2(* Information and trouble shooting guide for encoding to ACL2.              *)
3(*                                                                           *)
4(*    Functions are encoded using the translate_..._function functions, and  *)
5(*    should be used in order of definition. Eg, if the function f calls the *)
6(*    function g, then g should be translated before f. Additionally, if     *)
7(*    f takes as argument a type t, then a 'recognition' function must be    *)
8(*    generated for t before it can be used. The function,                   *)
9(*    flatten_recognizers is used to do this.                                *)
10(*                                                                           *)
11(* Trouble shooting:                                                         *)
12(*    The trace is registered under 'functionEncodeLib.Trace' and exceptions *)
13(*    are best viewed using 'translate_... handle e => Raise e'.             *)
14(*                                                                           *)
15(*    The two common reasons for the encoding process to fail are:           *)
16(*        Missing rewrite: A function that is relied upon by the function    *)
17(*                         being encoded has not been translated yet.        *)
18(*           In the simplest case this may be solved by translating the      *)
19(*           missing function, or flattening the recognizer for the required *)
20(*           type. If the function may not be translated automatically,      *)
21(*           then it may be translated by hand and added using:              *)
22(*           functionEncodeLib.add_standard/conditional_rewrite.             *)
23(*           Example:                                                        *)
24(*               If we translate 'DIVMOD' without previously translating     *)
25(*               'findq' we get the error:                                   *)
26(*               Exception: No rewrite matched the following:                *)
27(*                 Term: nat (findq (1,FST ..., SND ...))                    *)
28(*                 Assumptions: [ [.]                                        *)
29(*        Rewrite cannot be applied: This is characterised by a rewrite      *)
30(*                         *nearly* applying in the trace log.               *)
31(*           In some cases this can be solved by provided an extra theorem.  *)
32(*           For example, the if the rewrite for DIV fails under the         *)
33(*           assumptions:                                                    *)
34(*               [|- ~(a = 0), ... ]  ``nat (x DIV a)``                      *)
35(*           We can solve this by adding the extra theorem:                  *)
36(*               |- ~(a = 0) ==> 0 < a                                       *)
37(*           To match the theorem:                                           *)
38(*               |- 0 < a ==> (nat (b DIV a) = ...)                          *)
39(*                                                                           *)
40(*    The translation of under-specified recursive functions (eg. SEG) is    *)
41(*    particularly troublesome. All constructors in limits must be given     *)
42(*    in a POSITIVE form, eg:                                                *)
43(*          ?x y. argument = x :: y   rather than    ~(argument = [])        *)
44(*    For a recursive function we must therefore prove two theorem forms.    *)
45(*    Firstly, that the limit is correct, and secondly, that it is preserved *)
46(*    across recursive calls:                                                *)
47(*        1) : |- a + b <= LENGTH c ==> ~((?n. a = SUC n) /\ (c = []))       *)
48(*        2) : |- (?d. a = SUC d) /\ (b = 0) /\                              *)
49(*                (?x y. c = x :: y) /\ a + b <= LENGTH c ==>                *)
50(*                                  PRE a + 0 <= LENGTH (TL c)               *)
51(*    Recursive calls are characterised by the limit being applied to        *)
52(*    destructed arguments (PRE and TL). For a given type, t, these can be   *)
53(*    found by using the function:                                           *)
54(*        get_coding_theorem_precise ``:sexp`` t "destructors"               *)
55(*                                                                           *)
58signature acl2encodeLib =
60    include Abbrev
63(* print_all_defs_mbe/standard :                                             *)
64(*    Prints all definitions, up until the definition given, to a file.      *)
65(*    The _mbe version uses the form:                                        *)
66(*        (defun f (x) (declare (xargs :guard P))                            *)
67(*                 (must-be-equal (if P body bottom) body))                  *)
68(*                                                                           *)
69(*    This has the advantage that functions run must faster. However, ACL2   *)
70(*    is occasionally unable to prove termination / verify guards. This will *)
71(*    hopefully be resolved soon...                                          *)
72(*                                                                           *)
75    val print_all_defs_mbe : string -> thm -> unit
76    val print_all_defs_standard : string -> thm -> unit
79(* set_destructors : thm list -> unit                                        *)
80(*    Set the destructors for a given type to the theorems given.            *)
81(*    These theorems should be of the form: |- D (C a b c...) = b ...        *)
82(*                                                                           *)
83(*    This function can be used before or after initialise_type is called.   *)
84(*    However, if functions are translated using the destructors then the    *)
85(*    destructors provided, eg. D, MUST have been translated beforehand.     *)
86(*                                                                           *)
89    val set_destructors : thm list -> unit
92(* initialise_type :                                                         *)
93(*    Initialises a type so that functions over it can be translated to ACL2 *)
94(*    This generates the following functions:                                *)
95(*          map, all :                                                       *)
96(*               The standard map and all functions, these can be viewed     *)
97(*               using: polytypicLib.get_source_function_def hol_type "map"  *)
98(*          encode, decode, detect, fix :                                    *)
99(*               These functions form the basis of the translation and may   *)
100(*               be viewed using:                                            *)
101(*               polytypicLib.get_coding_function_def ``:sexp``              *)
102(*                                               hol_type "fix"              *)
103(*    It also generates a number of theorems for use in the encoding         *)
104(*    process, for more information see the function definition itself and   *)
105(*    the function encodeLib.encode_type.                                    *)
106(*                                                                           *)
107(* Usage:                                                                    *)
108(*    This function should be used to encode types added via hol_datatype.   *)
109(*    Failure to do so may introduce unexpected errors into the translation  *)
110(*    process.                                                               *)
111(*                                                                           *)
114    val initialise_type : hol_type -> unit
117(* translate_simple/conditional/limit_function :                             *)
118(*     These functions translate non-polymorphic definitions that do not use *)
119(*     finite cartesian products. The encoding process is as follows:        *)
120(*         a) Convert to clause form, using                                  *)
121(*            functionEncodeLib.clause_to_case                               *)
122(*         b) Define an analogue definition using                            *)
123(*            functionEncodeLib.mk_analogue_definition                       *)
124(*         c) Rewrite the definition using:                                  *)
125(*            functionEncodeLib.complete_analogue and                        *)
126(*            functionEncodeLib.PROPAGATE_ENCODERS_CONV                      *)
127(*                                                                           *)
128(* Usage:                                                                    *)
129(*    Each function takes an associative list, mapping function constants to *)
130(*    names for the translated function. For example:                        *)
131(*        [(``LAST``,"last_translated")]                                     *)
132(*    Lists are used throughout to support mutually recursive function       *)
133(*    definitions.                                                           *)
134(*                                                                           *)
135(*    The first of these functions should be used for simple definitions     *)
136(*    which are fully specified (do not have any missing clauses) and do not *)
137(*    rely upon any functions which are not fully specified.                 *)
138(*                                                                           *)
139(*    The second of these functions should be used when the first fails,     *)
140(*    for definitions which rely upon under-specified functions, but which   *)
141(*    are themselves fully specified. Examples of such functions are those   *)
142(*    relying on DIV, HD, TL etc...                                          *)
143(*        The second argument to this function is then a list of helper      *)
144(*    theorems. For example, if a call to HD is guarded by '~(x = [])`, then *)
145(*    since the rewrite (|- (?a b. l = a::b) ==> (encode (HD l) = ...))      *)
146(*    relies upon CONS instead, the theorem:                                 *)
147(*        |- ~(x = []) ==> (?a b. x = a :: b)                                *)
148(*    should be provided. See the examples in testACL2encoding for more      *)
149(*    information.                                                           *)
150(*                                                                           *)
151(*    The final function should be used for definitions which are under      *)
152(*    specified. This takes an additional argument specifying the ranges     *)
153(*    under which the function may be translated, eg:                        *)
154(*       [(``LAST``,[(``\x. (?a b. x = a :: b)``)])]                         *)
155(*    NOTE: The system is designed to work with constructors given           *)
156(*          POSITIVELY, eg: ?a b. x = a :: b, rather than, ~(x = []).        *)
157(*          This form (with arguments existentially quantified in an LR      *)
158(*          fashion) should be used wherever possible.                       *)
159(*                                                                           *)
162    val translate_simple_function
163        : (term * string) list -> thm -> thm
164    val translate_conditional_function
165        : (term * string) list -> thm list -> thm -> thm
166    val translate_limit_function
167        : (term * string) list ->
168          (term * term list) list -> thm list -> thm -> thm
171(* translate_simple/conditional/limit_polymorphic_function :                 *)
172(*     These functions work in exactly the same way as the non-polymorphic   *)
173(*     varieties, except they take one extra argument: a map fusion theorem  *)
174(*     for each mutually recursive function involved.                        *)
175(*                                                                           *)
176(*     For a simple, or conditional, function, only the following form of    *)
177(*     theorem need be supplied:                                             *)
178(*         |- f (map g x) (map h y) ... = map g h (f x y)                    *)
179(*     The 'map' functions are introduced during the encoding of each type,  *)
180(*     and may be retrieved using polytypicLib.get_source_function_def. This *)
181(*     means that such functions may not be encoded until initialise_type    *)
182(*     has been called.                                                      *)
183(*                                                                           *)
184(*     In the case of a limited function, eg. LAST, the fusion theorem can   *)
185(*     only be of the form:                                                  *)
186(*         |- (?a b. x = a :: b) ==> (LAST (MAP f x) = f (LAST x))           *)
187(*     In this case, we must also supply a fusion theorem for CONS, to the   *)
188(*     list of theorems:                                                     *)
189(*         |- (?a b. x = a :: b) ==> (?a b. MAP f x = a :: b)                *)
190(*     This will be the case with all functions with limit range.            *)
191(*                                                                           *)
192(*     Note: For functions which are 'partially' polymorphic, eg. they use   *)
193(*     a type such as :'a + num, the constant I may be used as the map       *)
194(*     function for a ground type (eg. num).                                 *)
195(*                                                                           *)
198    val translate_simple_polymorphic_function
199        : (term * string) list -> (term * thm) list -> thm -> thm
200    val translate_conditional_polymorphic_function
201        : (term * string) list -> (term * thm) list -> thm list -> thm -> thm
202    val translate_limit_polymorphic_function
203        : (term * string) list ->
204          (term * thm) list -> (term * term list) list -> thm list -> thm -> thm
207(* translate_simple/conditional/limit/recursive_fcp_function :               *)
208(*    These functions are designed to work with functions that use           *)
209(*    finite cartesian products or words (see wordsTheory, fcpTheory).       *)
210(*                                                                           *)
211(*    The encoding process for such functions is subtly different to that    *)
212(*    used for standard functions. In this case, a prospective term is found *)
213(*    to represent the encoded function, and a function defined to match it  *)
214(*    using functions in Defn. This means that in the case of recursive      *)
215(*    definitions, two tactics must be supplied. The first to prove that the *)
216(*    definition terminates, and the second to prove the propagation theorem.*)
217(*                                                                           *)
218(*    The first tactic supplied must provide a well-founded relation over    *)
219(*    sexp that demonstrates that the function terminates. The tactic:       *)
220(*        ENCODE_WF_REL_TAC : term frag list -> tactic                       *)
221(*    is designed to act as WF_REL_TAC, except the relation is combined with *)
222(*    encoding functions to produce a relation over s-expressions.           *)
223(*    This may be used in conjunction with:                                  *)
224(*        FULL_CHOOSE_DETECT : tactic                                        *)
225(*    Given the assumption '|- detect x' this tactic replaces 'x' with       *)
226(*    'encode y'. Also useful, may be the theorems:                          *)
227(*        polytypicLib.generate_coding_theorem ``:sexp``                     *)
228(*                "encode_decode_map", "encode_decode", "encode_detect"...   *)
229(*                                                                           *)
232    val translate_simple_fcp_function
233        : string -> thm -> thm
234    val translate_conditional_fcp_function
235        : string -> thm list -> thm -> thm
236    val translate_limit_fcp_function
237        : string -> term list -> thm list -> thm -> thm
238    val translate_recursive_fcp_function
239        : string -> term list -> thm list -> thm ->
240          thm list -> tactic -> (thm -> thm -> tactic) -> thm
243(* flatten_[fcp]_recognizers :                                               *)
244(*     Creates functions to 'recognise' the type, suitable for export to     *)
245(*     ACL2. This *must* be used before attempting to translate functions    *)
246(*     that rely on untranslated types.                                      *)
247(*                                                                           *)
248(* usage:                                                                    *)
249(*     Both functions require a 'naming' function to produce names for       *)
250(*     recognizers for the types involved. It should be noted that ALL       *)
251(*     types in [nested] mutual recursion with the type given will have      *)
252(*     functions defined for them.                                           *)
253(*                                                                           *)
256    val flatten_recognizers
257        : (hol_type -> string) -> hol_type -> thm list
258    val flatten_fcp_recognizers
259        : (hol_type -> string) -> hol_type -> thm list
262(* Tactics to assist proof of recursive FCP functions:                       *)
263(*                                                                           *)
264(* ENCODE_WF_REL_TAC :                                                       *)
265(*    Given a goal of the form: ?R. WF R /\ .... and                         *)
266(*    a relation 'R', ENCODE_WF_REL_TAC instantiates the existential in the  *)
267(*    goal with the term: ``inv_image R encode``.                            *)
268(*                                                                           *)
269(* FULL_CHOOSE_DETECT_TAC :                                                  *)
270(*           A u {detect x} ?- G                                             *)
271(*    ------------------------------------- FULL_CHOOSE_DETECT_TAC           *)
272(*    A[encode x' / x] ?- G [encode x' / x]                                  *)
273(*                                                                           *)
276    val ENCODE_WF_REL_TAC : term frag list -> tactic
277    val FULL_CHOOSE_DETECT_TAC : tactic
280(* For a ground term:                                                        *)
281(*     ONEONE_DECENC_THM t = |- ONEONE (decode_t o encode_t)                 *)
282(*     ONEONE_ENC_THM t    = |- ONEONE (encode_t : t -> sexp)                *)
283(*                                                                           *)
286    val ONEONE_DECENC_THM : hol_type -> thm
287    val ONEONE_ENC_THM    : hol_type -> thm
289    val Raise : exn -> 'a