83    val mkRelative : {path : string, relativeTo : string} -> string
84    val isAbsolute : string -> bool
85    val isRelative : string -> bool
86    val isRoot : string -> bool
87    val concat : string * string -> string
88    val toUnixPath : string -> string
89    val fromUnixPath : string -> string
90end (* OS_PATH *);
93signature OS_PROCESS =
94  sig
95     type status
96     val success : status
97     val failure : status
98     val isSuccess : status -> bool
99     val system : string -> status
100     val atExit : (unit -> unit) -> unit
101     val exit : status -> 'a
102     val terminate : status -> 'a
103     val getEnv : string -> string Option.option
104     val sleep: Time.time -> unit
105  end (* OS_PROCESS *);
108signature OS_IO =
109  sig
110    eqtype iodesc
111    val hash : iodesc -> word
112    val compare : (iodesc * iodesc) -> General.order
114    eqtype iodesc_kind
115    val kind : iodesc -> iodesc_kind
117    structure Kind:
118      sig
119        val file : iodesc_kind
120        val dir : iodesc_kind
121        val symlink : iodesc_kind
122        val tty : iodesc_kind
123        val pipe : iodesc_kind
124        val socket : iodesc_kind
125        val device : iodesc_kind
126      end
128    eqtype poll_desc
129    type  poll_info
130    val pollDesc : iodesc -> poll_desc Option.option
131    val pollToIODesc : poll_desc -> iodesc
133    exception Poll
134    val pollIn : poll_desc -> poll_desc
135    val pollOut : poll_desc -> poll_desc
136    val pollPri : poll_desc -> poll_desc
138    val poll : (poll_desc list * Time.time Option.option) -> poll_info list
140    val isIn : poll_info -> bool
141    val isOut : poll_info -> bool
142    val isPri : poll_info -> bool
144    val infoToPollDesc : poll_info -> poll_desc
146  end (* OS_IO *);
149signature OS =
150  sig
151    eqtype syserror
152    exception SysErr of (string * syserror Option.option)
153    val errorMsg : syserror -> string
154    val errorName : syserror -> string
155    val syserror : string -> syserror Option.option
157    structure FileSys : OS_FILE_SYS
158    structure Path : OS_PATH
159    structure Process : OS_PROCESS
160    structure IO : OS_IO
161  end (* OS *);
164structure OS:> OS where type syserror = LibrarySupport.syserror (* Don't make it abstract a second time *) =
166    type syserror = LibrarySupport.syserror (* Implemented as a SysWord.word value. *)
168    (* The calls themselves raise the SysCall exception.
169       That has to be turned into a SysError exception. *)
170    exception SysErr = LibrarySupport.SysErr
172    (* Convert a numeric system error to a string.
173       Note: unlike Posix.Error.errorName and Posix.Error.sysError
174       the results are not defined other than that
175       SOME e = syserror(errorName e) nor is this defined to
176       be the same as the Posix.Error functions.  Those are
177       defined to return e.g. "etoobig".  Here we return "E2BIG". *)
178    val errorName: syserror -> string = RunCall.rtsCallFull1 "PolyProcessEnvErrorName"
179    and errorMsg: syserror -> string = RunCall.rtsCallFull1 "PolyProcessEnvErrorMessage"
181    local
182        val doCall: string -> syserror = RunCall.rtsCallFull1 "PolyProcessEnvErrorFromString"
183    in
184        (* Convert a string to an error message if possible. *)
185        fun syserror (s: string) : syserror option =
186        let
187            val n = doCall s
188        in
189            if LibrarySupport.syserrorToWord n = 0w0 then NONE else SOME n
190        end
191    end
195    structure Path:> OS_PATH =
196    struct
197        (* Note: The definition of relative and absolute paths are
198           somewhat unclear and some of the examples seem contradictory.
199           The definition I would prefer to use is that an absolute path
200           is one which identifies a given file independent of any setting
201           of the current directory.  Hence the examples of "\" and "\A\B" as
202           being absolute paths in DOS is in my opinion wrong.  These are
203           relative since they depend on the setting of the current volume.
204           However this is a mess when it comes to fromString since if
205           we don't treat "\A" as an absolute path it looks just like an
206           absolute path with an empty arc. *)
207        exception Path
208        exception InvalidArc
210        local
211            val getOSCall: unit -> int = RunCall.rtsCallFast0 "PolyGetOSType"
212            val getOS: int = getOSCall()
213        in
214            val isWindows =
215                case getOS of
216                    0 => false (* Posix *)
217                |   1 => true
218                |   _ => raise Fail "Unknown operating system"
219        end
221        val isCaseSensitive = not isWindows
223        val isSeparator =
224            if isWindows then fn #"/" => true | #"\\" => true | _ => false
225            else fn #"/" => true | _ => false
227        val separator =
228            if isWindows then "\\" else "/"
231        val parentArc = ".." and currentArc = "."
233        val isValidArc =
234            if isWindows
235            then
236            let
237                fun invalidChars #"\000" = true
238                |   invalidChars #"<"    = true
239                |   invalidChars #">"    = true
240                |   invalidChars #":"    = true
241                |   invalidChars #"\""   = true
242                |   invalidChars #"\\"   = true
243                |   invalidChars #"/"    = true
244                |   invalidChars #"|"    = true
245                |   invalidChars #"?"    = true
246                |   invalidChars #"*"    = true
247                |   invalidChars _       = false
248            in
249                not o (CharVector.exists invalidChars)
250            end
251            else
252            let
253                (* Posix - only null and / are invalid. *)
254                fun invalidChars #"\000" = true
255                |   invalidChars #"/"    = true
256                |   invalidChars _       = false
257            in
258                not o (CharVector.exists invalidChars)
259            end
261        local
262            (* Given a string it examines the prefix and extracts the volume
263               name if there is one.  It returns the volume and also whether
264               the name is absolute.  It also returns the number of characters
265               which matched so that this can be removed before treating
266               the rest as a relative path. *)
267            fun matchVolumePrefixPosix s =
268                if String.size s > 0 andalso String.sub(s, 0) = #"/"
269                then {volLen = 1, vol = "", abs = true, root = true }
270                else {volLen = 0, vol = "", abs = false, root = false } 
272            fun matchVolumePrefixWindows s =
273            let
274                val slen = String.size s
275            in
276                if slen = 0 then { volLen = 0, vol = "", abs = false, root = false }
277                else if slen >= 2 andalso String.sub(s, 1) = #":" andalso
278                        Char.isAlpha(String.sub(s, 0))
279                then
280                    if slen > 2 andalso isSeparator(String.sub(s, 2))
281                    then { volLen = 3, vol = String.substring(s, 0, 2), abs = true, root = true } (* e.g. C:\ or C:\fred *)
282                    else { volLen = 2, vol = String.substring(s, 0, 2), abs = false, root = false } (* e.g. C: or C:fred *)
283                else if slen > 2 andalso isSeparator(String.sub(s, 0))
284                        andalso isSeparator(String.sub(s, 1))
285                then (* Looks like a UNC server name. See how big it is. *)
286                let
287                    val (server, rest) =
288                        Substring.splitl(fn c => not (isSeparator c))
289                            (Substring.extract(s, 2, NONE))
290                    (* TODO: Is the server name actually valid?  Assume yes. *)
291                in
292                    if Substring.size rest = 0
293                    then { volLen = 0, vol = "", abs = false, root = false }
294                    else (* Must be room for a share name as well. *)
295                    let
296                        val shareName =
297                            Substring.takel(fn c => not (isSeparator c))
298                                    (Substring.triml 1 rest)
299                    in
300                        { volLen = Substring.size server + Substring.size shareName + 4,
301                          vol =
302                            separator ^ separator ^ 
303                                Substring.string server ^ separator ^
304                                Substring.string shareName,
305                          abs = true, root = true }
306                    end
307                end
308                (* Leading \ in Windows means the "root" directory on the current drive.  *)
309                else if isSeparator(String.sub(s, 0))
310                then { volLen = 1, vol = "", abs = false, root = true }
312                else { volLen = 0, vol = "", abs = false, root = false }
313            end
314        in
315            val matchVolumePrefix =
316                if isWindows then matchVolumePrefixWindows else matchVolumePrefixPosix
317        end
319        (* Internal - map the strings to the canonical case if they
320           are not case sensitive. *)
321        val toCanonicalCase =
322            if isCaseSensitive then fn s => s
323            else String.map Char.toLower
325        (* Internal - are the arcs equivalent? *)
326        fun equivalent (s, t) = toCanonicalCase s = toCanonicalCase t
328        (* See if the volume name is valid for either an absolute or
329           relative path.  Windows relative paths may or may not
330           have a volume but if they have the volume must look right.
331           On Unix relative paths may not specify a volume and
332           the only volume for absolute paths is the empty string. *)
333        val validVolume =
334            if isWindows
335            then
336                fn  {isAbs, vol = ""} =>
337                    not isAbs (* Empty volume is only valid for relative paths. *)
339                |   {vol, ...} =>
340                    if size vol = 2 andalso String.sub(vol, 1) = #":"
341                            andalso Char.isAlpha(String.sub(vol, 0))
342                    then true (* Drive letter e.g. C: *)
343                    else if size vol > 2 andalso isSeparator(String.sub(vol, 0))
344                    then (* UNC name?  \\server\share *)
345                        case String.fields isSeparator vol of
346                            ["", "", server, share] => server <> "" andalso share <> ""
347                        |   _ => false
348                    else false
350            else (* Posix.  The volume must always be empty. *)
351                fn {vol = "", ...} => true | _ => false
353        (* We only return an empty arcs list if the argument is the empty string.  *)
354        fun fromString "" = {isAbs = false, vol = "", arcs=[]}
355        |   fromString (s: string) =
356        let
357            (* Do we have a volume name? *)
358            val {volLen, vol, abs, root, ...} = matchVolumePrefix  s
359            (* The remainder forms a set of arcs. *)
360            val rest = String.extract(s, volLen, NONE)
361            val arcs = String.fields isSeparator rest
362            (* If it begins with the Windows \ without a drive we
363               need to add an extra empty arc.  Otherwise we can't
364               distinguish \a from a. *)
365            val allArcs =
366                if root andalso not abs then "" :: arcs else arcs
367        in
368            {isAbs = abs, vol = vol, arcs=allArcs}
369        end
371        (* Note: This is a mess as well.  For example it says that it should
372           raise Path if there is a relative path which begins with an
373           empty arc.  That's only true in Unix.  What it should say is
374           that it if isAbs is false then it should raise Path if the
375           resulting path has the form of an absolute path. In Windows
376           we should raise path if given (e.g.)
377          {isAbs=false, vol="", arcs=["", "", "a", "b"]} because that
378           looks like a UNC name. *)
379        fun toString {isAbs : bool, vol : string, arcs : string list} =
380            (* Check we have a valid volume. *)
381            if not (validVolume{isAbs=isAbs, vol=vol})
382            then raise Path
383            (* Check that each arc is valid. *)
384            else if List.exists (fn s => not (isValidArc s)) arcs
385            then raise InvalidArc
386            else
387            let
388                (* Place separators between each arc. *)
389                fun arcsToLinks [] = []
390                  | arcsToLinks [a] = [a]
391                  | arcsToLinks (a::b) =
392                    a :: separator :: arcsToLinks b
393                fun makePrefix(vol, false) = vol | makePrefix(vol, true) = vol ^ separator
394                val r = String.concat(makePrefix(vol, isAbs) :: arcsToLinks arcs)
395                (* Check to see whether we have turned a relative path into
396                   an absolute one by including empty arcs in the wrong places. *)
397                val {abs = nowAbs, ...} = matchVolumePrefix r
398            in
399                if nowAbs <> isAbs
400                then raise Path
401                else r
402            end
403        (* Note: this is just defined to "return the volume portion" but
404           doesn't say what to do if there isn't a volume.  Seems simplest
405           to define it as below. *)
406        fun getVolume s = #vol(fromString s)
408        (* Note: Once again this has very much a Unix view of the world,
409           most of which almost works in Windows.
410           I think the idea is that if possible it replaces the path
411           with the path to the containing directory.
412           If we're in the root directory we get the root directory.
413           If we're in a path that ends with a component
414           *)
415        fun getParent "" = parentArc
416         |  getParent s =
417            let
418                val len = String.size s
419                val {volLen, ...} = matchVolumePrefix s
420                (* Split it at the last separator. *)
421                val (prefix, suffix) =
422                    Substring.splitr (fn c => not (isSeparator c))
423                        (Substring.full s) 
424            in
425                if volLen = len
426                then s (* We have a root.  *)
427                else if Substring.size suffix = 0
428                then
429                    (* If the last character is a separator just add on
430                       the parent arc (..) to refer to the parent directory.
431                       I don't know why we can't just remove the last component
432                       in this case but the examples don't do that.  The only
433                       special case is where we have reached the root when
434                       we just return the root. *)
435                    s ^ parentArc
436                else if Substring.size prefix = 0
437                then (* No separator at all *)
438                    (
439                    if s = parentArc (* .. => ../.. *)
440                    then parentArc ^ (separator) ^ parentArc
441                    else if s = currentArc
442                    then parentArc (* . => .. *)
443                    else currentArc (* abc => . *)
444                    )
445                else if Substring.size prefix = volLen
446                (* ??? If the prefix matches the volume then return
447                   the whole of prefix including the separator. *)
448                then Substring.string prefix
449                else (* Return the prefix with the separator removed. *)
450                    Substring.string(Substring.trimr 1 prefix)
451            end
453        (* Another mess defined in terms of examples for Unix from which
454           one is expected to infer a general rule.
455           It seems to split the string at the last separator and
456           return the two halves without the separator except in the
457           case where the directory is a root directory when a full
458           volume name and separator are given. *)
459        fun splitDirFile s =
460        let
461            (* Split it at the last separator. *)
462            val (prefix, suffix) =
463                Substring.splitr (fn c => not (isSeparator c))
464                    (Substring.full s) 
465            val {volLen, vol, ...} = matchVolumePrefix s
466            val dirName =
467                case Substring.size prefix of
468                    0 => ""
469                |   1 => Substring.string prefix (* Special case of Windows \a. *)
470                |   _ => Substring.string(Substring.trimr 1 prefix)
471            and fileName = Substring.string suffix
472        in
473            if volLen <> 0 andalso vol = dirName
474            then {dir = vol ^ separator, file = fileName}
475            else {dir = dirName, file = fileName}
476        end
478        fun dir s = #dir(splitDirFile s)
479        and file s = #file(splitDirFile s)
481        (* Question: It seems from the definition of toString that the
482           arcs list can include separators.  Is that true here?
483           Assume yes. *)
484        (* If the last character is already a separator we don't add one,
485           e.g. if the directory is "/". *)
486        fun joinDirFile{dir, file} =
487            if not (isValidArc file) then raise InvalidArc
488            else if dir = "" then file (* Return the file name unchanged *)
489            else if isSeparator(String.sub(dir, size dir - 1))
490            then dir ^ file
491            else dir ^ separator ^ file
493        fun splitBaseExt s =
494        let
495            val slen = String.size s
496            fun getExt n =
497                if n <= 0 then NONE (* If it's at the start ignore it. *)
498                else if isSeparator(String.sub(s, n))
499                then NONE
500                else if String.sub(s, n) = #"."
501                then (* Found a dot. *)
502                    (
503                    if n = slen-1 then NONE (* Dot in last position. *)
504                    else if isSeparator(String.sub(s, n-1))
505                    then NONE (* Dot immediately after separator. *)
506                    else SOME n
507                    )
508                else getExt (n-1)
509            val extPos = getExt(slen - 1)
510        in
511            case extPos of
512                NONE => {base=s, ext=NONE}
513            |   SOME n => {base=String.substring(s, 0, n),
514                           ext=SOME(String.substring(s, n+1, slen-n-1))}
515        end
517        fun joinBaseExt {base : string, ext = NONE} = base
518         |  joinBaseExt {base : string, ext = SOME ""} = base
519         |  joinBaseExt {base : string, ext = SOME ext} = base ^ "." ^ ext
521        fun base s = #base(splitBaseExt s)
522        and ext s = #ext(splitBaseExt s)
524        val emptyArcIsRedundant = true
526        fun mkCanonical s =
527        let
528            val {isAbs, vol, arcs} = fromString s
529            fun collapse [] = []
530              | collapse (a :: b) =
531                    (* Work down the list removing currentArc entries and
532                       null entries (if the OS treats them as redundant).. *)
533                    if a = currentArc orelse (emptyArcIsRedundant andalso a = "")
534                    then collapse b
535                    (* Then work back up it removing parentArc entries. *)
536                    else
537                        case collapse b of
538                        [] => [a]
539                      | b' as (x :: y) =>
540                            if x = parentArc andalso not (a = parentArc)
541                            then (* Remove "a" and "x". *) y
542                            else a :: b'
544            val collapsed = collapse arcs
546            (* If this is the root we can remove leading occurrences of
547               the parent arc since the parent of the root is the root. *)
548            fun removeLeadingParent [] = []
549              | removeLeadingParent (a::b) =
550                    if a = parentArc then removeLeadingParent b else a::b
551            val newArcs =
552                if isAbs then removeLeadingParent collapsed else collapsed
553            val res = toString{isAbs=isAbs, vol=vol, arcs=newArcs}
554        in
555            (* Finally replace the empty string with "." and map to lower case
556               if it's not case sensitive. *)
557            if res = "" then currentArc
558            else toCanonicalCase res
559        end
561        fun isCanonical s = mkCanonical s = s handle Path => false
563        fun isAbsolute s = #isAbs(fromString s)
564        and isRelative s = not(#isAbs(fromString s))
566        (* Concatenate two paths.  The second must be relative and, if it
567           contains a volume name, refer to the same volume as the first. *)
568        fun concat(s, t) =
569        let
570            val {isAbs=absS, vol=volS, arcs=ArcsS} = fromString s
571            val {isAbs=absT, vol=volT, arcs=ArcsT} = fromString t
573            (* Concatenate the two lists of arcs except that a trailing
574               empty arc on the first path is removed
575               (i.e. concat("a/", "b") is the same as concat("a", "b") *)
576            fun concatArcs [] p = p
577             |  concatArcs [a] p = if a = "" then p else a :: p 
578             |  concatArcs (a::b) p = a :: concatArcs b p 
579        in
580            if absT then raise Path
581            else if volT <> "" andalso not(equivalent(volS, volT))
582            then raise Path
583            else if #root(matchVolumePrefix t)
584            (* Special case for Windows. concat("c:\\abc\\def", "\\xyz") is "c:\\xyz". *)
585            then
586            let
587                (* Because this a relative path we have an extra empty arc here. *)
588                val ArcsT' = case ArcsT of "" :: a => a | a => a
589            in
590                toString{isAbs=absS, vol=volS, arcs=ArcsT'}
591            end
592            else toString{isAbs=absS, vol=volS, arcs=concatArcs ArcsS ArcsT}
593        end
595       (* Make an absolute path by treating a relative path as relative to
596           a given path. *)
597        fun mkAbsolute {path, relativeTo} =
598        let
599            val {isAbs=absP, vol=volP, ...} = fromString path
600            val {isAbs=absRT, vol=volRT, ...} = fromString relativeTo
601        in
602            if absP then path
603            else if not absRT then raise Path
604            (* If the path contained a volume it must be the
605               same as the absolute path. *)
606            else if volP <> "" andalso not(equivalent(volP, volRT))
607            then raise Path
608            else mkCanonical(concat(relativeTo, path))
609        end
611        (* Make a relative path by treating an absolute path as derived
612           from a given other absolute path. *)
613        fun mkRelative {path, relativeTo} =
614            case fromString path of
615                {isAbs=false, ...} => path (* Already relative *)
616             |  {vol=volP, arcs=arcsP, ...} =>
617                let
618                    val {isAbs=absRT, vol=volRT, arcs=arcsRT} =
619                        fromString (mkCanonical relativeTo)
621                    (* Add as many parent arcs as there are arcs in the path. *)
622                    fun addParents [] p = p
623                     |  addParents (_::b) p = parentArc :: addParents b p
625                    fun matchPaths [] [] = [currentArc] (* Both equal *)
626                     |  matchPaths p  [] = (* Absolute path is finished - return p *) p
627                     |  matchPaths [] r = (* Relative paths finished - add parent arcs *)
628                                            addParents r []
629                     |  matchPaths (p :: p') (r :: r') =
630                            (* Are they the same arc?  Note: When arcs are
631                               case insensitive I'm doing a case insensitive match
632                               here.  *)
633                            if equivalent(p, r)
634                            then matchPaths p' r'
635                            else addParents (r :: r') (p :: p')
637                    (* We have a special case with the root directory
638                       (/ on Unix or c:\\ on Windows).  In that case fromString returns
639                       a single empty arc and we want to remove it here otherwise
640                       we can end up with an empty arc in addParents. *) 
641                    val arcsP' = case arcsP of [""] => [] | _ => arcsP
642                    val arcsRT' = case arcsRT of [""] => [] | _ => arcsRT
643                in
644                    if not absRT then raise Path
645                    (* If the path contained a volume it must be the
646                       same as the absolute path. *)
647                    else if volP <> "" andalso not(equivalent(volP, volRT))
648                    then raise Path
649                    else toString{isAbs=false, vol="", arcs=matchPaths arcsP' arcsRT'}
650                end
652        (* Another badly defined function.  What is a root?  Does it have to specify
653           a volume or is \ a root in Windows?  Assume that it must be absolute. *)
654        fun isRoot s =
655        let
656            val {volLen, abs, ...} = matchVolumePrefix  s
657        in
658            abs andalso volLen = String.size s andalso isCanonical s
659        end
661        (* Question: there's no definition of what these functions mean.  The crucial
662           questions are how to deal with volume names and also how to deal
663           with symbols in the paths which may be invalid (e.g. path separators) in
664           one or other system.  For instance "a\b" is a valid file name in Unix
665           and 31/3/2000 is valid in MacOS.
666           Are they supposed to represent the original file system in some way? *)
667        fun toUnixPath s =
668        let
669            (* We may have occurrences of "/" in the arcs if that is not
670               a separator on this OS.  Replace them by this machine's separator. *)
671            fun mapArc a =
672                if a = currentArc then "."
673                else if a = parentArc then ".."
674                else a
676            fun mapArcs [] = []
677             |  mapArcs [a] = [mapArc a]
678             |  mapArcs (a::b) = mapArc a :: "/" :: mapArcs b
680            val {isAbs, vol, arcs} = fromString s
681            val volArc = if vol <> "" then vol :: arcs else arcs
682            val sl = String.concat(mapArcs volArc)
683        in
684            if String.size sl = 0 then ""
685            else if isAbs then if String.sub(sl, 0) <> #"/" then "/" ^ sl else sl
686            else (* not abs *) if String.sub(sl, 0) = #"/" then "." ^ sl else sl
687        end
689        fun fromUnixPath s =
690        let
691            val arcs = String.fields (fn ch => ch = #"/") s
692            (* Turn any occurrences of this OS's separator into / since
693               that can't occur within an arc. *)
694            val convArc =
695                String.translate (
696                    fn ch => if isSeparator ch then "/" else String.str ch)
697            val convArcs = List.map convArc arcs
698        in
699            case convArcs of
700                [] => ""
701            |   ("" :: a :: rest) =>
702                let (* We had a leading / : is the first arc a volume name? *)
703                    val {volLen = n, vol, ...} = matchVolumePrefix a
704                in
705                    if n = String.size a
706                    then (* We have a volume name. *)
707                        toString{isAbs=true, vol=vol, arcs=rest}
708                    else toString{isAbs=true, vol="", arcs=convArcs}
709                end
710            |   (a :: rest) =>
711                let (* May be a relative volume name. *)
712                    val {volLen = n, vol, ...} = matchVolumePrefix a
713                in
714                    if n = String.size a
715                    then toString{isAbs=false, vol=vol, arcs=rest}
716                    else toString{isAbs=false, vol="", arcs=convArcs}
717                end
718        end
720    end (* Path *)
722    structure FileSys:> OS_FILE_SYS =
723    struct
724        type dirFd = int
725        (* The directory stream consists of the stream identifier
726           returned by openDir together with the original directory
727           name.  We need that for rewind in Windows. *)
728        datatype dirstream = DIR of dirFd * string
730        local
731            val doIo: int*unit*string -> dirFd
732                 = RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyBasicIOGeneral"
733        in
734            fun openDir (s : string):  dirstream = 
735                DIR(doIo(50, (), s), s)
736        end
738        local
739            val doIo: int*dirFd*unit -> string
740                 = RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyBasicIOGeneral"
741        in
742            fun readDir (DIR(d, _)):  string option =
743            let
744                (* This returns the empty string at end-of-stream. *)
745                val s = doIo(51, d, ())
746            in
747                if s = "" then NONE else SOME s
748            end
749        end
751        local
752            val doIo: int*dirFd*unit -> unit
753                 = RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyBasicIOGeneral"
754        in
755            fun closeDir(DIR(d, _)) =
756                doIo(52, d, ())
757        end
759        local
760            val doIo: int*dirFd*string -> unit
761                 = RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyBasicIOGeneral"
762        in
763            (* We need to pass in the string because Windows
764               has to reopen the stream. *)
765            fun rewindDir(DIR(d, s)) =
766                doIo(53, d, s)
767        end
769        val chDir: string -> unit = RunCall.rtsCallFull1 "PolyChDir"
771        local
772            val doIo: int*unit*unit -> string
773                 = RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyBasicIOGeneral"
774        in
775            (* Return current directory. *)
776            fun getDir() = doIo(54, (), ())
777            (* Get a temporary file name. *)
778            fun tmpName() = doIo(67, (), ())
779        end
781        local
782            val doIo: int*unit*string -> unit
783                 = RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyBasicIOGeneral"
784        in
785            (* Create and delete directories and remove a file. *)
786            fun mkDir s = doIo(55, (), s)
787            and rmDir s = doIo(56, (), s)
788            and remove s = doIo(64, (), s)
789        end
791        local
792            val doIo: int*unit*string -> bool
793                 = RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyBasicIOGeneral"
794        in
795            (* Test for directory and symbolic link. *)
796            fun isDir s = doIo(57, (), s)
797            and isLink s = doIo(58, (), s)
798        end
800        local
801            val doIo: int*unit*string -> string
802                 = RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyBasicIOGeneral"
803        in
804            (* Read a symbolic link. *)
805            fun readLink s = doIo(59, (), s)
806            (* Get a full canonical path name. *)
807            and fullPath s = doIo(60, (), s)
808        end
810        local
811            val doIo: int*unit*string -> Time.time
812                 = RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyBasicIOGeneral"
813        in
814            (* Get file modification time. *)
815            fun modTime s = doIo(61, (), s)
816        end
818        local
819            val doIo: int*unit*string -> Position.int (* This can be larger than 32-bits. *)
820                 = RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyBasicIOGeneral"
821        in
822            (* Get file size. *)
823            fun fileSize s = doIo(62, (), s)
824        end
826        local
827            val doIo: int*string*Time.time -> unit
828                 = RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyBasicIOGeneral"
829        in
830            (* Get file size. *)
831            fun setTime(s, NONE) = doIo(63, s, Time.now())
832             | setTime(s, SOME t) = doIo(63, s, t)
833        end
835        local
836            val doIo: int*string*string -> unit
837                 = RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyBasicIOGeneral"
838        in
839            (* Rename a file. *)
840            fun rename {old, new} = doIo(65, old, new)
841        end
843        datatype access_mode
844          = A_READ
845          | A_WRITE
846          | A_EXEC
848        local
849            val doIo: int*string*word -> bool
850                 = RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyBasicIOGeneral"
852            fun mapAccess (A_READ, m) = Word.orb(m, 0w1)
853             |  mapAccess (A_WRITE, m) = Word.orb(m, 0w2)
854             |  mapAccess (A_EXEC, m) = Word.orb(m, 0w4)
855        in
856            (* Get access rights. *)
857            fun access (s, m) = doIo(66, s, List.foldl mapAccess 0w0 m)
858        end
860        (* file_id seems to be intended to reflect the semantics of
861           a Unix inode.  That concept doesn't exist in Windows so
862           we use a canonical file name instead. *)
863        datatype file_id =
864            INODE of LargeInt.int | FILENAME of string
866        fun compare(INODE i, INODE j) = LargeInt.compare(i, j)
867          | compare(FILENAME s, FILENAME t) = String.compare(s, t)
868          | (* These cases shouldn't happen but we'll define them
869               anyway. *)
870            compare(INODE _, FILENAME _) = General.GREATER
871          | compare(FILENAME _, INODE _) = General.LESS
873        (* TODO: The hash function is supposed to well distribute the
874           the values when taken modulo 2^n for any n.
875           I'm sure we can come up with something better than this. *)
876        fun hash(INODE i) =
877            let
878                open Word
879                infix xorb <<
880                val w = Word.fromLargeInt i
881            in
882                w xorb (w << 0w8) xorb (w << 0w16) xorb (w << 0w24)
883            end
885         |  hash(FILENAME s) =
886                (* Simple hash function which multiplies the accumulator
887                   by 7 and adds in the next character. *)
888                CharVector.foldl
889                    (fn(c, a) => a * 0w7 + Word.fromInt(Char.ord c)) 0w0 s
890        local
891            val doIo: int*unit*string -> LargeInt.int
892                 = RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyBasicIOGeneral"
893        in
894            (* Get file id (inode).  Returns negative value if inodes aren't
895               supported. *)
896            fun fileId s =
897            let
898                val i = doIo(68, (), s)
899            in
900                if i < 0
901                then FILENAME(fullPath s)
902                else INODE i
903            end
904        end
906        fun realPath p =
907            if Path.isAbsolute p
908            then fullPath p
909            else Path.mkRelative{path=fullPath p, relativeTo=fullPath(getDir())}
910    end (* FileSys *)
912    structure IO :> OS_IO =
913    struct
914        datatype iodesc = 
915            IODESC of word ref (* This is currently a volatile ref.  We MUST use pointer equality. *)
916        local
917            val doIo: int*iodesc*unit -> int
918                 = RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyBasicIOGeneral"
919        in
920            (* Get underlying index. *)
921            fun getIndex f = doIo(69, f, ())
922        end
924        (* TODO: The hash function is supposed to well distribute the
925           the values when taken modulo 2^n for any n.
926           I'm sure we can come up with something better than this. *)
927        fun hash (i: iodesc) : word =
928        let
929            open Word
930            infix xorb <<
931            val w = Word.fromInt(getIndex i)
932        in
933            w xorb (w << 0w8) xorb (w << 0w16) xorb (w << 0w24)
934        end
936        fun compare(i, j) = Int.compare(getIndex i, getIndex j)
938        (* eq *)type iodesc_kind = int
940        structure Kind =
941        struct
942            val file : iodesc_kind = 0
943            val dir : iodesc_kind = 1
944            val symlink : iodesc_kind = 2
945            val tty : iodesc_kind = 3
946            val pipe : iodesc_kind = 4
947            val socket : iodesc_kind = 5
948            val device : iodesc_kind = 6
949        end
951        local
952            val doIo: int*iodesc*int -> int
953                 = RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyBasicIOGeneral"
954        in
955            fun kind (i: iodesc): iodesc_kind =
956            let
957                val k = doIo(21, i, 0)
958            in
959                (* Returns a negative number if the call fails,
960                   otherwise one of the above numbers.
961                   Returns 7 on unknown or something else. *)
962                if k < 0 orelse k > 6
963                then raise SysErr("Invalid result", NONE)
964                else k
965            end
966        end
968        (* The poll descriptor and the result of polling is a
969           bit map together with the io descriptor. *)
970        val inBit = 0w1 and outBit = 0w2 and priBit = 0w4
972        (* N.B. The implementation of poll_desc is hard-wired into
973           Socket.pollDesc. *)
974        type      poll_desc = word*iodesc
975        datatype  poll_info = PI of word*poll_desc
977        local
978            val doIo: int*iodesc*int -> word
979                 = RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyBasicIOGeneral"
980        in
981            fun sys_poll_test(i: iodesc) = doIo(22, i, 0)
982        end
984        val sysPoll:iodesc Vector.vector * word Vector.vector * int -> word Vector.vector =
985            RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyPollIODescriptors"
988        fun pollDesc (i: iodesc): poll_desc option =
989        (* If the poll test returns zero then polling is
990           not allowed for any mode. *)
991            if sys_poll_test i = 0w0
992            then NONE
993            else SOME(0w0, i)
995        fun pollToIODesc(_, i): iodesc = i
997        exception Poll
999        (* Add the appropriate bit to the set if it is allowed. *)
1000        local
1001            fun addBit b ((bm, i)) =
1002                if Word.andb(sys_poll_test i, b) = 0w0
1003                then raise Poll
1004                else (Word.orb(bm, b), i)
1005        in
1006            val pollIn = addBit inBit
1007            and pollOut = addBit outBit
1008            and pollPri = addBit priBit
1009        end
1011        fun poll (l : poll_desc list, t: Time.time Option.option) : poll_info list =
1012        let
1013            (* The original poll descriptor list may contain multiple occurrences of
1014               the same IO descriptor with the same or different flags.  On Cygwin, at
1015               least, passing this directly produces funny results so we transform the
1016               request so that we make at most one request for each descriptor. *)
1017            local
1018                fun quickSort _                      ([]:'a list)      = []
1019                |   quickSort _                      ([h]:'a list)     = [h]
1020                |   quickSort (leq:'a -> 'a -> bool) ((h::t) :'a list) =
1021                let
1022                    val (after, befor) = List.partition (leq h) t
1023                in
1024                    quickSort leq befor @ (h :: quickSort leq after)
1025                end;
1027                fun leqPoll((p1, f1): poll_desc) ((p2, f2): poll_desc) =
1028                    case compare(f1, f2) of
1029                        EQUAL => p1 <= p2
1030                    |   LESS => true
1031                    |   GREATER => false
1033                fun merge ((p1, f1) :: (p2, f2) :: rest) =
1034                        if compare(f1, f2) = EQUAL
1035                        then merge((Word.orb(p1, p2), f1) :: rest)
1036                        else (p1, f1) :: merge((p2, f2) :: rest)
1037                |   merge c = c
1039                val sortedDescs = quickSort leqPoll l
1040            in
1041                val mergedDescs = merge sortedDescs
1042            end
1044            (* Turn the list into vectors of io descriptors and
1045               request bits - easier for the RTS to manage. 
1046               N.B.  This assumes that Vector.vector creates a simple memory vector and
1047               does not wrap it in any way. *)
1048            local
1049                val (bits, ioDescs) = ListPair.unzip mergedDescs
1050            in
1051                val bitVector: word Vector.vector = Vector.fromList bits
1052                and ioVector: iodesc Vector.vector = Vector.fromList ioDescs
1053            end
1054            (* Do the actual polling.  Returns a vector with bits set for the results. *)
1055            val finishTime = case t of NONE => NONE | SOME t => SOME(t + Time.now())
1057            val pollMillSeconds = 1000 (* 1 second *)
1058            fun doPoll() =
1059            let
1060                val timeToGo =
1061                    case finishTime of
1062                        NONE => pollMillSeconds
1063                    |   SOME finish => LargeInt.toInt(LargeInt.min(LargeInt.max(0, Time.toMilliseconds(finish-Time.now())), LargeInt.fromInt pollMillSeconds))
1065                (* Poll the descriptors.  Returns after the timeout whether or not they are ready. *)
1066                val resV = sysPoll(ioVector, bitVector, timeToGo)
1067            in
1068                if timeToGo < pollMillSeconds orelse Vector.exists(fn w => w <> 0w0) resV
1069                then resV
1070                else doPoll()
1071            end
1073            val resV : word Vector.vector = doPoll()
1075            (* Process the original list to see which items are present, retaining the
1076               original order. *)
1077            fun testResults(request as (bits, iod), tl) =
1078            let
1079                val (index, _) = (* Find the IO descriptor.  It must be there somewhere. *)
1080                    valOf(Vector.findi (fn (_, iod1) => compare(iod, iod1) = EQUAL) ioVector)
1081                (* The result is in the corresponding index position.   We need to AND this
1082                   with the request because we could have separate requests asking for
1083                   different bits for the same file descriptor. *)
1084                val result = Word.andb(bits, Vector.sub(resV, index))
1085            in
1086                if result = 0w0
1087                then tl
1088                else PI(result, request) :: tl
1089            end
1090        in
1091            List.foldl testResults [] l
1092        end
1094        fun isIn(PI(b, _)) = Word.andb(b, inBit) <> 0w0
1095        and isOut(PI(b, _)) = Word.andb(b, outBit) <> 0w0
1096        and isPri(PI(b, _)) = Word.andb(b, priBit) <> 0w0
1098        fun infoToPollDesc (PI(_, pd)) = pd
1100    end (* IO *)
1102    structure Process:> OS_PROCESS =
1103    struct
1105        type status = int
1107        val success = RunCall.rtsCallFull0 "PolyProcessEnvSuccessValue" ()
1108        and failure = RunCall.rtsCallFull0 "PolyProcessEnvFailureValue" ()
1110        fun isSuccess i = i = success
1112        (* Run a process and wait for the result. *)
1113        val system: string -> status = RunCall.rtsCallFull1 "PolyProcessEnvSystem"
1115        local
1116            val atExitList = LibrarySupport.atExitList
1117            val atExitMutex = Thread.Mutex.mutex()
1118            val exitResult = LibrarySupport.volatileOptionRef() (* Set to the exit result. *)
1120            val reallyExit: int -> unit = RunCall.rtsCallFull1 "PolyFinish"
1121        in
1122            (* Register a function to be run at exit.  If we are already exiting
1123               this has no effect. *)
1124            val atExit = ThreadLib.protect atExitMutex
1125                (fn f => case exitResult of ref NONE => LibrarySupport.addAtExit f | _ => ())
1127            (* Exit.  Run the atExit functions and then exit with the result code.
1128               There are a few complications.  If a second thread calls exit after
1129               the first one it mustn't start the exit process again.  If one of the
1130               atExit functions calls exit recursively it is defined to never return.
1131               We just need to pick up the next atExit function and carry on. *)
1132            fun exit (n: int) =
1133            let
1134                open Thread
1135                open Mutex Thread
1136                (* Turn off further interrupts *)
1137                val () = setAttributes[InterruptState InterruptDefer]
1138                val () = lock atExitMutex
1139                val () =
1140                    case !exitResult of
1141                        SOME threadId =>
1142                            if threadId = self()
1143                            then ()
1144                            else (unlock atExitMutex; Thread.exit())
1145                    |   NONE => exitResult := SOME(self())
1146                val () = unlock atExitMutex
1147                (* This is now the only thread here.
1148                   Take an item off the list and update the list with the
1149                   tail in case we recursively call "exit". *)
1150                fun runExit () =
1151                    case !atExitList of
1152                        [] => reallyExit n
1153                    |   (hd::tl) => (atExitList := tl; hd() handle _ => (); runExit())
1154            in
1155                runExit();
1156                raise Match (* Never reached but gives the 'a result. *)
1157            end
1158        end
1160        (* Terminate without running the atExit list or flushing the
1161           buffers.  We raise an exception to get the type right. *)
1162        local
1163            val doCall: int -> unit = RunCall.rtsCallFull1 "PolyTerminate"
1164        in
1165            fun terminate n = (doCall n; raise Fail "never")
1166        end
1168        local
1169            val doCall: string -> string = RunCall.rtsCallFull1 "PolyGetEnv"
1170        in
1171            (* Get an environment string.  The underlying call raises an
1172               exception if the string isn't there. *)
1173            fun getEnv s = SOME(doCall s) handle RunCall.SysErr _ => NONE
1174        end
1176        (* poll is implemented so that an empty list simply waits for
1177           the time. *)
1178        fun sleep t = (IO.poll([], SOME t); ())
1179    end (* Process. *)
1184    (* Install the pretty printer for OS.IO.Kind and OS.syserror. *)
1185    fun kind_string k =
1186        if k = OS.IO.Kind.file then "file"
1187        else if k = OS.IO.Kind.dir then "dir"
1188        else if k = OS.IO.Kind.symlink then "symlink"
1189        else if k = OS.IO.Kind.tty then "tty"
1190        else if k = OS.IO.Kind.pipe then "pipe"
1191        else if k = OS.IO.Kind.socket then "socket"
1192        else if k = OS.IO.Kind.device then "device"
1193        else "unknown"
1195    fun printKind _ _ x = PolyML.PrettyString(kind_string x)
1196    fun printSysError _ _ x = PolyML.PrettyString(OS.errorName x)
1198    (* For the moment just make these opaque. *)
1199    fun printPollDesc _ _ (_: OS.IO.poll_desc) = PolyML.PrettyString "?"
1200    and printPollInfo _ _ (_: OS.IO.poll_info) = PolyML.PrettyString "?"
1202    val () = PolyML.addPrettyPrinter printKind
1203    val () = PolyML.addPrettyPrinter printSysError
1204    val () = PolyML.addPrettyPrinter printPollDesc
1205    val () = PolyML.addPrettyPrinter printPollInfo