2structure cearTools =
7open Globals HolKernel Parse
9open boolSyntax pairSyntax pairTools PairRules bossLib Tactical Tactic
10     Drule Rewrite pred_setTheory boolTheory Conv pairTheory
11     pred_setTheory pred_setLib stringLib listTheory rich_listTheory
12     simpLib pairLib PrimitiveBddRules DerivedBddRules Binarymap
13     HolSatLib sumSyntax numSyntax
15open cearTheory ksTheory setLemmasTheory muSyntaxTheory muSyntax
16     muTheory muTools ksTheory muCheck bddTools envTheory ksTools
17     commonTools lazyTools lzPairRules lzConv
19val _ = numLib.prefer_num();
21val dpfx = "crt_"
25val _ = set_trace "notify type variable guesses" 0;
26val abs_ks_tm = ``cear$ABS_KS``
27val is_abs_fun_tm = ``cear$IS_ABS_FUN``
28val _ = set_trace "notify type variable guesses" 1;
30fun get_astate_ty hname = (snd o pairSyntax.dest_prod o hd o snd o dest_type o type_of) hname
32(* prove that ABS_KS ks h = aks  *)
33(* where hd is the definition h(s,sh) = ... (required only to get our hands on the constant h) *)
34fun mk_abs_eq_thm state state' astate astate' n hd_def ks_def aks_def goal =
35    prove(goal,
36          REWRITE_TAC [GSYM hd_def]
37          THEN REWRITE_TAC [ks_def,aks_def,ABS_KS_def,KS_component_equality,KS_accfupds,combinTheory.K_DEF]
38          THEN BETA_TAC
40          [
42           THEN CONV_TAC (PairRules.GEN_PALPHA_CONV astate)
43           THEN PairRules.PGEN_TAC
44           THEN CONV_TAC (RHS_CONV pred_setLib.SET_SPEC_CONV)
45           THEN CONV_TAC (RHS_CONV (PairRules.GEN_PALPHA_CONV state))
47           THEN SIMP_TAC std_ss [IN_DEF,CONJ_COMM] THEN PairRules.PBETA_TAC, (* S0 *)
48           CONV_TAC (RHS_CONV (ABS_CONV (GEN_PALPHA_CONV (mk_pair(astate,astate')))))
51           THEN PBETA_TAC
52           THEN REFL_TAC, (* T *)
55           THEN CONV_TAC (GEN_PALPHA_CONV astate)
56           THEN PairRules.PGEN_TAC
59           THEN GEN_TAC
61           THEN CONV_TAC (RHS_CONV (SIMP_CONV std_ss [SET_SPEC]))
63           THEN PBETA_TAC
66           THEN RW_TAC std_ss [IN_DEF]
67           THEN REFL_TAC
68          ])
70(* abs_fun is (ap_0 = av_0) /\ (ap_1 = av_1) /\ ... where the ap_i are atomic propositions extracted (currently) from the properties to
71   be checked. Thus the size of the abstract state is the same as the total number of atomic props over all the properties.
72   In case this is >= the number of concrete state vars (possible in very small models), hct.maA ensures we do not bother abstracting *)
73fun mk_abs_fun aapl vm state hname =
74    let val _ = dbgTools.DEN dpfx "maf" (*DBG*)
75        val state' = mk_primed_state state
76        val nabsv = List.length aapl (* # of abs state vars needed *)
77        (*FIXME: what happens if there is a concrete state var called av_i? bad things *)
78        val astate = pairSyntax.list_mk_pair(List.tabulate(nabsv,fn i => mk_bool_var("av"^(int_to_string i))))
79        val vm = List.foldl (* add any newly created abstract vars to the varmap *)
80                     (fn (v,bm) =>
81                         if isSome(Binarymap.peek(bm,v)) then bm
82                         else let val n = Binarymap.numItems bm
83                              in Binarymap.insert(Binarymap.insert(bm,v,n+1),v^"'",n) end)
84                     vm  (List.map term_to_string (strip_pair astate))
85        val _ = if (bdd.getVarnum()<(Binarymap.numItems vm))
86                then bdd.setVarnum (Binarymap.numItems vm) else ()
87        (*FIXME: it would be nice to use Lexis.nameStrm here, but then need to restructure init_abs to return stuff other than
88                 what comes from the cache, since I want to be able to eventually persist the cache, and nameStrm is a closure *)
89        val hn = if (isSome hname) then valOf hname else "af"
90        val _ = new_constant(hn,(mk_prod(type_of state,type_of astate)) --> bool)
91        val hnc = mk_const(hn,(mk_prod(type_of state,type_of astate)) --> bool)
92        val apl = List.map pbody aapl
93        val apll = listSyntax.mk_list (apl,bool)
94        val ast = strip_pair astate
95        val shl = listSyntax.mk_list (ast,bool)
96        val hd_def =  hd(Defn.eqns_of(Hol_defn hn
97                                `(^hnc) (^state,^(astate)) = AND_EL (MAP (UNCURRY $=) (ZIP(^apll,^shl)))`))
98        val utjf = (fn _ => CONV_RULE (STRIP_QUANT_CONV (RHS_CONV ((funpow (nabsv-1) RAND_CONV) (* get rid of trailing ``/\ T`` *)
99                                                                     (PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_CONV [AND_CLAUSES]))))
100                                    (PURE_REWRITE_RULE
101                                         [MAP,ZIP,UNCURRY_DEF,AND_EL_DEF,combinTheory.I_THM,combinTheory.C_THM,ALL_EL] hd_def))
102        val utgl = list_mk_forall(((strip_pair state)@ast),
103                             mk_eq(lhs(snd(strip_forall(concl hd_def))),
104                                   list_mk_conj(List.map mk_eq (ListPair.zip(apl,ast)))))
105        val unwind_thm = mk_lthm (fn _ => (utgl,utjf)) utjf
106        val _ = dbgTools.CBTH (dpfx^"maf_unwind_thm") unwind_thm
107        val _ = lazyTools.testlz (dpfx^"maf_unwind_thm") utjf unwind_thm
108        val abs_fun = BddEqMp (SYM (SPEC_ALL unwind_thm)) (t2tb vm (rhs(snd(strip_forall(concl unwind_thm)))))
109        val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"maf_ hd_def") hd_def (*DBG*)
110        val _ = dbgTools.DEX dpfx "maf" (*DBG*)
111    in (astate,unwind_thm,Binarymap.mkDict Int.compare,hd_def,abs_fun) end
114(* prove that the concrete abs_funs is total, by building the bdd *)
115(* FIXME: can we prove this offline by completely formalizing the construction of the abs fun? *)
116fun mk_abs_fun_total_thm abs_fun =
117    let val _ = dbgTools.DEN dpfx "maftt" (*DBG*)
118        val (st,ast) = (strip_pair ## strip_pair) (dest_pair(snd(dest_comb(getTerm abs_fun))))
119        val gl = mk_pforall(list_mk_pair st, mk_pexists(list_mk_pair ast,getTerm abs_fun))
121                                                 (ELIM_TUPLED_QUANT_CONV gl))]
122                                 (BddThmOracle(BddForall st (BddExists ast abs_fun)))))
123        val res = mk_lthm (fn _ => (gl,jf)) jf
124        val _ = lazyTools.testlz (dpfx^"maftt_res") jf res
125        val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"maftt_res") res (*DBG*)
126        val _ = dbgTools.DEX dpfx "maftt" (*DBG*)
127    in res end
129(* function that alpha-convs IS_ABS_FUN_def to use concrete state, astate and h *)
130(* FIXME: clean this up*)
131fun mk_conc_is_abs_fun_def st1 st2 state astate abs_fun ks_def =
132    let val _ = dbgTools.DEN dpfx "mciafd" (*DBG*)
133        val hit_tot = STRIP_QUANT_CONV o RHS_CONV  o LAND_CONV
134        val th = INST_TYPE [``:'state`` |-> type_of st1, ``:'astate`` |-> type_of astate] IS_ABS_FUN_def
135        val th1 = CONV_RULE (hit_tot (QUANT_CONV (GEN_PALPHA_CONV astate))) th
136        val th2 = CONV_RULE (hit_tot (GEN_PALPHA_CONV state)) th1
137        val hit_ap = STRIP_QUANT_CONV o RHS_CONV  o RAND_CONV
138        val th3 = CONV_RULE (hit_ap (QUANT_CONV (QUANT_CONV (GEN_PALPHA_CONV astate)))) th2
139        val th4 = CONV_RULE (hit_ap (QUANT_CONV (GEN_PALPHA_CONV st2))) th3
140        val th5 = CONV_RULE (hit_ap (GEN_PALPHA_CONV st1)) th4
141        val aht  = mk_pabs(mk_pair(state,astate),getTerm abs_fun)
142        val ksname = lhs(concl ks_def)
143        val res = PBETA_RULE (GEN_ALL (ISPECL [ksname,mk_var("e",stringLib.string_ty-->(type_of st1)-->bool),aht] th5))
144        val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"mciafd_ cons is abs fun") res (*DBG*)
145        val _ = dbgTools.DEX dpfx "mciafd" (*DBG*)
146    in res end
148(* mk refined abstraction function and the is_abs_fun thm for it as well (to be used by mk_abs_cons_thm) *)
149(* as1 is the abs state that got split into dead and bad (which are conrete state sets) *)
150fun mk_ref_abs_fun af state astate ks_def ath_lem1 ath_lem2 hd_def idx as1 dead bad k =
151    let val _ = dbgTools.DEN dpfx "mraf" (*DBG*)
152        (*val nabsv = Real.ceil(log2(Real.fromInt(k+1))) (* to check if new abstract state requires another abs var to be added *)*)
153        val ast = strip_pair astate
154        val nabsv = (List.length ast)+1 (* FIXME: we add one abs var per refinement. could do better (see Mar 20, 2005, notes) *)
155        val vm = getVarmap af
156        val navn = "av"^(int_to_string(nabsv-1))
157        val nav = mk_var(navn,bool)
158        val vmn = listmax(List.map snd (Binarymap.listItems vm))+1 (* can't use bddVarnum because the cnf stuff in ca' adds to it *)
159        val vm' = Binarymap.insert(Binarymap.insert(vm,navn,vmn+1),navn^"'",vmn)
160        val astate2 = list_mk_pair (nav::(strip_pair(astate)))
161        val _ = if (bdd.getVarnum()<((Binarymap.numItems vm')))
162                then bdd.setVarnum ((Binarymap.numItems vm')) else ()
163        val (navtb,nnavtb) = (BddVar true vm' nav,BddVar false vm' nav)
164        (* refined abs fun af' is (bad /\ nav /\ af) \/ (dead /\ ~nav /\ af) \/ (~bad /\ ~dead /\ af) *)
165        val (bad2,dead2,af2) = (BddExtendVarmap vm' bad,BddExtendVarmap vm' dead,BddExtendVarmap vm' af)
166        val _ = dbgTools.DBD (dpfx^"mraf_bad2_bdd") (getBdd bad2)(*DBG*)
167        val _ = dbgTools.DBD (dpfx^"mraf_dead2_bdd") (getBdd dead2)(*DBG*)
168        val _ = dbgTools.DBD (dpfx^"mraf_af2_bdd") (getBdd af2)(*DBG*)
169        val af' = BddListDisj vm' [BddListConj vm' [bad2,navtb,af2],BddListConj vm' [dead2,nnavtb,af2],
170                                  BddListConj vm' [BddNot bad2,BddNot dead2,af2]]
171        val _ = dbgTools.DBD (dpfx^"mraf_af'_bdd") (getBdd af')(*DBG*)
172        val hn = term_to_string2(rator(lhs(snd(strip_forall(concl hd_def)))))^"'"
173        val harg_ty = mk_prod(type_of state,type_of astate2)
174        val _ = new_constant(hn,harg_ty --> bool)
175        val hnc = mk_const(hn,harg_ty --> bool)
176        val hd_def2 = hd(Defn.eqns_of(Hol_defn hn  `(^hnc)(^state,^(astate2)) = ^(getTerm af')`))
177        val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"mraf_hd_def2") hd_def2 (*DBG*)
178        val _ = dbgTools.CBTH (dpfx^"mraf_hd_def2") hd_def2 (*DBG*)
179        (* FIXME: the variant here does not really help avoid a name clash with vars already in state, because I add _1 etc*)
180        val vn = fst(dest_var(variant ((strip_pair state)@(strip_pair (mk_primed_state state))) ``v:bool``))
181        val lst1 = List.tabulate(List.length (strip_pair state),fn n => mk_bool_var(vn^(int_to_string n)^"_1"))
182        val lst2 = List.tabulate(List.length (strip_pair state),fn n => mk_bool_var(vn^(int_to_string n)^"_2"))
183        val subst1 = ListPair.map (fn (v,v') => v |-> v') (strip_pair state,lst1)
184        val subst2 = ListPair.map (fn (v,v') => v |-> v') (strip_pair state,lst2)
185        val hd_lhs = lhs(snd(strip_forall(concl hd_def2)))
186        val goal = mk_imp(mk_conj(subst subst1 hd_lhs,subst subst2 hd_lhs),rand(concl ath_lem1))
187        val _ = dbgTools.CBTM (dpfx^"mraf_goal") goal (*DBG*)
188        val _ = dbgTools.CBTH (dpfx^"mraf_ath_lem1") ath_lem1 (*DBG*)
189        val (al1ante1,al1ante2) = dest_conj(land(concl ath_lem1))
190        val jfal1' = (fn _ =>  (*PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_RULE [GSYM hd_def2]*) (* prove new ath_lem1 using the old one *)
191                        (prove(goal,
192                               PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [hd_def2]
193                               THEN RW_TAC pure_ss []
194                               THEN PAT_ASSUM al1ante1 (fn t1 => PAT_ASSUM al1ante2 (fn t2 =>
195                                                        LIST_ACCEPT_TAC (CONJUNCTS (MP (lazyTools.prove_lthm ath_lem1) (CONJ t1 t2))))
196                               ))))
197        val ath_lem1' = (*PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_RULE [GSYM hd_def2]*) (mk_lthm (fn _ => (goal,jfal1')) jfal1')
198        val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"mraf_ath_lem1'") ath_lem1' (*DBG*)
199        val _ = dbgTools.CBTH (dpfx^"mraf_ath_lem1'") ath_lem1' (*DBG*)
200        val _ = lazyTools.testlz (dpfx^"mraf_ath_lem1'") jfal1' ath_lem1'
201        val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"mraf_ath_lem2") ath_lem2 (*DBG*)
202        val _ = dbgTools.CBTH (dpfx^"mraf_ath_lem2") ath_lem2 (*DBG*)
203        val st1 = list_mk_pair lst1
204        val st2 = list_mk_pair lst2
205        val jfafap = (fn _ => (PGENL [st1,st2,astate2] (IMP_TRANS ath_lem1' (SPEC_ALL ath_lem2))))
206        val afapgl = list_mk_pforall ([st1,st2,astate2],mk_imp((fst o dest_imp) (concl ath_lem1'),
207                                                              (snd o dest_imp o snd o strip_forall) (concl ath_lem2)))
208        val afap = mk_lthm (fn _ => (afapgl,jfafap)) jfafap
209        val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"mraf_afap") afap (*DBG*)
210        val _ = lazyTools.testlz (dpfx^"mraf_afap") jfafap afap
211        val af' = BddEqMp (SYM (SPEC_ALL hd_def2)) af'
212        val aftot = mk_abs_fun_total_thm af'
213        val jfiaf = (fn _ =>  (CONV_RULE (DEPTH_CONV PETA_CONV)
214            (REWRITE_RULE [GSYM hd_def2] (REWRITE_RULE [CONJ aftot afap] (mk_conc_is_abs_fun_def st1 st2 state astate2 af' ks_def)))))
215        val ksname = lhs(concl ks_def)
216        val ((p_ty,st_ty),ast_ty) = (get_types ksname,type_of astate2)
217        val e_var = inst [alpha |-> st_ty] envTools.env_tm
218        val iaf = mk_lthm (fn _ =>  (mk_forall(e_var,list_mk_comb(inst [alpha|->p_ty,beta|->st_ty,gamma|->ast_ty] is_abs_fun_tm,
219                                                                      [ksname,e_var,mk_const(hn,harg_ty --> bool)])),
220                                                                 jfiaf)) jfiaf
221        val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"mraf_iaf") iaf (*DBG*)
222        val _ = lazyTools.testlz (dpfx^"mraf_iaf") jfiaf iaf
223        val _ = dbgTools.DEX dpfx "mraf" (*DBG*)
224    in (af',ath_lem1',astate2,hd_def2,iaf) end
226fun is_pabs_cond tm =
227    (can (match_term ``COND x y z``) tm)
228    andalso pairSyntax.is_pabs (#2(dest_cond tm)) andalso pairSyntax.is_pabs(#3(dest_cond tm))
229    andalso Term.compare(fst (pairSyntax.dest_pabs (#2(dest_cond tm))),fst (pairSyntax.dest_pabs (#3(dest_cond tm))))=EQUAL
231(* any subterm of tm matching the pattern ``if b then \x. P else \x. Q`` is converted to ``\x. if b then P else Q`` *)
232fun ABS_COND_CONV tm =
233    if is_pabs_cond tm
234    then let val ab = fst (pairSyntax.dest_pabs (#2(dest_cond tm)))
236    else NO_CONV tm
238(* creates abstracted Tm and I and passes them to mk_wfKS and returns the results *)
239(* h is the abs_fun as returned by mk_abs_fun *)
240fun mk_abs_ks I1 ITdf RTm state astate Ric af aksname (apl,ks_def,wfKS_ks) hd_def =
241    let val _ = dbgTools.DEN dpfx "mak"(*DBG*)
242        val _ = profTools.bgt (dpfx^"mak") (*PRF*)
243        val _ = profTools.bgt (dpfx^"mak_init") (*PRF*)
244        val T1 = Binarymap.listItems RTm
245        val st = strip_pair state
246        val st_ty = type_of state
247        val state' = mk_primed_state state
248        val st' =  strip_pair state'
249        val vm = getVarmap af
250        val s2s' = List.map (fn(v,v') => (BddVar true vm v,BddVar true vm v')) (ListPair.zip(st,st'))
251        val _ = List.app (fn (s,_) => dbgTools.DST (dpfx^ s) ) (Binarymap.listItems vm) val _ = dbgTools.DST (dpfx^ "vm\n")
252        val vmabs = List.filter (fn (t,_) => (String.size t) >= 3 andalso String.compare("av",String.substring(t,0,2))=EQUAL )
253                                (Binarymap.listItems vm)
254        val abst = strip_pair astate
255        val astate' = mk_primed_state astate
256        val abst' = strip_pair astate'
257        val abstcnj = t2tb vm (list_mk_conj abst)
258        val abstcnj' = t2tb vm (list_mk_conj abst')
259        val as2as' =  List.map (fn(v,v') => (BddVar true vm v,BddVar true vm v')) (ListPair.zip(abst,abst'))
260        val _ = profTools.ent (dpfx^"mak_init") (*PRF*)
261        val _ = profTools.bgt (dpfx^"mak_Ih") (*PRF*)
262        val Itb = BddEqMp (SYM (fst (valOf ITdf))) (t2tb vm I1) (* abbrev Itb to use either ctlks.S0 or muks.S0 *)
263        val Ih = BddExists st (BddOp(bdd.And,af,Itb))
264        val Iht = getTerm Ih
265        val _ = profTools.ent (dpfx^"mak_Ih") (*PRF*)
266        val _ = profTools.bgt (dpfx^"mak_Th") (*PRF*)
267        val Th = List.map (fn (actnm,act) => (actnm,BddExists st (BddExists st'
268                                (BddOp(bdd.And,BddExtendVarmap vm act,BddOp(bdd.And,af,BddReplace as2as' (BddReplace s2s' af))))))) T1
269        val Th' = List.map (fn (nm,tb) => (nm,
270                                           BddEqMp (SYM ((lzELIM_TUPLED_QUANT_CONV THENC STRIP_QUANT_CONV lzELIM_TUPLED_QUANT_CONV)
271                                                             (list_mk_pexists([state,state'],snd(strip_pexists(getTerm tb)))))) tb)) Th
272        val T1h = List.map (fn (nm,tb) => (nm,getTerm tb)) Th'
273        val _ = profTools.ent (dpfx^"mak_Th") (*PRF*)
274        val _ = profTools.bgt (dpfx^"mak_ks") (*PRF*)
275        val (aapl,aks_def,wfKS_aks,aRTm,_) = mk_wfKS Iht T1h (SOME (list2map Th')) astate vm Ric NONE
276                                                     (SOME (af,getT (rhs(concl ks_def)),state,state')) (SOME aksname)
277        val _ = profTools.ent (dpfx^"mak_ks") (*PRF*)
278        val _ = profTools.ent (dpfx^"mak") (*PRF*)
279        val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"mak_ aks_def") aks_def (*DBG*)
280        val _ = dbgTools.DTM (dpfx^"mak_ aks_def.T") (getT (rhs(concl aks_def))) (*DBG*)
281        val _ = dbgTools.DEX dpfx "mak"(*DBG*)
282    in (Iht,T1h,Ih,(aapl,aks_def,wfKS_aks,aRTm)) end
284(*  |- aks = ABS_KS ks h *)
285fun mk_abs_aks_thm state astate af state' astate' st hd_def ks_def aks_def =
286    let val _ = dbgTools.DEN dpfx "makt"(*DBG*)
287        val jf = (fn _ =>
288            let val aht = mk_pabs(mk_pair(state,astate),getTerm af)
289                val _ = dbgTools.DTM (dpfx^"makt_ goal") ``^(lhs (concl aks_def)) = ABS_KS ^(lhs (concl ks_def)) ^aht`` (*DBG*)
290                val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"makt_ hd_def") hd_def (*DBG*)
291                val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"makt_ ks_def") ks_def (*DBG*)
292                val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"makt_ aks_def") aks_def (*DBG*)
293                val _ = dbgTools.DTM (dpfx^"makt_ aht") aht (*DBG*)
294                val aksth = mk_abs_eq_thm state state' astate astate' (List.length st) hd_def ks_def aks_def
295                                          ``^(lhs (concl aks_def)) = ABS_KS ^(lhs (concl ks_def)) ^aht``
296                val abs_aks = CONV_RULE (RHS_CONV (RAND_CONV PETA_CONV)) aksth
297            in abs_aks end)
298        val (p_ty,st_ty,ast_ty) = (mk_type("fun",[type_of state,bool]),type_of state,type_of astate)
299        val ksname = lhs(concl ks_def)
300        val aksname = lhs(concl aks_def)
301        val hname = rator(lhs(concl(SPEC_ALL hd_def)))
302        val abs_aks = mk_lthm (fn _ => (mk_eq(aksname,
303                                              list_mk_comb(inst [alpha|->p_ty,beta|->st_ty,gamma|->ast_ty] abs_ks_tm,[ksname,hname])),
304                                        jf)) jf
305        val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"makt_abs_aks") abs_aks (*DBG*)
306        val _ = dbgTools.CBTH (dpfx^"makt_abs_aks") abs_aks (*DBG*)
307        val _ = dbgTools.DEX dpfx "makt"(*DBG*)
308    in abs_aks end
310(* prove the second part of the IS_ABS_FUN assum (the first part is totality) *)
311fun mk_abs_fun_ap_thm state astate hR_defs_ unwind_thm (apl,ks_def,wfKS_ks) hd_def =
312    let val _ = dbgTools.DEN dpfx "mafat"(*DBG*)
313        val state' = mk_primed_state state
314        (*FIXME: will need to fix this once state vars can be other than bools *)
315        (* FIXME: the variant here does not really help avoid a name clash with vars already in state, because I add _1 etc*)
316        val vn = fst(dest_var(variant ((strip_pair state)@(strip_pair state')) ``v:bool``))
317        val lst1 = List.tabulate(List.length (strip_pair state),fn n => mk_bool_var(vn^(int_to_string n)^"_1"))
318        val lst2 = List.tabulate(List.length (strip_pair state),fn n => mk_bool_var(vn^(int_to_string n)^"_2"))
319        val st1 = list_mk_pair lst1 (*the s1 in IS_ABS_FUN_ap*)
320        val st2 = list_mk_pair lst2 (*the s2 in IS_ABS_FUN_ap*)
321        val st2vw = List.map (op |->) (ListPair.zip((strip_pair state)@(strip_pair state'),lst1@lst2))
322        val (lht,rht) = dest_eq(snd(strip_forall(concl hd_def)))
323        val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"mafat_ hd_def") hd_def (*DBG*)
324        val ath_lem1 =   hd (CONJUNCTS (PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_RULE [EQ_IMP_THM]
325                         (ONCE_REWRITE_CONV [unwind_thm] (mk_conj (subst [state|->st1] lht,subst [state|->st2] lht)))))
326        val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"mafat_ath_lem1") ath_lem1 (*DBG*)
327        val _ = dbgTools.CBTH (dpfx^"mafat_ath_lem1") ath_lem1 (*DBG*)
328        val ksname = lhs(concl ks_def)
329        val ap_eqs = rand(concl ath_lem1) (*(ap0 = av0) /\ (ap1 = av1) /\ ...  *)
330        val _ = dbgTools.DTM (dpfx^"mafat_ap_eqs") ap_eqs (*DBG*)
331        val gl2  = mk_forall(mk_var("e",stringLib.string_ty --> (type_of state) --> bool),
332                             mk_imp(ap_eqs,``!p. p IN (^ksname).ap ==>
333                                          ((^st1) IN STATES (AP p) (^ksname) e = (^st2) IN STATES (AP p) (^ksname) e)``))
334        val jf2 = (fn _ =>
335            let val apl' = List.map (fn ap => mk_pabs(st2,subst (List.map (fn (v,w) => v |-> w)
336                                                                          (ListPair.zip(lst1,lst2))) (pbody ap))) apl
337                val ap_thms =  List.map (*FIXME:clean this up, too much duplication in creation of the msa's, Lth and gen_ap_thms*)
338                                   (fn th => PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_RULE [MU_SAT_def] (GSYM th))
339                                   (let val (prop_type,state_type) = get_types ksname
340                                        val Lth = ksTools.mk_Lth ks_def
341                                        val (msa1,msa2) =  pair_map (fn t => PBETA_RULE (PURE_REWRITE_RULE [Lth]        (MATCH_MP
342                                                (CONV_RULE FORALL_IMP_CONV (ISPECL [t,ksname] MU_SAT_AP)) wfKS_ks))) (st1,st2)
343                                    in (List.map (fn mf =>muCheck.mk_gen_ap_thm ksname st1 msa1 mf)(List.map (fn ap => ``AP ^ap``) apl))
344                                     @ (List.map (fn mf =>muCheck.mk_gen_ap_thm ksname st2 msa2 mf)(List.map (fn ap =>``AP ^ap``) apl'))
345                                    end)
346                val _ = dbgTools.DST (dpfx^"mafat_ before ath_lem2")  (*DBG*)
347                val _ = dbgTools.CBTM (dpfx^"mafat_gl2") gl2(*DBG*)
348                val _ = dbgTools.CBTHL (dpfx^"mafat_ksthl") [lazyTools.prove_lthm ks_def,KS_accfupds,combinTheory.K_DEF] (*DBG*)
349                val _ = dbgTools.CBTHL (dpfx^"mafat_fstthl") (List.map lazyTools.prove_lthm (ap_thms)) (*DBG*)
350                val ath_lem2 = prove(gl2, (* note we unlazify any thms used in any proof that uses tactics (VALID fails otherwise)*)
351                                     NTAC 3 STRIP_TAC
352                                          THEN CONV_TAC (LAND_CONV (PURE_REWRITE_CONV [lazyTools.prove_lthm ks_def,
353                                                                                      KS_accfupds,combinTheory.K_DEF]))
354                                          THEN BETA_TAC
355                                          THEN RW_TAC pure_ss [IN_INSERT,NOT_IN_EMPTY]
356                                          THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC (List.map lazyTools.prove_lthm (ap_thms)))
357                val _ = dbgTools.CBTH (dpfx^"mafat_ath_lem2") ath_lem2(*DBG*)
358                val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"mafat_ath_lem2") ath_lem2 (*DBG*)
359            in ath_lem2 end)
360        val ath_lem2 =  mk_lthm (fn _ => (gl2,jf2)) jf2
361        val _ = lazyTools.testlz (dpfx^"mafat_ath_lem2") jf2 ath_lem2
362        val jfap = (fn _ => PGENL [st1,st2,astate]  (IMP_TRANS ath_lem1 (SPEC_ALL ath_lem2)))
363        val afap = mk_lthm (fn _ => (list_mk_pforall([st1,st2,astate],mk_imp(land(concl ath_lem1),
364                                                                             rand(snd(strip_forall(concl ath_lem2))))), jfap)) jfap
365        val _ = lazyTools.testlz (dpfx^"mafat_afap") jfap afap
366        val _ = dbgTools.DEX dpfx "mafat"(*DBG*)
367    in (st1,st2,ath_lem1,ath_lem2,afap) end
371val Qvar = mk_var("Q",stringLib.string_ty)
372val gvar = mk_var("g",mu_ty)
373val avar = mk_var("a",stringLib.string_ty)
374fun pvar p_ty = mk_var("p",p_ty)
375fun mk_glno_rv p_ty f =
376    mk_forall(Qvar,mk_neg(list_mk_comb(get_mu_ty_sub_tm p_ty,
377                                       [mu_neg(mu_RV p_ty Qvar),
378                                        mk_comb(get_mu_ty_nnf_tm p_ty,f)])))
379fun mk_glno_dmd p_ty f =
380    let val g = inst [alpha|->p_ty] gvar
381    in list_mk_forall([avar,g],mk_neg(list_mk_comb(get_mu_ty_sub_tm p_ty,
382                                                   [mu_dmd avar g,mk_comb(get_mu_ty_nnf_tm p_ty,f)]))) end
383fun mk_glp_in_ap p_ty f ksname =
384    let val p = pvar p_ty
385    in mk_forall(p,mk_imp(list_mk_comb(get_mu_ty_sub_tm p_ty,[mu_AP p,f]),
386                          list_mk_comb(inst [alpha|->p_ty] pred_setSyntax.in_tm,[p,mk_ks_dot_ap ksname]))) end
389(* prove the three formula related assumptions to ABS_CONS_MODEL *)
390fun mk_abs_cons_mf_thms mf (apl,ks_def,wfKS_ks) vm =
391let val _ = dbgTools.DEN dpfx "macmt"(*DBG*)
392    val _ = profTools.bgt (dpfx^"macmt")(*PRF*)
393    val ksname = lhs(concl ks_def)
394    val (p_ty,s_ty) = get_types ksname
395    val _ = profTools.bgt (dpfx^"macmt_no_rv")(*PRF*)
396    val _ = profTools.bgt (dpfx^"macmt_no_rv_gl")(*PRF*)
397    val glno_rv = mk_glno_rv p_ty mf (*``!Q. ~SUBFORMULA (~RV Q) (NNF (^mf))``*)
398    val _ = profTools.ent (dpfx^"macmt_no_rv_gl")(*PRF*)
399    val jfno_rv = (fn _ =>  (prove (glno_rv,SIMP_TAC std_ss (MU_SUB_def::NNF_def::RVNEG_def::(tsimps ``:'a mu``)))))
400    val no_rv = mk_lthm (fn _ =>  (glno_rv,jfno_rv)) jfno_rv
401    val _ = lazyTools.testlz (dpfx^"macmt_no_rv") jfno_rv no_rv(*DBG*)
402    val _ = profTools.ent (dpfx^"macmt_no_rv")(*PRF*)
403    val _ = profTools.bgt (dpfx^"macmt_no_dmd")(*PRF*)
404    val _ = profTools.bgt (dpfx^"macmt_no_dmd_gl")(*PRF*)
405    val glno_dmd = mk_glno_dmd p_ty mf (*``(!a g. ~SUBFORMULA <<a>> g (NNF (^mf)))``*)
406    val _ = profTools.ent (dpfx^"macmt_no_dmd_gl")(*PRF*)
407    val jfno_dmd = (fn _ =>  (prove (glno_dmd,Induct_on `g` THEN SIMP_TAC std_ss (MU_SUB_def::NNF_def::RVNEG_def::(tsimps ``:'a mu``)))))
408    val no_dmd = mk_lthm (fn _ =>  (glno_dmd,jfno_dmd)) jfno_dmd
409    val _ = lazyTools.testlz (dpfx^"macmt_no_dmd") jfno_dmd no_dmd(*DBG*)
410    val _ = profTools.ent (dpfx^"macmt_no_dmd")(*PRF*)
411    val _ = profTools.bgt (dpfx^"macmt_p_in_ap")(*PRF*)
412    val _ = profTools.bgt (dpfx^"macmt_p_in_ap_gl")(*PRF*)
413    val glp_in_ap = mk_glp_in_ap p_ty mf ksname (*``!p. SUBFORMULA (AP p) (^mf) ==> p IN (^(lhs(concl ks_def))).ap``*)
414    val _ = dbgTools.CBTM (dpfx^"macmt_glp") glp_in_ap (*DBG*)
415    val _ = dbgTools.CBTHL (dpfx^"macmt_glpl1") (ks_def::KS_accfupds::combinTheory.K_DEF::MU_SUB_def::NNF_def::RVNEG_def::(tsimps ``:'a mu``))
416    val _ = profTools.ent (dpfx^"macmt_p_in_ap_gl")(*PRF*)
417    val jfp_in_ap = (fn _ =>  (prove (glp_in_ap,
418                       PURE_REWRITE_TAC (*SIMP_TAC std_ss *)
419                                (List.map lazyTools.prove_lthm
420                                          (ks_def::KS_accfupds::combinTheory.K_DEF::MU_SUB_def::NNF_def::RVNEG_def::(tsimps ``:'a mu``)))
421                       THEN BETA_TAC
422                       THEN RW_TAC pure_ss []
423                       THEN CONV_TAC (pred_setLib.IN_CONV (AP_EQ vm)))))
424    val p_in_ap = mk_lthm (fn _ =>  (glp_in_ap,jfp_in_ap)) jfp_in_ap
425    val _ = lazyTools.testlz (dpfx^"macmt_p_in_ap") jfp_in_ap p_in_ap(*DBG*)
426    val _ = profTools.ent (dpfx^"macmt_p_in_ap")(*PRF*)
427    val _ = profTools.ent (dpfx^"macmt")(*PRF*)
428    val _ = dbgTools.DEX dpfx "macmt"(*DBG*)
429in [no_rv,no_dmd,p_in_ap] end
432(* create the concrete thm to discharge the IS_ABS_FUN assum to ABS_CONS_MODEL *)
433(* could not prove this offline:
434     could not do totality because STRIP_PAIR/LIST_MK_PAIR are not well typed in the logic
435     could not do the ap thm because I ran out of time plus it required an induction on ZIP(apl,shl) that I could not figure out *)
436fun mk_is_abs_fun_thm ksname hname abs_fun state astate hR_defs_ unwind_thm (apl,ks_def,wfKS_ks) hd_def =
437    let val _ = dbgTools.DEN dpfx "miaft"(*DBG*)
438        val aftot = mk_abs_fun_total_thm abs_fun
439        val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"miaft_ aftot") aftot (*DBG*)
440        val (st1,st2,ath_lem1,ath_lem2,afap) = mk_abs_fun_ap_thm state astate hR_defs_ unwind_thm (apl,ks_def,wfKS_ks) hd_def
441        val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"miaft_ath_lem1") ath_lem1(*DBG*)
442        val _ = dbgTools.CBTH (dpfx^"miaft_ath_lem1") ath_lem1(*DBG*)
443        val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"miaft_ath_lem2") ath_lem2 (*DBG*)
444        val _ = dbgTools.CBTH (dpfx^"miaft_ath_lem2") ath_lem2 (*DBG*)
445        val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"miaft_ afap1") afap (*DBG*)
446        val iafjf = (fn _ => let val afap = REWRITE_RULE [GSYM hd_def] afap (* FIXME: do I need the rewr? it's already in terms of af *)
447                                 val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"miaft_ afap2") afap (*DBG*)
448                                 val ciafd =  (mk_conc_is_abs_fun_def st1 st2 state astate abs_fun ks_def)
449                                 val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"miaft_ ciafd") ciafd (*DBG*)
450                                 val iaf = CONV_RULE (DEPTH_CONV PETA_CONV) (* combine aftot and afap into iaf*)
451                                                     (REWRITE_RULE [GSYM hd_def] (REWRITE_RULE [CONJ aftot afap] ciafd))
452                                 val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"miaft_ iaf") iaf (*DBG*)
453                             in iaf end)
454        val ((p_ty,st_ty),ast_ty) = (get_types ksname,type_of astate)
455        val e_var = inst [alpha |-> st_ty] envTools.env_tm
456        val iaf = mk_lthm (fn _ => (mk_forall(e_var,list_mk_comb(inst [alpha|->p_ty,beta|->st_ty,gamma|->ast_ty] is_abs_fun_tm,
457                                                                      [ksname,e_var,hname])),
458                                                                 iafjf)) iafjf
459        val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"miaft_iaf") iaf (*DBG*)
460        val _ = dbgTools.CBTH (dpfx^"miaft_iaf") iaf (*DBG*)
461        val _ = dbgTools.DEX dpfx "miaft"(*DBG*)
462    in (ath_lem1,ath_lem2,iaf) end
464(* discharge, online, the assumptions to ABS_CONS_MODEL *)
465(* note enveq thm requires that both env and aenv be empty: this is true for instance if mf was originally in CTL*/LTL/CTL etc. *)
466(* FIXME: split this so that we can discharge the non-mf_assums once in one func, and discharge mf_assums again and again for each mf,
467   thus saving time, since iaf is at the moment expensive to compute but does not change with mf *)
468fun mk_abs_cons_thm mf (apl,ks_def,wfKS_ks) env aenv hd_def iaf_ vm =
469    let val _ = dbgTools.DEN dpfx "mact"(*DBG*)
470        val _ = profTools.bgt (dpfx^"mact")(*PRF*)
471        val mf_assums = mk_abs_cons_mf_thms mf (apl,ks_def,wfKS_ks) vm
472        val (p_ty,s_ty) = get_types (lhs(concl ks_def))
473        val (hnc,args) = dest_comb(lhs(snd(strip_forall(concl hd_def))))
474        val Qvar = mk_var("Q",stringLib.string_ty)
475        val svar = mk_var("s",s_ty)
476        val as_ty = snd(dest_prod(type_of args))
477        val asvar = mk_var("sh",as_ty)
478        val glenveq = list_mk_forall([Qvar,svar,asvar],
479                                     mk_imp(mk_comb(hnc,mk_pair(svar,asvar)),
480                                            mk_imp(list_mk_comb(inst [alpha|->as_ty] pred_setSyntax.in_tm,[asvar,mk_comb(aenv,Qvar)]),
481                                                   list_mk_comb(inst [alpha|->s_ty] pred_setSyntax.in_tm,[svar,mk_comb(env,Qvar)]))))
482        val _ = dbgTools.CBTM (dpfx^"mact_glenveq") glenveq (*DBG*)
483        (*``(!Q s sh. (^hnc) (s,sh) ==> sh IN (^aenv) Q ==> s IN (^env) Q)``*)
484        val jfenveq = (fn _ =>  (prove(glenveq, SIMP_TAC std_ss [EMPTY_ENV_def,NOT_IN_EMPTY])))
485        val enveq = mk_lthm (fn _ =>  (glenveq,jfenveq)) jfenveq
486        val _ = lazyTools.testlz (dpfx^"mact_enveq") jfenveq enveq
487        val _ = dbgTools.DTM (dpfx^"mact_ env") env (*DBG*)
488        val _ = dbgTools.DTY (dpfx^"mact_ env") (type_of env) (*DBG*)
489        val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"mact_ iaf_") iaf_ (*DBG*)
490        val iaf = ISPEC env iaf_
491        val ast_ty = get_astate_ty hnc
492        val jfact = (fn _ => (List.foldl (fn (mpth,th) => MATCH_MP th mpth)
493                                         (ISPECL [mf,hnc,lhs(concl(ks_def)),env,aenv] ABS_CONS_MODEL)
494                                  ([wfKS_ks]@mf_assums@[iaf,enveq])))
495        val glact = let val (vl,bod) = strip_forall (concl ABS_CONS_MODEL)
496                        val (imps,bod2) = strip_imp bod
497                        val conc = mk_imp(last imps,bod2)
498                        val instf = (inst  (mk_subst ([ks_p_ty,ks_s_ty,ks_as_ty])([p_ty,s_ty,ast_ty])))
499                    in subst (mk_subst (List.map instf vl)
500                                        [mf,hnc,lhs(concl(ks_def)),env,aenv]) (instf conc) end
501        val act = mk_lthm (fn _ =>  (glact,jfact)) jfact
502        val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"mact_act") act (*DBG*)
503        val _ = lazyTools.testlz (dpfx^"mact_act") jfact act
504        val _ = profTools.ent (dpfx^"mact")(*PRF*)
505        val _ = dbgTools.DEX dpfx "mact"(*DBG*)
506 in act end
508(* ASSERT: t must be a QBF *)
509(* transforms input QBF to pure propositional formula using |- (?x. P x) = P T \/ P F and |- (!x. P x) = P F /\ P T *)
510fun elim_quant t =
511if is_exists t then let val (v,t') = dest_exists t
512                    in mk_disj(elim_quant (subst [v |-> ``T``] t'),elim_quant (subst [v |-> ``F``] t')) end
513else if is_forall t then let val (v,t') = dest_forall t
514                    in mk_conj(elim_quant (subst [v |-> ``T``] t'),elim_quant (subst [v |-> ``F``] t')) end
515else if is_neg t then mk_neg (elim_quant(dest_neg t))
516else if is_conj t then mk_conj(elim_quant(fst(dest_conj t)),elim_quant(snd(dest_conj t)))
517else if is_disj t then mk_disj(elim_quant(fst(dest_disj t)),elim_quant(snd(dest_disj t)))
518else if is_eq t then mk_eq(elim_quant(fst(dest_eq t)),elim_quant(snd(dest_eq t)))
519else if is_imp t then mk_imp(elim_quant(fst(dest_imp t)),elim_quant(snd(dest_imp t)))
520else t
522fun mlval tm = if tm=T then true else if tm=F then false else raise Match
524fun mk_ass vm red res = bdd.assignment (ListPair.map (fn (v,c) => (Binarymap.find(vm,term_to_string2 v),mlval c)) (red,res))
526(* check whether abstract counterexample atr has concrete counterpart upto nth state of the abstract counterexample trace*)
527(* FIXME: amba_ahb example spends a lot of time here (ctl_grant_always). is ap collapse not working? *)
528fun check_ace' atr I1 RTm(*T1*) state Ric astate h n =
529    if (n=0) then SOME [] else
530    let
531        val _ = dbgTools.DEN dpfx "ca'"(*DBG*)
532        val state' = mk_primed_state state
533        val _ = dbgTools.DTM (dpfx^"ca'_state'") state'(*DBG*)
534        val (st,st') = (strip_pair state,strip_pair state')
535        val s = List.map term_to_string2 st
536        val ace_states = atr
537        val _ = List.app (dbgTools.DTM (dpfx^"ca'_ace_states")) ace_states (*DBG*)
538        val ast = pairSyntax.strip_pair astate
539        val _ = dbgTools.DTM (dpfx^"ca'_astate") astate(*DBG*)
540        val cce_states = List.tabulate(n,fn i => pairSyntax.list_mk_pair(List.map (fn v => mk_bool_var(v^"_"^(Int.toString i))) s))
541        val _ = List.app (dbgTools.DTM (dpfx^"ca'_cce_states")) cce_states (*DBG*)
542        val vm = getVarmap h
543        val _ = List.app (fn (k,v) => (dbgTools.DST (dpfx^"ca'_vm_k: "^k); (*DBG*)
544                                       dbgTools.DNM (dpfx^"ca'_vm_v: ") v)) (*DBG*)
545                         (Binarymap.listItems vm) (*DBG*)
546        val _ = dbgTools.DNM (dpfx^"ca'_bdd_getVarnum") (bdd.getVarnum())(*DBG*)
547        val vm' = fst(List.foldl (fn (v,(bm,n)) => let val vs = term_to_string v
548                                                   in if isSome (Binarymap.peek(bm,vs))
549                                                      then (bm,n)
550                                                      else (Binarymap.insert(bm,vs,n),n+1) end)
551                                 (vm, listmax(List.map snd (Binarymap.listItems vm))+1)
552                                 (List.concat (List.map free_vars cce_states)))
553        val _ = List.app (fn (k,v) => (dbgTools.DST (dpfx^"ca'_vm'_k: "^k); (*DBG*)
554                                       dbgTools.DNM (dpfx^"ca'_vm'_v: ") v)) (*DBG*)
555                         (Binarymap.listItems vm') (*DBG*)
556        val _ = if (Binarymap.numItems vm' > bdd.getVarnum()) then bdd.setVarnum (Binarymap.numItems vm') else ()
557        val Ib = getBdd(t2tb vm I1)  (*FIXME : this is constructed again and again.  *)
558        (*      val init_f = subst (mk_subst st (strip_pair(List.hd cce_states))) I1*)
559        val init_f = bdd2cnf vm' (bdd_replace vm' Ib (mk_subst st (strip_pair(List.hd cce_states))))
560        val _ = dbgTools.DTM (dpfx^"ca'_init_f") init_f(*DBG*)
561        (*val R1 = (if Ric then list_mk_conj else list_mk_disj) (List.map snd T1) *)
562        val Rb = getBdd(Binarymap.find(RTm,"."))
563        (*val trans_f = if (n=1) then T (* special casing because list_mk_conj [] crashes *)
564                      else (list_mk_conj (List.map (fn(stn,stn') =>
565                                                      subst ((mk_subst st (strip_pair stn))@(mk_subst st' (strip_pair stn')))
566                                                            R1) (List.tl(ListPair.zip(T::cce_states,cce_states)))))*)
567        val trans_f = if (n=1) then T (* special casing because list_mk_conj [] crashes *)
568                      else (list_mk_conj (List.map (fn(stn,stn') =>
569                                                      bdd2cnf vm' (bdd_replace vm' Rb ((mk_subst st (strip_pair stn)) @
570                                                                                  (mk_subst st' (strip_pair stn')))))
571                                                   (List.tl(ListPair.zip(T::cce_states,cce_states)))))
572        val _ = dbgTools.DTM (dpfx^"ca'_trans_f") trans_f(*DBG*)
573        val hb = getBdd h
574        val abs_f =  list_mk_conj(List.map (fn (astc,cst) => subst (mk_subst st (strip_pair cst))
575                                                                  (bdd2cnf vm' (bdd.restrict hb (mk_ass vm ast (strip_pair astc)) )))
576                                            (ListPair.zip(ace_states,cce_states)))
577        val _ = dbgTools.DTM (dpfx^"ca'_abs_f") abs_f(*DBG*)
579        (*FIXME: ideally I should generate a DIMACS file directly from the bdd's and have SAT call the file *)
580        (* accoding to Sofiene Tahar, this kind of file-based interface quickly becomes a performance bottleneck
581           if you make lots of calls.
582           This will be an issue if I am going to do SAT-based predicate abstraction *)
583        val satth = if is_F init_f orelse is_F trans_f orelse is_F abs_f
584                    then NONE (*FIXME: fix TRUTH below so we can recover a concrete trace from it*)
585                    else if is_T init_f andalso is_T trans_f andalso is_T abs_f then SOME TRUTH
586                    else let val f = if is_T init_f (* making sure T does not end up in f which is supposed to be in cnf *)
587                                     then if is_T trans_f then abs_f
588                                          else if is_T abs_f then trans_f else list_mk_conj [trans_f,abs_f]
589                                     else if is_T trans_f then if is_T abs_f then init_f else  list_mk_conj [init_f,abs_f]
590                                          else if is_T abs_f then list_mk_conj [init_f,trans_f] else list_mk_conj [init_f,trans_f,abs_f]
591                             val _ = dbgTools.DTM (dpfx^"ca'_f") f(*DBG*)
592                             val _ = dbgTools.CBTM (dpfx^"ca'_f") f(*DBG*)
593                             (*val cnf = defCNF.DEF_CNF_CONV f*)
594                             val cnf = f
595                             val _ = dbgTools.DST (dpfx^"ca'_h1") (*DBG*)
596                         in SOME (SAT_PROVE (mk_neg cnf) handle HolSatLib.SAT_cex th => th) end
597        val _ = dbgTools.DST (dpfx^"ca'_h2") (*DBG*)
598        val ctr = if isSome satth andalso is_imp (concl (valOf satth))(* return concrete trace if one was found else NONE *)
599                      then let val l = strip_conj(land(concl (valOf satth)))
600                               val bm = List.foldl (fn (v,bm) => if (is_neg v) then Binarymap.insert(bm,dest_neg v,F)
601                                                                 else Binarymap.insert(bm,v,T)) (Binarymap.mkDict Term.compare)
602                                   (snd(List.partition
603                                    (fn v =>
604                                     let val vs = (*term_to_string*) (if is_neg v then dest_neg v else v)
605                                     in is_genvar vs (*(String.size vs >= 10) andalso
606                                         (String.compare(String.substring(vs,0,10),"%%genvar%%")=EQUAL)*) end) l))
607                               val _ = List.app (fn (k,v) => (dbgTools.DTM (dpfx^"ca'_bm_k:") k; (*DBG*)
608                                                              dbgTools.DTM (dpfx^"ca'_bm_v:") v)) (*DBG*)
609                                                (Binarymap.listItems bm) (*DBG*)
610                               val cce = List.map (fn stp => (* NotFound can happen if a conc var is in state but not in I1 and R1 *)
611                                                      let val l = pairSyntax.strip_pair stp
612                                                      in pairSyntax.list_mk_pair (List.map (fn v => Binarymap.find(bm,v)
613                                                                                               handle NotFound => F) l) end)
614                                         cce_states
615                           in SOME cce end
616                  else NONE
617        val _ = dbgTools.DNM (dpfx^"ca'_ctrsz") (if isSome ctr then List.length (valOf ctr) else ~1) (*DBG*)
618        val _ = dbgTools.DEX dpfx "ca'"(*DBG*)
619    in ctr end
621(* call check_ace' for increasing n until non-SAT happens then return the greatest (i.e. previous) SAT-able path *)
622fun check_ace'' atr I1 T1 state Ric astate h n =
623    let
624        val _ = dbgTools.DEN dpfx "ca''"(*DBG*)
625        val _ = dbgTools.DNM (dpfx^"ca''_n") n (*DBG*)
626        val ctr = check_ace' atr I1 T1 state Ric astate h n
627        val res = if (isSome ctr) then let val ctr' = check_ace'' atr I1 T1 state Ric astate h (n+1)
628                                       in if (isSome ctr') then ctr' else ctr end
629                  else ctr
630        val _ = dbgTools.DEX dpfx "ca''"(*DBG*)
631    in res end
633(* check whether abstract counterexample atr has concrete counterpart *)
634(* if yes return concrete counterpart else return concrete counterpart upto (not including) the state that fails satisfiability *)
635(* to check if full counterexample was discovered we can compare the length of the returned counterexample with atr *)
636(* atr is output from get_ce. FIXME thmfy ctr *)
637fun check_ace atr I1 T1 state Ric astate h =
638    let val _ = dbgTools.DEN dpfx "ca"(*DBG*)
639        val atrsz = List.length atr
640        val _ = dbgTools.DNM (dpfx^"ca_atrsz") atrsz(*DBG*)
641        val ctr = check_ace' atr I1 T1 state Ric astate h atrsz (* check if there is a full concrete counterexample *)
642        val ctr' = if (isSome ctr) then (dbgTools.DST (dpfx^"crt_ca_conc") (*DBG*); ctr)
643                   else check_ace'' atr I1 T1 state Ric astate h 1 (* if not then find longest concrete prefix *)
644        val _ = dbgTools.DEX dpfx "ca"(*DBG*)
645    in ctr' end
647fun contract_vm vl tb =  List.foldl (fn (v,tb) => BddFreevarsContractVarmap v tb) tb vl
649(* h as returned by mk_abs_fun. ctr as returned by check_ace, atr as returned by find_trace1
650   as_1 is abstract state to be refined. as_2 is the state after as_1 in the ace. h^-1 is inverse of h. ast is symbolic abstract state
651   compute bad = <"."> h^-1(as_2) /\ h^-1(as_1)
652    i.e. bad \subseteq as_1 and all states in bad and no other in h^-1(as_1) have a transition to h^-1(as_2)
653   compute dead = h^-1(as_1)\bad i.e. all other states in h^-1(as_1)
654   fially n is just the index of as_1    *)
655(* FIXME: can we do without requiring the BDD of M.R? *)
656fun ref_abs atr ctr state RTm astate h =
657    let val _ = dbgTools.DEN dpfx "ra"(*DBG*)
658        val as1 = pairSyntax.strip_pair(List.nth(atr,(List.length ctr)-1))
659        val as2 = pairSyntax.strip_pair(List.nth(atr,(List.length ctr)))
660        val ast = strip_pair astate
661        val vm = getVarmap h
662        fun s2res vm st vt = ListPair.zip(List.map (fn v => BddVar true vm v) st,
663                                            List.map (fn v => BddCon (Term.compare(v,T)=EQUAL) vm) vt)
664        val cS1 = BddRestrict (s2res vm ast as1) h (* h^-1(as_1) *)
665        val cS2 = BddRestrict (s2res vm ast as2) h (* h^-1(as_2) *)
666        val st = pairSyntax.strip_pair state
667        val s = List.map term_to_string2 st
668        val st' =  List.map mk_primed_bool_var s
669        val s2s' = List.map (fn(v,v') => (BddVar true vm v,BddVar true vm v')) (ListPair.zip(st,st'))
670        val bad = BddOp(bdd.And,cS1,BddAppex st' (bdd.And, BddExtendVarmap vm (Binarymap.find(RTm,".")),
671                                                  (BddReplace  s2s' cS2)))
672        val dead = (BddOp(bdd.And,cS1,BddNot bad))
673        val n = List.foldl (fn (v,n) => if Term.compare(v,T)=EQUAL then 2*n else 2*n+1) 0 as1
674        val _ = dbgTools.DEX dpfx "ra"(*DBG*)
675  in (n,as1,dead,bad) end
677fun absCheck_aux I1 ITdf T1 RTm Ric state (apl,ks_def,wfKS_ks) astate hd_def af aksname ath_lem1 ath_lem2 iaf
678                 env aenv Ree k (nf,mf) (aksinfo,abs_aks) mu_ic_snd vm (aapl,apsubs) =
679    let
680        val _ = dbgTools.DEN dpfx "aca"(*DBG*)
681        val _ = profTools.bgt (dpfx^"aca") (*PRF*)
682        val _ = profTools.bgt (dpfx^"aca_mak") (*PRF*)
683        val aksname = if isSome aksname then SOME (valOf(aksname)^"'")
684                      else SOME ((despace (term_to_string (lhs(concl ks_def))))^"_aks") (*avoid overwriting prev defs*)
685        val (aI1,aT1,aItb,(abpl,aks_def,wfKS_aks,aRTm)) = (* first aks is passed in by absCheck;
686                                                             refined ones are created here *)
687            if isSome aksinfo then valOf aksinfo
688            else mk_abs_ks I1 ITdf RTm state astate Ric af (valOf aksname) (apl,ks_def,wfKS_ks) hd_def
689        val aenv = inst [alpha |-> type_of astate] envTools.empty_env_tm
690        val _ = dbgTools.DTB (dpfx^"aca_af") af
691        val _ = dbgTools.DBD (dpfx^"aca_af_bdd") (getBdd af)
692        val _ = dbgTools.DTB (dpfx^"aca_aItb") aItb
693        val _ = dbgTools.DBD (dpfx^"aca_aItb_bdd") (getBdd aItb)
694        val _ = dbgTools.DTB (dpfx^"aca_hd_aRTm") (snd (hd (Binarymap.listItems aRTm)))
695        val _ = dbgTools.DBD (dpfx^"aca_hd_aRTm_bdd") (getBdd (snd (hd (Binarymap.listItems aRTm))))
696        val _ = dbgTools.DTB (dpfx^"aca_hd_RTm") (snd (hd (Binarymap.listItems RTm)))
697        val _ = dbgTools.DBD (dpfx^"aca_hd_RTm_bdd") (getBdd (snd (hd (Binarymap.listItems RTm))))
698        val _ = profTools.ent (dpfx^"aca_mak") (*PRF*)
699        val (state',astate',st) = (mk_primed_state state,mk_primed_state astate,strip_pair state)
700        val _ = profTools.bgt (dpfx^"aca_maat") (*PRF*)
701        val abs_aks = if isSome abs_aks then valOf abs_aks
702                      else mk_abs_aks_thm state astate af state' astate' st hd_def ks_def aks_def
703        val _ = profTools.ent (dpfx^"aca_maat") (*PRF*)
704        val vm'' = PrimitiveBddRules.getVarmap (Binarymap.find(aRTm,"."))
705        val _ = profTools.ent (dpfx^"aca") (*PRF*)
706        (*FIXME: Since the model has changed (after refinement), we can't pass muCheck the thms from the previous checking;
707                 can something from mu_ic_snc be salvaged however? *)
708        val ((tb,tbth,ace),mu_ic) = muCheck.muCheck Ree aI1 aT1 astate vm'' Ric (ref NONE) ((SOME af), SOME aItb)
709                                                {ks=SOME (abpl,aks_def,wfKS_aks,aRTm,NONE),th=NONE} (nf,mf)
710        val _ = profTools.bgt (dpfx^"aca") (*PRF*)
711        val _ = profTools.bgt (dpfx^"aca_mact") (*PRF*)
712        val cth = if (not (isSome ace)) (* final success theorem *)
713                      then let val acm = mk_abs_cons_thm mf (apl,ks_def,wfKS_ks) env aenv hd_def iaf vm
714                               val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"aca_abs_aks") abs_aks (*DBG*)
715                               val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"aca_tbth") (valOf tbth) (*DBG*)
716                               val _ = dbgTools.CBTH (dpfx^"aca_abs_aks") abs_aks (*DBG*)
717                               val _ = dbgTools.CBTH (dpfx^"aca_acm") acm (*DBG*)
718                               val _ = dbgTools.CBTH (dpfx^"aca_tbth") (valOf tbth) (*DBG*)
719                           in SOME (MP acm (PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_RULE [abs_aks] (valOf tbth))) end
720                  else NONE
721        val _ = profTools.ent (dpfx^"aca_mact") (*PRF*)
722        val _ = profTools.bgt (dpfx^"aca_chkace") (*PRF*)
723        val _ = if (isSome cth) then dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"aca_cth") (valOf cth) else () (*DBG*)
724        val cce = if (isSome ace)  (* concrete counter example (or prefix if ace was spurious) *)
725                  then check_ace (valOf ace) I1 RTm state Ric astate af
726                  else NONE
727        val _ = profTools.ent (dpfx^"aca_chkace") (*PRF*)
728        val _ = profTools.ent (dpfx^"aca") (*PRF*)
729     in if (isSome cth)
730        then (dbgTools.DEX dpfx "aca"(*DBG*); ((tb,cth,NONE),#th(mu_ic))) (* success *)
731        else
732            if (List.length (valOf cce)) = (List.length (valOf ace))
733            then (dbgTools.DEX dpfx "aca"(*DBG*); ((tb,NONE,cce),#th(mu_ic))) (*failure*)
734            else let val _ = profTools.bgt (dpfx^"aca") (*PRF*)
735                     val _ = profTools.bgt (dpfx^"aca_ref") (*PRF*)
736                     val (idx,as1,dead,bad) = ref_abs (valOf ace) (valOf cce) state RTm astate af (* refine *)
737                     val (af,ath_lem1,astate,hd_def,iaf)=
738                         mk_ref_abs_fun af state astate ks_def ath_lem1 ath_lem2 hd_def idx as1 dead bad k
739                     val _ = profTools.ent (dpfx^"aca_ref") (*PRF*)
740                     val _ = profTools.ent (dpfx^"aca") (*PRF*)
741               in absCheck_aux I1 ITdf T1 RTm Ric state (apl,ks_def,wfKS_ks) astate
742                   hd_def af aksname ath_lem1 ath_lem2 iaf env aenv Ree (k+1) (nf,mf) (NONE,NONE) (#th(mu_ic)) vm
743                   (aapl,apsubs) end
744    end
746(* property independent theorems and data that needs to be initialised only once per model *)
747fun init_abs I1 T1 state Ric vm (aapl,apsubs) ksname (ic,cc) =
748    let
749        val _ = dbgTools.DEN dpfx "ia"  (*DBG*)
750        val _ = profTools.bgt (dpfx^"ia") (*PRF*)
751        val _ = profTools.bgt (dpfx^"ia_mck") (*PRF*)
752        val (apl,ks_def,wfKS_ks,RTm,ITdf) =  if isSome (#ks(#mu(ic))) then valOf (#ks(#mu(ic)))
753                                             else mk_wfKS I1 T1 NONE state vm Ric aapl NONE ksname
754        val _ = profTools.ent (dpfx^"ia_mck") (*PRF*)
755        val _ = profTools.bgt (dpfx^"ia_maf") (*PRF*)
756        val hname =  SOME ((despace (term_to_string (lhs(concl ks_def))))^"_af") (* so ctl and mu names don't collide *)
757        val ((astate,af),state,env,aenv,Ree,k,unwind_thm,hR_defs_,hd_def) =
758            if isSome (#abs_df(cc)) then valOf(#abs_df(cc))
759            else let val (astate,unwind_thm,hR_defs_,hd_def,af) = mk_abs_fun (valOf aapl) vm state hname
760                     val env = inst [alpha |-> type_of state] envTools.empty_env_tm
761                     val aenv = inst [alpha |-> type_of astate] envTools.empty_env_tm
762                     val Ree = Array.fromList []
763                     val k = Real.round(Math.pow(2.0,Real.fromInt(List.length (strip_pair astate))))
764                 in ((astate,af),state,env,aenv,Ree,k,unwind_thm,hR_defs_,hd_def) end
765        val _ = profTools.ent (dpfx^"ia_maf") (*PRF*)
766        val _ = profTools.bgt (dpfx^"ia_mak") (*PRF*)
767        val aksname =  SOME ((despace (term_to_string (lhs(concl ks_def))))^"_aks") (* so ctl and mu names don't collide *)
768        val (aI1,aT1,aItb,(abpl,aks_def,wfKS_aks,aRTm)) =
769            if isSome (#ks(ic)) then valOf (#ks(ic))
770            else mk_abs_ks I1 ITdf RTm state astate Ric af (valOf aksname) (apl,ks_def,wfKS_ks) hd_def
771        val _ = profTools.ent (dpfx^"ia_mak") (*PRF*)
772        val _ = profTools.bgt (dpfx^"ia_maat") (*PRF*)
773        val (state',astate',st) = (mk_primed_state state,mk_primed_state astate,strip_pair state)
774        val abs_aks = mk_abs_aks_thm state astate af state' astate' st hd_def ks_def aks_def
775        val _ = profTools.ent (dpfx^"ia_maat") (*PRF*)
776        val _ = profTools.bgt (dpfx^"ia_miaf") (*PRF*)
777        val ksname = lhs(concl ks_def)
778        val hnc = rator(lhs(snd(strip_forall(concl hd_def))))
779        val (ath_lem1,ath_lem2,iaf) = mk_is_abs_fun_thm ksname hnc af state astate hR_defs_ unwind_thm (apl,ks_def,wfKS_ks) hd_def
780        val _ = profTools.ent (dpfx^"ia_miaf") (*PRF*)
781        val _ = profTools.ent (dpfx^"ia") (*PRF*)
782        val _ = dbgTools.DEX dpfx "ia"  (*DBG*)
783    in ((apl,ks_def,wfKS_ks,RTm,ITdf),(aI1,aT1,aItb,(abpl,aks_def,wfKS_aks,aRTm)),
784                     ((astate,af),state,env,aenv,Ree,k,unwind_thm,hR_defs_,hd_def),
785                      (ath_lem1,ath_lem2,abs_aks,iaf)) end
787(* so far the res tells us that the collapsed (i.e. propositional subterms folded into single AP's ) property holds in the concrete ks*)
788(* now prove that non-collapsed property holds as well (since that is what the user should see) *)
789fun finalise (apl,ks_def,wfKS_ks,ITdf) apsubs state mf (*msa*) (tb,th,tr) =
790    if isSome th
791    then let val _ = dbgTools.DEN dpfx "fin"(*DBG*)
792             val _ = profTools.bgt (dpfx^"fin") (*PRF*)
793             val subs = List.map dest_subst apsubs
794             val faps =  HOLset.addList(HOLset.empty Term.compare,find_APs mf)
795             val fsubs = List.filter (((curry HOLset.member) faps) o snd) subs
796             val (gmf,aap) = ListPair.unzip fsubs
797             val ksname = lhs(concl ks_def)
798             val _ = dbgTools.DTM (dpfx^"fin_ksname") ksname(*DBG*)
799             val (p_ty,s_ty) = get_types ksname
800             val is_prop = List.map (prove_is_prop p_ty)  gmf
801             val _ = List.app (dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"fin_is_prop")) is_prop (*DBG*)
802             val _ = dbgTools.CBTHL (dpfx^"fin_is_prop") is_prop (*DBG*)
803             val lm = CONV_RULE (LHS_CONV (lzGEN_PALPHA_CONV state)) (INST_TYPE [alpha|->s_ty] (SPEC T FORALL_SIMP))
804             val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"fin_lm") lm(*DBG*)
805             val _ = dbgTools.CBTH (dpfx^"fin_lm") lm (*DBG*)
806             val apth = MATCH_MP AP_SUBST_MODEL wfKS_ks
807             val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"fin_apth") apth(*DBG*)
808             val apth = CONV_RULE (STRIP_QUANT_CONV (RAND_CONV (LAND_CONV (lzGEN_PALPHA_CONV state)))) apth
809             val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"fin_apth2") apth(*DBG*)
810             val _ = dbgTools.CBTH (dpfx^"fin_apth") apth (*DBG*)
811             val th = valOf th
812             val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"fin_th") th(*DBG*)
813             val env = el 3 (snd(strip_comb(snd(strip_forall(concl th)))))
814             val _ = dbgTools.DTM (dpfx^"fin_env") env(*DBG*)
815             val msthl = List.map (fn th => MATCH_MP (CONV_RULE lzFORALL_IMP_CONV (ISPECL [state,ksname] th)) wfKS_ks)
816                                  [MU_SAT_T,MU_SAT_F,MU_SAT_NEG,MU_SAT_CONJ,MU_SAT_DISJ,MU_SAT_AP]
817             val _ = List.app (dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"fin_msthl")) msthl (*DBG*)
818             val _ = dbgTools.CBTHL (dpfx^"fin_msthl") msthl (*DBG*)
819             val Lth = mk_Lth ks_def
820             val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"fin_Lth") Lth(*DBG*)
821             val _ = dbgTools.CBTH (dpfx^"fin_Lth") Lth (*DBG*)
822             val _ = dbgTools.CBTH (dpfx^"fin_wfKS_ks") wfKS_ks (*DBG*)
823             val _ = dbgTools.CBTM (dpfx^"fin_state") state (*DBG*)
824             val res = List.foldl (fn ((ip,(g,ap)),th) =>
825                                      let val mf = hd(snd(strip_comb(snd(strip_forall(concl th)))))
826                                          val _ = dbgTools.DTM (dpfx^"fin_mf") mf(*DBG*)
827                                          val _ = dbgTools.CBTM (dpfx^"fin_mf") mf (*DBG*)
828                                          val _ = dbgTools.DTM (dpfx^"fin_g") g(*DBG*)
829                                          val _ = dbgTools.CBTM (dpfx^"fin_g") g (*DBG*)
830                                          val _ = dbgTools.DTM (dpfx^"fin_ap") ap(*DBG*)
831                                          val _ = dbgTools.CBTM (dpfx^"fin_ap") ap (*DBG*)
832                                          val _ = dbgTools.DTM (dpfx^"fin_env") env(*DBG*)
833                                          val _ = dbgTools.CBTM (dpfx^"fin_env") env (*DBG*)
834                                          val sapth = ISPECL [mf,g,rand ap,env] apth
835                                          val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"fin_sapth") sapth(*DBG*)
836                                          val _ = dbgTools.CBTH (dpfx^"fin_sapth") sapth (*DBG*)
837                                          val _ = dbgTools.CBTM (dpfx^"fin_apeqgl") (land (rand (concl sapth))) (*DBG*)
838                                          val apeq =  EQT_ELIM ((REWRITE_CONV (Lth::wfKS_ks::msthl)
839                                                                    THENC (DEPTH_CONV PBETA_CONV)
840                                                                    THENC REWRITE_CONV [lm]) (land (rand (concl sapth))))
841                                          val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"fin_apeq") apeq(*DBG*)
842                                          val _ = dbgTools.CBTH (dpfx^"fin_apeq") apeq (*DBG*)
843                                          val sapth2 = MATCH_MP (MATCH_MP sapth ip) apeq
844                                          val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"fin_sapth2") sapth2(*DBG*)
845                                          val _ = dbgTools.CBTH (dpfx^"fin_sapth2") sapth2 (*DBG*)
846                                      in REWRITE_RULE [sapth2,AP_SUBST_def] th end)
847                                  th  (ListPair.zip(is_prop,fsubs))
848             val _ = dbgTools.DTH (dpfx^"fin_res") res(*DBG*)
849             val restb = tb
850             val _ = profTools.ent (dpfx^"fin") (*PRF*)
851             val _ = dbgTools.DEX dpfx "fin" (*DBG*)
852         in (restb,SOME res,tr) end
853    else  (tb,th,tr)
855(* given concrete model M and a formula f, returns M |= f where the model checking has been done on an abstracted version of M *)
856(* NOTE: this abstraction framework is only for universal properties; the second test for no aapl checks if hct.maA returned apl=NONE *)
857(* this function just computes the init data (or picks it from the ic); the real action takes place in absCheck_aux *)
858fun absCheck I1 T1 state Ric vm ksname (ic:internalCacheTools.abs_ic,cc:internalCacheTools.common_ic) (nf,mf) (aapl,apsubs) =
859    let
860        val _ = dbgTools.DEN dpfx "ac"(*DBG*)
861        val res = if is_existential mf orelse (not (isSome aapl))
862                  then let val _ = dbgTools.DST (dpfx^"ac_ No abstraction")  (*DBG*)
863                           val _ = profTools.bgt (dpfx^"ac_no")(*PRF*)
864                           val (apl,ks_def,wfKS_ks,RTm,ITdf) = if isSome (#ks(#mu(ic))) then valOf (#ks(#mu(ic)))
865                                                               else mk_wfKS I1 T1 NONE state vm Ric NONE NONE ksname
866                           val _ = profTools.ent (dpfx^"ac_no") (*PRF*)
867                           val (res,mu_ic) = muCheck (Array.fromList []) I1 T1 state vm Ric (ref NONE) (NONE,NONE)
868                                                     {ks=SOME (apl,ks_def,wfKS_ks,RTm,ITdf),th= #th(#mu(ic))} (nf,mf)
869                           val _ = dbgTools.DST (dpfx^"ac_ absCheck done (without abstraction)")  (*DBG*)
870                       in (res,({mth= #mth(ic),th= #th(ic),ks= #ks(ic),mu={ks= #ks(mu_ic),th= #th(mu_ic)}},cc)) end
871                  else let val _ = dbgTools.DST (dpfx^"ac_ Abstracting")  (*DBG*)
872                           val _ = profTools.bgt (dpfx^"ac_yes")(*PRF*)
873                           val ((apl,ks_def,wfKS_ks,RTm,ITdf),(aI1,aT1,aItb,(abpl,aks_def,wfKS_aks,aRTm)),
874                                ((astate,af),state,env,aenv,Ree,k,abst_def,hR_defs_,hd_def),
875                                (ath_lem1,ath_lem2,abs_aks,iaf)) =
876                               if isSome (#th(ic))
877                               then (valOf(#ks(#mu(ic))),valOf(#ks(ic)),valOf(#abs_df(cc)),valOf(#th(ic)))
878                               else init_abs I1 T1 state Ric vm (aapl,apsubs) ksname (ic,cc)
879                           val mf2 = subst apsubs mf (*FIXME: cache the substs and use that cache somehow *)
880                           val (res,mu_ic_snd) = absCheck_aux I1 ITdf T1 RTm Ric state (apl,ks_def,wfKS_ks)
881                                                              astate hd_def af NONE ath_lem1 ath_lem2 iaf
882                                                              env aenv Ree k (nf,mf2)
883                                                              (SOME (aI1,aT1,aItb,(abpl,aks_def,wfKS_aks,aRTm)),SOME abs_aks) (#mth(ic))
884                                                              vm (aapl,apsubs)
885                           val res = finalise (apl,ks_def,wfKS_ks,ITdf) apsubs state mf2 res
886                           val _ = profTools.ent (dpfx^"ac_yes") (*PRF*)
887                           val _ = dbgTools.DST (dpfx^"ac_ absCheck done (with abstraction)")  (*DBG*)
888                       in (res,
889                           ({mu={ks=SOME (apl,ks_def,wfKS_ks,RTm,ITdf),th= #th(#mu(ic))},
890                             mth= mu_ic_snd,
891                             ks=SOME(aI1,aT1,aItb,(abpl,aks_def,wfKS_aks,aRTm)),
892                             th=SOME(ath_lem1,ath_lem2,abs_aks,iaf)},
893                            {abs_df=SOME((astate,af),state,env,aenv,Ree,k,abst_def,hR_defs_,hd_def)}))
894                       end
895        val _ = dbgTools.DEX dpfx "ac" (*DBG*)
896    in res end