1(* makebase -- create the signature database from the Moscow ML
2 * library signatures.  PS 1995-11-19, 2000-06-29
3 *
4 * Hacked for HOL help system, Konrad Slind, Nov. 2001.
5 *)
7structure makebase = struct
9fun curry f x y = f (x,y);
10fun single x = [x];
12fun itstrings f [] = raise Fail "itstrings: empty list"
13  | itstrings f [x] = x
14  | itstrings f (h::t) = f h (itstrings f t);
16val normPath = (* string list -> string *)
17  OS.Path.toString o OS.Path.fromString o itstrings (curry OS.Path.concat);
19fun destProperSuffix s1 s2 =
20  let val sz1 = String.size s1
21      val sz2 = String.size s2
22      open Substring
23 in
24   if sz1 >= sz2 then NONE
25   else let val (prefix, suffix) = splitAt(full s2, sz2 - sz1)
26        in if string suffix = s1 then SOME (string prefix) else NONE
27       end
28 end;
30fun isTheory {comp,file=path,line} =
31  let open OS.Path
32      val {dir,file} = splitDirFile path
33      val {base,ext} = splitBaseExt file
34  in Option.isSome (destProperSuffix "Theory" base)
35  end
36  handle _ => false;
38fun isSigId {comp=Database.Term(_,SOME"HOL"),file,line} = false
39  | isSigId entry = not (isTheory entry)
43    Set values
44 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
45(* The version number inserted in generated files: *)
46val version =
47    String.concat ["<a href=\"http://hol.sourceforge.net\">HOL&nbsp;4,&nbsp;",
48                   Systeml.release, "-", Int.toString Systeml.version,
49                  "</a>"]
51(* HOL distribution directory: *)
52val HOLpath = normPath [Systeml.HOLDIR];
54(* Default directory containing the signature files: *)
55val libdirDef = normPath[HOLpath,"sigobj"]
57(* Default filename for the resulting help database: *)
58val helpfileDef = normPath[HOLpath, "help","HOL.Help"]
60(* Default filename for the HOL reference page: *)
61val HOLpageDef = normPath[HOLpath, "help","HOLindex.html"]
63(* Default filename for the ASCII format database: *)
64val txtIndexDef = "index.txt"
66(* Default filename for the LaTeX format database: *)
67val texIndexDef = "index.tex"
69(* Default directory for signatures in HTML format: *)
70val htmlDirDef = "htmlsigs"
72(* Default filename for the HTML format database for identifiers: *)
73val htmlIndexDef = normPath[HOLpath,"help","src-sml",htmlDirDef,"idIndex.html"]
75(* Default filename for the HTML format database for theories: *)
76val htmlTheoryIndexDef =
77   normPath[HOLpath,"help","src-sml",htmlDirDef,"TheoryIndex.html"]
79(* Default filename for the LaTeX signatures: *)
80val texSigs = "texsigsigs.tex"
82(* Signatures not to be included in the help database: *)
83val stoplist = [];
85(* The background colour in generated HTML files (HTML colour code): *)
86val bgcolor = "#fbf2e7";
88(* To make the database, sort entries on normalized (lower case) name,
89 * lump together equal normalized names in entry lists, and sort these by
90 * structure name (except that a Str entry always precedes the others):
91 *)
93fun mkbase (entries : Database.entry list) =
94    let open Database
95        fun compname (e1, e2) = keycompare (getname e1, getname e2)
96        val entries = Listsort.sort compname entries
97        infix THEN
98        fun (comp1 THEN comp2) arg =
99            case comp1 arg of
100                EQUAL => comp2 arg
101              | res   => res
102        fun kindof Str     = "structure"
103          | kindof (Val _) = "val"
104          | kindof (Typ _) = "type"
105          | kindof (Exc _) = "exn"
106          | kindof (Con _) = "con"
107          | kindof (Term (_, NONE)) = ""
108          | kindof (Term (_, SOME kind)) = kind
109        fun kindCompare (e1 as {comp=c1, ...}, e2 as {comp=c2, ...}) =
110            String.compare(kindof c1, kindof c2)
111        fun nameCompare (e1, e2) =
112            String.compare(getname e1, getname e2)
113        fun fileCompare (e1, e2) = String.compare(#file e1, #file e2)
114        val entryCompare = kindCompare THEN nameCompare THEN fileCompare
115        (* Share strings if result=argument: *)
116        fun toLower s =
117            let val s' = String.map Char.toLower s
118            in if s=s' then s else s' end
119        (* Lump together names that differ only in capitalization;
120           then sort each lump using entryCompare                   *)
121        fun lump [] = []
122          | lump (x1 :: xr) =
123            let fun mkLump lumpname lump = (toLower (getname lumpname),
124                                            Listsort.sort entryCompare lump)
125                fun h lump1name lump1 []       = [mkLump lump1name lump1]
126                  | h lump1name lump1 (x1::xr) =
127                    if compname(x1, lump1name) = EQUAL then
128                        h lump1name (x1 :: lump1) xr
129                    else
130                        mkLump lump1name lump1 :: h x1 [x1] xr
131            in h x1 [x1] xr end
132        val lumps = lump entries : (string * entry list) list
133        fun mkOrderedTree xs =
134            let fun h 0 xs = (Empty, xs)
135                  | h n xs =
136                    let val m = n div 2
137                        val (t1, l) = h m xs
138                        val (key, value) = hd l
139                        val yr = tl l
140                        val (t2, zs) = h (n-m-1) yr
141                    in (Node(key, value, t1, t2), zs) end
142            in #1 (h (length xs) xs) end
143    in
144        mkOrderedTree lumps
145    end
148(* Additional stuff specific to HOL.                                         *)
151fun mk_HOLdocfile_entry (dir,s) =
152 let val content =String.substring(s,0,size s - 4)
153 in
154    {comp=Database.Term(Symbolic.tosymb content, SOME"HOL"),
155     file=normPath[dir,s], line=0}
156 end
158local fun is_adocfile s =
159         String.size s>5 andalso
160         String.extract(s, String.size s - 4, NONE) = ".txt"
161      fun is_docfile s =
162         String.size s>4 andalso
163         String.extract(s, String.size s - 4, NONE) = ".doc"
165fun docdir_to_entries path (endpath, entries) =
166  let val L1 = List.filter is_adocfile
167                  (Htmlsigs.listDir (normPath [path, endpath]))
168  in List.foldl (fn (s,l) => mk_HOLdocfile_entry (endpath,s)::l) entries L1
169  end
172fun okay_sig s =
173   String.isSuffix ".sig" s
174   andalso not (Option.isSome (List.find (fn e => e = s) Keepers.exclude))
176fun dirToBase (sigdir, docdirs, filename) =
177    let
178       val doc_entryl = List.foldl (docdir_to_entries HOLpath) [] docdirs
179       val ok_sigs = List.filter okay_sig (Htmlsigs.listDir sigdir)
180       val res = List.foldl (Parsspec.processfile stoplist sigdir)
181                             doc_entryl ok_sigs
182       val _ = print ("\nProcessed " ^ Int.toString (length res)
183                      ^ " entries in total.\n");
184       val _ = print ("Building database...\n");
185       val db = mkbase res
186       val _ = print ("Writing database to file " ^ filename ^ "\n");
187    in
188       Database.writebase(filename, db)
189    end
190    handle exn as OS.SysErr (str, _) => (print(str ^ "\n\n"); raise exn)
192fun main () = let
194val docdirs =
195 let val instr = TextIO.openIn
196                   (OS.Path.concat(HOLpath,"tools/documentation-directories"))
197        handle _ => (print "Couldn't open documentation directories file";
198                    raise Fail "File not found")
199     val wholefile = TextIO.inputAll instr
200     val _ = TextIO.closeIn instr
201 in
202   map (normPath o single) (String.tokens Char.isSpace wholefile)
203 end
205val SRCFILES =
206 let open TextIO
207     val istrm = openIn (OS.Path.concat(HOLpath,"sigobj/SRCFILES"))
208        handle _ => (print "Couldn't open HOLDIR/sigobj/SRCFILES";
209                     raise Fail "File not found")
210     fun readlines acc =
211         case inputLine istrm of
212           NONE => List.rev acc
213         | SOME s => readlines (String.substring(s, 0, size s - 1) :: acc)
214                (* drop final newline *)
215     val wholefile = readlines [] before closeIn istrm
216     fun munge path =
217       let val {dir,file} = OS.Path.splitDirFile path
218       in case destProperSuffix "Theory" file
219           of SOME thy => (file, OS.Path.concat(dir,thy^"Script.sml"))
220            | NONE     => (file,path^".sml")
221       end
222 in
223   map (munge o normPath o single) wholefile
224 end
226fun process (libdir, helpfile, txtIndex,
227             texIndex, htmldir, htmlIndex, htmlTheoryIndex, HOLpage)
228 =
229 (print ("Reading signatures in directory " ^ libdir ^
230        "\nand writing help database in file " ^ helpfile ^ "\n")
231 ; dirToBase (libdir, docdirs, helpfile)
233 ; print ("\nWriting ASCII signature index in file " ^ txtIndex ^ "\n")
234 ; Printbase.printASCIIBase(helpfile, txtIndex)
236 ; print ("\nWriting Latex signature index in file " ^ texIndex ^ "\n")
237 ; Printbase.printLatexBase(helpfile, texIndex)
239 ; print ("\nCreating HTML versions of signature files\n")
240 ; Htmlsigs.sigsToHtml
241     version bgcolor stoplist helpfile HOLpath SRCFILES (libdir, htmldir)
243 ; print ("\nWriting HTML signature index in file " ^ htmlIndex ^ "\n")
244 ; Htmlsigs.printHTMLBase version bgcolor HOLpath
245         isSigId "HOL IDENTIFIER INDEX" (helpfile, htmlIndex)
247 ; print ("\nWriting HTML theory signature index in file "
248          ^ htmlTheoryIndex ^ "\n")
249 ; Htmlsigs.printHTMLBase version bgcolor HOLpath
250         isTheory "HOL THEORY BINDINGS" (helpfile, htmlTheoryIndex)
252 ; print ("\nWriting HOLPage\n")
253 ; HOLPage.printHOLPage version bgcolor HOLpath
254                        htmlIndex htmlTheoryIndex (helpfile, HOLpage)
255 )
258    case CommandLine.arguments () of
259        []       =>
260            process (libdirDef, helpfileDef,
261                     txtIndexDef, texIndexDef,
262                     htmlDirDef, htmlIndexDef,
263                     htmlTheoryIndexDef, HOLpageDef)
264      | [libdir] =>
265            process (libdir, helpfileDef,
266                     txtIndexDef, texIndexDef,
267                     htmlDirDef, htmlIndexDef,
268                     htmlTheoryIndexDef, HOLpageDef)
269      | _ => print "Usage: makebase\n"
270end  (* main *)