1(* Htmlsigs: some hacks to turn Moscow ML annotated signature files into
2   HTML-files.  Peter Sestoft 1997-05-08, 1997-07-31, 2000-01-10, 2000-06-01
4structure Htmlsigs :> Htmlsigs = struct
5fun indexbar out srcpath = out (String.concat
6   ["<hr><table width=\"100%\">",
7    "<tr align = center>\n",
8    "<th><a href=\"file://", srcpath,
9    "\" type=\"text/plain\">Source File</a>\n",
10    "<th><a href=\"idIndex.html\">Identifier index</A>\n",
11    "<th><a href=\"TheoryIndex.html\">Theory binding index</A>\n",
12    "</table><hr>\n"]);
14val smlIdCharSym = Char.contains "'_!%&$#+-/:<=>?@\\~`^|*"
15fun smlIdChar c = Char.isAlphaNum c orelse smlIdCharSym c
17fun destProperSuffix s1 s2 =
18  let val sz1 = String.size s1
19      val sz2 = String.size s2
20      open Substring
21 in
22   if sz1 >= sz2 then NONE
23   else let val (prefix, suffix) = splitAt(full s2, sz2 - sz1)
24        in if string suffix = s1 then SOME (string prefix) else NONE
25       end
26 end;
28fun isTheorysig path =
29  let open OS.Path
30      val {dir,file} = splitDirFile path
31      val {base,ext} = splitBaseExt file
32  in ext=SOME "sig" andalso Option.isSome (destProperSuffix "Theory" base)
33  end
34  handle _ => false;
36fun assoc item =
37  let fun assc ((key,ob)::rst) = if item=key then ob else assc rst
38        | assc [] = raise Fail ("assoc: "^item^" not found")
39  in assc
40  end
42fun find_most_appealing HOLpath docfile =
43  let open OS.Path OS.FileSys
44      val {dir,file} = splitDirFile docfile
45      val {base,ext} = splitBaseExt file
46      val docfile_dir = concat(HOLpath,dir)
47      val htmldir  = concat(docfile_dir,"HTML")
48      val htmlfile = joinBaseExt{base=base,ext=SOME "html"}
49      val adocfile = joinBaseExt{base=base,ext=SOME "txt"}
50      val htmlpath = concat(htmldir,htmlfile)
51      val adocpath = concat(docfile_dir,adocfile)
52      val docpath  = concat(docfile_dir,file)
53  in
54     if OS.FileSys.access(htmlpath,[A_READ]) then SOME htmlpath else
55     if OS.FileSys.access(adocpath,[A_READ]) then SOME adocpath else
56     if OS.FileSys.access(file,[A_READ]) then SOME docpath
57     else NONE
58  end;
60fun processSig db version bgcolor HOLpath SRCFILES sigfile htmlfile =
61    let val strName = OS.Path.base (OS.Path.file sigfile)
62	val is = TextIO.openIn sigfile
63	val lines = Substring.fields (fn c => c = #"\n")
64	                             (Substring.full (TextIO.inputAll is))
65	val _ = TextIO.closeIn is
67	fun comp2str comp =
68	    let open Database
69	    in
70		case comp of
71		    Exc _  => "exc"
72		  | Typ _  => "typ"
73		  | Con _  => "con"
74		  | Val _  => "val"
75		  | Str    => "str"
76		  | Term _ => "ter"
77	    end
79	(* Skip 'tyvar and ('tyvar, ..., 'tyvar), return the id that
80	   follows *)
82	fun scanident getc src =
83	    let open StringCvt
84		fun isn't c1 c2 = c1 <> c2
85		fun is    c1 c2 = c1 = c2
86		val sus1 = skipWS getc src
87		fun readident sus =
88		    splitl smlIdChar getc (skipWS getc sus)
89	    in
90		case getc sus1 of
91		    SOME(#"'", sus2) =>
92			let val sus3 = dropl (not o Char.isSpace) getc sus2
93			in readident sus3 end
94		  | SOME(#"(", sus2) =>
95			let val sus3 = dropl (isn't #")") getc sus2
96			    val sus4 = dropl (is #")") getc sus3
97			in readident sus4 end
98		  | SOME _ => readident sus1
99		  | NONE   => readident sus1
100	    end
102	val scanident = scanident Substring.getc
104	fun definition susline isntdef isdef =
105	    let open Database Substring
106		val (id, after) = scanident (triml 4 susline)
107		fun relevant {file, ...} = file=strName
108		val comps =
109		    List.map #comp (List.filter relevant (lookup (db, id)))
110		fun linehas s = not (isEmpty (#2 (position s after)))
111		fun indexcomp comp =
112		    case comp of
113			Exc i  => if i=id then SOME comp else NONE
114		      | Typ i  => if i=id andalso linehas "type" then SOME comp
115				  else NONE
116		      | Con i  => if i=id then SOME comp else NONE
117		      | Val i  => if i=id then SOME comp else NONE
118		      | Str    => if linehas "structure" then SOME comp
119				  else NONE
120		      | Term _ => SOME comp
121		fun kindof Str      = 3
122		  | kindof (Val _)  = 4
123		  | kindof (Typ _)  = 1
124		  | kindof (Exc _)  = 2
125		  | kindof (Con _)  = 5
126		  | kindof (Term _) = 6
127		fun kindCompare (c1, c2) = Int.compare(kindof c1, kindof c2)
128		val comps = Listsort.sort kindCompare
129		                          (List.mapPartial indexcomp comps)
130	    in
131		case comps of
132		    []        => isntdef susline		(* No def *)
133		  | comp :: _ => isdef susline id after comp    (* Def    *)
134	    end
136	(* First pass over the file: record anchors of identifier defs *)
138	val anchors = ref (Binaryset.empty String.compare)
140	fun pass1 susline lineno =
141	    let open Substring
142		fun nameanchor _ id _ comp =
143                  anchors := (Binaryset.add (!anchors, id ^ "-" ^ comp2str comp))
144	    in
145		if isPrefix "   [" susline then
146		    definition susline ignore nameanchor
147		else ()
148	    end
150	(* Second pass over the file *)
152	val os = TextIO.openOut htmlfile
153	fun out s = TextIO.output(os, s)
155	fun encode #"<" = "&lt;"
156	  | encode #">" = "&gt;"
157(*	  | encode #"&" = "&amp;" *)
158	  | encode c    = str c
160	fun outSubstr s = TextIO.output(os, Substring.translate encode s)
162	val seenDefinition = ref false
164	fun name anchor target =
165	    (out "<a name=\""; out target; out "\">"; out anchor; out "</a>")
167	fun idhref link id =
168	    (out "<a href=\"#"; out link; out "\">"; out id; out"</a>")
169	fun idhref_full link id =
170	    (out "<a href=\"file://"; out link; out "\">"; out id; out"</a>")
172        fun removeTrailingColon id =
173           let
174              val n = String.size id - 1
175           in
176              if 0 < n andalso String.sub (id, n) = #":"
177                 then String.substring (id, 0, n)
178              else id
179           end
181        val aliasStrName =
182           fn "DefinitionDoc" => "Definition"
183            | "FinalType" => "Type"
184            | "FinalTerm" => "Term"
185            | "FinalThm" => "Thm"
186            | "HolKernelDoc" => "HolKernel"
187            | s => s
189        fun locate_docfile id =
190           let open OS.FileSys OS.Path Database
191               val id = removeTrailingColon id
192               val qualid = aliasStrName strName ^ "." ^ id
193               fun trav [] = NONE
194                 | trav({comp=Database.Term(x,SOME "HOL"),file,line}::rst)
195                   = if x=qualid
196                        then find_most_appealing HOLpath file
197                        else trav rst
198                 | trav (_::rst) = trav rst
199           in
200             Option.map (fn x => (x, id)) (trav (lookup(db,id)))
201           end
203	fun declaration isThryFile lineno space1 decl kindtag =
204	    let open Substring
205		fun isKind c = Char.isAlpha c orelse c = #"_"
206		val (kind, rest) = splitl isKind decl
207		val (id, after)  = scanident rest
208		val preflen = size decl - size after - String.size id
209		val preid = slice(decl, 0, SOME preflen)
210		val link = id ^ "-" ^ kindtag
211	    in
212		outSubstr space1;
213		outSubstr preid
214               ;
215		if id = "" then ()
216                 else if not (Binaryset.member (!anchors, link))
217                      then if isThryFile then out id (* shouldn't happen *)
218                           else case locate_docfile id
219                                 of NONE => out id
220                                  | SOME (file, id2) =>
221                                      (idhref_full file id2
222                                       ; if id <> id2 then out ":" else ())
223                      else idhref link id
224               ;
225		outSubstr after
226	    end
228	(* Format susline which defines identifier id of kind comp: *)
230	fun outisdef susline id after comp =
231	    let open Substring
232		fun namebold id s =
233		    (out "<a name=\""; out id; out "-"; out s;
234		     out "\"><b>"; out id; out "</b></a>")
235		val preflen = size susline - size after - String.size id
236		val pref = slice(susline, 0, SOME preflen)
237	    in
238		outSubstr pref; namebold id (comp2str comp);
239		outSubstr after
240	    end
242	fun pass2 isThryFile susline lineno =
243	    let open Substring
244	    in
245		(if isPrefix "   [" susline
246                 then (definition susline outSubstr outisdef;
247		       seenDefinition := true)
248		 else if not (!seenDefinition) then
249		     (name "" ("line" ^ Int.toString lineno);
250		      let val (space, suff) = splitl Char.isSpace susline
251			  val dec = declaration isThryFile lineno space suff
252		      in
253			  if isPrefix "val " suff
254			      orelse isPrefix "prim_val " suff then
255			      dec "val"
256			  else if isPrefix "prim_type " suff
257			      orelse isPrefix "prim_EQtype " suff
258			      orelse isPrefix "type " suff
259			      orelse isPrefix "eqtype " suff
260			      orelse isPrefix "datatype " suff then
261			      dec "typ"
262			  else if isPrefix "structure " suff then
263			      dec "str"
264			  else if isPrefix "exception " suff then
265			      dec "exc"
266			  else
267			      outSubstr susline
268		      end)
269		 else
270		     outSubstr susline);
271		 out "\n"
272	    end
274	fun traverse process =
275	    let fun loop []        lineno = ()
276		  | loop (ln::lnr) lineno =
277		    (process ln lineno; loop lnr (lineno+1))
278	    in loop lines 1 end
280        val srcfile = assoc (OS.Path.base(OS.Path.file sigfile)) SRCFILES
281    in
282	(*print "Creating "; print htmlfile; print " from ";
283	print sigfile; print "\n"
284       ; *)
285        traverse pass1;
286        out "<!DOCTYPE html>\n";
287        out "<html><head>\n";
288        out "<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n";
289        out "<title>Structure ";
290        out strName; out "</title>\n";
291        out "<style type=\"text/css\">\n";
292        out "<!--\n";
293        out "  body {background: "; out bgcolor; out "}\n-->\n</style>";
294        out "</head>\n";
295        out "<body>\n";
296        out "<h1>Structure "; out strName; out "</h1>\n";
297        indexbar out srcfile;
298        out "<pre>\n";
299        traverse (pass2 (isTheorysig sigfile));
300        out "</pre>";
301        indexbar out srcfile;
302        out "<p><em>"; out version; out "</em></p>";
303        out "</body></html>\n";
304        TextIO.closeOut os
305    end
307fun processSigfile db version bgcolor stoplist
308                   sigdir htmldir HOLpath SRCFILES sigfile =
309 let val {base, ext} = OS.Path.splitBaseExt sigfile
310     val htmlfile = OS.Path.joinBaseExt{base=base, ext=SOME "html"}
311 in
312   case ext
313    of SOME "sig" =>
314	if List.exists (fn name => base = name) stoplist then ()
315	else processSig db version bgcolor HOLpath SRCFILES
316	                (OS.Path.concat(sigdir, sigfile))
317	                (OS.Path.concat(htmldir, htmlfile))
318     | otherwise => ()
319 end
321fun listDir s = let
322  val ds = OS.FileSys.openDir s
323  fun recurse acc =
324      case OS.FileSys.readDir ds of
325        NONE => acc
326      | SOME f => recurse (f :: acc)
328  recurse [] before OS.FileSys.closeDir ds
331fun sigsToHtml version bgcolor stoplist
332               helpfile HOLpath SRCFILES (sigdir, htmldir) =
333    let open OS.FileSys Database
334	val db = readbase helpfile
335	fun mkdir htmldir =
336	    if access(htmldir, [A_WRITE, A_EXEC]) andalso isDir htmldir then
337		(print "Directory "; print htmldir; print " exists\n")
338	    else
339		(OS.FileSys.mkDir htmldir;
340		 print "Created directory "; print htmldir; print "\n");
341    in
342     mkdir htmldir;
343     app (processSigfile db version bgcolor
344                         stoplist sigdir htmldir HOLpath SRCFILES)
345	 (listDir sigdir)
346    end
347    handle exn as OS.SysErr (str, _) => (print(str ^ "\n\n"); raise exn)
349fun printHTMLBase version bgcolor HOLpath pred header (sigfile, outfile) =
350    let open Database
351	val db = readbase sigfile
352	val os = TextIO.openOut outfile
353	fun out s = TextIO.output(os, s)
354	fun href anchor target =
355	    app out ["<a href=\"", target, "\">", anchor, "</a>"]
356	fun idhref file line anchor =
357	    href anchor (concat [file, ".html#line", Int.toString line])
358	fun strhref file anchor =
359	    href anchor (file ^ ".html")
360        fun mkalphaindex seps =
361             (out "<hr>\n<center><b>";
362              List.app
363                (fn c => (href (str c) ("#" ^ str c); out "&nbsp;&nbsp;"))
364                seps;
365              out "</b></center><hr>\n")
366	fun subheader txt = app out ["\n<h2>", txt, "</h2>\n"]
368	(* Insert a subheader when meeting a new initial letter *)
369	val lastc1 = ref #" "
370	val firstsymb = ref true
371	fun separator k1 =
372	    let val c1 = Char.toUpper k1
373	    in
374		if Char.isAlpha c1 andalso c1 <> !lastc1 then
375		    (lastc1 := c1;
376		     app out ["\n</ul>\n\n<a name=\"", str c1, "\">"];
377		     subheader (str c1);
378		     out "</a>\n<ul>")
379		else if !firstsymb andalso not (Char.isAlpha c1)
380                      then (subheader "Symbolic Identifiers";
381                            out "<ul>";
382                            firstsymb := false)
383                      else ()
384	    end
385	fun mkref line file = idhref file line file
386	fun mkHOLref docfile =
387            case find_most_appealing HOLpath docfile
388             of SOME file => href "Docfile" file
389              | NONE => out "not linked"
390	fun nextfile last [] = out ")\n"
391	  | nextfile last ((e1 as {comp, file, line}) :: erest) =
392	    if comp=last then (out ", "; mkref line file; nextfile last erest)
393	                 else (out ")\n"; newitem e1 erest)
394	and newitem (e1 as {comp, file, line}) erest =
395	    let val key = Database.getname e1
396	    in separator (String.sub(key, 0))
397             ; out "<li><b>"; out key; out "</b> ("
398             ; (case comp
399                 of Str    => strhref key "structure"
400                  | Val id => (out "value; "; mkref line file)
401                  | Typ id => (out "type; ";  mkref line file)
402                  | Exc id => (out "exception; "; mkref line file)
403                  | Con id => (out "constructor; "; mkref line file)
404                  | Term (id, NONE) => mkref line file
405(*                | Term (id, SOME "HOL") => (out "HOL; "; mkHOLref file) *)
406                  | Term (id, SOME kind) => (out kind;out"; ";mkref line file)
407             ; nextfile comp erest)
408	    end
409	fun prentries []            = ()
410	  | prentries (e1 :: erest) = newitem e1 erest
411	fun prtree Empty = ()
412	  | prtree (Node(key, entries, t1, t2)) =
413	    (prtree t1;
414	     prentries (List.filter pred entries);
415	     prtree t2)
417	(* Get list of initial letters *)
418        fun separators Empty l = l
419          | separators (Node(key, entries, t1, t2)) l =
420              separators t2 (separators t1
421               (let val k = Char.toUpper (String.sub(key, 0)) in
422                  if Char.isAlpha k andalso
423                     not (null (List.filter pred entries)) andalso
424                     not (Option.isSome (List.find (fn x => x = k) l))
425                  then
426                    k :: l
427                  else
428                    l
429                end))
430        val seps = Listsort.sort Char.compare (separators db [])
431    in
432	out "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset=\"utf-8\"><title>"; out header; out "</title></head>\n";
433	out "<body bgcolor=\""; out bgcolor; out "\">\n";
434	out "<h1>"; out header; out "</h1>\n";
435	mkalphaindex seps;
436	prtree db;
437	out "</ul>\n";
438	mkalphaindex seps;
439	out "<p><em>"; out version; out "</em></p>";
440	out "</body></html>\n";
441	TextIO.closeOut os
442    end