1structure derive_specsLib :> derive_specsLib =
4open HolKernel boolLib bossLib Parse;
5open wordsTheory pred_setTheory arithmeticTheory pairSyntax;
6open set_sepTheory progTheory addressTheory;
7open helperLib backgroundLib file_readerLib stack_introLib stack_analysisLib
8open writerLib;
9open GraphLangTheory
11fun spec_rule x =
12  case !arch_name of
13    ARM   => arm_spec x
14  | M0    => m0_spec x
15  | RISCV => riscv_spec x;
17(* code abbrevs *)
19val code_abbreviations = ref ([]:thm list);
20fun add_code_abbrev thms = (code_abbreviations := thms @ !code_abbreviations);
22(* formatting *)
24fun DISCH_ALL_AS_SINGLE_IMP th = let
25  val th = RW [AND_IMP_INTRO] (DISCH_ALL th)
26  in if is_imp (concl th) then th else DISCH ``T`` th end
28(* thm traces *)
30fun next_possible_pcs f (th,i,SOME j,p) =
31     if can (find_term (fn tm => aconv tm ``GUARD``)) (concl th)
32     then all_distinct [j,p+i] else [j]
33  | next_possible_pcs f (th,i,NONE,p) =
34    ((th |> concl |> cdr |> find_terms (can (match_term ``p+(n2w n):word32``))
35         |> filter (fn tm => wordsSyntax.is_word_add tm)
36         |> filter (fn tm => wordsSyntax.is_n2w (cdr tm))
37         |> filter (fn tm => aconv (cdr (car tm)) (mk_var("p",``:word32``)))
38         |> map (numSyntax.int_of_term o cdr o cdr)
39         |> map f
40         |> sort (fn x => fn y => x <= y))
41      handle HOL_ERR _ => fail())
43datatype 'a thm_trace =
44    TRACE_CUT of int (* cut because a different branch describes the rest *)
45  | TRACE_END of 'a (* normal end *)
46  | TRACE_STEP of int * 'a * thm * ('a thm_trace)
47  | TRACE_SPLIT of ('a thm_trace) list;
49fun print_cfg t = let
50  fun cfg2str prefix (TRACE_CUT p) = "repeat from " ^ (int_to_string p) ^ "\n" ^ prefix
51    | cfg2str prefix (TRACE_END _) = "return\n" ^ prefix
52    | cfg2str prefix (TRACE_STEP (p,_,th,t)) = int_to_string p ^ " " ^ cfg2str prefix t
53    | cfg2str prefix (TRACE_SPLIT qs) = let
54        val s = "\n" ^ prefix ^ ". " ^ concat (map (cfg2str (prefix ^ ". ")) qs)
55        in String.substring(s,0,size(s)-2) end
56  in print ("\n\nCFG:\n  " ^ cfg2str "  " t ^ "\n\n") end;
60There's a bug in the trace generation to do with guards that are not
61just one variable. The following code shows how this happens:
63  val code = ["e92d47f0", "e3520003", "959ac000", "97de9002",
64              "979cc109", "8590c00c", "e8bd87f0"]
66print_cfg (construct_thm_trace thms)
70fun bool_normal_form tm = let
71  val vars = free_vars tm
72  val vsort = sort (fn v1 => fn v2 => fst (dest_var v1) <= fst (dest_var v2))
73  val vs = vsort vars
74  fun aux t [] = t
75    | aux t (v::vs) =
76        mk_cond(v,aux (subst [v|->T] t) vs,aux (subst [v|->F] t) vs)
77  in SIMP_CONV std_ss [] (aux tm vs) |> concl |> dest_comb |> snd end
79fun construct_thm_trace thms = let
80  fun list_lookup i [] = fail()
81    | list_lookup i ((j,x,NONE)::xs) = if i = j then [x] else list_lookup i xs
82    | list_lookup i ((j,x,SOME y)::xs) = if i = j then [x,y] else list_lookup i xs
83  fun extract_pre (th,i,j) = let
84    val th = RW [] th
85    val guard = cdr (find_term (can (match_term ``GUARD n b``)) (concl th))
86    in (th,bool_normal_form guard) end handle HOL_ERR _ => (th,T)
87  fun resets_status_bits th = let
88    val (_,p,_,q) = dest_spec (concl th)
89    val pv = free_vars p |> filter (fn tm => type_of tm = ``:bool``)
90    val qv = free_vars q |> filter (fn tm => type_of tm = ``:bool``)
91    in not (null (term_diff pv qv)) end
92  fun guard_conj guard (th,pre) =
93    (th,if resets_status_bits th then pre else bool_normal_form (mk_conj(pre,guard)))
94  fun next_directions th =
95    ((th |> concl |> cdr |> find_terms (can (match_term ``p+(n2w n):word32``))
96         |> filter (fn tm => wordsSyntax.is_word_add tm)
97         |> filter (fn tm => wordsSyntax.is_n2w (cdr tm))
98         |> filter (fn tm => aconv (cdr (car tm)) (mk_var("p",``:word32``)))
99         |> map (numSyntax.int_of_term o cdr o cdr)
100         |> sort (fn x => fn y => x <= y)))
101  fun mk_TRACE_SPLIT [] = TRACE_END T
102    | mk_TRACE_SPLIT [x] = x
103    | mk_TRACE_SPLIT xs = TRACE_SPLIT xs
104  val aux_calls = ref (tl [(0,T)])
105  fun int_term_mem (p,tm) [] = false
106    | int_term_mem (p,tm) ((x,y)::xs) =
107        (p = x andalso aconv tm y) orelse int_term_mem (p,tm) xs
108  (* warning: the handling of guards is not perfect, but maybe good enough *)
109  fun aux (p:int) (seen:int list) (guard:term) =
110    if int_term_mem (p,guard) (!aux_calls) then TRACE_CUT p else
111    (aux_calls := (p,guard)::(!aux_calls);
112     if mem p seen then TRACE_CUT p else let
113       (* finds theorems describing program point p *)
114       val xs = list_lookup p thms
115       (* extract boolean precondition *)
116       val xs = map extract_pre xs
117       (* combine with current guard if theorem does not reset status bits *)
118       val xs = map (guard_conj guard) xs
119       (* remove dead paths *)
120       val xs = filter (fn (_,pre) => not (aconv pre F)) xs
121       (* reads the next pcs *)
122       val ys = map (fn (th,gg) => (th,gg,next_directions th)) xs
123       in mk_TRACE_SPLIT (map (fn (th,gs,nexts) =>
124            TRACE_STEP (p, gs, th, mk_TRACE_SPLIT (map
125              (fn n => aux (n:int) (p::seen) (gs:term)) nexts))) ys) end)
126  fun is_nop th = (null (hyp th)) andalso
127                  can (find_term (fn tm => aconv tm ``GUARD``)) (concl th)
128  fun filter_nops (TRACE_CUT p) = TRACE_CUT p
129    | filter_nops (TRACE_END d) = TRACE_END d
130    | filter_nops (TRACE_SPLIT ts) = TRACE_SPLIT (map filter_nops ts)
131    | filter_nops (TRACE_STEP (p,x,th,t)) =
132        if is_nop th then filter_nops t else TRACE_STEP (p,x,th,filter_nops t)
133  val result = aux 0 [] T
134  in result end
137(* derive SPEC theorems *)
139fun pair_apply f ((th1,x1:int,x2:int option),NONE) = ((f th1,x1,x2),NONE)
140  | pair_apply f ((th1,x1,x2),SOME (th2,y1:int,y2:int option)) =
141      ((f th1,x1,x2),SOME (f th2,y1,y2))
143fun jump_apply f NONE = NONE | jump_apply f (SOME x) = SOME (f x);
145fun pair_jump_apply (f:int->int) ((th1,x1:int,x2:int option),NONE) = ((th1,x1,jump_apply f x2),NONE)
146  | pair_jump_apply f ((th1:thm,x1,x2),SOME (th2:thm,y1:int,y2:int option)) =
147      ((th1,x1,jump_apply f x2),SOME (th2,y1,jump_apply f y2));
149val switch_input = ref (0:int ,[]:string list);
152  ``CARRY_OUT (x : 'a word) y T``
155  |> RW [WORD_NOT_NOT]
158  ``OVERFLOW (x : 'a word) y T``
161  |> RW [WORD_NOT_NOT]
164  ``v <> w /\ v <=+ w <=> v <+ w:word32``
165  |> (fn th => CONJ th (RW1 [CONJ_COMM] th))
166  |> (fn th => CONJ th (RW1 [NEQ_SYM] th))
170  val cond_pat = cond_def |> SPEC_ALL |> concl |> dest_eq |> fst
172  fun STAR_cond_CONV c tm = let
173    val (x,y) = dest_star tm
174    val _ = match_term cond_pat y
175    in RAND_CONV (RAND_CONV c) tm end
179  val d32 = CONJ (EVAL ``dimindex (:32)``) (EVAL ``dimword (:32)``)
180  val d64 = CONJ (EVAL ``dimindex (:64)``) (EVAL ``dimword (:64)``)
181  val word32_mem_pat = ``word32 (READ8 w1 m) (READ8 w2 m) (READ8 w3 m) (READ8 w4 m)``
182  val word64_mem_pat = ``word64 (READ8 w1 m) (READ8 w2 m) (READ8 w3 m) (READ8 w4 m)
183                                (READ8 w5 m) (READ8 w6 m) (READ8 w7 m) (READ8 w8 m)``
184  val Align_pat1 = ``arm$Align (w:'a word,n)``
185  val Align_pat2 = ``m0$Align (w:'a word,n)``
186  (* ``b /\ ~(w ' 0) /\ b2 /\ (b3 ==> ALIGNED w) /\ ~(w ' 1)`` *)
187  val clean_ALIGNED_CONV =
188    SIMP_CONV (bool_ss++boolSimps.CONJ_ss) [BITS_01_IMP_ALIGNED] THENC
189    SIMP_CONV (bool_ss++boolSimps.CONJ_ss) [ALIGNED_IMP_BITS_01]
190  val n2w_64 =
191    n2w_11 |> INST_TYPE [alpha|->``:64``] |> REWRITE_RULE [EVAL ``dimword (:64)``]
192  val word_arith_lemma_CONV =
193    SIMP_CONV std_ss [word_arith_lemma1] THENC
194    SIMP_CONV std_ss [word_arith_lemma3,word_arith_lemma4,WORD_EQ_SUB_ZERO,n2w_64]
195  val flag_conv =
196    SIMP_CONV std_ss
198       GSYM carry_out_def,WORD_0_POS,WORD_SUB_RZERO,
199       GSYM (EVAL ``~(0w:word32)``),d32,
200       GSYM (EVAL ``~(0w:word64)``),d64] THENC
201    ONCE_REWRITE_CONV [word_1comp_n2w,word32_msb_n2w] THENC
202    SIMP_CONV std_ss [d32,d64]
203  val finalise_pre_cond =
204    PRE_CONV (SIMP_CONV (pure_ss++sep_cond_ss) [] THENC
205              TRY_CONV (STAR_cond_CONV wordsLib.WORD_SUB_CONV))
206  val final_conv = clean_ALIGNED_CONV THENC word_arith_lemma_CONV
207                   THENC flag_conv THENC finalise_pre_cond
208  fun is_Align tm = can (match_term Align_pat1) tm orelse
209                    can (match_term Align_pat2) tm
210  fun remove_Align th =
211    if not (can (find_term is_Align) (concl th)) then th else let
212      val tms = find_terms is_Align (concl th)
213      val rws = map (fn tm => SPEC (tm |> rand |> pairSyntax.dest_pair |> fst)
214                       REMOVE_Align |> UNDISCH) tms
215      in PURE_REWRITE_RULE rws th |> DISCH_ALL
217         |> SIMP_RULE (pure_ss++sep_cond_ss) [] end
218  fun READ8_INTRO_CONV tm =
219    (if tm |> rator |> is_var then REWR_CONV (GSYM READ8_def) tm
220     else NO_CONV tm)
221    handle HOL_ERR _ => NO_CONV tm
222  val lemma31 = blastLib.BBLAST_PROVE
223    ``(((((31 >< 1) (w:word32)):31 word) @@ (0w:1 word)) : word32) =
224      w && 0xFFFFFFFEw``
225  val fix_sub_word64 = prove(
226    ``(n2w n + w = if n < dimword (:'a) DIV 2 then n2w n + (w:'a word)
227                   else w - n2w (dimword (:'a) - n MOD dimword (:'a))) /\
228      (w + n2w n = if n < dimword (:'a) DIV 2 then w + n2w n
229                   else w - n2w (dimword (:'a) - n MOD dimword (:'a)))``,
230    simp [Once WORD_ADD_COMM] \\ rw []
232    \\ rewrite_tac [WORD_EQ_NEG,word_2comp_n2w])
233    |> INST_TYPE [alpha|->``:64``]
234    |> SIMP_RULE std_ss [EVAL ``dimword (:64)``]
235  val riscv_mask_byte =
236    blastLib.BBLAST_PROVE ``w2w (w && 2w ��� 7 ��� 1w) = (w2w (w:word64)) : word8``
238  fun clean_spec_thm th = let
239    val th = th |> REWRITE_RULE [GSYM word32_def, GSYM word64_def,
240                     decomp_simp1,GSYM READ32_def,GSYM READ64_def,
241                     GSYM WRITE32_def,GSYM WRITE64_def,WRITE64_intro,riscv_mask_byte,
242                     word_extract_thm,GSYM word_add_with_carry_def]
243                |> CONV_RULE (DEPTH_CONV READ8_INTRO_CONV)
244                |> REWRITE_RULE [GSYM WRITE8_def]
245                |> SIMP_RULE std_ss [AC CONJ_COMM CONJ_ASSOC,word_bit_def,d32,d64,
246                     SHIFT_ZERO(*,WORD_MUL_LSL,word_mul_n2w*),
247                     GSYM ADD_ASSOC,lemma31,count_leading_zero_bits_thm]
248    val tms32 = find_terms (can (match_term word32_mem_pat)) (concl th)
249    val tms64 = find_terms (can (match_term word64_mem_pat)) (concl th)
250    fun READ32_RW tm = let
251      val (y,x) = tm |> rand |> dest_comb
252      val goal = mk_eq(tm,``READ32 ^(rand y) ^x``)
253      val c =
254        SIMP_CONV std_ss [READ32_def,word_arith_lemma1,READ8_def] THENC
255        SIMP_CONV std_ss [word_arith_lemma2,word_arith_lemma3,word_arith_lemma4]
256      in MATCH_MP EQ_T (c goal) end handle HOL_ERR _ => TRUTH;
257    fun READ64_RW tm = let
258      val (y,x) = tm |> rand |> dest_comb
259      val goal = mk_eq(tm,``READ64 ^(rand y) ^x``)
260      val c =
261        SIMP_CONV std_ss [READ64_def,word_arith_lemma1,READ8_def] THENC
262        SIMP_CONV std_ss [word_arith_lemma2,word_arith_lemma3,word_arith_lemma4]
263      in MATCH_MP EQ_T (c goal) end handle HOL_ERR _ => TRUTH;
264    val th = th |> PURE_REWRITE_RULE ([ALIGNED_Align] @ map READ32_RW tms32
265                                                      @ map READ64_RW tms64)
266    val th = remove_Align th
267    val th = CONV_RULE final_conv th
268    val th = SIMP_RULE std_ss [word_cancel_extra] th
269             |> CONV_RULE word_arith_lemma_CONV
270    val th = th |> ONCE_REWRITE_RULE [fix_sub_word64]
271                |> SIMP_RULE std_ss [m0_preprocessing]
272    in th end
275fun remove_arm_CONFIGURE th =
276  if can (find_term (fn tm => aconv tm ``arm_CONFIG``)) (concl th) then let
277    val var = ``var:bool``
278    val pat = ``arm_CONFIG (VFPv3,ARMv7_A,F,^var,mode)``
279    val m = match_term pat
280    val n = subst (fst (m (find_term (can m) (concl th)))) var
281    val th = DISCH (mk_neg n) th |> SIMP_RULE bool_ss []
282       |> SIMP_RULE (bool_ss++sep_cond_ss) [GSYM SPEC_MOVE_COND,
283            GSYM arm_decompTheory.arm_OK_def]
284    val _ = if can m (concl th)
285            then failwith "unable to remove arm_CONFIGURE" else ()
286    in th end
287  else th
290val (pos,switch_code) = !switch_input
293fun get_spec_for_switch (pos,switch_code) = let
294  val _ = (switch_input := (pos,switch_code))
295  fun remove_colon_prefix s = last (String.tokens (fn x => x = #":") s)
296  val raw_code = map remove_colon_prefix switch_code
297  val ((th1,_,_),_) = spec_rule (el 1 raw_code)
298  val ((th2,_,_),th2a) = spec_rule (el 2 raw_code)
299  val ((th3,_,_),_) = spec_rule (el 3 raw_code)
300  val (th2a,_,_) = the th2a
301  val (_,_,sts,_) = get_tools()
302  val (reg,case_count) = let
303    val thB = SPEC_COMPOSE_RULE [th1,th2a,th3]
304    val thB = thB |> SIMP_RULE (std_ss++sep_cond_ss) [precond_def,
306                |> CONV_RULE (BINOP1_CONV (SIMP_CONV (srw_ss()) []))
307                |> RW [WORD_NOT_EQ_LESS_EQ]
308                |> Q.INST [`pc`|->`n2w ^(numLib.term_of_int pos)`]
309                |> SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()) [word_add_n2w,OVERFLOW_LEMMA]
310                |> CONV_RULE (SIMP_CONV (pure_ss++star_ss) [] THENC
311                              REWRITE_CONV [STAR_ASSOC])
312    val reg = thB |> concl |> find_term (can (match_term ``arm_REG x y``))
313    in (reg,thB |> concl |> dest_imp |> fst |> rator |> rand |> rand
314                         |> numLib.int_of_term |> (curry (op +) 1)) end
315  fun genlist f 0 k = []
316    | genlist f n k = f k :: genlist f (n-1) (k+1)
317  val targets = zip (genlist I case_count 0) (take case_count (drop 3 raw_code))
318  val thA = th2
319  val thA = RW [WORD_CMP_NORMALISE,precond_def] thA
320  val thA = thA |> DISCH ``arm$Aligned (w0:word32,2)``
321                |> SIMP_RULE std_ss [Aligned_Align]
322  val thA = remove_arm_CONFIGURE thA
323  val thA = thA |> Q.INST [`pc`|->`n2w ^(numLib.term_of_int (pos+4))`]
324  val thA = thA |> Q.INST [`w0`|->`n2w target`]
325  val thA = thA |> INST [reg |> rand|->``n2w n:word32``]
326  fun eval_case (c,p) = let
327    val n = p |> Arbnum.fromHexString |> Arbnum.toInt |> numLib.term_of_int
328    val cnv = PRE_CONV (MOVE_OUT_CONV (rator reg)) THENC
329              POST_CONV (MOVE_OUT_CONV (rator reg))
330    val th = thA |> INST [``target:num``|->n,``n:num``|->numSyntax.term_of_int c]
331    val th = th |> SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()) [armTheory.Aligned_def,armTheory.Align_def,
332                      CARRY_OUT_LEMMA,OVERFLOW_LEMMA]
333                |> CONV_RULE (PRE_CONV ((RAND_CONV o RAND_CONV)
334                     (REWRITE_CONV [armTheory.Aligned_def,armTheory.Align_def]
335                      THENC EVAL))) |> RW [SEP_CLAUSES]
336                |> CONV_RULE cnv |> RW1 [SWITCH_LEMMA] |> SPEC (rand reg)
337                |> CONV_RULE (SIMP_CONV (pure_ss++star_ss) [] THENC
338                              REWRITE_CONV [STAR_ASSOC])
339    in th end
340  val xs = map eval_case targets
341  fun combine (x,th) = MATCH_MP SWITCH_COMBINE (CONJ x th)
342  val th = foldr combine (last xs) (butlast xs)
343  val assum = th |> concl |> dest_imp |> fst
344  val (w,n) = dest_eq(repeat (snd o dest_imp) assum)
345  val new_assum = ``^w <+ ^n + 1w``
346  val lemma = blastLib.BBLAST_PROVE (mk_imp(new_assum,assum))
347  val th =
348    MP th (UNDISCH lemma)
349       |> DISCH_ALL
350       |> CONV_RULE ((RATOR_CONV o RAND_CONV) (SIMP_CONV std_ss [word_add_n2w]))
351       |> RW [GSYM SPEC_MOVE_COND]
352  val (_,_,c,_) = dest_spec (concl th)
353  val code_list = find_terms pairSyntax.is_pair c |> term_all_distinct
354  val code_set = code_list |> pred_setSyntax.mk_set
355  val th = MATCH_MP SPEC_SUBSET_CODE th |> SPEC code_set
358  val th = MP th TRUTH
359  val th2a = th2a |> Q.INST [`pc`|->`n2w ^(numLib.term_of_int (pos+4))`]
360  val (_,_,c,_) = dest_spec (concl th)
361  val th2a = MP (MATCH_MP SPEC_SUBSET_CODE th2a |> SPEC c
362                 |> CONV_RULE (BINOP1_CONV (EVAL))) TRUTH
363  in (th1,th,th2a,th3, (length code_list)) end
365fun inst_pc_var tools thms = let
366  fun triple_apply f (y,(th1,x1:int,x2:int option),NONE) = (y,(f y th1,x1,x2),NONE)
367    | triple_apply f (y,(th1,x1,x2),SOME (th2,y1:int,y2:int option)) =
368        (y,(f y th1,x1,x2),SOME (f y th2,y1,y2))
369  val i = [mk_var("eip",``:word32``) |-> mk_var("p",``:word32``),
370           mk_var("rip",``:word64``) |-> mk_var("p",``:word64``)]
371  val (_,_,_,pc) = tools
372  val ty = (hd o snd o dest_type o type_of) pc
373  fun f y th = let
374    val aa = (hd o tl o snd o dest_type) ty
375    val th = INST i th
376    val (_,p,_,_) = dest_spec (concl th)
377    val pattern = inst [``:'a``|->aa] ``(p:'a word) + n2w n``
378    val new_p = subst [mk_var("n",``:num``)|-> numSyntax.mk_numeral (Arbnum.fromInt y)] pattern
379    val th = INST [mk_var("p",type_of new_p)|->new_p] th
380    val (_,_,_,q) = dest_spec (concl th)
381    val tm = find_term (fn tm => aconv (car tm) pc handle HOL_ERR e => false) q handle HOL_ERR _ => ``T``
382    val cc = SIMP_CONV std_ss [word_arith_lemma1,word_arith_lemma3,word_arith_lemma4]
383    val th = CONV_RULE ((RATOR_CONV o RAND_CONV) cc) th
384    val thi = QCONV cc tm
385    in PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_RULE [thi,WORD_ADD_0] th end;
386  in map (triple_apply f) thms end
388fun pull_let_wider_CONV tm = let
389  val x = find_term (can (pairSyntax.dest_anylet)) tm
390  val (y,d) = pairSyntax.dest_anylet x
391  val tm2 = pairSyntax.mk_anylet(y,subst [x|->d] tm)
392  val goal = mk_eq(tm,tm2)
393  val lemma = auto_prove "pull_let_wider_CONV" (goal,
394    SIMP_TAC std_ss [LET_DEF]
397  in lemma end handle HOL_ERR _ => NO_CONV tm;
400  val pc_var1_32 = mk_var("pc",``:word32``)
401  val pc_var2_32 = mk_var("p",``:word32``)
402  val pc_var1_64 = mk_var("pc",``:word64``)
403  val pc_var2_64 = mk_var("p",``:word64``)
404  fun get_pc_pat () = let
405    val (_,_,_,pc) = get_tools ()
406    in ``^pc w`` end
408  fun inst_pc pos th = let
409    val new_pc_32 = ``n2w ^(numSyntax.term_of_int pos):word32``
410    val new_pc_64 = ``n2w ^(numSyntax.term_of_int pos):word64``
411    val th = INST [pc_var1_32 |-> new_pc_32, pc_var2_32 |-> new_pc_32,
412                   pc_var1_64 |-> new_pc_64, pc_var2_64 |-> new_pc_64] th
413    val pc_pat = get_pc_pat ()
414    val tms = find_terms (can (match_term pc_pat)) (rand (concl th))
415    val rws = map (QCONV (RAND_CONV EVAL)) tms
416    val th = ONCE_REWRITE_RULE rws th
417    in th end
420fun mk_call_tag fname is_tail_call = let
421  val b = if is_tail_call then T else F
422  val fname_tm = stringSyntax.fromMLstring fname
423  in mk_comb(mk_comb(``CALL_TAG``,fname_tm),b) end
425fun dest_call_tag tm = let
426  val (xy,z) = dest_comb tm
427  val (x,y) = dest_comb xy
428  val _ = (aconv x ``CALL_TAG``) orelse fail()
429  in (stringSyntax.fromHOLstring y,
430      if aconv z T then true else
431      if aconv z F then false else fail()) end
433exception NoInstructionSpec
435fun wrap_get_spec f asm = f asm
436  handle HOL_ERR e => if #origin_structure e = "arm_progLib"
437  then raise NoInstructionSpec
438  else failwith ("Unable to derive spec for " ^ asm ^ ": " ^ format_ERR e)
440fun derive_individual_specs code = let
441  val tools = get_tools()
442  fun mk_new_var prefix v = let
443    val (n,ty) = dest_var v
444    in mk_var (prefix ^ "@" ^ n, ty) end
445  val (f,_,hide_th,pc) = tools
446  fun get_model_status_list th =
447    (map dest_sep_hide o list_dest dest_star o snd o dest_eq o concl) th handle HOL_ERR e => []
448  val delete_spaces = (implode o filter (fn x => not(x = #" ")) o explode)
449  fun list_find name [] = fail ()
450    | list_find name ((x,y)::xs) = if name = x then y else list_find name xs
451  val prefix_len = size "switch:"
452  fun remove_switch_prefix s =
453    if String.isPrefix "switch:" s
454    then remove_switch_prefix (String.substring(s,prefix_len,size s - prefix_len)) else s
455  val bad_insts = ["rfeia","mrc","mcr","mcrr","strex","cpsid","svc"]
456  fun bad_instruction asm_name =
457    length (filter (fn s => String.isPrefix s asm_name) bad_insts) <> 0
458  val white_chars = explode " \t\n"
459  fun get_asm_name asm = asm |> String.tokens (fn c => mem c white_chars) |> hd
462  val ((th,_,_),_) = res
463  val th = (inst_pc pos o RW [precond_def]) th
466  fun get_local_const pos = let
467    val (_,c,_) = first (fn (p,_,_) => p = pos) code
468    val _ = String.isPrefix "const:" c orelse failwith "const load from non-const"
469    val hex = String.tokens (fn c => c = #":") c |> el 2
470    val tm = Arbnum.fromHexString hex |> numSyntax.mk_numeral
471    in ``n2w (^tm):word32`` end
472  fun has_free_vars tm = length (free_vars tm) <> 0
473  fun inst_pc_rel_const th = let
474    val (_,_,c,_) = dest_spec (concl th)
475    in if not (has_free_vars c) then th else let
476         fun do_inst tm = let
477           val (pos_tm,v) = pairSyntax.dest_pair tm
478           in v |-> get_local_const (pos_tm |> rand
479                                            |> numSyntax.int_of_term) end
480         val i = find_terms (fn tm => pairSyntax.is_pair tm andalso
481                                      is_var (rand tm)) c
482                 |> map (do_inst o rand o concl o QCONV EVAL)
483         val th = INST i th |> CONV_RULE (RATOR_CONV (RAND_CONV EVAL))
484         in th end end
486  fun remove_tab s =
487    s |> explode |> map (fn c => if c = #"\t" then #" " else c) |> implode
488  fun placeholder_spec asm len = let
489    val t = String.tokens (fn x => x = #":") asm |> last |> remove_tab
490    in (SPECL [stringSyntax.fromMLstring t, numSyntax.term_of_int len]
491          (case !arch_name of
492             ARM => SKIP_SPEC_ARM
493           | M0 => SKIP_SPEC_M0
494           | RISCV => SKIP_SPEC_RISCV), len, SOME len) end
497  val ((pos,instruction,asm)::code) = code
498  val ((pos,instruction,asm)::code) = drop 1 code
499  val ((pos,instruction,asm)::code) = drop 17 code
501  fun get_specs [] = []
502    | get_specs ((pos,instruction,asm)::code) = let
503      val instruction = delete_spaces instruction
504      in
505        if String.isPrefix "call:" instruction then let
506          val ts = String.tokens (fn x => x = #":") instruction
507          val fname = ts |> el 2
508          val instruction = ts |> el 3
509          fun add_call_tag th =
510            th |> DISCH (mk_call_tag fname false) |> UNDISCH
511          val g = add_call_tag o
512                  clean_spec_thm o
513                  remove_arm_CONFIGURE o
514                  inst_pc_rel_const o
515                  inst_pc pos o RW [precond_def]
516          val res = wrap_get_spec f instruction
517          val (x,y) = pair_apply g res
518          in (pos,x,y) :: get_specs code end
519        else if String.isPrefix "const:" instruction then
520          get_specs code
521        else if not (code = []) andalso
522                String.isPrefix "switch:" ((fn (_,x,_) => x) (hd code)) then let
523          val switch_code = instruction :: map (fn (_,x,_) => x) code
524          val _ = write_line "Switch found."
525          val (th1,th2,th2a,th3,l) = get_spec_for_switch (pos,switch_code)
526          val code = drop (l-1) code
527          val th2 = th2 |> RW [SPEC_MOVE_COND]
528                        |> SIMP_RULE std_ss [] |> UNDISCH_ALL
529          fun g pos = clean_spec_thm o
530                      remove_arm_CONFIGURE o
531                      inst_pc_rel_const o
532                      inst_pc pos o RW [precond_def]
533          in (pos,(g pos th1,4,SOME 4),NONE) ::
534             (pos+4,(g (pos+4) th2,4,NONE),SOME (g (pos+4) th2a,4,SOME 4)) ::
535             (pos+8,(g (pos+8) th3,4*l-8,SOME 4),NONE) ::
536               get_specs code end
537        else if String.isPrefix "dmb" asm then raise NoInstructionSpec
538        else let
539          val g = clean_spec_thm o
540                  remove_arm_CONFIGURE o
541                  inst_pc_rel_const o
542                  inst_pc pos o RW [precond_def]
543          val res = wrap_get_spec f instruction
544                    handle HOL_ERR _ => raise NoInstructionSpec
545          val (x,y) = pair_apply g res
546          in (pos,x,y) :: get_specs code end
547      end handle NoInstructionSpec => let
548        val asm = String.translate (fn c =>
549                      if c = #"\r" then "" else
550                      if c = #"\t" then " " else implode [c]) asm
551        val _ = write_line ("Skipping " ^ instruction ^ " " ^ asm)
552        val len = if size instruction (* in hex *) < 8 then 2 else 4 (* bytes *)
553        val (thi,x1,x2) = (placeholder_spec asm len)
554        in (pos,(inst_pc pos thi,x1,x2),NONE) :: get_specs code end
557  val (pos,instruction,asm) = hd code
558  val n = 8
559  val instruction = hd (drop 22 code)
560  val iss = drop 13 code
561  val ((th,_,_),_) = f instruction
562  val th = renamer th
563  val prefix = "foo@"
565  val res = get_specs code
566  val has_bad_insts = exists bad_instruction
567                        (map (fn (_,_,asm) => get_asm_name asm) code)
568  fun calc_addresses i [] = []
569    | calc_addresses i ((n:int,(th1:thm,l1,j1),y)::xs)  = let
570    val (x,y) = pair_jump_apply (fn j => i+j) ((th1,l1,j1),y)
571    in (i,x,y) :: calc_addresses (i+l1) xs end
572  val res = calc_addresses 0 res
573  val res = inst_pc_var tools res
574  (* deal with silly blx instructions that call a constant pointer *)
575  val pc_rel_var = mk_var("pc_rel",``:word32``)
576  fun basic_find_pc_rel_load v =
577    first (fn (n,(th,i,k),y) => let
578      val vs = free_vars (concl th)
579      in term_mem pc_rel_var vs andalso term_mem (mk_new_var "new" v) vs end) res
580  fun find_pc_rel_load nn v = let
581    fun exit_pc_is_var th = let
582      val v = cdr (find_term (can (match_term ``arm_PC w``)) (cdr (concl th)))
583      in is_var v end;
584    val res2 = map (fn (nn,(th,i,x),y) =>
585      if (x = NONE) andalso exit_pc_is_var th
586      then hd (inst_pc_var tools [(nn,(fake_spec,i,SOME 4),y)])
587      else (nn,(th,i,x),y)) (butlast res) @ [last res]
588    fun is_assign th = let
589      val vs = free_vars (concl th)
590      in term_mem pc_rel_var vs andalso term_mem (mk_new_var "new" v) vs end
591    fun assign curr (TRACE_CUT p) = []
592      | assign curr (TRACE_END _) = []
593      | assign curr (TRACE_SPLIT qs) = append_lists (map (assign curr) qs)
594      | assign curr (TRACE_STEP (p,_,th,t)) =
595          if p = nn then [curr] else
596            assign (if is_assign th then p else curr) t
597    val xs = (diff (assign ~1 (construct_thm_trace res2)) [~1])
598    val _ = length xs > 0 orelse failwith("can't find assignment")
599    val i = hd xs
600    fun thms_lookup n [] = fail()
601      | thms_lookup n ((nn,x,y)::xs) = if n = nn then (nn,x,y) else thms_lookup n xs
602    in thms_lookup i res end handle HOL_ERR _ => basic_find_pc_rel_load v
603  fun delete_long_jump (nn,(th,i,SOME k),y) = (nn,(th,i,SOME k),y)
604    | delete_long_jump (nn,(th,i,NONE),y) = let
605    val v = cdr (find_term (can (match_term ``arm_PC w``)) (cdr (concl th)))
606    val (n,(r,_,_),_) = find_pc_rel_load nn v
607    val (_,_,c,_) = dest_spec (concl r)
608    val k = el 2 (list_dest pred_setSyntax.dest_insert c)
609            |> dest_pair |> fst |> cdr |> cdr |> numSyntax.int_of_term
610    val xs = String.tokens (fn c => c = #":") ((fn (_,x,_) => x) (el (k div 4 + 1) code))
611    val a = el 2 xs |> Arbnum.fromHexString |> numSyntax.mk_numeral
612            |> (fn n => wordsSyntax.mk_n2w(n,``:32``))
613    val name = el 3 xs
614    val rw = GSYM (ASSUME (mk_eq(a,v)))
615    val th = CONV_RULE (POST_CONV (MOVE_OUT_CONV ``arm_PC``)) th
616    val th = CONV_RULE ((RATOR_CONV o RAND_CONV) (REWRITE_CONV [rw])) th
617    val th = CONV_RULE ((POST_CONV o RAND_CONV) (REWRITE_CONV [rw])) th
618    val th = DISCH_ALL_AS_SINGLE_IMP th
620    val th = UNDISCH_ALL th
621    val (th1,_,_) = (print "Not found in memory.\n\n"; fail())
622    val th = RW [hide_th] th
623    val th = CONV_RULE (POST_CONV (MOVE_OUT_CONV ``aR 14w``)) th
624    val th = CONV_RULE (PRE_CONV (MOVE_OUT_CONV ``arm_PC``)) th
625    val th = SPEC_COMPOSE_RULE [th,th1]
627    val th = RW [sidecond_def,hide_th,STAR_ASSOC] th
628    val th = CONV_RULE (POST_CONV pull_let_wider_CONV) th
629    in (nn,(th,i,SOME (nn+i)),y) end handle HOL_ERR _ => (nn,(th,i,NONE),y)
630  val res = map delete_long_jump res
631  in (has_bad_insts, res) end;
633fun inst_pc_rel_const tools thms code = let
634  fun triple_apply f (y,(th1,x1:int,x2:int option),NONE) = (y,(f y th1,x1,x2),NONE)
635    | triple_apply f (y,(th1,x1,x2),SOME (th2,y1:int,y2:int option)) =
636        (y,(f y th1,x1,x2),SOME (f y th2,y1,y2))
637  fun find_instr [] p = hd []
638    | find_instr (x::xs) p = if p < 4 then x else find_instr xs (p-4)
639  val pc_rel = mk_var("pc_rel",``:word32``)
640  val has_pc_rel = can (find_term (fn x => aconv x pc_rel))
641  fun foo y th =
642    if not (has_pc_rel (concl th)) then th else let
643      val (_,_,c,_) = dest_spec (concl th)
644      val ys = find_terms (can (match_term ``(x1:word32,x2:word32)``)) c
645      val const = ys |> filter has_pc_rel |> hd |> dest_pair |> fst
646                     |> cdr |> cdr |> numSyntax.int_of_term |> find_instr code
647      val const = if String.isPrefix "const:" const
648                  then el 2 (String.tokens (fn c => c = #":") const) else const
649      val n = numSyntax.mk_numeral (Arbnum.fromHexString const)
650      val th = INST [pc_rel|->wordsSyntax.mk_n2w(n,``:32``)] th
651      in th end
652  in map (triple_apply foo) thms end
654fun UNABBREV_CODE_RULE th = let
655  val rw = (!code_abbreviations)
656  val c = REWRITE_CONV rw THENC
657          SIMP_CONV std_ss [word_arith_lemma1] THENC
659  val th = CONV_RULE ((RATOR_CONV o RAND_CONV) c) th
660  in th end;
662fun tidy_up_name name = let
663  val name = if String.isPrefix "_" name then "fun" ^ name else name
664  in String.translate (fn c => if c = #"-" then "_" else implode [c]) name end
666fun abbreviate_code name thms = let
667  fun extract_code (_,(th,_,_),_) = let val (_,_,c,_) = dest_spec (concl th) in c end
668  val cs = map extract_code thms
669  val ty = (hd o snd o dest_type o type_of o hd) cs
670  val tm = foldr pred_setSyntax.mk_union (pred_setSyntax.mk_empty ty) cs
672  val c = (cdr o concl) cth
673  val (_,(th,_,_),_) = hd thms
674  val (m,_,_,_) = dest_spec (concl th)
675  val model_name = (to_lower o implode o take_until (fn x => x = #"_") o explode o fst o dest_const) m
676  val x = list_mk_pair (free_vars c)
677  val def_name = name ^ "_" ^ model_name
678  val def_name = tidy_up_name def_name
679  val v = if aconv x ``():unit`` then mk_var(def_name,type_of c)
680          else mk_var(def_name,type_of(mk_pabs(x,c)))
681  val code_def = new_definition(def_name ^ "_def",
682        if aconv x ``():unit`` then mk_eq(v,c)
683        else mk_eq(mk_comb(v,x),c))
684  val _ = add_code_abbrev [code_def]
685  fun triple_apply f (y,(th1,x1:int,x2:int option),NONE) = (y,(f th1,x1,x2),NONE)
686    | triple_apply f (y,(th1,x1,x2),SOME (th2,y1:int,y2:int option)) =
687        (y,(f th1,x1,x2),SOME (f th2,y1,y2))
688  val code_thm = CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV (fn _ => GSYM cth)) (SPEC_ALL code_def)
689  fun foo th = let
691    val thi = SPEC ((fst o dest_eq o concl o SPEC_ALL) code_def) thi
692    val goal = (fst o dest_imp o concl) thi
693    val lemma = auto_prove "abbreviate_code" (goal,
695                THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC [] THEN (fn _ => fail()))
699    val thi = UNDISCH_ALL (PURE_REWRITE_RULE [GSYM AND_IMP_INTRO] (MP thi lemma))
700    in thi end
701  val thms = map (triple_apply foo) thms
702  val _ = (aconv x ``():unit``) orelse failwith "code contains variables"
703  in (code_def,thms) end
705fun apply_thms f (i:int,(th,l:int,j:int option),NONE) = (i,(f th,l,j),NONE)
706  | apply_thms f (i,(th,l,j),SOME (th1,l1,j1)) = (i,(f th,l,j),SOME (f th1,l1,j1))
708fun try_map g f [] = []
709  | try_map g f (x::xs) = let
710      val y = f x
711      in y :: try_map g f xs end
712      handle HOL_ERR _ =>
713        (g x; try_map g f xs)
715val stack_intro_fails = ref ([] : (int * string) list);
717fun print_stack_intro_fail (pos,sec_name) = let
718  val b = !writer_prints
719  val _ = (writer_prints := true)
720  val _ = write_line ("Stack intro failed in " ^ sec_name ^ " for pos " ^
721                      (int_to_hex pos) ^ ".")
722  val _ = (writer_prints := b)
723  in () end
725fun add_stack_intro_fail pos sec_name =
726  (print_stack_intro_fail (pos,sec_name);
727   stack_intro_fails := (pos, sec_name) :: (!stack_intro_fails));
729fun clear_stack_intro_fails () = (stack_intro_fails := []);
731fun print_stack_intro_report () =
732  (if length (!stack_intro_fails) = 0 then
733    (write_line "No stack intro failures."; [])
734   else (has_failures := true;
735         map print_stack_intro_fail (!stack_intro_fails)))
737fun derive_specs_for sec_name = let
738  val code = section_body sec_name
739  val _ = write_subsection "Deriving specifications"
740  val cl = int_to_string (length code)
741  val str = "Section `"^sec_name^"` consists of "^cl^" instructions."
742  val _ = write_line str
743  val thms = snd (derive_individual_specs code)
744  val stack_accesses =
745    if length thms = 0 then [] else
746      find_stack_accesses sec_name thms
747      handle HOL_ERR _ => (add_stack_intro_fail 0 sec_name; [])
748  val _ = (writer_prints := false)
749  val thms = try_map (fn (n,_,_) => add_stack_intro_fail n sec_name)
750                     (apply_thms (STACK_INTRO_RULE stack_accesses)) thms
751  val _ = (writer_prints := true)
752  val (code_abbrev_def, thms) =
753    if length thms = 0 then (TRUTH, thms) else
754      abbreviate_code sec_name thms
755  in thms end;
759  val base_name = "loop-riscv/example"
760  val base_name = "kernel-riscv/kernel-riscv"
761  val _ = read_files base_name []
762  val _ = open_current "test"
763  val sec_name = "lookupSlot"
764  val sec_name = "memzero"
765  val sec_name = "memcpy"
766  val sec_name = "isIRQPending"
767  val sec_name = "createNewObjects"
768  val sec_name = "get_num_avail_p_regs"
769  val sec_name = "ensureEmptySlot"
771  val _ = file_readerLib.show_code sec_name
773  val base_name = "loop/example"
774  val _ = read_files base_name []
775  val _ = open_current "test"
776  val sec_name = "g"
778val l3_arm_tools = arm_decompLib.l3_arm_tools
779val (arm_spec,_,_,_) = l3_arm_tools
780val instruction = "e200300f"
781val th = arm_spec instruction
783  val (f,_,_,_) = l3_arm_tools
785  ``increment``
788   [(0, "e200300f", "and\tr3, r0, #15"),
789    (4, "e0830180", "add\tr0, r3, r0, lsl #3"),
790    (8, "e12fff1e", "bx\tlr")]: