2    Title:      Standard Basis Library: BoolArray and BoolVector Structures
3    Author:     David Matthews
4    Copyright   David Matthews 1999, 2005, 2016
6    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8    License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
10    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13    Lesser General Public License for more details.
15    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
17    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
20    open LibrarySupport
22    (* TODO: Use a single word for vectors of size <= number of bits in a word. *)
23    (* We use int here for the length rather than word because the number of bits
24       could be more than the maximum value of Word.word. *)
25    datatype vector = Vector of int * Bootstrap.byteVector (* This has a byte-wise equality. *)
26    and array = Array of int * Bootstrap.byteArray (* This has pointer equality. *)
28    val wordSize : word = LibrarySupport.wordSize
30    (* Casts between int and word. *)
31    val intAsWord: int -> word = RunCall.unsafeCast
32    and wordAsInt: word -> int = RunCall.unsafeCast
34    val bitsPerWord = wordSize * 0w8
36    (* Limit the size to Array.maxLen to avoid arithmetic overflow. *)
37    val maxLen = Array.maxLen
39    local
40        val F_mutable_bytes = 0wx41
41    in
42        (* Allocate memory for a vector or an array. *)
43        fun alloc (bits: int) =
44        let
45            val words : word =
46                if bits < 0 orelse bits > maxLen
47                then raise General.Size
48                else (Word.fromInt bits + (bitsPerWord - 0w1)) div bitsPerWord
49            val vec = RunCall.allocateByteMemory(words, F_mutable_bytes)
50            val bytes = words * wordSize
51            fun fill n =
52                if n = bytes
53                then ()
54                else (RunCall.storeByte(vec, n, 0w0); fill(n+0w1))
55            (* We will only set the bits that we actually use.  Unused bytes will be uninitialised.
56               The equality function we're using tests all the bytes so we need to initialise them. *)
57        in
58            if bytes = 0w0 then () else fill(bytes - wordSize);
59            vec
60        end
61    end
63    val andb = Word.andb and orb = Word.orb and notb = Word.notb
64    and << = Word.<< and >> = Word.>>;
66    infix 9 sub
67    infix 7 andb
68    infix 6 orb
69    infix 5 << >>
72    (* Create a vector/array from a list.  Used as the basis of
73       Array.fromList and Vector.fromList. *)
74    fun fromList' (l : bool list) =
75        let
76            val length = List.length l
77            (* Make a array initialised to zero. *)
78            val vec = alloc length
80            (* Accumulate the list elements into bytes and store
81               them in the vector. *)
82            fun init (byteno, acc, bit, []) =
83                if bit = 0w1 then () else RunCall.storeByte(vec, byteno, acc)
84              | init (byteno, acc, bit, a :: b) =
85                let
86                    val byte = if a then bit orb acc else acc
87                in
88                    if bit = 0wx80
89                    then
90                    (
91                        RunCall.storeByte(vec, byteno, byte);
92                        init(byteno+0w1, 0w0, 0w1, b)
93                    )
94                    else init(byteno, byte, bit << 0w1, b)
95                end
96        in
97            init(0w0, 0w0, 0w1, l);
98            (length, vec)
99        end
101    fun tabulate' (length: int, f : int->bool) =
102    let
103        val vec =
104            if length >= 0 then alloc length else raise General.Size;
106        (* Accumulate the bits into bytes and store into the array. *)
107        fun init i byteNo bit acc =
108        if i < length
109        then
110        let
111            val byte = if f i then bit orb acc else acc
112        in
113            if bit = 0wx80
114            then ( RunCall.storeByte(vec, byteNo, byte) ; init (i+1) (byteNo+0w1) 0w1 0w0 )
115            else init (i+1) byteNo (bit << 0w1) byte
116        end
117        else if acc = 0w0
118        then ()
119        else (* Put in the last byte. *)
120            RunCall.storeByte(vec, byteNo, acc)
121    in
122        init 0 0w0 0w1 0w0;
123        (length, vec)
124    end
126    (* Internal function which subscripts the vector assuming that
127       the index has already been checked for validity. *)
128    fun uncheckedSub (v, i: int): bool =
129        let
130            val iW = Word.fromInt i
131            val byte = RunCall.loadByte(v, iW >> 0w3)
132            val mask = 0w1 << (iW andb 0w7)
133        in
134            byte andb mask <> 0w0
135        end
137    (* Move a set of bits from one vector of bytes to another.  The bits
138       may not be on the same byte alignment.  Does not examine the
139       destination so if dest_off is not byte aligned any bits required in
140       the first byte must be passed in as src_in.  Returns any bits which
141       do not exactly fit into a byte.  *)
142    (* TODO: This only handles the case where the source starts at the beginning
143       of the vector.  It is easy to modify it for the case where the source
144       offset is a multiple of 8 but more difficult to handle the other cases. *)
145    fun move_bits(src: Bootstrap.byteVector, dest: Bootstrap.byteVector, dest_off, len, last_bits) =
146    let
147        val dest_byte = intAsWord(Int.quot(dest_off, 8)) (* Byte offset *)
148        val dest_bit = intAsWord dest_off - dest_byte*0w8 (* Bit offset *)
150        fun do_move last byte len : word =
151            if len >= 8
152            then let
153                (* Get the next byte and shift it up *)
154                val newbyte = last orb (RunCall.loadByteFromImmutable(src, byte) << dest_bit)
155            in
156                (* Store the low-order 8 bits into the destination. *)
157                RunCall.storeByte(dest, dest_byte+byte, newbyte);
158                (* Shift the accumulator down by 8 bits and get ready for
159                   the next byte. *)
160                do_move (newbyte >> 0w8) (byte+0w1) (len-8)
161            end
162            else if len <= 0
163            then last
164            else (* 0 < len < 8 *)
165            let
166                (* Get the next byte and shift it up *)
167                val nextsrc = RunCall.loadByteFromImmutable(src, byte);
168                val newbyte: word = last orb (nextsrc << dest_bit)
169                (* This assumes that any extra bits of the source are
170                   zero. *)
171            in
172                if len + Word.toInt dest_bit >= 8
173                then
174                    (
175                    (* Store the low-order 8 bits into the destination. *)
176                    RunCall.storeByte(dest, dest_byte+byte, newbyte);
177                    (* Shift the accumulator down by 8 bits and get ready for
178                       the next byte. *)
179                    do_move (newbyte >> 0w8) (byte+0w1) (len-8)
180                    )
181                else newbyte
182            end
183    in
184        (* TODO: If dest_bit is zero we can simply move the bytes.  If len
185           is not a multiple of 8 we may have to return the low-order bits. *)
186        do_move last_bits 0w0 len
187    end
190    structure BoolVector: MONO_VECTOR =
191    struct
192        type vector = vector
193        type elem = bool
194        val maxLen = maxLen
196        fun length(Vector(l, _)) = l
198        fun op sub (Vector(l, v), i: int): bool =
199            if i < 0 orelse i >= l then raise General.Subscript
200            else uncheckedSub(v, i)
202        (* Create a vector from a list.  Must lock the vector before
203           returning it. *)
204        fun fromList (l : elem list) : vector =
205        let
206            val (length, vec) = fromList' l
207        in
208            RunCall.clearMutableBit vec;
209            Vector(length, vec)
210        end
212        fun tabulate (length: int, f : int->elem): vector =
213        let
214            val (length, vec) = tabulate' (length, f)
215        in
216            RunCall.clearMutableBit vec;
217            Vector(length, vec)
218        end
220(*      fun map f (Vector(len, vec)) =
221            let
222                val new_vec = alloc len (* Destination vector. *)
223                fun mapbyte b i acc max =
224                    if i = max then acc
225                    else if f ((b andb i) <> 0w0)
226                    then mapbyte b (i<<0w1) (acc orb i) max
227                    else mapbyte b (i<<0w1) acc max
228                fun copy b l =
229                    if l <= 0 then ()
230                    else let
231                        val byte = System_loadb(vec, b)
232                        val res =
233                            (* Map each byte to get the result.  Must not
234                               apply the function beyond the last bit. *)
235                            if l >= 8 then mapbyte byte 0w1 0w0 0wx100
236                            else mapbyte byte 0w1 0w0 (0w1 << Word.fromInt l)
237                    in
238                        RunCall.storeByte(new_vec, b, res);
239                        copy (b+0w1) (l-8)
240                    end
241            in
242                copy 0w0 len;
243                RunCall.clearMutableBit new_vec;
244                Vector(len, new_vec)
245            end*)
247        fun mapi f (Vector(len, vec)) =
248            let
249                val new_vec = alloc len (* Destination vector. *)
250                fun mapbyte b i acc max l =
251                    if i = max then acc
252                    else if f (len-l, ((b andb i) <> 0w0))
253                    then mapbyte b (i<<0w1) (acc orb i) max (l-1)
254                    else mapbyte b (i<<0w1) acc max (l-1)
255                fun copy b l =
256                    if l <= 0 then ()
257                    else let
258                        val byte = RunCall.loadByteFromImmutable(vec, b)
259                        val res =
260                            (* Map each byte to get the result.  Must not
261                               apply the function beyond the last bit. *)
262                            if l >= 8 then mapbyte byte 0w1 0w0 0wx100 l
263                            else mapbyte byte 0w1 0w0 (0w1 << Word.fromInt l) l
264                    in
265                        RunCall.storeByte(new_vec, b, res);
266                        copy (b+0w1) (l-8)
267                    end
268            in
269                copy 0w0 len;
270                RunCall.clearMutableBit new_vec;
271                Vector(len, new_vec)
272            end
274        (* To save duplicating almost the same code just define map in terms of mapi. *)
275        fun map f v = mapi (fn (_, x) => f x) v
277        (* Return a copy of the vector with a particular entry replaced *)
278        fun update (v as Vector(len, _), i, c) =
279            if i < 0 orelse i >= len
280            then raise Subscript
281            else mapi (fn (j, s) => if j = i then c else s) v
283        fun concat l =
284        let
285            (* Calculate the total length *)
286            fun total [] i = i
287              | total (Vector(len, _)::t) i = total t (i+len)
289            val total_len = total l 0
290        in
291            let
292                (* Allocate a new vector. *)
293                val new_vec = alloc total_len
294                (* Copy all the source vectors into the destination. *)
295                fun copy_list (Vector(src_len, src_vec)::t) dest_off bits =
296                    let
297                        val next = move_bits(src_vec, new_vec,
298                                             dest_off, src_len, bits)
299                    in
300                        copy_list t (dest_off+src_len) next
301                    end
302                 |  copy_list [] dest_off bits =
303                    (* At the end of the lists store any extra in the last byte. *)
304                    if bits = 0w0 then ()
305                    else RunCall.storeByte(new_vec, intAsWord(Int.quot(dest_off, 8)), bits)
306            in
307                copy_list l 0 0w0;
308                RunCall.clearMutableBit new_vec;
309                Vector(total_len, new_vec)
310            end
311        end
313        (* Create the other functions. *)
314        structure VectorOps =
315            VectorOperations(
316                struct
317                    type vector = vector and elem = elem
318                    fun length(Vector(l, _)) = intAsWord l
319                    fun unsafeSub (Vector(_, v), i) = uncheckedSub(v, wordAsInt i)
320                    fun unsafeSet _ = raise Fail "Should not be called"
321                end);
323        open VectorOps;
326        local
327            (* Install the pretty printer for BoolVector.vector *)
328            fun pretty(depth: FixedInt.int) _ (x: vector) =
329                let
330                    open PolyML
331                    val last = length x - 1
332                    fun put_elem (index, w, (l, d)) =
333                        if d = 0 then ([PrettyString "...]"], d+1)
334                        else if d < 0 then ([], d+1)
335                        else
336                        (
337                        PrettyString(if w then "true" else "false") ::
338                            (if index <> last then PrettyString "," :: PrettyBreak(1, 0) :: l else l),
339                        d+1
340                        )
341                in
342                    PrettyBlock(3, false, [],
343                        PrettyString "fromList[" ::
344                        (if depth <= 0 then [PrettyString "...]"]
345                         else #1 (foldri put_elem ([PrettyString "]"], depth - FixedInt.fromInt last) x) )
346                   )
347                end
348        in
349            val () = PolyML.addPrettyPrinter pretty
350        end
352    end
354    structure BoolArray: MONO_ARRAY =
355    struct
356        type array = array
357        type elem = bool
358        type vector = vector
359        val maxLen = maxLen;
361        fun length(Array(l, _)) = l
363        (* Internal function for updating a bit assuming the bounds
364           checks have already been done. *)
365        fun uncheckedUpdate(v, i, new): unit =
366        let
367            val iW = Word.fromInt i
368            val byteOffsetW = iW >> 0w3
369            val byte = RunCall.loadByte(v, byteOffsetW);
370            val mask = 0w1 << (iW andb 0w7)
371            val newByte =
372                if new then byte orb mask
373                else byte andb (notb mask)
374        in
375            RunCall.storeByte(v, byteOffsetW, newByte)
376        end
378        fun array (len, ini) =
379        let
380            (* Create the uninitialised array. *)
381            val vec = alloc len
382            (* Set the bytes to all zeros or all ones.  Generally this will set
383               more bits than we need but that doesn't matter. *)
384            val initByte = if ini then 0wxff else 0wx00
385            val bytes = (Word.fromInt len + 0w7) >> 0w3
386            (* TODO: This should be set by a built-in. *)
387            fun setBytes b =
388                if b >= bytes then ()
389                else (RunCall.storeByte(vec, b, initByte); setBytes (b+0w1))
390            val () = setBytes 0w0
391        in
392            Array(len, vec)
393        end
395        fun op sub (Array(l, v), i: int): elem =
396            if i < 0 orelse i >= l then raise General.Subscript
397            else uncheckedSub(v, i)
399        (* Exported update function. *)
400        fun update (Array (l, v), i: int, new) : unit =
401            if i < 0 orelse i >= l
402            then raise General.Subscript
403            else uncheckedUpdate(v, i, new)
405        (* Create an array from a list. *)
406        fun fromList (l : elem list) : array = Array(fromList' l)
408        fun tabulate (length: int , f : int->elem): array =
409            Array(tabulate'(length, f))
411        fun vector(Array(len, vec)): vector =
412            (* TODO: We may be able to handle special cases where the
413               source and destination are aligned on the same bit offset.
414               For the moment just take the simple approach. *)
415            BoolVector.tabulate(len, fn j => uncheckedSub(vec, j))
417        (* Copy one array into another. The arrays could be the same but in that case di must be zero. *)
418        fun copy {src=Array (slen, s), dst=Array (dlen, d), di: int} =
419            if di < 0 orelse di+slen > dlen
420            then raise General.Subscript
421            else (* TODO: Handle multiple bits where possible by using
422               move_bits or a variant. *)
423            let
424            fun copyBits n =
425                    if n >= slen then ()
426                    else
427                        (uncheckedUpdate(d, di+n, uncheckedSub(s, n));
428                         copyBits(n+1))
429            in
430                copyBits 0
431            end
433(*      fun copy {src as Array (slen, s), dst as Array (dlen, d), di: int} =
434            let
435            in
436                if di < 0 orelse di+slen > dlen
437                then raise General.Subscript
438                else if si < di
439                then (* Moving up - Start from the end *)
440                (* TODO: Handle multiple bits where possible by using
441                   move_bits or a variant. *)
442                let
443                    fun copyBits n =
444                        if n < 0 then ()
445                        else
446                            (uncheckedUpdate(d, di+n, uncheckedSub(s, si+n));
447                             copyBits(n-1))
448                in
449                    copyBits (slen-1)
450                end
451                else (* Moving down. *)
452                let
453                    fun copyBits n =
454                        if n >= slice_len then ()
455                        else
456                            (uncheckedUpdate(d, di+n, uncheckedSub(s, si+n));
457                             copyBits(n+1))
458                in
459                    copyBits 0
460                end
461            end
463        (* Copy a vector into an array. *)
464        fun copyVec {src=Vector(slen, s), dst=Array (dlen, d), di: int} =
465            let
466                fun copyBits n =
467                    if n >= slen then ()
468                    else
469                        (uncheckedUpdate(d, di+n, uncheckedSub(s, n));
470                         copyBits(n+1))
471            in
472                if di < 0 orelse di+slen > dlen
473                then raise General.Subscript
474                else copyBits 0
475            end
477        (* Create the other functions. *)
478        structure VectorOps =
479            VectorOperations(
480                struct
481                    type vector = array and elem = elem
482                    fun length(Array(l, _)) = intAsWord l
483                    fun unsafeSub (Array(_, v), i) = uncheckedSub(v, wordAsInt i)
484                    fun unsafeSet (Array(_, v), i, new) = uncheckedUpdate(v, wordAsInt i, new)
485                end);
487        open VectorOps;
489        local
490            (* Install the pretty printer for BoolArray.array *)
491            (* We may have to do this outside the structure if we
492               have opaque signature matching. *)
493            fun pretty(depth: FixedInt.int) _ (x: array) =
494                let
495                    open PolyML
496                    val last = length x - 1
497                    fun put_elem (index, w, (l, d)) =
498                        if d = 0 then ([PrettyString "...]"], d+1)
499                        else if d < 0 then ([], d+1)
500                        else
501                        (
502                        PrettyString(if w then "true" else "false") ::
503                            (if index <> last then PrettyString "," :: PrettyBreak(1, 0) :: l else l),
504                        d+1
505                        )
506                in
507                    PrettyBlock(3, false, [],
508                        PrettyString "fromList[" ::
509                        (if depth <= 0 then [PrettyString "...]"]
510                         else #1 (foldri put_elem ([PrettyString "]"], depth - FixedInt.fromInt last) x) )
511                   )
512                end
513        in
514            val () = PolyML.addPrettyPrinter pretty
515        end
516    end